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GA Hoc ki 1 2021 -22

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Cấu trúc

  • - Ex A, B1-2 P28 (Workbook)

  • - Prepare next lesson. Unit 4. Lesson 3. A closer look 2

  • Ask Ss to tell about the hobbies

  • ? What do you like / not like doing?

  • ? How about your family members, they like or not like what you do ?

  • 2. Model sentences:

  • Complete the table (2P11)

  • - Work individually and tick the appropriate boxes

  • II. Practice (15’)

  • 3. Complete the sentences (2 P11)

  • - Model the first sentence.

  • - Complete the rest individually then compare with your partners.

  • - Have some students write their sentences on the board.

  • 4. Opinion - sharing (3 P11)

  • ? Interview one of your classmate about the hobies in 1 and take notes her/his answers.

  • ? Take turns being the person who asks the questions

  • ? Report your partner's answers to the class.

  • 5. Game (extension activity)

  • - Divide the Ss into two big groups.

  • - Teacher says an activity/ hobby and point at a student from one group.

  • - Make sentence with this activity/ hobby using the struture in Look out! box together with a reason.

  • - If this student make one correct answer, he/she earns one point. Then he/ she says an activity/ hobby and point at a student from the other group and asks him/her to make a sentence.

  • 2. Model sentences

  • Complete the table

  • * Suggested answer

  • boring

  • unusual

  • interesting

  • making pottery

  • dancing

  • making models

  • carving wood

  • - I find making pottery boring because we have to sit still and make things by hands.

  • Structure:

  • .... find doing sth + adj

  • I think (that) swimming is interesting.

  • .... think (that) + doing sth + is + adj

  • E.g:1. I find making pottery boring because we have to sit still and make things by hands.

  • 5. Game (extension activity)

  • Eg:

  • You: What do you think about making pottery? / How do you find making pottery?

  • Mai: I think it is boring./ I find it boring.

  • You: Why?

  • Mai: Because we have to sit still and make things by hands.

  • You; Will you take up making pottery in the future?

  • Mai: Yes, I will. I'm not sure.

  • Teacher: Dancing.

  • - Ex C1, C2 P6-7 (Workbook)

  • - Prepare next lesson: Unit 1: Skills 1

  • I. Warm up (5') Kim’s game

  • T shows the pictures

  • Ss write the activities ò the pictures

  • II. Pre reading (10')

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • * Checking: What and where

  • - making models

  • - making pottery

  • - dancing

  • - ice-skating

  • - collecting dolls

  • - doing eggshell carving

  • ...................................

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • - eggshell : (n) Vỏ trứng

  • - carve(v): chạm,khắc

  • - fragile : (adj) dễ vỡ

  • - unique : (adj) độc đáo

  • - piece of art : mẫu nghệ thuật

  • 2. Pre questions

  • * Set the scene: You are going to read about Nick's father's unusual hobby.

  • ? Look at the pictures in 1 P12

  • ? Run through the questions and discuss.

  • - Teacher monitors and gets feedback III. While - reading (15’)

  • 1. Questions and answers (2 P12)

  • Lucky numbers

  • - Run through the questions.

  • - Read the text about Nick's father's unusual hobby then write down the answers.

  • - Compare with your partners.

  • - Confirm the correct answers

  • 2. Complete the sentence (3 P12)

  • ? Read the text again then use no more than three words from the text to complete the sentences in 3 P12.

  • ? Read aloud the correct sentences

  • IV. Post reading (10')

  • Speaking

  • - Work in pairs to discuss the uses of carved eggshells.

  • * Group work

  • - Work in groups and take turns to talk about your hobbies. Use the in 5 P12 for help.

  • - Have some students talk about their hobbies.

  • - Teacher monitors and give delayed correction.

  • - Vote for the most exciting hobby.

  • * What should you mention when you talk about your hobby?

  • 2. Suggested answers

  • 1. We/ I can see some carved pictures.

  • 2. We/ I think they are made of eggshells.

  • 3. It is carving eggshells.

  • 3. Questions and answers

  • Key:

  • 1. He thinks his father's hobby is unusual because eggshells are very fragile and his father can make beautiful pieces of art from them.

  • 2. He saw the carved eggshells for the first time in an art gallery in the US.

  • 3. They find it difficult and boring.

  • 4. Yes, he does.

