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(Đề tài NCKH) nghiên cứu và đánh giá hiệu quả làm việc của hệ thống đánh lửa hybrid

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BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH CƠNG TRÌNH NGHIÊN CỨU KHOA HỌC CẤP TRƯỜNG NGHIÊN CỨU VÀ ĐÁNH GIÁ HIỆU QUẢ LÀM VIỆC CỦA HỆ THỐNG ĐÁNH LỬA HYBRID MÃ SỐ: T2018 SKC006471 Tp Hồ Chí Minh, tháng 04/2019 BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH BÁO CÁO TỔNG KẾT ĐỀ TÀI KH&CN CẤP TRƯỜNG TRỌNG ĐIỂM NGHIÊN CỨU VÀ ĐÁNH GIÁ HIỆU QUẢ LÀM VIỆC CỦA HỆ THỐNG ĐÁNH LỬA HYBRID Mã số: T2018 – 22TĐ Chủ nhiệm đề tài: PGS.TS Đỗ Văn Dũng TP HCM, 04/2019 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH ĐƠN VỊ BÁO CÁO TỔNG KẾT ĐỀ TÀI KH&CN CẤP TRƯỜNG TRỌNG ĐIỂM NGHIÊN CỨU VÀ ĐÁNH GIÁ HIỆU QUẢ LÀM VIỆC CỦA HỆ THỐNG ĐÁNH LỬA HYBRID Mã số: T2018 – 22TĐ Chủ nhiệm đề tài: PGS.TS Đỗ Văn Dũng Thành viên đề tài: GVC.ThS Đỗ Quốc Ấm ThS Nguyễn Tấn Ngọc TP HCM, 04/2019 DANH SÁCH THÀNH VIÊN THAM GIA ĐỀ TÀI VÀ ĐƠN VỊ PHỐI HỢP CHÍNH NHỮNG THÀNH VIÊN THAM GIA NGHIÊN CỨU ĐỀ TÀI TT Họ tên Đỗ Văn Dũng Đỗ Quốc Ấm Nguyễn Tấn Ngọc ĐƠN VỊ PHỐI HỢP CHÍNH Tên đơn vị ngồi nước MỤC LỤC Trang tựa Danh sách thành viên tham gia đề tài đơn vị phối hợp Mục lục Danh sách chữ viết tắt Danh sách bảng Thông tin kết nghiên cứu tiếng Việt Information on research results Mở đầu Chương 1: Cơ sở lý thuyết Chương 2: Mơ hình đánh lửa Hybrid Chương 3: Các mô hệ thống đánh lửa Hybrid Chương 4: Thực nghiệm đánh giá kết Chương 5: Kết luận hướng phát triển Tài liệu tham khảo DANH SÁCH CÁC CHỮ VIẾT TẮT CHỮ SCR: Silicon Controlled Rectifier ECU: Electronic Control Unit RON: Research On Motor ppm: parts per million AVL: Anstalt für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen List DANH SÁCH CÁC BẢNG BẢNG TRANG Bảng 3.1: Ảnh hưởng điện dung C đến điện trở tương đương ESR lượng tổn hao tụ rò điện tng = ms Bảng 3.2: Năng lượng tích lũy tụ với giá trị C từ 0,22 µF - 4µF tính đến tổn thất lượng Bảng 4.1: Thông số kỹ thuật động Toyota 1NZ-FE Bảng 0.1: Các thông số đầu vào thử nghiệm hai hệ thống đánh lửa Bảng 4.3: Thông số kỹ thuật thiết bị Dynamometer Bảng 4.4: Thông số kỹ thuật thiết bị FP7000 Classic Bảng 4.5: Thông số kỹ thuật thiết bị đo khí xả HG-520 Bảng 4.6: Độ chênh lệch giá trị công suất động (%) Bảng 4.7: Độ chênh lệch giá trị moment động (%) Bảng 4.8: Độ chênh lệch giá trị suất tiêu hao nhiên liệu có ích (%) Bảng 4.9: Tổng lượng tiêu hao hệ thống điện cảm với thông số: R1=1.12 ( ); L1 = 1.25 (mH); U = 13.8 (V) Bảng 4.10: Tổng lượng tiết kiệm vùng tốc độ động 83 Bảng 4.11: Tổng lượng tiết kiệm tính đến tổn hao truyền lượng Bảng 4.12: Lượng nhiên liệu tiết kiệm sử dụng hệ thống đánh lửa Hybrid Bảng 4.13: Tiêu chuẩn khí thải cho động xăng (TCVN 6438:2001) Bảng 4.14: Chất lượng khí thải động sử dụng hai hệ thống đánh lửa Bảng 5.1: Tổng lượng tiết kiệm tính đến hiệu suất qua đường truyền lượng Tp HCM, ngày 02 tháng 04 năm 2019 THÔNG TIN KẾT QUẢ NGHIÊN CỨU Thông tin chung: - Tên đề tài: Nghiên cứu đánh giá hiệu làm việc hệ thống đánh lửa Hybrid - Mã số: T2018 – 22TĐ - Chủ nhiệm: PGS.TS Đỗ Văn Dũng - Cơ quan chủ trì: Đại học Sư phạm Kỹ thuật Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh - Thời gian thực hiện: 12 tháng Mục tiêu: Nghiên cứu xây dựng mơ hình đánh lửa hỗn hợp điện dung điện cảm với thơng số thích hợp nhằm tận dụng lượng tự cảm “thừa” hệ thống đánh lửa Đồng thời, tiến hành thực nghiệm nhằm đánh giá hiệu làm việc hệ thống động thực tế Tính sáng tạo: - Nghiên cứu lý thuyết đánh lửa Hybrid - Xây dựng mơ hình tính tốn hệ thống đánh lửa