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Substitution Skills: Predictions + Reading: read and answer the Pair work questions Individual + Speaking: Work in pair to discuss work the questions; work in group to talk about the spo[r]

(1)PHÒNG GD VÀ ĐT VIỆT TRÌ TRƯỜNG THCS THỌ SƠN KẾ HOẠCH DẠY HỌC MÔN TIẾNG ANH NĂM HỌC 2015 - 2016 Lớp: 6A, 6B, 6E I ĐẶC ĐIỂM TÌNH HÌNH CHUNG Khảo sát chất lượng học sinh đầu năm: STT LỚP 6A 6B 6E TỔNG SỐ HS 45 40 46 SỐ HS KHẢO SÁT 45 40 46 KẾT QUẢ KHẢO SÁT GIỎI TS 1 % KHÁ TS % TRUNG BÌNH TS 30 27 30 % YẾU TS % KÉM TS % 10 12 Nh÷ng thuËn lîi vµ khã kh¨n: a) Thuận lợi: * Thuận lợi phía Giáo viên: - Được phân công giảng dạy đúng chuyên môn đào tạo - Nhiệt tình, có trách nhiệm công tác - Được quan tâm, giúp đỡ, ủng hộ BGH nhà trường và đồng nghiệp chuyên môn và nhiệm vụ phân công - Gia đình tạo điều kiện công tác để hoàn thành tốt nhiệm vụ giao * Thuận lợi phía Học sinh: - Đa số học sinh ngoan ngoãn, lễ phép và đã làm quen với phương pháp học môn - Một số học sinh có ý thức học tập tốt, tự giác học tập - Chấp hành nội qui nếp tương đối tốt - Nhiều học sinh có hứng thú với môn, tích cực hoạt động nhóm b) Khó khăn: * Khó khăn phía Giáo viên: - Là năm đầu tiên sử dụng sách giáo khoa thí điểm nên còn nhiều bỡ ngỡ * Khó khăn phía học sinh: (2) - Nội dung kiến thức sách giáo khoa thí điểm khá nặng - Phương pháp học tập còn thụ động, học vẹt, chưa biết tìm tòi suy nghĩ chất vấn đề Tư suy luận còn nhiều hạn chế - Năng lực tự học, kĩ học tập nhóm nhiều học sinh chưa hình thành tốt - Chất lượng chưa đồng Một số còn lười học, lười ghi chép, chữ viết quá xấu - Còn tượng chưa tự giác học bài và làm bài trước đến lớp - Kỹ làm bài học sinh còn hạn chế, chữ viết còn cẩu thả, sai lỗi chính tả - Số học sinh vượt trội không có - Nhiều em chưa chăm chỉ, tự giác học tập, chưa quan tâm đến việc học môn, còn thụ động và cần nhắc nhở nhiều - Cá biệt số học sinh yếu, nhận thức chậm - Bên cạnh đó số học sinh có hoàn cảnh khó khăn, thiếu tập trung tư tưởng học tập Biện pháp: a) Đối với giáo viên: - Nghiêm chỉnh chấp hành quy chế chuyên môn, chấp hành tốt vận động hai không, bám sát nhiệm vụ cấp học, năm học - Soạn bài kỹ, bài soạn có trước ba ngày - Đổi phương pháp giảng dạy, nâng cao chất lượng dạy - Đọc và tham khảo nhiều tài liệu để nâng cao trình độ chuyên môn , nghiệp vụ - Luôn học hỏi đồng nghiệp, tích cực dự , thăm lớp - Sử dụng tối đa số thiết bị có, tích cực làm thêm đồ dùng dạy học - Tham gia sinh hoạt chuyên môn thường xuyên - Tích cực xem đài , báo, đọc sách chuyên ngành để có thêm hiểu biết đời sống xã hội và kiến thức môn - Tham gia đầy đủ các lớp tập huấn thay sách các cấp tổ chức Chấm chữa bài theo đúng quy chế chuyên môn b) Đối với học sinh: - Có ý thức tự giác, chuyên cần học tập - Có thái độ học tập đúng đắn với môn học - Có đầy đủ SGK, ghi, sổ tay học tập môn - Thường xuyên trao đổi tìm hiểu vấn đề có liên quan đến môn học - Tích cực thực hành kỹ nghe nói nhà lớp học - Mạnh dạn phát huy hết khả mình (3) II MỤC TIÊU: Mục tiêu chung môn học: a) Mục tiêu dạy học Tiếng Anh lớp THCS : Listening:  Students become familiar with the sounds, rhythms and intonation of English  Listening activity should aim to help students understand spoken English and develop sub- Speaking: listening skills such as for gist or listening for details  Speaking in English is of two form: spoken interaction and spoken production Reading: Writing:  Students practice the stress, the rhythms and intonation patterns of English in a natural way  Help students develop sub-skills such as skimming for gist and scanning for details  Develop students’ basic writing skills in English b) Kiến thức ngôn ngữ: - Tenses: Present simple tense,present progressive tense,future simple tense , past simple tense and present perfect tense - Vocabulary and pronunciation - There is / are - Modal verbs : should / shouldn’t, - Identify name of objectives related to school, home, neighborhood - How many + plural noun + are there ……… ? - What time ……… ? - Abverbs of time - Yes / no questions - Prepositions of time / place - Question words - Suggestions: What about / why don’t you…, let’s… - Conditional sentences- type (4) - Adverbs of frequency - Comparatives and superlatives of short adjectives - “Could and will be able to” to express past and future ability c) Chuẩn kiến thức, kĩ : - Tenses: Present simple tense,present progressive tense,future simple tense, past simple tense and present perfect tense - Question words - Prepositions of time / place - Nouns : singular, plural - Comparatives and superlatives - Modal verbs: must, can… Chỉ tiêu chất lượng môn: STT LỚP KẾT QUẢ KHẢO SÁT TỔNG SỐ HS GIỎI TS % KHÁ TS % TRUNG BÌNH TS % YẾU TS 6A 45 15 16 6B 40 10 23 6E 46 15 21 % KÉM TS % III KẾ HOẠCH CHUNG CỦA BỘ MÔN Kế hoạch bồi dưỡng HS yếu kém, HS giỏi: a) Học sinh yếu kém: * Chỉ tiêu: - Phấn đấu giảm thiểu số học sinh yếu, kém, tăng học sinh khá giỏi; nâng chất lượng môn học - 95 % học sinh đạt chất lượng môn từ TB trở lên * Biện pháp: - Luôn quan tâm chú trọng đầu tư đến công tác phụ đạo HS yếu kém; (5) - Lập kế hoạch và lên chương trình giảng dạy theo chuyên đề, chủ đề; - Khảo chất lượng HS, lọc các HS học yếu, ý thức học tập kém từ đầu năm học - Bài soạn sát với trình độ HS, để HS hiểu bài; b) Học sinh giỏi: * Chỉ tiêu: - Số lượng HSG đảm bảo số lượng và chất lượng * Biện pháp: - Luôn quan tâm chú trọng đến công tác bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi, - Lập kế hoạch và lên chương trình giảng dạy theo chuyên đề, chủ đề; - Tuyển chọn đội tuyển học sinh giỏi từ đầu năm học - Tuân thủ thời khóa biểu; thời gian biểu bồi dưỡng HSG nhà trường - Chú ý tới đổi công tác Bồi dưỡng HSG theo hướng dạy kiến thức, kỹ bản, bồi dưỡng chuyên sâu, theo chủ điểm, chuyên đề Kế hoạch rèn kĩ sống cho học sinh: - Thực các nội dung giáo dục tích hợp, lồng ghép có hiệu quả: Giáo dục đạo đức, học tập và làm theo gương đạo đức Hồ Chí Minh, giáo dục pháp luật… - Tuyên truyền, giáo dục chủ quyền biển đảo, sử dụng lượng tiết kiệm và hiệu - Giáo dục bảo vệ môi trường, đa dạng sinh học và bảo tồn thiên nhiên - Giáo dục tài nguyên, môi trường, biển, đảo, ứng phó với biến đổi khí hậu, phòng tránh và giảm nhẹ thiên tai xảy - Đổi cách tổ chức học, tăng tính tự quản học sinh Kế hoạch thực chương trình giáo dục địa phương: - Thực giáo dục địa phương lồng ghép các tiết học IV KẾ HOẠCH CỤ THỂ BỘ MÔN: Chương trình: Cả năm: 37 tuần, gồm 105 tiết, đó: Chế độ cho điểm tối thiểu: Học kì I: 19 tuần ; 53 tiết Hệ số Hệ số M 15' Thực hành Viết Thực hành 2 Học kì II: 18 tuần; 52 tiết Học kỳ (6) Kế hoạch dạy học cụ thể: HỌC KÌ I WEEK PERIOD 1 UNIT Hướng dẫn cách học & ôn tập đầu năm OBJECTIVES Knowledge: - Understand about learning program of new English Skills: - Know some methods of learning English well - Prepare carefully for this subject such as: a textbook, a workbook, a notebook and some objects of learning Attitude: To teach Ss to be interested in learning this subject Competences: - Being interested in learning English THEME 1: OUR COMMUNITY * Knowledge: - Learn to pronounce sounds /aʊ / and /ʌl / , /s/, /iz/, /z/ - Know to use the present simple and the present continuous - Know how to write a webpage for their school with good punctuation - Describe position of things in their house and the structure "There is/ there are - Know how to write an e- mail to their friend with good punctuation - Use the present continuous to talk about future plans and arrangements - Make polite requests and suggestions and respond to them - Use the vocabulary and structure about personality - Use the present continuous to talk about future plans and arrangements * Skills: Listening, reading, writing, speaking * Attitude: To teach SS to work hard, love their school, friends and neighbourhood INTERSUBJECTS TEACHING METHODS, ORGANIZING T AND SS’ PREPARATION Exercises, Questions keys and S and answers book, Pairwork workbook Individual Notebooks, work books of English Notebooks, books of English NOTE (7) * Competences: - Asking and answering questions about school activities - Talking about what they like and don’t like about school - Talking about family members, housework and jobs - Asking and answering questions about where someone lives and works - Describing personal appearance and characteristics - Talking about activities friends often together - Write a description about a friend UNIT 1: My new school Getting started Knowledge: - Understand the dialogue on page six and use some expressions in the conversation, some school things Skills: + Listening: Listen to the conversation among Phong, Phong’s mum, Vy and Duy; listen to a poem + Reading: Read the conversation and then true/ false exercise and find the expressions in the conversation + Speaking: work in pair to create short roleplay with the expressions + Writing: Use a model poem to write a poem about their partner Attitude: To teach SS to work hard, love their school and friends Competences: Listening and reading to get information about the first day at school of a student Knowledge: - Know some new words about the subjects and sports they learn and play at school Civic education Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Cassette player; some pictures of school things Visual aids Repetition Cassette player, some (8) UNIT 1: My new school A closer look UNIT 1: My new school A closer look - Know the verbs go with these words, - Learn pronunciation sounds /aʊ / and /ʌl / Skills: + Listening: Listen and repeat the words and sounds, underline the sounds / aʊ/ and /ʌl / they hear + Writing: use the verbs and words given to make phrases, use the words given to complete the sentences, write more sentences about yourself Attitude: To teach SS to work hard, love their school and friends Competences: - Asking and answering questions about school activities Knowledge: - Know to use the present simple and the present continuous, use the present simple verbs with the third singular subject in the positive, negative and questions Skills: + Listening: Listen to get information about school activities + Speaking: Talk about school activities, subjects and what Ss at school + Reading: Read for specific information about schools, and read e-mails and web pages Attitude: To teach SS to work hard, love their school and friends Competences:- Asking and answering questions about school activities Predictions Pair work Individual work pictures Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Cassette player, some pictures (9) UNIT 1: My new school Communication UNIT 1: My new school Skills Knowledge: - Talk about school activities, subjects, their friends and give nice sentences about friends Skills: + Speaking: Talk about school activities, subjects and what Ss at school + Writing: write more questions to ask friends -Attitude: To teach SS to work hard, love their school and friends Competences:- Asking and answering questions about school activities Knowledge: - Get information about the three schools PLC SYDNEY, VINABRITA and AN LAC schools – Do the exercises relating to the reading Skills: + Reading: read the information about the three schools and get the main idea + Speaking: Choose the school you would like to go to and discuss the reason why Attitude: To teach SS to be hard working, love their school and friends Competences:- Reading for specific informations about school - Talking about what we like and don’t like at school Knowledge: - Know how to write a webpage for their school with good punctuation - Complete listening and writing tasks Skills: Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Visual aids Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Guiding questions Questions Some pictures Some pictures of schools Cassette player, (10) UNIT 1: My new school Skills UNIT 1: My new school Looking back + project + Listening: Listen and choose the correct answers + Writing: correct the punctuation in the sentences, write the correct version and create a webpage for their school Attitude: To teach SS to be hard- working, love their school and friends Competences:- Listening to get information about school activities Knowledge: - Revise all vocabulary and grammar that appear in unit then they can talk about their dream school Skills: + Listening: Listen and write down the words in the correct places + Speaking: role- play the questions and answer with a partner and talk about their dream school + Writing: complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs write about dream school Attitude: To teach SS to be hard- working, love their school and friends Competences:- Asking and answering questions about school activities and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Eliciting Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Some pictures of differnt types schools (11) UNIT 2: My home Getting started UNIT 2: My home 10 A closer look 11 UNIT 2: My home A closer look Knowledge: - Understand the dialogue on page 16 - Describe position of things in their house and the structure "There is/ there are" Skills: + Listening: Listen to the converstions between mi and Nick and get the information + Writing: Prepositions of place Attitude: Work hard, love their house Competences:- Talking about and describing houses , room, and furnitures Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Cassette player, some pictures Knowledge: - Know more words of furniture Technology - Know how to pronounce "s, How to es" at the end of the words /z/ /iz/ /s/ arrange Skills: things in the + Listening: Pronounce correctly the home sounds: /s/ /z/ and /iz/ + Reading: Attitude: work hard, love their house Competences:- Talking about and describing houses , room, and furnitures Knowledge: - Povides Sts with words related Technology to house, rooms and furniture How to - Know how to use structures: There is/ there arrange are/ there isn't, there aren't things in the Skills: Listening, speaking home Attitude: work hard, love their house Competences:- Talking about and describing houses , room, and furnitures Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Cassette player, some pictures Visual aids Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Some pictures (12) 12 UNIT 2: My home Communication 13 UNIT 2: My home Skills Knowledge: - Help SS to further practice describing the house and rooms using THERE IS/ THERE ARE and prepositions of place Skills: + Speaking: look at the pictures and describe the house + Writing: write the description of their house Attitude: To teach SS to be hard- working, love their home Competences:- Talking about and describing houses , room, and furnitures Knowledge:- Get study skills- reading: PREDICTION, get the main information about the text: A ROOM AT THE CRAZY HOUSE HOTEL, DA LAT and complete all tasks Skills: + Reading: read the information about the three schools and get the main idea + Speaking: describe the room to the friends Attitude: To teach SS to be hard working and love their home Competences:- Reading e –mails about rooms in the house - Talking about and describe a room Guiding questions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Technology How to arrange things in the home Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Knowledge: Know how to write an e- mail to Technology their friend with good punctuation How to Repetition Substitution Pictures of some kinds of houses Picture of some strange rooms in a hotel An sample of an e-mail (13) 14 UNIT 2: My home Skills 15 UNIT 2: My home Looking back and project - Complete listening and writing tasks arrange Skills: things in the + Listening: Listen and draw the furniture in home the correct place + Writing: correct the punctuation in the sentences, write the correct version and create an e- mail to their friend Attitude: To teach SS to be hard- working and love their home and friends Competences:- Listening to get informations about rooms and furniture Knowledge: -Revise all vocabulary and Technology grammar that appear in unit How to - Talk about their own strange arrange house things in the Skills: home + Speaking: describe rooms using THERE IS/ THERE ARE and their positions using positions of place + Writing: complete the sentences with THERE IS/ THERE ARE and change the sentences into questions Attitude: To teach SS to