z PreLifting and Clamping Devices B PrecisionGroundPlatesandFlatBars C LiftingandClampingDevices Shanks,LifterStudsandLiftingHooks,Eyebolts ClampingClaws,ScrewsandBolts D GuideElements E GroundPrecisionComponents F Springs G Elastomer-Bars,-Sheets,-Sections H FIBROChemicalToolingAids J PeripheralEquipment K SlideUnits L StandardPartsforMouldMaking A DieSets c 2 2 · 1959·4 ° Liftingand ClampingDevices subjecttoalterations c 3 2·14960 · 2000· 1 ° subjecttoalterations c 4 2·12478 ·2007·2l Contents 211.11. ThreadedDieSet C 8 Shanks DieSet C 7 Accessories Page Page 211.12. ThreadedDieSet C 8 Shanks, ~DINISO10242-1 211.13. ThreadedDieSet C 8 Shanks, withcollar 211.14. BoltOn DieSet C 8 Shanks ~DINISO10242-2 212.11. DieSetCoupling C 9 Spigot 212.15. DieSetCoupling C 9 Spigot 212.16. SpigotHolders C 9 213.12. Screw-in C 9 LifterStuds, VDI3366 2130.11. LifterStuds C 10 VDI3366 2130.12. LifterStudswith C 10 cablesecuringdevice 213.13. LifterStuds C 11 213.14. Lifting C 11 Hooks 213.10. Eyebolts C 12 DIN580 2131.15. HoistingSnapLinks C 16 –omnidirectional 2131.20. RotarySafetyEyebolts C 17 lightduty, withballbearing 2131.21. RotarySafetyEyebolts C 18 heavyduty, withballbearing 2131.25. Universal C 19 RotarySafetyEyebolts withOvalRing 2131.10. High-Tensile C 14 Eyebolts 2131.11. Eyebolts C 15 rotatable subjecttoalterations c 5 2·12479 ·2007·2l Contents 3 2131.22. RingBlock C 23 withPositionLock formax.carrying capacity3000kg 2131.26. Universal C 20 RotarySafety Eyeboltsfor Grade10chain 2131.23. Universal- C 21 RotarySafety Eyeboltswith EyeHooks 2131.22. RingBlocks C 23 withPositionLock forcarrying capacitiesof 8000upto max.15000kg 2132.10. DieLiftingBolts C 24 withsafetyringtoVDI3366 2132.10..1 BushesforLiftingBolts C 25 2132.11. DieLiftingBolts C 27 withsafetyringtoCNOMO 2133.12..1 DieLiftingBolts C 28 withsafetyring forLiftingFlange2133.12. Page Page 2131.40. Ball-Type C 22 Load-BearingBolt, self-locking 2133.11.025.065 C 29 CenteringPin 2133.12. LiftingFlanges C 30 withBolt, withsafetyring 2133.13. LiftingFlanges C 31 withBolt, withFeatherKey toCNOMOStandard 2140.17. Clamps, C 32 forkedshape DIN6315B 2140.13. ClampingClaws, C 33 infinitelyvariable 2140.14. ClampingClaws, C 33 infinitelyvariable 2140.16. Clamps, C 34 DIN6314 2140.10. Clamps, C 34 straight, withsetscrew 2140.15. ClampingClaws, C 32 gooseneckshape 2133.11. LiftingFlanges C 29 withBolt, withSafetyRing, toBMW subjecttoalterations c 6 2·1962·2007·2l Contents 2140.33. HexagonCollarNuts, C 40 DIN6331 2140.34. Washers,DIN6340 C 40 2192. HexagonSocket C 42 HeadCapScrews –C 47 ISO4762 DIN6912 DIN7984 HexagonSocket CountersunkHead CapScrews DIN7991/ISO10.642 FlatMushroomHeadScrews withhexagonsocket 2140.21. PowerClamps, C 36 sliding –C 37 PowerClamp Accessories 2140.30. T-HeadBolts, C 41 DIN787 2140.32. HexagonNuts, C 39 DIN6330B 2140.01.01. ClampingToolSets C 48 02. C 49 2140.20. Supports, C 38 adjustable 2140.19. SteppedBlocks, C 38 DIN6318/DIN6318B 2140.02. Setscrews C 39 Page Page 2140.11. Clamps, C 35 gooseneckshape, withsetscrew 2140.18. Clamps, C 35 gooseneckshape, DIN6316 subjecttoalterations c 7 2 · 1963 · 8· 1 ° DieSetAccessories ThreadedDieSetShanks Mostsingle-columnpresseshaveshankadaptorboresintheram.Theirdimensionsare standardizedunderDIN810. DiesuptomediumsizearemostlymountedwithshankstoDINISO10242. FIBROShanksaremadetohighestspecificationsforconcentricityandsquareness. DieSetCouplingSpigotsandSpigotHolders Wherefrequentdiechangesaretheruleandstrippingforcesaremoderate,these spigotsandholdershelptoreducedowntimeinthepressshop. Kupplungszapfen mitFlanschgewindebzw.BefestigungsbohrungensindfürdenEinbauvonFederpaketen vorgesehenundwerdenvorwiegendbeiGesamtschnitteneingesetzt. LiftingAidsforDieSetsetc. Theseaccessoriesfacilitatethehoistingofmediumandheavydies;theirusehelpsto preventaccidents. subjecttoalterations c 8 DieSetShanks withandwithoutCollar DieSetShanks,~DINISO10242 2·11617·8·1 ° 211.11. ThreadedDieSetShanks OrderNo d 1 d 3 l 1 l 2 l 3 l 5 A/F 20 M16X1,5 40 3 18 58 17 25 M16X1,5 45 4 23 68 21 25 M20x1,5 45 4 23 68 21 32 M20x1,5 56 4 23 79 27 32 M24x1,5 56 4 23 79 27 40 M24x1,5 70 5 23 93 36 40 M30x2 70 5 23 93 36 50 M30x2 80 6 28 108 41 65 M42x3 100 8 28 128 55 211.11. 