m -W they pens colour desk This is my school bog.. Thot is my.[r]
(1)F Unit B ffi,ffi*N$W o t O Look, Iisten ond repeot ffi &sr rr tnts ts my pen o @ Point ond soy : - L #-^\ €4 "w pencil cose '.=h=99_l_-!:# fB *notebook iatnlaf-!1:,ja.i=a-i:i!!jj O Let's tolk % ^ .- *M @.-t' 'ii,,,*52 Ti6ng Anh -i _- i -z4ryo :G1;' p""=!-li=:l-:I-P.g _!,,- o (2) *Js]N _ @ Listen ond tick @ Iffin v #@ffin ffir ffiE a I gf,@ffin I *sss:P":' O Look, reod ond write ffin -\s-r\\s! ffi ffiil w ffirl w ffitl RR P # Thot is my I This is my Ir fr jj- old new O Let's ploy ffi SIop the bo$rd Unit Thls is my pen '[,*g (3) @L $ffiffiffiriW& O Look, Iisten ond repeot 60 @& ffi These ore my books ffi Ol \ @ Poini ond soy ;These ore my L ) ffiEe : W: t* d '*'' !E, ffi i),_-, ffi ,'(r.'*'iL &r,.*fl4 , Those ore my Yes, they ore da.\ w$- ;>- =- @ T-.-.-^-,', -.P-:, tr l' : l , P9',-!11=!-9-:=9-= O Let's tolk % ',ffi,1 TiSng Anh rubbers E !'n:i:,a+ai:?.Tr!!:.r-rF:1i6i1! o (4) @ Listen ond number @ ffi& ffin ffin O Reod ond write m P ffiD ffin Hi! My nome is Nom This is my clossroom lt is smoll but nice This is my desk ond these ore my school things This is my school bog These ore my books lt is big ond notebooks They ore new These ore my pencil coses ond pens They ore new too Look! Those ore my new friends l My _, - is Nom My clossroom is - 3.Mv My My - but is big ore new ond -ond -, -* -: ore new too @ Let's write P l These ond - my Those ond my Unit.B This is my pen "ffi5 (5) *ffi**wffi& O Listen ond repeot @ W ruler r, r': :,,:-,i @Re Those ore rulers r,,.i.r,.,r:l these These ore pens O Listen ond write @ P l ORe These ore my Are o a o o # your books? l O Let's chont S [ook! Look! Look! Look! Look! Look! These ore books Look! Look! Look! They're my books Those ore robots Lookl Look! Lookl They're my robots These ore pens Look! Lookl Look! They're my pens Those ore notebooks They're my notebooks w,ffid Tidng Anh h @Pn (6) @ Reod ond motch W Y) ffi.ot"t ffi Thir is o ffi fhot is o pencil ffi These ore pencil ffi p"n ffi books ffi shotpener -&,-r %S those ore O oN &/ Reod ond write m F.\ r) L-) 1\ 1-/ ti is Lindo And - - my rubber my @ Project - my notebooks ond & Drow your school things Colour ond write the nomes' Show them to Your friends" Unit B Thls is my pen I (7) @ *ffiffi# ffif Li I Look, listen ond repeot @@w ffi ffi ls this your school bog? ls thot your pen? J Yes, it is @ Point ond soy Lr No, it isn't My pen is here W @ ffi ls this/thot your r#z #7M Ftr"I.F" l I -*E .- ===.!::k / :: &s ffi$w "qrdP ffiffi.'-ffi - "-=* f No, it isn't 'fl d' .rif P"n/Yut \:)\ / Let's tolk ls this/thot ac - = - .- P n il " ho |.P=91g*l/.! 9j G .j_@i .=.P:9!:)).::::-/::: j I L I ( I !ffia Ti6ng Anh (8) rnt | .' .".4$$s'' !" s _'_e!$'!N @ Listen ond tick @ Y *{p;' ffin @n ::{.".,yo ffin @n, ";;$;" ffin, ffin I f Look, reod ond write 66 Re Mary: ls this your tl ? fu1ory: ls this your Peter: No, Peter: Yes, ? - *= ,>/ u z € Mary: ls thot your Mer"y: ls thot Your Peter: Yes, Feter: Yes, - -,? O Let's write ;: l This is o ls this your ? Yes, - Thot is o Is thot your ? .- NO, ,Y? " *"Jp Unit Whor colour is it? WffSq (9) @ Lis *,ffi*Ewffi& O Look, Iisten ond repeot G Whot colour is your box? @ d& ,w @ffi Whot colour ore ORr 1.' O Point ond soy W @ 2.', ffiw f, JIL o Let's tolk school bogs/brown ffig* \n , @Le ::j:!:::l:g:::::=l:):.b"#,::" % Whot colour is/ore d q W,,ffi;n Ti6ns Anh (10) @ Listen ond number ffitl @ W;8 ffin Reod ond motch ffin mW ffin vwffiu I This is my desk lt is yellow These ore my pencil shorpeners They ore blue Thot is my pen lt is block Wffi Those ore my pencils They ore green Thot is my bookcose lt is brown Let's sing Pt trUlnr mew pen Lindo, Moi, you hove ony pens? Yes, sir, yes, sir, here they ore One is for Peter ond one is for Moi And one is for you, sir Thonksl Goodbye Unit Whot colour is it? (11) ffi& Re, o o o o O Listen ond repeot @ W ir: I ,: !r.,::.i.j Whot colour is .i it? i:-rt+iiii.ri:::{:An!rl OrOh$€ :if,:::!:t:.rr llr iiirujfii:iiii:lf It's oronge ir ,::i,: l ORe @ Listen ond write t@ W +l is my school bog My fovourite colour lhrs (21 is (3) The O Let's chont S O Pr, Whqt colour is it? *F '@l tr WM,',,,, Whqt colour is it? It's red lt's red Whqt colour is it? It's green lt's green Whot colour is it? It's oronge lt's oronge Whot colour ore they? They're blue They're blue Whqt colour ore they? Whot colour ore they? They're brown They're brown f.ffi , Tidns Anh They're block They're block *#rffi ffi tr fl N (12) @ Reod ond motch.m W @ It thot your school bog? ffi @ Whot colour is it? f,@"-t lhey , re green @ Are these your rubbers? ffi Whot colour ore they? Yes, they ore ffi Yes, it is ffi trs block O Reod ond complete m -W they pens colour desk This is my school bog lt is ('l l2l - (3) - )- green i Thot is my lt is brown These ore my books - ore blue Those ore my (4) They ore block And whot (5) - is your school bog? O Project #, Colour the rcinbow Tclk ob*ut it with y<>ur cl*ssmete ) Unit Whot colour is it? W (13)