... PHONG - TỈNH BẮC NINH SĐT: 0 982 956469 ( Gặp thầy Quynh - Cựu SV K22B toán – SPHN II) LÊ VĂN QUYNH – GV TOÁN TRƯỜNG THCS YÊN PHONG - HUYỆN YÊN PHONG - TỈNH BẮC NINH SĐT: 0 982 956469 ( Gặp thầy Quynh...
Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2013, 18:10
... PHONG - TỈNH BẮC NINH SĐT: 0 982 956469 ( Gặp thầy Quynh - Cựu SV K22B toán – SPHN II) LÊ VĂN QUYNH – GV TOÁN TRƯỜNG THCS YÊN PHONG - HUYỆN YÊN PHONG - TỈNH BẮC NINH SĐT: 0 982 956469 ( Gặp thầy Quynh...
Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2013, 18:10
báo cáo hóa học: " The reliability and validity of the SF-8 with a conflict-affected population in northern Uganda" doc
... 292(5):575- 584 Lopes Cardozo B, Vergara A, Agani F, Gotway CA: Mental health, social functioning, and attitudes of Kosovar Albanians following the war in Kosovo JAMA 2000, 284 (5):569-577 Ware J, Kosinski ... Health 20 08 Bowden A, Fox-Rushby JA: A systematic and critical review of the process of translation and adaptation of generic healthrelated quality of life measures in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, ... The Australian Centre on Quality of Life [http:// acqol.deakin.edu.au/index.htm] Harvard Programme for Refugee Trauma [http://www.hprtcambridge.org/Layer3.asp?page_id=32] Ichikawa M, Nakahara S,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
... dàn trao đổi nhiệt ống lồng ống, lúc sử dụng nước dự trữ tank lớn để gia nhiệt cho tank nhỏ cách đóng van 13, 23, mở van 12, 14 , 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, hai bơm 5A họat động, lúc nước nóng tank lớn ... 663 Kcal ĐỘ NHỚT ĐỘNG HỌC: 180 cSt( mm2/S ); N(tấn/h) H( %) 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 NHIỆT ĐỘ ĐƠNG ĐẶC: 200C 0 ,8 0,9 70 9,7 19,3 29,0 38, 7 48, 3 57,9 67,7 77,3 86 ,9 96,5 193 290 387 483 80 8, 5 ... thu 6 ,86 h a GC p 2b 276, 48 W a n GC p 4b 11943,37 KJ 86 Kg M= η = τn G π aGC p 4bE F1 41,4 Vậy nhiệt lượng cần cung cấp: Q = GC p Λt = 0.01.4,175. (80 − 30) = 2, 087 5 (Kw)= 2 087 ,5 [W] 2 087 ,5...
Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 16:20
Chapter 052. Approach to the Patient with a Skin Disorder (Part 8) pptx
... noting the amount of blanching that occurs Granulomas often have an opaque to transparent, brown-pink "apple jelly" appearance on diascopy Figure 52-11 Urticaria Discrete and confluent, edematous, ... erythematous papules and plaques are characteristic of this whealing eruption Wood's Light A Wood's lamp generates 360-nm ultraviolet (or "black") light that can be used to aid the evaluation ... such as freckles are accentuated, while dermal pigment such as postinflammatory hyperpigmentation fades under a Wood's light Vitiligo (Fig 52-12) appears totally white under a Wood's lamp, and...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 20:20
Working with a study budy 8 docx
... READING Educational Solutions, Inc 99 University Place New York, NY 10003 212-674-2 988 Assorted materials on math, ESL, reading, speaking, spelling, and related topics are available Becoming A ... Style by William Strunk, Jr., and E B White (Allyn and Bacon, 1995) Helps you keep track of standard American syntax and grammar Read Better, Remember More, ed by Elizabeth Chesla (LearningExpress, ... (order information at the back of this book) Gives you all the essentials of standard grammar in an easy-to-use format STUDY SKILLS AND TEST-TAKING Ace Any Test, 3rd ed., by Ronald W Fry (Career Press,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 22:20
Drawing - Fun With A Pencil
... can trace a photo, and draw from the tracing, or take any of your own drawings and distort them Here again is a chance for your own invention Draw a square around your subject Divide each way ... Nevertheless, we can take as a basic form a ball sliced off at the sides, leaving it a little wider one way than the other, and adding to it or taking some away The forehead may be flattened, cut ... make any allowance for the variety of shapes 36 After this book was published, I learned with interest that a similar basic head form has been used for years by Miss E Grace Hanks of the Pratt...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 14:19
Báo cáo y học: " Non-syndromic multiple supernumerary teeth in a family unit with a normal karyotype: case report"
... and 4.9, after a routine hematological investigation and after the assessment of 380 radiographic exams, such as X-Ray Dental Panoramic Tomogram and Denta-Scan (Fig 6) of the inferior maxillary ... supernumerary teeth, hyperdontia or dentes supernumerarii Ann Anat 2006; 188 :163-169 25 Batra P, Duggal R, Parkash H Non-syndromic multiple supernumerary teeth transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait ... patient reported localized pain and a slight homolateral submandibular lymphadenopathy, without functional limitations or fever No occlusal hindrance was caused by these supernumerary teeth Although...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:40
