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Exchange rate and stock prices

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Macro Report Exchange rate shocks and stock prices in Vietnam Macro Report July 31, 2018 Mirae Asset Securities Vietnam Co., Ltd [Macro] Minh Le +84 3910 2222 (Ext: 177) minh.le@miraeasset.com.vn Tran Nguyen +84 3910 2222 (Ext: 139) tran.ntb@miraeasset.com.vn Background Macroeconomic shocks refer to sudden changes in economic conditions (GDP growth, exchange rates, inflation, interest rates, etc.) Such changes are often key determinants of stock prices, as the stock market is not just an investing channel but also a reflection of the state of an economy Stock prices reflect expectations on companies’ performance and the future economic environment Recently, we have seen an inverse relationship between exchange rates and stock market performance in developing countries (China, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, etc.) The main objective of this report is to measure the contribution made by exchange rate shocks to stock price variations in Vietnam Theoretically, the link between exchange rates and stock prices is explained by the “flow-oriented” model proposed by Dornbusch and Fisher (1980) Under this model, exchange rate fluctuations affect a firm’s value through changes in international competitiveness and the value of foreign currencydenominated assets and liabilities, factors that ultimately affect profits and therefore equity value Depreciation of a domestic currency could lead to an increase in firm competitiveness by enhancing demand for exports, thereby raising profits and stock price Figure Exchange rate 23,500 23,400 23,300 23,200 23,100 23,000 Official rate (SBV) Unofficial rate Mid Com banks 22,900 22,800 22,700 22,600 22,500 22,400 22,300 Source: Bloomberg, updated 07/26/2018 Since May 2018, concerns about the devaluation of the Vietnamese dong (VND) have mounted among both overseas and local investors The official and unofficial exchange rates have moved significantly (see Figure 1) The USD/VND rate of commercial banks has risen from 22,800 in May to 23,200 in July, driven in part by an official devaluation (about 1%) of the local currency by the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) on July 23rd Investors are waiting for answers as to whether, to what extent, and for how long the exchange rate shock will affect the VN-Index Analysts who prepared this report are registered as research analysts in Korea but not in any other jurisdiction, including the U.S PLEASE SEE ANALYST CERTIFICATIONS AND IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES & DISCLAIMERS IN APPENDIX AT THE END OF REPORT Macro Report July 31, 2018 Methods To answer these questions, we employ two models: the Johansen cointegration test and the vector error correction model (VECM) The Johansen cointegration test is a test of the null hypothesis of no cointegration (a long-run stochastic trend or longterm balance) against the alternative of cointegration The VECM is used to find the sign and magnitude of a possible shock-related impact on the VN-Index We use monthly data from Bloomberg from May 2009 until now In addition to the potential exchange rate impact, other macroeconomic indicators such as inflation (CPI), economic activities (industrial production index), and short- and long-term interest rates (interbank 3-month yield, and government 1-year bond yield) can deliver shocks to the VN-Index, and we therefore incorporate these variables into our model We skip introduction of the models for brevity, but they are available upon request Findings Positive linkage of exchange rate The results of our Johansen cointegration test, shown in Table 1, suggest some interesting implications for the long-term balance of the VN-Index and the key macro indicators Our primary interest is the potential impact of exchange rates According to our results, the exchange rate obtains a positive and statistically significant parameter at the level of 5% In other words, exchange rates and stock prices are cointegrated, with the recent devaluation having a positive impact on the VN-Index Regarding other macro indicators, industrial production and long-term interest rates are also positively cointegrated with the VN-Index, whereas inflation and short-term interest rates are negatively correlated with the performance of the index Table 1: Brief results of our Johansen cointegration test Coefficients Significance Exchange rate Inflation rate Industrial production Short-term interest rate Long-term interest rate +0.5 (**) -230.6 (*) +14.3 (**) -28.1 (**) +2.4 (**) Note: (*), (**) denote statistical significance level at 1% and 5%, respectively VN-Index’s response to exchange rate shock within three months We estimate the length of time that an exchange rate shock affects the VN-Index using an impulse response function (with a 95% bootstrap confidence interval) We find that the VN-Index would take about three months to revert to equilibrium The VN-Index response to its own shock and to an exchange rate shock is positive, whereas the response is negative for unexpected changes in CPI and short-run interest rates Short-term balance of the VN-Index The short-term imbalance of the VN-Index is corrected for the long-term equilibrium according to an error correction term that is captured by the Johansen cointegration test By this mechanism, we estimate the impact of all five macro indicators on VNIndex because they are significantly time-varying and long-term correlated with the index The error correction term is significant in the VN-Index equation, verifying that approximately 6.58% of the discrepancy between the actual value and the long-term value is adjusted each month (the term is negative and significant at the 5% level) Additionally, regarding the short-run balance, movements of the VN-Index (at time t) are explained by past changes in the index itself and in macroeconomic indicators (at time t-1) The contemporaneous effects of exchange rates, industrial production growth, and long-term interest rates on the VN-Index are positive, while the effects of inflation and short-term interest rates are negative Mirae Asset Daewoo Research Macro Report July 31, 2018 VN-Index prediction Based on the estimated VECM models (we not show the six regressions of shortterm balance, but they are available upon request), the fitted values of the VN-Index are calculated for a back-test of the period from May 2009 to June 2018 and compared with the actual value of the VN-Index The prediction for the VN-Index is presented in Figure and Table The results show that the VN-Index is expected to move up to around 1,000 between now and June 2019 VN-Index (forecasted) Lower 