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kind /plan / film/ news 4,People like spending their evening ................listening to music /surfing the internet / reading magazines /watcching TV PART C :USE OF ENGLISH I/Choose [r]

(1)Đề Cương Ôn Tập Học Kỳ I Môn Tiếng Anh lớp I/ LISTENING:: - Listen ,then answer the questions - Listen ,then fill in the blanks the correct words - Listen ,then write “True or False” II/READING : - Read the passage ,then answer the questions - Read the passage ,then fill in the blanks with the words given - Read the passage ,then write “True or False” - Read the passage ,then choose A ,B,C,or D III/ USE OF ENGLISH: *Choose the best answer *Grammar : - Wish sentence : S + wish(es) + past subjunctive - Tenses : Present simple , past simple , past progressive , present progressive , future simple , present perfect - Passive form : tenses + modal verbs 1,Present simple : S + am /is/are + pp 2,Present progressive :S + am /is/are +being +pp 3,Past simple : S + was /were + pp 4,Past progressive : S + was/were +being +pp 5,Future simple : S +will/shall + be +pp 6,Present perfect : S +have /has +been +pp 7, Modal verbs: S + modal verb +be +pp - Preposition of time : in , on , at , between ,… - Adverb clause of result (so) : -so + result -S+ be +so + adj + that-clause -S + be +such +(a/an) +adj +noun +that-clause - Reported speech / reported questions - Tag-question : (+) affirmative statement → (-) negative –tag question (-) negative statement → (+) affirmative tag- question - Gerund after some verbs : love ,like ,dislike , ẹnjoy , hate… S + love/like/dislike/enjoy/hate …+V-ing - Modal could with wish - Modal verbs with if - S +used to +bare-inf… - S+ be /get used to +V-ing… - Conditional sentence :type IV> WRTING: - Write a complete passage based on the words given - Write a letter based on the words given - Write a “picnic” based on the words given - Write complete sentences - Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning V/SPEAKING : Talk about the following topics Talk about the place you visited Talk about how to learn English well (2) Talk about your hobbies Give the reasons why you like wearing uniform./casual clothes 5,Talk about the trip to the countryside 6,Talk about the importance of learning English 7,Talk about the benefits of the internet Teachers can ask students some questions based on the topic THE BASIC STRUCTURES 1, After : This is the first time +clause ( present perfect ) 2,After : would rather + clause ( past simple ) 3, S+ like /ẹnjoy +V-ing …= S +be interested in + V-ing ….=S+ be concerned about + V-ing………=S + be fond of + V-ing ………(thích ) 4,Would /Do you mind +V-ing ……? 5, Do you mind if I + V (present simple)…? 6,Would you mind if I + V (past simple)……… ? 7,It takes +someone + time + to-inf.: Ai đó bao nhiêu thời gian để làm gì 8, S + like……….better than….= S + prefer………….to………( thích……… ) 9, After : although /though /even though + clause = despite /in spite of + noun /noun phrase /V-ing phrase (mặc dù ) 10,After : because /since /as + clause = Because of + noun /noun phrase /V-ing phrase( vì ) 11, S + Prevent + someone + from +V-ing :ngăn ngừa làm gì 12, S + spend + time +V-ing = S + takes + someone +time +to-inf… Ex : I spent two hours doing this exercise = It took me two hours to this exercise 13, S + apologize to somebody for +V-ing ….:Xin lỗi điều gì 14, Sau As ìf +clause ( past simple ) 15, S + be good at +V-ing 16, It is (high ) time + clause (quá khứ ) 17, Not only……………but also = both……….and = not only ……….but ………as well (không ………mà còn ) 18 ,S + be proud of + V-ing ……… = S + pride + oneself + on something… = S + take pride +in something…… EX : She is proud of getting a reward = She prides herself on getting a reward =She takes pride in getting a reward 19, S + remember /forget + V-ing … : Nhớ/ quên việc xảy trước S + remember /forget + to-inf… : Nhớ/quên việc xảy sau 20, S + be + no worth + V-ing …=There is no point +in + V-ing =It is no use + V –ing…=It is poinless + to-inf……… ( chẳng ích gì……….) EX :It is no worth reading that book =There is no point in reading that book.=It is no use reading that book = It is pointless to read that book 21, S + be + adj + enough + (for +O ) + to-inf……… (đủ……….đối với ……để ) 22, S + be + too +adj + (for + O ) + to-inf……… (quá………đối với ….để …… ) 23, S + V +due to + noun phrase : Ex : The office was closed due to the doctor’s illness (do ) 24, S + find it + adj + to –V : Ex : we find it difficult to learn English 25, S + have no idea of something = S + don’t /doesn’t know about something ( Không biết cái gì ) 26, S + had better + (not ) + V :nên /không nên làm gì 27, It is +adj +( for somebody ) + to-inf… EX : It is difficult for old people to learn English 28, S + get out of + noun /V-ing : khỏi ,thoát khỏi 29, S + look forward to + V-ing : mong chờ , mong đợi làm gì 30,S + make /keep + O + V :Bắt làm gì … 31, S + be + so + adj + that clause = S + be + such +(a/an ) + adj + noun + that clause (quá……….