a cross cultural look at gender differences in math

A cross cultural study of addressing form in greetings in vietnamese and english

A cross cultural study of addressing form in greetings in vietnamese and english

... believed to be influential in the analysis of the data, the informants’ status parameters including gender, age, occupation, marital status, education level and the place they have been living were ... information regarding gender, marital status, age 22 Table 4: British and American subjects’ information regarding the place they have been Table living and education level Table 5: The factors affecting ... social status plays a more important role in addressing in English meanwhile in Vietnam, age is the thing playing a more important role in addressing In addition, in English, they greet in all parts...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:40

87 1,5K 17
A cross cultural study of using hedges in refusing a request in english and vietnamese

A cross cultural study of using hedges in refusing a request in english and vietnamese

... legal, and literary It can be said that connotation can be seen as an additional meaning to denotation In general, both connotation and denotation are important to determine word meaning in a ... as a lion As fierce as a tiger As slippery as an eel As slow as a tortoise As slow as a snail As stink as a polecat As thick as ants As wet as a drowned rat Like water off a duck’s back To fight ... Piggy bank Raining cats and dogs A bull in a China shop A dark horse To work like a dog An early bird A quiet as a mouse A copy cat 10 Eats like a horse 11 Smell to a rat 12 Talk turkey 13 A book...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41

49 742 0
a cross-cultural study on pragmatic transfer in compliment responses   nghiên cứu giao văn hóa về chuyển di ngữ dụng học trong cách đáp lại lời khen của sinh viên học tiếng anh trường đại học hùng vương

a cross-cultural study on pragmatic transfer in compliment responses nghiên cứu giao văn hóa về chuyển di ngữ dụng học trong cách đáp lại lời khen của sinh viên học tiếng anh trường đại học hùng vương

... DCT 2.5 Coding and data analysis Data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively In the qualitative analysis, CR data was coded according to the strategies which are mainly based on Herbert‟s ... interlanguage pragmatics, second language learners‟ pragmatic transfer has been demonstrated by comparing corresponding L1 and L2 data; however, what is lacking is a satisfactory explanation of what ... multilingual and multicultural, cross- cultural pragmatic is advantageous to speakers of various languages In order to enhance that awareness, one can learn by noticing cross- cultural differences in...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:20

52 1,6K 4
a cross cultural study on expressing satisfaction in american english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu giao thoa văn hóa việt- mỹ trong cách thức diễn tả sự hài lòng

a cross cultural study on expressing satisfaction in american english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu giao thoa văn hóa việt- mỹ trong cách thức diễn tả sự hài lòng

... i.e crosscultural pragmatics Cross- cultural pragmatics has attracted great concern from researchers since culturally coloured interaction styles create culturally determined expectations in interpretative ... that deals with producing and understanding grammatically correct sentences, and communicative competence that deals with producing and understanding sentences that are appropriate and acceptable ... surrounding and things that add meaning to a message.” It is understood that communication refers to the process of exchanging information During that process, information is enclosed in a package and...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:20

125 1,3K 11
a cross-cultural study on differences in expressing annoyance between english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu giao thoa văn hóa về sự khác biệt trong cách thức biểu hiện sự bực bội giữa người anh và người việt

a cross-cultural study on differences in expressing annoyance between english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu giao thoa văn hóa về sự khác biệt trong cách thức biểu hiện sự bực bội giữa người anh và người việt

... something that represents a threat to another individuals’ expectations regarding self-image, it is described as a facethreatening act.” Expressing annoyance, are FTAs since they reveal one‟s negative ... act Expressing annoyance is also a Face-Threatening Act as it is the act of expressing a negative emotion by the Speaker to the Hearer in response to an action/utterance by the Hearer that make ... is approachbased, it “anoints” the face of the addressee by indicating that in some respects, S wants H‟wants (e.g by treating him as a member of an in- group, a friend, a person whose wants and...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:20

50 2K 12
A cross-cultural study on differences in expressing annoyance between English and Vietnamese

A cross-cultural study on differences in expressing annoyance between English and Vietnamese

... data analysis in the form of hand-outs and direct interviews The questionnaire includes main parts: Part was for getting general information on the informants, including nationality, age, gender, ... 80) informants were chosen for data analysis The study is also restrained to verbal aspects of the act of expressing annoyance only No matter how important non-verbal aspects such as paralanguage ... strategies of expressing annoyance verbally in English and in Vietnamese? (2) What are similarities and differences in the choice of strategies in verbal expressions of annoyance in English and...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:46

4 757 6
A cross cultural study of giving compliments and responses in english and vietnamese

A cross cultural study of giving compliments and responses in english and vietnamese

... also the interesting topic attracting the author’s interest because it requires a great deal of pragmatic insight by the speaker and therefore are often rich with data that reveal the cultural ... paper with realistic data base will provide useful material for language learners Data collecting procedure As one important part of this thesis, collecting data procedure took the author a rather ... successful interpretation by an addressee of a speaker’s intent in performing a linguistics act” (Georgia M Green, Natural Language Understanding, p.1) And a linguistics act” is controlled by certain...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41

