Detective Detective film film Science Science fiction fiction film film Cartoon Cartoon film film Love Love story story film film War War film film Thriller Thriller Horror Horror Action[r]
(1)Welcome to our class! (2) A Detective film B Science fiction film C Cartoon film D Love story film E War film F Thriller G Horror H Action film H C D A G E F B (3) Tuesday, March 15th, 2016 Unit 13: FILMS AND CINEMA B Speaking (4) Detective film Musical film Science fiction film Historical film Cartoon film Kinds of film Action film Love story film Horror War film Thriller (5) A: What you think of horror films? (Feeling) B: Oh, I find them really terrifying A: I don’t quite agree with you I find them very interesting B: So, which you prefer, horror films or detective films? (Preference) A: Well, it’s difficult to say But I suppose I prefer detective films to horror films B: How much you like detective films? A: I like it very much How about you? B: Not very much (6) A: What you think of horror films? B: Oh, I find them really terrifying A: I don’t quite agree with you I find them very interesting B: So, Which you prefer, horror films or detective films? A: Well, it’s difficult to say But I suppose I prefer detective films to horror films B: How much you like detective films? A: I like it very much How about you? B: Not very much Task 1: Find out what your friends feel about each kind of films and their preferences for films Detective Detective film film Science Science fiction fiction film film Cartoon Cartoon film film Love Love story story film film War War film film Thriller Thriller Horror Horror Action Action film film Historical Historical film film Musical Musical film film Interesting Interesting Moving Moving Good Good fun fun Violent Violent Boring Boring Exciting Exciting Terrifying Terrifying Very Very much much Not Not very very much much Not Not like like (7) Task 2: Imagine you are a journalist and ask students about the films they have seen Questions Where did you see it? What kind of film is it? What is it about? Who is/are the main character(s)? How you feel about it? Why you prefer it to other films? Student Student ……………………… ……………………… (8) Homework - Practice the dialogue again - Prepare the next lesson C Listening (page 136) (9) (10) Structure: S + find + O + adj Ex1: I find cartoon films interesting Ex2: She finds horror films terrifying (11) Structure: Prefer + N/V-ing to N/V-ing Ex1: I prefer love story films to war films Ex2: He prefers watching films to listening to music (12)