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Parents sometimes complain about teachers giving a great number of _ assignments __ to their children.. Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses.[r]

WORD FORMATION | Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses There’s an international between Viet Nam and Laos this evening (FRIEND) The of the bird flu is worrying (BREAK) Those remote areas are siill to the Internet (ACCESS) He made quite a number of in his career as a footballer (SUCCEED) The of knowledge for the young is a policy to follow (RICH) No details about the celebration have been given (FAR) He feels because of the teacher's voice (SLEEP) Things in this shop are cheaper than those in other shops (COMPARE) Would you like to go with us this Sunday? (PICNIC) 10 The principal said some words to the pupils before the exam (COURAGE) ll Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses The teacher's knowledge and care win her pupils’ (adore) All the dancers performed (attract) It is to live in the country than in the city (health) Junior high school is in most countries (compel) Farmers have to use to protect their crops (herb) He gave some very explanations, and was not punished (persuade) # He is a scientist although he is still young (know) Winning a game is sometimes not so important as In it (participate) The his father created in him helps him to be a good doctor (inspire) 10 Using electricity to cook is , 'm afraid (economy) lll Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses He is a(n) person who directly says what he thinks (SPEAK) Another problem is the of rivers and lakes in the area (DIRT) Smoking does harm to human lungs (REPAIR) His attitude toward the teachers deserves punishment (RESPECT) That plan can, | hope, be realized (PRACTICE) She is one of our greatest to appear in the play (PERFORM) is what he takes up as a hobby (COOK) Take them to the center, please (CYCLE) He seems about life and everything Just like a happy child, really! (CARE) 10 She is always and polite in front of the elders (DRESS) IV Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses He is a music ; he has a good collection of songs (ENTHUSIASM) Our teacher is a person It seems as if he is always ready to shout (HOT) Drinking will your ability to perform well on the stage (BAD) He had his phone because he is going away for some time (CONNECT) That should be stopped at any rate (PRACTICE) Michael Jordan is one of the greatest of all times (BASKET) is what he takes up as a hobby (CARPENTER) | wish | had her hair (MANAGE) The fire was , and the loss was high (CONTROL) 10 She is always and polite in front of the elders (BEHAVE) V Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses The of Vietnamese trademark has been remarkably increasing (POPULAR) The youth of Vietnam have done many deeds (HERO) She refuses to work on Sundays because of her religious (BELIEF) We must all help to stop the of the ozone layer (DESTROY) The prisoners were well-treated with (HUMAN) There has been a sharp in the number of people out of work (RAISE) | could see some in the trees (MOVE) Some designers have the ao dai by printing lines of poetry (MODERN) These clothes are attractive but entirely (PRACTICE) 10 If you are , you might hurt someone's feeling (SENSE) VI Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses | Nguyén Dinh Luyén GV Trường THƠCS Bù Nho — Bù Gia Mập - Bình Phước He treated them with (generous) How many entered the race? (compete) If you are with our service, please write to the manager (satisfy) He drives so that he often has accidents (care) Flowers are often by bees as they gather nectar (fertile) | think these thin clothes are for cold weather (suit) The computer is one of the most marvelous in Our modern age (invent) She is always worried about her children’s (safe) He was kept in the hospital overnight as a measure (precaution) 10 Housework has been regarded as women’s work (tradition) VII Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses The parents found their son’s behavior (worry) The school is now very That’s why the quality of teaching and learning is much better (equip) Young children are often They tend to tell the truth (rely) playing a sport gives us a longer lifespan (Science) Their attempt to reach the top of the mountain was because of the severe weather (succeed) They had a chance to take part in a lot of activities (culture) is a horrible quality (Honest) The computer can help us to get a lot of useful from the Net (inform) What a nuisance! We were of finishing the task (capability) 10 Parents sometimes complain about teachers giving a great number of to their children (assign) VIII Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses My tooth was really , sO | went to see the dentist (pain) She extremely about the history of art (know) I’m afraid you aren't suitably for the job (qualification) Thousands of people are living in after earthquake (miserable) She has an command of the language (impress) You can always rely on Barbara She is very (depend) | watch the news everyday because it’s very (inform) A holiday in America can be cheap (surprise) | am thankful to my teacher who always gives me lots of-to better my knowledge (courage) 10 Many chemicals have a effect on the environment (disaster) IX Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses That jacket is very You should buy a new one.