Hybrid - Thiết lập phương trình tốn học mơ tả q trình phát sinh sức điện động tự cảm - Tính tốn xác định giá trị thơng số hệ thống - Xây dựng mơ hình thực có khả tích lũy lượng tự cảm - Thực nghiệm đánh giá kết thực nghiệm Kết nghiên cứu: - Xây dựng mơ hình hệ thống đánh lửa hỗn hợp điện dung- điện cảm có khả tích lũy lượng tự cảm sử dụng cho lần đánh lửa sau - Đánh giá lượng tích lũy hệ thống đánh lửa Hybrid - Đánh giá hiệu làm việc hệ thống đánh lửa Hybrid Sản phẩm: Sản phẩm khoa học: - Số báo có danh mục Hội đồng Chức danh giáo sư nhà nước (Ghi rõ tên tạp chí): 01, Effects of Capacitor on the Hybrid Ignition System, Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development Volume 889 Sản phẩm đào tạo (cao học, nghiên cứu sinh): - Sản phẩm đào tạo nghiên cứu sinh: số lượng 1, Đỗ Quốc Ấm Sản phẩm ứng dụng: - Mơ hình đánh lửa lai hỗn hợp điện dung điện cảm có khả tích lũy lượng Hiệu quả, phương thức chuyển giao kết nghiên cứu khả áp dụng: - Phương thức chuyển giao Thông qua trung tâm chuyển giao công nghệ trường ĐHSPKTTPHCM - Địa ứng dụng Các trường đại học, cao đẳng trung học chun nghiệp có chun ngành khí động lực Các sở dạy nghề Trưởng Đơn vị Chủ nhiệm đề tài (ký, họ tên) (ký, họ tên) INFORMATION ON RESEARCH RESULTS General information: Project title: RESEARCH AND ESTIMATE THE EFFECTIVE OF THE HYBRID IGNITION SYSTEM Code number: T2018 – 22TĐ Coordinator: Assoc.Prof Do Van Dug Implementing institution: Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education Duration: from 2018 to 2019 Objective(s): - Investigate the parameters of the Hybrid ignition system so that the accumulated energy is maximum - Design a Hybrid ignition model with the matching parameters - Estimate the model with experiments Creativeness and innovativeness: - Study on the Hybrid ignition system - Building the self-induced emf equations in working stages - Building the matching parameters and experiment model - Estimate the accumulated energy and the effective of the Hybrid ignition system Research results: - Building the Hybrid ignition system, which is using the accumulated energy for ignition process in one cylinder - Estimate the accumulated energy in the Hybrid ignition system - Estimate the efficiency of the Hybrid ignition system Products: - Paper: 1, Effects of Capacitor on the Hybrid Ignition System, Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development Volume 889 - Doctor’s thesis: 01 - The Hybrid ignition system model [12] Michael J French Matthew Joseph Edwards, Hybrid ignition circuit for an internal combustion engine, US Patent 5806504, 1998 [13] Martin E.Gerry, Inductive-capacitive modulated ignition system, US Patent 4291661, 1981 [14] Sen-Ben Liao, Peter Dourmashkin, John Belcher, Introduction to Electricity and Magnetism: MIT 8.02 Course Notes, 2011 [15] Relative Permeability, Internet [16] Permeability (electromagnetism), Internet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permeability_(electromagnetism) [17] Tom Denton, Advanced automotive fault diagnosis, Elsevier, 2006 [18] Charging a Capacitor, Internet [19] Capacitor Leakage Measurements Using a Model 6517A Electrometer, Keithley Instruments Inc., Ohio, 2001 http://www.tek.com/sites/tek.com/files/media/document/resources/Capacitor_Leaka ge_AN.pdf, 20/06/2016 [20] Richard Fiore, ESR losses in ceramic capacitors, Anerican Technical Ceramics Corp., New York, 2001 http://vmw.atceramics.com/Userfiles/esrlosses_appnote.pdf , 22/06/2016 [21] Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) of Capacitors, QuadTech Inc., California, 2007 