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Leadership styles of university managers toward job satisfaction, work commitment and behavioral outcome 1

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Southern luzon STATE University Republic of Philippines Thai nguyen University Socialist Republic of Vietnam DEM CANDIDATE: PHI DINH KHUONG LEADERSHIP STYLES OF UNIVERSITY MANAGERS TOWARD JOB SATISFACTION, WORK COMMITMENT AND BEHAVIORAL OUTCOME Speciality: Educational Management EDUCATIONNAL MANAGEMENT DOCTORAL DISSERTATION SUMARY THAI NGUYEN, 2014 The study was done at: INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE STUDY PROGRAMS, THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Scientific supervisor: Dr Bella R Muello The peer review 1: The peer review 2: The peer review 3: The dissertation is defended to the Panel of Experts at: Dissertation can be found at: National Library Learning Resource Center, Thai Nguyen University Library of International Training and Development Center Library of Southern Luzon State University, Philippines PREFACE In recent years, the leaders in Thai Nguyen University have paid considerable attention to education and university performance as key to sustainable development and stability Such recognition makes education an indispensable means for effective participation not only in the socio-economic development of the country but also in the on-going rapid globalization Throughout the years, it has been the goal of the educational system in Thai Nguyen to regard education as instrument for excellence for national development It follows therefore that the realization of the country’s educational policies and the performance of the administrators, lecturers and students at all levels of the system are intertwined The kind of education can be reflected on the leadership style of managers In any organization the leader behavior is partly reflected on how their constituents perform Their roles and expectations can induce change in the behavior of the members Their commitment to their job can also be ascertained on how they accomplished their duties More so, their job satisfaction can also be observed As such the success of any work group or organization depends on leadership A major factor in an effective university is a strong leader who steers the organization toward the achievement of the mission Chapter I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study TNU not only contributes positively to the training of highly qualified human resources for the country, but also has an important role in scientific research, technology transferring for training and socio-economic development of the country At TNU, teaching staff is common to share, teaches at the university and teaching units according to the needs of each unit Despite this truth, records have shown that students performance in Thai Nguyen among other students in other regions, for example, Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh City is quite below average Hence, principals and teachers of the university as a whole are held accountable for such malady The government’s inability to effectively sponsor education and motivate teachers to enhance their productivity is another factor viewed Additionally, principals’ leadership style might tremendously influence how scholastic performance progresses Manner and approach of providing job satisfaction, commitment and behavioral outcomes define what ethical leadership is With varying extent from authoritarian, participative to delegative (Lewin, 2000), one is not said to be effective over the others Nevertheless, it depends upon what is more acceptable and workable in the university system Likewise, leadership, being a factor to the upliftment of university performance, has been at the care of much research and controversy for so many years Taking leadership and all the variables as a whole, the university performance can be best viewed in a clearer and more thorough perspective In effect, monitoring of the university’s performance in the locality makes this research even more imperative 1.2 Objectives of Study The main purpose of this was to find out the dominant leadership style of the principal which influence the level of job satisfaction, commitment and behavioral outcomes of the respondents at Thai Nguyen University year 2012 – 2013 Specifically, it was conducted to: Determine the dominant leadership style of principals as perceived by the respondents Find out the level of job satisfaction of the respondents Ascertain the commitment to work of the respondents Find out the behavioral outcomes of the respondents Correlate the dominant leadership style with these three mentioned variables 1.3 Null Hypothesis None of the above mentioned variables predict ethical leadership style of school manager 1.4 Significance of the Study This study attempts to know the influence of the dominant leadership style toward the level of job satisfaction, work commitment and behavioral outcome With this is mind, this study will be beneficial to the following: Leaders It is hoped that the study may contribute in giving a new dimension in the administration and supervision of Thai Nguyen University The study would provide leaders with a clear idea on how effective and successful the principals are in the work as university administrators In the same manner, their ethical leadership could give a fresh perspective