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BASIC ENGLISH CONVERSATION PRACTICE CÁC MẪU CÂU CHÀO HỎI GIỚI THIỆU CƠ BẢN VỀ BẢN THÂNBao gồm các câu hỏi tên, tuối, nơi ở... và cách trả lờiSample questions and answers for a basic conversation in EnglishQuestion: What’s your name? (câu hỏi tên)Answers:My name is … I’m … (your name)My full first last name is …You can call me … They call me … Please call me … Everyone calls me …

SELF INTRODUCTION/ GREETING (CÁC MẪU CÂU CHÀO HỎI/ GIỚI THIỆU CƠ BẢN VỀ BẢN THÂN) Question: What’s your name? (câu hỏi tên) Answers: − − − My name is …/ I’m … (your name) My full/ first/ last name is … You can call me …/ They call me …/ Please call me …/ Everyone calls me … Question: How old are you? (Câu hỏi tuổi) Answers: − − − − I’m … years old / I’m … I’m over/ almost/ nearly … I am around your age I’m in my early twenties/ late thirties Questions: Where are you from?/ Where you come from?/ Where were you born? (Câu hỏi nơi ở) Answers: − − − I’m … (nationality) I’m from …/ I come from …/ My hometown is …/ I’m originally from … (country) I was born in … (your hometown / country) Question: Where you live?/ What’s your address? (Câu hỏi địa cụ thể) Answers: − − − − − I live in … / My address is … (city) I live on … (name) street I live at … ( Street , Ward , District , city) I spent most of my life in … (city) / I grew up in … (city) I have lived in … (city) for/ since … (years) Questions: How many people are there in your family? Who you live with?/ With whom you live? Do you have any sibling? (Câu hỏi số lượng thành viên gia đình) Answers: Kate − − − − − There are … (number) people in my family There are … (number) of us in my family I have … brothers and … (number) sister My family has … (number) people / I live with my … I am the only child / I don’t have any siblings (là gia đình) Questions: What you do?/ What you for living?/ What’s your job?/ What sort of work you do?/ What line of work are you in? (Câu hỏi nghề nghiệp) Answers: − − − − − − I am a/ an … (your job)/ I work as a/ an … I work for (company) … as a/ an (your job) … I work in/at a … (places) I used to work as a/ an (job) … at … (places) I have been working in … (city) for … years I’m unemployed./ I am out of work./ I have been made redundant./ I am between jobs (đang thất nghiệp/ việc/ thăng chức/ q trình chuyển giao nhiều công việc khác nhau) − I am looking for a job / I am looking for work (đang tìm việc) − I’m retired (đã nghỉ hưu) Questions: Where you study? What you study? / What is your major? (Câu hỏi việc học tập) Answers: − − − − I’m a student at … (school) I study at …/ I am at …/ I go to … (school) I study … (majors) (chuyên ngành học ) My major is … Questions: What is your marital status? Are you married? Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend? (Câu hỏi tình trạng nhân) Answers: − − I’m married/ single/ engaged/ divorced I’m not seeing/ dating anyone / I am available Kate − − − − − − I’m going out with a … (someone) / I’m still looking for the one I’m in a relationship./ I have a boyfriend/ girlfriend/ lover/ … I’m in love with … (someone) I have a husband/ wife I’m a happily married man/ woman I’m a widow/ widower (người goá chồng/ goá vợ) Kate

Ngày đăng: 17/10/2021, 11:40

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