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FCE Writing Guide Transactional Letter Part of FCE Paper is compulsory You always write a letter to ask for or give information of some kind This letter may be formal or informal A formal letter is a letter you write to someone you don’t know, or don’t know very well An informal letter is the kind of letter you write to friends, members of your family and other people you know well Look at the following phrases and mark them F (formal) or I (informal) Dear Sir / Madam Love, Elena See you next week! I can hardly wait! I look forward to receiving your reply Yours faithfully, Ana Garcia Herrera I am writing in reply to your letter of 15 May Give my love to your parents Should you require any further information, not hesitate to contact us at the above address Write back soon and tell me all your news 10 I’m sorry I haven’t written for such a long time, but I’ve been really busy 11 I would be most grateful if you could send me any further relevant information Remember! Learning to write correctly and appropriately in English means building up a stock of fixed phrases and expressions, such as those above, which you can adapt to the specific situation as required This is much better than trying to translate your Italian thoughts into English, which is likely to result in strange and unnatural writing Always read the instructions carefully and decide what kind of letter, formal or informal, you are supposed to write Look at this task Will your answer be formal or informal? Some young people you met last summer are planning to visit your country on holiday and have asked you to suggest some places of interest to see Write a letter of reply using the notes below - when? - how long? - come and stay? Now look at the plan for the above task and put the points in a logical order, by numbering them 1-7 Apologise for not writing sooner Thank them for their letter Ask when they will be coming Tell them to write again Invite them to stay for a few days Suggest places to visit and things to Say why you haven’t replied sooner Think of ideas: a reason for not replying; things they might enjoy doing and seeing Is there a particularly good time of year to visit these places? What can your friends there? Remember that you will need to divide the letter into clearly marked paragraphs, usually three or four Here are some phrases you can use in this letter: Thank you for your letter It was great to hear from you Sorry I haven’t written back for so long Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply I’ve been really busy recently I’ve been working really hard I’ve been studying like mad for my final exams I’m really pleased you’re coming to Italy It’s great that you’re coming here soon When exactly will you be coming? Do you know when you’re coming? When are you going to be here? Why don’t you come and stay with me for a few days? I’d love to put you up for a few days Would you like to stay with me for a few days? You could visit Lerici and Portovenere The Cinque Terre are well worth a visit I’m sure you’d really love the Museo Lia You can swim and sunbathe on the sandy beaches We could go for walks in the countryside together Write back soon and tell me your plans Write and tell me exactly when you are planning to come Now write your letter Ask the Study Centre monitor for help if you need it Try to write about 150 words FCE Writing Guide Transactional Letter Look at the following task Are you asked to write a formal or an informal letter? Look at the advertisement and the notes you have made below it Then write a letter of between 120 and 150 words in an appropriate style asking for more information covering the points in your notes Do not write any addresses WANTED NEW MEMBERS for water-sports club Water-skiing, scuba diving, jet ski, windsurfing! You name it – if it’s a water sport we offer instruction and facilities for it Plenty of opportunities to practise your chosen sport with other enthusiasts at Club Aquarius! For your membership application form write to: The Secretary Club Aquarius PO Box 312 Littlehampton Sussex, SU3 5JT - membership fee? Annual or monthly payment? Use of facilities free to members? Sports not mentioned in advertisement? Follow this procedure: Look at the instructions and underline the words and phrases which tell you exactly what you have to Think of four questions you want to ask in your letter Decide what order you want to put them in, and how you will divide the letter into paragraphs Write your letter Use linking words, such as firstly, also, as well as this, finally Check your letter carefully for any grammar and spelling mistakes Here are some phrases which you may find useful for this kind of letter: I saw your advertisement in this week’s “Daily Post” I am interested in becoming a member of “Club Aquarius” There are a few points which I would be grateful if you could clarify How much does the club cost to join? Could you give me information regarding membership fees? Is the membership fee payable monthly or annually? Are members subject to additional charges? Is the use of the facilities free to members? Does the club offer other sports in addition to those mentioned in the advertisement? I would also be grateful if you could tell me more about the kind of sports on offer Thank you very much for your help I look forward to hearing from you soon How much should I write? In Paper of FCE you are always asked to write between 120 and 150 words in Part and between 120 and 180 words in part You are assessed on the quality and also the quantity of English you produce, so you should try to write around the upper limit (150 or 180 words) Try not to exceed this limit by more than a few words Now write your letter Ask the Study Centre monitor for help if you need it FCE Writing Guide Article In Paper Part you may be asked to write an article expressing your opinion about something