in terms of its influence to the overall university standing in the academic aspect Teachers The outcome of the study is of great help to teachers because they will be made aware of the different leadership styles that would affect changes and improvements of the university The researcher may contribute to a new avenue in her search for better ways to improve oneself and her work environment In this way, it would ultimately lead to a better quality performance in the teaching force Students They will be benefited by this study since they are the main concerns of educators and any wholesome environment and relationship could create positive effect on the teaching and learning process The researcher hopes that the results and findings of the study will bring understanding and harmonious relationship among members of Thai Nguyen University Future Researchers This study could provide references for future proponents who wish to venture a study similar to the nature of this ongoing research Thus, basic tenets on ethical leadership and its variables could serve as resources for other studies 1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study This study was concerned on the dominant leadership traits of university managers towards job satisfaction, work commitment and behavioral outcomes of the respondents at Thai Nguyen provice There were 300 teachers used as respondents with questionnaire and interview as the main instruments in gathering the data 1.6 Definition of Terms For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined conceptually and operationally: Behavioral outcomes refer to the attitudinal manifestation of the respondents on any decision or activation of their leaders Commitment to works refers to the dedication of the respondents to fulfill his/her duties Charismatic leadership refers to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary character of an individual person Ethical leadership refers to the proactive efforts to influence followers’ ethical and unethical behavior Job satisfaction refers to the feeling of fulfillment in the workplace such as security, good working condition and relationship of the leader to his constituents Leadership is responsible for influencing followers to perform an action, complete a task or behave in a specific manner Leadership style focuses on identifying personality traits associated with effective leadership and understanding the impact of situational factors on the leadership process (Chemers & Ayman, 1993) Transformational style encourages subordinates to put in extra effort to go beyond what his subordinates expected from him (Burne, 1978) Transactional style focuses mainly on the physical and the security needs of his subordinates The relation that evolves between the leaders and the follower is based on bargaining exchange or reward system (Bass, 1985; Bass & Avolio, 1993) Chapter II REVIEW OF LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the relevant readings and related literature which bear significance and similarities in this study, including: Leadership, Charismatic Leadership, Transactional leadership factors, Transformational style, Comparison between transformational and transactional leadership, Job satisfaction, Commitment to work, Ethical Leader Behavior This also includes the discussion of variables, theoretical framework, research paradigm that could help the readers to fully understand the context of this study Research Paradigm Independent Variable Dependent Variable Job Satisfaction Dominant Leadership Style Work Commitment Behavioral Outcomes Figure Dominant leadership style Toward Job Satisfaction, Work Commitment and Behavioral Outcomes of the Respondents The paradigm explains the dominant leadership style of the manager as the independent variable While the dependent variable refers to the job satisfaction, work commitment and behavioral outcomes of the respondents Chapter III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter deals with the locale of the study, research design, population and sampling, date gathering procedures, and statistical treatment used in the study 3.1 Locale of the Study This study was conducted in ten (10) colleges at Thai Nguyen province The respondent colleges are the following: Thai Nguyen University Of Technology (1965), Thai Nguyen University Of Education (1966), Thai Nguyen University Of Medicine And Pharmacy (1968), Thai Nguyen University Of Agriculture And Forestry (1970), College Of Economics and Technology (1974); Thai Nguyen University Of Information And Communication Technology (2001);, Thai Nguyen University Of Economics And Business Administration (2004), Thai Nguyen University Of Sciences (2002), Thai Nguyen College of Economics And Finace (1978), and Industrial Economic – Technology College (1963) 3.2 Research Design This study used the descriptive correlation design in analyzing the investigated variables According to Sevilla, et al (2004), it is designed to help determine the extent to which different variables are related to each other in the population of interest As 10 3.5 Data Gathering Procedure The researcher asked permission from different heads of Thai Nguyen province to conduct his study Upon approval, he administered the questionnaire to his respondents He explained clearly the purpose of the study and after answering the instrument, he retrieved them on the same day The data were tallied, tabulated and