  • 4. Complete the sentence

  • Key:

  • 1. carving eggshells 2. the US

  • 3. the Internet 4. time

  • 5. gifts

  • 5. Speaking

  • * Suggested answers

  • The uses of carved eggshells:

  • - gift/ souvenirs

  • - decorations at home

  • - lights (with bigger eggs)

  • * What should you mention when you talk about your hobby?

  • - vase (for paper flowers)

  • I. Pre listening (10’)

  • 1. Questions and answers (1 P13)

  • ? Asnwer the questions

  • 1. Do you know anything about collecting glass bottles?

  • 2. Do you think it is a good hobby? Why/ Why not?

  • - Teacher monitors and accept all answers provided that they make sence

  • 2. Gap fill (2P13)

  • * Set the sence: You are going to listen to an interview of A 4!Teen reporter about Mi's hobbies.

  • ? Run through all the information in 1-6

  • II. While listening(15’s)

  • - Listen and fill in the gaps then compare with your partner

  • III. Post listening (10’)

  • 3. Writing

  • *. Pair work (3 P13)

  • - T asks Ss to work in pair and interview each other about a classmate's hobby base on the word web in 3 P13

  • - Teacher models with a student (Nga)

  • *. Writing (4 P13)

  • ? Write about your partner's hobby using your word web.

  • - Teacher monitors and gives help.

  • - Have one student write his/ her paragraph on the board.

  • ? Coment and correct if neccessary.

  • 1. Questions and answers

  • - Asnwer individually

  • 2. Gap fill

  • Key:

  • 1. collecting glass bottles

  • 2. two years ago

  • 3. mother

  • 4. a. grandmother

  • b.flower, lamps

  • c. home

  • 5. useful

  • 6. continue the hobby

  • 1. Name of the hobby: collecting stamps

  • 4. To do this hobby Nga has to:

  • a. collect stamps from old envelopes

  • b. stick them in an album, write down where they come from, when you get them…..

  • 5. Nga's feeling about the hobby: intersting

  • 6. Future: continue the hobby

  • *. Writing

  • Eg:

  • Nga is my calssmate. Her hobby is collecting stamps. She started doing this five years ago. Anna, her friend from the USA, and some of her classmates share this hobby with her. She usually collects stamps from old envelopes and gets her father, her relatives and her friends including Anna for stamps. She sticks them in an album. She takes notes of their origins, the date she gets them ….She also exchanges stamps with her classmates.

  • Nga thinks collecting stamps is interesting and helpful. In the future she will go on enrich her collection.

  • T shows some pictures

  • Ss write the names of them

  • I. Looking back

  • 1. Vocabulary (10’)

  • Ex 1: Complete the sentences with appropriate words

  • T asks SS to complete the sentences

  • Ss work individually

  • Ex 2. Verb forms (2 P14)

  • ? Run through the verbs in the box.

  • ? Put one of the verbs from the box in each blank. Use the correct form of the verb.

  • ? Work individually then compare with your partner.

  • - Teacher checks and confirms the correct answers.

  • Ex 3. Adding hobbies (3 P14)

  • ? Copy the table

  • ? Work in pairs in 5 minutes to add as many hobbies to the table as possible.

  • - Have some students go to the board write down their answers.

  • 2. Grammar (10’)

  • Ex3. Complete the passage (4 P14)

  • ? What are the differences between the present simple and future simple?

  • ? Use the present simple and future simple form of each verb to complete the passage.

  • ? Work individualy then compare the answers with your partner.

  • - Call on some students to give the answers.

  • Ex4. Write true sentences about yourself (5 P14)

  • ? What form of the verbs can we use after like, enjoy, love, hate....?

  • ? Use these verbs to write true sentences about yourself.

  • - Get some students write their sentences on the board.

  • - Give feedback

  • 3. Communication (3’)

  • Ex5. Role play

  • ? Work in pairs in 5'

  • - Student A plays the role of a reporter. Student B is a famous person. Interview the other about his/her hobbies.

  • - Teacher monitors and gives help.

  • - Ask some pairs to act out the interview.

  • ? Vote for the best interview.

  • Ex2. Self - assessment

  • ? Complete the self-assessment.

  • - Teacher finds out any difficult and weak areas from students.

  • - Provide further practice if neccessary.