Look at this question You have been asked to write an article for an English language newspaper aimed at parents with young children Your article should be a response to the following statement: Foreign languages should be taught at nursery school level The best way to begin answering a question like this is to make a plan Make two columns, one headed FOR, the other AGAINST Think of arguments for, or in favour of the statement and write them in the first column Then think of arguments against and write them in the second column Two arguments each, for and against, will be sufficient If you can’t think of any arguments for and against, imagine what people you actually know would think about the question What would your mother think? And your best friend? And your grandparents? Choose one of these two plans They are both good plans Plan A • • • • Introduction: my opinion Paragraph 1: point for the statement; argument against this point Paragraph 2: point for the statement; argument against this point Conclusion: state my opinion again Plan B • • • • Introduction: my opinion Paragraph 1: arguments in favour of the statement Paragraph 2: arguments against the statement Conclusion: state opinion again Follow your plan and write the article When you have finished, read it carefully and check for grammar and spelling mistakes Here are some phrases which you may find useful for this kind of article: These days, many people say that … Nowadays, we often hear people say that … In the last few years it has become fashionable to say that … The question of whether very young children should be taught a foreign language is one which is often discussed these days There are several arguments which can be made in favour of the statement Opponents of this view argue that … Another argument which is often put forward is that … In support of this view it may be said that … On the other hand, it can also be argued that … In my opinion, … It is often suggested that … I agree up to a point that … Another argument against teaching very young children a foreign language is that … This is true to a certain extent, but … There is a certain amount of truth in this argument, but … I cannot agree with this viewpoint, since … In conclusion, I have to say that … On balance, therefore, I feel that … Now write your article Ask the Study Centre monitor for help if you need it FCE Writing Guide Report In Paper 2, Part you may be asked to write a report on a place you have visited and what it offers a particular group of people Look at the following task: You work in a language school helping to organise excursions and trips for students The school director has asked to prepare a report on a museum in your area Write your report in 120-180 words describing the museum and what it has to offer students of English as a foreign language Mention both good and bad points in your report You should plan your answer carefully, like this: • Think of good and bad points about the museum, especially in relation to students of English • Join the good and bad points using linking expressions The most useful are: despite / in spite of although / even though However • but On the other hand Organise your sentences into numbered paragraphs, with sub-headings, like this: Introduction Price Interest Language Conclusion Give your report a clear title, like this: Report on the Seals Museum, La Spezia To: School Director From: Excursions officer Follow your plan and write your report Remember to read and check carefully for grammar and spelling mistakes Here are some phrases which may help you with this type of report: I visited the Seals Museum last week in order to decide if it would be an interesting place for students to visit I will comment on the following: price, interest, language The entrance fee to the museum is … There is a reduction for students Students pay half-price on Wednesdays There are many interesting exhibits on display The Egyptian section was closed on the day I visited I especially liked the … I found the … especially interesting I think students will appreciate the … Most students will find the … of interest A guidebook in English is available The guidebook is rather expensive It contains some beautiful colour photographs The guides are helpful The guides don’t speak English There is an audio commentary in English It wasn’t working on the day of my visit In my opinion … To conclude, I think that … I am therefore of the opinion that … Now write your report Ask the Study Centre monitor for help if you need it FCE Writing Guide Letter of Application In Paper 2, Part you may be asked to write a letter of application Look at the following job advertisement: Trading and Commercial Bank Trainee Managers We will be recruiting trainee managers to start work In late June or early July in our branches all over Europe Applicants should have a degree in an appropriate area and a knowledge of English and/or German Apply in writing to: The Personnel Officer Trading and Commercial Bank 134 Collins Street Manchester The sentences in this reply are in the wrong order Put them in the correct order, by putting 1-6 in the gaps Dear Sir / Madam, I can be contacted by telephone on 01202 452234 in the mornings or at the above address I have a working knowledge of German and have recently passed the University of Cambridge First Certificate in English examination I look forward to receiving your reply I am writing in reply to your advertisement in last Tuesday’s Evening News I will also complete a degree in Banking and Finance in June and will be available for work immediately afterwards I would like to apply for one of the trainee manager positions you advertise Yours faithfully Juan de Souza This type of letter is based on a very small number of fixed, formulaic expressions If you can reproduce these correctly in the exam you are certain to get a very good mark Look at the following task: You see