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Tài liệu Bài tập tin danh sách móc nối đơn pptx

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Danh sách móc nối đơn program kieucontro; type con_tro = ^danh_sach; danh_sach = record ho_ten: string[23]; que_quan: string[15]; lop: string[8]; sbd: string[9]; next : con_tro; end; var head,l : con_tro; chon: byte; traloi: char; i:byte; k: integer; procedure nhap_ds(var l: con_tro); var p: con_tro; ans: integer; begin while true do begin new(p); with p^ do begin write('nhap ho va ten: '); readln(p^.ho_ten); write('nhap que quan: '); readln(p^.que_quan); write('nhap lop: ') ; readln(p^.lop); write('nhap so bao danh: '); readln(p^.sbd); end; p^.next:=NIL; if head=NIL then begin head:= p; l:= p end else begin l^.next:= p; l:= p end; write('Co tiep tuc khong 1/0 ? '); readln(ans); if ans=0 then break; end; end; function length( var L: con_tro): integer; var dem: integer; begin l:=l^.next; dem:=dem+1; end; procedure Duyet_ds(var l: con_tro); var p: con_tro; begin if head = NIL then begin writeln('Danh sach rong'); exit end; p := head; while p <> NIL do begin with p^ do writeln(ho_ten:25,' ',que_quan:15,' ',lop:8,' ',sbd:9); p := p^.Next; end; end; procedure in_ds_lop(var l :con_tro); var r,p: con_tro; found: boolean; lop: string[8]; ans: integer; begin writeln('nhap lop can in ds sv: '); readln(lop); repeat r:=nil; p:= head; found:= false; while (p<> nil) and (not found) do begin if p^.lop=lop then found:=true else r:=p; p:=p^.next; end; if found then begin with p^ do writeln(ho_ten:25,' ',que_quan:15,' ',sbd:9); p:=p^.next end; until (found=false) end; procedure in_ds_theo_que(var l :con_tro); var r,p: con_tro; found: boolean; que_quan: string[8]; ans: integer; begin writeln('nhap lop can in ds sv: '); readln(que_quan); repeat r:=nil; p:= head; found:= false; while (p<> nil) and (not found) do begin if p^.lop= que_quan then found:=true else r:=p; p:=p^.next; end; if found then begin with p^ do writeln(ho_ten:25,' ',que_quan:15,' ',sbd:9); p:=p^.next end; until (found=false) end; procedure Chen_sv_Lan( var l: con_tro); var q,p: con_tro; found: boolean; dem,k:byte; begin write('ban muon them sv Nguyen Thi Lan vao sau sv nao? nhap vi tri sv do: '); readln(k); if (k<1) or (k> length(l)) then writeln('vi tri ko hop le') else begin k:=k+1; begin dem:=2; p:=head; found:=false; begin while dem<>k do begin dem:=dem+1; p:=p^.next; end; end; begin new(q); with q^ do begin q^.ho_ten:= 'Nguyen Thi Lan'; q^.que_quan:= 'Ha Noi'; q^.lop:= 'TH1B'; q^.sbd:= 'TH103'; end; q^.next:= p^.next; p^.next:= q; end; end; end; end; procedure Chen_sv_Hanh( var l: con_tro); var q,p: con_tro; found: boolean; dem,k:byte; aa : string; begin if head^.ho_ten<> 'aa' then writeln('khong the them sv Hanh vao danh sach vi danh sach ko co sv aa') else begin writeln('hay an 1 de them sv nguyen thi hanh vao sau sv aa '); readln(k); if k<>1 then writeln('ban da khong them sv Hanh vao sau sv aa') else begin k:=k+1; begin dem:=2; p:=head; found:=true; begin while dem<>k do begin