8 biocatalytic reactions in ionic liquids

lipase catalyzed sugar esters synthesis in ionic liquids

lipase catalyzed sugar esters synthesis in ionic liquids

... disaccharides in ILs containing [Cl]- [40] However, ILs containing [Cl]- cannot be used to carry out enzyme reactions due to the inactivation of most enzymes [41] Only ILs containing the dicyanamide ... enhancing lipase activity in the synthesis of sugar ester using ionic liquids was investigated In the lipase-catalyzed esterifications of glucose with vinyl laurate or lauric acid in [Bmim][TfO], 2.4 ... chain in the cation and/or shape or symmetry [ 18, 19] Some typical cation/anion combinations comprising the main families of ILs are illustrated in Figure Figure Some typical cation/anion combinations...

Ngày tải lên: 29/07/2015, 03:24

73 221 0


... 273 276 277 2 78 279 280 281 282 304 3 08 310 315 315 316 3 18 CONTENTS Ionic Liquids Combined with Membranes and Biotransformations 8. 5 Ionic Liquids Anchoring Substrates 8. 6 Ionic Liquids and Bioelectrochemistry ... tris(hydroxymethyl)aminoethane INTRODUCTION Ionic liquids (ILs) are organic salts remaining as liquids under ambient temperatures Since the rst reports on performing biotransformations in ILs,1,2 interests in using 18 IONIC ... and Christina Kohlmann 8. 1 Introduction 8. 2 Ionic Liquids as Additives in Biotransformations 8. 3 Ionic Liquids for Coating Enzymes: The ILCE Concept 263 264 265 265 265 266 266 266 2 68 2 68 269 271...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

443 494 0
ionic liquids in synthesis

ionic liquids in synthesis

... Polymerization 3 28 Living Radical Polymerization 329 Preparation of Conductive Polymers 331 Conclusions 332 8. 1 8. 2 8. 3 8. 3.1 8. 3.2 8. 4 Biocatalytic Reactions in Ionic Liquids 336 Introduction 336 Biocatalytic ... Reactions and Acid-Catalyzed Reactions in Ionic Liquids 174 Stoichiometric Organic Reactions 175 Molten salts as reagents 175 Reactions in chloroaluminate(III) and related ionic liquids 177 Reactions ... Alkylation reactions 275 Industrial use of ionic liquids 277 5.3.7 Concluding Remarks and Outlook 2 78 5.4 Multiphasic Catalysis with Ionic Liquids in Combination with Compressed CO2 281 5.4.1 Introduction...

Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2014, 17:05

381 288 0


... ranging from to 60 The fructosyl units are linked by (21) Ionic Liquids in Catalytic Biomass Transformation 19 linkages with the glucose as the terminating unit of the polymer chain [ 38] Inulins ... (Vidinha, Lourenco, Nunes, Duarte, and Barreiros) Similarly, ionic liquids are finding increasing use in the popular area of nanomaterials Much of this effort is directed toward using ionic liquids ... of 5-HMF using inulin in ionic liquids under mild conditions Combining [BMIM][Cl] and a strong acidic cation exchange resin gave a 5-HMF yield of 55% in 20 Subsequently, a two-step in one pot...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 09:20

528 1,1K 0
Synthesis of ionic liquids and their applications in capillary electrophoresis

Synthesis of ionic liquids and their applications in capillary electrophoresis

... with running buffer and the sample is introduced by dipping one end into the sample and applying an electric field (electrokinetic injection) or by applying gas pressure (hydrodynamic injection) ... synthesized in 1951 [1], an alkylpyridinium based salt (N-ethylpyridinium bromidealuminium chloride) However, it was not until the discovery of the 1,3dialkylimidazolium based ionic liquids in 1 982 that ... solved by coupling CE with MS The main difficulty of coupling CE with MS lies in the fact that the MS system operating under high vacuum and interfacing to CE can reduce hydrodynamic flow in the capillary...

Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:19

201 475 0
A CFD analysis of transport phenomena and electrochemical reactions in a tubular-shaped PEM fuel cell

A CFD analysis of transport phenomena and electrochemical reactions in a tubular-shaped PEM fuel cell

... calculated according to [22]: u in ,c = ζ c I RTin ,c AMEA xO2 ,in Pc Ach 4F (39) u in ,a = ζ a I RTin ,a AMEA x H ,in Pa Ach 2F (40) ISSN 2076- 289 5 (Print), ISSN 2076-2909 (Online) ©2013 International ... 1 28( 2), 173- 184 [9] Berning T., Lu D.M., Djilali N J Power Sources, 2002, 106(1-2), 284 -294 [10] Berning T., Djilali N J Electrochem Soc., 2003, 150(12), A1 589 -A15 98 [11] Nguyen P.T., Berning ... E.Holdo Int.J Multiphysics 2009, (4), 347-360 [17] Fuller E.N., Schettler P.D., Giddings J.C Ind Eng Chem., 1966, 58( 5), 18- 27 [ 18] Wang L., Husar A., Zhou T., Liu H Int J Hydrogen Energy, 2003; 28( 11):...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58

26 609 0
TD 8 chi viec in

TD 8 chi viec in

... chạy gót chạm mông, đá lăng Phần a Bài TD: Ôn từ nhịp 17 Học từ 18- 25 ĐL 8- 10 1-2 6 -8 2-300m 2x8n 1x8n 20s 28- 30 10-15 Nhịp 18: Quay 900 sang trái, dồn trọng tâm vào chân trái, chân phải phía ... nhỏ, chạy nâng cao đùi, chạy gót chạm mông, đá lăng Phần 6 -8 2-300m 2x8n a Bài TD: Ôn từ nhịp 25 10-15 Họ tên GV: Đào Quốc Việt 1x8n 20s 28- 30 13 Phơng pháp tổ chức ĐHNL gv - GV ... phổ biến nd y/c học b Khởi động 6 -8 2-300m - Chạy khởi động vòng sân - Xoay kỹ khớp: cổ tay + cổ 2x8n chân, khớp gối, khớp hông, khớp khuỷu tay, khớp bả vai 1x8n - ép dọc, ép ngang 20s - Chạy...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2013, 21:11

53 265 0
Module 8: Implementing Security in a Windows 2000 Network

Module 8: Implementing Security in a Windows 2000 Network

... close Windows Explorer Module 8: Implementing Security in a Windows 2000 Network 39 ?? set up auditing of a printer To Click the Start button, point to Settings , and then click Printers In the ... security in a Windows 2000 network 2 Module 8: Implementing Security in a Windows 2000 Network Introduction to Securing a Windows 2000 Network Slide Objective ? To identify the purpose of securing ... returning it to the user, such as an e-mail attachment using a secure messaging system Module 8: Implementing Security in a Windows 2000 Network 25 Lab A: Implementing Security in a Windows...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 16:15

54 363 0
Tài liệu Chapter 8: Catalytic oxidations in aqueous media - recent developments ppt

Tài liệu Chapter 8: Catalytic oxidations in aqueous media - recent developments ppt

... up to a yield of 98 % in M chloride solutions (Scheme 8. 2) [13] With olefins other than ethene two isomeric chlorohydrins can be obtained, one of them being chiral When pyridine was replaced by ... by monodentate chiral amines in the enantioselectivities were low (8- 12%) (Scheme 8. 3) [14] The mononuclear complexes performed better providing the chiral chlorohydrin in 46-76% e.e Even better ... atmospheric air or 1-3 bar In an ethanol/water mixture 88 % yield of 2-hexanone and 92 % yield of 2-hexadecanone was obtained in and h, respectively, with a Catalytic oxidations in aqueous media - recent...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 07:19

7 335 0
Tài liệu Chapter 9: Miscellaneous catalytic reactions in aqueous media pdf

Tài liệu Chapter 9: Miscellaneous catalytic reactions in aqueous media pdf

... protecting allyl groups under exceedingly mild conditions In an interesting reaction, reshuffling of functional groups can be achieved in the rearrangement of homoallylic alcohols (Scheme 9.2) [8, 9] ... Korzinski, 209th Meeting of the Am Chem Soc., Anaheim, CA, 1995, INOR 2 68 59 H Borwieck, O Walter, E Dinjus, J Rebizant, J Organometal Chem 19 98, 570, 121 60 M Poliakoff, Chemistry in Britain, ... 1992, 75, 161 27 M Tokunaga, Y Wakatsuki, Angew Chem Int Ed 19 98, 37, 286 7 28 G Villain, P Kalck, A Gaset, Tetrahedron Lett 1 980 , 21, 2901 29 C S Chin, S Y Kim, K.-S Joo, G Won, D Chong, Bull Korean...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 07:19

