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22 NaradaBrokering: an event-based infrastructure for building scalable durable peer-to-peer Grids Geoffrey Fox and Shrideep Pallickara Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, United States 22.1 INTRODUCTION The peer-to-peer (P2P) style interaction [1] model facilitates sophisticated resource shar- ing environments between ‘consenting’ peers over the ‘edges’ of the Internet; the ‘disrup- tive’ [2] impact of which has resulted in a slew of powerful applications built around this model. Resources shared could be anything – from CPU cycles, exemplified by SETI@home (extraterrestrial life) [3] and Folding@home (protein folding) [4] to files (Napster and Gnutella [5]). Resources in the form of direct human presence include col- laborative systems (Groove [6]) and Instant Messengers (Jabber [7]). Peer ‘interactions’ involve advertising resources, search and subsequent discovery of resources, request for access to these resources, responses to these requests and exchange of messages between peers. An overview of P2P systems and their deployments in distributed computing and Grid Computing – Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality. Edited by F. Berman, A. Hey and G. Fox  2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-85319-0 580 GEOFFREY FOX AND SHRIDEEP PALLICKARA collaboration can be found in Reference [8]. Systems tuned towards large-scale P2P sys- tems include Pastry [9] from Microsoft, which provides an efficient location and routing substrate for wide-area P2P applications. Pastry provides a self-stabilizing infrastructure that adapts to the arrival, departure and failure of nodes. FLAPPS [10], a Forwarding Layer for Application-level Peer-to-Peer Services, is based on the general ‘peer inter- networking’ model in which routing protocols propagate availability of shared resources exposed by remote peers. File replications and hoarding services are examples in which FLAPPS could be used to relay a source peer’s request to the closest replica of the shared resource. The JXTA [11] (from juxtaposition) project at Sun Microsystems is another research effort that seeks to provide such large-scale P2P infrastructures. Discussions per- taining to the adoption of event services as a key building block supporting P2P systems can be found in References [8, 12]. We propose an architecture for building a scalable, durable P2P Grid comprising resources such as relatively static clients, high-end resources and a dynamic collection of multiple P2P subsystems. Such an infrastructure should draw upon the evolving ideas of computational Grids, distributed objects, Web services, peer-to-peer networks and message-oriented middleware while seamlessly integrating users to themselves and to resources, which are also linked to each other. We can abstract such environments as a distributed system of ‘clients’, which consist either of ‘users’ or ‘resources’ or proxies thereto. These clients must be linked together in a flexible, fault-tolerant, efficient, high- performance fashion. We investigate the architecture, comprising a distributed brokering system that will support such a hybrid environment. In this chapter, we study the event bro- kering system – NaradaBrokering – that is appropriate to link the clients (both users and resources of course) together. For our purposes (registering, transporting and discovering information), events are just messages – typically with time stamps. The event brokering system NaradaBrokering must scale over a wide variety of devices – from handheld com- puters at one end to high-performance computers and sensors at the other extreme. We have analyzed the requirements of several Grid services that could be built with this model, including computing and education and incorporated constraints of collaboration with a shared event model. We suggest that generalizing the well-known publish–subscribe model is an attractive approach and this is the model that is used in NaradaBroker- ing. Services can be hosted on such a P2P Grid with peer groups managed locally and arranged into a global system supported by core servers. Access to services can then be mediated either by the ‘broker middleware’ or alternatively by direct P2P interactions between machines ‘on the edge’. The relative performance of each approach (which could reflect computer/network cycles as well as the existence of firewalls) would be used in deciding on the implementation to use. P2P approaches best support local dynamic inter- actions; the distributed broker approach scales best globally but cannot easily manage the rich structure of transient services, which would characterize complex tasks. We use our research system NaradaBrokering as the distributed brokering core to support such a hybrid environment. NaradaBrokering is designed to encompass both P2P and the tradi- tional centralized middle-tier style of interactions. This is needed for robustness (since P2P interactions are unreliable and there are no guarantees associated with them) and dynamic resources (middle-tier style interactions are not natural for very dynamic clients and resources). This chapter describes the