211.13. 211.14. 211.11. 211.12. 211.12. ThreadedDieSetShanks ~DINISO10242-1 OrderNo d 1 d 2 d 3 l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 A/F 20 15 M16x1,5 40 2 18 12 58 17 25 20 M16x1,5 45 2.5 23 16 68 21 25 20 M20x1,5 45 2.5 23 16 68 21 32 25 M20x1,5 56 3 23 16 79 27 32 25 M24x1,5 56 3 23 16 79 27 40 32 M24x1,5 70 4 23 26 93 36 40 32 M27x2 70 4 23 26 93 36 40 32 M30x2 70 4 23 26 93 36 50 42 M30x2 80 5 28 26 108 41 65 53 M42x3 100 8 28 26 128 55 211.12. 211.13. ThreadedDieSetShankswithCollar OrderNo d 1 d 2 d 3 d 4 l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 A/F 20 15 M16x1,5 28 40 2 16 12 61 17 25 20 M16x1,5 34 45 2.5 16 16 66 21 25 20 M20x1,5 34 45 2.5 20 16 70 21 32 25 M20x1,5 42 56 3 20 16 82 27 32 25 M24x1,5 42 56 3 24 16 86 27 40 32 M24x1,5 52 70 4 24 26 102 36 40 32 M30x2 52 70 4 30 26 108 36 50 42 M30x2 62 80 5 30 26 118 41 211.13. 211.14. Bolt-OnDieSetShanks ~DINISO10242-2 OrderNo d 1 d 2 d 10 d 11 l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 20 15 45 63 40 2 18 12 58 25 20 45 63 45 2.5 18 16 63 25 20 63 80 45 2.5 18 16 63 32 25 80 97 56 3 23 16 79 32 25 105 122 56 3 23 16 79 40 32 80 97 70 4 23 26 93 40 32 105 122 70 4 23 26 93 211.14. subjecttoalterations c 9 212.11. DieSetCouplingSpigots OrderNo d 3 d 4 d 5 l 3 l 5 s 1 s 2 s 3 A/F 212.11.016 M16x1,5 25 32 18 32 13 6.5 23 36 212.11.020 M20x1,5 32 48 23 48 19 9.5 41 50 212.11.024 M24x1,5 32 48 23 48 19 9.5 41 50 212.11.030 M30x2 32 48 23 48 19 9.5 43 60 212.11. 2·11617·8·1 ° DieSetCouplingSpigots SpigotHolders Screw-InLifterStuds,VDI3366 212.16. 213.12. 212.11. 212.15. 212.15. DieSetCouplingSpigots OrderNo d 4 d 5 d 7 d 8 l 3 l 5 s 1 s 2 212.15.063 25 32 46 63 18 31 13 6.5 212.15.080 32 48 63 80 18 37 19 9.5 212.15.097 32 48 80 97 23 42 19 9.5 212.15.122 32 48 105 122 23 42 19 9.5 212.15. 212.16. SpigotHolders OrderNo d 1 d 2 d 4 d 5 d 8 l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 s 1 s 2 212.16.025 25 20 26 33 56 45 4 25 16 12.6 7 212.16.032 32 25 33 49 80 56 4 30 16 18.6 10 212.16.040 40 32 33 49 80 70 5 30 26 18.6 10 212.16. 213.12. Screw-InLifterStuds,VDI3366 OrderNo d 1 d 3 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 A/F lifting capacity 213.12.016 16 M16 16 22 6 50 27 320 213.12.020 20 M20 20 25 7 60 32 500 213.12.024 25 M24 25 32 8 78 36 1000 213.12.030 32 M30 32 40 10 95 41 1500 213.12.036 40 M36 40 50 12 118 50 2500 213.12. [...]... Material: Forged and heat-treated steel, galvanised and yellow passivated Note: Clamping claws quickly span very different clamping heigths without the need for additional supports and take up very little space on the machine table They are designed for maximum loads and are particularly suitable for clamping cutting and punching tools Supplied without clamping bolts – see page C 41 for suitable clamping bolts... M16x18x160 M16x16x160 M16x18x160 M20x22x200 Note: Clamping claws quickly span very different clamping heights without the need for additional supports and take up very little space on the machine table They are designed for maximum loads and are particularly suitable for clamping cutting and punching tools Supplied with clamping bolts, see page C41 for suitable clamping bolts Ordering Code (example): Clamp,... claws quickly span very different clamping heights without the need for additional supports and take up very little space on the machine table They are designed for maximum loads and are particularly suitable for clamping cutting and punching tools Supplied without clamping bolts – see page c41 for suitable clamping bolts Ordering Code (example): 2·11617·8·1 ° Clamp, infinitely variable = 2140.14... 