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MODAL VERBS 1: MUST/CAN/SHOULD, OUGHT TO I MUST MEANING We use MUST when we want to say that it is necessary or very important that something happens in the present or future E.x - I must work hard on my English! (note: this expresses an obligation that you place on yourself.) - Students must pass an entrance examination to study at this school - You must take some medicine for that cough strong recommendation - Plants must have light and water to grow Note: Negative form is: Don’t have to E x You don’t have to clean the floor Past form: Had to do/didn’t have to E x I had to clean the house yesterday MEANING We use MUST to make an assumption or to reach a logical conclusion about something that is very likely to be true E x - You must be so tired after running that marathon! (note: this means ‘I assume that you are so tired.’) - It’s not very warm and you are not wearing a coat You must be cold (= I'm sure you are cold.) - Mrs Woods must know London very well She has lived there all her life.(= I’m sure she knows London very well.) - You’ve been travelling all day You must be tired - Carol does the same thing every day She must get bored in her job - Jack must be home I heard a noise coming from his room Note: Negative: Can’t E x - You've just get lunch You can’t be hungry - They haven’t lived here very long They can’t know many people Past form: Must have done/Can’t have done E x - My bicycle has disappeared – someone must have stolen it (note: this means ‘I assume that someone has stolen it.’) - You must have been so cold when you were locked out of your house in the snow! (note: this means ‘I assume that you were so cold.’) - Those jackets you bought are very nice They must have been expensive - I’ve lost one of my gloves I must have dropped it somewhere - He has rung the doorbell three times but nobody has answered it They must have gone out - The ground was wet this morning It must have rained last night - He didn’t eat any lunch – he can’t have been hungry (note: this means ‘ I assume that he was not hungry.’) - Jane walk past me without speaking She can’t have seen me - You can’t have been at the cinema yesterday The cinema was closed all day yesterday CAN’T HAVE DONE = COULDN’T HAVE DONE MEANING We use MUST to give emphasis to an opinion E.x - I must admit, it was a frightening experience (note: we use ' I must admit' before a surprising or negative comment.) - I must say, this food is delicious! (note: in this sentence, we would not say ‘I must admit, this food is delicious!’ because it would mean that we did not expect the food to be delicious This would sound a little rude!) - I must admit, I didn’t like him much when I first met him - I must say, you look really well! Have you been on holiday? MEANING We use MUST to emphasise that we think it is a good idea for someone to something pleasant It is a way of giving a recommendation Examples: - You must come and visit us while you are in London! - We must go and see that film - I have heard it is excellent! MUST can also be used as a NOUN Meaning: We say something is a MUST if it is really necessary to have it E x If you are visiting London, a good map is a must MUSTN’T The negative is Mustn't which refers to prohibition (negative obligation) • • • • • • • • You mustn't use your smart phone while you are driving You mustn't get on the subway if you haven't paid for the ride You must not open the gift until it is your birthday We must not tell anyone You must keep it a secret You mustn’t tell anybody else This food must not be eaten It has gone bad Pupils must not run in the corridors (note: here, ‘must’ expresses a school rule.) Jenny, you must not play in the street! II CAN: "Can" is one of the most commonly used modal verbs in English It can be used to express ability or opportunity, to request or offer permission, and to show possibility or impossibility Examples: • • • • • • • I can ride a horse ability We can stay with my brother when we are in Paris opportunity She cannot stay out after 10 PM permission Can you hand me the stapler? request Any child can grow up to be president Possibility We can see the lake from our bedroom window I can come and see you tomorrow - Be able to do: can be used in place of “can” but ‘can” is more common E.x - We are able to see the lake from our bedroom window - I am able to come and see you tomorrow.b However, “can” has only two forms, present Can and past Could So we have to use “be able to do” when necessary E.x - I can’t sleep - But I haven’t been able to sleep recently III So sánh should ought to Dạng thức 1.1 Dạng khẳng định: S+ should + V S+ ought to + V Ví dụ: You should see a doctor if your cough gets worse (Ông nên khám bác sĩ bị ho nặng hơn.) You ought to see a doctor if your cough gets worse (Ông nên khám bác sĩ bị ho nặng hơn.) 1.2 Dạng phủ định: S+ should not (shouldn't) + V S+ ought not to (oughtn't to) + V Ví dụ: Mrs Smith shouldn't keep complaining (Bà Smith không nên tiếp tục phàn nàn nữa.) Mrs Smith oughtn't to keep complaining (Bà Smith không nên tiếp tục phàn nàn nữa.) Lưu ý: Dạng thức phủ định “ought to” không sử dụng phổ biến