support for these interactions in NaradaBrokering. NARADABROKERING 581 There are several attractive features in the P2P model, which motivate the development of such hybrid systems. Deployment of P2P systems is entirely user-driven obviating the need for any dedicated management of these systems. Peers expose the resources that they are willing to share and can also specify the security strategy to do so. Driven entirely on demand a resource may be replicated several times; a process that is decentralized and one over which the original peer that advertised the resource has sometimes little control. Peers can form groups with the fluid group memberships. In addition, P2P systems tend to be very dynamic with peers maintaining an intermittent digital presence. P2P systems incorporate schemes for searching and subsequent discovery of resources. Communication between a requesting peer and responding peers is facilitated by peers en route to these destinations. These intermediate peers are thus made aware of capabilities that exist at other peers constituting dynamic real-time knowledge propagation. Furthermore, since peer interactions, in most P2P systems, are XML-based, peers can be written in any language and can be compiled for any platform. There are also some issues that need to be addressed while incorporating support for P2P interactions. P2P interactions are self- attenuating with interactions dying out after a certain number of hops. These attenuations in tandem with traces of the peers, which the interactions have passed through, eliminate the continuous echoing problem that results from loops in peer connectivity. However, attenuation of interactions sometimes prevents peers from discovering certain services that are being offered. This results in P2P interactions being very localized. These attenuations thus mean that the P2P world is inevitably fragmented into many small subnets that are not connected. Peers in P2P systems interact directly with each other and sometimes use other peers as intermediaries in interactions. Specialized peers are sometimes deployed to enhance routing characteristics. Nevertheless, sophisticated routing schemes are seldom in place and interactions are primarily through simple forwarding of requests with the propagation range being determined by the attenuation indicated in the message. NaradaBrokering must support many different frameworks including P2P and cen- tralized models. Though native NaradaBrokering supports this flexibility we must also expect that realistic scenarios will require the integration of multiple brokering schemes. NaradaBrokering supports this hybrid case through gateways to the other event worlds. In this chapter we look at the NaradaBrokering system and its standards-based exten- sions to support the middle-tier style and P2P style interactions. This chapter is organized as follows; in Section 22.2 we provide an overview of the NaradaBrokering system. In Section 22.3 we outline NaradaBrokering’s support for the Java Message Service (JMS) specification. This section also outlines NaradaBrokering’s strategy for replac- ing single-server JMS systems with a distributed broker network. In Section 22.4 we discuss NaradaBrokering’s support for P2P interactions, and in Section 22.5 we discuss NaradaBrokering’s integration with JXTA. 22.2 NARADABROKERING NaradaBrokering [13–18] is an event brokering system designed to run a large network of cooperating broker nodes while incorporating capabilities of content- based routing and publish/subscribe messaging. NaradaBrokering incorporates protocols 582 GEOFFREY FOX AND SHRIDEEP PALLICKARA for organizing broker nodes into a cluster-based topology. The topology is then used for incorporating efficient calculation of destinations, efficient routing even in the presence of failures, provisioning of resources to clients, supporting application defined communications scope and incorporating fault-tolerance strategies. Strategies for adaptive communication scheduling based on QoS requirements, content type, networking constraints (such as presence of firewalls, MBONE [19] support or the lack thereof) and client-processing capabilities (from desktop clients to Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) devices) are currently being incorporated into the system core. Communication within NaradaBrokering is asynchronous, and the system can be used to support different interactions by encapsulating them in specialized events. Events are central in NaradaBrokering and encapsulate information at various levels as depicted in Figure 22.1. Clients can create and publish events, specify interests in certain types of events and receive events that conform to specified templates. Client interests are managed and used by the system to compute destinations associated with published events. Clients, once they specify their interests, can disconnect and the system guarantees the delivery of matched events during subsequent reconnects. Clients reconnecting after prolonged disconnects, connect to the local broker instead of the remote broker that it was last attached to. This eliminates bandwidth degradations caused by heavy concentration of clients from disparate geographic locations accessing a certain known remote broker over and over again. The delivery guarantees associated with individual events and clients are met even in the presence of failures. The approach adopted by the Object Management Group (OMG) is one of establishing event channels and registering suppliers and consumers to those channels. The channel approach in the CORBA Event Service [20] could however entail clients (consumers) to be aware of a large number of event channels. 