15 5K 72
Tài liệu A Look at…Third Grade in California Public Schools doc

Tài liệu A Look at…Third Grade in California Public Schools doc

... of mathematics as a language However, the academic language of mathematics instruction and the specialized vocabulary of mathematics can create particular challenges for English learners The language ... “key standards” as in the 1997 California mathematics standards Instead, the CCSS are designed to have a greater focus at each grade and to develop mathematics topics in depth In the early grades, ... details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace a Plan and deliver an informative/explanatory presentation on a topic that: organizes ideas around major points of information, follows a logical...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 09:20

88 529 0
A Closer Look at Air Pollution in Houston: Identifying Priority Health Risks pptx

A Closer Look at Air Pollution in Houston: Identifying Priority Health Risks pptx

... for organizing and analyzing information about air in dilapidated housing with inadequate air conditioning, to eat pollution in a manner that will aid decision makers as they a substandard diet, ... DM_300 (exceedance data for ozone, PM 2.5 lation exposure and PM 10); DM_350 (raw data for HAPs, VOCs, speciated car- The data can be The data that we obtained were in three Two databases were used ... nonexistent data base we know that air pollution-related health risks disproportionate- 24 In summary, we view the comparative risk process as a decision tool for organizing and analyzing information about...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

58 375 0
Báo cáo toán học: "A Closer Look at Lattice Points in Rational Simplices" doc

Báo cáo toán học: "A Closer Look at Lattice Points in Rational Simplices" doc

... simplex SA is an (t) interval with rational endpoints Hence SA is given by t2 t1 ≤x≤ , a1 a2 so that we obtain t2 − t1 − a2 a1 ◦ L (SA, t) = and L SA , t = t2 t1 − − a2 a1 These are quasipolynomials, ... After harmless unimodular transformations, which leave the lattice point count invariant, we may assume that the defining inequalities for SA are a1 1x1 a2 1x1 + + a2 n xn ≤ b1 ≤ b2 an+1,1x1 ... reine angewandte Math 198 (1957), 143-203 [Ra] H Rademacher, Some remarks on certain generalized Dedekind sums, Acta Aritm (1964), 97-105 [St] R Stanley, Enumerative combinatorics, Wadsworth and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20

9 242 0
Báo cáo y học: "Gender differences in suicidal expressions and their determinants among young people in Cambodia, a post-conflict country" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Gender differences in suicidal expressions and their determinants among young people in Cambodia, a post-conflict country" doc

... permissive attitudes towards suicide correlated with suicidal ideation and behavior [9] A study that examined suicide ideation, behavior, and attempt history in 100 adolescents (age 17 to 19 years) ... is a major risk factor for suicidal expressions [12] A study among American Indian and Alaskan youth revealed that the most powerful risk factor for attempted suicide was having a friend who had ... women in Cambodia is comparable to findings from a study in India that reported three times more girls attempting suicide than boys [30] Mental health profile also revealed significant gender differences, ...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 15:22

8 411 0
a cross-cultural study on american-vietnamses verbal expressions in offering a gift and responding to a gift offer = nghiên cứu giao thoa văn hóa việt - mỹ về cách sử dụng ngôn từ để tặng quà và nhận quà

a cross-cultural study on american-vietnamses verbal expressions in offering a gift and responding to a gift offer = nghiên cứu giao thoa văn hóa việt - mỹ về cách sử dụng ngôn từ để tặng quà và nhận quà

... communication breakdown may occur in cross- cultural communication? Why are many utterances grammatically correct but communicatively and culturally meaningless? This is mainly because participants lack ... general act (illocutionary act) that a speaker performs, analyzable as including the uttering of words (utterance acts), making reference and predicating (propositional acts), and a particular intention ... III.2.1 Data analysis The data analysis of the employment of gift offering strategies in interaction with different informants has shown that all the strategies mentioned above are available to...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:17

67 1,5K 4
a cross-cultural study on american-vietnamese verbal expressions in confirming and negating = nghiên cứu giao văn hóa việt-mỹ về cách diễn đạt khẳng định và phủ định

a cross-cultural study on american-vietnamese verbal expressions in confirming and negating = nghiên cứu giao văn hóa việt-mỹ về cách diễn đạt khẳng định và phủ định

... conclude that confirming and negating, which are postevent acts, are also seen as face-threatening acts In everyday communication, confirmation and negation take place so frequently They may damage ... Communication Intra -cultural Inter -cultural Cross- cultural communication communication communication Diagram 1: Branches of communication 17 1.2.2 Cross- cultural Communication This study mainly ... discussions are stated 31 CHAPTER 3: DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF THE FINDINGS This thesis, as being stated in the introduction, aims at studying the communicative strategies used in American and...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:18

