Keller strategic brand management
... States 14 Nokia 25 ,0 71 29 ,495 21 5 % 15 BMW 24 ,554 22 , 322 10 % 16 Gillette 23 ,997 23 ,29 8 3% United States 17 Samsung 23 ,430 19 ,4 91 20 % South Korea 18 Louis Vuitton 23 ,17 2 21 , 860 6% France 19 Honda 19 ,4 31 ... Disney 29 , 018 28 ,7 31 1% United States 10 Hewlett-Packard 28 ,479 26 ,867 6% United States 11 Toyota 27 ,764 26 ,19 2 6% Japan 12 Mercedes-Benz 27 ,445 25 ,17 9 9% Germany 13 Cisco 25 ,309 23 , 21 9 9% United ... France 19 Honda 19 ,4 31 18,506 5% Japan 20 Oracle 17 ,26 2 14 ,8 81 16% 21 H&M 16 ,459 16 ,13 6 22 Pepsi 14 ,590 23 American Express 24 25 Finland Germany United States FIGURE 1- 5 2% Sweden Twenty-Five...
Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2015, 23:21
... 16 .6 17 .9 Lowest 5.8 10 .6 12 Average 12 .8 16 .2 18 .6 Low average 10 .3 14 .3 16 .8 Lowest 2. 8 9 .1 11. 2 Average 17 .4 20 .3 20 .9 Low average 15 18 .3 19 .2 Lowest 7.4 9.3 13 .1 Average 23 .2 25 .2 25.7 Low ... 14 17 .4 18 .2 Average 18 .8 22 22 .7 Low average 16 .1 19.8 21 Lowest 10 .4 14 .8 15 .8 Average 12 .6 16 .3 17 .3 Low average 8.9 13 .5 15 .5 Lowest 0 .2 7.6 10 .7 Average 15 .3 18 .4 19 .7 Low average 12 .9 16 .6 ... season 19 99 -20 00 Month Temperature Langson Hanoi Donghoi Sep., 19 99 Average 25 .4 28 .4 27 .3 Low average 22 .1 25 .7 24 .2 Lowest 16 .5 23 .6 22 Average 22 .8 25 .4 25 .7 Low average 20 .3 23 .1 23 .2 Lowest 14 ...
Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2013, 10:29
... structure that suits your business needs 1RWH# For information on designing Windows 20 00 Active Directory, see course 15 61B, Designing a Microsoft Windows 20 00 Directory Services Infrastructure ... ,QWURGXFWLRQ#WR#'HYHORSLQJ#D#0LJUDWLRQ#6WUDWHJ\# 6OLGH#2EMHFWLYH# 7R#SUHVHQW#WKH#SKDVHV#LQ#WKH# SODQQLQJ#SURFHVV#IRU# PLJUDWLQJ#GRPDLQV1# 1 Design the Active Directory Forest Design the Active Directory Forest /HDG0LQ# 2 Choose a Migration ... To teach this module, you need the following materials: „# Microsoft PowerPoint® file 2 010 A_ 01. ppt „# Module 1, “Introduction to Developing a Migration Strategy” 3UHSDUDWLRQ#7DVNV# To prepare for...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 05:20
developing a crm strategy
... Objectives B2B B2C Percent of Companies Ranking as Top Priority 47 47 Retention Development Acquisition 26 16 37 27 Annual loss in a typical company Customer loss: 10 % to 30% Employee loss: 15 % to 20 % ... targeted selling • Implement retention programs for the most-profitable customers $15 ,000 $10 ,000 $5,000 ( $2, 500) ( $1, 000) 10 Household Deciles Ranked by Profit These slides are for internal use only ... Efficiently Claimed Importance High Well above average Above average 22 Average 19 Overspending Low Trim Invest Low Motivators 12 Below average Hidden Opportunities Real Relevance Hig h Poor Study/Invest...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 00:54
Developing a business strategy for Hien Duc joint-stock company in the 2013-2018 period
... profit 20 07 769.69 958. 32 20 ,2 61. 03 20 08 1, 006. 92 1, 115 . 61 22 ,28 8. 72 2009 2, 6 12 . 41 2, 869.85 22 ,953.04 2 010 4,494.98 8 ,27 9.08 22 8,859. 21 2 011 1, 7 72. 40 7,904 .29 25 3,764.09 2 0 12 7 ,16 2. 41 12, 557.03 27 4,549.04 ... year 2 010 , 2 011 and the first months of 2 0 12 , and the forecasted revenue in the period 2 013 -2 018 Unit - Million VND N0 Indicators 2 010 2 011 2 0 12 2 013 2 014 2 015 8 ,27 9 7,904 12 ,557 22 ,086 22 ,086 22 ,086 ... 958,3 21 , 747 1, 115 ,605,766 2, 869,846 ,22 0 8 ,27 9,075,998 7,904 ,28 9,7 21 769,6 92, 6 51 1,006, 917 ,947 2, 6 12 ,409,357 4,494,9 82, 588 1, 7 72, 403,3 41 188, 629 ,096 10 8,687, 819 25 7,436,863 3,784,093, 410 6 ,13 1,886,380...
Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 10:58
Developing a business strategy for Hien Duc Joint-Stock Company in the 2013-2018 period 3
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2015, 15:06
Tài liệu Module 3: Developing a Domain Upgrade Strategy doc
... Domain Controller Windows 20 00 Windows 20 00 Windows NT 3 .1 or 3.5 Windows NT 3 .1 or 3.5 Windows NT 3 .1 or 3.5 Windows NT 3. 51 or 4.0 Windows NT 3. 51 or 4.0 Windows 20 00 Windows 20 00 E 8VH#WKH#LOOXVWUDWLRQ#RQ#WKH# ... Upgrade to Windows 20 00 Server Upgrade to Windows 20 00 Advanced Server Windows NT 3 .1 No No Windows NT 3 .1 Advanced Server No No Windows NT 3. 51 Workstation Yes No Windows NT 3. 51 Server No Yes ... BDC, WINS, DNS NWTRESPDC Toronto PDC NWTRESBDC1 Toronto BDC NWTRESBDC2 Toronto BDC NWTRESBDC3 Paris BDC, pass through authentication :LQGRZV #17 # 713 # '16 #1DPHVSDFH#'HVLJQ# Toronto Primary zone: nwtraders.msft...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Module 6: Developing a Domain Restructure Strategy doc
... accounts Windows NT computer accounts IT staff Jupiter 12 00 12 0 12 10 10 Pluto 800 80 810 Mars 24 00 24 0 24 20 20 Neptune 16 00 16 0 16 15 12 Saturn 500 50 510 Earth 4000 600 4650 60 # 0RGXOH#9=#'HYHORSLQJ#D#'RPDLQ#5HVWUXFWXUH#6WUDWHJ\# ... 3UHSDULQJ#WR#'HSOR\#WKH#7DUJHW#(QYLURQPHQW# 6OLGH#2EMHFWLYH# 7R#H[SODLQ#KRZ#WR#SUHSDUH#WR# GHSOR\#WKH#WDUJHW# HQYLURQPHQW1# „ (QVXUH#7KDW#6XIILFLHQW#+DUGZDUH#,V#$YDLODEOH /HDG0LQ# „ (QVXUH#7KDW#([LVWLQJ# '16 #1DPHVSDFH#:LOO#1RW#&RQIOLFW# ... 'HWHUPLQLQJ#KRZ#WR#PLJUDWH#VHFXULW\#SULQFLSDO#GHWDLOV 3UH0UHVWUXFWXULQJ#WDVNV# LQFOXGH 111 # %ULHIO\#H[SODLQ#WKH#SUH0 UHVWUXFWXULQJ#WDVNV1# When planning a restructure strategy, you need to perform the following...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Creative economy as a development strategy a view of developing countires doc
... 28 .2% 739 Latin America, Africa, 18 6 the Middle Easy the Middle Easy 8.5% 18 9 8 .2% 21 7 8.8% 24 3 28 .4% 7 91 28 .9% 9.3% 26 6 9.7% Total Source: DigiWorld 20 07 2 ,17 8 10 0% 2, 305 10 0% 2, 457 10 0% 2, 598 ... 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 Europe 660 30.3% 699 30.3% 736 30.0% 773 29 .8% 799 29 .2% North America 7 32 33.6% 768 33.3% 810 33.0% 844 32. 5% 8 82 32. 2% Asia and the Pacific 600 27 .6% 649 28 .2% 693 28 .2% ... Press, 20 06 SCHWARTZ, Gilson, “Educação digital para emancipação social” Jornal da USP, Universidade de São Paulo, 21 nov 20 05 p 2- 2 Disponível em: /20 06/...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 08:20
Dự án nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed (Milestone 7) " potx
... Jan 20 08), Dr Jo Pluske Date commenced 1st May 20 07 Completion date (original) 30th April 20 09 Completion date (revised) 30th September 20 09 Reporting period 1st May 20 08 – 31st October 20 08 ... Largest Total 1 12 Share of total sample 10 0% 86% Registered foreign Joint venture Registered national Total private 13 4 2 54% 75% 28 62 17 20 19 44 68% 71% private In the report all the analyses ... East Mekong River Delta Mekong River Delta No of surveyed enterprises 12 19 62 Percent of sample 14 .5 9.7 19 .4 30.7 14 .6 6.4 4.4 10 0 Before each survey, secondary data and information were collected...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " docx