22.2.1 Broker organization and small worlds behavior Uncontrolled broker and connection additions result in a broker network that is suscepti- ble to network partitions and that is devoid of any logical structure making the creation of Source Destinations Event descriptors Content descriptors Content payload Event distribution traces / Time To Live (TTL) Event origins Explicit destinations Used to compute destinations Used for eliminating continuous echoing/ attenuation of event. Used to handle content Figure 22.1 Event in NaradaBrokering. NARADABROKERING 583 efficient broker network maps (BNM) an arduous if not impossible task. The lack of this knowledge hampers development of efficient routing strategies, which exploits the broker topology. Such systems then resort to ‘flooding’ the entire broker network, forcing clients to discard events they are not interested in. To circumvent this, NaradaBrokering incorpo- rates a broker organization protocol, which manages the addition of new brokers and also oversees the initiation of connections between these brokers. The node organization pro- tocol incorporates Internet protocol (IP) discriminators, geographical location, cluster size and concurrent connection thresholds at individual brokers in its decision-making process. In NaradaBrokering, we impose a hierarchical structure on the broker network, in which a broker is part of a cluster that is part of a super-cluster, which in turn is part of a super-super-cluster and so on. Clusters comprise strongly connected brokers with multiple links to brokers in other clusters, ensuring alternate communication routes during failures. This organization scheme results in ‘small world networks’ [21, 22] in which the average communication ‘pathlengths’ between brokers increase logarithmically with geometric increases in network size, as opposed to exponential increases in uncontrolled settings. This distributed cluster architecture allows NaradaBrokering to support large heterogeneous client configurations that scale to arbitrary size. Creation of BNMs and the detection of network partitions are easily achieved in this topology. We augment the BNM hosted at individual brokers to reflect the cost associated with traversal over connections, for example, intracluster communications are faster than intercluster communications. The BNM can now not only be used to compute valid paths but also to compute shortest paths. Changes to the network fabric are propagated only to those brokers that have their broker network view altered. Not all changes alter the BNM at a broker and those that do result in updates to the routing caches, containing shortest paths, maintained at individual brokers. 22.2.2 Dissemination of events Every event has an implicit or explicit destination list, comprising clients, associated with it. The brokering system as a whole is responsible for computing broker destinations (targets) and ensuring efficient delivery to these targeted brokers en route to the intended client(s). Events as they pass through the broker network are to be updated to snapshot its dissemination within the network. The event dissemination traces eliminate continuous echoing and in tandem with the BNM – used for computing shortest paths – at each broker, is used to deploy a near optimal routing solution. The routing is near optimal since for every event the associated targeted set of brokers are usually the only ones involved in disseminations. Furthermore, every broker, either targeted or en route to one, computes the shortest path to reach target destinations while employing only those links and brokers that have not failed or have not been failure-suspected. In the coming years, increases in communication bandwidths will not be matched by commensurately reduced communication latencies [23]. Topology-aware routing and communication algorithms are needed for efficient solutions. Furthermore, certain communication services [24] are feasible only when built on top of a topology-aware solution. NaradaBrokering’s routing solution thus provides a good base for developing efficient solutions. 584 GEOFFREY FOX AND SHRIDEEP PALLICKARA 22.2.3 Failures and recovery In NaradaBrokering, stable storages existing in parts of the system are responsible for introducing state into the events. The arrival of events at clients advances the state asso- ciated with the corresponding clients. Brokers do not keep track of this state and are responsible for ensuring the most efficient routing. Since the brokers are stateless, they can fail and remain failed forever. The guaranteed delivery scheme within NaradaBroker- ing does not require every broker to have access to a stable store or database management system (DBMS). The replication scheme is flexible and easily extensible. Stable storages can be added/removed and the replication scheme can be updated. Stable stores can fail but they do need to recover within a finite amount of time. During these failures, the clients that are affected are those that were being serviced by the failed storage. 