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Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks.. We are using up the world’s petroleum.[r]

(1)MR.BEAN’S MATERIALS KỲ THI THỬ THPT QUỐC GIA – NĂM HOC 2016-2017 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài : 90 phút Họ tên thí sinh: S ố báo danh: PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM: (8 điểm) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions Question 1: A linked B declared C finished D developed Question 2: A heavy B head C weather D easy Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions Question 3: A attract B decide C reject D beauty Question 4: A delicate B promotion C volcanic D resources Question 5: A magazine B margarine C character D quality Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions Question 6: She got up late and rushed to the bus stop A came into B went leisurely C went quickly D dropped by Question 7: Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking A help B prepared C be busy D attempt Question 8: Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly A happen B encounter C arrive D clean Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the italic part in each of the following questions Question 9: He had never experienced such discourtesy towards the president as it occurred at the annual meeting in May A politeness B rudeness C measurement D encouragement Question 10: We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours A uninterested B unsure C open D slow Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction Question 11: The novelist Shirley Hazzard is noted for the insight, poetic style, and sensitive she demonstrates in her works A demonstrates B for C sensitive D The Question 12: My father asked me where had I gone the night before A the night B had I C before D asked Question 13: The harder he tried, the worst he danced before the large audience A tried B before C worst D The Question 14: Lake Superior, that lies on the US Canadian border, is the largest lake in North America A that B the largest C in D lies on Question 15 The most mammals have hair at some time in their lives, though in certain whales it is present only before birth A have B The most C though D some time Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 16: A few animals sometimes fool their enemies _ to be dead (2) A have been appearing B to be appearing C to appear D by appearing Question 17: On _ he had won, he jumped for joy A he was told B having told C being told D telling Question 18: It has been raining _ I got up A when B since C until D as Question 19: When a fire broke out in the Louvre, at least twenty _ paintings were destroyed, including two by Picasso A worthless B priceless C valueless D worthy Question 20: Learning English isn't so difficult once you _ A get on it B get off it C get down to it D get down with it Question 21: Next week when there _ a full moon, the ocean tide will be higher A is B will be C is being D will have been Question 22: _ is the natural environment in which plants or animals live A Ecology B Habitat C Extinction D Biodiversity Question 23: I have told you not to it _ A hundreds of times B many hundred times C hundred times D a hundred times Question 24: George wouldn't have met Mary _ to his brother's graduation party A had he not gone B hadn't he gone C if he has not gone D if he shouldn't have gone Question 25: I have a good job with good salary You _ send me any money, my lovely father A mustn’t B mightn’t C mayn’t D needn’t Question 26: _ appears considerably larger at the horizon than it does overhead is merely an optical illusion A The Moon B The Moon which C When the Moon D That the Moon Question 27: I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs, but _ A I'm not invited B I will not be invited C I was not invited D I have been invited Question 28: The last person _ will have to turn off the lights A have left B left C leaving D to leave Question 29: She listened so attentively that not a word _ A she had missed B she missed C she didn't miss D did she miss Question 30: When I came to visit her last night, she _ a bath A is having B was having C has D had Question 31: My family consist _ five people: my parents, my two younger brothers and I A on B of C over D up Question 32: Staying in a hotel costs _ renting a room in a dormitory for a week A as much as twice B twice as much as C twice more than D twice as Question 33: Jim painted the gate _ than his father did years ago A badly B bad C worst D worse Question 34: - Tom: "I'm sorry I won't be able to come" - Mary: “ _.” A Great B Oh, that's annoying C Well, never mind D Sounds like fun Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions In the world today, particular in the two most industrialized areas, North America and Europe, recycling is the big news People are talking about it, practicing it, and discovering new ways to be sensitive to the environment Recycling means finding ways to use products a second time The motto of the recycling movement is “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” The first step is to reduce garbage In stores, a shopper has to buy products in blister packs, boxes and expensive plastic wrappings A hamburger from a fast food restaurant comes in lots of packaging: usually paper, a box and a bag All that packaging is wasted resources People should try to buy things that are wrapped simply, and to reuse cups and utensils Another way to reduce waste is to buy high-quality products When low-quality appliances break, many customers throw them away and buy new ones - a loss of more resources and more energy For example, if a customer buys a high- (3) quality appliance that can be easily repaired, the manufacturer receives an important message In the same way, if a customer chooses a product with less packaging, that customer sends an important message to the manufacturers To reduce garbage, the throw-away must stop The second step is to reuse It is better to buy juices and soft drinks in returnable bottles After customers empty the bottles, they return them to the stores The manufacturers of the drinks collect bottles, wash them, and then fill them again The energy that is necessary to make new bottles is saved In some parts of the world, returning bottles for money is a common practice In those places, the garbage dumps have relatively little glass and plastic from throw-away bottles The third step being environmentally sensitive is to recycle Spent motor oil can be cleaned and used again Aluminum cans are expensive to make It takes the same amount of energy to make one aluminum can as it does to run a color TV set for three hours When people collect and recycle aluminum (for new cans), they help save one of the world’s precious resources Question 35: Which area is considered one of the most industrialized? A South America B Middle East C Europe D Asia Question 36: What does the word “sensitive” means? A cautious B logical C responding D friendly Question 37: The word “motto” is closest in meaning to _ A meaning B value C belief D reference Question 38: It is a waste when customers buy low-quality products because _ A they have to be repaired many times B they will soon throw them away C customers always change their idea D they are very cheap Question 39: What is the topic of the passage? A How to live sensitively