some functional category is also the head of the nominal. See Stowell (1989) for a semantic argument that splits nominals into DP and NP. Ritter (1988) argues using evidence from construct-state nominals in Hebrew that a rule of N! D movement, parallel to V! T movement, explains the complementarity between construct state nominals and overt determiners, and explains the order of elements in the NP (see also Mohammed 1988). Ritter (1991, 1992) proposes splitting the DP into two categories, DP (which is the rough equivalent of the CP) and NumP, to account for alternations in order between two types of possessive construction in Hebrew. Picallo (1991) proposed a GenderP, but Ritter (1993) presented a number of a arguments against it. Several of scholars, most prominently Baltin (1980), have suggested that a Quanitifer Phrase (QP) dominates the DP (in order account for phrases like all the men). A very articulated DP structure is proposed in Manzini and Savoia (2004) an earlier proposal is in Zamparelli (1995). For good summaries of the literature on DPs and their internal structure, see Bernstein (2001) and Longobardi (2001) and more recent work cited in Roberts (2005). 11.8 Concluding remarks I started this chapter with the warning that the topic of the content of constituents was a massive one. I have attempted to provide here an outline of some of the arguments for one particular view of phrase structure cartography with occasional pointers to other approaches. I have tried to provide arguments for a tripartite organized clause which makes extensive use of functional categories at all levels. But I have barely scratched the surface of this intricate topic. Scholars working in other traditions will no doubt be frustrated that I have not given more space to their views, but I feel that’s inevitable in a survey like this. 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