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Syllables–based reading improvement: Effects on word reading and reading comprehension in Grade 2

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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES FINAL ASSIGNMENT Academic Writing Syllables–based reading improvement: Effects on word reading and reading comprehension in Grade Supervisor: Nguyen Thi Minh Loan Ph.D Student: Dang Thi Hien Date of birth: 04-08-1993 Course: 5B (2020 -2022) Class: MA Class - K5B Thai Nguyen – 5/2021 Comments ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Mark……………………………………………………………………………… Marker Marker …………………………… ……………………………… Table of content Introduction Content 2.1 Summary 2.2 Critique Evaluation Conclusion References Introduction “Learning and Instruction was published in 2021 which is The Journal of the Europe Association for Research on Learning and Institution (EARLI), edited by Malmberg L E Learning and Instruction provides a platform for the publication of the most advanced scientific r8sesearch in the areas of learning; development; instruction and teaching The journal welcomes original empirical investigations The papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches They may refer to any age level from infants to adults and diversities of learning and instructional settings, from laboratory experiments to field studies The major criteria in the review and the selection process concern the significance of the contribution to the area of learning and instruction, and the rigor of the study” Syllablebased reading improvement: Effects on word reading and reading comprehension in Grade is published in Learning and Instruction in April 2020 by Muller B; Richter T and Karageorgos P, from Universities of Frankfurt and Wurzburg, in German The article aims at primary school children in Grade German with reading comprehension skills and word recognition by syllables-based intervention and visual word recognition tasks Content Summary The study is an examination of the effects of a syllable-based reading intervention with German second children who encountered difficulties in the recognition of the written words while reading or doing reading comprehension tasks The researched intervention focuses on fostering word reading through syllable segmentation In the research, materials included 500 most frequent syllables read by 6-to-8-year-old students in German By practicing phonological recoding exercises with órthographic representations of syllables, the children are improved the word reading and reading comprehension skills The researchers compared the researched students randomly assigned to a wait-list group- poor readers in the treatment condition led to significant improvements in standardizing measures of phonological recoding, directed word recognition, and text-based reading comprehension after 24 session intervention Critique analysis Word reading and how to clarify the segmentation in a word seems to be challenging for the learners, especially primary children The segmentation of words into syllables is likely to be an important yet often overlooked intermediate step between phonological recoding and using orthographic representations of word forms in the mental lexicon for efficient word recognition (Ehri, 1995, 2005) Poor readers in primary schools often got challenging with word reading Then, the researchers from two universities of Wurzburg and Frankfurt in German did the research of syllable-based reading aimed to improve the ability of children to word recognition and reading comprehension In the research, the researchers processed the experiment by helping the readers with syllable-base reading They investigated the effects of word recognition interventions base on the syllable as a major unit of reading processing in German 2nd graders At first, the group of researchers made syllables as a processing unit in word recognition Even with poor readers, manages to read a large proportion of regular words, made sense By applying graphemephoneme correspondence rules and by blending them into a phonological representation, the children can translate each letter of a word into a spoken representation They also discussed the previous approaches in this field of study, and they had made good basements for their studying and experiment with grade second children In the study to read in German, syllable recognition is likely to be supportive for helping children to make the very first step towards holistic word reading in Grade In the experiment, the researchers concluded that poor readers are shown lesser extend than good readers with orthographic and syllabics structures of written words The group of researchers also mentioned the hyphenation’s role in supporting their research with some contract conclusions about hyphenation’s effect on groups of good readers and poor ones It has shown that with the good Finnish first and second-grade readers, hyphenation seems to slow down word recognition and sentence integration process and marking syllables with hyphenation disrupts word recognition in children who learn to read in a language with unambiguous syllable boundaries such as Finnish; however, poor readers in Grade showed benefited from the signaling of syllable hyphens, possibly hyphenation increases the efficiency of word recognition That makes great inspiration for applying on other languages in Grade Fostering word recognition skills in poor readers was used with syllable repeating The result showed that repeated syllable reading might be an effective way to foster word recognition skills, this intervention of high frequency of words, cluster consonants improved reading speed and accuracy for the poor reader in second grade The experiment was done with 549-second graders from 13 