  • II. Project (12’)

  • - Teacher explains the meaning of the word “collage”

  • - Ask students to read the four instructions

  • - Ask students to work in groups to present the project

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • Ex 1:

  • 1. collecting

  • 2. bird watching

  • 3. playing board game

  • 4. arranging flowers

  • 5. making pottery

  • 6. dancing

  • Ex 2. Verb forms

  • Key:

  • 1. listens 2. Go 3. plays

  • 4. read 5. Do 6. collect

  • Ex3. Adding hobbies

  • Suggested answers:

  • Easy hobbies

  • Difficult hobbies

  • Cheap hobbies

  • Expensive hobbies

  • collecting labbels

  • collecting leaves

  • playing board games

  • ............

  • skating

  • cooking

  • painting

  • collecting used books

  • collecting leaves

  • painting

  • ............

  • collecting cars

  • taking pictures

  • travelling

  • ..............

  • 2. Grammar

  • Ex 3. Complete the passage

  • Key:

  • 1. have

  • 3. plays

  • 5. enjooys

  • 7. will join

  • 9. don't like


  • 4. doesn't like

  • 6. walks

  • 8. loves

  • 10. will read

  • Ex4.Write true sentences about yourself

  • - We use V-ing after like, enjoy, love, hate.....

  • E.g:

  • 1. I like cooking.

  • 2. I enjoy going to the beach with my family in the summmer.

  • 3. Communication

  • Ex 5. Role play

  • E.g:

  • A: Good moring. Nice to meet you.

  • B: Good moring. Nice to meet you too.

  • A: Can I ask you some questions about your hobbies?

  • B: Yes, of course.

  • A: What is your favourite hobby?

  • B: It's .................

  • 4. Project

  • - Group 1: making papers animals

  • - Group 2: Colecting dolls

  • - Group 3: Cooking

  • - Group 4: Taking photos

  • - Group 5: Painting

  • ? Talk about yourself, use V-ing after like, enjoy, love, hate.....

  • E.g: 1. I like cooking.

  • ? Write some vocabulary on the board

  • ? Write some vocabulary on the board

  • II. Check up the old lesson (Test 15’)

  • a. Vocabulary

  • 2. Practice (12')

  • 2. Discuss the following in groups

  • - T has ss work in groups to do this activity

  • - T calls on some groups to represent their ideas

  • 3. Discuss the following in groups

  • - Work in groups to do this activity

  • Possible answer

  • 4. Think of some sentences about health that are true and some are false

  • 1. Think of some sentences about health that are true and some are false

  • - T sets the time about 6 minutes for ss to work in groups of 4 ss to find out

  • 2. Test another group to see how many of your health myths they can spot

  • - T asks ss to choose one spokesperson in each group to consult other group

  • * Vocabulary

  • - myth (n): điều hoang đường

  • - vegetarian ( n): người ăn chay

  • - fact ( n) : sự thật

  • - vitamins (n): vi ta min

  • - sleep in (adj) ngủ nướng

  • - sushi (v) cơm sushi

  • 4. Listen to the radio show about health fact or myths and check your answers in 1

  • Key: 1- T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-F, 5-F, 6-F

  • 1. Number 3 makes me surprising most because I always think that fish , rice and vegetables are good for our health and now I know the amount is very important

  • * Possible answer :

  • True: We shouldn't quit our breakfast because it is very important

  • False: Women after bearing don't take a bath for a long time

  • .....

  • E.g:

  • 1.I find making pottery boring because we have to sit still and make things by hands.

  • II. Check up the old lesson (5’) Name the health problems

  • T asks Ss to look at the picture and tell the name

  • 1. Pre reading (5')

  • Vocabulary

  • * Set the scene: You are going to read the text about the calories.

  • ? What do we get calories from?

  • - T collects the answers

  • 2. While - reading (15’)

  • 2.1. Check the answer

  • - Ask ss to open the book page 40, read the texts in silent and check their guessing

  • 2.2. Match the correct headings with the paragraphs

  • - T asks ss to work individually to do this activity

  • 2.3. Find the words / phrases in the text. Discuss the meaning then check the meaning

  • - T asks ss to read the text again then work in pairs to do this exercise. Ss may use their dictionaries

  • 2.4. Answer the questions

  • Lucky number

  • 3. Post reading (15'): Speaking.

