B PrecisionGroundPlatesandFlatBars C LiftingandClampingDevices D GuideElements E GroundPrecisionComponents F Springs G Elastomer-Bars,-Sheets,-Sections FIBROFLEX®andFIBROELAST®-Sheetsand-Profiles H FIBROChemicalToolingAids J PeripheralEquipment K SlideUnits L StandardPartsforMouldMaking A DieSets 2·2331·7·1 ° Elastomer–Bars –Sheets –Sections subjecttoalterations G 3 FIBROFLEX ® FormingElastomers Theoccurenceofsmallbatchlotsinthe pressshopgenerallymakesthemore expensivediesofconventionaldesign unadvisable–anditisinthissectorin particularthatFIBROFLEX ® Forming Elastomerscanoffereconomical alternatives. Overmanyyearsinthepast,rubberwas usedformetalformingwork,mostlywith indifferentresultsbecauseofinsufficient mechanicalresilienceandsusceptibilityto damagebyworkshoplubricants. FIBROFLEX ® ,apolyurethaneelastomer ofveryspecialproperties,representsa syntheticmaterialofsignificantadvantages overallcoventionalrubbersubstances.It provides: • highestresistancetorupturing • outstandingelasticproperties • extensivelifespanwhenusedcorrectly • goodthermalresilience • inertnesstoalllubricantsusedinmetal formingoperations. Tothedesignerofforming-andshearing dies,FIBROFLEX ® offershighlyattractive solutionstomanyatoolingproblem–asfor instancethecompletioninoneoperationof intricatereturnflangesetc.Specialmention oughttobemadehereofthespecific suitabilitythiselastomerexhibitsinthe formingofdelicatesurface-coatedorsurface- refinedsheetmetal. Thequiteoutstandingelasticproperties ofFIBROFLEX ® havemadeitanalmost indispensablematerialintoolrooms everywhereandalsoinmanysectorsof generalengineering.Itsnumeroussuccessful usescomprisebumperstops,strippers, ejector-andformingpads,springelements aswellasnoisesupressionapplications. FIBROFLEX ® FormingElastomers,available inthreeShorehardnessestosuitdifferent conditions,aresuppliedinacomprehensive rangeofsectionshollowandsolid,alsoin sheetformofmanydimensions. Intendedassuggestionsforthesolutionof formingproblems,anumberofillustrated applicationexamplesarecontainedinthis catalogue.Furtherdetailledinformation onelastomertoolingcanbefoundinour freepublication“ElastomersinSheetMetal FormingandtheToolroom”,whichweshall gladlymailtointerestedcustomers. 2·2683·5 ° subjecttoalterations G 4 F I B R O F L E X * 2·9390·3·1 ° *Polyurethane accurate partsto customers specifi- cations subjecttoalterations G 5 2·2685·9·2 ° Contents Page TechnicalData G 6 –G 7 onFIBROFLEX ® 251. FIBROFLEX ® G 8 SheetsandPads 252. FIBROFLEX ® G 8 SquareSections 250. FIBROFLEX ® G 9 ChannelSections 255. FIBROFLEX ® G 9 HollowSquareSections 253. FIBROFLEX ® G 10 RoundSections 254. FIBROFLEX ® G 10 HollowRoundSections 256. FIBROFLEX ® G 11 EquilateralTriangle- Sections 257. FIBROFLEX ® G 11 EquilateralHollow Triangle-Selections ExampleofFIBROFLEX ® Application:G 17–19 CombinationBlanking-,Embossingand FormingDie BlankingandformingwithG 21– 27 FIBROFLEX ® -Elastomers Appendix: ElastomereToolsforMetalForming andBlanking Page 2511.3. FIBROELAST ® G 12 Sheets 2531.4. FIBROELAST ® G 13 RoundSections 2541.4. FIBROELAST ® G 13 HollowRoundSections 2450. ShockAbsorbing G 15 WashersFIBROFLEX ® subjecttoalterations G 6 2·2686·7·2 ° TechnicalDataonFIBROFLEX ® FormingElastomer PhysicalProperties: FIBROFLEX ® Type DIN 5 6 7 Shore-A-Hardness 53505 80 90 95 Densityg/cm 3 53479 1,07 1,11 1,13 max.deformationin% 35 30 25 ImpactresistancevalueN/cm(ASTMD470) 124 150 270 Elongationtotearin% 53504 490 430 380 TearingstrengthinN/mm 2 53504 34,4 38 44,8 Workingtemperature,max.