Comments: A 26th Sep, 2020 ISSUE FOR REVIEW IFR REV Issue Date MODIFICATIONS STATUS MEKONG WIND POWER JOINT STOCK COMPANY BINH DAI WIND POWER PLANT PROJECT OWNER: MEKONG WIND POWER JOINT STOCK COMPANY BETWEEN CONTRACTOR: POWERCHINA HDEC- INTL CONSORTIUM TITLE INSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN FOR PILE FABIRCATION AT FACTORY GMKW-001-QC99-ITP-PC-0008 1 INSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN FOR PILE FABRICATION AT FACTORY GMKW-001-QC99-ITP-PC-0008 DOCUMENT NUMBER GMKW-001-QC99-ITP-PC-0008 BINH DAI WIND POWER PLANT PROJECT INSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN FOR PILE FABRICATION AT FACTORY GMKW-001-QC99-ITP-PC-0008 Prepared for : Prepared by : MEKONG WIND POWER JOINT STOCK COMPANY POWERCHINA HDEC- INTL CONSORTIUM Project Manager: Mr Thaweesak Boonyong Project Manager: Mr Lu Jianhua GMKW-001-QC99-ITP-PC-0008 INSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN FOR PILE FABRICATION AT FACTORY GMKW-001-QC99-ITP-PC-0008 CONTENTS SCOPE OF WORK REFERENCE DOCUMENTS INSPECTION NOTIFICATION INSPECTION SCHEDULE QUANLITY CONTROL FORM GMKW-001-QC99-ITP-PC-0008 INSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN FOR PILE FABRICATION AT FACTORY GMKW-001-QC99-ITP-PC-0008 SCOPE OF WORK This Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) is a typical plan for pile fabrication work including test piles at factory and mass piles of Binh Dai Wind Power Plant Project REFERENCE DOCUMENTS: GMK1-001-PM02-ENR-PC-0005 Technical Design Report - Volume 5-Technical Specifictions Of Substation Vietnamese standards: TCVN 7888-2014: Precast Prestressed concrete products TCVN 4506-2012: Water for concrete and mortar - Technical specification TCVN 8826-2011: Chemical admixtures for Concrete TCVN 9340-2012: Ready mixed concrete – Specification and acceptance TCVN 4453-1995: Monolithic concrete and reinforce concrete structures – Code for construction, check, and acceptance TCVN 1651: 2008: Steel for the reinforcement of concrete INSPECTION NOTIFICATION 4.1 The inspection notification shall be made 24 hours in advance in the daily communication between the EPC Contractor and Sub- contractor as per Inspection and Test Plan The Owner shall be given 24 hours notice of all witness point and hold point inspections 4.2 The interface points to be included in this ITP are as follows: R: Review Point - Denotes the responsibility for review of relevant documents instead of inspection/witness W: Witness Point - Denotes the responsibility for witnessing and signing for the work Formal notification must be given to the interested parties in a timely manner This would generally be 24 hour for site activities Attendance by interested parties is mandatory but, on a case-by-case basis, the witness activity may be waived Intention to waive must be by written instruction (email acceptable) The Subcontractor must document the inspection and endorse the record before moving on to the next step H: Hold Point - Denotes the responsibility for witnessing and signing work to release Hold Points in the work process Attendance by interested parties is mandatory Work may NOT proceed beyond Hold Points without witness and sign off by the identified participants Generally, the formal notification for GMKW-001-QC99-ITP-PC-0008 INSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN FOR PILE FABRICATION AT FACTORY GMKW-001-QC99-ITP-PC-0008 Hold Point witness will be delivered with at least 24 hour in advance for site activities to ensure availability of interested parties GMKW-001-QC99-ITP-PC-0008 INSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN FOR PILE FABRICATION AT FACTORY GMKW-001-QC99-ITP-PC-0008 GMKW-001-QC99-ITP-PC-0008 INSPECTION SCHEDULE ... CONTROL FORM GMKW-001-QC99 -ITP- PC-0008 INSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN FOR PILE FABRICATION AT FACTORY GMKW-001-QC99 -ITP- PC-0008 SCOPE OF WORK This Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) is a typical plan for pile. .. TESTING PLAN FOR PILE FABRICATION AT FACTORY GMKW-001-QC99 -ITP- PC-0008 DOCUMENT NUMBER GMKW-001-QC99 -ITP- PC-0008 BINH DAI WIND POWER PLANT PROJECT INSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN FOR PILE FABRICATION... identified participants Generally, the formal notification for GMKW-001-QC99 -ITP- PC-0008 INSPECTION AND TESTING PLAN FOR PILE FABRICATION AT FACTORY GMKW-001-QC99 -ITP- PC-0008 Hold Point witness will