... noteth) in the yéere of Christ 51 9, after the building of Rome 1270, of the world 44 85, of the comming of the Saxons 70, of Iustinus Anicius emperour of the east, the first and third of the renowmed ... exact yéere of the erection of the kingdome of the Eastsaxons to begin with the end of the eight of Cerdicus king of the Westsaxons, that is, the 52 7 of Christ, and 78 after the comming of the Saxons ... stealing away the hearts of the people, was chosen and made king of Britaine, in the yéere of our Lord 4 46, in the consulship of Aetius, 1197 of Rome, of the 3 05 Olympiad, 4112 of the world, the dominicall...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 16:20
... Companies 54 CHAPTER 5: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMADATIONS 56 5. 1 Summary of Findings 56 5. 2 Conclusion 58 5. 3 Recommendations 59 5. 3.1.Recommendations ... about emotional intelligence and its role in the workplace The experts in the field of emotional intelligence have offered definitions and models to understand the concept of emotional intelligence ... increasing the efficiency of leaders and their followers Emotional Intelligence is playing the vital role in the performance of the leaders and the efficiency of leadership skills Despite the very...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2014, 20:07
The relationships among emotional intelligence, leadership styles and perfprmance of employees in enterprise in hanoi, vietnam
... Resilience 3 75 3.71 4. 95 4.27 05 454 75 Interpersonal Relationships 3 75 3 .67 5. 89 4 .52 11 8 255 8 Integration of Head and heart 3 75 3.17 5. 22 4.1881 6 857 5 Emotional intelligence 3 75 3.40 5. 34 4.3 064 59 559 Valid ... Deviation Emotional Literacy 3 75 3 . 56 5. 67 4 .55 33 69 0 56 Self-Esteem/ Self –regard 3 75 3.39 5. 33 4.4027 62 833 self- Management 3 75 2 .61 5. 44 4. 061 3 82849 self- Motivation 3 75 3 .61 5. 06 4.1477 454 85 Change ... Maximum 5. 22 5. 28 5. 57 5. 61 Mean 4.30 85 4.1877 4.2718 4. 266 3 Std Deviation 65 4 34 83704 68 488 792 25 Employees’ Performance: The scores for employee’s performance based on the responses of 3 75 leader-respondents...
Ngày tải lên: 09/05/2016, 20:18
4 6 5 exploring the mysteries of space (earth science)
... up of lumps of ice and dust that travel from the outer areas of the solar system toward its center, the sun When comets get closer to the sun, the heat turns the ice into steam, and the jets of ... shows the Sun as the center of the solar system (bottom) Mercury Mars As a new view of the universe continued to take shape, another revolutionary event occurred In 160 8 a man from the Netherlands ... unforgettable as the triumphant success of the Apollo 11 mission Armstrong and Aldrin’s visit to the moon lasted a little longer than two hours, but the effect of their visit on the imagination of the American...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2017, 15:44
The relationship between emotional intelligence and turnover intention the case of ho chi minh city employees
... 91 45. 3 Female 110 54 .7 Total 201 100 18 – 25 79 39.3 25 – 35 110 54 .7 35 – 45 3 .5 Over 45 2 .5 Total 201 100 Income per month Below 25 12.4 (million VND) – 10 1 06 52 .8 10 – 15 39 19.4 Above 15` ... of emotion For the first run of CFA model, the data fitted the model (Chisquare =61 .66 0; df=48; Chi-square/df=1.2 85; P=.089; CFI=.990; TLI=.9 86; NFI=. 9 56 ; RMSEA=.038) and all of the items had significant ... SelfEmoA OtherEmoA 0.73(0.048) 0. 86 61 .66 0 SelfEmoA UseEmo 0.70(0. 051 ) SelfEmoA RegulaE 0.71(0. 050 ) 0.83 OtherEmoA UseEmo 0. 75( 0.0 36) Use of emotions (UseEmo) OtherEmoA RegulaE 0.71(0. 050 )...
Ngày tải lên: 24/08/2017, 14:54
The relationships among emotional intelligence, leadership styles and performance of employees in enterprises in Ha Noi, Viet Nam
... important input for further studies Scope and Limitations of the Study One of the main limitations of the study was the dearth of information on emotional intelligence as there has been very little ... competencies of emotional intelligence that were used to develop the Emotional Competency Profiler (ECP) tool to help measure emotional intelligence Wolmarans (2001) 26 notes that the purpose of the ECP ... of emotional intelligence on LPI, the dependent variable Based on the findings of the study, only one of the emotional intelligence factors, the appraisal of emotion in self or others, is significantly...
Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2017, 15:44
List the components of a radio system
... near the level of noise – Interference can take place • To reduce the interference of noise – Boost the strength of the signal – Use of filters when receiving the signal • Attenuation – A loss of ... a single output – Output is in the range of the highest sum and the lowest difference of the two frequencies – Sum and differences are known as the sidebands of the frequency carrier • Shield ... with the data to be sent – Imprints a unique address on the data – The longer the code is, the more users will be able to share the same channel – Number of chips in the code • Determines the...
Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 10:52
Unit 6: The world of work
... America , the longest vacation is in the summer They celebrate don’t have a Tet holiday , but they ( )…………… the New Year on January 1.Their most important vacations are Easter , 4th of July , ... and ( ) ………… …… They usually spend time with their families on these vacations ( )………… The public holiday in Vietnam Summer holiday Tet holiday Teacher’s Day Independence Day Mother’s Day HOMEWORK ... students In Vietnam , the longest vacation is in the summer American people don’t have a Tet holiday American people celebrate the New Year on January 1st 24th December Fill the best word...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2013, 01:25
An Introduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control-Chapter 5: Modeling and Design of Distributed Intelligence Systems
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 09:15
... hợp với đáy góc 60 o.Tính thể tích hình chóp SABCD theo a Bài 16 : Cho hình chóp SABCD có đáy ABCD hình chữ nhật tâm O biết · AB=3a,BC=4a SAO = 45 Tính thể tích khối chóp S.ABCD theo a Bài 17 : ... khối chóp S.ABCD theo a ĐS: 3a 15 BÀI 6: ( KHỐI B- 2009) Cho hình lăng trụ tam giác ABC.A’B’C’ có BB’ = a, góc đường thẳng BB’ · mặt phẳng (ABC) 60 0; tam giác ABC vuông C BAC = 60 0 Hình chiếu ... quanh hình nón b Tính thể tích khối nón tạo bỡi hình nón (ĐS: câu a p 25 10 25 ; câu p 252 20) Bài 2: Cho hình trụ có bán kính r=5cm có khoảng cách hai đáy 7cm a Tính diện tích xung quanh hình trụ...
Ngày tải lên: 22/11/2013, 12:11
Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (4 of 8) The Fovrth Booke Of The Historie Of England doc
... to the further side, whom the Romans following, through lacke of knowledge in the nature of the places, they fell into the marish grounds, and so came to lose manie of their men, namelie of the ... some of them slue their wiues and children, as mooued thereto with a certeine fond regard of pitie to rid them out of further miserie and danger of thraldome The next day the certeintie of the ... Valens, for otherwise a doubt maie rise, because Valentine the father of Gratian admitted the said Gratian to the title of Augustus in the yeare of our Lord 351 But to leaue the credit of the long...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 16:20
Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (7 of 8) The Seventh Boke of the Historie of England pptx
... in the yéere of our Lord 10 16, in the sixtéenth yéere of the emperor Henrie the second surnamed Claudius, in the twentieth yéere of the reigne of Robert king of France, & about the sixt yéere of ... defense of themselues, and of their king that was present there with them, beating backe the enimies, chasing them from the walles, and Chronicles : The Historie of England 14 otherwise dooing their ... seuentéenth yeere of the emperour Henrie the second, Chronicles : The Historie of England 26 surnamed Claudus, in the twentith yéere of the reigne of Robert king of France, and about the yeere of Malcolme...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 16:20
Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) The Eight Booke of the Historie of England pot
... pag 66 3 Noe was the father to Sem the father of Bedwi, the father of Wala, the father of Hatria or Hathra, the father of Itermod, the father of Heremod, the father of Sheaf or Seaf, the father of ... Sceldua, the father of Beatu or Beau, the father of Teathwij aliàs Tadwa or Teathwy, the father of Geta, reputed for a god among the gentiles, the father of Fingodulph otherwise Godulph, the father of ... otherwise Friuin, the father of Freolaf aliàs Freolater, the father of Frethwold or Friderwald, the father of the aforenamed Woden or Othen ***** _The peeres are in doubt to whome the rule of...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 00:20
Intelligence Reform After Five Years: The Role of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) potx
... especially the abrupt departure of Admiral Dennis C Blair in May 2010, there has been considerable speculation about the future of the position of the DNI and the roles and mission of the Office of the ... Research Service Intelligence Reform After Five Years: the Role of the Director of National Intelligence (DN Introduction Given the short tenures of the first three Directors of National Intelligence ... Intelligence Reform After Five Years: the Role of the Director of National Intelligence (DN Summary The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (P.L 108- 458 ) was the most...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 02:20
Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (3 of 8) pot
... about the 23 yeare of the reigne of this Kymbeline, & in the 42 yeare of the emperour Octauius Augustus, that is to wit, in the yeare of [Sidenote: 3 966 .] the world 3 966 , in the second yeare of the ... the sonne of Theomantius was of the Britains made king after the deceasse of his father, in the yeare of the world 3944, after the building of Rome 728, and before the [Sidenote: Fabian out of ... Guintolinus or Guintellius the sonne of Gurguintus was admitted king of Britaine in the yere of the world 361 4, after the building of the citie of Rome 399, and second yere of the 2 06 Olimpiad This Guintoline...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 11:20
The power of social intelligence tony Buzan(eNGLISH)
... generosity, their concern for others, their appreciation of nature, their humour (or lack of it!), how positive/negative they were, their general energy levels, their degree of focus and their honesty the ... other people - of interpersonal skills - of Social Intelligence what is social intelligence – and why does it matter? The Power of Social Intelligence will help save you the trouble of some of ... the power of social intelligence - an overview The Power of Social Intelligence is divided into 10 chapters, each one building on the others to help you accelerate the growth of your Social Intelligence...
Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2014, 13:53
natural-born cyborgs minds technologies and the future of human intelligence apr 2003
... Space The year is 1 960 The pulse of space travel beats insistently within the temples of research and power, and the journal Astronautics publishes the paper that gave the term “cyborg” to the ... monitor the computer while the computer monitors the pilots The shape of these loops is still very much up for grabs In the European Airbus,20 the computer pretty much has the final say The pilot ... nothing but coffee and cell phones The center of town is now home to no fewer than fifty shops dedicated entirely to the selling of cell phones and their contracts Then there are the various superstores...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 00:24
Báo cáo y học: "The angiogenesis inhibitor protease-activated kringles 1–5 reduces the severity of murine collagen-induced arthritis" ppsx
... 0 .62 ** 5. 00 ± 0. 45* * 5. 57 ± 0.47** 5. 63 ± 0. 45* * 5. 31 ± 0 .59 ** 5. 60 ± 0 .68 ** 2.22 ± 0.28** 3. 36 ± 0.43** 3.93 ± 0.48** 4.11 ± 0 .52 ** 4.44 ± 0 .54 ** 4.89 ± 0 .54 ** 5. 33 ± 0.82** 5. 00 ± 0. 65 * * 6 .50 ... 0. 65 * * 6 .50 ± 0.79** 5. 81 ± 0.98** 2 .50 ± 0.19** 3 .64 ± 0.40** 4.29 ± 0 .52 ** 4.93 ± 0.44** 5. 19 ± 0 .58 ** 5. 70 ± 0.44** 5. 67 ± 1.17** 5. 56 ± 0. 95* * 5. 75 ± 0. 85* * 6 .50 ± 1.03** 2 .57 ± 0.20 2.33 ± 0.17 ... (37%) (0%) ( 86% ) (60 %) (0%) (33%) (0%) (40%) (50 %) (17%) (14%) (0%) (13%) (50 %) (0%) ( 25% ) (6% ) (8%) (54 %) (12%) (27%) (8%) ( 15% ) (12%) (0%) (0%) (8%) (50 %) 10 (67 %) 10 (83%) (23%) ( 25% ) (5% ) (7%)...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 01:21
Báo cáo y học: "Preliminary study into the components of the fear-avoidance model of LBP: change after an initial chiropractic visit and influence on outcome." pps
... 52 .9(19.3) 0.038* CSQ 0- 36 7.9(8.1) 0-24 5. 5 (6. 9) 0.001** FABQ 1-23 14 .6 (5. 5) 0-23 11.1 (5. 2) 0.001* BBQ 15- 24 30.4(7 .5) 14- 45 31.0(7.7) ns* Pain (NRS) 1-10 6. 1(2.2) 0-9 4.2(2.2) 0.001* PSS = Pain ... http://www.chiroandosteo.com/content/18/1/21 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 distress independent of the level of physical impairment Clin J Pain 2001, 17:1 65 - 172 Sullivan MJ, Thorn ... sensitivity of 71% and specificity of 89% In this model higher post visit CSQ and FAB scores were associated with poor outcome at month (OR of 13 .5 ( 95% CI 2 .5- 71.4), OR 8.7 ( 95% CI 1.4 -55 .0) respectively)...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 14:20