dạng thức phủ định “should” 1.3 Dạng nghi vấn: Should +S+V Ought + S + to + V Ví dụ: Should we care about the environment? (Chúng ta có nên quan tâm tới môi trường không?) Ought we to care about the environment? (Chúng ta có nên quan tâm tới mơi trường khơng?) Lưu ý: Dạng thức nghi vấn “ought to” không sử dụng phổ biến dạng thức nghi vấn “should” Cách sử dụng 2.1 Điểm giống: Cả “should” “ought to” sử dụng hỏi đưa lời khuyên gợi ý Ví dụ: You should learn English every day (Bạn nên học tiếng Anh hàng ngày.) You ought to learn English every day (Bạn nên học tiếng Anh hàng ngày.) 2.2 Điểm khác: Giữa “should” “ought to” có khác biệt nhỏ sắc thái lời khuyên Should Ought to Dùng cho lời khuyến mang tính chủ quan, thể Dùng với lời khuyên mang yếu tố khách quan điểm cá nhân người nói quan, tức có tác động ngoại cảnh luật lệ, bổn phận hay quy tắc Ví dụ: Linda should go to bed early Ví dụ: Emily ought to finish the report by 10 (Linda nên ngủ sớm.) a.m (Emily nên hoàn thành báo cáo trước 10 sáng.) MODAL VERBS (PERIOD 2) PERFECT MODAL I Could, May, Might + Have + P2: Có lẽ Diễn đạt điều xảy q khứ song người nói khơng dám E.x - She didn’t hear the telephone ring She might have been asleep at that time (Tôi không nghe thấy chương điện thoại, lúc có lẽ tơi ngủ.) - John might have gone to the movies yesterday (John có lẽ xem phim ngày hơm qua.) - “I can’t find my bag anywhere” – “You might have left it in the shop.” Note: Thể phủ định là: Might not/May not have done E.x - I was surprised that Mary wasn’t at the meeting She might not have known about it - I wonder why Mary was in such a bad mood yesterday She may not have felt well Diễn đạt điều xảy không xảy ra: Lẽ E.x - Why did you leave him come home alone? He might/could have got lost (Sao anh lại để nhà mình? Nó bị lạc) → Sự thật khơng bị lạc II Should + Have + P2 = lẽ phải, lẽ nên Chỉ việc lẽ phải xảy q khứ lí lại khơng xảy E.x - Maria should have called John last night (Lẽ tối qua Maria nên gọi cho John.) → Nhưng cô không gọi - That was a great party You should have come - I wonder why they are so late They should have been here an hour ago - You went to bed very late last night You should have gone to bed earlier Phủ định là: Shouldn’t have done E.x - I’m very fat I shouldn’t have eaten so many sweets - She is feeling sick She shouldn’t have walked in the rain Chúng ta dùng cụm từ Was/Were supposed to + V để thay cho should + have + P2 E.x - John was supposed to go to the post office this morning - The policeman was supposed to make a report about the burglary Should have done đươc dung để nói những sự việc khơng khơng xảy khứ Chẳng hạn: - I should have finished this work by now - Đáng lẽ tơi phải hồn thành cơng việc rời (mà đến vẫn chưa làm xong) - I should have studied harder for my exams - Đáng lẽ phải học chăm chỉ chuân bị cho kỳ thi Trong hai câu trên, người nói bày tỏ thái độ ân hận, lấy làm tiếc khơng làm việc Chúng ta dùng should have done để diễn tả nghĩa vụ khơng hồn thành, thực thi E.x - He should have helped his mother carry the shopping III Might Have Been + V-ing: Có lẽ lúc Ví dụ: - I didn't hear the telephone ring, I might have been sleeping at that time - Tôi không nghe tiếng chuông điện thoại, có lẽ lúc tơi ngủ IV Must have been V-ing: Hẳn lúc Ví dụ: - I didn't hear you knock, I must have been gardening behind the house (Tôi không nghe thấy tiếng gõ, lúc tơi làm vườn phía sau nhà.) V Could Have Done: Chúng ta thường sử dụng "could have (done)" cho việc xảy không xảy - I’m so tired I could sleep for a week (now) Tơi mệt q Tơi ngủ tuần liền (hiện tại) - I was so tired I could have slept for a week (past) Tôi mệt q Tơi ngủ tuần liền (quá khứ) - Why did you stay at a hotel when you went to New York? You could have stayed with Barbara (= you had the opportunity to stay with her but you didn’t) Tại bạn lại khách sạn bạn đến New York? Bạn với Barbara mà (=bạn có hội với cô bạn không thực hiện) - Jack fell off a ladder yesterday but he’s all right He’s lucky - he could have hurt himself badly (but he didn’t hurt himself) Ngày hôm qua Jack ngã xuống từ thang anh không Anh thật may mắn - anh lẽ bị thương nặng (nhưng anh khơng bị thương hết) - The situation was bad but it could have been worse Tình hình xấu tời tệ nhiều - Why didn’t Liz apply for the job? She could have got it Tại Liz không nộp đơn xin việc nhỉ? Cơ nhận - I could have lent you the money Why didn’t you ask me? IV Needn’t have done: Đã làm việc q khứ điều hóa khơng cần thiết - We needn't have hurried We got there far too early - You needn't have worried You can it ... should go to bed early Ví dụ: Emily ought to finish the report by 10 (Linda nên ngủ sớm.) a.m (Emily nên hoàn thành báo cáo trước 10 sáng.) MODAL VERBS (PERIOD 2) PERFECT MODAL I Could, May,... school rule.) Jenny, you must not play in the street! II CAN: "Can" is one of the most commonly used modal verbs in English It can be used to express ability or opportunity, to request or offer permission,... However, “can” has only two forms, present Can and past Could So we have to use “be able to do” when necessary E.x - I can’t sleep - But I haven’t been able to sleep recently III So sánh should

Ngày đăng: 20/09/2021, 09:27