  • 1. Discussion

  • - Ask ss to look at the table and T explains the table

  • - T asks ss to work in pairs to discuss the activity and the calories by answering 4 questions

  • - T walks around to monitor

  • 2. Complete the chart

  • - Ask ss to look at the chart and T explains the chart

  • - Ask ss to work individually this activity

  • 3. Present your chart

  • - Ask some ss to come to the front of the class to present

  • Vocabulary

  • Energy (n): năng lượng

  • Expert (n): chuyên gia

  • Diet (n): khẩu phần ăn

  • Enough (adv): đủ

  • Tip (n): gợi ý

  • Stay in shape: giữ dáng khỏe đẹp

  • Key:

  • - We get calories from the food we eat

  • 1.Match the correct headings with the paragraphs

  • Key: 1-B, 2-A, 3-C

  • 2. Find the words / phrases in the text. Discuss the meaning then check the meaning

  • 4. Discussion the following questions

  • 5. Complete the chart

  • Eg

  • Activity

  • Number of hours (per day)

  • Running

  • 2

  • .............

  • .............

  • 6. Present your chart

  • -What activities you do

  • - How long you do them every day

  • - How many calories you use doing these activities

  • II. Check up the old lesson (5’) Matching

  • 1. Diet

  • a. an advice on how to do something quickly and successfully usually from one’s own experience

  • 2. expert

  • b. usually convenience food like Mc Donald, KFC…..

  • 3. tip

  • c. the food that you eat on a daily basis

  • 4. junk food

  • d. be fit and healthy

  • 5. stay in shape

  • e. someone who has studied a lot about a subject or topic and understands it well

  • 1. Pre listening (8')

  • 1.1. Discuss the questions

  • - Go through the questions

  • - T asks ss to work in pairs to discuss them

  • 2. While listening (20’)

  • 2.1. Listen to the interview. Which problems did he have as a child?

  • - Go through the questions

  • - Play the recording twice and ask ss to circle the problems they hear

  • - Ask ss to compare the answers with a partner

  • 2.2. Listen to the interview again. What advice does he give about preparing for event?

  • - Go through the phrases in the box

  • - Ask ss to listen to the recording again and choose the right response

  • - Ask ss to compare the answers with a partner

  • - Give feedback and confirm the correct answer

  • 2.3. Are the following sentences true or false?

  • - Go through 5 sentences

  • - Ask to listen to the recording then choose the true/ false sentences

  • - Ask ss to compare the answers with a partner

  • - Ask 1 student to write his/he answer on the board

  • - Confirm the correct answer

  • 3. Listen again. What advice does he give about preparing for event?

  • 4. Are the following sentences true or false?

  • - Listen to the recording then choose T/ F sentences

  • 3. Post- listening (12’)

  • * Discuss in groups

  • - Go through the questions.

  • - T divides the class in to groups,give them 5’to do it

  • 6. Match the problems with the answers

  • 7. Underline the ways Dr Dan gives the advice

  • * Set the sence: You are going to listen to an interview of A 4!Teen reporter about Mi's hobbies.

  • ? Run through all the information in 1-6

  • 1. Discuss the questions

  • 2. Listen to the interview. Which problems did he have as a child?

  • Key : sick, allergy

  • 3. Listen to the interview again. What advice does he give about preparing for event?

  • 6. Match the problems with the answers

  • Key: 1-c, 2-b, 3-a

  • - Key :

  • You should...

  • You can .......

  • It will be good if you......

  • Do st more/ less ........

  • II. Check up the old lesson (In warm up)

  • 1. Warm up (4’) * Who is faster? (1. p 24)

  • 1.1. What the health problems do you think each of the people has?

  • - Tshows the pictures

  • 2. Vocabulary (5’)

  • 2.1. Write the health problem each person

  • - T asks ss to work individually to write the health problem in each pictures

  • 3. Grammar (8’)

  • 3.1. Imperative with more and less

  • (3.P24 . Complete the health tip)

  • - T lets students recall about imperative with less and more

  • - Ask them to do the exercise individually

  • - Give feedback,confirm the correct answers

  • 3.2.Compound sentences (4.P24 ….)

