3 phase induction motor speed control methods

Design and Implementation of a Three-Phase Induction Motor Control Scheme

Design and Implementation of a Three-Phase Induction Motor Control Scheme

... Design………………………………. 9 3. 1. The basic control format…………………………… 9 3. 2. The existing motor controller……………………… 10 3. 3. Current sensing module……………………………… 11 3. 4. The speed sensor…………………………………… ... designed to control a brush-less DC motor. However, by constructing a feedback loop that can detect the outputs of an induction motor, we can use this motor controller to control an induction ... compatible voltage supply for the motor controller that will be used for this thesis. • Induction motor. Three -phase, 0.5kW, 4-pole machine. This induction motor is only used for the prototype...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

93 695 1
Direct control methods for matrix converter and induction motor

Direct control methods for matrix converter and induction motor

... current 112 233 4455661 234 45566112 23 3566112 233 445 4166554 433 221 532 21166554 43 654 433 2211665 7114444441111 8111111444444 9444411111144 10225555552222 11222222555555 12555522222255 133 366666 633 33 1 433 333 3666666 15666 633 333 366 16441111114444 17444444111111 18111144444411 19552222225555 20555555222222 21222255555522 226 633 333 36666 236 6666 633 333 3 2 433 336 6666 633 25000000000000 26000000000000 27000000000000 1 23 4 56 60° Mode v a 120° 180° 240° 30 0° 36 0° v b v c v ac v ca v ab v ba v bc v cb v o Figure ... [6] 1112 233 445566 25566112 233 44 33 34455661122 466554 433 2211 5221166554 433 64 433 22116655 766 633 333 3666 8222555555222 9444111111444 106666 633 333 36 11222225555552 12444441111114 133 66666 633 333 14522222255555 15144444411111 1 633 366666 633 3 17555222222555 18111444444111 1 933 333 66666 63 20555552222225 21111114444441 22 633 333 366666 232 55555522222 24411111144444 25000000000000 26000000000000 27000000000000 60° 120° 180° ... [6] 1112 233 445566 25566112 233 44 33 34455661122 466554 433 2211 5221166554 433 64 433 22116655 766 633 333 3666 8222555555222 9444111111444 106666 633 333 36 11222225555552 12444441111114 133 66666 633 333 14522222255555 15144444411111 1 633 366666 633 3 17555222222555 18111444444111 1 933 333 66666 63 20555552222225 21111114444441 22 633 333 366666 232 55555522222 24411111144444 25000000000000 26000000000000 27000000000000 60° 120° 180°...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 00:55

7 509 1
Tài liệu Mechatronics DC Motor / Tachometer Closed-Loop Speed Control System ppt

Tài liệu Mechatronics DC Motor / Tachometer Closed-Loop Speed Control System ppt

... ++ = ++ F H G I K J ++ F H G I K J = × +×+× = × ++ bgb g b gb b g b g 2 2 5 23 4 5 6 836 3 10 6 33 34 10 2 6 036 10 6 836 3 10 4 11 632 9 3 g A block diagram for this open-loop system is shown below: ... well-behaved speed- torque characteristics, and adaptability to various types of control methods. DC motors are classified as either integral-horsepower motors (≥ 1 hp) or fractional-horsepower motors ... 6 .3 Frequency-Response Experiments 6.4 Time-Response Experiments Mechatronics Kevin Craig DC Motor / Tachometer Closed-Loop Speed Control System 23 2. Physical System A DC motor...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 13:20

29 725 0
Tài liệu Speed Control of DC Manchines pptx

Tài liệu Speed Control of DC Manchines pptx

... Thêm R add nối tiếp cuộn dây phần ứng Example 1: Example 2: Example 3: Định luật Bio-Savart: Định luật Faraday: ( ) BlIeF r r r ×= () l.Bve r r r ×= ...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 14:15

11 429 1
Tài liệu A neural-network-based space-vector PWM controller for a three-level voltage-fed inverter induction motor drive doc

Tài liệu A neural-network-based space-vector PWM controller for a three-level voltage-fed inverter induction motor drive doc

... network based space vector PWM controller for voltage-fed inverter induction motor drive,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 36 , pp. 1628–1 636 , Nov./Dec. 2000. [3] J. O. P. Pinto, B. K. Bose, ... flux oriented vector-controlledinduction motor drive with space vector PWM and flux vector synthesis by neural networks,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 37 , pp. 130 8– 131 8, Sept./Oct. 2001. [4] ... TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 38 , NO. 3, MAY/JUNE 2002 A Neural-Network-Based Space-Vector PWM Controller for a Three-Level Voltage-Fed Inverter Induction Motor Drive Subrata K. Mondal, Member,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 08:16

10 523 0
Tài liệu Speed Control SPC GAS SPRINGS, cushioned pptx

Tài liệu Speed Control SPC GAS SPRINGS, cushioned pptx

... 32 0 1,11 250 620 37 0 1 ,36 30 0 720 420 1,62 2486.12. 030 00. 125 30 00 38 00 39 0 265 25,5 50 120,2 56,6 080 1,15 160 460 30 0 1, 43 200 540 34 0 1,74 250 39 00 640 39 0 2,14 30 0 740 440 2, 53 2486.12.05000. ... 36 0 235 21 25 075,2 28 ,3 040 0,44 160 430 270 0,55 200 510 31 0 0,67 250 610 36 0 0, 83 300 710 410 0,98 2486.12.01500. 125 1500 1900 37 0 245 24 36 095,2 42,4 060 0, 73 160 440 280 0,91 200 520 32 0 ... 2, 53 2486.12.05000. 125 5000 6400 405 280 27,5 65 150,2 70,7 100 1,90 160 6500 475 31 5 2 ,33 200 6600 555 35 5 2,82 250 6600 655 405 3, 43 300 6600 755 455 4,05 Dimensions for SPC Gas Spring 2486.12. Technical...

Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 02:20

4 335 0
Tài liệu AC Induction Motor Fundamentals docx

Tài liệu AC Induction Motor Fundamentals docx

... Start Split -Phase PSC Shaded-Pole AN887 DS00887A-page 4  20 03 Microchip Technology Inc. Split -Phase AC Induction Motor The split -phase motor is also known as an induction start /induction run motor. ... windings. They are: • Single -phase induction motor • Three -phase induction motor Single -Phase Induction Motor There are probably more single -phase AC induction motors in use today than the total of ... http://www.microchip.com Atlanta 37 80 Mansell Road, Suite 130 Alpharetta, GA 30 022 Tel: 770-640-0 034 Fax: 770-640- 030 7 Boston 2 Lan Drive, Suite 120 Westford, MA 01886 Tel: 978-692 -38 48 Fax: 978-692 -38 21 Chicago 33 3 Pierce...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 13:20

24 627 1
Chapter 9  unbalanced operation and single phase induction machines

Chapter 9 unbalanced operation and single phase induction machines

... SINGLE -PHASE INDUCTION MACHINES 36 7 Figure 9.8-5. Free-acceleration characteristics of a capacitor-start single -phase induction motor. Figure 9.8-4. Average steady-state torque versus speed ... two- phase induction machine to be out of phase. To accomplish this the impedances of the stator windings are made unequal. For example, the split -phase machine is a two -phase induction motor ... abcr e r abcr e r0 αβ ωω ωω cos( ) sin( ) (9.6 -3) SINGLE -PHASE INDUCTION MACHINES 35 9 out of phase when the phases are connected to the same single -phase source. This provides a starting torque,...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 18:48

41 514 0
Chapter 13  induction motor drives

Chapter 13 induction motor drives

... and that P P T out r e = 2 ω ( 13. 3-16) ( 13. 3-15) may be expressed as P P r I P T in out s s e s − = +3 2 2 ω ( 13. 3-17) Substitution of ( 13. 3-2) into ( 13. 3-17) yields an expression for the ... of a constant slip control drive is depicted in Figure 13. 3-2, wherein ω s,set is determined using ( 13. 3-12), and Figure 13. 3 -3, wherein ω s,set is determined using ( 13. 3- 13) . In these studies, ... control, a speed control is necessary for speed regulation. For the study shown in Figure 13. 3-4, the torque command is calcu- lated in accordance with the speed control shown in Figure 13. 3-5....

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 18:54

38 359 0
Báo cáo " Experiment for Bending Analysis of 3-phase Composite Plate in Ship Structure " doc

Báo cáo " Experiment for Bending Analysis of 3-phase Composite Plate in Ship Structure " doc

... 6,57 7,75 6, 73 5,56 - Experiment * 6,0 12 ,3 19,2 29,0 33 ,0 Analysis 6,5 13, 4 21,0 31 ,6 - 20%TiO 2 + 20%W800 + 60% AKAVINA polyester (sample type B) Error % 8 ,33 8,94 9 ,30 8,96 - Note: ... )            =+       ∂∂ ∂ + + ∂ ∂ + ∂ ∂ − ∂∂ ∂ ++ ∂ ∂ =+       ∂∂ ∂ + + ∂ ∂ + ∂ ∂ − ∂∂ ∂ ++ ∂ ∂ −= ∂ ∂ + ∂ ∂ 0 12 2 0 12 2 2 2 55 1 2 2 44 2 2 44 1 32 3 ,1 3 3 2 2 44 1 2 2 55 2 2 55 1 32 3 ,1 3 3 2 ψ ψψψ ϕ ϕϕϕ ψϕ I yxA DD xA D yA D I hyx w DD y w D I yxA DD yA D xA D I hyx w DD x w D hI z yx xyxyy yxy xyxyy yxx (3) ... bending deflection 3- phase composite Concentrate force Deflection (mm) 1kN 3kN 6kN 10kN Ultimate deflection Experiment * 7,6 14,2 20,8 32 ,4 34 ,3 Analysis 8,1 15 ,3 22,2 34 ,2 - 10%TiO 2 ...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 13:20

5 408 0
Annex A.3 Review of Tuberculosis Infection Control ppt

Annex A.3 Review of Tuberculosis Infection Control ppt

... patient to patient Environmental controls are the second line of defense for preventing the spread of TB in out-patient HIV care facilities. The main environmental control is natural and mechanical ... has coughed for 2 weeks or more is a “TB suspect” for pulmonary TB. Annex A .3 Review of Tuberculosis Infection Control The presence of tubercle bacilli on a sputum smear indicates that the ... bacilli on sputum smear Not receiving adequate treatment Receiving adequate treatment for 2 -3 weeks Health care workers who may be exposed to TB should be included in a TB screening program Adults...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 18:20

51 581 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Scan speed control for tapping mode SPM" docx

báo cáo hóa học:" Scan speed control for tapping mode SPM" docx

... Instrum 2002, 73( 8):2928-2 936 . 2. Kodera N, Sakashita M: Dynamic proportional-integral-differential controller for high -speed atomic force microscopy. Rev Sci Instrum 2006, 77:0 837 04. 3. Orun B, ... the step height equal to 25 nm. At a constant speed of 30 µm/s (a), with a dynamic control (b), and with a dynamic control and at a variable speed (c). Figure 2. Comparative line traces for ... K τ . As a result, the speed of a closed-loop control system (that is, without loss of surface) is determined by the time constant 0 0 i G K τ . Feedback speed, the speed of the actuator,...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 17:20

10 322 0

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