đến nỗi ) 32, S + suggest that +S + should + V =S + suggest + V-ing :Gợi ý làm gì 33, S + be /get used to +V-ing … (quen thuộc với ) 34, S + used to + V (đã thường ) 35,S + succeed +in + V-ing (thanh công cái gì ) (3) 36, S + remind +O +of + V-ing :nhắc nhở làm gi…… 37, S + be afraid of +V-ing : sợ ,e làm gì…………… 38,S +invite +O + to-inf…:mời làm gì… 39, It is not necessary +for + O +to-inf… = S +don’t /doesn’t need +to-inf…Ai k cần thiết phải làm gì 40,Sau if only + clause ( quá khứ ) (giá ) 41, S + provide + O + with + Something :cung cấp cho cái gì 42,S + prefer +V-ing ……….to +V-ing =S +like +V-ing ….better than +V-ing (thích……………… ) EX :She prefers listening to music to watching TV =She likes listening to music better than watching TV 43, S + spend +time /money + on something / V-ing …Dành thời gian tiền bạc vào cái gì EX : We spend a lot of time on watching TV 44, S + take care of +V-ing : quan tâm đến /chăm sóc 45, S + be tired + of + V-ing : chán nãn cái gì Ex : He is tired of eating fish 46,S + try +to-inf :cố làm gì EX : He tried to learn hard S + try + V-ing :thử làm gì EX :She tried cooking this food 47, S = accuse + O + of + V-ing ; buộc tôi làm gì 48, S + object +to + V-ing : phản đối làm gì 48 ,S + regret +(not) + V-ing :Hối tiếc làm điều gì 49, S + need +to-inf :cần làm gì (chủ động ) S + need + V-ing /to be + PP : CẦN làm gì (bị động ) 50,S + refuse + V-ing :từ chối làm gì 51, S + persuade + O +to-inf ;thuyết phục làm gì 52,S + thank + O + for + V-ing ; cảm ơn làm gì 53, S + pay attention +to + V-ing : chú ý tập trung 54, S + have a good chance + of + V-ing ; có hội tốt để làm gì 55, S + keep in touch + with ; giữ hòa thuân với 56, It is time for + O + to –inf :Đã đến lúc cho để làm gì 57 , It is impossible + for + O + to-inf Thật k thể cho làm gì 58, S + deny + V-ing : từ chối làm gì 59 , S + Suggest + V-ing S + Suggest that + S + should + V 60,Would you like + to-inf …Lời mời làm gì … 61 , S + expect + O + to-inf….mong đợi làm gi Name: School : class : THE FIRST SEMESTER TEST -ENGLISH PART A :PRONUNCIATION :Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronunced differently from that of the other word (1pt) 1,A.respond B remote C.control D.notice 2, A hobby B deny C.poetry D.primary 3,comic B.campus C.income D access 4,goverment B.moment C.comment D.development PART B/READING :1, Read the passage ,then answer the questions(2pts ) Television is an important invention of the 20th century It has been so popular that now we can’t imagine what life would be like if there was no television Television is a major mean of communication It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into million of homes Television viewers can see and learn about people ,places and things in far away lands Television widens our knowledge by introducing us to new ideas which may lead us (4) to new hobbies and recreations In addition to the news ,television provides us with a variety of program that can satisfy every taste Most people now seem to like spending their evenings watching Television It is more convenient for them to stay at home watching television than to go out for amusement elsewhere 1,Is television an important invention of the 20th century ? 2,What does television bring ? 3,What can television viewers in far away land ? 4,How does television widen our knowledge ? 5,What most people seem to like doing their evenings ? 2,Read the text again and choose the best answer (1pts ) 1,Television is an important invention of the ( 19th century /20th century /21st century ) 2, TV brings pictures and sounds from into million of homes.( in the world /all over the world / around the world /all are correct ) 3,TV provides us with a variety of that can sastify every taste.( kind /plan / film/ news ) 4,People like spending their evening (listening to music /surfing the internet / reading magazines /watcching TV ) PART C :USE OF ENGLISH I/Choose the best answers (2pts) 1,Jane suggested ………… the shrine on the mountain ( to visit /visiting /visit /visited ) 2,How much you spend ……….the web a day (posting /responding /surfing /using ) 3,He has read this article on the website,…………? (doesn’t he /does he /hasn’t he /has he ) 4,You can come ………you want (unless/ so /if / because ) 5, She said she…… a friend at the airport that day (is meeting /is going to meet /was meeting /meets ) 6,Van is a(an) ……….student in the USA (bright /foreigner /exchange /intelligent ) th 7, Nam’s birthday is ….March ( in /on /at/for ) 8,They put ………….the blanket and laid ……… food (in-on/down-over/down –out/ on –in ) 9,We …………………each other for a long time (know /knew /have known /have been known ) 10,We have many well………… teachers here (qualify /quality /qualified /qualification ) II/ Change into reported speech (0,5pt) 1,He said to me “ How many languages can you speak ? ”→ 2,She asked me “ Do you like pop music ?” → III/Use the correct form of the words in parentheses (1pt) 1,We (learn)………….English for years 2,They (visit )……… HCM city last summer 3, The internet also has some ………….(limit ) 4,I think the news at 7pm on TV is very ……… (inform ) PART D/WRITING : I/Re write the sentences without changing the meaning (1pt) 1,She can’t speak English perfectly 3,”How long does the course take ?” →She wishes……………………………… She asked me…………………………………………… 2,They have postponed the concert 4, It started to rain ,so we stopped playing tennis →The concert……………………………… →We stopped playing tennis ………………………………… II/Write a complete letter (1,5pts) : Dear Sir, 1, I /see /Institute’s advertisement /Today’s TV program /yesterday ………………… 2,I /be /interested /learn English…………………………………………………………………………………… 3,I /want /improve /reading /writing……………………………………………………………………… 4,I /would like /information /your institute ……………………………………………………… 5,Could you please /information /length /course /fees /beginners 6,I /complete /spoken English test /necessary …………………………………………………………… (5)

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2021, 18:25

