the bench press

The Network Press - Encyclopedia of Networking - Second Edition

The Network Press - Encyclopedia of Networking - Second Edition

... EtherTalk, Apple’s implementation of the 10 megabit per second (Mbps) Ethernet architecture Two versions of EtherTalk exist The earlier one, EtherTalk Phase 1, is modeled on the Blue Book Ethernet ... measures the range over which incoming light will be reflected and propagated through the fiber The size of this angle depends on the relative refractive indexes of the fiber core, the cladding, and the ... administrator, that is allocating the IDI (initial domain identifier) values The AFI also specifies the format of the IDI and the DSP (domain specific part), which are other parts of the NSAP address w Advanced...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 15:15

1,3K 464 0
The cosmopolitan press, 1760-1815

The cosmopolitan press, 1760-1815

... example, a press censor was established in Amsterdam and after the The cosmopolitan press  Act of Mediation in Switzerland () the press there also came under French control. The German press ... D Popkin, The elite press in the Revolution: the Gazette de Leyde and the Gazette universelle’, in Harvey Chisick (ed.), The Press in the French Revolution: Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth ... small states along the French frontier These included the principality of Bouillon; the Prussian enclave of Cleves (home to the Courier du Bas-Rhin); the Duchy of Deux-Ponts and the papal enclave...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20

25 202 0
The Free Press pot

The Free Press pot

... quotation Most of the governing class The Free Press 22 know the Free Press The vast lower middle class does not yet know that it exists The occasional articles in the Free Press have the same mark ... during the indifference of, the Press (and it is a big "if"); if there is no machinery for actually suppressing the mere statement of a doctrine clearly important to its readers then the Press ... much for them They were swept off their feet There were great meetings in the North-country which almost approached the dignity of popular action, and the Press at last not only took up the question...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 18:20

36 359 0
Báo cáo Y học: Fluorescence study of the high pressure-induced denaturation of skeletal muscle actin pdf

Báo cáo Y học: Fluorescence study of the high pressure-induced denaturation of skeletal muscle actin pdf

... after the intended pressure was reached (i.e a thermal effect due to compression) The extent of increase in intensity was dependent on the pressure applied This may be attributable to the increase ... decrease in the intensity of ¯uorescence in the presence of ATP was not attributable to the denaturation of G-actin Rather these data would represent the rapid exchange between the bound and the free ... NaN3 The pressure was kept for approximately 30±60 s after reaching the indicated pressure as shown by the arrows The effect of Mg2+-sodium pyrophospate (NaPPi) on the behaviour of actin in the...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 00:21

8 452 0
the mit press coherence in thought and action nov 2000

the mit press coherence in thought and action nov 2000

... result is a holistic judgment about the nature of the car, the nature of the seller, and whether to buy the car Such judgments are the result of integrating the diverse information you have to ... constraints arise either because two hypotheses contradict each other or because they compete with each other to explain the same evidence Russell has argued that the justification of mathematical axioms ... perceptual These also provide the means to evaluate claims about the nature of reality, for example concerning the existence of the external world, other minds, and God Chapter shows the relevance...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

329 420 0
the mit press knowledge possibility and consciousness apr 2001

the mit press knowledge possibility and consciousness apr 2001

... involved in my thought There is both a semantic and a phenomenological relation between the idea and the impression The idea is of the impression; the thought is about the impression The memories and ... and the like, I don’t have the impression, I employ the idea Impressions are the “raw feels” of Feigl; they are something it is like to have; they have “subjective characters.” A world without them ... the idea of pain are memories and fears of having the impression, but the impression is not itself a part of the thought These are semantical facts, facts about what the idea stands for and the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

238 288 0
the mit press natural ethical facts evolution connectionism and moral cognition oct 2003

the mit press natural ethical facts evolution connectionism and moral cognition oct 2003

... 6:52 PM Page v The sharphoofed moose of the north, the cat on the housesill, the chickadee, the prarie-dog, The litter of the grunting sow as they tug at her teats, The brood of the turkeyhen, ... aside for the moment to at least consider whether we can reduce the second class to the first so as to further constrain the bounds of the problem Quine thus begins his argument with the second ... fallacy They confuse the property of goodness with the things that possess it or with another property that the good things have To commit the naturalistic fallacy is just to confuse the good...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

227 279 0
the mit press neither brain nor ghost a nondualist alternative to the mind-brain identity theory aug 2005

the mit press neither brain nor ghost a nondualist alternative to the mind-brain identity theory aug 2005

... Neither Brain nor Ghost - The MIT Press "A new view of mind is in the air Teed Rockwell has sensed it and articulated it beautifully ... beautifully in this book Using a powerful combination of Dewey's pragmatism and dynamical systems theory, he proposes a bold alternative to Cartesian materialism that deserves careful scrutiny." ... Perspectives on Science: Historical, Philosophical, Social Quarterly (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) See Other Titles In: > Cognition, Brain, & Behavior - General - Philosophy of Mind > Humanities - Philosophy...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

2 304 0
the mit press paths to a green world the political economy of the global environment apr 2005

the mit press paths to a green world the political economy of the global environment apr 2005

... capture the societal debates about environment and political economy rather than just the academic debates over the theories of the political economy of the environment Naturally, given the breadth ... growth, and the growing inequalities between and within states But they not see these problems as beyond hope To address them, they stress the need for strong institutions and norms to protect the common ... communication The World Wide Web had just 50 pages in 1993; by the end of the decade there were 50 million.6 The number of Internet users went from 25 million in 1995 to 400 million by the end of 2000 The...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