primary schools within 35 classes in the urban areas of Kassel and Fulda, German The average age of the participants was 7.7 years The group of researchers designed the participants into two groups of good readers and poor readers, after the pretest, they continued to allocate the poor readers into a treatment group and wait-list group Then, they had got groups of the research They experienced all groups with a regular curriculum, exclude the treatment group, the researchers added more intervention with 24 sessions After the posttest in round 2, the group of researchers lifted the intervention with the wait-list group with the same 24 sessions After that, with the follow-up, the authors got the final results of the experiment The experiment aims on two corners of word recognition and reading comprehension.While, to measure the efficiency of word recognition, the researchers assessed the visual word recognition process with subtests of German-speaking computer-based instrument ProDi-L which captures accuracy and response time to each item Subtests were built in yes/no format and the response time reflects the degree of reading routinization To measure the reading comprehension, the subtest text comprehension of the standardized reading test LFE 1-6 with computer version by Lenhard & Schneider, 2000 was used to approach the reading comprehension in the text level The subtest aims to test the ability to identify information in a text The subtest consisted of 29 short narrative texts which were presented in randomized order with four multiple-choice items each Two methods drew the variables for each group and the results showed the effect most on word recognition, but Whether it truly impacts positively on reading comprehension skill or not? The group of researchers developed 24 –session training based on word materials systematically selected according to the frequency of the German written syllables in texts, read by to 8-year-old children The tests were divided into phases The first phase of the training, it includes (1-15) sessions spelled words with a maximum length of four open syllables, used to train phonological recording in the syllables context From session eight onward, words contained consonant clusters in the onset of the syllables, marked in the exercise to alert children because poor readers often fail to recognize syllable onsets In phases two, from session 16-24, provided children extensive practice in reading accurately and fast by increasing complexibility of irregular words, consonant clusters, diphthongs The results came out with both word recognition and reading comprehension directly and indirectly Outcomes indicate a significant treatment effect for phonological recoding and direct word recognitions They assumed that the syllable-based intervention improved the routinization of the poor reader's basic reading process, making cognitive resources for comprehension processes at the text level The results provide the estimates for the meditation model and illustrated that the direct effect of the treatment condition on reading comprehension disappears after including word recognition as a meditator in the model However, the treatment condition affected the reading comprehension smaller than the effect of the word recognition on reading comprehension Therefore, the results support the assumption that syllable-based seems to improve reading comprehension by improving the efficiency of word recognition The aim of the reseach is to investigate the effects of the syllable-based reading on word recognition and reading comprehension, but it seems to be most effective with poor readers group with word recognition, with reading comprehension improved indirectly On average, the stepest increase in the effectiency of word recognition processing can be observed in Grade and when children move from letter-by-letter reading to direct word recognition The results not allow for the conclusion that making syllables the salient unit for processing definitely improved word reading skills Assessing children’s ability to spell multisyllabic words before and after the intervention might be fruitful to detect possible transfer effects on children’s spelling ability Conclusion Syllable-based reading training can enable poor readers with inefficient word recognition processes to recognize words more accurately and with less cognitive effort The intervention of the group of the researchers seems to strengthen the mental representations of the syllables ad orthographic representations that consist of the syllables with young readers from grade to grade One of the most worthy results from the study is that transfer effects on text-based reading comprehension were fully mediated by improvements in word reading skills Being measured by combining reaction time and accuracy, the research checked out most effects directly on word recognition, reading comprehension skill is not improved highlightedly ‘ References https://www.journals.elsevier.com/learning-and-instruction https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959475219302890 10 ... contribution to the area of learning and instruction, and the rigor of the study” Syllablebased reading improvement: Effects on word reading and reading comprehension in Grade is published in. .. ……………………………… Table of content Introduction Content 2. 1 Summary 2. 2 Critique Evaluation Conclusion References Introduction “Learning and Instruction was published in 20 21 which is The Journal... improve reading comprehension by improving the efficiency of word recognition The aim of the reseach is to investigate the effects of the syllable-based reading on word recognition and reading comprehension,

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2021, 07:37

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