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POPULAR CONVERSATION TOPICS FOR SPEAKINGĐây là năm chủ đề đối thoại phổ biến cho các cặp đôi muốn luyện tập và cải thiện kĩ năng nói cho tự nhiên giống người bản ngữ. Ngoài ra còn có một số câu thoại người bản ngữ hay dùng

1 Both of you are at a protest for protecting the environment What are some arguments you might make to help the earth? Discuss this together A: What are you doing? B: What you mean? A: You can’t throw that in there! B: Why not? It’s garbage A: Yes, but it’s recyclable It goes in the blue bin B: You mean I have to put all recyclable stuff in the blue bin? A: Not all Plastics go in the blue bin, paper and card in the brown bin, and biowaste in the green one B: What is bio-waste? A: You know, food waste and stuff like that Do you not recycle? B: Not really Actually, in my home town, you can recycle a few things like glass, but we don’t sort our garbage like that It seems so complicated A: It was the same here not so long ago But now we have got used to sorting our rubbish Sorting or arranging how you throw away your garbage is an integral part of the recycling process B: I know what you mean, but is it important? Because I don’t have much time A: Some estimates show that 75% of trash is actually recyclable, but to recycle, we need to sort that garbage What I’m trying to say is recycling can benefit our community help in keeping the environment clean day by day B: Ok, I get your point I will try to remember various bin so that rubbish can be thrown away in the right place Thanks for reminding me to recycle A: You’re welcome I want to share with you a saying that I have just read : “When you put the whole picture together, recycling is the right thing to do” You are at an art critique and your classmate’s piece is being critiqued Tell them if you like it and why or why not Discuss how he/she could improve it next time A: Hey B, can I have a quick word? B: Sure, what’s wrong? A: How much longer did you paint this picture? B: I painted it for three days which I wasn’t busy working A: Actually, your piece is gorgeous I mean I can’t stop staring at it B: I’m glad you liked it To be honest, I feel insecure about my artwork and my painting’s skill I don’t think it suits me A: Be self-confident! Your artwork is excellent But it still has one problem you need to improve to get the best results in many art pieces later B: What is it? A: If I were you, I would attempt the blue shading painted into the background The lady is painted very well but the foundation's tone isn't actually fit with her B: Do you think so? A: Yes, absolutely I have learned about the colour scheme since last year Hence, I just want to give you a little advice Then, you can enhance your painting level and get more and more awards B: Thank you so much I extremely appreciate you Is there anything else to give me? A: As I said, you did well in this artwork But perhaps you should have the picture framed to display It will be more glamorous instead of a lonely paper B: That’s really kind of you I got your point, and I will better in the next time Thank you 3 Tell your friend about how they could have done better regarding a speech that they gave to the class A: Hi B, can I have a quick word? B: Of course, what’s wrong? A: I’m rehearsing for my presentation on tomorrow I feel so anxious because there will be lots of people watching me than usual I wonder if you could give me some tips for that? B: OK, let me help you I have a lot of experience speaking in public and I want to impart some of the knowledge to you, so you can become a better public speaker technically when you get on stage in front of a bunch of people A: That’s so kind of you I’m looking forward to knowing that all B: The first one is to pay very close attention to your rate of speech when you are on stage You can also employ strategic pauses to highlight specific points A: Do you think so? I usually tend to speak more quickly as much as I can to get fluent B: It’s not completely true What I’m trying to say is if you can slow down and give the audiences some breathing room, they will be able to contemplate what you’ve said and easily follow along with what you are talking about A: Ok, I got it Is there anything essential else? B: Another thing is to pay attention to your body language Additionally, content is still crucial for everyone to decide your presentation excellent or not Be selfconfident with the best content you prepared and try to use body language to interact among people there A: Those all are helpful To be honest, I’m afraid that I will have a failed presentation if without you So thank you so much for taking the time to give me numerous valuable tips I will try my best B: You’re welcome Break a leg! Your mutual friend just graduated from university and you are planning a graduation party for him/her Discuss how you are going to this A: Hey B, how’s it going? B: I’m well I have got something to tell you, A Yesterday was my big day and I graduated from the university! A: Congratulation! That’s wonderful news Let’s have a party! B: I’m planning on it and I want to invite you to my house next week A: Well done When is the party? B: On coming Thursday? Are you free? A: Yeah, I’m free all that day Perhaps we should stay the whole night for the gathering It will be fascinating B: That’s also a good ideal I will invite more of our friends to celebrate a big party for all individuals who graduated A: I agree with you What food should we prepare? B: I plan to buy some sandwiches, candies and a lot of kind of food A: If I were you, I would cook for the party as a BBQ We buy some ingredients and I will help you with cooking B: Great, thank you We still have a lot of details to figure out, so let's get down to business I know a really marvelous catering company We could get them to provide the booze and snacks A: Okay, great! If you that, I'll take responsibility for the invitations I'll make sure it's nice and clear B: Thank you so much, A It will be an exciting party A: Yes! What about the music and games? B: I’ve made a playlist with more than a hundred songs Enough for hours of music For the games, I’ve prepared darts and lawn bowling A: That sounds amazing I’m so expected for all Your conversation partner just landed their dream job Ask him or her the secret for that A: Hey B, how’s it going? B: I’m well I have got something to tell you, A I got a new job! A: Congratulation! That’s wonderful news Is it a manager of a famous restaurant? B: Yeah How can you know that? A: That’s amazing I just guess it because your major relates to management B: I can’t believe it There were several applications for that position Some many people always underestimate me and consider that I will be failed at the first interview But they all are wrong! A: You deserve it with your continuous effort I’m so proud of you Being the manager of the restaurant is also my dream job in the future I wonder if you could share some tips with me for that? B: Yes, of course Firstly, you need to make your CV wonderful as you can A special CV can strongly impress employers at the first time they see it To make that, you have to your best in the study and try to get more outside experience relating to your career you want A perfect CV will make you more confident than any person A: I got it No wonder you’re successful – you’re brilliant Is there anything else? B: After preparing a good CV, you will be scheduled for the interview It would be best if you gave the utmost respect to interviewers that are conducting the interview and asking you the questions That is also an impression besides your resume That’s all my secret ^^ Break a leg A: I can see your point That’s really kind of you I will try my best in the coming interview Thank you so much See you soon on a beautiful day ... wonder if you could give me some tips for that? B: OK, let me help you I have a lot of experience speaking in public and I want to impart some of the knowledge to you, so you can become a better

Ngày đăng: 06/10/2021, 00:03

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