http://my.ece.ucsb.edu/York/Bobsclass/194/References/General/ESR%20of%20Cap acitors.pdf, 22/06/2016 [22] Dissipation factor of ceramic capacitors; a primer , Metuchen Capacitors, Inc., New York http://www.metcaps.com/mci%20web%20docs/DISSIPATION%20FACTOR%20O F %20CERAMIC%20CAPACITORS.pdf, 21/06/2016 [23] Dissipation factor, Internet 93 https://en.wikipedia.org/ wi ki/Dissipation_factor, 20/06/2016 [24] John B Heywood, Internal combustion engine fundamentals, McGraw-Hill Book Company,1998 [25] Terrence Lyle Williamson, Ignition system requirements and their application to the design of capacitor discharge ignition system, Naval postgraduate school Monterey, California, 1971 [26] Dipl.Ing (FH) Horst Bauer, Automotive Electric/Electronic System, Robert Bosch GmBh,1995 [27] Konrad Reif Ed, Gasoline Engine Management, Springer Vieweg, 2015 [28] ThS Nguyễn Văn Trạng, Động đốt 1, Đại học Sư phạm Kỹ thuật Tp.HCM, 2005 [29] Nguyễn Tất Tiến Nguyễn Văn Bình, Nguyên Lý Động Cơ Đốt Trong, NXB Giáo Dục, 1994 [30] Jürgen Warnatz, Robert W Dibble, U Maas, Combustion: Physical and Chemical Fundamentals, Modelling and Simulation, Experiments, Pollutant Formation, Springer, 1996 [31] PGS.TS Nguyễn Hữu Lộc, Cơ sở thiết kế máy, NXB Đại học Quốc gia Tp.HCM, 2013 th [32] Robert Bosch GmbH, Bosch Automotive Handbook Edition, BentleyPublishers, 2011 [33] M F Cowlishaw, The Characteristics and Use of Lead-Acid Cap Lamps, Trans British Cave Research Association, 1974 94 PHỤ LỤC Bài báo: Effects of Capacitor on the Hybrid Ignition System Tác giả: Do Quoc Am, Do Van Dung, Nguyen Tan Ngoc Tạp chí: Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol 889, 03/2019, Pages: 388 -395, ISSN: 1662-7482, https://www.scientific.net/AMM.889.388 (online) Applied Mechanics and Materials ISSN: 1662-7482, Vol 889, pp 388-395 doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.889.388 © 2019 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Effects of Capacitor on the Hybrid Ignition System Do Quoc Am 1,a* , Do Van Dung 2,b , Nguyen Tan Ngoc 3,c 1-3 HCMC University of Technology and Education, Vietnam a b c amdq@hcmute.edu.vn, dodzung@hcmute.edu.vn, ngocnt@hcmute.edu.vn Keywords: Hybrid ignition system; capacitor; self – inducted energy; self – induced emf; primary current, oscillation frequency Abstract This paper analyzed the effects of capacitor on the hybrid ignition system; especially on the accumulated energy Matlab was used to simulate the primary current, self – induced emf, oscillation frequency and accumulated energy The experiment data - primary current, selfinduced emf, oscillation frequency and dwell time - was collected via PicoScope 4425 Automotive Oscilloscope Simulation results show that the accumulated energy in capacitors is greater than the required ignition energy, which ensure hybrid system working fluently Introduction In the gasoline engine, the ignition system has two basic functions The first function is aiming to create a high voltage, which may reach 45.000 V, from battery’s 12 -24 V The second function is aiming to control the spark and firing timing [1, 2] When the ignition system is working, at the end of the working stage, a high voltage, about 100 V to 300 V [1, 2, 3, 4]; appears in the primary coil This self-induced emf runs through switch, extends the discharge time and leads to voltage drop in the secondary coil It’s also causes a lot of negative effects like damaged switch and inductive interference [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] In the hybrid ignition system, at the end of the inductance-discharged stage, the