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Unit 11 Sources of energy

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Then T plays the tapeor reads again and this time T asks ss to repeat after the tape or T - T asks ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the dialogue - T calls on some pairs to[r]

(1)UNIT 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: -Practice reading correctly the clusters: /sr/, /spl/, and /spr/ -Understand the use of relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives -Write the sentences with relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives B Teaching aids: Textbook, poster,… C Procedures: Time Teacher’s activities Students’activities 4m  Warm up Ss work in pairs Jumbled words -T draws columns for the three sounds /sr/, /spr/, and /spl/ -T elicits the list of words with the /sr/, /spr/, and /spl/ -Ss listen to the teacher -T introduces the four clusters/sr/, /spl/, and /spr/ 8m Pronunciation Distinguishing the sounds - T models the four clusters/sr/, /spl/, and /spr/ for a few times and explains how to produce them - T plays the tape (or reads) once for ss to hear the words containing these clusters Then T plays the tape(or reads) again and this time T asks ss to repeat after the tape (or T) - T ask ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few times Then T calls on some Ss to read the word out loud -T listens and corrects their pronunciation Practicing sentences containing the target sounds - T plays the tape (or reads) once for ss to listen to the dialogue Then T plays the tape(or reads) again and this time T asks ss to repeat after the tape (or T) - T asks ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the dialogue - T calls on some pairs to read the dialogue again and provides corrective feedback -Ss listen to the teacher -Ss listen and repeat -Students who are called read the words before the class (2) Grammar 8m a Presentation -T gives example Solar energy which is providing electricity for humans is an alternative source →Solar energy providing electricity for humans is an alternative source Geothermal energy which is made from the heat inside the earth is clean and safe →Geothermal energy made from the heat inside the earth is clean and safe In Viet Nam, Binh Thuan is the first province which uses the wind power →In Viet Nam, Binh Thuan is the first province to use wind power -T asks Ss listen and repeat these sentences -T asks Ss repeat -T introduces form, and usage of this structure Form: -Ss copy down Active: N/ N phrase + V-ing (Present participle) Passive : V3/ed (past participle) The first, the second, the last…N+ to Vo Usage: To modify the noun of the sentence -T asks Ss copy this 4m Exercise -T asks to exercise individually and then compare their answer with a partner’s -T calls some ss to read out their answers -T corrects the mistakes Expected answers: 1.The boy playing the piano is Ben 2.Do you know the woman coming toward us? 3.The people waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet 4.The scientists researching the causes of cancer are making progress 5.The fence surrounding our house is made of wood 6.We have an apartment overlooking the park (3) Expected answers: 6m Exercise -T asks ss to exercise in groups and then hang their answers on the boards (students write their answers on small boards) -T corrects the mistakes 5m Exercise -T asks ss to exercise in groups and then hang their answers on the boards (students write their answers on small boards) -T corrects the mistakes 8m Game Noughts and Crosses -T gives instruction -T asks Ss play game -T checks the answers and correct the mistake 1.Alternative sources of energy that are made from the power of wind, sun, and water will replace fossil fuel 2.Some scientists are studying to create a plane that uses solar energy to fly 1.The ideas presented in that book are interesting 2.I come from a city located in the southern part of the country 3.They live in a house built in 1890 4.The photographs published in the newspaper were extraordinary 5.The experiment conducted at the University of Chicago 6.They work in a hospital sponsored by the government Expected answers: 1.John was the last man to reach the top of the mountain 2.The last person to leave the room must turn off the light 3.The first person to see is Mr Smith 4.This is the second person to be killed in that way 5.The first person to catch the ball will be the winner -Ss play game (4) 3.Nowadays, many houses which use solar panels to make energy are built 4.Electricity which uses the power of water becomes popular in many countries 5.The moto car which is bought by my father is an energy-saving vehicle 6.Fans which are used for cooling should replace air-conditioner 7.In Vietnam, Binh Thuan is the first province which uses the wind power 8.The last person who leave the class will turn off the light Fossil fuels which are formed millions of years are nonrenewable resources 2m  Homework: -T asks ss to : +Revise the lesson +Prepare: Unit 11-Test Yourself D -Ss listen to the teacher and copy down (5)

Ngày đăng: 05/10/2021, 05:37