Báo cáo y học: " Evaluation of Lumbar Facet Joint Nerve Blocks in Managing Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial with a 2-Year Follow-U"
... closed space such as an intraarticular space or epidural space or over a nerve has not been appropriately evaluated Carette et al24 showed that patients responded similarly to an intraarticular injection ... C-fibres Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1990; 34: 335 -8 69 Pasqualucci A, Varrassi G, Braschi A, et al Epidural local anesthetic plus corticosteroid for the treatment of cervical brachial radicular pain: ... lumbar facet joint pain by means of comparative, controlled, local anesthetic blocks based on modified International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) criteria, with 80 % pain relief and ability...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:07
Báo cáo y học: " Vgf is a novel biomarker associated with muscle weakness in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), with a potential role in disease pathogenesis"
... increases energy expenditure and prevents the early phase of diet-induced obesity Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006; 103(39): 14 584 -14 589 Yamaguchi H, Sasaki K, Satomi Y, Shimbara T, Kageyama H, Mondal ... Cruz Biotech, CA) The assay was developed using a stabilized HRP substrate All samples were analyzed in the linear range of the ELISA using over-expressed human Vgf as a standard Assessment of ... Vgf capture phase, the plates were reacted with rabbit anti-Vgf antibody (#9130 against Vgf 78- 340) [19] followed by incubation with a reporter antibody (HRP–conjugated anti–rabbit IgG, Santa Cruz...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 10:52
What To Do If Trapped In A Lift With A Dentist
... consciousness? Watched the telly? Had an argument? Made a sandwich? Started a war? If we're a species apart then why we behave like animals? Because we are animals we're monkeys with delusions In anthropocentric ... relaxation CD that appears to be voiced by Ian Paisley A pair of trainers pickled in bree A vague sense of inadequacy A perambulating hamster nailed to the knee of a disgruntled member of a select ... get Anyway, I explained to the rabbits that I needed the carrots for a stew and that I only had carrots anyway which wouldn't go far among between 31 and 107 rabbits and would in all probability...
Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2012, 16:50
Propelling Business Growth With A Secure And Continuous Information Infrastructure
... from tape and validated Application: restored from tape and validated Data: restored from tape and validated Connectivity: restored and validated Redundancy of data: recover lost transaction ... transaction and validate Redundant site: ready (warm site) Recovery plans: ready OS: restored from tape and validated Application: restored from tape and validated Data: restored from tape and ... up to (+/-) days +/- 24 hours up to (+/-) days Sync = data loss Async = acceptable data loss *(Potential for data loss for Async) Sync = data loss Async = acceptable data loss Recovery...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2013, 20:04
bai 8. các trường hợp bằng nhau của tam giác vuông
... 900 (cmt) AK = AH(cmt) AI chung G Nên : KAI = HAI (đpcm) H1 = K1 = 900 ( BH AC H, CK AB H K) K A chung AB = AC ( GT ) I ABH = ACK ( cạnhhuyền, B C gócnhọn) Suy : AK = AB = AC ; ABC ; AH AHI(cạnhhuyền,cạnh ... tra cũ 1: Điền vào chỗ để đẳng thức phù hợp với hình vẽ ABC vuông A, theo định lý Pytago ta có : BC2 AC2 AB + = BC2 AB2 = AC - AB2 = B a A b C a2 b2- Cho hình vẽ sau, khẳng định sau hay sai ... Sắp xếp Nội dung A A Xét ABH ACK có : Xét ABH ACK có : B ABH = ACK (cạnh huyền, gócnhọn) C H1 = K1 = 900 ( BH AC H, CK AB K) A chung AB = AC ( GT ) D Suy : AK = AH E AKI = AHI (cạnh huyền,cạnh...
Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2013, 01:25
Bài 8. tiet 3. Lien Bang Nga
... Bài 8: LIÊN BANG NGA (TT) TIẾT : THỰC HÀNH NỘI DUNG I.TÌM HIỂU SỰ THAY ĐỔI GDP C A LIÊN BANG NGA 1) BIỂU ĐỒ 2) NHẬN XÉT II TÌM HIỂU SỰ PHÂN BỐ NƠNG NGHIỆP LB NGA BẢNG 8. 5: GDP C A LB NGA QUA CÁC ... Liên Bang Nga: a Tăng nhanh liên tục b Ít thay đổi c Lúc đầu tăng, sau giảm lại tăng d Đang có xu hương giảm Câu Từ năm 1997 đến năm 2005, giá trò nhập Liên Bang Nga liên tục tăng nhanh: a Đúng ... NGHIỆP LB NGA a) Vẽ biểu đồ Bài 8: LIÊN BANG NGA (TT) TIẾT : THỰC HÀNH NỘI DUNG I.TÌM HIỂU SỰ THAY ĐỔI GDP C A LIÊN BANG NGA 1) BIỂU ĐỒ 2) NHẬN XÉT II TÌM HIỂU SỰ PHÂN BỐ NƠNG NGHIỆP LB NGA b) Nhận...
Ngày tải lên: 09/06/2013, 01:25