Springs B PrecisionGroundPlatesandFlatBars C LiftingandClampingDevices D GuideElements E GroundPrecisionComponents F Springs CompressionSprings,GasSprings,ElastomerSprings SpringandSpacerUnits G Elastomer-Bars,-Sheets,-Sections H FIBROChemicalToolingAids J PeripheralEquipment K SlideUnits L StandardPartsforMouldMaking A DieSets f 2 subjecttoalterations 2·2161·2007 l Springs subjecttoalterations f 3 Springs 2·2163·8·2 ° Springsfordies,fixtures,moulds, machines,mechanisms.Forvarious industrialuses.FIBROCompressionSprings –acomprehensiverange,rootedin theresolutequalityconsciousnesson whichourreputationwasbuilt.Applied equallytotheselectionandinspectionof rawmaterialsaswellastoeverystepin manufacture. Springs–asimpleproductbycomparison. Butademandingonealsoifnew standardsaretobesetbyitsreliabilityand performance. Aproductwhosefailureinservicealways isveryexpensive,evendisastrousin somecases. Aproductthereforewhereitpays...to payforthedifference.Whosefaultsor qualitiesremainhiddenatfirst. Theyprovethemselvesinthelongrun–! FIBROhighperformancesprings–infour dutyranges.Madefromselectedgrades ofchrome-vanadiumspringsteel. Cold-formedfromspecialrolledwire sections.Capableofsustaining serviceloadingsofexceptionalserverity. Identicalfittingdimensionsforallsprings ofcommonnominalsize,facilitating developmentwork.Packingamaximum ofspringactionintoaminimumofdesign space Upanddowninendlessrepetition:FIBRO CompressionSprings.Fromthetough stableoftool-anddiemaking,whereno quartersaregiven. Aspringrangeofalmost400sizes.Each springstrictlytospecification.Ends flattenedandgroundparallel.Surfacesball shotpeenedforevengreaterspring resilience. FIBROSprings–forfit-and-forget performance.Forconfinedspaces.For virtuallynospaceatall. Foraircraft·tractors·harvesters·dies jigs·fixtures·formachinesfromAtoZ. Foralluseswherethegoingishard.A choicewithoutregrets. Aspecialspringrangefordemandingapplica- tionsinthemanufactureoftools,machinery andjigs&fixtures. Ourspringsystemsareconstantlybeing developedtocoverthemostvaried requirements. Thespringtypeisselectedtomatchspecific customerrequirements. Specialhelicalsprings ManufacturedtoDINISO10243,thesprings areavailableinfourgradesforhighcyclicand constantloads. Thespeciallyrolledwireprofileis manufacturedfromhighqualityheattreated alloysteel. FIBROFLEX®Springs Theserubber-elasticspringelementsin Shorehardnessratings80,90,95,aremade frompolyurethaneelastomers.Benefits includehighspringforcesandgoodresilient dampingbehaviour. FIBROELAST®Springs Asasuperioralternativetorubbersprings weofferpolyurethaneelastomerspringsin ShoreAhardnessratingof70. DiscSprings Therequiredspringcharacteristicsresultfrom variouslaminationswithmultiplesettings andcombinations. f 4 subjecttoalterations 2·2164·7·3 ° Contents Page High-Performance CompressionSprings F 7– F 46 –rectangularcross-section –roundcross-section GeneralData F 9 High-PerformanceCompressionSprings DIN/ISOStandard10243 fromchrome-vanadiumspringsteel –rectangularcross-section 241.14. – .17. ∅10mm F 10– F 11 241.14. – .17. ∅12,5mm F 12– F 13 241.14. – .17. ∅16mm F 14– F 17 241.14. – .17. ∅20mm F 18– F 21 241.14. – .17. ∅25mm F 22– F 25 241.14. – .17. ∅32mm F 26– F 29 241.14. – .17. ∅40mm F 30– F 33 241.14. – .17. ∅50mm F 34– F 