4 wai fah chen lian duan bridge engineering handbook

2  bridge engineering handbook  superstructure

2 bridge engineering handbook superstructure

... − 24. 8 0.0 80.9 189.7 337.2 44 2.5 505.8 526.8 505.8 44 2.5 337.2 189.7 80.9 0.0 23.0 21.2 18 .4 13.8 9.2 4. 6 0.0 4. 6 −9.2 −13.8 −18 .4 −21.2 −23.0 0.0 75.1 176.1 313.1 41 0.9 46 9.6 48 9.2 46 9.6 41 0.9 ... Bridge Engineering Handbook SECOND EDITION superstructure design Bridge Engineering Handbook, Second Edition Bridge Engineering Handbook, Second Edition: Fundamentals Bridge Engineering Handbook, ... stiffness 24 Bridge Engineering Handbook, Second Edition: Superstructure Design Area, Ai (in2) Section Io A(yi-ycg)2 (in4) (in) 20.3 11,368 87,500 125,390 41 1.6* 49 .5 20,3 74 1 14, 791 2,058 13.1* 45 .5...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2016, 16:38

734 502 0
CGrand Challenges:  A Strategic Plan  for Bridge Engineering

CGrand Challenges: A Strategic Plan for Bridge Engineering

... their strategic plan for bridge engineering The detailed plan follows Grand Challenges: Strategic Plan for Bridge Engineering GRAND CHALLENGES: A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR BRIDGE ENGINEERING GRAND CHALLENGE ... a bridge- engineering knowledge database, development of a national program for guiding the training of bridge engineers, development of fruitful collaboration between academe and the bridgeengineering ... Challenges: Strategic Plan for Bridge Engineering GRAND CHALLENGE 3: ACCELERATING BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION To understand the time-restraints, durability and economy of traditional bridge systems and their...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 14:24

21 1,1K 0
electric power engineering handbook chuon (4)

electric power engineering handbook chuon (4)

... secondary systems described in Section 5 .4 © 2001 CRC Press LLC FIGURE 5.27 500 kV, 40 0 MVAr SVC at Adelanto, California (Photo courtesy Siemens.) FIGURE 5.28 500 kV, 40 0 MVAr SVC Chinu, I.S.A., Colombia ... surge allows time for the discharge to completely bridge the long insulation distances in air In the GIS, the short insulation distances can be bridged in the short time span of a lightning impulse ... and Welch, I M., GIS in service — experience and recommendations, Paper 23-1 04 of CIGRE General Meeting, Paris, 19 94 Katchinski, U., Boeck, W., Bolin, P C., DeHeus, A., Hiesinger, H., Holt, P.-A.,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

36 413 0
Active Control in Bridge Engineering ppsx

Active Control in Bridge Engineering ppsx

... d3max (cm) d4max (cm) a1max (g) Vbmax (kN) umax (% W1) Passive Hybrid 24. 70 5.53 3.96 1 .46 3.07 1. 14 1.25 0 .46 1.31 0 .48 1 648 628 41 FIGURE 59.15 Simulated earthquake ground acceleration The LQR algorithm ... topics [6] 59 .4 Case Studies 59 .4. 1 Concrete Box-Girder Bridge 59 .4. 1.1 Active Control for a Three-Span Bridge The first example of case studies is a three-span concrete box-girder bridge located ... wide range of earthquake intensities 59 .4. 2 Cable-Stayed Bridge 59 .4. 2.1 Active Control for a Cable-Stayed Bridge Cable-supported bridges, as typical flexible bridge structures, are particularly vulnerable...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 12:20