°C +70 +70 +70 Embrittlementtemperature°C below–68 below–68 below–63 ModulusofelasticityN/mm 2 38 70 133 Electricpuncturestrength(permmthickness) 400Volt Reboundelasticity% 53512 58 42 40 At100 %elongationMPa 53504 5,5 5,6 12,4 At300 %elongationMPa 53504 10,3 15,2 29,6 CoefficientoffrictionofFIBROFLEX ® dry0,35anyShorehardness wet0,25anyShorehardness TensilestrengthMPa 53504 34 38 45 Elongation% 53504 490 430 380 TearstrengthkN/m 53515 36 42 58 Abrasionresistancemm 3 53516 48 32 41 Torsionalstiffnessat24°CinMPa 17,9 17,9 19,8 CompressiveSet 70h/22°Cin% 53517notavailablenotavailablenotavailable CompressiveSet 70h/22°Cin%–MethodeB– 53517 25 27 36 ResistancetoSeaWater(saline)approximately6months Resistivity(directcurrent)at 24°C4,8310 11 70°C3,8310 10 100°C2,3310 10 Coefficientofexpansion 0upto–36°C=1,43 –4 0upto 24°C=1,01 –4 25upto100°C=0,95 –4 GuideLinesfortheMachiningofFIBROFLEX ® : FIBROFLEX ® FormingElastomerscanbemachinedonordinarymachinetoolsandwithconventionalcutters. Akeencuttingedgeismandatory. FIBROFLEX ® Type 5 6 7 IdentificationColour green yellow red Shore-A-Hardness 80 90 95 Sawing V c =approx.1600m/min. Circularsaw,carbide-tipped,coarsetoothed Rakeangle25°–30° Clearanceangle12°–15° Drilling V c =approx.30m/min. Turning V c =approx.140m/min. Rakeangle25° Clearanceangle12°–15° Milling V c =approx.100m/min. Rakeangle25° Clearanceangle12°–15° Pleasenotethatwecansupplyformparts,requiredinlargerquantities,intheready-castcondition.Enquiriesareinvited. V c =cuttingspeed subjecttoalterations G 7 2·2687·2·1 ° TechnicalDataonFIBROFLEX ® FormingElastomers TemperatureResistance FIBROFLEX ® canbeusedsafelyattemperaturesupto+70°C. FIBROFLEX ® willretainmostofitsflexibilityattemperaturesas lowas–62°C.Agradualincreaseinrigiditysetsinbelow–18°C. Resistancetothermalshockisexcellent. ResistancetoOxygenandOzone Notraceableinfluencesareincurredatnormalatmospheric concentrations. ResistancetoAging Agingshowsnodiscernableeffectsinconditionsofnormal ambienttemperaturesandgenerallyconstantenvironmental surroundings. TableNo1–ResistancetosomeChemicals DieselFuel v MineralFats,acc.toadditives +to– VegetabilicFats + AnimalFats + Petrol(freeofalcohols) v MineralOils–dependingonadditives + Paraffin +to– RapeSeedOil + LubrificantsonMineralOilBasis v SoapEmulsions – Vaseline + Waterat+95°C – Waterat+20°C +tov + resistant=canbeused v conditionallyresistant=conditionaluse – notresistant=notrecommended Pleasenotethatblendedoilsandfatsmayhavedetrimentalinfluence duetotheirvariousadditives.Inordertoeliminateanyrisk,itis recommendedottesttheelastomerunderexposuretoanyspecific oilyand/orfattysubstance.Suchtestsoughttoberunforseveral weeks. WaterResistance FIBROFLEX ® exhibitsoutstandinglong-termstabilityunder exposuretowaterofupto+50°C.Swellingand/ordestructive influencesremainabsent. Thistypicalresistanceagainsthydrolysisischaracteristicforthe specificmolecularstructureoftheelastomer. Water-Oilemulsionspresentnoproblemseither. TheseareclearadvantagesofFIBROFLEX ® overother polyurethaneelastomerstructures. Resistancetooil,chemicals,andsolvents FIBROFLEX ® ispresentinganexcellentresistancetooiland solventsandis,particularly,suitingapplicationsinconnection withlubricatingoilandfuel. Typicaldataofchemicalresistanceareshowninthefollowing table. subjecttoalterations G 8 OrderNo PartI PartII PartIII a3b a3b a3b a3b a3b s 2503250 2503500 5003500 50031000 100031000 251.. . 1–7 • • • • 008. 8 • • • • • 010. 10 • • • • • 012. 12 • • • • • 015. 15 • • • • • 020. 20 • • • • • 025. 25 up to s = 80 mm up to s = 80 mm up to s = 80 mm up to s = 80 mm up to s = 50 mm . 30–80 2·8843·9·3 ° 1 l b a b a s FIBROFLEX ® -SheetsandPads 251. FIBROFLEX ® -SquareSections 252. 251. 