... Hertzler, Dr Jo Pluske Date commenced 1st May 20 07 Completion date (original) 30th April 20 09 Completion date (revised) Reporting period 1st May – 31st October 20 07 Contact Officer(s) In Australia: ... information from activities 3 .1. 1 and 3 .1. 2 - Questionnaire developed and have unanimity of experts - Questionnaires meets requirement of the analysis framework 3 .1. 2 provide adequate information ... objectives The study tour is scheduled to take place in late Feb/early March 20 08 13 INPUTS OBJECTIVE OUTPUT 3 .1 ACTIVITY 3 .1. 1 Australian team leader and Vietnamese representatives (including industry...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed - Milestone 4 " ppt
... workshops and interviews, as well as stakeholder and field visits over the period August 20 07 to February 20 08 They have been used to inform and direct the questionnaire development, as well as ... the growth in the domestic animal feed sector is 15 % per year Vietnam needs to import a lot of the raw material inputs for animal feed and in 20 06 40% of raw material product was imported (mostly ... corn) Major issues identified at this workshop included: • High cost of animal feed in Vietnam – 10 to15% higher than overseas What is causing this? Some think that it is mainly because of the high...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 04:20
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed - Use of Industrial and Mixed Feed by Livestock Producers in Vietnam " doc
... 15 .08 Small 18 .11 Medium Large Complete only 1% Mixed Complete ANOVA (cost/kg vs feed type) 23 .58 20 .15 5% 26 . 62 20.38 10 % 1% 23 .28 19 .84 nsd# 12 .84 1% 18 . 72 18 .44 nsd 19 .75 15 .60 5% 24 .96 21 . 70 ... complete 0.64 0.54 22 .69 27 .89 10 % 0.90 0.57 18 .67 27 .09 12 % 0.59 0.47 23 .69 30.30 2% Small 0.34 0. 52 25.43 25 .36 nsd# Medium 0.64 0.50 24 .69 26 .13 nsd Large 0. 72 0. 82 20.90 * 1% By region b North ... Decision 35 /20 00/QĐ-BNN-KNKL (05 April 20 00) - Decision 55 /20 01/ QĐ-BNN/KNKL (11 May 20 01) - Decision 80 /20 02/ QĐ-BNN (06 September 20 02) - Decision 41/ 20 04/QĐ-BNN (30 August 20 04) - Decision 01/ 20 06/QĐ-BNN...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " MS10 potx
... University Another representative of the VAFA 12 11 APPENDIX II CARD discussion workshop January 20 , 2 010 Date/Time/Place: Wednesday, 20 Jan 2 010 , 8.30 - 12 .00 a.m, Duxton Hotel, HCMC Participants: ... Jan 20 08), Dr Jo Pluske Date commenced 1st May 20 07 Completion date (original) 30th April 20 09 Completion date (revised) 30th April 2 010 Reporting period 1st November 20 08 – 30th June 2 010 for ... role of smaller enterprises in the sector 11 10 APPENDIX I CARD discussion workshop December 10 , 20 09 Date/Time/Place: Thursday, 10 Dec 20 09, 8.30 -11 .30, Bao Son Hotel Participants: There were...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " CARD Project 030/06 VIE: Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " pptx
... 15 .08 Small 18 .11 Medium Large Complete only 1% Mixed Complete ANOVA (cost/kg vs feed type) 23 .58 20 .15 5% 26 . 62 20.38 10 % 1% 23 .28 19 .84 nsd# 12 .84 1% 18 . 72 18 .44 nsd 19 .75 15 .60 5% 24 .96 21 . 70 ... complete 0.64 0.54 22 .69 27 .89 10 % 0.90 0.57 18 .67 27 .09 12 % 0.59 0.47 23 .69 30.30 2% Small 0.34 0. 52 25.43 25 .36 nsd# Medium 0.64 0.50 24 .69 26 .13 nsd Large 0. 72 0. 82 20.90 * 1% By region b North ... Decision 35 /20 00/QĐ-BNN-KNKL (05 April 20 00) - Decision 55 /20 01/ QĐ-BNN/KNKL (11 May 20 01) - Decision 80 /20 02/ QĐ-BNN (06 September 20 02) - Decision 41/ 20 04/QĐ-BNN (30 August 20 04) - Decision 01/ 20 06/QĐ-BNN...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " pdf