37 241.14. – .15. ∅63mm F 38– F 39 Page High-PerformanceCompressionSprings F 40– F 46 similar DIN/ISOStandard10243 fromchrome-vanadiumspringsteel –roundcross-section 241.24. –26. ∅ 10mm F 40– F 41 241.24. –26. ∅ 12,5mm F 42– F 43 241.24. –26. ∅ 16mm F 44– F 46 RoundWire CompressionSprings F 47– F 49 –StandardDutyRating –HeavyDutyRating GeneralData F 47 RoundWireCompressionSprings 241.02. ditto–StandardDutyRating F 48 241.03. ditto–HeavyDutyRating F 49 242.01. DiscSpringsDIN2093 F 50 subjecttoalterations f 5 ThrustWashers F 73 SpacerTubes 244.6. 244.7. 244.9. 244.10. 244.11. 244.12. 244.13. Washers F 74 SpacerSleeves SpacerPlugs CompensationDiscs 2441.14. 2441.15. ThreadedDiscs F 75 ThreadedDiscs forHelicalSprings 2461.4. FIBROELAST ® - F 66– F 67 TubularSpringElements 241.00.1. SetScrews F 81 244.16. Spring-,Fit-and F 77 spacerUnit 244.17. ShoulderScrews F 78 SpringAccessories F 73 –F 75 2450. DampingDiscs 244.15. 2441.15.1. SpringUnitsfor F 71 CompressionSprings 244.20. 244.25. 244.32. 244.40. CombinationSpring F 72 andSpacerUnits –F 80 244.4. StackingWashers– F 70 Flat 244.5. GuidePins F 70 2441.3. DishedStacking F 70 Washers 2480.010. PotHousesfor F 69 FIBROFLEX ® -Springs 246. FIBROFLEX ® F 56– F 65 TubularSpringElements Summary:SpringUnitsCombinationF 51 Spring-SpacerUnits – F 53 Page Page 244.1. FIBROFLEX ® F 54 SpringSystems – F 55 Contents 2·2165· 2000· 6 ° 244.14. 2441.14.1. SpringUnitsfor F 71 FIBROFLEX ® -Springs 2441.18. 2441.16. 246.6 Retainingbolts F 76 Thrustwashers FIBROFLEX®-Tubularspring elements f 6 subjecttoalterations 2·10827·2000·2 ° 2470. 2471. 2472. 2473. 2475. 2479. SpringEjector-/Fixing F 88 PinCartridges –F 97 2477. 2478.10. 2478.30. StrippingUnits F 98- F 100 Stocklifter 2478. SpringRams F 105 forWorkpieceLifters (GasSprings) 2478.20. 2052.71. SpringRam F 106 withgasspring toVWstandard GuideBushforSpringRams 2480. 2481. 2482. 2483. 2484. 2485. 2487. 2488. 2490. 2496. 2486. GasSprings F 107 Accessories –F 328 Installationmaterial Contents Page Page 243.7. FIBROFLEX ® - F 82 Elastomer Strippers 247.6. FIBROFLEX ® - F 82 ShedderInserts 2471.6. FIBROFLEX ® - F 83 CompressionPads 252.7. 2531.7. FIBROFLEX ® - F 85 Setting-upBumpers, square FIBROFLEX ® - F 85 Setting-upBumpers, round 2441.5. 2441.6. Locatingbolts F 84 forFIBROFLEX ® roundspringsand FIBROELAST ® Locatingbolts, threaded 2532. Strippersfor F 86 blankingdies –F 87 SpringEjectors F 89 withGasSprings –F 91 2478.20.20. 2478.20.20.1 2478.20.20.2 Liftingunits F 102 toDaimlerstandard Guidepillars F 103 Sleeves subjecttoalterations f 7 2·10828·7·2 ° CompressionSprings DIN/ISO10243 f 8 subjecttoalterations ServiceDataforLimited-/ ExtendedSpringLife Theachievableservicelifeofhelical compressionspringsdependstoalarge extentonthecompositionofthespringwire, theoperatingconditions,andondesign parameters. Inallapplicationswithoscillatingspringdis- placement,carefulselectionofbothpreload valuesandcompressivedisplacementare prerequisitesforextendedspringlife,as confirmedbythepermissiblestressvaluesin theloadingdatatablesandthestress/spring lifediagram. Shearstressmaximaandspringoscillation stressdifferentialsareadirectfunctionofthe qualityofthespringwire. FIBROHighPerformanceCompression Springsaremadeexclusivelyfromspecial 