22.2.4 Support for dynamic topologies Support for local broker accesses, client roams and stateless brokers provide an envi- ronment extremely conducive to dynamic topologies. Brokers and connections could be instantiated dynamically to ensure efficient bandwidth utilizations. These brokers and con- nections are added to the network fabric in accordance with rules that are dictated by the agents responsible for broker organization. Brokers and connections between brokers can be dynamically instantiated on the basis of the concentration of clients at a geographic i 4 5 6 l 13 14 15 j 7 8 9 h 1 2 3 k 10 11 12 m 16 17 18 n 20 21 19 22 Measuring subscriber Publisher Figure 22.2 Test topology. NARADABROKERING 585 location and also on the basis of the content that these clients are interested in. Similarly, average pathlengths for communication could be reduced by instantiating connections to optimize clustering coefficients within the broker network. Brokers can be continuously added or can fail and the broker network can undulate with these additions and failures of brokers. Clients could then be induced to roam to such dynamically created brokers for optimizing bandwidth utilization. A strategy for incorporation of dynamic self-organizing overlays similar to MBONE [19] and X-Bone [25] is an area for future research. 22.2.5 Results from the prototype Figure 22.3 illustrates some results [14, 17] from our initial research in which we studied the message delivery time as a function of load. The results are from a system compris- ing 22 broker processes and 102 clients in the topology outlined in Figure 22.2. Each broker node process is hosted on one physical Sun SPARC Ultra-5 machine (128 MB RAM, 333 MHz), with no SPARC Ultra-5 machine hosting two or more broker node pro- cesses. The publisher and the measuring subscriber reside on the same SPARC Ultra-5 machine. In addition, there are 100 subscribing client processes with 5 client processes attached to every other broker node (broker nodes 22 and 21 do not have any other clients besides the publisher and the measuring subscriber, respectively) within the system. The 100 client node processes all reside on a SPARC Ultra-60 (512 MB RAM, 360 MHz) Transit delay under different matching rates: 22 brokers 102 clients Match rate = 100% Match rate = 50% Match rate = 10% 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Publish rate (Events/second) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Event size (bytes) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Mean transit delay (ms) s Figure 22.3 Transit delays for different matching rates. 586 GEOFFREY FOX AND SHRIDEEP PALLICKARA machine. The run-time environment for all the broker node and client processes is Solaris JVM (JDK 1.2.1, native threads, JIT). The three matching values correspond to the percentages of messages that are delivered to any given subscriber. The 100% case corre- sponds to systems that would flood the broker network. The system performance improves significantly with increasing selectivity from subscribers. We found that the distributed network scaled well with adequate latency (2 ms per broker hop) unless the system became saturated at very high publish rates. We do understand how a production version of the NaradaBrokering system could give significantly higher performance – about a factor of 3 lower in latency than the prototype. By improving the thread scheduling algorithms and incorporating flow control (needed at high publish rates), significant gains in performance can be achieved. Currently, we do not intend to incorporate any non-Java modules. 22.3 JMS COMPLIANCE IN NARADABROKERING Industrial strength solutions in the publish/subscribe domain include products like TIB/Rendezvous [26] from TIBCO and SmartSockets [27] from Talarian. Other related efforts in the research community include Gryphon [28], Elvin [29] and Sienna [30]. The push by Java to include publish–subscribe features into its messaging middleware include efforts such as Jini and JMS. One of the goals of JMS is to offer a unified Application Programming Interface (API) across publish–subscribe implementations. The JMS specification [31] results in JMS clients being vendor agnostic and interoperating with any service provider; a process that requires clients to incorporate a few vendor specific initialization sequences. JMS does not provide for interoperability between JMS providers, though interactions between clients of different providers can be achieved through a client that is connected to the different JMS providers. Various JMS implementations include solutions such as SonicMQ [32] from Progress, JMQ from iPlanet and FioranoMQ from Fiorano. Clients need to be able to invoke operations as specified in the specification; expect and partake from the logic and the guarantees that go along with these invocations. These guarantees range from receiving only those events that match the specified subscription to receiving events that were published to a given topic irrespective of the failures that took place or the duration of client disconnect. Clients are built around these calls and the guarantees (implicit and explicit) that are associated with them. Failure to conform to the specification would result in clients expecting certain sequences/types of events and not receiving those sequences, which in turn lead to deviations that could result in run-time exceptions. 