the following advertisement in the newspaper Write a letter applying for one of these positions and asking for more details about the discounts Do not write any addresses Trainee Travel Agents We are looking for students who are interested in training to become travel agents To join our training scheme you must have a knowledge of English and an interest in travelling These positions are unpaid, but you will receive large discounts on all our organised tours and holidays Write to: Maria Sampras Director TRAVELWISE Via Ardipane Rome 04100 Underline the key words in the instructions Think about the form of your letter Will it begin and end in the same way as the previous letter? Plan your letter Follow the order of the previous letter Remember to ask for more information about the discounts You will also need to give some evidence for your knowledge of English and your interest in travelling You may also want to ask about the possibilities of work at the end of the training period The following phrases may help you: I am very interested in joining your training scheme I have loved travelling since I was a small child I have visited many countries in Europe I studied English for eight years at school I am currently attending a course to prepare for the First Certificate examination Could you please give me some more information about the discounts you offer? Your advertisement mentions discounts, and I would be grateful if you could tell me … Could you give me some indication about the possibility of finding a job on completion of the course? Now write your letter Ask the Study Centre monitor for help if you need it FCE Writing Guide Article Look at this question: A local English language newspaper has asked students to write articles expressing their opinion about this question: Should students part-time work? Write your article for the newspaper In order to write a good answer to this question, you need to plan your article carefully First, decide what opinion you are going to express Then think of at least three arguments in support of your opinion For example: • • • Important and useful to have work experience Learn to appreciate the value of money Come into contact with other people, not just other students Decide in what order you are going to present your ideas Then write your article Be sure to divide it into three or four paragraphs Make use of ordering expressions like these: First of all Firstly In the first place Secondly In the second place Finally Now write your article Ask the Study Centre monitor for help if you need it FCE Writing Guide Transactional Letter Remember that Part of Paper is compulsory There is only one question You always have to write either a formal or an informal letter Look at the question below You were travelling by train recently and left something that belongs to you on the train Write a letter to the lost property officer enquiring about the thing you lost Use these notes in your letter Do not write any addresses - date of journey destination and departure time description of object How to write a formal letter If you are asked to write to an official or a company you should NOT use • • • • question tags contractions linkers like well, anyway, by the way All the best or Love from Alex at the end of your letter You SHOULD • • • • begin the letter with either Dear Sir / Madam or Mr / Ms/ Dr + the person’s surname use formal language, eg I look forward to receiving your reply end the letter with Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely sign your letter with your full name Remember to plan your letter before you start writing For the question above, the plan should look like this: • • • • explain why you are writing say what you lost and when, describe it ask how you can get it back thank the recipient of the letter in advance Now write your letter Ask the Study Centre monitor for help if you need it FCE Writing Guide Article In Paper 2, Part you may have the option of writing an article in which you write about the advantages and disadvantages of something, the arguments for and against something, or in which you write your opinion about a subject Look at this question You have been asked to write an article for a student newspaper on the following topic: Has television improved in your country over the last ten years? Write your article, saying what most people think and giving your own point of view To answer this question well, you need to plan your article carefully, like this: • • • underline key words in the instructions Think of arguments for and against Write a plan A good plan for this question might look like this: Introduction: question as a statement; two points of view Paragraph 1: describe a situation – more channels than before Paragraph 2: more choice; entertainment mainly Paragraph 3: not educational; fewer documentaries; fewer cultural programmes Conclusion: what most people think; what I think Then write your article and check it carefully The following phrases may be useful in writing this type of article: Many people think that … However, there are people who think that … A few years ago … Nowadays, on the other hand, … It is therefore certainly true that … It is worth remembering however, that … Furthermore, it must be admitted that … On balance, therefore I think that … Now write your article Ask the Study Centre monitor for help if you need it FCE Writing Guide Formal and Informal Letters Here are some more expressions which you can use when you are writing a letter Decide whether they are suitable for use in a formal or an informal letter and mark them F or I Initial greetings It was great to hear from you I am writing with reference to your letter of 25 May Thanks for writing to me Congratulations Well done! I would like to offer congratulations on your recent promotion Please allow me to congratulate you on your recent success Advice / suggestion Why not try What