28 318 0
GasTurbine Engineering HandbookSecond Edition phần 4 doc

GasTurbine Engineering HandbookSecond Edition phần 4 doc

... AISI 41 40 or AISI 43 40 AISI 41 40 is satisfactory for most applications; //INTEGRA/B&H/GTE/FINAL (26-10-01)/CHAPTER 6.3D ± 272 ± [219±2 74/ 56] 29.10.2001 3:59PM 272 Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook ... device is also shown in Figure 6 -42 //INTEGRA/B&H/GTE/FINAL (26-10-01)/CHAPTER 6.3D ± 2 64 ± [219±2 74/ 56] 29.10.2001 3:59PM 2 64 Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook Figure 6 -41 Pressure-oriented anti-surge ... significant //INTEGRA/B&H/GTE/FINAL (26-10-01)/CHAPTER 6.3D ± 244 ± [219±2 74/ 56] 29.10.2001 3:59PM 244 Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook further improvement in efficiency will be gained only by...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 17:20

82 172 0
Biological Risk Engineering Handbook: Infection Control and Decontamination - Chapter 4 pot

Biological Risk Engineering Handbook: Infection Control and Decontamination - Chapter 4 pot

... Mouse i.p s.c 5.2 9.0 23.0 14. 5 Oral 10.5 i.v i.p 1.3 Rat s.c 0.75 Oral 5.2 i.p Guinea Pig s.c Oral 3.06 7.3 0.725 7.3 9.6 70.0 49 .0 300.0 1.0 1.5 7.0 7 .4 7.2 38.9 46 .0 34. 0 250 0.5 0.87 0.5 Abbreviations: ... feed livestock 4. 4 ROUTES OF EXPOSURE 4. 4.1 Inhalation When inhaled, microscopic fungal spores and sometimes fragments of fungi may cause health problems Small mold spores (see Figure 4. 2) may evade ... yl a liu m Lung Respiratory Area Deposition (Decimal Percent) 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0 .4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Genera Figure 4. 2 4. 4.3 Spore deposition coefficients of fungal genera found in indoor environments...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 09:21

14 327 0
Materials Science and Engineering Handbook Part 4 doc

Materials Science and Engineering Handbook Part 4 doc

... 0-538°C 42 2 42 9 43 0 43 0F S42200 S42900 S43000 S43020 11.2 10.3 10 .4 10 .4 11 .4 — 11.0 11.0 11.9 — 11 .4 11 .4 431 43 4 43 6 44 0A S43100 S4 340 0 S43600 S 440 02 10.2 10 .4 9.3 10.2 12.1 11.0 — — — 11 .4 — — 44 0C ... 11 .4 — — 44 0C 44 4 44 6 PH 13–8 Mo S 440 04 S 444 00 S 446 00 S13800 10.2 10.0 10 .4 10.6 — 10.6 10.8 11.2 — 11 .4 11.2 11.9 15–5 PH 17 4 PH 17–7 PH S15500 S1 740 0 S17700 10.8 10.8 11.0 11 .4 11.6 11.6 — ... 0.552 0.90 0. 84 0.81 0.79 4. 97 4. 71 4. 60 4. 50 0.616 0.603 0.596 0.592 200 273 300 40 0 1.06 0. 94 0.905 0.801 0.526 0.533 0.537 0.552 0. 748 0.7 34 0.73 0.722 4. 3 4. 28 4. 27 4. 2 0.575 0.5 74 0.575 0.578...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 14:20

98 291 0
Materials Science and Engineering Handbook CRC 2009 Part 4 pptx

Materials Science and Engineering Handbook CRC 2009 Part 4 pptx

... 0.552 0.90 0. 84 0.81 0.79 4. 97 4. 71 4. 60 4. 50 0.616 0.603 0.596 0.592 200 273 300 40 0 1.06 0. 94 0.905 0.801 0.526 0.533 0.537 0.552 0. 748 0.7 34 0.73 0.722 4. 3 4. 28 4. 27 4. 2 0.575 0.5 74 0.575 0.578 ... 100 5.0 4. 0 3 .4 3.0 1.08 1.06 1. 04 1.03 2.08 1.82 1.68 1.58 6.7 5.7 5. 14 4.83 3.58 3.52 3 .48 3 .45 200 273 300 40 0 2.37 2.36 2.37 2 .4 0.993 0.975 0.968 0. 947 1.11 0. 948 0.903 0.873 4. 13 4. 01 3.98 ... (0. 343 ) (0.3 64) 0.197 0.1 94 0.1 94 0.197 1 .49 1.39 1.33 1.28 1.11 1.05 (0 .49 9) (0.557) 0.210 0.207 0.209 0.216 900 1000 1100 1200 (0.3 84) (0 .40 5) (0 .42 5) (0 .44 6) 0.202 0.207 0.213 0.220 1. 24 1.21 1.18...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:20