analyzed afterwards 3.6 Statistical Treatment The data were analyzed statistically using the following formulas: To determine the perceptions of the respondents on the different leadership style, weighted mean was utilized The formula is: 4f + 3f + 2f + f WM = N Where: WM = weighted mean f = frequency of responses N = total respondents To get the correlation between the most dominant leadership style towards the three variables: job satisfaction, work commitment and behavioral outcomes, chi-square was computed 11 The formula is: X = ( O – E )2 ∑ E Where: X2 = chi square ∑ = Summation of raw scores O = Observed frequencies E Expected frequencies = 3.7 Descriptive Interpretation of the Scale The following legends of interpretation were used to rate the satisfaction, Work Commitment and Behavioral Outcome variables and Ethical leadership styles of principals that post great influence on the school performance of sectarian schools For Instructional Variables: Scale Point Descriptive Analysis 3.25 – 4:00 Strongly Agree (SA) Very Satisfied (VS) 2.50 – 3.24 Agree (A) Satisfied (S) 1.75 – 2.49 1.00 – 1.74 Disagree (DA) Strongly Disagree Unsatisfied (SU) Strongly Unsatisfied Very Committed (VC) Moderately Committed (MC) Less Committed (LC) Not Committed (NC) 12 Chapter IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS This chapter presents the data on tables with their corresponding analysis and interpretation The presentation followed the sequence of the specific problem Table 4.1 Frequency and Mean Distribution on Charismatic Leadership Statements WM DA Possesses communication skills where his ideas, thoughts, and concepts are articulate in a motivating manner 3.31 SA 3.33 SA 3.37 3.33 SA SA 3.38 SA 3.32 SA 3.34 SA Is endowed with supernatural, superhuman or at least exceptional powers or qualities This leadership style is rare and extraordinary This can be used for either good or bad ends Ordinary people can possess this type of leadership This leadership style can be perceived with less tangibility compared with the other leadership style Average Weighted Mean The above table reveals that all the statements are strongly agreed by the respondents It obtained a WM of 3.31, 3.33, 3.37, 3.33, 3.38, and 3.32 respectively They perceived their leaders with an articulated communication skills; that they possess extraordinary qualities that this leadership is not for everybody; that any leader 13 with this charismatic leadership can be used for better or for worse; that anybody can have this leadership and this type of leadership is not observed easily Having an AWM of 3.34 under the strongly agree analysis, it can be inferred that the respondents observe this type of leadership among their leaders Table 4.2 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on Ethical Leadership Statements WM DA Possesses integrity, honesty and trustworthiness Is fair and a principled-decision maker 3.25 SA 3.27 SA Cares about people and the broader society in general Is a role model using ethical conduct through rewards and discipline 3.31 SA 3.29 SA Is positively related to affective trust and negatively related to abusive supervision 3.29 SA His subordinates are willing to report problems to management with this type of leadership 3.22 SA 3.27 SA Average Weighted Mean This table shows that their leaders’ posses’ integrity and honesty as revealed in item with a WM of 3.25 The same with items 2, 3, 4, and with a WM of 3.27, 3.31, 3.29 and 3.22 14 consecutively All these statements have an analysis of strongly agree The respondents describe their leaders as fair in giving their decisions; that they care about people as a whole; that they always give trust and are willing to give their subordinates the right to report any problems that occur in management This ethical leadership can be seen in their managers as shown in the AWM of 3.27 with a descriptive analysis of strongly agree which can are given utmost importance Table 4.3 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on Transformational Leadership Statements WM DA Motivates his followers from a lower level to a higher level of needs Inspires and fosters commitment to a shared purpose of the organization Generates or reinforces the established sets of beliefs, shared values, norms and practices of the organization Stimulates followers to perform beyond the level of expectations Helps subordinates discover of who they are and what part they play in helping the organization achieve its mission Promotes a compelling vision of the future that can change and raise the organization to new and exciting possibilities Average Weighted Mean 3.33 SA 3.37 SA 3.38 SA 3.39 SA 3.35 SA 3.36 SA 3.36 SA Table describes the six statements as strongly agree where the items got a WM of 3.33, 3.37, 3.38, 3.39, 3.35 and 3.36 15 consecutively The respondents believed that their managers have motivated them from the lower to the higher level needs; they are given inspiration to make them committed and dedicated to their works; they are being reinforced to the established set of norms and practiced of the organization They are motivated to perform to the highest expectation; they are assisted to their jobs well in order to achieve their vision to develop their organization An AWM of 3.36 was obtained which has a descriptive analysis of strongly agree These findings can be concluded that the managers are practicing transformational leadership to the highest