50CrV4.Thesuperlativecharacteristicsof thismaterialarefurtherenhancedbyheat treatmentunderoptimalconditions,followed byaballshotpeeningprocess. Forextendedspringlifeunderoscillatingload changes,themaximalshearstresst zul. is800 N/mm 2 ,ofwhichsome400N/mm 2 =(𝛕 h ) maybetakenupbythestressdifferential betweenspringoscillations. Higherstresslevelsarepermissibleonly undertheprovisooflimitedlifeexpectancy, orincasesofstaticandquasi-staticload conditions. Springssubjectedtodynamicloadconditions alsosufferimpairmenttotheirlifeexpectancy throughinfluencessuchasextremeoperating temperatures,transversalstresscomponents, shockloads,andresonantvibrationfrequen- cies.Inalltheseinstances,aloweringofthe stresslevelsassiststowardsbetterspringlife. Workingtemperature Thespringmaterialhasaworkingtempe- ratureofupto250°C.Thisratingisan approximationsincetheactualapproved workingtemperaturewillalsodependon factorssuchasload.Itisworthnotingthat above100°Cthemodulusofelasticity decreasesandwithareductionintension settingstartstooccur. ExtendedSpringLife: SpringDisplacementValues Thelargestpermissibledisplacementis indicatedbyS 6 –offeringabout62%of the“total”displacementofthewire-to- wirecompactedspring(=S n ).Thisdis- placementwillinduceashearstressof t zul. of800N/mm 2 .Theassociated stressdifferentialduringoscillations shoultnotexceed400N/mm 2 (=𝛕 h ). CalculationofSpringForces Simplemultiplicationofthespringco- efficientRwiththeapplicabledisplace- mentS(mm)yieldsthespringforce value(N). SpringForceversusSpringDisplacement Therelevanttablesshowtheforcevalues forselecteddisplacementsod30,40,45, 55,62,80and100%compression,desig natedbyS 1 .S 7 . Intermediateforcevaluescanbeextra- polatedfromtheStress/SpringLifeDiagram. 2·7749·7·2 ° HighPerformanceCompressionSprings 241. subjecttoalterations f 9 Cyclicstressmaxima/minimaas applicabletoextended/limitedlifeof FIBRO 241. High-PerformanceCompressionSprings 2·7750· 8·2 ° *ForapplicationwithinExtendedSpringLife: uptoacompressionratingof45%,apreloadingcompressionof13%applies. e.g.:uptoacompressionratingof55%apreloadingcompressionof23%isrequired. D h = diameterofguidesleeve D d = diameterofguidepin L 0 = freelengthofspring L 1 …L n = lengthofloadedspring(mm), asrelatedtospring L BL = lengthofcompactedspring (i.e.wire-to-wire) F 1 …F n = forces(N)asrelatedto lenghtofspringL1…Ln S v1 …S v7 = recommendedpreload compression,asrelatedto compress.S1…S7 S 1 …S n = compression,asrelatedto springforcesF1…Fn R = springrate(N/mm) S A1 …S A7 = workingstroke(mm) WorkingstrokesS A1 …S A7 =compress.(S 1 …S 7 )–minuspreloadingcompression(S v1 …S v7 ) Notice:80%compressionmustnotbeexceeded! [...]...DIN/ISO 10243 High Performance Compression Springs 241.14 241.15 x 10 241.14 Colour “Green” 241.15 Colour “Blue” Dh = dia of guide sleeve = diameter of guide pin Dd L0 = free length of spring length of loaded spring L1…Ln = (mm) as related... 6,5 2,3 4,2 8,0 2,9 5,1 9,5 3,4 6,1 10,5 3,8 6,7 13,5 4,9 8,6 16,5 5,9 10,6 68,0 24,5 43,5 DIN/ISO 10243 241.16 241.17 High Performance Compression Springs x 10 241.16 Colour: “Red” 241.17 Colour: “Yellow” Dh = dia of guide sleeve = diameter of guide pin Dd L0 = free length of spring length of loaded spring L1…Ln = (mm) as related to spring... 