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E6 Week 17

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OBJECTIVES: Teaching aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use grammar points fluently from unit 6 to unit 8: present simple tense, present progressive tense, prepositions, q[r]

(1)Week: 17 Period: 49 Date of preparing: 24/ 12/ 2015 Date of teaching: 26/ 12/ 2015 UNIT 8: OUT AND ABOUT Section C: ROAD SIGNS Lesson 4: C 1- I OBJECTIVES: Teaching aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “can / can’t” statements, know some road signs II PREPARATIONS: Book, cassette tape III PROCEDURES: *Checking attendance (1’): - 6A1:……………………………………………… - 6A2:……………………………… (2) Teacher’s activities 1.Warm - Up: (5’) Mapped dialogue Put the dialogue on the board which is only words The words are cues Lan  Ba  _What/you/do? / homework _ you/do/math? Yes _ you/copy/Na.? No _ What/Tuan/do? play soccer _ Nga & Huong/ No work? Presentation: (13’) - Introduce new words: + policeman (n) + difficult (adj) + sign (n) + road (n) + one-way (n) + (to) park (v) +(to) turn left / right (v) + (to) go ahead (v) + can/ can’t: - Ask Ss to practice new words - Set the scene: You are going to read a text about Hoan -Introduce the model sentences by pointing to the signs: +“You can park here” +“You can’t turn right” Students’ activities Group works - Listen to the teacher - Repeat after the teacher - Listen to the teacher’s explanation - Listen and write - Look at the pictures - Practice - Read aloud - Listen (3) IV COMMENTS:  Week: 17 Period: 50 Date of preparing: 24/ 12/ 2015 Date of teaching: 26/ 12/ 2015 UNIT 8: OUT AND ABOUT Section C: ROAD SIGNS Lesson 5: C3 - 4- I OBJECTIVES: Teaching aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know some road signs, use “must / mustn’t” for obligation or prohibition II PREPARATIONS: Book, cassette tape III PROCEDURES: *Checking attendance (1’): - 6A1:……………………………………………… - 6A2:……………………………… (4) Teacher’s activities 1.Warm - Up: (7’) - Have students to play game “ Word Square” R O A D S I G N D W K O R X H I S A A C C I D E N T N R U C D R L O R G N R A E I P T A E S T R A V E L I R T U S L E F T G O O R I G H T O H U P N G O F A S T S : road sign , travel, left, right…… : stop, turn, car, ride, go, drive : truck Pre – Reading: (12’) - Introduce new words + + intersection (n) + slow down (adj) + fast (adj) + (to) warn (v) Students’ activities - Group works - Listen to the teacher dangerous (adj) - Practice the new words (5) IV COMMENTS: Week: 17 Period: 51 Date of preparing: 26/ 12/ 2015 Date of teaching: 28/ 12/ 2015 GRAMMAR PRACTICE I OBJECTIVES: Teaching aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use grammar points fluently from unit to unit 8: present simple tense, present progressive tense, prepositions, question words, modal verbs: can/ can’t; must/ mustn’t II PREPARATIONS: Book III PROCEDURES: *Checking attendance (1’): - 6A1:……………………………………………… - 6A2:……………………………… (6) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm - Up: (5’) - Ask students to play game “Bingo” - Play game Wait, turn left, load, walk, travel, train, car, turn right, get, go straight, must, warn, intersection, stop, bike Exercises: (34’) a Exercise 1: Present simple tense - Give examples: Ex: I watch TV She watches TV - Have Ss give the correct form of the verb in part 1/ p.92 - Call some Ss to read the answer - Listen - Do exercise: a) go – go b) travel – travels c) walk-don’t walk-Does-walk-walks a Exercise 1: Present progressive - Ask Ss to get into groups of four or five, to play - Get into groups of four or five, play game game “ Lucky numbers” c) is / watching Lucky number a) is / riding e) is /listening Lucky number Lucky number d) are / playing g) is / going b) are / witting b Exercise 2: Preposition of place : - Ask Ss to match the item in column A with the item - Do the exercise, and then read aloud in column B A B A girl is a to the left of A boy is waiting b in 3…… mountains …… c to the right of some house……… d in front of 5…… some trees…… e opposite 6……… a truck………… f behind c Exercise 3: Present simple and Present (7) IV COMMENTS:  _ (8)

Ngày đăng: 28/09/2021, 14:22

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