a different article in french from english

Bài đọc 10.1. Vietnam’s Industrial Policy Formulation: To Become a Reliable Partner in Integral Manufacturing (English only)

Bài đọc 10.1. Vietnam’s Industrial Policy Formulation: To Become a Reliable Partner in Integral Manufacturing (English only)

... highlighted Japan as a principal monozukuri partner for Vietnam, since Japan is the only country in East Asia that has achieved a high level of integral manufacturing In addition, Japan is already the ... results Thailand, Malaysia and Japan have all constructed effective channels for stakeholder involvement and inter-ministerial coordination in industrial policy making Thailand has set up industry-specific ... of industrialization drive, and a thick network of overseas Chinese businesses The China challenge looms large in the industrial policy debates of Thailand, Malaysia and Japan It must also be a

Ngày tải lên: 14/01/2021, 04:09

11 19 0
Common difficulties in translation from English to Vietnamese encountered by the fourthyear students of English faculty in Thuongmai University

Common difficulties in translation from English to Vietnamese encountered by the fourthyear students of English faculty in Thuongmai University

... vocabulary Here are some ways to help you accumulate a lot of vocabulary for an accurate translation: - Learning vocabulary by topic: instead of learning words separately in terms of meaning, the ... Translation Dar Annahda Alarabiya 14 https://translationjournal.net/October-2017/definition-of-translation.html 15.http://luanvan.net.vn/luan-van/de-tai-a-study-on-translation-of-economic-andtrade-terminology-from-english-into-vietnamese-71632/ ... University Ghazala, Hasan, (1995) Translation as problems and solutions (4th ed.) Syria: Dar Elkalem ElArabi Ibrahim, M.A.E (2017) An investigation of difficulties of translation that face Sudanese

Ngày tải lên: 17/05/2021, 14:37

45 58 0
Common difficulties in translation from English to Vietnamese encountered by the fourthyear students of English faculty in Thuongmai University

Common difficulties in translation from English to Vietnamese encountered by the fourthyear students of English faculty in Thuongmai University

... vocabulary for an accurate translation: - Learning vocabulary by topic: instead of learning words separately in terms of meaning, the topic-based vocabulary learning method will stimulate brain ... Translation Dar Annahda Alarabiya 14 https://translationjournal.net/October-2017/definition-of-translation.html 15.http://luanvan.net.vn/luan-van/de-tai-a-study-on-translation-of-economic-andtrade-terminology-from-english-into-vietnamese-71632/ ... University Ghazala, Hasan, (1995) Translation as problems and solutions (4th ed.) Syria: Dar Elkalem ElArabi Ibrahim, M.A.E (2017) An investigation of difficulties of translation that face Sudanese

Ngày tải lên: 15/06/2022, 22:41

46 139 3
A study on using debate as a teaching technique in developing the english speaking skill of english student at upt

A study on using debate as a teaching technique in developing the english speaking skill of english student at upt

... say in response Through interactive activities, instructors can give students practice in managing and varying the language that different scripts contain Using Language to Talk About Language ... American Psychological Association Prastowo, Andi 2010 Menguasai Teknik-Teknik Koleksi Data Penelitian Kualitatif Yogyakarta:Diva press 32 Rifhan, Drs Arif 2009 Al-Qur’an Tiga Bahasa Depok: Al-Huda ... Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy San Fransisco: State University 2004 Language assessment: Principle and classroom Practice California: Longman 2007 Principles of Language Learning and Teaching

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2023, 23:25

33 1 0
A study on the translation of noun phrases in the weather forecasts from english into vietnamese

A study on the translation of noun phrases in the weather forecasts from english into vietnamese

... readers and translators the meaning of certain noun phrasestranslated by this way English Vietnamese Acid rain Mưa a-xít Atmospheric pressure Áp suất không khí Autumn wind Gió heo may Heat wave ... phrases in weather forecasts into Vietnamese The most challenging thing when translating the English noun phrases in weather forecasts intoVietnamese is the accuracy In general, a good translation should ... translation of any institutional term" A majority of words can be translated basing on its original meaning However, due to the multi-lexical meaning and the type of translation, words can change

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2017, 09:07

66 699 2
A contrastive study on the meanings of the verb “run” in english and “chạy” in vietnamese from a cognitive semantic perspective

A contrastive study on the meanings of the verb “run” in english and “chạy” in vietnamese from a cognitive semantic perspective

