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ĐỀ ÔN 12 PRONUNCIATION:( MARKS ) I- From each number, pick out one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others 1A bought B thought C throught D ought 2A nib B sob C comb D curb 3A love B cover C colour D over 4A asked B helped C kissed D wanted 5A measure B sun C sight D sit II- From each number, pick out one word which has the stress different from the others 1A memory B behavior C underline D citizenship 2A agree B cartoon C engineer D habit 3A finish B measure C appear D socialize 4A writer B doctor C teacher D career 5A printer B bamboo C product D nation VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: ( MARKS ) III- Chose A, B, C, or D to complete sentence 1-Hoa _ Lan’s letter a week ago A receives B received C has received D is receiving 2-The more you study, the _ you will become A intelligent B beautiful C smarter D happy 3-She would tell you about it if she _ here A was B is C stay D were 4-Everybody is ready now, _ ? A isn’t he B isn’t it C isn’t she D aren’t they 5-Do you have to buy this car ? No, I _ It isn’t neccessary A mustn’t B needn’t C won’t D don’t need They can see a banyan tree at the _to the village A foot B temple C center D entrance 7-Did you leave very early last night , Tam ? Yes, but I wish I _ so early A didn’t have B hadn’t left C haven’t left D couldn’t leave 8-After you have done this page, refer _the answer in the appendox A with B to C for D of 9-They can only cure him _ his illness if they operate _ him A of / on B at / with C in / at D over / to 10-Eating carrots is good _ the eyes A of B at C in D for 11- _ occasion , I go to the theatre A On B In C For D At 12-Please move the chairs _ the aisle They’re _my way A away from / on B out of / in C under / of D from / on 13-There is _university in Cao Lanh A.a B an C the D two 14- _one-eyed man is standing outside my house A an B the C.a D two 15-Nam walked _the library _ the way home A by / on B to / in C at / to D on / by 16-This exercise _ carefully A were done B must was done C must be done D are done 17 Please turn the radio _ It’s too loud A on B off C up D down 18 I’m really going to my friend’s party on Saturday I haven’t been out for ages A enjoy B expecting C looking for D looking forward to 19 My mother often gives me advice water A to save B how to save C on how to save D about how to save 20 She’s always so to me A says B say C to say D saying 21 Don’t wait for me I _ late It depends on the traffic A will be B might be C must be D can be 22 This part of the river is safe enough _ Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le 0986.08.05.88 A for the children to swim in B for the children to swim in it C to the children swim in it D to the children swim in 23 The book _ the school library is very interesting A borrowed in B borrowed from C borrows from D borrows at 24 She isn’t wearing her coat _ it is very cold now A because B so C although D however 25 Tom: How about going out for dinner tonight? Mary A Oh, thank you B Yes, please C I’m afraid not D No, I don’t want to 26 Babies have to learn how to _ before they can walk A crawl B creep C strike D stroll 27 What are the main _ of this illness? A traces B symptoms C emblems D tokens 28 My sister is very _ of spiders A terror B terrify C terrified D terrifying 29 Stop now, you 've done _ work for one day A too many B plenty C quite more D quite enough 30 If you take a train or a bus, you must pay a _ A fare B tip C fee D commission 31 The smaller the room is, the _ furniture it needs A fewer B smaller C more D less 32 How can I know _ book is yours? They are so alike A what B which C this D the 33 The secretary to _ I talked didn’t know where the meeting was A which B who C that D whom 34 Nobody knows what the _ of the explosion was A source B cause C reaction D reason 35 It looks _ it’s going to rain A as B as like C as if D If 36 We are destroying our environment by adding more _ to it A pollutes B pollutants C pollutives D pollutions 37 He tried to explain the reason _ he got to class late yesterday A for which B of which C in which D by which 38 We didn’t remember _ our document into our removable disk so we have lost all now A saving B to be saving C saved D to save 39 There is a crowd of students _ for the lecturer outside the lecture hall A to wait B waiting C to be waiting D are waiting 40 The storm was on _Thursday of that week A the B No article is needed C a D an 41 Has the committee _ a decision yet? A given B made C done D arrived 42 _the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished A Until B In C By D On 43 _ her five dresses, she likes the red one best A Of B In C From D Among 44 Because of the bad weather, we had to put _our picnic until next weekend A out B away C up D off 45 By the year 2015, the world population _ biilion people A will reach B reaches C will have reached D reach 46 Computer are not _, of course, but they usually not make mistakes A perfect B well C common D truthful 47 Hardly can find the answer to the complex problem A no one B someone C anyone D everyone 48 The little girl looked up thinking her mother would beat her A fear B feared C fearful D fearfully 49 She spoke nobody could understand her A so fastly that B so fast that C fastly so that D fast so that 50 I’m sorry I to you so long A don’t write B haven’t written C didn’t write D am not writing 51 It’s you to make your own dicession Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le 0986.08.05.88 A.up / for B for/ on C up / to D on / of 52 Trees -since it stopped