  • - T has students to recall about the compound sentences

  • - Ask ss to do this activity individually

  • - Ask some students to read aloud the compound sentences

  • - T confirms the correct answers

  • 4. Communication (8’)

  • 4.1. Role-play ( 5. P 24)

  • - T shows students who they are (patients or doctors)

  • - Go through the phrases and the example

  • - Reminds students to use language for advice: You should........ You can.......

  • It will be good if you.........

  • Do something more/less.......

  • - Ask students to practice in pairs

  • - Call on some pairs to come to front of the class and interview

  • - Vote the best interview

  • 4.2.. Discussion (6 P 24)

  • - T makes sure ss know to do this activity

  • - Go through the example

  • Note: To express your response about one opinion, you can use: Yes, I agree/ No,I disagree/ I don't think it is......

  • - T asks students to work in the pairs

  • - Call on some pairs to practice

  • 5. Project (15’)

  • 1. What the health problems do you think each of the people has?

  • Key : a. sunburn

  • b. spot

  • c. put on weight

  • d. stomachache

  • e. flu

  • 2. Look at the pictures. Write the health problem below each person

  • Key:1.sunburn 2. putting on weight

  • 3. sunburn 4. sick/ stomachache 5. flu

  • 3. Complete the health tip

  • 5. Role -play a discussion. Student A is the patient and student B is the doctor

  • 6. Discuss the following sentences about health with a partner. Do you think they are facts or myths?)

  • II. Check up the old lesson (In warm up)

  • II. Check up the old lesson (3’)

  • - Ask SS to talk about the community service.

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • II. Check up the old lesson (In warm up)

  • II. Check up the old lesson (5’)

  • - Ask SS some questions about community service

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • I. Warm up (5’)

  • * Free talk

  • Elicit different volunteer activities from Ss

  • - Ask them to think of the activities both in the local community/ city/ VN, and from other places that they may have read about, or seen in books, or on TV, or the Internet....

  • - Refer to any words in the Extra Vocabulary box that ss do not yet know and ask them to try to guess what the meaning are, and how that they relate to community service and volunteer work.

  • II. Presentation (13’)

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • - Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, examples)

  • - Checking: ROR

  • 2. Read about the following volunteer activities for teenagers in the United States.

  • - Ask Ss to look at the photos and describe what they see. Then tell them to compare their ideas with the text.

  • 3. Matching

  • - Tell ss now they will learn about volunteer activities in VN

  • - Ask ss what they think the volunteers in the photos are doing. If ss can’t recognize the activities, draw their attention to small details in the photos such as words written on the coupons

  • - Then ask ss to do matching

  • - Give feedback

  • III. Practice (10’)

  • 1. Group work (Ex 3)

  • - Ask ss to work in groups, discuss the benefits each activity may bring to the community. Then share their answers with other groups

  • 2. Ask each other (Ex 4)

  • - T ask ss:

  • ? Have you ever done any of these activities?

  • - Ask ss to choose the activities they want to do and practice asking and answering.

  • IV. Further practice. (7’)

  • 1. Finish the sentences below:

  • - Ask ss to work in pairs to complete the sentences.

  • - Get some students write their answers on the board.

  • - Give feedback

  • 2. Role play

  • ? Work in pairs in 3'

  • - Student A plays the role of a reporter. Student B talks about her/ his volunteer work. Interview the other about his/her volunteer work.

  • - Teacher monitors and gives help.

  • - Ask some pairs to act out the interview.

  • ? Vote for the best interview.

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • tutor (n): người dạy kèm

  • blanket (n): chăn

  • shelter (n): nơi ẩn nấp

  • mural (n): tranh treo tường khổ lớn

  • sort (n) : sự phân loại

  • nursing home: nhà dưỡng lão

  • 2. Read

  • 3. Matching

  • - Key: 1.b 2.c 3.e 4.a 5.d

  • 4. Discuss the benefits each activity may bring to the community.

  • 5. Ask each other

  • - Each S has to interview at least three classmates, they should take notes of their classmates’ answers so later, they can share the most interesting answer with the class.

  • 6. Finish the sentences below:

  • Key:

  • 1. the engine is very good

  • 2. it is going to be cold this evening

  • 3. she’s kind

  • 4. they are not as lucky as we are

  • 5. she works very hard to improve her teaching

  • 7. Role play

  • Using the questions below:

  • 1. When did you start working for your organization?

  • 2. Why did you decide to volunteer?

  • 3. What have you done so far with?