22.3.1 Rationale for JMS compliance in NaradaBrokering There are two objectives that we meet while providing JMS compliance within NaradaBro- kering: Providing support for JMS clients within the system: This objective provides for JMS- based systems to be replaced transparently by NaradaBrokering and also for NaradaBro- kering clients (including those from other frameworks supported by NaradaBrokering NARADABROKERING 587 such as P2P via JXTA) to interact with JMS clients. This also provides NaradaBrokering access to a plethora of applications developed around JMS. To bring NaradaBrokering functionality to JMS clients/systems developed around it :This approach (discussed in Section 22.3.3) will transparently replace single-server or limited- server JMS systems with a very large scale distributed solution, with failure resiliency, dynamic real-time load balancing and scaling benefits. 22.3.2 Supporting JMS interactions NaradaBrokering provides clients with connections that are then used for communications, interactions and any associated guarantees that would be associated with these interactions. Clients specify their interest, accept events, retrieve lost events and publish events over this connection. JMS includes a similar notion of connections. To provide JMS compliance we write a bridge that performs all the operations that are required by NaradaBrokering connections in addition to supporting operations that would be performed by JMS clients. Some of the JMS interactions and invocations are either supported locally or are mapped to corresponding NaradaBrokering interactions initiated by the connections. Each connection leads to a separate instance of the bridge. In the distributed JMS strategy it is conceivable that a client, with multiple connections and associated sessions, would not have all of its connections initiated to the same broker. The bridge instance per connection helps every connection to be treated independent of the others. In addition to connections, JMS also provides the notion of sessions that are registered to specific connections. There can be multiple sessions on a given connection, but any given session can be registered to only one connection. Publishers and subscribers are registered to individual sessions. Support for sessions is provided locally by the bridge instance associated with the connection. For each connection, the bridge maintains the list of registered sessions, and the sessions in turn maintain a list of subscribers. Upon the receipt of an event over the connection, the corresponding bridge instance is responsible for forwarding the event to the appropriate sessions, which then proceed to deliver the event to the listeners associated with subscribers having subscriptions matching the event. In NaradaBrokering, each connection has a unique ID and guarantees are associated with individual connections. This ID is contained within the bridge instance and is used to deal with recovery and retrieval of events after prolonged disconnects or after induced roam due to failures. We also need to provide support for the creation of different message types and assorted operations on these messages as dictated by the JMS specification, along with serialization and deserialization routines to facilitate transmission and reconstruction. In NaradaBrokering, events are routed as streams of bytes, and as long as we provide mar- shalling–unmarshalling operations associated with these types there are no issues regard- ing support for these message types. We also make use of the JMS selector mechanism implemented in OpenJMS [33]. The JMS subscription request is mapped to the corre- sponding NaradaBrokering profile propagation request and propagated through the system. The bridge maps persistent/transient subscriptions to the corresponding NaradaBrokering subscription types. JMS messages that are published are routed through the NaradaBro- kering broker as a NaradaBrokering event. The anatomy of a Narada/JMS event, encap- sulating the JMS messages, is shown in Figure 22.4. Events are routed on the basis of 588 GEOFFREY FOX AND SHRIDEEP PALLICKARA NARADA-JMS event Topic name Delivery mode (Persistent/transient) Priority JMS message Headers Payload Figure 22.4 Narada-JMS event. the mapped JMS. The topic name is contained in the event. Storage to databases is done on the basis of the delivery mode indicator in the event. Existing JMS applica- tions in which we successfully replaced the JMS provider with NaradaBrokering include the multimedia-intensive distance education audio/video/text/application conferencing sys- tem [34] by Anabas Inc. and the Online Knowledge Center (OKC) [35] developed at IU Grid Labs. Both these applications were based on SonicMQ. 