level 16 Table 4.4 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on Transactional Leadership Statements Is based on a system of rewards and penalties Promotes compliance of his followers through both rewards and punishment WM DA 3.26 SA 3.29 SA 3.32 SA 3.22 SA 3.32 SA 3.35 SA 3.29 SA Is effective in crisis and emergency situation as well as when projects need to be carried out in a specific manner Is concerned with processes rather than forwardthinking ideas Is based on bargaining exchange system in which the leader and subordinates agree together to accomplish the organizational goals It closely monitors mistakes and errors and takes corrective action as quickly as needed Average Weighted Mean The above table reveals that the managers always based performance on rewards and penalties as stated in item with WM 3.26, analyzed as strongly agree The same analyses are obtained by items with WM of 3.29; item with WM of 3.32; item with WM of 3.22 and statements and garnered a WM of 3.32 and 3.35 17 respectively This only prove that strict compliance through rewards and punishment observed; that when an emergency occurs this kind of leadership is evident in carrying out the problem; that their leaders give more importance on action rather than factual ideas; that there is strict observance on bargaining system when they have to agree on something and there is a chose monitoring of any error in which correction is given immediately With an AWM of 3.29 falling under strongly agree, it can be surmised that the managers are practicing also transactional leadership This only proves that there is no definite leadership style being used by a leader Table 4.5 Mean and Rank Distribution on the Different Leadership Styles Leadership Styles AWM Rank Charismatic Leadership 3.34 2 Ethical Leadership Transformational Leadership Transactional Leadership 3.27 3.36 3.29 From this table, it shows that transformational leadership style ranks first with an AWM of 3.36 followed by charismatic with an AWM of 3.34 The third in the rank is transactional which obtained and AWM of 3.29 and last in the rank is ethical leadership with an AWM of 3.29 18 As revealed in the table the AWM is very close to each other which can be concluded that their managers are observing all these leadership styles when the situation calls for it This conforms with Fiedler theory of leadership which he calls contingency theory He emphasizes that no one style of leadership is completely effective for all situations Table 4.6 Mean Distribution of the Responses as to Level of Job Satisfaction Job Satisfaction Weighted Mean 3.25 3.27 Descriptive Rating Very Satisfied Very Satisfied Feels pleasurable in his job Has satisfaction on salary Has good relationship with 3.31 Very Satisfied employers Is appreciated on good work 3.29 Very Satisfied Receives awards when work 3.29 Very Satisfied is well done Feels secured with the job 3.22 Satisfied Has a good working 3.27 Very Satisfied condition Considers what is asked for 3.24 Satisfied Is satisfied what is asked 3.28 Very Satisfied for 10 Receives pay on time 3.31 Very Satisfied 3.27 Very Satisfied Average Weighted Mean On the level of job satisfaction, it reveals that the respondents are very satisfied as shown in almost all items except in items and where it got WM of 3.22 and 3.24 respectively This explains the fact that they are satisfied in being secured in their job and gives due consideration on what is being asked from them Items 1,2,3,4,5,7,9, and 10 got a WM of 3.25, 3.27, 3.31, 3.29, 3.27, 3.28 and 3.31 consecutively The respondents find pleasure in doing his 19 job that the salary received is commensurate to the work performed They have good relationship with their employers; they received awards for outstanding performance; that there is security in their job; the workplace is convenient; that what is asked from them is satisfactorily done and they receive their salary on time With an AWM of 3.27 described as very satisfied, these findings can be inferred that the whole force of the institution has a high level of satisfaction in their work Table 4.7 Mean Distribution of the Responses on Commitment to Work Commitment to work Weighted Descriptive Rating Mean 3.33 Very Committed 3.37 Very Committed Keeps promises Follows school regulations Keeps track with the vision 3.38 Very Committed of the school Complies with the laws 3.39 Very Committed Obeys his/her leader 3.35 Very Committed Observes properly his 3.36 Very Committed schedule Acts on what he/she believes 3.28 Very Committed is right Is consistent in his 3.31 Very Committed performance Is disciplined in all his 3.30 Very Committed actions Average Weighted Mean 3.34 Very Committed Table shows that the respondents are very committed on their works where all the statements obtained a WM of 3.33, 3.37, 3.38, 3.39, 3.35, 3.36, 3.28, 3.31 and 3.30 consecutively They fulfil 20 whatever is promised; they follow all the regulations of the school; they see to it that they are guided by their vision in performing their task; they comply with all laws; they are very obedient to their leaders; they follow religiously their class schedules; their action is based on propriety, they consistently perform their tasks and they are very disciplined in their actions Having obtained an AWM of 3.34 (very committed) this finding can be inferred that the respondents are highly committed to their work Table 4.8 Mean Distribution