a new world is being born

English grammar book   round up 1

English grammar book round up 1

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 16:03

115 1,4K 25
English grammar book   round up 3

English grammar book round up 3

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 16:03

163 3,1K 35
English grammar book   round up 4

English grammar book round up 4

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 16:03

190 3,4K 39
English grammar book   round up 5

English grammar book round up 5

Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 16:03

211 1,3K 36
New round up 1 students book

New round up 1 students book

... the plural Thisisanelephant Theaeare elephanf ,a, Thatisanowl Thatis a zebra Thisisa tiger isa lion There isanalligator, There lEffidO O itruti Listenandcolour.Thereis oneexample % e K' eA,s€/ -^ ... z) a + consonant an + vowelsound (a, e, i, o, u) hosli Circle.Listenand check.Listenand repeat o I @/ anbiscuit a lan pineapple al a n e g g 10 alanwatermelon a / ancake - a l anonio n a l anl ... )choolia fun Wearefriends We'reat achool )choolia great Wearestudenta He'aa teacher Heis latel Weare cool 23 t r i : i!r,li l-i.tenandrePeat This/ These That / Those This (near) That (far) Thatisaneleohant...

Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2016, 17:22

131 3,4K 4
New round up 5 teachers book

New round up 5 teachers book

... Curie is a woman who invented the mobile X-ray machine A kangaroo is an animal which lives in Australia An armchair is a piece of furniture which you sit in 18 New Round-Up Key A library is a place ... been asked to play at a party If Jeff hadn't been asked to play at a party, he wouldn 't have met a band manager If Jeff hadn't met a band manager, he wouldn't have signed a contract with a record ... bed! C has returned o returned Please clean up A are always leaving B always left •••••• too many sweets is bad for your teeth A Having eaten C Eating BAte Eaten C have always left o had always left...

Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2016, 17:34

89 7,7K 11
New round up 1   teacher 39 s book

New round up 1 teacher 39 s book

... men a a 2 it He she we they is am are are is A B a an a 1 a we she an a 4II1II A A C These There is There is B a an an ladies torches an a a That There is There are There are an an a C a B A 10 ... any labels and try to predict what each word might be in English before they the exercises New Round-Up Key A" ,:, An fish a an a an a an B a an 10 a 11 12 an a 2 an an a an a a B an a 10 a 11 ... Talk! Don 't eat your breakfast! Let's play football Look at her! Don't listen to him! 10 'Have / Have got' has have has has have have have have has has have have have has 2 Anna and Billy have...

Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2016, 17:48

66 1,1K 4
English Grammar in Use

English Grammar in Use

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2012, 10:06

12 3,9K 31
English grammar

English grammar

... answers d Ellipsis Exercises CHAPTER 11 Transitive and intransitive verbs Direct objects Lay and lie, raise and rise and set and sit a To lay and to lie b To raise and to rise c To set and to sit ... with the modal auxiliaries a The pronunciation of have to The use of auxiliaries in tag questions, short answers and ellipsis a Negative tag questions b Affirmative tag questions c Short answers ... phrases Exercises CHAPTER 18 Personal pronouns The subjective case Agreement of personal pronouns with their antecedents a Male and female antecedents b Singular and plural antecedents c Human and...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2012, 12:02

8 1K 17