raining last month A have been planted B were planted C were being planted D had been planted 53 He made me _the task over and over again A B to C doing D done 54 “ I am taking my first exam next week” _! A Cheers B Well done C Congratulations D Good luck 55 Many things which we can now couldn’t _years ago A B done C being done D be done 56 She asked “ Will it rain tonight?” In reported speech this should be read A She asked me would it rain tonight B She asked me it would rain that night C She asked me if it would rain that night D She asked me it would rain tonight 57 Do you happen to know ? A what his name B what his name is C what is his name D what was his name 58 The teacher told his students _ the mistakes again A not to make B not make C don’t make D won’t make 59 We can’t solve this problem if only our teacher here now to help us A is B are C were D to be 60 When ? _ In 1786 A the telephone was invented B was the telephone invented C did the telephone invented D did the telephone invent 61 Mary: “ What a lovely house you have!” John :“ ” A Thank you hope you will drop in B I think so C No problem D Of course not, It’s not costly 62 Two hours _not enough to finish this test A is B are C was D were 63 It takes me about two hours to Vung Tau A ride B riding C to ride D rode 64 Nobody phoned while I was out, _? A did they B didn’t they C did it D didn’t it 65 Did Giang say he would attend the class party A organize B play C refuse D be present at 66 Mary is the best student in the class She is to all the other students A superior B better C excellent D brightest 67 Some of my friends are taking extra classes in English become tourist guides A so that B so as C in order that D so as to 68 Please don’t touch anything before _ A the police will come B the police come C the police comes D the police would come 69 Did you watch the documentary about wildlife on TV last night A film that acted by famous actors B the science fiction C funny play D film giving fact 70 of the students know the answer to that question A Almost B The most C Most D Mostly 71 Be patient you won’t succeed A because B or C unless D otherwise 72 Susan couldn’t help _when I told her the joke A laughing B laugh C to laugh D laughed 73 Regina, you have never met before, is a genius in painting A that B whose C whom D whomever 74 Doctors advise _too many hours watching television A not to spend B not being spent C not spend D not spending 75 Can you give me the _for tomato soup ? A formula B recipe C order D method 76 I am fed hanging around here with nothing to A up on B out of C up with D by 77 I was named _a wealthy relative of my Mom’s A after B to C as D in on 78 Some young people today have a very strange _ Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le 0986.08.05.88 A appear B appearance C disappear D disappearance 79 If today Sunday, we to the beach A is / would go B were / would go C will be / will go D were / will go 80 I don’t believe _ the existence _UFOs _the earth A in / of / on B in / on / of C of / in / on D on / of / in IV- Give the correct forms of the words in brackets We have many although we are twin (differ) Advertisements account for three fourths of the…… … …of the newspaper (come) These workers got a bonus because they did their jobs…… … (effect) What you …… … in the afternoon? (use) You can buy electrical……… .…at the shop over there (apply) He has been one of the most effective…… .….in the “Keep Our City Clean” campaign (activity) The President’s New Year Speech is going to broadcast…… …… (nation) Some people believe strongly in the…… … of life on the other planets (exist) His lawyer speaks more……… than yours (persuade) 10 The weather in Britain is……… we don’t whether it’s sunny or rainy after five minutes (predict) V- Supply the correct form of verb in bracket: 1- Look ! They ……… ( put ) sugar on their grape fruit berore they eat it 2- Harry…………… ( work ) for the city since last summer 3- The race ………… ( start ) as planned if the weather clears 4- The letter ……… ……… ( not arrive ) yet 5- In England the sun ………………( not shine ) every day 6- In the last months, I ………… ( complete ) two English courses 7- What ……… you ………….( ) when you leave school ? 8- I introduced her to my brother because they ………… ( not meet ) before It (be)………………… my birthday tomorrow 10 I (not play)…………… football since I (break)…………… my leg 11 I (telephone)…………… Bill as soon as I (get)…………… home this evening 12 It was eleven o’clock and we (just go)………… to bed when the telephone (ring)…………… 13 I (think)…… … your father’s health (improve)……… so much since I (see)………… him last 14 He hehaved as though he (be) a prince 15 Ten new school (build) .last year VI- There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence Find and correct it Jason’s professor had him to write his thesis many times before allowing him to present it to the committee I think Helen is accustomed to work eight hours a day The more frequent you exercise, the greater physical endurance you will have Only when you have had a chance to know various occupations you will decide on your career I tried to everything to contact John two weeks ago but so far I don’t receive his reply Most students were able of finding good jobs three to six months after graduation The letter was sent by special delivery must be important Because the torrential rains that had devastated the area, the governor sent the National Guard to assist in the clean-up operation My brother attends an university in the Midwest now which specializes in astrology 10 Although Mark has been cooking for many years, he still doesn’t know to prepare French foods in the traditional manner 11 Not put your clothes on the bed 12 They normally caught the early bus but today they came to visit us with a car 13 What you often have for the lunch? 