243,2 270,0 226,2 240,0 2·9296·8·3 ° 241.17 subject to alterations F4 120 102 125 116 113 131 125 127 Fn 240,4 204,1 250,3 232,1 226,7 261,1 250,9 254,8 f11 DIN/ISO 10243 High Performance Compression Springs 241.14 241.15 x 12,5 241.14 Colour: “Green” 241.15 “Colour: “Blue” Dh = dia of guide sleeve = diameter of guide pin Dd L0 = free length of spring length of loaded spring L1…Ln = (mm) as... 344,4 302,4 2·9297·8·3 stroke L n 14,0 19,0 22,0 25,0 29,0 36,0 42,0 48,0 161,0 F4 165 161 171 176 171 169 173 172 151 DIN/ISO 10243 241.16 241.17 High Performance Compression Springs x 12,5 241.16 Colour: “Red” 241.17 Colour: “Yellow” Dh = dia of guide sleeve = diameter of guide pin Dd L0 = free length of spring length of loaded spring L1…Ln = (mm) as related to spring... 235 236 233 231 239 241 stroke L n Fn 16,0 527,1 21,4 465,3 25,0 468,0 28,5 469,7 33,0 471,6 42,0 466,4 49,0 461,7 56,0 478,5 193,0 481,6 f13 DIN/ISO 10243 High Performance Compression Springs 241.14 x 16 241.14 Colour: “Green” Dh = dia of guide sleeve = diameter of guide pin Dd L0 = free length of spring length of loaded spring L1…Ln = (mm) as related to spring forces F1…Fn... f14 subject to alterations DIN/ISO 10243 241.15 High Performance Compression Springs x 16 241.15 Colour: “Blue” Dh = dia of guide sleeve Dd = diameter of guide pin L0 = free length of spring L1…Ln = length of loaded spring (mm) as related to spring forces F1…Fn LBL = length... Fn 14,0 543,4 19,0 482,3 22,0 542,4 25,0 570,0 30,0 554,4 37,0 545,4 43,0 590,7 50,0 592,8 57,0 607,5 167,0 662,4 subject to alterations f15 DIN/ISO 10243 High Performance Compression Springs 241.16 x 16 241.16 Colour: „Red“ Dh = dia of guide sleeve Dd = diameter of guide pin L0 = free length of spring L1…Ln = length of loaded spring (mm) as related to spring forces F1…Fn = ... 690,1 714,4 739,5 745,2 784,0 841,8 2·9301·8·3 ° R 75,5 53,0 49,1 43,2 37,3 30,4 25,5 21,6 19,6 6,9 f16 subject to alterations DIN/ISO 10243 241.17 High Performance Compression Springs x 16 241.17 Colour “Yellow” Dh = dia of guide sleeve Dd = diameter of guide pin L0 = free length of spring L1…Ln = length of loaded spring (mm) as related to spring forces F1…Fn = length... 2·7758·8·3 ° stroke L n 16,0 21,2 25,0 29,0 33,0 42,0 49,5 57,5 65,5 195,0 F4 531 481 469 457 471 453 454 466 468 462 subject to alterations f17 DIN/ISO 10243 High Performance Compression Springs 241.14 x 20 241.14 Colour “Green” Dh = dia of guide sleeve = diameter of guide pin Dd L0 = free length of spring length of loaded spring L1…Ln = (mm) as related to spring forces F1…Fn LBL... 636,0 654,0 636,5 613,2 615,6 648,0 2·7759·8·3 ° L 0 25 32 38 44 51 64 76 89 102 115 127 139 152 305 f18 subject to alterations DIN/ISO 10243 241.15 High Performance Compression Springs x 20 241.15 Colour “Blue” Dh = dia of guide sleeve = diameter of guide pin Dd L0 = free length of spring length of loaded spring L1…Ln = (mm) as related to spring forces F1…Fn LBL = length . FIBROELAST® Springs Asasuperioralternativetorubber springs weofferpolyurethaneelastomer springs in ShoreAhardnessratingof70. Disc Springs . 2 subjecttoalterations 2·2161·2007 l Springs subjecttoalterations f 3 Springs 2·2163·8·2 ° Springs fordies,fixtures,moulds, machines,mechanisms.Forvarious