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Tài liệu 3420 TOEIC vocabulary tests words by Meaning part 58 ppt

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 39 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 39 (Answer Keys) A1 n. newspaper; magazine; diary; blog; bookkeeping ledger definition (a) journal A2 n. something that causes a person to act; cause; incentive; purpose; intention definition (a) motive A3 n. finding fault; act of expressing displeasure; pleading entered by a plaintiff (Law) definition (c) complaint A4 n. obligation; responsibility; assignment; customs tax definition (d) duty A5 n. place; position; situation; site; spot definition (c) location A6 n. character; nature; trait; arrangement; placement definition (c) disposition A7 n. inflow; inward flow; place where a stream flows into another body of water definition (c) influx A8 n. act of rescuing; rescued items definition (c) salvage A9 n. beginning letter of a person's first name; first letter (as of a word) definition (b) initial A10 n. confirmation; endorsement; positive opinion definition (b) approval 400 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 40 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 40 (Answer Keys) A1 v. to contemplate again definition (a) reconsider A2 v. to cover with a thin layer of metal; to coat with metal definition (b) plate A3 v. to crumble into granules definition (d) grain A4 v. to set a new time and date definition (c) reschedule A5 v. to persuade; to influence; to prove definition (d) convince A6 v. to quit an office or position; to relinquish; to give up; to abdicate definition (b) resign A7 v. to travel; to take a trip definition (c) journey A8 v. to occupy a place; to take a place; to obtain at an advance opportunity definition (c) preempt A9 v. to appreciate; to esteem; to respect; to appraise; to assess worth definition (a) prize A10 v. to grow older; to mature definition (c) age 401 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 41 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 41 (Answer Keys) A1 adv. exceeding regular working hours definition (b) overtime A2 adv. strenuously; with great effort; to the full extent; intently; to the extreme limit definition (d) hard A3 adv. at fixed intervals; at evenly-spaced intervals; usually; customarily definition (a) regularly A4 adv. first in place or rank; primary; leading; main definition (d) foremost A5 adv. smoothly; continuously; inconspicuously definition (d) seamlessly A6 adv. before; at an earlier time; in the past; antecedently definition (d) previously A7 v. to answer adequately or successfully definition (c) field A8 adv. and so on; and so forth definition (c) etc. A9 adv. very well; excellent definition (d) fine A10 adv. in any event; anyway definition (c) however 402 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 42 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 42 (Answer Keys) A1 n. tip; bonus; recompense definition (c) gratuity A2 v. to carry; to encourage; to assist financially; to substantiate definition (a) support A3 n. physical position or bearing; opinion; attitude definition (d) stance A4 v. to confess to something; to allow entrance; to accept as valid definition (a) admit A5 n. practice session for a performance definition (d) rehearsal A6 n. meeting; seminar; convention definition (b) conference A7 v. to write or print a series of names or items according to a certain order; to inscribe; to record definition (c) list A8 n. fitness; suitability; limitation; diploma or certificate stating one's abilities definition (b) qualification A9 v. to stance definition (b) pose A10 v. to confirm the truth of something definition (b) verify 403 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 43 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 43 (Answer Keys) A1 adj. still; fixed in place; static; settled; tending to stay in one place definition (d) stationary A2 adj. striking; noteworthy; extraordinary; exceptional definition (a) remarkable A3 adj. providing assistance definition (c) supportive A4 adj. preferred; beloved; liked definition (d) favorite A5 adj. benevolent; giving; unselfish; abundant; plentiful definition (a) generous A6 adj. decayed; decomposed; putrid; spoiled; despicable definition (b) rotten A7 n. astonishment; something which startles or astonishes; unexpected event definition (c) surprise A8 adj. conspicuous; bulging outward; protruding; remarkable; noticeable definition (c) salient A9 adj. coming after all others; most recent; final; newest definition (c) last A10 adj. controlling; aggressive; extremely self-assertive; bossy definition (b) pushy 404 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 44 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 44 (Answer Keys) A1 n. incorrect interpretation definition (d) misunderstanding A2 n. portable personal computer; laptop computer definition (a) notebook A3 n. woman who serves tables in a restaurant or pub definition (c) waitress A4 n. offer; plan; theory; problem definition (c) proposition A5 n. area; territory; domain; field; area of activity or interest; sphere definition (c) region A6 v. to wither; to die out; to bleach; to disappear definition (b) fade A7 n. buyer; client definition (a) consumer A8 n. schedule; agenda; written order of events definition (a) program A9 n. symbol; sign; mark; remembrance definition (b) token A10 n. word or phrase by which someone or something is called or identified; moniker definition (b) name 405 Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 45 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 45 (Answer Keys) A1 v. to appoint; to specify; to identify; to designate definition (b) name A2 v. to delete; to skip over; to neglect definition (c) omit A3 v. to follow; to drag; to tow definition (b) trail A4 v. to travel; to go; to journey; to happen; to eat and drink definition (d) fare A5 v. to globalize; to make worldwide definition (b) internationalize A6 n. collection of written records; use of written records as evidence definition (a) documentation A7 v. to demand the return of property; to repossess definition (d) reclaim A8 v. to gather together; to group together; to press in definition (a) crowd A9 v. to push; to iron; to remove creases or wrinkles; to confiscate for public or government use definition (c) press A10 v. to fight for; to challenge; to appeal definition (c) contest 406 Questions Index . PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 39 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 39 (Answer Keys) A1 n. newspaper; magazine; diary;. Questions Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Answers 40 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 40 (Answer Keys) A1 v. to contemplate again definition

Ngày đăng: 24/12/2013, 15:15