dem:=dem+1; p:=p^.next; end; end; begin new(q); with q^ do begin q^.ho_ten:= 'Nguyen Thi Hanh'; q^.que_quan:= 'Ha Giang'; q^.lop:= 'TH1A'; q^.sbd:= 'TH10'; end; q^.next:= p^.next; p^.next:= q; end; end; end; end; end; procedure Chen_sv_thai_binh( var l: con_tro); var q,p: con_tro; found: boolean; dem,k:byte; thaibinh: string; begin if head^.que_quan<> 'thaibinh' then writeln('khong the them sv an vao sau sv o dau ds vi dau ds ko co sv que thai binh') else begin writeln('hay an 1 de them sv Tran Dang An vao sau sv que thai binh '); readln(k); if k<>1 then writeln('ban da khong them sv Tran Dang An vao sau sv dau ds co que thai binh ') else begin k:=k+1; begin dem:=2; p:=head; found:=true; begin while dem<>k do begin dem:=dem+1; p:=p^.next; end; end; begin new(q); with q^ do begin q^.ho_ten:= 'Tran Dang An'; q^.que_quan:= 'ha tay'; q^.lop:= 'TH1B'; q^.sbd:= 'th100'; end; q^.next:= p^.next; p^.next:= q; end; end; end; end; end; procedure xoa_pt_cuoi(var l: con_tro); var r, p: con_tro; begin p^.next:=nil; l^.next:=p^.next; begin l:=r; l^.next:=nil; dispose(p); end; end; procedure xoa_pt_thu_k(var l: con_tro; k: byte); var p,m: con_tro; dem: integer; begin writeln('nhap vi tri can xoa: '); readln(k); if l=nil then writeln('danh sach rong') else if k<length(l) then begin if k=1 then begin p:=l; l:=l^.next; end else begin m:=l; dem:=1; while dem<> k-1 do begin m:=m^.next; dem:=dem+1; end; p:=m^.next; m^.next:=p^.next; end; dispose(p); end; end; procedure xoa_sv_sbd_th67(var l: con_tro); var q,r: con_tro; th67: string; found: boolean; ans: byte; begin r:=nil; q:=head; found:= false; while (q<> nil) and (not found) do begin if q^.sbd= 'th67' then found:=true else begin r:=q; q:=q^.next; end; begin if found then begin if q=head then head :=q^.next else r^.next:=q^.next; if q^.next=NIL then l:=r; dispose(q); end; end; end; if found= false then begin writeln('khong co sv nay trong ds de xoa'); end; end; procedure xoa_het_aa(var l: con_tro); var r,p: con_tro; found: boolean; begin repeat r:=nil; p:=head; found:=false; while (p<> nil) and (not found) do begin if p^.ho_ten= 'aa' then found:= true else r:=p; p:=p^.next; if found then begin if p=head then p:=p^.next else r^.next:=p^.next; if p^.next= nil then l:=r; dispose(p); end; end; until (found=false); end; procedure xoa_sv_lop_thk1a(var l: con_tro); var r,p: con_tro; found: boolean; begin repeat r:=nil; p:=head; found:=false; while (p<> nil) and (not found) do begin if p^.lop= 'thk1a' then found:= true else r:=p; p:=p^.next; if found then begin if p=head then p:=p^.next else r^.next:=p^.next; if p^.next= nil then l:=r; dispose(p); end; end; until (found=false); end; procedure dem_sv(var l: con_tro); var p: con_tro; dem: integer; begin if head= nil then writeln('danh sach rong') else begin dem:=1; p:= head; while p<> l do begin p:=p^.next; dem:= dem+1; end; end; writeln('so luong sv trong ds la: ',dem); readln; end; procedure dem_sv_thai_binh(var l: con_tro); var m: con_tro; dem: integer; i,k: integer; thaibinh: string; begin m:=l; dem:=0; begin if m^.que_quan= thaibinh then