90 234 0
Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook 2 Episode 4 pot

Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook 2 Episode 4 pot

... usually axial Figure 4- 2 Schematic of a turboprop engine //INTEGRA/B&H/GTE/FINAL (26-10-01)/CHAPTER 4. 3D ± 144 ± [ 141 ±177/37] 29.10.2001 3:56PM 144 Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook flow compressors ... discussed in the following sections 141 //INTEGRA/B&H/GTE/FINAL (26-10-01)/CHAPTER 4. 3D ± 142 ± [ 141 ±177/37] 29.10.2001 3:56PM 142 Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook Type of Application The gas ... //INTEGRA/B&H/GTE/FINAL (26-10-01)/CHAPTER 4. 3D ± 146 ± [ 141 ±177/37] 29.10.2001 3:56PM 146 Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook cost of $40 0/kW and an efficiency of about 40 % Figure 4- 5 is for a frame type turbines These...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

50 253 0
Materials Science and Engineering Handbook [CRC Press 2001] Episode 4 pot

Materials Science and Engineering Handbook [CRC Press 2001] Episode 4 pot

... 0.552 0.90 0. 84 0.81 0.79 4. 97 4. 71 4. 60 4. 50 0.616 0.603 0.596 0.592 200 273 300 40 0 1.06 0. 94 0.905 0.801 0.526 0.533 0.537 0.552 0. 748 0.7 34 0.73 0.722 4. 3 4. 28 4. 27 4. 2 0.575 0.5 74 0.575 0.578 ... 100 5.0 4. 0 3 .4 3.0 1.08 1.06 1. 04 1.03 2.08 1.82 1.68 1.58 6.7 5.7 5. 14 4.83 3.58 3.52 3 .48 3 .45 200 273 300 40 0 2.37 2.36 2.37 2 .4 0.993 0.975 0.968 0. 947 1.11 0. 948 0.903 0.873 4. 13 4. 01 3.98 ... (0. 343 ) (0.3 64) 0.197 0.1 94 0.1 94 0.197 1 .49 1.39 1.33 1.28 1.11 1.05 (0 .49 9) (0.557) 0.210 0.207 0.209 0.216 900 1000 1100 1200 (0.3 84) (0 .40 5) (0 .42 5) (0 .44 6) 0.202 0.207 0.213 0.220 1. 24 1.21 1.18...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

90 202 0
A002  bridge structures structural engineering handbook

A002 bridge structures structural engineering handbook

... 34. 0 2.28 34. 0 2.18 34. 0 2.06 34. 0 1.95 34. 0 1.82 34. 0 1.67 34. 0 1.52 36.0 2.23 36.0 2.16 36.0 2.09 36.0 2.01 36.0 1.93 35.0 1. 74 34. 5 1.58 34. 5 1 .43 35.5 1 .40 41 .0 1.95 40 .0 1.90 38.0 1.72 37.0 ... of Segmental Bridge Type by Span Length Span ft (m) 0–150 100–300 100–300 200–600 200–1000 800–1500 Bridge types (0 45 .7) (30.5–91 .4) (30.5–91 .4) (61.0–182.9) (61.0–3 04. 8) ( 243 .8 45 7.2) I-type ... bridge construction Classification by Objectives Highway bridges: bridges on highways Railway bridges: bridges on railroads Combined bridges: bridges carrying vehicles and trains Pedestrian bridges:...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2016, 18:39

