The main Function of Turbine Valves is protecting the turbine from the Turbine Overspeed, and controlling the turbine load. That is, the Valves are equipments to controlling the speed, load and steam flow of turbine.
For Training Material Steam Turbine Valve Oct, 2013 Steam Turbine Engineering Team This document is the informational asset of Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Thus, unauthorized access, revision, distribution and copying of this document are strictly prohibited. Contents Introduction of Turbine Valve Valve Operation Structure of Turbine Valve (MSV, CV) Disassembly Procedure (MSV, CV) Structure of Turbine Valve (CRV) Design Features Valve test Valve support Maintenance of Main Stop Valve 1.Introduction of Turbine Valve Introduction of Turbine Valve Turbine Control System TBN Valve : Equipment for TBN Speed, Load, Flow control and TBN Protection Main Steam Valve - Main Stop Valve ( MSV ) - Control Valve ( CV ) - Reheat Stop Valve ( RSV ) - Intercept Valve ( IV ) - Actuating System 1.Introduction of Turbine Valve 1.1 Function of the Turbine Valves The main Function of Turbine Valves is protecting the turbine from the Turbine Overspeed, and controlling the turbine load That is, the Valves are equipments to controlling the speed, load and steam flow of turbine 1.2 Arrangement of the Valves In order to protect the turbine from the Turbine Overspeed, there are two kinds of valve set The first is a set of Main Stop Valve (MSV) and Control Valve (CV) at the inlet of the Main Steam Lead Pipe, and the second is a set of Reheat Stop Valve (RSV) and Intercept Valve (IV) at the exit of the Reheater So, MSV and CV are called as HP Valves, and the valve installed at the LP or IP turbine is called as Combined Reheat Valve (CRV) The arrangement of HP Valves and CRV is operating to the double protection circuit for preventing the Turbine Overspeed That is, For protecting the Turbine from the Overspeed, CV and IV response first under Pre-Emergency condition, and MSV and RSV response as secondary under Emergency condition Also, MSV and RSV are closed individually when each CV and IV is not working 1.Introduction of Turbine Valve Overspeed OverspeedProtection Protection STEAM SV CV HP IV RSV 1st Defence 2nd Defence Overspeed Overspeed Criteria Criteria st Defence To 110 % : Normal O.S 2nd Defence To 120 % : Emergency O.S Valve Operation Valve Operation Valve Operation Valve Operation Valve Operation 10 Electric Trip Device a Outline Filter Replacement 69 Electric Trip Device b Hydraulic Diagram ON ON ON 70 Hydraulic Actuator a Hydraulic Diagram 71 Hydraulic Actuator b Hydraulic Diagram 72 Hydraulic Actuator c Servo Valve (1/2) Jet Tube Torque Motor Motor Amature Return Spring Fail Safe Bias Spring Hydraulic Actuator c Servo Valve (2/2) Hydraulic Actuator d.Flushing hose Back to sequence 75 Hydraulic Actuator e Typical Outline Cushioning orifice Spring housing Optical position indicator Main orifice Mounting flange Coupling Displacement transducer Actuator housing Piston Spring packet Cushioning 76 Arrangement of Hydraulic System a Plant Arrangement Control Valve Combined Reheat Valve Main Stop Valve Front Front Standard Standard Trip Device Control Valve Hydraulic Power Unit 77 For Training Material Front Standard This document is the informational asset of Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Thus, unauthorized access, revision, distribution and copying of this document are strictly prohibited. Front Standard Function of Front Standard Lower Part of Front Standard Base Plate of Front Standard 79 Front Standard Function of Front Standard - HP Casing Support #1 Bearing Housing 80 Front Standard Lower Part of Front Standard Bearing Oil Feed Line Guide Bracket for speed pick-up and Eccentricity probe Bearing ring Bearing ring 81 Front Standard Base Plate of Front Standard For Lubrication Pad Pad 82 E O D Thank you for your attention 83 ... Introduction of Turbine Valve Valve Operation Structure of Turbine Valve (MSV, CV) Disassembly Procedure (MSV, CV) Structure of Turbine Valve (CRV) Design Features Valve test Valve support Maintenance... Main Stop Valve 1.Introduction of Turbine Valve Introduction of Turbine Valve Turbine Control System TBN Valve : Equipment for TBN Speed, Load, Flow control and TBN Protection Main Steam Valve -... To 120 % : Emergency O.S Valve Operation Valve Operation Valve Operation Valve Operation Valve Operation 10 3.Structure of Turbine Valve 3.1 Main Stop Valve & Control Valve 3.1.1 Overview MSV