m:=m^.next; dem:=dem+1; end; writeln('so sv que thai binh trong danh sach la: ',dem); end; procedure dem_sv_lop_thk1a(var l: con_tro); var m: con_tro; dem: integer; begin m:=l; dem:=0; begin if m^.lop= 'THK1A' then dem:=dem+1; m:=m^.next; dem:=dem+1; end; writeln('so sv lop thk1a trong danh sach la: ',dem); end; procedure dem_sv_hn_va_hoc_lop_thk1b(var l: con_tro); var m: con_tro; dem: integer; begin m:=l; dem:=0; begin if (m^.que_quan= 'hanoi') and (m^.lop= 'thk1b') then dem:=dem+1; m:=m^.next; dem:=dem+1; end; writeln('so sv ha noi va dang hoc lop thk1b la: ',dem); end; procedure tim_ten_bb(var l: con_tro); var q,r: con_tro; found: boolean; ans: byte; begin r:=nil; q:=head; found:= false; while (q<> nil) and (not found) do begin if q^.ho_ten= 'bb' then found:=true else begin r:=q; q:=q^.next; end; begin if found then begin with q^ do writeln(ho_ten:23,' ',que_quan:14,' ',lop:8,' ',sbd:9); end; end; end; if found= false then writeln('ko tim thay'); end; procedure thuc_hien; begin writeln( 'Thuc hien: Mai Van Uoc khoa CNTT-DHTN, xim cam on ban Mai Hoa va Duong Thien da giup tui hoan thanh bai tap nay'); end; begin head:=nil; repeat writeln('Du da rat co gang nhung bai van bi loi trong khi chay, mong moi nguoi gop y cho toi voi, phan loi la co dau*'); writeln('1. nhap danh sach'); writeln('2. duyet'); writeln('3. in ds theo lop *phan bi roi vao vong lap vo han* an CTRL+pause de thoat'); writeln('4. in ds theo que*phan bi roi vao vong lap vo han* an CTRL+pause de thoat'); writeln('5. them sv nguyen thi lan vao sau sv thu k'); writeln('6. them sv nguyen thi hanh sau sv aa o dau danh sach'); writeln('7. them sv Tran Dang An vao sau sv que thai binh o dau danh sach'); writeln('8. xao pt cuoi trong ds*'); writeln('9. xoa pt thu k trong ds*'); writeln('10. xoa so bao danh th67'); writeln('11. xoa het sinh vien co ten aa trong danh sach'); writeln('12. xoa het sv lop thk1a ra khoi danh sach'); writeln('13. so luong sinh vien trong ds la:'); writeln('14. so luong sinh vien que thai binh co trong danh sach la: '); writeln('15. so sinh vien hoc lop thk1a la: '); writeln('16. so sinh vien que ha noi va hoc lop thk1b la: '); writeln('17. tim sv BB neu thay thi in thong tin sv nay ra man hinh: '); writeln('18. nguoi thuc hien'); writeln('19. xin chao va hen gap lai'); writeln('chon chuc nang: '); readln(chon); case chon of 1: nhap_ds(l); 2: duyet_ds(l); 3: in_ds_lop(l); 4: in_ds_theo_que(l); 5: chen_sv_Lan(l); 6: chen_sv_hanh(l); 7: chen_sv_thai_binh(l); 8: xoa_pt_cuoi(l); 9: xoa_pt_thu_k(l,k); 10: xoa_sv_sbd_th67(l); 11: xoa_het_aa(l); 12: xoa_sv_lop_thk1a(l); 13: dem_sv(l); 14: dem_sv_thai_binh(l); 15: dem_sv_lop_thk1a(l); 16: dem_sv_hn_va_hoc_lop_thk1b(l); 17: tim_ten_bb(l); 18: thuc_hien; 19: exit; end; until (chon=19); end. . Danh sách móc nối đơn program kieucontro; type con_tro = ^danh_ sach; danh_ sach = record ho_ten: string[23]; que_quan:. xoa so bao danh th67'); writeln('11. xoa het sinh vien co ten aa trong danh sach'); writeln('12. xoa het sv lop thk1a ra khoi danh sach');

Ngày đăng: 24/12/2013, 10:16