... socio-cultural rules in each language Language is closely attached to culture Culture contains language and influences language Language and the use of language are not separable from culture Vietnamese ... of 330 examples of run in the corpus are translated as copular verbs in Vietnamese Take a look at the following example: (108a) There are many brave and patriotic man in the blockade arm of the ... learning in general and English-Vietnamese translation in particular It is worthily noted that, a verb is claimed to possess the prototypical meaning and other derived ones via image schema transformations

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 22:32

82 566 1
A study on the stategies applied in the translation of movie titles from english to vietnamese

A study on the stategies applied in the translation of movie titles from english to vietnamese

... for various relevant subjects, namely: - Keeping the original title - Literal translation - Explication - Adaptation - Providing a new title Adventages and disaventages of each strategy have been ... the original title Past winners have inclued “Babe” (1995), which was translated from a Chinese dialect to English as “I may be a pig, but I‟m not stupid” Avid cinema-goers will agree that this ... great pleasure in presenting this year‟s best title translation Award to “Changing Lanes” for its Latin American translation: “Out of control” The voting members of the anti-Academy felt that

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2018, 09:53

61 344 0
A study on terminology in translating pharmaceutical from English into Vietnamese

A study on terminology in translating pharmaceutical from English into Vietnamese

... Tên Latin hay tên Khoa học Aconit( rễ bột rễ) Aconit (radix et pulvis radicis) Aconitin muối Aconitinum et salia Adrenalin (Epinephrin) Adrenalin Ajmarin Ậmlium Apomocphin loại muỗi Apomorphinnum ... quan‖ and ―Batch‖ means ― lô thuốc‖ or may be spectification has same meaning with manufacturer Sometimes, translators also meet difficulties in translating of abbreviation because abbreviation ... the idea that we want to say in the TL because the most important characteristic of this technique is translating the message as clearly and naturally as possible By this way, translators can get

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2019, 20:42

61 175 0
A study on terminology in translating travel contracts from english into Vietnamese

A study on terminology in translating travel contracts from english into Vietnamese

... translating the message as clearly and naturally as possible By this way, translators can get the meaning of word in the detailed content Most of terms are created from original word in general ... by the initialism that is group of initial letters used for a name or expression, each letter being pronounced separately, such as ABF( American breakfast) or VOA(Visa on arrival) With an acronym, ... APPENDIX 43 10 II.5 Translation of abbreviation by using loan words Loan words have increased in the process of human working and studying and occupied a large amount of vocabulary

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2019, 20:42

59 232 2
A study on the stategies applied in the translation of movie titles from English to Vietnamese

A study on the stategies applied in the translation of movie titles from English to Vietnamese

... for various relevant subjects, namely: - Keeping the original title - Literal translation - Explication - Adaptation - Providing a new title Adventages and disaventages of each strategy have been ... the original title Past winners have inclued “Babe” (1995), which was translated from a Chinese dialect to English as “I may be a pig, but I‟m not stupid” Avid cinema-goers will agree that this ... great pleasure in presenting this year‟s best title translation Award to “Changing Lanes” for its Latin American translation: “Out of control” The voting members of the anti-Academy felt that

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2019, 20:43

61 129 0
A study on the translation of related terms in industrial paint from English into Vietnamese

A study on the translation of related terms in industrial paint from English into Vietnamese

... to have an exact translation English Vietnamese Hazardous Nguy hiểm This is one of the most popular characteristics of industrial paint As many chemical compounds, industrial paint includes many ... hazardous components such as resin, solvent, pigment, additives In using paint, workers have to avoid accidentally smelling, tasting or drinking them As in lexical field, “hazardous” is an Adjective ... 21 III Industrial paint‟s ESP translation 23 Definition of technical translation 23 Translation in the area of industrial paint‟s terms 23 Terms in industrial paint‟s field

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2019, 21:06

57 192 0
Translating relative clauses from english into vietnamese in “the old man and the sea” by hemingway modes of translating relative clauses in a work

Translating relative clauses from english into vietnamese in “the old man and the sea” by hemingway modes of translating relative clauses in a work

... training and improvement of translation quality in general, the ability to translate clauses in particular: 2.1.To teacher Teachers play an important role in driving students as well as improving ... actively practice their language skills, especially interpreting skills As a matter of fact, moving the relative clause from English to Vietnamese is a skill training Active self-learning plays ... errors in translation In particular, for the relative clauses that are not structurally equivalent in Vietnamese, the translation causes many confusion for students Students mainly translate “instinct”,