14 Your brother hardly goes to work by bus, doesn’t he? 15 Kangaroos, that can saw everywhere in Australia, have long tails READING : 3MARKS VII- Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word An increasing (1)………of people are now going on (2)…………to Egypt The population of Egypt is about 50 million and the (3)…… is EL Qahira (Cairo), a busy city of just under million people.Although the climate is hot and dry, (4)……….of the country is desert, the average temperature (5)……….October to March is not too high Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le 0986.08.05.88 The most (6)………sights are the pyramids at Giza However, it’s also pleasant to visit Alexandria,Port Said and several (7)……….places and as much (8)…….as possible A (9)……to Luxor is very interesting, and there are frequent (10)……there from Rario VIII- Read the following passage carefully then choose the one answer a,b,c or d which you think is correct Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made used of various forms of communication Generally, this expression of thoughts and feeling has been in the form of oral speech When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words and ideas Tourists, the deaf and the mute have had to resort to this form of expression Many of these symbols of whole words are very picturesque and exact, and can be used internationally; spelling, however, can not Body language transmits ideas or thought by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally A wink can be a way of flirting or indicating that the party is only joking A nod signifies approval, while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction Other form of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille ( a system of raised dots read with the fingertips ), signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals Road maps and picture signs also guide, warn, and instruct people While verbalization is the most common form of language, other systerms and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings Questions: Which of the following best summarizes this passage ? a When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication b Everybody uses only one form of communication c Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners d Although other forms of communication exist, verbalization is the fastest 2- Which of the following is not true ? a There are many forms of communication in existence today b Verbalization is the most common form of communication c The deaf and mute use an oral form of communication d Ideas and thoughts can be transmited by body language 3- Which form other than oral speech would be most commonly used among blind people? a picture sings b Braille c body language d signal flags 4- How many different forms of communication are mentioned here ? a b c d 11 5- Sign language is said to be very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally, except for a spelling b ideas c whole words d expressions 6- In general, the expression of thoughts and feeling has been in the form of ………… a symbols b spelling c nod signifies d oral speech IX- Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning 1- He didn’t study hard He failed in his exam  If ……………………………………………………………………… .………… 2- She said : “ Don’t touch that cake, John”  She told ……………………………………………………………… ………… 3- He ran so quickly that I couldn’d catch him  He was such …………………………………………………………… ……… 4- I was sorry I didn’t know how to it  I wish ………………………………………………………………… ………… 5- These shoes will have to be repaired  They will …………………………………………………………… ………… 6- Tam never does anything if you don’t tell him what to  Unless you ………………………………………………………………… … We opened the last box  The…………………………………………………………………… … He said to Jane, “Look at this small box, please.”  He asked Jane……………………………………………………………… .……… He is not your brother You don’t support him  If he……………………………………………………………………… 10 She always trusts the man He never trusts her  She always……………………………………………………………………… Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le 0986.08.05.88 Part a-There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence Find and correct it Not  Don’t with a car  by a car the lunch  lunch doesn’t he  does he can saw  can be seen to write  write work  working frequent  frequently you will decide  will you decide 10 don’t receive  haven’t received 11 of finding  to find 12 was sent  is sent 13 because  because of 14 attends  is attending 15 know to prepare  know how to prepare Question 6: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word Part a: 1.number 6.famous 2.holiday 7.other 3.capital 8.sightseeing 4.most 9.trip 5.from 10.flights Teacher: Thanh Huyen Le 0986.08.05.88 ... have Only when you have had a chance to know various occupations you will decide on your career I tried to everything to contact John two weeks ago but so far I don’t receive his reply Most students... _ a decision yet? A given B made C done D arrived 42 _the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished A Until B In C By D On 43 _ her five dresses, she likes the red one... Questions: Which of the following best summarizes this passage ? a When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication b Everybody uses only one form of communication c Nonlinguistic

Ngày đăng: 20/09/2021, 09:05