(wear) Some young people today have a very strange (appear) They at least once every two week (correspondence) | with spending so much money on the project It’s a waste of money (agree) The Internet is a wonderful of modern life (invent) | don’t Know which website is for me (use) She lives in a small village and its are very beautiful.(surround) You don’t have to that work In other words, it’s for you.(necessity) in Vietnam has brought a lot of big changes.(industry) 10 You must read the following precautions carefully.(safe) X Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses She is one of the most famous in the world (ENVIRONMENT) English isa difficult language for the Chinese to learn (COMPARE) He was so sad because the film ended (HAPPY) Their behavior made a deep upon the guests (IMPRESS) Don't try to things too quickly Set yourself targets (REAL) Students should be to be proud of their school uniforms (COURAGE) Great works of art like the Mona Lisa are (PRICE) Catching common cold is for everybody (PLEASE) Hes an expert in technology We call him a (TECHNIQUE) 10 A famous pianist was for seven years (PRISON) 2| Neguyén Dinh Luyén GV Truong THCS Bu Nho — Bit Gia Map — Binh Phuéc (CO CO ¬I ƠI +> C2 `5) (O ơI @ I đ G2 N) — — (O CO ¬I @ Ơi G2 R) ¬ ANSWER KEY | Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses There’s an international friendly between Viet Nam and Laos this evening (FRIEND) The outbreak of the bird flu is worrying (BREAK) Those remote areas are still inaccessible to the Internet (ACCESS) He made quite a number of _ successes in his career as a footballer (SUCCEED) The enrichment of knowledge for the young is a policy to follow (RICH) No further details about the celebration have been given (FAR) He feels sleepy because of the teacher’s voice (SLEEP) Things in this shop are comparatively cheaper than those in other shops (COMPARE) Would you like to go picnicking with us this Sunday? (PICNIC) The principal said some encouraging words to the pupils before the exam.(COURAGE) Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses The teacher’s knowledge and care win her pupils’ adoration (adore) All the dancers performed attractively (attract) _Itis healthier to live in the country than in the city (health) Junior high school is compulsory in most countries (compel) Farmers have to use herbicide to protect their crops (herb) He gave some very persuasive explanations, and was not punished (persuade) He is a well-known scientist although he is still young (know) Winning a game is sometimes not so importantas participating in it (participate) The inspiration his father created in him helps him to be a good doctor (inspire) 10 Using electricity to cook is uneconomical , ’'m afraid (economy) lll Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses He is a(n) outspoken person who directly says what he thinks (SPEAK) Another problem is the dirtying of rivers and lakes in the area (DIRT) Smoking does _ irreparable harm to human lungs (REPAIR) His disrespectful attitude toward the teachers deserves punishment (RESPECT) That plan can, | hope, be practically realized (PRACTICE) She is one of our greatest performers to appear in the play (PERFORM) Cookery is what he takes up as a hobby (COOK) Take them to the recycling center, please (CYCLE) care-free about life and everything Just like a happy child, really! (CARE) He seems She is always well-dressed and polite in front of the elders (DRESS) IV Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses He is a music enthusiast ; he has a good collection of songs (ENTHUSIASM) Our teacher is a hot-tem pered person It seems as if he is always ready to shout (HOT) Drinking will worsen your ability to perform well on the stage (BAD) He had his phone disconnected because he is going away for some time (CONNECT) That malpractice should be stopped at any rate (PRACTICE) Michael Jordan is one of the greatest basketballers of all times (BASKET) Carpentry is what he takes up as a hobby (CARPENTER) | wish | had her manageable hair (MANAGE) The fire was uncontrollable , and the loss was high (CONTROL) 10 She is always well-behaved and polite in front of the elders (BEHAVE) V Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses The popularity of Vietnamese trademark has been remarkably increasing (POPULAR) The youth of Vietnam have done many _ heroic _ deeds (HERO) She refuses to work on Sundays because of her religious _ belief(s)_ (BELIEF) We must all help to stop the _ destruction of the ozone layer (DESTROY) The prisoners were well-treated