of the Responses on Behavioral Outcomes Behavioral Outcomes Weighted Mean Descriptive Rating Is approachable to others 3.26 Strongly Agree Helps his co-worker 3.29 Strongly Agree Innovates new ideas for improvement 3.32 Strongly Agree Listens to the needs of his co-worker 3.22 Agree Uses kind words when communicating with others 3.32 Is a friend to all 3.35 Strongly Agree Shares ideas to others 3.31 Strongly Agree Shows enthusiasm in his work 3.27 Strongly Agree Is extra careful in all works 3.34 Strongly Agree 10 Comes to the office punctually 3.30 Strongly Agree Average Weighted Mean 3.30 Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 21 As to behavioral outcomes, table shows that the respondents strongly agree on what behavior they should show and observe All the statements, except in item which obtained a WM of 3.22 described as agree where there respondents listen to the needs of their co-workers Items 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 received a WM of 3.26, 3.29, 3.32, 3.32, 3.35, 3.31, 3.27, 3.34, and 3.30 respectively all falling under the descriptive analysis of strongly agree This describes their behavior to be innovative in doing ones work; to show respect to others when communicating; to be friendly to all; to share his ideas to others when asked; shows eagerness in his works; to be systematic in all works and to attend classes on time With an AWM of 3.30 analyzed as strongly agree, it can be concluded that the respondents observe good behavior in his workplace Table 4.9 Correlation of the Transformational Leadership Style on the Three Variables Variables WM ChiSquare Job Satisfaction 3.27 3.65 01 Significant 3.34 1.23 00 Significant 3.30 4.26 00 Significant Work Commitment Behavioral Outcome Level of Descriptive Significance Analysis 22 The table 10 reveals that transformational leadership which is exercised by the managers as the most dominant style is correlated to job satisfaction where the obtained chi-square of 3.61 is higher than the critical value at 01 level of significance This same finding is revealed in work commitment and behavioral outcomes with a chisquare of 1.23 and 4.26 at 00 level of significance consecutively Thus, the null hypothesis that neither of the three variables has no significant relationship with the most dominant leadership style is rejected It follows that the observance of transformational leadership has good relationship on the three variables This simply explains the higher the performance of transformational leadership style, the higher the respondents show satisfaction commitment and behavioral outcome Chapter V SUMMARY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions and recommendations of the study 5.1 Summary This research focused on the relationship of the most dominant leadership style toward job satisfaction, work commitment and behavioral outcome It answered the following objectives: 23 Determine the most dominant leadership style Ascertain the job satisfaction of the respondents Find out the degree of commitment to work Determine behavioral outcome of the respondents Correlate the most dominant leadership style on the three mentioned variable This study used a correlative-descriptive type of research where 300 respondents were utilized coming from the ten universities of Thai Nguyen provice Weighted mean, rank distribution and chisquare were computed to analyze the gathered data 5.2 Findings After interpreting the data, the following findings were drawn: The most dominant leadership style is transformational with an AWM of 3.36 (strongly agree) The level of job satisfaction of the respondents got an AWM of 3.37 (very satisfied) The level of commitment to work has an AWM of 3.34 (very committed) On the behavioral outcome, it obtained an AWM of 3.30 (strongly agree) There is a significant relationship between transformational leadership style and the three variables which obtained a chi-square 24 of 3.65, 1.23 and 4.26 consecutively at 01 level of significance Since the obtained chi-square value is higher than the critical value, the null hypothesis is rejected 5.3 Conclusions Based on the findings, the following conclusions were made The most dominant leadership style is Transformational leadership The respondents are highly satisfied on the level of job satisfaction The degree of work commitment is very evident The respondents practice good behavior in their work The correlation between transformational leadership style, the higher is the job satisfaction, work commitment and behavioral outcomes of the respondents 5.4 Recommendations In view of the results of the study, the researcher recommends: To use different samples coming from another institution to prove the reliability of the findings ... Satisfaction Dominant Leadership Style Work Commitment Behavioral Outcomes Figure Dominant leadership style Toward Job Satisfaction, Work Commitment and Behavioral Outcomes of the Respondents The... Nguyen University Of Technology (19 65), Thai Nguyen University Of Education (19 66), Thai Nguyen University Of Medicine And Pharmacy (19 68), Thai Nguyen University Of Agriculture And Forestry (19 70),... Dominant Leadership style of managers toward job satisfaction, work commitment and behavioral outcome 3.3 Population and Sampling The sample consisted of teachers (lecturers) from ten (10 ) colleges

Ngày đăng: 29/12/2021, 00:17



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