be hard- working and love their home and friends Competences:- Talking about and describing houses , room, and furnitures Predictions Pair work Individual work Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Pictures of some kinds of house (14) UNIT 2: My home 16 17 Looking back and project UNIT 3: My friends A closer look UNIT 3: My friends Knowledge: -Understand the conversationpage 26 - Use the adjectives to talk about personality; to learn polite requests and suggestions Skills: +Listening: Listen to the conversation among Phuc, Duong, Chau and Mai and get the main information + Reading: Read the conversation and then complete the sentences + Speaking: Make polite requests and suggestions + Writing: use adjectives about characters and complete the sentences Attitude: To teach SS to work hard, love their school and friends Competences: - Talking about plans and personality civiceducation Knowledge: Pronounce correctly the sounds /b/ and /p/ in isolation and in context -Use the vocabulary and structure about body parts, appearance, and personality Skills: - Listening, Speaking, writing Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love their friends Competences:- Talking about appearances Knowledge:- Use the present continuous to talk about future plans and arrangements - Make polite requests and suggestions and respond to them Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Substitution Questions and answers Pair work Individual work civiceducation Repetition Substitution Questions and answers Cassette player, pictures of some students Cassette player, Pictures of some (15) 18 19 20 A closer look Skills: Speaking, Writing: Attitude: To teach SS to be polite and love their friends Competences: - Talking about plans Knowledge:- Use the vocabulary and structure about personality UNIT 3: - Use the present continuous to talk My friends about future plans and arrangements - Read for specific and general information in the texts Communica Skills: Speaking, reading tion Attitude: To teach SS to be hard- working and love their friends Competences: - Talking about activities will in the future Knowledge: - Read for specific and general UNIT 3: information in texts including advertisements My friends and e-mails about The Superb Summer Camp and a stay at the Superb Summer Camp Skills:+ Reading, Speaking Skills Attitude: To teach SS to be hard working and love their friends Competences: - Reading an e-mail and advertisements about things to with friends Pair work Individual work Individual work Guiding questions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Pictures of some frinds around the world Some pictures (16) 21 22 UNIT 3: My friends Skills UNIT 3: My friends Looking back and project Knowledge: - Practice with the present continuous tense for future by completing listening tasks - Improve their writing skill by learning Study Skill R, D and C and then write an entry for a magazine using notes Skills: + Listening: Listen for specific ideas + Writing: write an entry for a magazine using notes Attitude: To teach SS to be hard- working and love their home and friends Competences: - Listening to get information about things to with friends - Writing a description about a friend Knowledge: - Revise all vocabulary and grammar that appear in unit - Talk about or describe their friends: appearance, personality… Skills: + Speaking: describe their friends; talk about future plans + Writing: complete the dialogue Attitude: To teach SS to be hard- working and love their home and friends Competences:- Describing personal appeareance and characteristics; - Talking about plans Knowledge: - Revise all the learnt words and Repetition Substitution Questions and answers Pair work Individual work Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Cassette player, Pictures of some outdoor activities Pictures of some outdoor activities Keys (17) 23 24 Review structures from unit to unit They can make sentences using them - Do some exercises in the form/tense of the verbs pronunciation, vocab, grammar from unit to unit Skills: + Speaking : Pronounce the sounds they’ve learnt, use everyday English fluently + Writing: Use the simple present, present continuous, verbs: be/have correctly Attitude: Know the importance of revision and need to study harder Competences: - Doing exercises on pronounciation, vocabulary, grammar and everyday English Knowledge:- Understand knowledge from unit to unit and the test correctly Written test Skills: - Do the test in writing, reading and listening Attitude: Teach Ss to be strict and honest Competences: - Being able to the test well THEME 2: OUR HERITAGE Knowledge: By the end of the theme SS can: - Use adjectives to decribe some places and give directions - Pronounce correctly the sounds /i/ and /i:/ in isolation and in context Repetition Substitution Questions and answers Pair work Individual work Test Individual work (18) - Use adjectives to compare things - Write a paragraph about neighbourhood saying what they like or dislike about living there - Extend and practise vocabulary related to natural wonders of the world - Know about the comparatives and superlatives adjectives with short adjectives to describe things in nature - Use must or mustn’t to give orders - Know more about wonders in Viet Nam and can tell your partner about these places - Extend and practise vocabulary related to Tet : things, activities, and practices - Identify and practise the language of intentions (with “will”) and advice (with “should”) - Talk about what they should or shouldn't during Tet - Practice talking about their intention for Tet Skills: Speaking, writing, reading and listening Attitude: - To teach SS to work hard and love their neighborhood - To teach SS to work hard , love and proud of natural wonders of the world - To teach SS to work hard and love our Tet holiday Competences: - Talking a bout how people prepare for tet - Describing what people at Tet Holiday - Expressing concern in the country - Identify natural wonders in the country - Describing natural wonders in the country - Making comparison between natural wonders - Asking and answering about famous people - Expressing admiration fpr famous people of the past UNIT My neighbourhood Knowledge: - Listen to specific information about directions to some places in a neighborhood - Talk about different places and show directions to these in a neighborhood civiceducation Visual aids Repetition Substitution Questions and answers Pair work Cassette player, pictures of some famous places (19) 25 26 Skills: + Listening: Listen to the conversation Getting started among Phong, Khang, Nick and Girl and understand what they are talking about + Reading: Read the dialouge among them and put the action in the correct order + Speaking: Make suggestions and give directions Attitude: To teach Ss to work hard, love their neighbourhood Competences: Reading and listening for specific information to locate places in the neighourhood Knowledge: - Use adjectives to decribe some places UNIT - Pronounce correctly the My sounds /i/ and /i:/ in isolation and in neighbourhood context Skills: A closer look - Listening: Listen to the sounds /i/ and /i:/ and pronounce the two sounds correctly - Writing: Know the use of the adjective to describe the places Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love their neighborhood Competences: - Talking about and describing a neighbourhood Knowledge: - Use adjectives to compare things UNIT Skills: Individual work Visual aids Repetition Substitution Questions and answers Individual work Repetition Substitution Cassette player, pictures.of some famous places Pictures.of some famous places (20) My neighbourhood A closer look 27 28 10 29 + Writing: Know the form of comparative adjectives + Speaking: Use adjectives to compare things following each picture + Reading: Read and understand an e-mail letter and complete it + Writing: Write the differences between two places Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love their neighborhood Competences: - Comparing things and people Knowledge: + realize errors and know how