about going It is recommended that you contact You could visit I urge you to consider the points I have made If I were you I’d Linkers Moreover, Then again, Furthermore, Better still, What’s more, Additionally, Endings Do drop me a line if you have time I look forward to hearing from you without delay Hope to hear from you soon Keep in touch I hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience Now look at this example of a Part task You have just returned from a trip to Florida You flew there and back with “Ocean Air” You decide to write to the airline to complain about your flight and ask for some money back Read the advertisement and the notes you made and then, using the information, write a letter to the airline You may add other relevant points of your own FLY OCEAN AIR TO FLORIDA We offer: • flights a day late boarding • wide, comfortable seats • friendly, well-trained staff quite rude • a good choice of food (no problems with special diets) no vegetarian for me! • the latest in in-flight entertainment movie already been on TV! Write your letter in 120-180 words Do not include any postal addresses Now think about how you will answer this question What kind of letter will it be? How will you begin and end the letter? How are you going to organise the letter? How many paragraphs will you write? What kind of linking words will you use? Remember that you must include all the points in the rubric, so you must make reference to the late boarding, the rudeness of the staff, the lack of a vegetarian alternative and the old film You may, if you wish, make further points, (you could, for example, comment on the seats) but remember not to write much more than 180 words Here are some phrases to help you: I am writing to complain about … I recently flew to Florida with your airline, and unfortunately … Your advertisement talks about … whereas my experience was that … In your advertisement you say … However, in reality, … Your advertisement mentions … On my flight, however, … Another cause for complaint was that … Not only that, but … All in all, I am most dissatisfied with the service I received and … I hope you will be able to refund at least some of the return fare, as … I hope to receive an apology in the near future Now write your letter Ask the Study Centre monitor for help if you need it FCE Writing Guide 10 Report In Part of Paper you may be asked to write a report This will involve the presentation of information in a clear, factual way, using headings, and sometimes with some suggestions or recommendations Look at this task Your local museum is quite old-fashioned and not many people visit it Your local tourist board has asked you to write a report on the museum, and give some recommendations on how to improve its image Write your report In the following report, the paragraphs are in the wrong order and they don’t have a suitable heading Read through the text and decide on the right order and then choose an appropriate heading from the list below A B C D E Purpose The museum today Suggested improvements Additional facilities Conclusion WADEMOUTH MUSEUM The museum mainly contains items connected with the pottery industry and various inventions connected with it Generally, most of the items are displayed in glass cabinets with explanations on small bits of card These aren’t very easy to read and some of them are placed too high for small children The lighting inside the building is also very poor To sum up, I found that Wademouth Museum could have a bright future if some time was spent up-dating the displays and opening some new facilities Finally, I spoke to some of the visitors, and one thing that most people mentioned is having a good gift shop and a café in the building The profits from these would help to pay for more interesting displays The aim of this report is to give an outline of what can be seen in this museum and to suggest ways in which the museum can change its image Although the museum gives the visitor a good idea of how the pottery industry developed through the ages in this area, it doesn’t make the subject come alive I would recommend that the museum puts in some working models, or, even better, have people showing you how the pots were produced The correct order for the paragraphs is: Now look at the expressions in bold Which of the functions below they illustrate? Introducing Reporting an impression Generalising _ Making a recommendation or suggestion _ Concluding Now look at this question You regularly write a column in your college magazine on new films that are being shown in your town Attendance at the local cinema is falling, and they have asked you to write a report, based on research at your college, on the cinema’s facilities and to make some recommendations on how to attract more people to the cinema Write your report Plan your answer, and then write your report Use the structure of the museum report to help you CAE Writing Guide Informal Letter Look at this task: Some English friends, Peter and Sue Hall, have written to you for advice Their 20year-old son, Tom, wants to get a job teaching English in your country This is part of a letter you have received from them: Tom’s doing a teacher-training course at the moment, as you know, but he thinks he ought to learn something of the language before he comes, which seems like a good idea He’s bought a “Teach Yourself” book on the language, but we were wondering if you had any other suggestions which would help him It’s quite a while since he studied a language at school, so he’d also be really grateful for some general tips on learning a language Write a letter to Tom giving advice and any helpful suggestions that you can Write about 250 words Read the question carefully and highlight the key points Ask yourself: • • What’s the purpose of your letter? What two things you need to give advice on? Think about the content of your letter Think about these points: • • • • What would be the advantages of Tom being able to speak a bit of your language when he arrives? Think about the language: is there anything an English speaker would find particularly difficult or unusual (pronunciation, grammar, writing system etc)? Make a list of all the things Tom could to learn your language, from having private lessons or buying a cassette course to listening to radio broadcasts Think about the pros and cons in terms of cost, time and effectiveness Decide which method seems most realistic Is there anything you could to help, eg send magazines or simple books? Write down any general tips on learning a language that you think would be helpful Use your own experience as far as possible Make a plan for your letter Decide on the main sections you want to have and think about the best way to organise them Jot down the main points for each section Think about a suitable introduction and conclusion Here are some points to remember when you are writing an informal letter: Dear Ken, always use a name Many thanks for your letter and the photos Begin the first sentence with a capital Beginnings In an informal letter to a friend it may be appropriate to begin by mentioning a letter which you have recently received, or by making general friendly comments Useful language Many thanks for your letter … It was lovely to hear from you I was glad to hear that you had a good holiday I hope you and the family are well Giving advice Useful language You asked me for advice on … Have you thought about … It might be a good idea to … One thing I would suggest is … Endings It is usual to end letters which expect a reply with a sentence on a separate line For example: Looking forward to hearing from you / seeing you Hope to hear from you soon / see you soon Write and tell me how you are getting on Write soon /See you soon Closing salutation Best wishes and Yours followed by your name on the next line are useful general endings For close friends you can end with Love Hope to hear from you soon Best wishes Gianni Now write your letter to Tom Ask the Study Centre monitor for help if you need it CAE Writing Guide Formal Letter Look at this task You are attending a course in London Last week, because the trains were delayed by bad weather, you were late for college every day On the worst day, the train was hour 20 minutes late and you missed two classes This is an extract from an information leaflet you have picked up at the station We hope you have a pleasant journey with Capital Rail, but if you have any comments or complaints about our services, please write to the Customer Care Manager at the address below What we promise to when things go wrong: • If you are delayed for more than one hour you may claim rail vouchers to the value of 50% of the journey made Write a letter to the Customer Care Manager at Capital Rail complaining about the poor service you have experienced and asking for compensation Use your own words as far as possible Write about 250 words You not need to include addresses Read the instructions carefully and highlight the key points Ask yourself: • • What is the purpose of your letter? What you want it to achieve? Content Your letter should include the following points • • • • • Why you are writing Which of your journeys were delayed How long the delays were What happened as a result of the travel delays What compensation you require Organisation Decide how you will organise these points into about four paragraphs What kind of things can you say in each paragraph? Style and register Thinking about what you want the letter to achieve, consider these questions: Should the letter be formal or informal? What tone is appropriate, eg angry, humorous, sarcastic, cool and factual? • • Layout of a formal letter This is how we organise a formal letter, although in the CAE exam it is not necessary to write addresses 22 York Street Bridewell BR8 450 The Principal Clifton College 24 November 2006 Clifton CL5 2RE Dear Sir, I am interested in applying for a place on a computer course at your college and I would be grateful if you could send me full details of the courses you offer and the fees, together with an application form I look forward to hearing from you Yours faithfully S M Gilchrist S M Gilchrist (Ms) Letter of complaint In the first paragraph explain the reason for writing In the second paragraph explain exactly what the problem is Give all the necessary details about where and when it happened and who was involved Give other relevant information in further paragraphs if necessary In the final paragraph explain what action you want to be taken Useful language I am writing to complain about … to express my concern about the fact that … to express my annoyance at … I must insist that you … I must urge you to … I feel I am entitled to a refund I feel I am entitled to some compensation for the inconvenience I have suffered I hope you will consider the points I have raised very carefully I shall expect a written apology at your earliest convenience Endings It is usual to end letters which expect a reply with a sentence on a separate line The most common ending is: I look forward to hearing from you CAE Writing Guide Personal Notes and Messages Look at this task You are working as an assistant in the offices of an English company You are finishing some work after your colleagues have left when the phone rings for you As a result of the call, you need to take the following day off work Write two notes explaining the situation, one to your boss, and one to a colleague and friend, with whom you had a lunch date Write 60-80 words in each note A task like this will be more realistic and more successful if you decide on some concrete details before you start If you can use true facts, it’s very easy, but if you can’t, invent some interesting and believable ones! Decide on answers to the questions below Your work: The phone call: Your boss: Your colleague: The lunch: What kind of work you for the company? How long have you been with the company? How will you be able to make up for the time you will miss? Who was it from? What was the message? Why is it important? Why was there such short notice? Male / female? How well you get on with him / her? How are they likely to react to your being away? Male / female? How long have you known him / her? Have you had lunch together before? Where were you going to go? Will there be any problem about cancelling? When could you have lunch instead? Notes and messages are usually even more informal than informal letters, although the exact degree of formality will depend on the specific relationship Decide which phrases from the list below would be more appropriate in the note to your boss (B) and which in the note to your colleague (C) I received a telephone call rang me I’ll gladly make up the time In the circumstances Some other time? out of the blue such short notice I’m really sorry I apologise for any inconvenience There are no fixed rules about the layout of notes and messages Look at these examples and the comments which follow Fri Chris, Just to let you know that I managed to get tickets for the Flaming Lips concert at the Ensemble Theatre on Tues It starts at 7.30, so shall we meet outside the theatre at about 7.15? We could have a bite to eat afterwards if you like See you soon K Hastings 7/11 Dear Clare, A quick note to thank you for helping me with the job application Your advice was much appreciated I’ve sent it off now, so let’s hope I get an interview Saw Frank yesterday I’ll pass on the news when I see you All the best, Allison • • • • • The day, date or time is normally somewhere at the top You can begin with Dear …, with a first name or just an initial, depending on your relationship Informal language is often appropriate You need not always write in full sentences Finish with your name or initial Beginning a note No special introductory phrases are necessary but notes often begin with expressions like: Just (a note) to A quick note to let you know / tell you / check that … ask / see if … thank you for / apologise for / about Apologising Sorry I couldn’t / wasn’t able to / forgot to … I (would like to) apologise for missing the meeting Ending a note No special fixed phrases are needed but notes and messages may end with expressions like: See you soon Speak to you soon All the best Now write the two notes for the task above Ask the Study Centre monitor for help if you need it CAE Writing Guide Leaflet Look at this task You work in a fitness centre The centre would like to encourage more business people to use its facilities after work There are many companies in your town which have English-speaking employees and you have been asked to prepare the text for a leaflet aimed at them You should: introduce the fitness centre and its facilities emphasise the benefits of regular exercise give brief general advice on ways of avoiding stress in daily life Write the text for the leaflet using about 250 words First, you will need to think about the content of your leaflet - make a list of possible exercise and other facilities (such as a shop, café etc) - make notes about the benefits of regular exercise (and the dangers of inactivity) - think about what to include in the “general advice” section Layout and organisation Information sheets, leaflets and brochures are intended to inform, persuade or warn The two main aims are therefore to catch the reader’s attention and to present the message as clearly as possible To this, layout and organisation need to be as effective as possible Short paragraphs with clear headings are much easier to read and absorb than long blocks of text, for example The best approach is to imagine yourself as the reader and to ask what you would want to know, and in what order you would find it easiest to absorb the information Consider these points: Main heading: - Is this as direct and eye-catching as possible? - Does it give the reader a clear idea of what the subject is? - Does it make the reader want to read on? Subheadings: - Are these short and clear? Asking a question in your heading may be more interesting than stating a fact Text: - Is the information broken up into short, easy-to-read sections? Is the order logical? Visual help: Can you help the reader, for example: by indenting small sub-sections so that they stand out as small blocks which are clearly separate from the main text? - by putting important points on separate lines? Or by numbering your points? Or • by putting “bullets” in front of main points? Or by using different STYLES and sizes of writing? Or by underlining or putting boxes round important words You won’t be marked on your design skills, of course, but you may make a good impression on the examiner! Look at this example of a leaflet which gives information about looking after your heart Here we have reproduced only the text of the leaflet, as this is all that you are required to produce in the exam A real-life leaflet would of course contain visuals as well Look After Your Heart A Simple Guide To Feeling Fitter Looking Better And Living Longer Why I need to look after my heart? By looking after your heart you can feel fitter and look better – and you’ll be protecting yourself against heart disease too England is one of the worst countries in the world for heart disease It causes one in three of all deaths among 55-64 year olds What causes heart disease? Your heart needs a supply of oxygen that comes from the blood in its arteries Over a number of years these arteries can get clogged up and the supply of blood to the heart can stop This causes a heart attack I’m fit and healthy Why should I worry? Heart attacks usually happen to people in middle age, but the damage to your arteries can start long before that, without you realising it

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