337 769 0
the mit press real natures and familiar objects apr 2004

the mit press real natures and familiar objects apr 2004

... at the bottom of the Marianas Trench, one microparticle in the star Sirius, and the entirety of the Navy’s latest Ohio-class submarine Neither folk theories nor learned theories about how the ... together with the absence there of some other property (say, g) likewise present in the nature of Ks, because f is tacked onto g by the way the world works The world itself is such that the presence ... that these relations of incompatibility and contrast really obtain in the world But they must consider them to be extrinsic to the very being, the identities, of the properties which stand in them...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

217 284 0
the mit press subjectivity and selfhood investigating the first-person perspective jan 2006

the mit press subjectivity and selfhood investigating the first-person perspective jan 2006

... self-awareness by discussing the validity of the theory-theory of mind, that is, the validity of the claim that the experience of minded beings (be it oneself or others) requires a theory of mind This ... characterized as a kind of self-alienation They involve the adoption of the perspective of the other on oneself The chapter concludes by discussing the tenability of the customary distinction between ... directed both at the sunset and at itself The primary and thematic object is the sunset; the secondary and unthematic object is the perception Moreover, it is important to emphasize that the focus of...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

275 328 0
the mit press wired for innovation how information technology is reshaping the economy oct 2009

the mit press wired for innovation how information technology is reshaping the economy oct 2009

... asks the drunk what he is doing under the lamppost, and the drunk replies that he is looking for his keys “Did you lose them under the lamppost?” asks the passer-by “No, I lost them over there,” ... shows the profit disparity between the most profitable companies in the segment and the least profitable as measured by the interquartile range (the 75th percentile minus the 25th percentile) of the ... bubble in the technology sector One need not look further than the rise and fall of the NASDAQ index (figure 1.1), the rise and subsequent leveling off of the stock of computer assets in the economy...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:44

175 365 0
the mit press global justice and transnational politics apr 2002

the mit press global justice and transnational politics apr 2002

... democracy presuppose one another Although the theory is originally framed in terms of the rights that members of the same nation-state ought to grant one another, the hypothetical procedure of a ... The formulation of the demands of global justice as well as the identification of the agencies charged with meeting these demands are influenced by the choice of the appropriate conception of the ... this: on the one hand, citizens can make appropriate use of their public autonomy only if, on the basis of their equally protected private autonomy, they are sufficiently independent; on the other...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:46

327 330 0
the mit press new essays on semantic externalism and self-knowledge jun 2003

the mit press new essays on semantic externalism and self-knowledge jun 2003

... individual who entertains any of these in the same sense that having a sunburn is: although they too are ‘‘inside’’ the individual who entertains them, they nonetheless supervene on external factors ... altogether beyond what can be examined by this introduction.8 Whether or not the externalists’ further claims are supported, there is in any case no doubt that if just their supervenience thesis ... values, they cannot be of the same type Externalism would then follow from a semantic theory that countenances objectdependent propositions Clearly, if there are any such propositions, then neither...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:46

330 389 0
the mit press organisms and artifacts design in nature and elsewhere apr 2004

the mit press organisms and artifacts design in nature and elsewhere apr 2004

... no intentions with respect to the screw (Kitcher 1993, p 380) These are not peripheral to the philosophers’ accounts; the intuitions they express dictate how their theories of function are formulated ... attain the sunniest spots in the forest, rocks would race each other downhill in landslides, and clouds would chase each other across the sky With the development of physical theory, most of the ... because they would not want them to be confused with the common language namesakes, and they would certainly not want their readers to think that they are committed in any way to the view that the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:46

196 388 0
the mit press rationality and logic sep 2006

the mit press rationality and logic sep 2006

... follow from the others is an argument The asserted sentences are the premises of the argument The asserted sentence that is held to follow from the others is the conclusion of the argument The fact ... necessity from the assertion of some other sentences, together with the assumption of their being so or (what is the same) their being true To say that a sentence follows with necessity from the assertion ... collectively the basic constraint on all other sciences and on the acquisition and justification of all genuine knowledge In other words, nothing in the world falls outside the theoretical purview of the...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:46

341 385 0
the mit press consciousness and persons unity and identity nov 2003

the mit press consciousness and persons unity and identity nov 2003

... provides further theoretical underpinning for some of the claims about persons in chapter The two great historical theories of the nature of persons the ego theory and the bundle theory—are found ... phenomenology that the relevant state has P-consciousness is often illustrated further by reference to the famous inverted and absent qualia hypotheses.7 The former of these hypotheses, for the case of ... unified by the capacity of their subjects to think of them as their own fails to come to grips with the intuitive fact that phenomenal unity is there in the experiences, whatever their subjects...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:48

219 702 0
the mit press ethics of the body postconventional challenges jun 2005

the mit press ethics of the body postconventional challenges jun 2005

... include: The ways their families are organised, the way they relate to other people, the way they raise their children, the way they cook, the way they love, the way they look after the ill ... bodies themselves, in the phenomenological sense in which the being, or rather the becoming, of the self is always intricately interwoven with the fabric of the body; it is out of touch with the ... stresses the significance of a reversible and ambiguous touch—without reducing the difference(s) of the other to the standards of the selfsame.1 For Irigaray, the threshold of ethics lies in the materiality...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:48

301 339 0
the mit press explanation and cognition jun 2000

the mit press explanation and cognition jun 2000

... distances of the different planets) and to test whether both increase together or one increases as the other decreases If they increase together, BACON takes the ratio of the values of the two variables, ... as the size and the complexity of the theory (in terms of the number of mechanisms and parameters it contains) grows more slowly than the size and complexity of the phenomena explained, the theory ... gas, increase the gas pressure, so that a decrease in volume causes an increase in pressure On the other hand, an increase in the temperature of the gas will cause an increase in the pressure, which...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:48

384 702 0