... (0) 63 82 21 3 , 625 820 3 Fax 66 (0) 6 310 850 in Saraburi 39 Phra Atit Road Bangkok 10 20 0 Thailand 889 Room No 17 0 17 Th Floor Thai Cc Tower Building South Sathorn Yannawa Sathorn Bangkok 10 120 10 120 Sathorn ... Province 18 160, Thailand Tel : 036 -22 2 -26 0-4 Fax : 036 -22 21 0 4 Mr.Teerasant Sirichayaporn Executive chairman Thai Feed Mills Public Company Limited e-mail - Mobile : 0 81- 567- 810 1 ... (June 14 ) Contact Address Mrs Kanungknit 089 -13 2 -18 18, 02 -653 -4444 ext 3 12 7 Bureau of Livestock Standards and Certification Department of Livestock Development Phaya Thai Rd., Bangkok 10 400,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agro-food chain: the case of animal feed " pptx
... (0) 63 82 21 3 , 625 820 3 Fax 66 (0) 6 310 850 in Saraburi 39 Phra Atit Road Bangkok 10 20 0 Thailand 889 Room No 17 0 17 Th Floor Thai Cc Tower Building South Sathorn Yannawa Sathorn Bangkok 10 120 10 120 Sathorn ... Province 18 160, Thailand Tel : 036 -22 2 -26 0-4 Fax : 036 -22 21 0 4 Mr.Teerasant Sirichayaporn Executive chairman Thai Feed Mills Public Company Limited e-mail - Mobile : 0 81- 567- 810 1 ... (June 14 ) Contact Address Mrs Kanungknit 089 -13 2 -18 18, 02 -653 -4444 ext 3 12 7 Bureau of Livestock Standards and Certification Department of Livestock Development Phaya Thai Rd., Bangkok 10 400,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
Báo cáo khoa học nông nghiệp " Developing a strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of rural small and medium enterprises in the agrofood chain: the case of animal feed " pptx
... used: global mixlist "var_d1_e var_d1_f var_d1_g var_d1_h var_d1_i var_d1_j var_d1_k var_d1_n var_d1_n1 var_d1_n2 var_d1_n3 var_d1_m var_d1_m1 var_d1_m2 var_d1_m2_other var_d1_l" foreach x of global ... var_d1_h var_d1_i var_d1_j var_d1_k var_d1_n var_d1_n1 var_d1_n2 var_d1_n3 var_d1_m var_d1_m1 var_d1_m2 var_d1_m2_other var_d1_l" foreach x of global mixlist { gen `x'_kd = `x' /10 0*var_d1_d } variables ... Page Page Page Page 9 -10 Page 9, and page 13 Page 11 Page 12 Page 18 -19 P20, p 22- 23 P 21 P24 -27 P28 & 29 P30 P 31 P 31 P 32 P 32 P33-35 31 Examine tables that are currently there Create tables for...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 05:20
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_1 docx
... information about public relations consultancies and the role of the PRCA telephone 017 1 23 3 6 026 319 ( 02) .p65 13 /06/00, 12 :22 Public relations – a practical guide Ethics and the Law Every society has ... Slander, the transitory spoken word, and Libel, the written word (which includes radio 11 319 (03).p65 11 13 /06/00, 12 :23 Public relations – a practical guide and television) It is part of civil law ... networks For national distribution use a publishing firm with national contacts 21 319 (05).p65 21 13/06/00, 12 :26 ...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_2 pot
... venue (see Fig 8 .2) 33 319 (08).p65 33 13 /06/00, 12 : 31 Public relations – a practical guide Figure 8 .1 A rough design sketch 34 319 (08).p65 34 13 /06/00, 12 : 31 319 (08).p65 13 /06/00, 12 : 31 LEAFLET HOLDER ... l 32 319 (08).p65 32 13 /06/00, 12 : 31 Working with designers l l budget; timetable The work Roughs Initially the designer will come back to you with roughs of the design solution (see Fig 8 .1) ... thicknesses and finishes Talk to your printer He or she can help you in your choice 23 319 (06).p65 23 13 /06/00, 12 :28 Public relations – a practical guide Working with Photographers Good, innovative,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20
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