Tài liệu về " toán logic " 20 kết quả

Toán logic & kỹ thuật số bản chất của các hệ thống số hiện đại và sự liên hệ hữu cơ giữa toán logic với kỹ thuật số

Toán logic & kỹ thuật số bản chất của các hệ thống số hiện đại và sự liên hệ hữu cơ giữa toán logic với kỹ thuật số

Nội dung của cuốn sách giúp người học hiểu được bản chất của các hệ thống số hiện đại và sự liên hệ hữu cơ giữa toán logic với kỹ thuật số, một kiến thức được coi là cơ sở cho ngành kỹ thuật điện tử số, kỹ thuật tính toán cũng như kỹ thuật xử lý tin.

Ngày tải lên: 06/12/2013, 17:28

426 414 0
Toán logic và các cấu đố về số học

Toán logic và các cấu đố về số học

quyển sách về toán logic,các điều kỳ trong các con số và các câu đố thông minh

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:15

128 1.6K 6
McGraw hill's GMAT 2010

McGraw hill's GMAT 2010

Tuyển chọn các câu Gmat giúp bạn luyện thi tốt cho đầu vào các trường đại học và các công ty nước ngoài

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 18:17

474 366 1
abstract algebra

abstract algebra

. ABSTRACT ALGEBRA: A STUDY GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS John A. Beachy Northern Illinois University 2000 ii This is a supplement to Abstract Algebra, Second Edition by John. 101 BIBLIOGRAPHY 104 INDEX 105 PREFACE v PREFACE I first taught an abstract algebra course in 1968, using Herstein’s Topics in Algebra. It’s hard to improve on his book; the subject may have become. basic ideas from number theory th...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:47

113 338 1
algebra - groups

algebra - groups

. interested in the following types of algebras: Def: An algebra is called associative if the multiplication of vectors is as- sociative. We note that an associative algebra is, in fact, a ring. Note. multiplication of vectors is not necessarily commutative. An important non-associative algebra is: Def: A Lie algebra is an algebra in which the multiplication of vectors obeys the further properties...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:47

4 183 0
ebook mathematics - linear algebra book

ebook mathematics - linear algebra book

... A-1 A-1 A-3 A-5 A-7 Chapter One Linear Systems I Solving Linear Systems Systems of linear equations are common in science and mathematics These two examples from... that linear algebra is a tool that a professional must have For people reading this book on their own The emphasis here on motivation and development make this book a good choice for self-study... capture the essence of this book?...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:48

449 553 1
math resource part i - algebra

math resource part i - algebra

. Inverse Subtraction Division Cancellation Law Negative Distributive Property Commutative Property Associative Property Additive Identity Multiplicative Identity When you think about math, what. isolating x on the right-hand side. -2 x + 4 ≥ -7 x – 16 4 ≥ -5 x −16 ← adding the additive inverse of -2 x to each side 20 ≥ -5 x ← adding the additive inverse of -1 6 to each side -4 ≤ x ← mu...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:48

45 323 0
mathematics - abstract and linear algebra

mathematics - abstract and linear algebra

... teach abstract and linear algebra as one coherent discipline rather than as two separate ones Teaching abstract algebra and linear algebra as distinct courses results in a loss of synergy and a... First, linear algebra has top priority It is better to go forward and more linear algebra than to stop and more group and ring theory Second, it is more important that students learn to organize and....