252. l 1 l 1 l 1 250 500 1000 a3b 250 500 1000 a3b 250 500 1000 252. .008.008.h • 252..020.020.h • 252. .060.080. b b b 008.015.h • 020.030.h • 080.080. b b b 008.025.h • 020.040.h • 080.100. b b b 008.050.h • 020.050.h • 100.100. b b b 010.010.h • 022.022. • • • 100.125. b b b 010.015.h • 025.025.h • 100.180. b b b 010.025.h • 025.040.h • 125.125. b b b 010.050.h • 025.060.h • 012.012.h • 025.080.h • 012.020.h • 030.030. • • • 012.030.h • 040.040.h • 012.050.h • 040.060. • • • 015.015. • • • 045.045. • • • 015.025.h • 050.050. • • • 015.040.h • 050.180. • • • 015.050.h • 060.060. • • • 252. OrderNoa3b h=machineddimensionaledge 251. Execution: FIBROFLEX ® isavail.in3Shorehardnesses: .5. = 80ShoreA=colour:Green .6. = 90ShoreA=colour:Yellow .7. = 95ShoreA=colour:Red Furthertechnicaldata:seepages G 6– G 7 OrderingCode(example): FIBROFLEX ® Sheet =251. Hardness95Shore-A =251.7. s=1mm =251.7.001. a3b=5003 500mm= OrderNo = Execution: FIBROFLEX ® isavailablein3Shorehardnesses: .5. = 80ShoreA=colour:Green .6. = 90ShoreA=colour:Yellow .7. = 95ShoreA=colour:Red Furthertechnicaldata:seepages G 6– G 7 increasingin stepsof1mm increasing insteps of10mm subjecttoalterations G 9 PartIII OrderNo PartI PartII PartIII OrderNo l 1 PartI PartII a3b a 1 3b 1 d 1 250 500 1000 255. .040.060. 403 60 203 35 • • • 045.045. 453 45 20 • • • 050.050. 503 50 25 • • • 050.180. 503180 203120 • • • 060.060. 603 60 30 • • • 060.080. 603 80 303 50 • • • 080.080. 803 80 40 • • • 080.100. 803100 403 60 • • • 100.100. 1003100 503 50 • • • 100.125. 1003125 503 70 • • • 100.180. 1003180 503 123 • • • 125.125. 125 3125 753 75 • • • 255. l 1 l 1 a3b a 1 3b 1 250 500 250. .050.050. 503 50 353 20 • • 050.075. 503 75 353 30 • • 075.100. 753100 503 40 • • 100.200. 1003200 603120 • • 250. 250. FIBROFLEX ® ChannelSections 255. FIBROFLEX ® HollowSquareSections Execution: FIBROFLEX ® isavail.in3Shorehardnesses: .5. = 80ShoreA=colour:Green .6. = 90ShoreA=colour:Yellow .7. = 95ShoreA=colour:Red Furthertechnicaldata:seepagesG6–G7 OrderingCode(example): FIBROFLEX ® ChannelSection =250. Hardness90ShoreA =250.6. a3b=503 50mm = l 1 =250mm = OrderNo = Execution: FIBROFLEX ® isavail.in3Shorehardnesses: .5. = 80ShoreA=colour:Green .6. = 90ShoreA=colour:Yellow .7. = 95ShoreA=colour:Red Furthertechnicaldata:seepages G 6– G 7 a 1 a b 1 b 1 l b 1 d a b 1 b 1 l 1 a a 1 l OrderingCode(example): FIBROFLEX ® HollowSquareSection=255. Hardness80ShoreA =255.5. a3b=503 50mm = l 1 =500mm = OrderNo = 250. 255. 2·8844·9·2 ° subjecttoalterations G 10 253. 253. .002 2 • 003 3 • 004 4 • 005 5 • 006 6 • 007 7 • 008 8 • 010 10 • 012 12 • 016 16 • 020 20 • 025 25 • 032 32 • 040 40 • 050 50 • 063 63 • 080 80 • 100 100 • 125 125 • 140 140 • 150 150 • 160 160 • 180 180 • 200 200 • PartIII OrderNo l 1 PartI PartII d 1 330 500 1000 l 1 1 d 2 d l 1 1 d FIBROFLEX ® -RoundSections 253. FIBROFLEX ® -HollowRoundSections 254. Execution: FIBROFLEX ® isavail.in3Shorehardnesses: .5. = 80ShoreA=colour:Green .6. = 90ShoreA=colour:Yellow .7. = 95ShoreA=colour:Red Furthertechnicaldata:seepages G 6– G 7 254. 254. .016 16 6,5 • 020 20 8,5 • 025 25 10,5 • 032 32 13,5 • 040 40 13,5 • 050 50 17,0 • 063 63 17,0 • 080 80 21,0 • 100 100 21,0 • 125 125 27,0 • 140 140 50,0 • 150 150 50,0 • 160 160 50,0 • 180 180 50,0 • 200 200 50,0 • PartIII OrderNo l 1 PartI PartII d 1 d 2 330 500 253. 254. OrderingCode(example): FIBROFLEX ® RoundSection = 253. Hardness95Shore-A = 253.7. d 1 = 40mm = 253.7.040 OrderNo = 253.7.040 OrderingCode(example): FIBROFLEX ® HollowRoundSection= 254. Hardness90Shore-A = 254.6. d 1 = 50mm = 254.6.050 OrderNo = 254.6.050 2·2448·9· 2 ° [...]... spring-back of the bend and the shallower is the required penetration of the punch 3 0-7 0 b Fig 6 Bending of Vee- and U-Shapes Displacement possible: a1 = 40–50% of a b1 = 50–60% of b Bending of Vee- and U-shapes can be achieved either with stacked FIBROFLEX® pads of different hardness (Fig 5), or with the aid of solid and hollow FIBROFLEX® Sections These may consist of squares, channels or triangular sections. .. an elastomer can be displaced but cannot be compressed Consequently it is of paramount importance to ensure that sufficient space is provided in an elastomer forming die for the accommodation of the displaced FIBROFLEX® subject to alterations G 17 Application Examples of Forming Operations ® with FIBROFLEX Elastomers Fig 5 Vee-Bending One of the easiest elastomer- forming operations is that of Vee-bending...256 257 FIBROFLEX® Triangular -Sections FIBROFLEX® Hollow Triangular -Sections 256. 