self-induced energy will be stored in a capacitor and re-used in the next stage – the capacitor-discharged stage Therefore, all the negative effects of the self-induced emf are solved and a lot of energy in ignition system is also saved [6, 7] Fig Schematic of hybrid ignition system Working principle of the Hybrid ignition system: Figure shows the schematic of hybrid ignition system The hybrid ignition system has two separately stages of ignition: the inductance-discharged stage and the capacitor-discharged stage In the inductance-discharged stage, both transistor T and T2 are working, SCR is turning off Current is flowing through the ignition coil Transistor T is turned off by the Ignition control unit (ICM) when the ignition time comes At this time, not only the ignition occurs in spark plug, but also create a self-induced emf on the primary coil Capacitor C stores this self-induced emf In the capacitor-discharged ignition cycle, transistor T is not working, T2 is turning on and so SCR Electric current flows from capacitor C through SCR to the primary coil and through transistor T2 All rights reserved No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Trans Tech Publications, www.scientific.net (#113729459-31/03/19,09:31:46) Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol 889 ⎧ =0 ⎧=− to mass, creating a high voltage in the secondary coil This is the capacitor-discharged stage [6, �2 = ⎪= + 7] The purpose of this schematic is calculating the primary current and self-induced emf in the ⎪= −42 hybrid ignition system ⎨⎩ = � 1 ⎨ ⎩=Self-Induced 1 Effects of Capacitance on the emf, Primary Current and Oscillation ⎪ + 11 Frequency − With ⎪ and −22 Primary current The equation of the primary current can be expressed as [7]: 1( ) = 0.7 20 /1.5) ( /1.5) + 20 ( Self-induced emf 1( ) = − 1[( + /1.5) ( ⁄1.5)⁄3 + 0.8( − ⁄1.5) Oscillation period and frequency The equation of the oscillation period can be expressed as [8, 9]: (1 ) The equation of the self-induced emf can be expressed as [7]: = ( (2) = The equation of the oscillation frequency can be expressed as [8, 9]: = ⁄1.5)] − 3.5 (3 ) (4) [6, 7] Effects of capacitance on the self-induced emf, primary current and oscillation frequency Simulation with the following data: dwell time - the charging time of inductive coil - tng = (ms), battery voltage U = 12.54 (V), capacitance C = (μF), self -inductance L = 1.25 (mH), resistance R = 1.48 (Ω) This data will also apply to Matlab to simulate accumulated energy in the next section PicoScope 4425 Automotive Oscilloscope is used to collect those data from engines Figure shows the simulation result of the self-induced emf’s maximum voltage when C runs from 0.22 μF to μF 390 Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development Effect of capacitance on the self-induced emf’s maximum voltage 450 400 Self-induced emf V1(V) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Fig Effect of C on the self-induced emf’s maximum voltage Figure shows the simulation result of the oscillation frequency when C runs from 0.22 μF to μF Effect of capacitance on the oscillation frequency’s value 7000 6000 Oscillation frequency f(Hz) 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Fig Effect of C on the oscillation frequency’s value Because capacitance doesn’t involve in the transient state of primary current, the primary current’s maximum value isn’t effected by changing capacitance Overall, with any changes in capacitance, self-induced emf and oscillation frequency are affected, primary current is not The self-induced emf and