13 460 0
Tài liệu Module 8: Message Routing in Microsoft Exchange 2000 doc

Tài liệu Module 8: Message Routing in Microsoft Exchange 2000 doc

... up-to-date link status 691 Routing Group Master Routing Group Master Lead -in Knowing when a link is DOWN and addressing that status is critical to maintaining an effective routing system Routing Routing ... Native Mode Routing Group Routing Group Routing Group Routing Group Administrative Group Routing Group Routing Group Routing Group Routing Group Routing Group Routing Group Administrative Group ... Define message routing and routing groups, create routing groups, explain how message transfer works between servers running Exchange 2000 installed in the same routing group and installed in...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20

42 275 0
Tài liệu GIS ĐẠI CƯƠNG - Chương 8: TẠO TRANG IN BẢN ĐỒ docx

Tài liệu GIS ĐẠI CƯƠNG - Chương 8: TẠO TRANG IN BẢN ĐỒ docx

... chí minh TRà V INH u Bn ph LONG AN DồN G THáP AN GIANG SóC TRăNG BạC LIêU Cà MaU " ụ Thủ đô Thành phố Trung tâm DITAGIS thực GIS i cng vi phn mm Arcview Yu t xut bn TRUNG TM CễNG NGH THễNG TIN ... CễNG NGH THễNG TIN A Lí - DITAGIS To cỏc thnh phn bn Cỏc cụng c to: Bn Chỳ gii T l Mi tờn ch hng Biu Bng thuc tớnh Hỡnh nh GIS i cng vi phn mm Arcview TRUNG TM CễNG NGH THễNG TIN A Lí - DITAGIS ... vi phn mm Arcview TRUNG TM CễNG NGH THễNG TIN A Lí - DITAGIS Xut d liu Xut bng d liu thuc tớnh GIS i cng vi phn mm Arcview TRUNG TM CễNG NGH THễNG TIN A Lí - DITAGIS Xut d liu (tt) Xut d liu...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 08:20

9 404 0
Chemical of alumina reactions in aqueous solution and its application in water treatment

Chemical of alumina reactions in aqueous solution and its application in water treatment

... Interface Science 110 (2004) 19 48 Table The summary of the pHPZC of aluminas and hydrated aluminas Material pHPZC Experimental method Refs a-Al2O3 8. 4 9.2 9.1 9.2 8. 68. 8 9.4 9.1 6.7 7.9 8. 5 8. 0 ... importance of alumina in the natural aquatic environment and its growing application in drinking and wastewater purification, the knowledge of aluminas structure and possible interactions in water are ... outer-sphere complexation reactions for Mmq and Lly ions can be given by the reactions w37 ,88 ,89 x: B Kasprzyk-Hordern / Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 110 (2004) 19 48 28 AlOH q Mmq~AlOyyMmqqHq...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:22

30 806 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Bioenergetics of the formyl-methanofuran dehydrogenase and heterodisulfide reductase reactions in Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Bioenergetics of the formyl-methanofuran dehydrogenase and heterodisulfide reductase reactions in Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus pot

... 1. 68 0.44 1.02 0.61 0. 089 0.077 0.066 0.073 0.0 48 ND 0.040 0.074 0.047 0.066 0.137 0.1 68 0.171 )130 )130 )125 )120 )85 )110 )95 )115 )95 )120 )110 )125 )130 7.55 7.35 8. 65 7.45 8. 80 8. 20 8. 15 ... 7.45 8. 80 8. 20 8. 15 7.90 7.60 7.55 8. 40 9.20 8. 00 )175 )165 )250 )160 )215 ) 180 ) 185 )175 )140 )170 )200 ) 285 )210 )90 )105 )95 )95 )50 )95 )60 )85 )90 )85 )85 )100 )100 0.10 0.20 0.30 Maarsenbroek, ... 5-Formyl-5,6,7 ,8- tetrahydromethanopterin is the intermediate in the proces of methanogenesis in Methanosarcina barkeri Biofactors 3, 249–255 17 Ellermann, J., Hedderich, R., Bucher, R & Thauer, R.K (1 988 )...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 09:20

10 421 0
Báo cáo Y học: Expression and distribution of penaeidin antimicrobial peptides are regulated by haemocyte reactions in microbial challenged shrimp pptx