257 l1 l1 d1 60° b 60° b 256 Order No Part I Part II 256 .035 050 080 b 35 50 80 l 1 250 • • • Part III l1 500 • • • Ordering Code (example): FIBROFLEX® Equilateral Triangle-Section Hardness 90 Shore-A size b = 35 mm l1 = 500 mm Order No 257 Order No Part I Part II... the press pressure first deforms the elastomer As soon as the elastomer reaches the limits of its deformation the workpiece is cut The less the stretch of the sheet metal, the easier it can be cut using the elastomer blanking process Spring band steels, electric sheets and sheet aluminium all cut well using this process Deep-drawing sheet steel is unsuitable for the elastomer blanking process The even... a1 = 50–60% of a b1 = 60–70% of b 30 subject to alterations b G 19 2· 2696·5 ° G 20 subject to alterations 2· 2697·2001·6 ° Blanking and forming with FIBROFLEX®-Elastomers subject to alterations G 21 Blanking and forming with FIBROFLEX®-Elastomers Description Choice of Machine FIBROFLEX forming materials for blanking, embossing and forming are eminently suitable for use in small and medium series... 4,6 26 550 46 45 58 40 2 ·12575 · 9·1 ° FIBROELAST® Sheet Hardness 65 Shore A s = 15 mm a = 250 mm b = 500 mm Order No subject to alterations 2531.4 2541.4 FIBROELAST®-Round Sections FIBROELAST®-Hollow Round Sections 2531.4. 2541.4 l1 l1 d1 d2 d1 2531.4 Order No Part I Part II 2531.4 016 020 025 032 040 050 063 080 100 125 2541.4 d 1 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 80 100... necessary penetration of the punch and the amount of over-bending depend on the thickness, hardness and type of the material – and furthermore on the bending radius, the length of the free legs on the piece part, and lastly on the Shore hardness of the cushion Especially with larger batch quantities it is advisable to ensure all-round retention of the stacked elastomer cushion; it also pays to make punch and... be required The “opposite member“ is provided by the elastomer cushion This means that elastomer dies are usually made very quickly and therefore cost less Moreover they afford great flexibility in regard of component modification at a later stage Whereas the foregoing considerations left the choice of an alternative solution, presswork with surface-coated or surfacerefined material usually does not:... sufficiently rigid 30 a a1 The hollow space of the channel-shaped cushion has the effect of increasing the horizontal pressure component in the die; this also holds true for hollow die cushions G 18 b 2· 2694·5 ° 30 subject to alterations Application Examples of Forming Operations with FIBROFLEX® Elastomers Fig 8 Fig 9 FIBROFLEX® Triangular Sections are shaped to fit into the existing forming grooves... FIBROFLEX® Blanking Dies In the actual working cycle of en elastomer blanking die, the ram force is initially absorbed by the resistance of the deforming elastomer cushion As the limit of deformability is reached, shearing and stock breakaway must have taken place As a general rule it can be stated that stock of high ductility has a detrimental effect on elastomer blanking The brittler materials on the other . PrecisionGroundPlatesandFlat Bars C LiftingandClampingDevices D GuideElements E GroundPrecisionComponents F Springs G Elastomer- Bars, -Sheets, -Sections FIBROFLEX®andFIBROELAST®-Sheetsand-Profiles. ApplicationExamplesofFormingOperations withFIBROFLEX ® Elastomers 2·2694·5 ° 30 a 1 a b3 0-7 0 Vee-Bending Oneoftheeasiest elastomer- formingoperationsisthatof Vee-bendingoffasolidpunchandintoadiecushionofstacked