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2019, 14:05

56 287 1


... knowledge and understanding about English for Business and Economic translation in general and translation of Business Administration in particular Scope of the study: BA terms lie in a system of English ... Collecting and presenting the Basic English terms in Business Administration o Analyzing and classifying these terms into groups o Finding the concepts of these terms and their equivalence meaning in ... contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both language and content are readily acceptable and comprehensive to the readership For example: Hey, where are you going? (InVietnamese: chào anh/chị)...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51

68 823 1
A study on translation of related terms in industrial paint from english into vietnamese

A study on translation of related terms in industrial paint from english into vietnamese

... noun is a main word and adjective is supporting word In industrial painting field, power agitator has an important role in mixing paint In this case, the reader can not find out the meaning of ... you are justified in translating a descriptive by a technical term CHAPTER AN INVESTIGATION ON RELATED TERMS IN INDUSTRIAL PAINT I Noun Nouns related to industrial paint’s classification In industry, ... decorate the place of working In addition, there are a lot of materials used with industrial paint and each one has its own characteristics as well as different ways to translate into Vietnamese...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:55

57 502 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Array Iterators in Lustre: From a Language Extension to Its Exploitation in Validation Lionel Morel" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Research Article Array Iterators in Lustre: From a Language Extension to Its Exploitation in Validation Lionel Morel" doc

... experimental compiler of the company Convincing experimental results have been obtained, particularly on an Airbus A3 80-related case study This application manages the electrical load in an aircraft ... elt T5 init N elt T4 init Q true P ok init res4 init elt tab in init R res3 init propRankN ok inv accIn T S elt T1 inv varOut inv accIn R elt tab in inv R res3 inv accIn Q elt T2 inv elt T3 inv ... validation tools available around the language instead of making the slicing algorithm incorporated in a specific tool This work is particularly interesting because it is somewhat complete: starting...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

16 296 0
a study on meanings of the english preposition  in  and its vietnamese equivalents from a cognitive semantic perspective = nghiên cứu các nghĩa của giới từ  in  trong tiếng anh và các nghĩa tương đương

a study on meanings of the english preposition in and its vietnamese equivalents from a cognitive semantic perspective = nghiên cứu các nghĩa của giới từ in trong tiếng anh và các nghĩa tương đương

... day, a season in a year, a particular month in a year, a particular year in which a significant event or a habitual activity takes place Like and bằng, vào has nothing to with spatial characteristics ... which are less representative and extended from human capacities of imagination (such as metaphorical mappings and image schema transformation) demonstrating a natural and systematic organization ... to pragmatics as well as semantics As a matter of fact, Talmy (2000) states that cognitive semantics sees language meaning as a manifestation of conceptual structure: the nature and organization...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:22

55 1,6K 21
A study on the translation of adverbs in harry potter and the philosophers stone from english into vietnamese

A study on the translation of adverbs in harry potter and the philosophers stone from english into vietnamese

... into common ways for translating adverbs from English into Vietnamese and found out the main approaches taken by translators in translating adverbs from English into Vietnamese Theoretical Background ... These principles help people best achieve their goals not only in communication but also in translating: exchanging information and establishing and maintaining social relations Translation ... Adverbs are considered a part of speech in traditional English grammar and are still included as a part of speech in grammar taught in schools and used in dictionaries However, modern grammarians...

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2015, 11:05

81 1,3K 3
A study on meanings of the english prepstion “ in “ and its VietNamese equivalents from a cognitive semantic perspctive

A study on meanings of the english prepstion “ in “ and its VietNamese equivalents from a cognitive semantic perspctive

... substantially contribute to language teaching and learning English as well as English- Vietnamese translation The results and data may also be useful for lexicographers when compiling new general and ... motivated from image-schema transformations and metaphorical conceptual mappings will be taken into account This investigation is based on my manual corpus of 681 in- examples in form of (NP) + in ... As fas as spatial prepositions are concerned, cross-language research in cognitive semantics has shown that although spatial cognition exists in any language, there are differences in strategies...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:47

11 894 17


... home as well as state, Burke’s intertwining of familial with political relations in reconfiguring English patriarchy can be read from a feminist perspective as part of a wider cultural reimagining ... operates in articulating unequal relations between Ireland and England Indeed, colonial discourses in the nineteenth century were always already gendered insofar as they naturalized the subordination ... as a means of naturalizing power inequities, by making Irish and English ‘‘national character’’ a matter of blood, then they may also operate to disturb and alter the status quo Most dramatically,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

240 1,2K 5