Báo cáo Y học: Expression and distribution of penaeidin antimicrobial peptides are regulated by haemocyte reactions in microbial challenged shrimp pptx

... · 10 in NaCl/Tris, mounted in glycerol containing 25% NaCl/Tris and 0.1% p-phenylenediamine and examined using a laser scanning microscope (TCS NT) equipped with a Leica (DMIRBE, Inc.) inverted ... penaeidin localization at the site of injection Injection of microorganisms resulted in a dramatic decrease in numbers of both circulating and tissue in ltrating haemocytes within h of injection ... H) Regarding phagocytosis reactions, internalized bacteria were observed after 20 incubation mainly into hyaline haemocytes (Fig 10I) Intracellular phagocytosed bacteria observed in hyaline cells...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 01:20

12 498 0


... used in some ionic liquids 3.4.1 Chloroaluminate Systems In case of chloroaluminate ionic liquids, the potential of an aluminum electrode immersed in the acidic ionic liquids that contain AlCl3 ... electrodes in nonchloroaluminate ionic liquids especially for the N(CF3SO2 )− ionic liquids Platinum wire is used for the electrode and immersed in an ionic liquid that contains iodine and an ... LIQUIDS Hiroyuki Ohno 1.1 IONIC LIQUIDS Ionic liquids are salts with a very low melting temperature Ionic liquids have been of great interest recently because of their unusual properties as liquids...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 09:20

473 416 0


... explain the dynamical properties on ILs based on MD simulation results taking into consideration mainly following points: how can cross-correlated ionic motions in ILs be modified by interionic ... effects of [XF6]- in ionic liquids Theoretical study J Phys Chem B, 113, 984 0- 985 1 [15] Refer to the sec.4 in ref.1 and references therein The Dynamical Properties on Ionic Liquids: Insights from ... scattering in molecular fluids J Chem Phys., 72, 280 1- 281 8 [37] Geiger, L C., & Ladanyi, B M (1 987 ) Higher order interaction-induced effects on Rayleigh light scattering by molecular liquids...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20

706 1,6K 0


... Shishkina 18 ω = W0/Wing – Wing/W0 = fk7[InH]/(Wik6)0.5 = king[InH]/(Wik6)0.5, where W0 is the oxidation rate of methyl oleate without additivies InH, Wi – the initiation rate Since Wing is determined ... described in Ref 15 The interval from the beginning of the experience to the point of intersection of two straight lines for which tg α1 = tg α2 was taken as τ in the presence of InH The first line ... saturated fatty-acid chains of phospholipids [ 38, 39] It is known that a lot of proteins participating in signal transduction in the cell are capable of being localized in rafts including PKC as well...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 10:20

294 641 1
kinetic modeling of reactions in foods

kinetic modeling of reactions in foods

... Boekel/Kinetic Modelling of Reactions in Foods DK3903_C000 Final Proof page i 12.11.20 08 10:19pm Compositor Name: JGanesan Kinetic Modeling of Reactions in Foods Boekel/Kinetic Modelling of Reactions ... Boekel/Kinetic Modeling of Reactions in Foods DK3903_C001 Final Proof page 5.11.20 08 6:48pm Compositor Name: VBalamugundan Kinetic Modeling of Reactions in Foods 1-2 Quality attributes (intrinsic ... Appendix 8. 1 Datasets Used for Examples in This Chapter 8- 27 Bibliography and Suggested Further Reading 8- 29 8. 1 8. 2 8. 3 8. 4 8. 5 Enzyme Kinetics 9-1 Introduction...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:04

788 1K 1
ionic liquids

ionic liquids

... Concerning the Commercial Use of Ionic Liquids 681 How Pure are Ionic Liquids? 681 Is the Color of Ionic Liquids a Problem? 682 How Stable are Ionic Liquids? 682 Are Ionic Liquids Toxic? 683 Are Ionic ... 8. 1 8. 2 8. 3 8. 3.1 8. 3.2 8. 4 8. 5 8. 6 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.3.1 The Scanning Tunneling Microscope 587 Results 589 Summary 604 Ionic Liquids in Material Synthesis: Functional Nanoparticles and Other Inorganic ... Enzymes in Ionic Liquids 655 Special Techniques for Biocatalysis with Ionic Liquids 657 Conclusions and Outlook 6 58 Industrial Applications of Ionic Liquids 663 Matthias Maase Ionic Liquids in Industrial...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:36

740 309 0