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:48

146 620 0
mathematics - complex algebra 2001

mathematics - complex algebra 2001

. . π Remark In calculus, we know that the real exponential function is one-to-one. However e z is not one-to-one on the whole complex plane. In fact, by (ix) it is periodic with period i ();2 π . basic properties of the real-valued exponential function, exR x ,, ∈ which is not carried over to the complex- valued exponential function is that of being one-to- one. As a consequence of the. pro...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:48

15 478 0
mathematics - fundamental problems in algorithmic algebra

mathematics - fundamental problems in algorithmic algebra

. doubly -in nite tapes, including a distinguished input tape Each tape is divided into cells indexed by the integers. Each cell contains a symbol from a finite alphabet. Each tape has a head c  Chee-Keng. the algebraic model, see Borodin and Munro [5]; for the Boolean model, see Wegener [24]. I. Turing machine model. The Turing (machine) model is embodied in the multitape Turing machine, in which...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:48

546 436 1
mathematics, basic math and algebra

mathematics, basic math and algebra

. vii Student Comments Course Title: Mathematics, Basic Math and Algebra NAVEDTRA: 14139 Date: We need some information about you: Rate/Rank and Name: SSN: Command/Unit Street Address: City:. COURSE June 1985 Mathematics, Basic Math and Algebra NAVEDTRA 14139 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Although the words “he,” “him,” and “his” ar...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:48

304 391 0
matrix algebra

matrix algebra

. Equation 5 for producing a product matrix [P] by multiplying a matrix [A] on the right by a matrix [B] (or, to say multiplying a matrix [B] on the left by a matrix [A]), the number of columns. these matrix algebraic operations into a single interactive program. In the listing below, three subroutines for matrix addition and subtraction, transposition, and multiplication named as MatrixSD ....

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:48

63 864 0
volume 9 fuzzy algebra

volume 9 fuzzy algebra

... fuzzy sets, fuzzy subgroups, fuzzy subbigroups, fuzzy rings, fuzzy birings, fuzzy fields, fuzzy semirings, fuzzy near-rings, fuzzy vector spaces, fuzzy semigroups and fuzzy halfgroupoids The results... of fuzzy algebraic structures and Smarandache algebraic structures Problems 7.3 291 303 3 09 313 320 333 341 352 354 363 3 69 381 3 89 398 401 426 431 References 433 Index 443 PREFACE In 196 5,...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:49

455 264 0
volume 10 linear algebra

volume 10 linear algebra

... applications of linear algebra as found in the standard texts on linear algebra 1.1 Definition of linear algebra and its properties In this section we just recall the definition of linear algebra and... commutative linear algebra over F Example 1.1.15: Let M5 × = {(aij) aij ∈ Q}; M5 × is a linear algebra over Q which is not a commutative linear algebra All vector spaces are not linear algebra...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:49

175 340 0
math calculus bible

math calculus bible

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:49

370 877 1
mathematics - advanced determinant calculus

mathematics - advanced determinant calculus

. math.CO/9902004 v3 31 May 1999 ADVANCED DETERMINANT CALCULUS C. KRATTENTHALER † Institut f¨ur Mathematik der Universit¨at Wien, Strudlhofgasse 4, A-1090 Wien, Austria. E-mail: kratt@pap.univie.ac.at WWW:. http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~gauthier 4 C. KRATTENTHALER The next method which I describe is the so-called “condensation method” (see Sec- tion 2.3), a method which allows to evaluate a determ...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:49

67 321 0
mathematics - alder - multivariate calculus

mathematics - alder - multivariate calculus

. 2C2 Multivariate Calculus Michael D. Alder November 13, 2002 2 Contents 1 Introduction 5 2 Optimisation 7 2.1 The Second. to indicate by “Proofs by arm-waving” how one would go ab out understanding why the recipes work, and apologise in ad- vance to any of you with a taste for real mathematics for the crammed course. Real. or a min- imum, whereas if the determinant is negative then in a neighb...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:49

197 1.3K 0
advanced calculus

advanced calculus

. ADVANCED CALCULUS 1996–1997 Gilbert Weinstein Office: CH 493B Tel: (205) 934-3724 (205) 934-2154 FAX:. hours: Monday 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Wednesday 8:30 am – 10:00 am 3 About the Course Welcome to Advanced Calculus! In this course, you will learn Analysis, that is the theory of differentiation and. words you will learn the trade of mathematical exploration. Mathematical reasoning takes time. In Calc...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 11:49

36 323 0