oscillation frequency are decreased correspondingly with the increase of capacitance Accumulated Energy There are two separately ignition stages in the hybrid ignition system: inductance-discharged ignition stage and capacitor-discharged ignition stage The ignition energy in the capacitor-discharged ignition stage comes from the “leftover” energy, which is stored in capacitor, of the inductance-discharged ignition stage Therefore, capacitance has a critical effect on the capacitor-discharged ignition stage The stored energy depends on the voltage and capacitance [8]: The effect of time constant on the supplied voltage The voltage across the capacitor VC influenced by the time constant τ [8]: τ=RC Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol 889 If the charge time of capacitor is more than 4τ, then V C = 99% VSupply [8, 10] With R = 1.48 Ω, C = μF, the time to fully charge a capacitor (99%VSupply) is: t = 4RC = 5.92 μs The effect of dwell time on the supplied voltage Capacitor can be charged only if the supplied voltage is larger than the voltage in capacitor So, the capacitor charge time is 1/4 the oscillation period of the hybrid ignition system’s self-induced emf Figure shows the self-induced emf’s wave in the primary coil Fig The self-induced emf’s wave in the primary coil Figure shows the self-induced emf’s maximum voltage when changing dwell time Self-induced emf’s maximum voltage 140 130 Self-induced emf Self-induced emf V1(V) 120 110 100 90 80 Fig Effect of dwell time on the self-induced emf’s maximum voltage The self-induced emf’s maximum voltage is increased when increasing dwell time (tng) Figure shows the time constant, which capacitor will be fully charged (99% VSupply), when changing capacitance -4 Effect8ofx capacitance10 on the capacitor’s real charge time and capacitor’s fully charge time Time(s) 00 Fig The capacitor’s real charge time and capacitor’s fully charge time influenced by increasing capacitance from 0.22 μF to μF 392 Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development Figure shows that the capacitor’s real charge time is much greater than the capacitor’s fully charge time It certainly confirms that capacitor will be fully charged by V C = 99% VSupply After the charged stage, we can probably assume that the self-induced emf’s maximum voltage in the primary coil is equal with the voltage in capacitor Figure shows how stored energy changes when increasing capacitance from 0.22 μF to μF Effect of capactiance on the accumulated energy 22 Accumulated energy Wc(mJ) 20 18 16 140 Capacitance C (C) Fig The accumulated energy changes when increasing capacitance from 0.22 μF to μF The accumulated energy reduced when increasing capacitance The highest stored energy is 20.7 mJ at C = 0.22 μF To sum up, because the inductive discharge ignition energy is current of the ignition coil, the inductive discharge ignition increases or decreases Figure points out that the capacitor’s real charge time is much greater than time constant Hence, we can assume that capacitor’s voltage is equal with self-induced emf’s maximum value (Vc= 99% VSupply) at the end of the charging stage The effect of losses on the accumulated energy The power dissipated Pd is calculated by [11, 12, 13, 14]: r: leakage With: ESR = resistance22 C: capacitance (F) ω: the angular frequency of the self-induced emf (rad/s) I: current when capacitor is fully charged (A) Figure shows the energy holding time of capacitor at tng = 5ms Fig Capacitor’s holding voltage time with tng = (ms), r=10 (Ω), R=1.48 (Ω), L1=1.25.10 (H), U=12.54 (V), C=1 (μF) Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol 889 -3 The first charged capacitor has the longest holding time, t = 47.42 ms, before discharging in the capacitor-discharged ignition stage Table Effect of capacitance on ESR and dissipated power at tng = ms C [µF] 0.22 0.5 Figure shows the accumulated energy in capacitor with and with out dissipated loss The accumulated energy in capacitor with and with out dissipated loss 21 20 Accumulated energy Wc(mJ) 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 Fig The accumulated energy in capacitor with and with out dissipated loss Table Accumulated energy with dissipated loss when C runs from 0,22 µF to 4µF C [µF] 0.22 0,5 With the described data in previous sections, when changing capacitance from 0.22 to µF, the highest accumulated energy (dissipated loss counted) is W C = 18.84 mJ at C = µF The lowest accumulated energy is WC = 11.93 mJ at C = 0.22 µF Generally, in the four-cylinder engine, because of losses, with the following data: t ng = (ms), U = 12.54 (V), L1 = 1.25 (mH), R = 1.48 (Ω); the highest accumulated energy in our system is W = 3WC = 56.52 mJ at C = µF (Fig 9) From calculating and analyzing results, we suggest the schematic of the four-cylinder hybrid ignition system, which is showing in the figure 10 This schematic will be using for further researches 394 Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development Fig 10 Schematic of the four-cylinder hybrid ignition system Figure 10 shows the schematic of the four-cylinder hybrid ignition system with three capacitors C1, C2 and C3 In the inductance-discharged stage, ICM is sequentially sending signals controlling pair of transistors T1-T4, T2-T4 and T3-T4 The self-induced emf is serially stored in capacitors Then, when transistor T5 is turned on by the ICM, this energy is flowing through the capacitor-discharged ignition coil This stage is the capacitor-discharged ignition stage Summary This paper investigates the effects of capacitance on: self-induced emf, oscillation frequency, primary current and accumulated energy in the hybrid ignition system Previous sections show that capacitance have an critical effect on the hybrid ignition system Self-induced emf and oscillation frequency are heavily affected but not primary current Researches in the ignition system prove that with the homogeneous and stability mixture and the A/F ratio is about 14.7/1, the required ignition energy is 0.2mJ If the mixture is too rich or too lean, the required energy is 0.3 mJ [2, 15, 16, 17] However, due to maintain the specific spark duration and losses, the required energy is at least 30 mJ to 50 mJ [2, 15, 16, 17, 18] In the four-cylinder hybrid ignition system, at least three capacitors are used After a continuously three inductance-discharged ignitions, the accumulated energy in capacitors, which each capacitance is µF and stored energy is 18.84mJ, is W = 3Wc = 56.52 mJ In the capacitordischarged stage, when all three capacitors are discharged, the accumulated energy is completely sufficient all discussed ignition energy requirements [2, 15, 16, 17, 18] References [1] [2] Đỗ Văn Dũng, Điện động điều khiển động cơ, pp.122-137, Vietnam National University Publish House – HCM City, 2013, pp.122-184 Robert Bosch GmBh, Automotive Electric/Electronic System, Dipl.Ing (FH) Horst Bauer, 1995, pp 10-69, 168-195, 384-399, 526-530 [3] Tom Denton, Automobile Mechanical 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Ngày đăng: 29/12/2021, 05:47

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