2140.14 Clamping Claws, infinitely variable a1 12 o 14 16 o 18 20 o 22 24 o 28 36 a2 13 18 22 26 32 b1 88 130 140 174 200 b2 38 56 66 76 90 c 28 38 46 52 61 d 48 74 80 100 110 e 23 29 32 39 44 f 68 101 112 135 156 k 14 18 20 24 28 m hmax 52 35 80 55 98 65 110 75 118 80 Material: Forged and heat-treated steel, galvanised and yellow passivated Note: Clamping claws quickly span very different clamping. .. with bolt, with feather key to Renault standard = 2133.13 Ø b 33 mm = = 2133.13.033 Order No = 2133.13.033 subject to alterations c 31 Clamps, forked shape DIN 6315 B Clamping Claws, goose neck shape 2140.17 2140.15 2140.17 Material: 2140.17 Clamps, forked shape DIN 6315 B Heat-treated steel, painted Note: Holding and contact surfaces are plane-parallel High clamping forces can be achieved by using... clamping bolts 2140.15 Clamping claws, goose neck shape a1 20 o 22 24 o 26 36 a2 b1 b2 e f k 22 200 66 88 112 20 26 232 76 97 135 24 32 263 90 107 156 28 m 60 70 80 Clamping height h 25 - 50 30 - 70 40 - 75 Ordering Code (example): c 32 2·11617·8·1 ° Clamping Claw, goose neck shape = 2140.15 = 2140.15.22 a2 = 22 mm Order No = 2140.15.22 subject to alterations 2140.13 2140.14 Clamping Claws, infinitely... 2140.13 2140.13 Clamping Claws, infinitely variable a1 12 14 16 18 16 18 22 a2 17 17 17 17 21 21 21 b1 140 140 140 140 175 175 175 b2 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 c 55 55 55 55 70 70 70 d 60 60 60 60 80 80 80 e 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 Steel, forged and head-treated tempered in burnishing clay Clamping heigh h 0 - 50 0 - 50 0 - 75 0 - 75 0 - 65 0 - 65 0 - 85 f 110 110 110 110 135 135 135 Material: Clamping bolt... o 14 12 o 14 16 o 18 16 o 18 20 o 22 20 o 22 24 24 Note: Holding and contact surfaces are plane-parallel High clamping forces can be achieved by using high-strength bolts conforming to DIN 787 The dimensions of the holding strap should be matched to the strength of the bolts Supplied without clamping bolts – see page C41 for suitable clamping bolts Ordering Code (example): Clamp DIN 6314 = 2140.16... Note: Supplied with clamping bolts and setscrews for T grooves conforming to DIN 787 8.8 with nuts and washers c 34 b1 80 100 100 125 125 160 160 b2 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 b3 12 14 14 18 18 22 22 c 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 d1 M10 M12 M12 M16 M16 M20 M20 d2 M10 M12 M12 M16 M16 M20 M20 e1 15 21 21 26 26 30 30 e2 30 40 40 45 45 60 60 h 8 - 32 10 - 40 10 - 38 13 - 49 13 - 46 16 - 65 16 - 65 Clamping bolt d1 x... 24 24 28 28 Material: Heat-treated steel, painted Note: Holding and contact surfaces are plane-parallel High clamping forces can be achieved by using high-strength bolts conforming to DIN 787 The dimensions of the holding strap should be matched to the strength of the bolts Supplied without clamping bolts – see page C41 for suitable clamping bolts Ordering Code (example): Clamp, goose neck shape . z PreLifting and Clamping Devices B PrecisionGroundPlates and FlatBars C Lifting and Clamping Devices Shanks,LifterStuds and LiftingHooks,Eyebolts. PeripheralEquipment K SlideUnits L StandardPartsforMouldMaking A DieSets c 2 2 · 1959·4 ° Lifting and Clamping Devices subjecttoalterations