to correct them Test correction Skills: + know how to a test Attitude: + Teach students the honesty and determination Competences: - Realizing the mistakes they’ve made UNIT My neighbourhood Communication Knowledge: - Listen for specific information about directions to some places in a neighbourhood - Create an audio guide for your city Skills: + Listening: Listen to an audio guide to Hoi An and complete the missing words + Writing: Create an audio guide for your Questions and answers Individual work Test and Keys Individual work Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Cassette player, Some maps (21) 30 31 11 UNIT My neighbourhood Skills UNIT My neighbourhood Skills city + Speaking: Give direction to different places Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love their neighborhood Competences: - Giving directions Knowledge: - Get information from Khang’s blog and answer the questions - Practice asking and answering about directions Skills: + Reading: Reading Khang’s blog about his neighbourhood + Speaking: Ask and answer questions about how to get to the palces on the map Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love their neighborhood Competences: - Asking for and giving directions; Reading a discription of a neighbourhood Knowledge: - Write a paragraph about neighbourhood saying what they like or dislike about living there - Complete listening and writing tasks Skills: + Listening: Complete the missing word, choose the correct places + Writing: Write a paragraph about Attitude: To teach SS to work hard Competences: Repetition Substitution Questions and answers pair work Picture A blog Visual aids Substitution Questions and answers Pair work Individual work Cassette player, a map (22) - Listening for specific information to locate places in a neihbourhood.; writing a paragraph describing your neighbourhood 32 UNIT My neighbourhood Looking back and project 33 Knowledge: - Review the comparative adjectives and giving directions by doing exercises Skills: + Speaking: Role-play the questions and answer + Writing: Write a discription of neighbourhood Attitude: To teach SS to love their neighborhood Competences:- Comparing things and people Knowledge: - Extend and practise vocabulary related to natural wonders of UNIT 5: the world Natural - Listen to specific wonders of the information about some natural wonders world of the world Skills: Getting started + Speaking: + Listening: Listen and get the main information + Writing: Write the words in the correct order + Reading: Read the converstions+ the Questions and answers Individual work Pair work Visual aids Geography Repetition Substitution Questions and answers Pair work Individual work Pictures of some places Cassette player, Pictures of some natural womders of Viet Nam (23) task Attitude: To teach SS to work hard , love and proud of natural wonders of the world Competences: - Describing natural wonders in the world 34 UNIT 5: Natural wonders of the world A closer look 12 35 UNIT 5: Natural wonders of the world A closer look Knowledge: -Pronounce correctly the Geography Repetition sound /t/ and / st/ inisolation and in Substitution context Questions - Use lexical items related to and answers “thing in natural” and “travel item” Individual Skills: work + Listening: Listen and repeat the words and sounds, underline the sounds /t/ and /st/ they hear + Writing: Complete the missing words, using the travel items Attitude: To teach SS to love travelling Competences: - Knowing the travel items Knowledge: - Know about the Geography Visual aids comparatives and superlatives adjectives Repetition with short adjectives to describe things in Substitution nature Questions - Use must or mustn’t to give orders and answers Skills: Read and guest the statments T or Pair work F Individual + Listening: Listen to the recording to work check the answers + Writing: Use the comparatives and Cassette player, Pictures of some travel items Cassette player, pictures of some natural wonders of the world (24) 36 UNIT 5: Natural wonders of the world Communicatio n 37 13 UNIT 5: Natural wonders of the world Skills superlatives adjectives to compare things + Reading: Complete a passage Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love travelling Competences:- Indentifying natural wonders in the country Knowledge: - Read a brochure for tourist Geography Repetition information Substitution - Can be a tour guide and a Questions tourist to prepare for the trip and answers Skills: Pair work + Speaking: Role-play being a tour guide Individual and a tourist to prepare for a trip to the work Himalayas + Reading: get the inforamtion from the travel guide entry Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love travelling Competences: - Reading short passage to get travel tips Knowledge: - Know more about wonders Geography in Viet Nam and can tell your partner Repetition about these places Questions Skills: and answers + Speaking: Talk about and give travel Pair work advice Individual + Reading: Read the text and complete the work reading tasks Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love travelling Competences: - Reading short passage to get information about natural wonders A pictures of the Himalayas Pictures of the Ha Long Bay and Hue (25) 38 UNIT 5: Natural wonders of the world Skills 39 UNIT 5: Natural wonders of the world Looking back and project Knowledge: - Listen to a travel agent and write a travel guide - Write a travel guide entry about an interesting place Skills: + Listening: Listen to the conversation between Nick and travel agent and complete the exercises + Writing: Write a short paragraph about a place you know Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love travelling Competences: - Listening to get information about amazing places or a travel guide; writng a travel guide about natural atraction Knowledge:- Revise unit with vocabulary , grammar and pronunciation and talk about what they know about Viet Nam Skills: + Speaking: Ask and answer about Viet Nam + Writing: Complete the sentences with the correct form of adjectives Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love travelling Competences:- Making comparison Visual aids Geography Repetition Questions and answers Pair work Individual work Cassette player, Some pictures of famous places in Viet Nam Geography Repetition Substitution Questions and answers Individual work Some pictures of natural wonders of the worlds (26) between natural wonders 40 14 41 Written test Knowledge: Understand knowledge from unit to unit and the test correctly Skills: Do the test in writing, reading and listening Attitude: Teach Ss to be strict and honest Competences: - Being able to the test well Knowledge:- Extend and practise vocabulary related to Tet : things, activities, and practices - Listsen and read an interview about New Year for details UNIT - Practise about Tet of Viet Our Tet holiday Nam Skills: Getting stated + Writing: Write the words/phrases to the appropriate pictures + Listening: Listen to the conversation between Phong and an interviewer about Tet + Reading:.Read the conversation and T or F Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love our Tet holiday Competences: Talking about how to prepare for Tet Test Individual work Visual aids Repetition Substitution Questions and answers Pair work Individual work Cassette player, Pictures of Tet holiday (27) 42 15 43 Knowledge:- Practise vocabulary related to Tet : things, activities, and practices - Know hot to pronounce the sounds UNIT /s/ and / / Our Tet holiday - Find out the words with the sounds /s/ and / / to talk about Tet A clser look Skills: + Writing: Write the words related to tet + Listening: Listen and repeat the words and sounds, underline the sounds /s/ and / / they hear Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love our Tet holiday Competences: - Talking about things and activities for Tet Visual aids Repetition Questions and answers Pair work Individual work Cassette player, Pictures of Tet holiday Knowledge: - Identify and practise the language of intentions (with “will”) and advice (with “should”) UNIT - Talk about what they should or shouldn't Our Tet holiday during Tet - Practice talking about their intention for A closer look Tet Skills: + Speaking: Practice speaking with should/shouldn’t; will/won’t + Writing: Make up sentences with should/shouldn’t; will/won’t Visual aids Repetition Substitution Questions and answers Pair work Individual work Pictures of some activities on Tet hoiday Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and (28) love our Tet holiday Competences: - Expressing concern and giving advice 44 45 Knowledge: - Realize errors and know Test correction how to correct them Skills: Know how to a test Attitude: Teach students the honesty and determination Competences:- Realizing the mistakes they’ve made Visual aids Questions and answers Pair work Individual work Test & keys Knowledge: - Read about New Year celebrations in differents countries - Know how they celebraste their New UNIT Year Our Tet holiday - Practice talking about New Year celebrations Communication Skills: + Speaking: Speak the name of the countries with their flags + Reading: Read the text about Tet in some countries Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love our Tet holiday Competences: Decribing what people at Tet Holiday Knowledge: - Read about New Year celebrations in differents countries Visual aids Repetition Substitution Questions and answers Pair work Individual work Pictures of some activities on Tet hoiday Visual aids Repetition Substitution Pictures of somes activities Literature (29) 16 46 47 - Know how they celebraste their New Year UNIT - Practice talking about some beliefs on Our Tet holiday New Year celebrations Skills: Skills + Speaking: Talk about you should/shouldn’t at Tet + Reading: Get to know New Year practices in some other countries Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love our Tet holiday Competences: - Reading about facts of the New Year’s practices in Viet Nam and some other countries Questions and answers Pair work Individual work on Tet holiday Knowledge: - Listen to a dialogue between Mai and her Mom about their shoppnig for Tet for UNIT details Our Tet holiday - Write an e-mail about Tet activities Skills: Skills + Writing: Write complete sentences from prompts and write a short guided passage + Listening: Listen exercises Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love our Tet holiday Competences: -Writing short paragraph about what you should /shouldn’t at Tet Knowledge: Repetition Substitution Questions and answers Individual work Pair work Cassette player, Pictures of (30) 48 17 49 - Recycle the language from the previous UNIT sections and links with the topics Our Tet holiday - Practice doing some exercises to consolidate abd apply what they have Looking back learnt in Unit6 and project Skills: + Writing: Write the three dreams for this New Year + Listening: Listen and fill in the summary with should/shouldn’t Attitude: To teach SS to work hard and love our Tet holiday Competences: - Talking about what what people will/won’t or should/shouldn’t at Tet Knowledge: - Revise all the learnt words and structures from unit to unit They can make sentences using them - Do some exercises in the form/tense of Review the verbs pronunciation, vocab, grammar from unit to unit Skills: _ + Speaking : Pronounce the sounds they’ve learnt, use everyday English fluently + Writing: Use the comparative and superlative adjectives; modals verbs: must, will/won’t/ , shouldn’t/should Attitude: Know the importance of revision and need to study harder Questions and answers Individual work Pair work Questions and answers Individual work Thailand’s Tet Exercises & keys (31) 50 Revision Test for the first term 51 52 18 Test for the first term Competences: - Doing exercises on pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and everyday English Knowledge: Revise all the grammar structures from unit o unit * Ss all the exercises correctly based on the learnt grammar Skills: Practice doing exercises in oral and writing Attitude: Teach Ss to study harder Competences: - Using grammar and vocabulary that they’ve leart to complete all exercises to develop skills Knowledge: Understand knowledge from unit to unit and the test correctly Skills: Do the test in writing, reading and listening Attitude: Teach Ss to be strict and honest Competences: - Being able to the test well Knowledge:Understand knowledge from unit to unit and the test correctly Skills: Do the test in writing, reading and listening Attitude: Teach Ss to be strict and honest Competences: - Being able to the test well Questions and answers Individual work Exercises for Revision Đề phòng GD&ĐT Individual work Đề phòng GD&ĐT Individual work (32) 19 53 Knowledge: + realize errors and know how to correct them Test correction Skills: + know how to a test Attitude: + Teach students the honesty and determination Competences: - Realizing the mistakes they made Individual work Test & keys HỌC KỲ II TEACHER TOPIC/ WEEK PERIOD 20 UNIT OBJECTIVES INTERSUBJECTS TEACHING METHODS, ORGANIZING AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION 54 UNIT 7: Television Getting started Knowledge: - Understand the dialogue in getting started and find use some adjectives to describe a TV program Skills: + Listening: Listen to the conversation between Phong and Hung + Reading: Read the conversation and then answer the questions Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Cassette player; some pictures of TV programs NOTES (33) + Speaking: work in group to talk about two things you like and don’t like about TV program Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking and learn how to relax Competences: talking about someone’s favorite program UNIT 7: Television 55 A closer look 56 UNIT 7: Knowledge: - Know some new words related to television - Pronounce the sounds /ɵ/and /ð/ Skills: + Listening: Listen and repeat the words and sounds /ɵ/ and /ð/ correctly in isolation and in context + Writing: Choose the words from the box for each description + Speaking: Play game: What is it? Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking and learn how to relax Competences: talking about someone’s favorite programs Knowledge: Know how to use some question words and conjunctions correctly Skills: + Listening: Listen and complete the conversations Visual aids Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual Cassette player, some pictures of TV programs Cassette player, Extra board (34) Television A closer look 21 UNIT 7: Television Communication 57 58 UNIT 7: Television + Speaking: Talk about TV program + Reading: Complete the conversations and sentences using question words and conjunctions Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking and learn how to relax Competences: identifying types of TV programmes in the world Knowledge: Know the information about the two famous children’s programs: Let’s Learn & Hello Fatty Skills: + Reading: Read the descriptions of famous children’s programs for specific information + Writing: Complete the facts with the name of the correct country + Speaking: Talk about the program you prefer -Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking and learn how to relax Competences: identifying types of TV programmes in the world Knowledge: Know the schedule for Around the World and some tasks work Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Visual aids Repetition Some pictures Extra board Extra board (35) Skills 59 UNIT 7: Television Skills Skills: + Reading: read and answer the questions/ read and choose the best program for each + Speaking: Talk about their favorite program Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking and learn how to relax Competences: exchanging information about TV programs Knowledge: SS can listen for specific information from a recommended TV schedule and some tasks - Complete listening and writing tasks Skills: + Listening: Listen and tick the correct channel; Listen and True/ False exercise + Writing: write a short guided passage about one’s TV- watching habits Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking and learn how to relax Competences: exchanging Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Guiding questions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Cassette player, Extra board (36) UNIT 7: Television Looking back and project 22 60 61 UNIT 8: Sports and Games Getting started information about TV programs Knowledge: SS will be able to revise all vocabulary and grammar that appear in unit then they can know the importance of TV to them Skills: + Speaking: Make conversation to recommend an interesting TV program to friends; Work in group to complete the exercises in Project + Writing: complete the text using the words given Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking and learn how to relax Competences: exchanging information about TV programs Knowledge: Understand the dialogue in getting started, get some words related to the topic “Sports and Games”, find and make conversations using the expressions Skills: + Listening: Listen to the conversation between Mai and Duong and answer the questions; Listen and repeat the words & Eliciting Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Extra board Cassette player, Extra board Pictures of sports things (37) UNIT 8: Sports and Games A closer look 62 phrases + Reading: Read the conversation and then answer the questions + Speaking: work in pair to ask and answer Attitude: To teach SS to love sports and encourage them to take part in sports Competences: talking about sports and games in the world Knowledge: Know some new words related to the topic “Sports and Games” -Learn to pronounce the sounds /iə/ and /eə/ Skills: + Listening: Listen and repeat the words and sounds /iə/ and /eə/; Listen and write the words under the pictures + Writing: matching Attitude: To teach SS to love sports and encourage them to take part in sports Competences: talking about sports and games in the world Visual aids Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Cassette player, Extra board Pictures of sports things (38) UNIT 8: Sports and Games 23 A closer look 63 64 UNIT 8: Sports and Games Communication Knowledge: Know the uses and form of the simple past tense; learn imperatives Skills:5 + Speaking: work in pair, ask and answer about last weekend activities and use imperatives to tell Sb to Sth or to give a direct order + Writing: Complete the conversations and sentences in the simple past and imperative form Attitude: To teach SS to obey the law strictly Competences: talking about sports and games in the world Physical Predictions education Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Knowledge: Know some Physical Predictions information about football and Education Questions Olympic Games and talk about their and answers favorite sports and games Pair work Skills: Group work + Speaking: work in pair to the quiz and interview their partner using the guided questions; talk about their favorite sportsman or sportswoman Extra board Extra board A picture of a football match (39) Attitude: To teach SS to love sports and encourage them to take part in sports Competences: asking and answering questions about famous sports stars UNIT 8: Sports and Games Skills 65 66 Knowledge: Get information about a Physical famous footballer: Pele and talk Education Visual aids about the frequency they take part in Repetition sports and games Substitution Skills: Predictions + Reading: read and answer the Pair work questions Individual + Speaking: Work in pair to discuss work the questions; work in group to talk about the sports and games they most often Attitude: To teach SS to love sports and encourage them to take part in sports Competences: asking and answering questions about famous sports stars Extra board A photo of Pele Knowledge: SS can listen to get information about the sports and Cassette player, Physical education Guiding (40) UNIT 8: Sports and Games Skill 67 UNIT 8: Sports and Games Looking back and project 24 games people play; Complete listening and writing tasks Skills: + Listening: Listen and True/ False exercise; listen and complete the sentences + Writing: write a paragraph about the sports and game they like Attitude: To teach SS to love sports and encourage them to take part in sports and games to relax Competences: asking and answering questions about famous sports stars questions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Extra board Pictures of sports activities Knowledge: SS will be able to revise Physical all vocabulary and grammar that education Eliciting appear in unit then they can talk Repetition and write about a game or a sport Substitution Skills: Predictions + Speaking: doing the matching; talk Pair work about a game or a sport; use correct Individual imperatives in the situations work + Writing: fill in each blank with one word; complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs Extra board Pictures of sports or games (41) Attitude: To teach SS to love sports and encourage them to take part in sports and games to relax Competences: talking about sports and games in the world TOPIC 9: CITIES OF THE WORLD After the topic, Ss will be able to: * Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Know some new words related to the topic “Cities of the World”: learn superlatives of long adjectives - Pronunciation: pronounce the sounds /aʊ/ and /ai/ - Grammar: Know the uses and form of the present perfect tense to talk about experiences and complete the exercises * Skills: + Listening: Listen and repeat the words and sounds /aʊ/ and /ai/ correctly in isolation and in context + Writing: create a word webs + Speaking: discuss the facts + Reading: Read the text and check the facts Attitude: To teach SS to love our country, other countries and peace Competences: Identifying landmarks in cities around the world (42) TOPIC 9: CITIES OF THE WORLD 68 Getting started Geography Predictions Cassette Knowledge: Know the words about Questions and player; continents, countries and cities in the answers some world Pair work pictures of - Know some new words related to the Group work TV topic “Cities of the World”: learn Individual programs superlatives of long adjectives work - Learn to pronounce the sounds /aʊ/ and /ai/ - Know the uses and form of the present A closer look + perfect tense to talk about experiences History and complete the exercises 69 - Know the information about some landmarks in the world: Sydney Opera House, Big Ben, Merlion, Eiffel Tower - SS get the information from Hanh Mai’s postcard and complete some exercises; then they can talk about the city they have just arrived Cassette Repetition player, Substitution some Predictions pictures of Pair work TV Individual programs work and Temple of Literature 70 Geography Visual aids A closer look Predictions Cassette Questions and player, answers Extra Pair work board (43) Skills: Group work + Listen and repeat the words and sounds Individual /aʊ/ and /ai/ correctly in isolation and in work context + Listen to the conversation Pay + attention to the present perfect + Reading: Read the conversation and 71 25 Communication then answer the questions answer about a country Skills + Speaking: Talk about Tom’s activities Attitude: To teach SS to love our country, other countries and peace Pair work board work Geography Visual aids Extra board Pair work Individual + Writing: Name the continents; the + Writing: create a word webs Extra Predictions + Speaking: Guessing game matching answers Substitution this week; ask the survey questions 73 pictures Repetition + Speaking: discuss the facts 72 Questions and Individual False exercise + Speaking: work in group, ask and History Some Group work + Reading: Read the text and True/ 26 Geography Predictions Skill work Geography Guiding Cassette questions player, Questions and Extra answers board (44) - To teach SS to be hard- working Pair work Competences: Identifying landmarks in Group work cities around the world Individual work Looking back and project 74 27 75 Review Knowledge: SS will be able to revise all vocabulary and grammar that appear in unit 7, & by completing the exercises in part 1: LAUNGUAGE Skills: + Listening: Listen and odd one out exercise + Writing: complete all exercises of vocabulary and grammar Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking Competences: completing all exercises by using vocabulary and grammar in unit 7&8 Eliciting Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Extra board Guiding questions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Extra board (45) 76 77 78 28 Knowledge: To test SS’ knowledge about pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, reading and writing skills WRITTEN TEST from unit to Skills: reading, listening, writing Attitude: Teach Ss to be honest Competences: taking exam with good result Knowledge: Understand the dialogue in getting started and know the words about types of houses in the future Skills: + Listening: Listen to the conversation between Phong and Nick UNIT 10: + Reading: Read the conversation and OUR HOUSES complete the table and sentences + Speaking: work in pair ask and answer IN THE questions about the pictures FUTURE Attitude: To teach SS to love their Getting started home Competences: predicting what houses will be like in the future Knowledge: - Know some new words UNIT 10: related to the topic “our houses in the future”: learn superlatives of long OUR HOUSES adjectives; learn to pronounce the sounds IN THE /dr/ and / tr/ FUTURE Skills: + Listening: Listen and put the words A closer look into the correct columns; Listen and repeat the words and sounds /dr/ and / tr/ correctly in isolation and in context Cassette player Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Visual aids Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Cassette player, Extra board Some pictures of strange houses Cassette player, Extra board (46) UNIT 10: OUR HOUSES IN THE FUTURE 79 A closer look 80 Test correction 29 81 UNIT 10: + Writing: match appliances in A with things they can or might in B + Speaking: work in pair to ask and answer questions about appliances Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking and love their home Competences: predicting what houses will be like in the future Knowledge: Know the uses and form of the simple future tense with WILL for the future and MIGHT for future possibility and complete the exercises Skills: + Listening: Listen and True/ False exercise + Speaking: work in pair to talk about the appliances in the future + Writing: Complete sentences and the matching Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking and love their home Competences: predicting what houses will be like in the future Knowledge: Correct the mistakes in the exam Skills: skills Attitude: Teach Ss to have their care and good methods in doing the test Competences: know their good and weak points in each skill Knowledge: SS will able to talk about Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Cassette player, Extra board Cassette player, Extra board Predictions Extra (47) OUR HOUSES IN THE FUTURE Communication UNIT 10: OUR HOUSES IN THE FUTURE 82 83 Skills UNIT 10: houses in the future: types, surroundings, locations, room, appliances Skills: + Speaking: work in group, in pair and in individual to talk about houses in the future Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking and love their home Competences: expressing preferences about types of houses and appliances in the future Knowledge: SS can understand the content of the text: houses in the future and future appliances; and talk about their houses in the future Skills: + Reading: read and answer the questions/ read and the matching + Speaking: Talk about the houses and appliances in the future Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking and love their home Competences: expressing preferences about types of houses and appliances in the future Knowledge: SS can listen to the Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Visual aids Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work board Extra board Cassette (48) OUR HOUSES IN THE FUTURE Skill conversation between Nick and Linda and get information about dream houses Skills: + Listening: Listen and tick the columns; listen and choose the dream houses + Writing: write about a dream house Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking and love their home Competences: expressing preferences about types of houses and appliances in the future UNIT 10: 84 30 Knowledge: SS will be able to revise all vocabulary and grammar that appear in OUR HOUSES unit 10 by completing the exercises then IN THE they can make a poster for their future FUTURE appliances and write the details about the appliances Looking back and Skills: project + Speaking: work in pair to ask and answer the questions; talk about their future appliances + Writing: complete the sentences with the correct form of verb, write the words under the pictures Attitude: To teach SS to be hard- Guiding questions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Eliciting Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work player, Extra board Extra board (49) 85 86 working and love their home Competences: expressing preferences about types of houses and appliances in the future Knowledge: Understand the dialogue in getting started and know the words about environmental problems, their causes and effects UNIT 11: Skills: Our greener world + Listening: Listen to the conversation between Phong and Nick Getting started + Reading: Read the conversation and complete the table and sentences Attitude: To teach SS to be responsible for protecting environment Competences: talking about environmental problems Knowledge: - Know some new words related to the topic “Our Greener World”: Know the words REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE Learn to UNIT 11: pronounce the sounds /æ/ and /a:/ Our greener world Skills: + Listening: Listen and put the words A closer look into the correct columns; Listen and repeat the words and sounds /æ/ and /a:/ correctly in isolation and in context; listen and sing the song “Three Rs’ song” + Writing: write the words under the Cassette Geography Predictions player, + Questions Extra Civic education and board answers Some Pair work pictures Group of the work environ Individual mental work problem s Cassette Geography Visual aids player, + Repetition Extra Civic education Substitutio board n Predictions Pair work Individual work (50) 31 87 88 pictures; the matching Attitude: To teach SS to be responsible for protecting environment and saving natural resources Competences: talking about ways to protect environment Knowledge: Know how to use the conditional sentence type Skills: Geography + Listening: Listen and pay attention to + UNIT 11: the conditional sentence type in the Civic education Our greener world dialogue + Speaking: work in group to talk about A closer look how to protect the environment + Writing: Complete sentences and the matching Attitude: To teach SS to be responsible for protecting environment and saving natural resources Competences: talking about ways to protect environment Knowledge: SS will able to talk about ways to “go green” by completing the Geograph Predictions exercises y Questions and Skills: + answers UNIT 11: + Speaking: work in group, in pair and in Civic Pair work Our greener world individual to talk about the ways to save education Group work our natural resources and protect our Individual work Communication environment Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Extra board Cassette player, Extra board (51) Attitude: To teach SS to be responsible for protecting environment and saving natural resources Competences: talking about ways to protect environment 89 Knowledge: SS can understand the UNIT 11: content of the text: tips on how to be Our greener world “green” Skills: Skills + Reading: read and answer the questions/ read and the matching, read and find the words in the text + Speaking: work in group to talk about creative ways to reuse Attitude: To teach SS to be responsible for protecting environment and saving natural resources Competences: talking about ways to protect environment 90 32 UNIT 11: Knowledge: SS can listen to the