108 327 0
ACI structural engineering handbook 04 structural concrete design

ACI structural engineering handbook 04 structural concrete design

... 3.87 5.10 6 .45 8.19 10.06 14. 52 25.81 (lb/ft) 0.376 0.668 1. 043 1.502 2. 044 2.670 3 .40 0 4. 303 5.313 7.65 13.60 (kg/m) 0.559 0.9 94 1.552 2.235 3. 041 3.973 5.059 6 .40 3 7.906 11.38 20. 24 Standard ... Positive moment at midspan: 0.058 0.029 0. 044 0.066 0.033 0.050 0.0 74 0.037 0.056 0.082 0. 041 0.062 0.090 0. 045 0.068 0.098 0. 049 0.0 74 0.058 0.029 0. 044 Case 5—Four edges discontinuous Negative ... 270 250 270 250 1 /4 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 0.6 0.6 0.036 0.085 0.080 0.153 0. 144 0.215 0.216 0.12 0.29 0.27 0.53 0 .49 0. 74 0. 74 Prestressing wire 250 240 235 0.196 0.250 0.276 0.0302 0. 049 1 0.0598 0.10...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 12:06

73 434 0
Robotics Mechanical Engineering Handbook

Robotics Mechanical Engineering Handbook

... 14. 4 .4 A compliant pneumatic gripper that executes a gentle wrap grasp (From U.S Patent No 3981528, Simrit Corp., Arlington Hts., IL, 19 84. ) © 1999 by CRC Press LLC Robotics 14- 27 FIGURE 14. 4.5 ... Kinematics • Summary 14. 4 End Effectors and Tooling 14- 24 A Taxonomy of Common End Effectors • End Effector Design Issues • Summary 14. 5 Sensors and Actuators 14- 33 Tactile and Proximity ... Figure 14. 3.1, with the values as given it may be seen by inspection that x = l1 cos(θ1 ) + d3 cos(θ1 + θ ) ( 14. 3.2) y = l1 sin(θ1 ) + d3 sin(θ1 + θ ) ( 14. 3.3) φ = θ1 + θ ( 14. 3 .4) Equations ( 14. 3.2)...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 09:15

116 417 0
Tài liệu Mechanical Engineering Handbook P2 docx

Tài liệu Mechanical Engineering Handbook P2 docx

... lb s = 33,000 ft ⋅ lb = 746 W ft ⋅ lb s = 1.356 J s = 1.356 W Advantages and Disadvantages of the Energy Method There are four advantages to using the energy method in engineering problems: Accelerations ... the final momentum of those same n particles, n ∑ (m v ) i i i 14 total initial momentum at time t1 n = ∑ (m v ) i i (1.3.29) i 14 total final momentum at time t2 When considering the response ... imagined to be concentrated at C n ∑ + m v′2 i =1 i i 14 motion of all particles relative to C (v ′ are with respect to a translating frame) (1.3.35) 1 -42 Section Work and Energy The work and energy...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 00:15

10 454 0
Tài liệu Mechanical Engineering Handbook P1 doc

Tài liệu Mechanical Engineering Handbook P1 doc

... + 10 + TAC = 2 (−5i − 10 j + 4k) ( d i + d j + d k) x y z d ft = − 84. 2 lb i − 168 .4 lb j + 67 .4 lb k ft 200 lb (5i − 10 j + 4k) ft = 84. 2 lb i + 168 .4 lb j + 67 .4 lb k 11.87 ft TAD = 200 lb (0i ... Chris Wang SECTION 14 Robotics Frank L Lewis 14. 1 Introduction Frank L.Lewis 14. 2 Commercial Robot Manipulators John M.Fitzgerald 14. 3 Robot Configurations Ian D.Walker 14. 4 End Effectors and ... McCormick 14. 5 Sensors and Actuators Kok-Meng Lee 14. 6 Robot Programming Languages Ron Bailey 14. 7 Robot Dynamics and Control Frank L Lewis 14. 8 Planning and Intelligent Control Chen Zhou 14. 9 Design...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 00:15

40 433 1