57 1,1K 2
a cross-cultural stydy of pauses and time-fillers in some american and vietnamese films = nghiên cứu giao văn hóa về việc sử dụng các quãng lặng và các yếu tố khỏa lấp trong một số bộ phim việt nam và mỹ

a cross-cultural stydy of pauses and time-fillers in some american and vietnamese films = nghiên cứu giao văn hóa về việc sử dụng các quãng lặng và các yếu tố khỏa lấp trong một số bộ phim việt nam và mỹ

... telecommunications, and the appearance of communicative approaches in language teaching and learning, the study of speech acts in communication appears inevitable The last few decades have witnessed a ... appropriate use of silence/pauses and TFs is considerably important in communication and communicative language teaching/learning Cross- cultural interactants and language learners should be aware ... consideration: + Characters‟ age + Characters‟ gender + Characters‟ occupation + Characters‟ relationship + Characters‟ mood when using pauses and time-fillers + Characters‟ marital status + Characters‟...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:20

45 590 1
a cross - cultural study on the economicality and redundancy in requesting in english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu giao văn hóa về tính kiệm ngôn và rườm ngôn trong hành vi yêu cầu của người anh và người việt

a cross - cultural study on the economicality and redundancy in requesting in english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu giao văn hóa về tính kiệm ngôn và rườm ngôn trong hành vi yêu cầu của người anh và người việt

... methods and procedures It was undeniable that data analysis was the process of ordering and extracting meaning from the accumulated data In other words, the most essential function of data analysis ... indicated that age power and social power can also determine what politeness strategy to use for the Vietnamese, because of greater distance between interactants, groups of greater age and social ... speaking world such as New Zealand, Canada, America, etc English is used as target language and its variants, namely American English, British English, Australian English, Canadian English and...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:20

57 1,1K 2
a cross - cultural study on the economicality and redundancy in requesting in english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu giao văn hóa về tính kiệm ngôn và rườm ngôn trong hành vi yêu cầu của người anh và người việt tt

a cross - cultural study on the economicality and redundancy in requesting in english and vietnamese = nghiên cứu giao văn hóa về tính kiệm ngôn và rườm ngôn trong hành vi yêu cầu của người anh và người việt tt

... UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES - - HOÀNG THỊ MỴ ON THE ECONOMICALITY AND REDUNDANCY IN REQUESTING IN ENGLISH A A CROSSCULTURAL STUDY ... popularity of economicality and redundancy in requesting 22 3.2 The link between the addresser’s/ addressee’s gender and relative age and the use of lexico modal makers seen as redundancy ... 18 2.3 Data collection instrument 19 2.4 Data collection procedures 20 2.5 Data analysis methods and procedures 20 CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:20

4 653 7
disagreeing among power-unequals in english and vietnamese  a cross-cultural pragmatics study = cách diễn đạt sự bất đồng giữa những người không bình đẳng về quyền lực trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt

disagreeing among power-unequals in english and vietnamese a cross-cultural pragmatics study = cách diễn đạt sự bất đồng giữa những người không bình đẳng về quyền lực trong tiếng anh và tiếng việt

... Addressee Australian native speaker Brown and Levinson Cross- cultural Cross- cultural pragmatics Social Distance Discourse completion task/test Face Threatening Act Hearer Interlanguage Interlanguage ... interdisciplinary” To sum up, as a subset of cross- cultural pragmatics, contrastive pragmatics has the strength of investigating cross- cultural and cross- linguistic pragmatic differences and similarities, while ... crucial English function and discussed with appropriate verbal strategies for expressing disagreement appropriately in particular situations As regards a particular classification of disagreeing as...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:30

295 826 1
A Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Metaphorical Conceptualization of Sadness in Modern English and Vietnamese

A Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Metaphorical Conceptualization of Sadness in Modern English and Vietnamese

... experiencer Additional attention should be paid to the idiom in (5g) Many non-native and even some native speakers of English may mistake bated breath in for baited breath at first sight, since the bated ... feeling of pain appears in various locations within the body, both internal and external SADNESS is associated with a pain in 37 the very sensitive flesh under the fingernails or toenails, as in ... steals food Castration of domesticated animals, as in (1 0a- b), such as pigs, dogs, cocks, and cats is popular in Vietnam And such removal of the testicles hurts a great deal As the literal translations...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2015, 08:16

15 467 0
A cross cultural study on idiomatic expressions containing numbers in english and vietnamese

A cross cultural study on idiomatic expressions containing numbers in english and vietnamese

... divided into three types: Positive meaning (expressing favorable attitude), neutral meaning (expressing impartial attitude), and negative meaning (expressing unfavorable attitude) The analysis of data ... can have a literal meaning in one situation and a different idiomatic meaning in another situation It is a phrase which does not always follow the normal rules of meaning and grammar We will have ... linguistic issues such as grammar and pronunciation to have effective communicative activities Among these issues, vocabulary plays a vital role due to its meaning creating In vocabulary teaching...

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2015, 10:57

85 955 2