1300 1250 1200 1150 1100 1050 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 May-19 Jul-18 Dec-18 Feb-18 Apr-17 Sep-17 Nov-16 Jan-16 Jun-16 Aug-15 Mar-15 Oct-14 Dec-13 VN-Index (actual) May-14 Jul-13 Feb-13 Apr-12 Sep-12 Nov-11 Jan-11 Jun-11 Aug-10 Mar-10 Oct-09 May-09 Figure VN-Index: Back test and prediction Upper Source: Mirae Asset Daewoo Research Table 2: VN-Index scenario 3Q2018 4Q2018 1Q2019 2Q2019 VN-Index 987 992 1047 1033 Volatility 12% 17% 20% 23% Source: Mirae Asset Daewoo Research Decomposing the variation of the VN-Index according to each factor We employ variance decomposition to separate the percentage of the variance in the VN-Index that can be attributed to its own shock (in prior months), exchange rate shocks, and other variables in the system The results, shown in Figure 3, suggest that the current VN-Index is mainly explained by its previous changes Among macro indicators, the rate of inflation is the strongest explanatory variable In the first month, 100% of the variability in the VN-Index is explained by its own shocks, whereas after the 6th month, about 91% of the variability is explained by its own changes and nearly 7% by the inflation rate After the 12th month, these figures are 87% and 9%, respectively Exchange rate fluctuations can also explain the variation in the VNIndex, but the economic magnitude is small (about 2% after the 10th month) This finding indicates that an exchange rate shock does not have much influence on index returns Mirae Asset Daewoo Research Macro Report July 31, 2018 Figure Decomposition VN-Index variation by each factor 100% 1% 1% 98% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 8% 9% 9% 9% 89% 88% 88% 88% 87% 10 11 12 4% 96% 5% 7% 94% 7% 8% 92% 90% 100% 99% 97% 88% 94% 92% 86% 91% 90% 84% 82% 80% VN-Index Industrial production Inflation rate ST interest rate Exchange rate LT interest rate Source: Mirae Asset Daewoo Research Conclusion We have tried to determine the relationship between the stock market and exchange rates, applying both the Johansen cointegration vector and vector error correction model to test for the long- and short-term linkages We find that a devaluation of the VND is positively correlated with VN-Index returns, and the index response to an exchange rate shock lasts for three months on average However, the impact of the shock is minor On the other hand, the variance of the VN-Index can be largely explained by its own past variations, which suggests that technical analysis is a trustworthy tool for buy and sell timing References Dornbusch, R., Fischer, S., 1980 Exchange rates and the current account American Economic Review 70 (5), 960–971 Mirae Asset Daewoo Research July 31, 2018 Macro Report APPENDIX Important Disclosures & Disclaimers Analyst Certification The research analysts who prepared this report (the “Analysts”) are subject to Korean securities regulations They are neither registered as research analysts in any other jurisdiction nor subject to the laws and regulations thereof Opinions expressed in this publication about the subject securities and companies accurately reflect the personal views of the Analysts primarily responsible for this report Mirae Asset Securities Vietnam Co., Ltd (“Mirae Asset”) policy prohibits its Analysts and members of their households from owning securities of any company in the Analyst’s area of 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published by Mirae Asset, a broker-dealer registered in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and a member of the Vietnamese Exchange Information and opinions contained herein have been compiled in good faith and from sources believed to be reliable, but such information has not been independently verified and Mirae Asset makes no guarantee, representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information and opinions contained herein or of any translation into English from the Vietnamese language In case of an English translation of a report prepared in the Vietnamese language, the original Vietnamese language report may have been made available to investors in advance of this report The intended recipients of this report are sophisticated institutional investors who have substantial knowledge of the local business environment, its common practices, laws and accounting principles and no person whose receipt or use of this report 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distribution to or use by such customer of this report would not violate applicable laws and regulations and not subject Mirae Asset Daewoo and its affiliates to any registration or licensing requirement within such jurisdiction Mirae Asset Daewoo Research Macro Report July 31, 2018 Mirae Asset Daewoo International Network Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd (Seoul) Global Equity Sales Team Mirae Asset Center Building 26 Eulji-ro 5-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul 04539 Korea Mirae Asset Securities (UK) Ltd 41st Floor, Tower 42 25 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1HQ United Kingdom Tel: 82-2-3774-2124 Mirae Asset Securities (HK) Ltd Suites 1109-1114, 11th Floor Two International Finance Centre Finance Street, Central Hong Kong China Tel: 852-2845-6332 Mirae Asset Securities (USA) Inc 810 Seventh Avenue, 37th Floor New York, NY 10019 USA Mirae Asset Wealth Management (USA) Inc 555 S Flower Street, Suite 4410, Los Angeles, California 90071 USA Tel: 1-212-407-1000 Tel: 1-213-262-3807 Mirae Asset Wealth 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District Beijing 100022 China Tel: 976-7011-0806 Tel: 86-10-6567-9699 Tel: 86-10-6567-9699 (ext 3300) Shanghai Representative Office Ho Chi Minh Representative Office 38T31, 38F, Shanghai World Financial Center 100 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area Shanghai 200120 China 7F, Saigon Royal Building 91 Pasteur St District 1, Ben Nghe Ward, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Tel: 86-21-5013-6392 Tel: 84-8-3910-7715 Mirae Asset Daewoo Research Tel: 44-20-7982-8000 ... impact of exchange rates According to our results, the exchange rate obtains a positive and statistically significant parameter at the level of 5% In other words, exchange rates and stock prices. .. Inflation rate ST interest rate Exchange rate LT interest rate Source: Mirae Asset Daewoo Research Conclusion We have tried to determine the relationship between the stock market and exchange rates,... contemporaneous effects of exchange rates, industrial production growth, and long-term interest rates on the VN-Index are positive, while the effects of inflation and short-term interest rates are negative

Ngày đăng: 05/01/2022, 14:56

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