conversation between Nam and Mi and get specific information about ways to make the school a “green” place, and write a paragraph about ways to make the school a “green” place Geograph y + Civic education Visual aids Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Guiding questions Geograph Questions and y answers + Pair work Extra board Cassette player, Extra board (52) 91 92 Our greener world Skills: + Listening: Listen and complete the Skill table; listen and True/ False exercise + Writing: write a paragraph about ways to make the school a “green” place Attitude: To teach SS to be responsible for protecting environment and saving natural resources Competences: talking about a “green” place Knowledge: SS will be able to revise all vocabulary and grammar that appear in unit 11 by completing the exercises then UNIT 11: they can make something new from used Our greener world things Skills: Looking back and + Speaking: work in group to interview project classmates about how to reduce, reuse and recycle + Writing: complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs, create word webs; combine each pair of sentences Attitude: To teach SS to be responsible for protecting environment and saving natural resources Competences: talking about a “green” place REVISION Knowledge: SS will be able to revise all vocabulary and grammar that appear in Civic Group work education Individual work Eliciting Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Repetition Cassette player, Extra board Cassette player, (53) 93 33 94 unit 10, & 11 by completing the exercises in part 1: LAUNGUAGE Skills: + Listening: Listen and odd one out exercise + Writing: complete all exercises of vocabulary and grammar Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking Competences: completing all exercises by using vocabulary and grammar in unit 10&11 Knowledge: To test SS’ knowledge about pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, reading and writing skills in WRITTEN TEST unit 10 &11 Skills: reading, listening, writing Attitude: Teach Ss to be honest Competences: taking exam with good result Knowledge: Understand the dialogue in getting started and some exercises Skills: UNIT 12: Robots + Listening: Listen to the conversation among Nick, Phong and Dr Alex; Listen Getting started and the matching + Reading: Read the conversation and Substitution Questions and answers Pair work Individual work keys Cassette player, Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Cassette player, Extra board Some pictures of robots and (54) 95 UNIT 12: Robots A closer look answer the questions + Speaking: Class survey Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking Competences: talking about kinds of work robots can in various environments Knowledge: - Know some new words related to the topic “Robots”: learn COULD to express past ability - Learn to pronounce the sounds /ɔi/ and /aʊ/ Skills: + Listening: Listen and match; Listen and repeat the words and sounds /ɔi/ and /aʊ/correctly in isolation and in context + Writing: write things you could and you could not do; rearrange the words to make sentences + Speaking: work in pair to ask and answer questions about the famous robot Ongaku Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking Competences: talking about kinds of their work Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Cassette player, Extra board a picture of the famous robot Ongaku (55) 34 UNIT 12: Robots A closer look 96 97 98 Test correction UNIT 12: Robots work robots can in various environments Knowledge: - Know some new words related to the topic “Robots”; learn WILL BE ABLE TO to express future ability and complete exercises Skills: + Speaking: work in pair to talk about what Kitty could in the past, can now and will be able to in the future + Writing: rearrange the words to make sentences; write what you will or won’t be able to when you are 8; complete the sentences Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking Competences: talking about kinds of work robots can in various environments Knowledge: Correct the mistakes in the exam Skills: reading, listening, writing Attitude: Teach Ss to have their care and good methods in doing the test Competences: know their good and weak points in each skill Knowledge: SS will able to listen for specific information about different Predictions Questions and answers Pair work Group work Individual work Extra board a picture of robot Kitty Cassette player, Predictions Questions and Cassette player, (56) Communication 35 99 UNIT 12: Robots Skills 100 UNIT 12: Robots Skill opinions of what robots will be able to in the future Skills: + Speaking: interview friends about what skills they want their robots to have + Listening: Listen and fill in the gaps Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking Competences: expressing agreement and disagreement about role of robots in our lives Knowledge: SS can understand the content of the text: types of robots and their abilities or skills Skills: + Reading: read and answer the questions/ read and fill in the table + Speaking: Talk about different types of robots and what they will be able to in the future Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking Competences: expressing agreement and disagreement about role of robots in our lives Knowledge: SS can listen to the conversation among Phong, Duy, Mai and Mi and some exercises and then they can write opinions about the role of robots in the future answers Pair work Group work Individual work Visual aids Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Guiding questions Questions and answers Extra board Extra board A picture of robot show Cassette player, Extra board (57) 101 36 102 Skills: + Listening: Listen and True/ False exercise + Writing: write opinions about the role of robots in the future Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking Competences: expressing agreement and disagreement about role of robots in our lives Knowledge: SS will be able to revise all vocabulary and grammar that appear in unit 12 by completing the exercises then they write a description of their dream robot Skills: + Writing: complete the, fill in the gaps, complete the phrases; rearrange the words to make sentences, write a UNIT 12: Robots description of their dream robot Attitude: To teach SS to be hardLooking back and working project Competences: expressing agreement and disagreement about role of robots in our lives Knowledge: SS will be able to revise all vocabulary and grammar that appear in unit 10, 11 & 12 by completing the Pair work Group work Individual work Eliciting Repetition Substitution Predictions Pair work Individual work Guiding questions Questions and Extra board Cassette player, (58) Review 103 104 37 105 Test for the second term Test for the second term exercises in part 1: LAUNGUAGE Skills: + Listening: Listen and choose the different sounds + Writing: complete all exercises of vocabulary and grammar Attitude: To teach SS to be hardworking Competences: completing all exercises by using vocabulary and grammar in unit 10, 11 & 12 Knowledge: To test SS’ knowledge about pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, reading and writing skills from unit to unit 12 Skills: reading, listening, writing Attitude: Teach Ss to be honest Competences: taking exam with good result Knowledge: To test SS’ knowledge about pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, reading and writing skills from unit to unit 12 Skills: reading, listening, writing Attitude: Teach Ss to be honest Competences: taking exam with good result Knowledge: Correct the mistakes in the answers Pair work Group work Individual work Cassette player, Cassette player, Cassette (59) Test correction exam Skills: reading, listening, writing Attitude: Teach Ss to have their care and good methods in doing the test Competences: know their good and weak points in each skill player, Thọ Sơn, ngày 06 tháng 10 năm 2015 DUYỆT CỦA BGH TỔ TRƯỞNG NGƯỜI LẬP KẾ HOẠCH Hoàng Thị Hồng Vân (60)

Ngày đăng: 11/10/2021, 18:33

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