with humanity (HUMAN) There has been a sharp rise in the number of people out of work (RAISE) | could see some s movement _in the trees (MOVE) Some designers have _ modernized the ao dai by printing lines of poetry (MODERN) These clothes are attractive but entirely impractical,_ (PRACTICE) 10 If you are insensitive _, you might hurt someone’s feeling (SENSE) VI Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses 3| Nguyên Dình Luyện GV Trường THƠS Bù Nho — Bù Gia Mập — Bình Phc OONADAOAKRWN= (O G ơI @ i + â R2) — < — (O œ ¬lI @ Ơi +> C2 R) —¬ He treated them with generosity (generous) How many competitors _ entered the race ? (compete) l you are dissatisfied _ with our service, please write to the manager (satisfy) Hedrivesso carelessly that he often has accidents (care) Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar (fertile) I think these thin clothes are unsuitable —_ for cold weather (suit) The computer is one of the most marvelous inventions _in our modern age (invent) She is always worried about her children’s _ safety _ (safe) He was kept in the hospital overnightasa _—s precautionary _ measure (precaution) O Housework has traditionally been regarded as women’s work (tradition) ll Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses The parents found their son’s behavior _ worrying (worry) The school is now very well-equipped That's why the quality of teaching and learning is much better (equip) Young children are often reliable They tend to tell the truth (rely) Scientifically _, playing a sport gives us a longer lifespan (Science) Their attempt to reach the top of the mountain was_ unsuccessful because of the severe weather (Succeed) They had a chance to take partinalotof _ Cultural _activities (culture) Dishonesty is a horrible quality (Honest) The computer can help us to get a lot of useful _ information from the Net (inform) What a nuisance! We were _ incapable of finishing the task (capability) 10 Parents sometimes complain about teachers giving a great number of _ assignments to their children (assign) VIII Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses My tooth was really _ painful , so | went to see the dentist (pain) She extremely _ knowledgeable _ about the history of art (know) I'm afraid you aren't suitably _ qualified — forthe job (qualification) Thousands of people are living in misery after earthquake (miserable) She has an impressive command of the language (impress) You can always rely on Barbara She is very _—s dependable _ (depend) [watch the news everyday because ifs very informative (inform) (surprise) Aholiday in America can be surprisingly cheap lam thankful to my teacher who always gives me lots of-encouragement-to better my knowledge.(courage) Many chemicals have a_ disastrous effect onthe environment (disaster) X Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses That jacket is very —~-wore _ You should buy a new one.(wear) Some young people today have avery strange —s_—s appearance .(appear) They _ correspond at least once every two week (correspondence) | — disagree with spending so much money on the project It’s a waste of money (agree) The Internet is a wonderful —s invention _ of modern life.(invent) [don’t Know which website is useful for me (use) She lives in a smaill village and its surroundings are very beautiful.(surround) You don’t have to that work In other words, it’s unnecessary for you.(necessity) Industrialization _ in Vietnam has brought a lot of big changes (industry) 10 You must read the following safety precautions carefully (safe) X Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses She is one of the most famous -environmentalist- _ in the world (environment) English isa -comparatively - _ difficult language for the Chinese to learn (compare) He was so sad because the film ended _-unhappily - (happy) Their behavior made adeep —-impression- upon the guests (impress) Don’t try to things too quickly Set yourself _—-rea/- _ targets (real) Students should be - encouraged- _ to be proud of their school uniforms (courage) Great works of art like the Mona Lisa are _-priceless- (price) Catching common cold is - unpleasant- _ for everybody (please) Hes an expert in technology We call him a _-technician - _ (TECHNIQUE) 10 A famous pianist was - imprisoned- for seven years (PRISON) 4Ì Nguyễn Đình Luyện GV Trường THƠS Bù Nho — Bù Gia Mập — Binh Phuéc ... (SLEEP) Things in this shop are comparatively cheaper than those in other shops (COMPARE) Would you like to go picnicking with us this Sunday? (PICNIC) The principal said some encouraging words... the appropriate form of the words in parentheses The teacher’s knowledge and care win her pupils’ adoration (adore) All the dancers performed attractively (attract) _Itis healthier to live... ANSWER KEY | Fill the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses There’s an international friendly between Viet Nam and Laos this evening (FRIEND) The outbreak of the bird

Ngày đăng: 22/11/2021, 08:49