22.3.3 The distributed JMS solution By having individual brokers interact with JMS clients, we have made it possible to replace the JMS provider’s broker instance with a NaradaBrokering broker instance. The features in NaradaBrokering are best exploited in distributed settings. However, the distributed network should be transparent to the JMS clients and these clients should not be expected to keep track of broker states, failures and associated broker network partitions and so on. Existing systems built around JMS should be easily replaced with the distributed model with minimal changes to the client. In general, setups on the client side are to be performed in a transparent manner. The solution to the transparent distributed JMS solution would allow for any JMS-based system to benefit from the distributed solution. Applications would be based on source codes conforming to the JMS specification, while the scaling benefits, routing efficiencies and failure resiliency accompanying the distributed solution are all automatically inherited by the integrated solution. To circumvent the problem of discovering valid brokers, we introduce the notion of broker locators. The broker locators’ primary function is the discovery of brokers that a client can connect to. Clients thus do not need to keep track of the brokers and their states within the broker network. The broker locator has certain properties and constraints based on which it arrives at the decision regarding the broker that a client would connect to as follows: Load balancing: Connection requests are always forked off to the best available broker based on broker metrics (Section This enables us to achieve distributed dynamic real-time load balancing. 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Network Working Group (1998) UUIDs and GUIDs, February, 1998 44 Fox, G., Pallickara, S and Rao, Xi A scaleable event infrastructure for peer to peer Grids Proceedings of ACM Java Grande ISCOPE Conference 2002, Seattle, Washington, November, 2002 45 Fox, G et al Grid services for earthquake science Concurrency & Computation: Practice and Experience, ACES Computational Environments for Earthquake Science... we are pursuing include workflows in which administrative agents control the traffic between different Web services 22.6 CONCLUSION In this chapter, we presented our strategy for a scalable, durable P2P Grid In NaradaBrokering, we have based support for P2P interactions through JXTA We also enumerated the benefits that can be accrued, by both NaradaBrokering and P2P systems such as JXTA, through such integrations... brokering models within the same system and deploy hybrid systems with NaradaBrokering linking different environments We believe that such an environment is appropriate for building scalable, durable P2P Grids supporting both dynamic local and long-range static resources We believe that these integrations make us well positioned to Web service ‘enable’ NaradaBrokering NARADABROKERING 599 REFERENCES 1... Project, http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/Cosm 5 Gnutella, http://gnutella.wego.com 6 Groove Network, http://www.groove.net 7 Jabber, http://www.jabber.org 8 Fox, G (2001) Peer-to-Peer Networks Computing in Science & Engineering, 3(3), pp 75–77 9 Antony, R and Druschel, P (2001) Pastry: scalable, decentralized object location and routing for large-scale peer-to-peer systems Proceedings of Middleware... include the IP-address of the requesting client, the number of connections still available at the brokers that are best suited to handle the connection, the number of connections that currently exist, the computing capabilities and finally, the availability of the broker (a simple ping test) Once a valid broker has been identified, the broker locator also verifies if the broker process is currently up and... Special Issue on Grid Computing Environments; to be published 15 Fox, G and Pallickara, S (2001) An approach to high performance distributed web brokering ACM Ubiquity, 2(38) 16 Pallickara, S (2001) A Grid Event Service, Ph.D thesis, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 17 Fox, G C and Pallickara, S (2002) The Narada event brokering system: overview and extensions Proceedings of the 2002 International... (Pentium-3, 866 MHz, 256 MB RAM) machine Setting up the measuring subscriber and publisher on the same machine enables us to obviate the need for clock synchronizations and differing clock drifts while computing delays The three machines involved in the benchmarking process have Linux (Version 2.2.16) as their operating system The run-time environment for the broker, publisher and subscriber processes . peers. An overview of P2P systems and their deployments in distributed computing and Grid Computing – Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality. Edited by. We have analyzed the requirements of several Grid services that could be built with this model, including computing and education and incorporated constraints

Ngày đăng: 24/12/2013, 13:16



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