... 1.0 A A schematic diagram of a DC motor is shown in Figure 6. Figure 6. Schematic Diagram of a DC Motor Mechatronics Kevin Craig DC Motor / Tachometer Closed-Loop Speed Control System ... dynamic system investigation of a DC motor using a tachometer as a speed sensor. The tachometer is integral to the DC motor used in this case study. Other candidate speed sensors are optical encoders ... Experiments Mechatronics Kevin Craig DC Motor / Tachometer Closed-Loop Speed Control System 23 2. Physical System A DC motor converts direct-current (DC) electrical energy into rotational...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 13:20
... thay vì nhập xuất dữ liệu. - Chân 30 : AVCC cấp điện áp so sánh cho bộ ADC. - Chân 32 : AREF điện áp so sánh tín hiệu vào ADC. - Chân 33 đến 40 : Cổng vào ra dữ liệu song song A ( PORTA ) ngoài ... tín hiệu số ADC ( analog to digital converter) b. Vào ra của vi điều khiển PORTA ( PA7 … PA0 ) : là các chân số 33 đến 40. Là cổng vào ra song song 8 bít khi không dùng ở chế độ ADC. Bên trong ... tính năng công nghệ cao mà chúng em đã chọn đề tài nghiên cứu : “Bộ điều khiển số PID điều khiển DC motor . Đồ án của chúng em điều khiển động cơ một chiều bằng PID viết trên nền vi điều khiển,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 14:48
bài giảng-vhdl - Very High speed integrated circuit Description Language
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2013, 22:38
DC Motor - Content
... cổng. VD3: Sử dụng thanh ghi CC 80C537, có thể đạt 5kHz. DC Motor - PWM illustration By Lê Anh Tuấn 12/2002 DC Motor - Brushless DC Động cơ một chiều không chổi than không được cấp liên tục ... 12/2002 DC Motor - Practical1 VI MẠCH 555/556 Tạo ra các xung đều nhau, tần số CRR f BA )( 49.1 + = Tạo ra xung có bề rộng ΔT khi có xung vào chân trigger ΔT=1.1RC By Lê Anh Tuấn 12/2002 DC Motor ... 12/2002 DC Motor - Practical2 PWM SỬ DỤNG IC 555 Mạch dùng điều khiển động cơ 6V, 0.5 A với đầu vào Vin=9V U1: tạo nhịp, chính là tần số làm việc U2: Chu kỳ làm việc By Lê Anh Tuấn 12/2002 DC Motor...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 05:15
Tài liệu Brushed DC Motor Fundamentals doc
... drawback to SWDC motors is that they do not have precise speed control like PMDC and SHWDC motors have. FIGURE 4: SERIES-WOUND DC MOTORS Armature Brush Permanent Magnet Poles DC Voltage Supply Armature Brush Shunt Field DC Voltage Supply Armature Brush Series Field DC Voltage Supply ... electric motor types (i.e., brushless DC, AC induction), BDC motors do not require a controller to switch current in the motor windings. Instead, the commutation of the windings of a BDC motor is ... the different types of BDC motors and the advantages/ disadvantages of each. Permanent Magnet Permanent Magnet Brushed DC (PMDC) motors are the most common BDC motors found in the world. These motors use...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 14:15
Direct torque control of brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:44
A park like transformation for the study and the control of a nonsinusoidal brushless DC motor
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:44
Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF without position sensor
... confirm that the proposed three-phase conduction DTC of BLDC motor drive with six-switch inverter scheme. Keywords: Brushless dc (BLDC) motor, sliding mode observer, direct torque control (DTC), ... Indirect torque control method of BLDC motor explained in [9] was extended to a direct torque and indirect flux control technique for six-switch inverter BLDC motor in [7] which is suitable for ... equation (6) eliminates the speed term in the denominator which causes problem at zero and near zero speeds. 2.3 Control of Stator Flux Linkage Amplitude Since BLDC motor does not have sinusoidal...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:45
Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor
... BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR 355 TAB L E I S WITCHING T ABLE FOR DTC OF BLDC M OTOR U SING T HREE - PHASE C ONDUCTION indirectly kept at its optimum level, while the motor speed is less than the base speed. The ... proposed sensorless three-phase conduction DTC of BLDC motor drive scheme are verified through simulations and experimental results. Index Terms—Brushless dc (BLDC) motor, direct torque con- trol (DTC), fast ... Brushless DC Motor Salih Baris Ozturk, Member, IEEE, and Hamid A. Toliyat, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—In this paper, the position-sensorless direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless dc (BLDC) motor...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:46
Direct torque control of four switch brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF
... several factors such as sampling time, dc- link voltage, hysteresis bandwidth, motor parameters especially the winding inductance, motor speed, snubber circuit, and the amount of load torque ... are showed in Fig. 4 for four-switch DTC of BLDC motor drive. The overall block diagram of the closed-loop four- switch DTC scheme of a BLDC motor drive in the constant torque region is represented ... VECTOR SELECTION FOR DTC OF BLDC MOTOR DRIVE (CCW) Note: The italic grey area and vectors in the “X” area are not used in the proposed four-switch DTC of a BLDC motor drive. TABLE III V OLTAGE...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:46
Pseudo vector control – an alternative approach for brushless DC motor drives
... + * T * a v * b v * c v * I 1 T k + − Fig. 2. Typical block -diagram of Phase Current Control for BLDCM drives. INVERTER BLDC motor Load PWM Current Controller Current Controller Current Controller * a i * b i * c i + + + − − − a i c i () bac iii=− ... supply; ã Square-wave PM motor that is fed by square-wave current and it is often called Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM). The main difference between two kinds of motors from the control viewpoint ... control system for BLDC motor (Fig. 2). The motor is fed by a PWM-controlled MOSFET inverter. As we can see in Figs. 2 and 3, the currents are controlled by 3 current controllers in stationary...
Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:46
The Brook Crompton - Bull dc motor range
... Contents 9715E Issue 2 DC Motors 2 Page Introduction DC motor range 3 DC motor selection MKlll range 4 Which DC motor? 4 Standards and Environment Enclosure 5 Insulation 5 Thermal Rating 5 Motor Cooling ... see page 24 9715E 8/4/05 2:42 pm Page 25 9715E Issue 2 DC Motors 13 Brushwear derection system for MKlll DC motors All the benefits of DC drives with low maintenance The Bull Electric Brushwear ... 13 9715E Issue 2 DC Motors 12 MKlll Range General The MKIII range of dc metric motors provides exceptionally high outputs per unit weight combined with complete flexibility of speed control....
Ngày tải lên: 20/03/2014, 11:58
Brushless DC Motor Control Made Easy potx
... Setup ADC (bank1) movlw B’00001110’ ; ADC left justified, AN0 only movwf ADCON1 banksel ADCON0 ; setup ADC (bank0) movlw B’11000001’ ; ADC clock from int RC, AN0, ADC on movwf ADCON0 bsf ADCON0,GO ... happens when a voltage is applied to a DC motor. A greatly simplified electrical model of a DC motor is shown in Figure 5. FIGURE 5: DC MOTOR EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT When the rotor is stationary, ... control loop ;* Loop call ReadADC ; get the speed control from the ADC incfsz ADC,w ; if ADC is 0xFF we’re at full speed - skip timer add goto PWM ; add Timer0 to ADC for PWM movf DriveWord,w...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 07:20
DC motor control for robot
... control Electric drill speed control Reasons for accurate speed control Motor speed should be independent of load. Differential drive platforms need to synchronize wheel speed to go in a ... platforms need to synchronize wheel speed to go in a straight line. Motor control diagram PROCESSOR DC MOTOR ENCODER H-BRIDGE CIRCUIT ... circuit U1A 74HC14A 1 2 U1B 74HC14A 3 4 U1C 74HC14A 5 6 U1D 74HC14A 9 8 U1E 74HC14A 11 10 U1F 74HC14A 13 12 C1 CAP NP D1 DIODE D2 DIODE R2 POT 1 3 2 MG1 MOTOR DC 1 2 Optical encoder circuit U6B 74HC86 4 5 6 R6 4.7K R7 4.7K D4 5V D3 5V R9 4.7K D6 5V D5 5V R8 4.7K U6A 74HC86 1 2 3 U6D 74HC86 12 13 11 U6C 74HC86 9 10 8 R10 10K C15 0.001uF C14 0.001uF R11 10K U27A 74HC14 1 2 U27B 74HC14 3 4 U27D 74HC14 9 8 U27C 74HC14 5 6 U27F 74HC14 13 12 U27E 74HC14 11 10 Tach...
Ngày tải lên: 22/05/2014, 18:05
M4 Macros for Electric Circuit Diagrams in LATEX Document
... processing the diagram by L A T E X. Although they are not needed for many circuit diagrams, these sizes may be required explicitly for calculations or implicitly for determining the diagram bounding ... case for producing circuit diagrams is to read pstricks.m4 or pgf.m4 first when dpic is the postprocessor or to set one of these as the default configuration file. At the top of each diagram source, ... solution is to process the diagram twice. The diagram source is processed as usual by m4 and a pic processor, and the main document source is L A T E Xed to input the diagram and format the text,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2014, 10:53
DC Motor Control docx
... Results 10 Voltage Average Applied To Motor Motor Speed (Rad/S) Motor Current (A) 4. Automatic Starter of a DC Motor 9 DC Motor With Bipolar PWM Excitation DC Motor Model Simulation Results 6 73.1 )( )( linetolineK phaseK e e −− = MOTOR ... / S C K Motor Controller (PIC18F458 + 5AD’s + CAN Comm.) 14 Voltage Average Applied To Motor MOTOR SPEED (rad/s) Motor Current (A) 3. DC Motor with unipolar PWM excitation 7 CASCADE SPEED CONTROL ... single winding with dc motors, and are the phase values for a BLDC motor. Brushless dc motors (BLDC) are usually 3 phase synchronous motors used in a configuration to be treated as dc drives. Also...
Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 20:20
Điều khiển máy điện DC Motor – DC Motor – Mô hình và điều khiển Thiết lập bộ điều khiển PID pot
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 02:21
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