to the environment B How to reduce garbage disposal C What is involved in the recycling movement D What people understand the term “recycle” Question 40: People can the following to reduce waste EXCEPT _ A buy high-quality products B buy simply-wrapped things C reuse cups D buy more hamburgers Question 41: What best describe the process of reuse? A The bottles are filled again after being returned, collected and washed B The bottles are collected, washed, returned and filled again C The bottles are washed, returned filled again and collected D The bottles are collected, returned, filled again and washed Question 42: The word “practice” is closest in meaning to _ A training B exercise C deed D belief Question 43: Garbage dumps in some areas have relatively little glass and plastic because _ A people are ordered to return bottles B returned bottles are few C each returned bottle is paid D few bottles are made of glass or plastic Question 44: What are the two things mentioned as examples of recycling? A TV sets and aluminum cans B Hamburger wrappings and spent motor oil C Aluminum cans and plastic wrappings D Aluminum cans and spent motor oil Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks We are using up the world’s petroleum We use (45) _ in our cars and to heat our building in winter Farmers use petrochemicals to (46) _ the soil rich They use them to kill insects (47) _ eat plants These chemicals go (48) _ rivers and lakes and kill the fish there Thousands of pollutants also go into the air and pollute it Winds carry this (49) _ air to other countries and other continents Poor farmers use the same land over and (50) _ The land needs a rest so it will be better next year However, the farmers must have food this year Poor people cut down forests (51) _ firewood In some areas when the trees are gone, the land (52) _ desert Poor people can’t save the environment for the (53) _ This is not a (4) problem for one country or one area of the world It is a problem for all- humans The people and the nations of the world must work together to (54) _ the world’s resources Question 45: A it Question 46: A work Question 47: A what Question 48: A out Question 49: A pollute Question 50: A over Question 51: A of Question 52: A gets Question 53: A future Question 54: A recycle B them B change B who B for B polluting B again B for B changes B time being B preserve C that D those C make D let C whom D which C at D into C polluted D pollution C repeatedly D repeating C with D at C turns D becomes C times D period C keep D reuse Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions that follow Jazz has been called “the art of expression set to music”, and “America’s great contribution to music” It has functioned as popular art and enjoyed periods of fairly widespread public response, in the “jazz age” of the 1920s, in the “swing era” of the late 1930s and in the peak popularity of modern jazz in the late 1950s The standard legend about Jazz is that it originated around the end of the 19th century in New Orleans and moved up the Mississippi River to Memphis, St Louis, and finally to Chicago It welded together the elements of Ragtime, marching band music, and the Blues However, the influences of what led to those early sounds goes back to tribal African drum beats and European musical structures Buddy Bolden, a New Orleans barber and cornet player, is generally considered to have been the first real Jazz musician, around 1891 What made Jazz significantly different from the other earlier forms of music was the use of improvisation Jazz displayed a break from traditional music where composers wrote an entire piece of music on paper, leaving the musicians to break their backs playing exactly what was written on the score In a Jazz piece, however, the song is simply a starting point, or sort of skeletal guide for the Jazz musicians to improvise around Actually, many of the early Jazz musicians were bad sight readers and some couldn’t even read music at all Generally speaking, these early musicians couldn’t make very much money and were stuck working menial jobs to make a living The second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians included such memorable players as Joe Oliver, Kid Ory, and Jelly Roll Morton These men formed small bands and took the music of earlier musicians, improved its complexity, and gained greater success This music is known as “hot Jazz” due to the enormously fast speeds and rhythmic drive A young cornet player by the name of Louis Armstrong was discovered by Joe Oliver in New Orleans He soon grew up to become one of the greatest and most successful musicians of all time, and later one of the biggest stars in the world The impact of Armstrong and other talented early Jazz musicians changed the way we look at music Question 55: The Passage answers which of the following questions? A Why did Ragtime, marching band music, and the Blues lose popularity after about 1900? B What were the origins of Jazz and how did it differ from other forms of music? C What has been the greatest contribution of cornet players to music in the twentieth century? D Which early Jazz musicians most influenced the development of Blues music? Question 56: According to the passage, Jazz originated in _ A the Mississippi river B St Louis C Chicago D New Orleans Question 57: Which of the following distinguished Jazz as a new form of musical expression? A the use of cornets B “hot Jazz” C improvisation D New Orleans Question 58: The word “skeletal” in paragraph 2is closest in meaning to _ A framework B musical C basic D essential Question 59: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? (5) A many early Jazz musicians had poor sight B there is no slow music in Jazz C many early Jazz musicians had little formal musical training D the cornet is the most common musical instrument used in Jazz Question 60: The word “menial” in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A mens B attractive C degrading D skilled Question 61: According to the passage, which of the following belonged to the second wave of New Orleans Jazz musicians? A Louis Armstrong B Buddy Bolden C St Louis D Joe Oliver Question 62: All of the following are true EXCEPT _ A the late 1930s was called the “swing era” B “hot Jazz” is rhythmic C Jazz has been said to be America’s greatest contribution to music D Joe Oliver is generally considered to be the first real Jazz musician Question 63: The word “its” in paragraph refers to _ A small bands B earlier music C men D earlier musicians Question 64: The word “their” in paragraph refers to which of the following? A composers B musicians C pieces D earlier forms PHẦN TỰ LUẬN (2 điểm) Part I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it Question 1: Although I love him, I can’t tolerate his impatience → Much _ Question 2: Would you mind not smoking in here? → I’d Question 3: John missed the ferry because he got up late → If _ Question 4: She listens more sympathetically than anyone else I know → She is a Question 5: People say that nine crew members were lost overboard → Nine crew members _ Part II: Paragraph writing: In about 140 words, write a paragraph of what career would you like to choose after leaving school? The following cues may help you: - The career you would like to - The benefits you may gain - Your reasons for your choice THE END (6)

Ngày đăng: 08/10/2021, 09:26
