HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATIONQuestion 1 : The role of human resource management in the enterprise: • No matter how dynamic, enthusiastic, and confident a business leader is, the administrator and leader still cannot do anything without the wholehearted support of the people under them and of all those who do business with the enterprise. Even though the companys products are of the best quality in the world, they cannot dominate the market without relying on the skillful and enthusiastic sales staff. The most perfect hookandloop equipment will only produce meager goods without skillful and skilled craftsmen. The success of an enterprise cannot be separated from the human factor. Therefore, human resource management has special roles, manifested as follows: Human resource management contributes to promoting the human working capacity to the most thorough and effective level Human resource management plays a decisive role in the success or failure of an enterprise. Today, in the knowledge economy, when the product value is more than 80% of the light content, the human factor is increasingly being placed as an important factor. People with their skills and qualifications, influence the tools of labor to influence the objects of labor to create goods for society. This process is also organized and controlled by people. People design and manufacture goods, check the quality, bring products to market, allocate financial resources, and define key strategies and goals for the organization. Without effective people, any organization will not be able to achieve its goals.