  • 4. Was there anything that made you happy with your work last month?

  • II. Check up the old lesson. (5’)

  • - Ask SS some questions about community service and volunteer work

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • T&Ss’ activities

  • Content

  • * Brainstorming

  • - Elicit the topic from students

  • - Teacher model

  • ? Work in groups to add as many community service and volunteer work as possible.

  • - Teacher monitors and gets feedback.

  • ? Read all the words chorally

  • * Brainstorming

  • * Suggested answers:

  • - helping street children

  • - helping elderly people

  • - cleaning streets

  • - planting trees

  • - clean up beaches

  • - recycling

  • ...................................

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • - Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching vocab

  • - Use different techniques to teach.

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • government (n) chính phủ

  • mentor (n) thầy hướng dẫn

  • to be forced (v) bị ép buộc

  • to be paid (v) được trả luôn

  • 2. T/ F

  • * Set the scene: You are going to read about volunteer work in the United Sates.

  • - Ask ss to read the text silently

  • - Remind ss of some the American volunteer activities they learnt in Communication

  • - Ask them to do the T/ F exercise individually

  • - Explain their choice before giving corrective feedback

  • 2. T/ F

  • Key: 1. T 2.T 3.F 4.F

  • (3. The text says Americans have had the tradition of volunteering since the early days of the country. The USA was born or declared its independence in 1776.)

  • (4. Americans volunteer because they enjoy it, and not because they are forced or paid to do it.)

  • - Call on ss to read the statements from Ex 2 aloud. Ask ss to guess if the statements are true or false

  • 3. Questions and answers

  • - Ask ss to read the passage again and answer the questions. Correct the answers as a class

  • 3. Questions and answers

  • Key:

  • 2- 3- 5- 6

  • 4. Speaking.

  • * Filling the table

  • - Work individually to fill in the table with their own ideas for volunteer activities

  • - Encourage them to think of all the activities they have learnt so far in this unit, and other activities that they know.

  • - Tell ss they only need to write in note form and not in full sentences

  • * Group work

  • - Work in groups and take turns to talk about community service and volunteer work

  • - Have some students talk about community service and volunteer work

  • - Teacher monitors and give delayed correction.

  • ? Vote for the most exciting conversation.

  • 4. Speaking.

  • - Individual work to complete the table with their own ideas

  • - Work in group. Then share with the class

  • II. Check up the old lesson (5’)

  • - Ask SS to write some vocabulary

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • T&Ss’ activities

  • Content

  • I. Warm up (5’)

  • * Chatting

  • ? What should you mention when you talk about community service and volunteer work?

  • II. Pre- Listening (5’)

  • 1. Discussing the questions

  • ? Answer the questions

  • - Ask students to pick choose a volunteering idea from the previous lessons.

  • III. While – listening (10’)

  • 1. Listen and fill in the blanks:

  • * Set the sence: Remind students of the interview between the Global Citizen reporter and the two students who do volunteer work with B a Buddy and Go Green. Recall what happen in the first part of the interview. Ask them if they can guess what Mai and Phuc will talk about in the second part of the interview

  • - Play the audio again and let ss fill in the blanks

  • 2. Listen and answer the question

  • - Play the recording and elicit from ss the gist of this recording

  • - Tell ss that this exercise is to prepare ss for the writing section later where they learn how to give reasons for their ideas and opinions

  • ? Run through all the questions in 1-4

  • ? Listen and answer the questions then compare with your partner.

  • IV. Writing (15’)

  • 3. Combine the two sentences using because

  • ? Work in pair to combine the two sentences using because

  • 4. Writing

  • - Tell students now they will write a paragraph using the ideas they generated in Speaking 4

  • - T ask students to answer the questions:

  • - Ask students to read Example in text book

  • - Have one student write his/ her paragraph on the board.

  • ? Comment and correct if neccesary

  • * Chatting

  • - Name of the community service and volunteer work

  • - Time you started the community service and volunteer work

  • - Feeling about the hobby

  • - Your future plan about the community service and volunteer work

  • * Discussing the questions

  • + Who do you think benefits from volunteer work?

  • + How do people benefit from volunteer work?

  • 1. Listen and fill in the blanks:

  • Key: 1. volunteer

  • 2. feel

  • 3. because

  • 4. because, children

  • 2. Listen and answer the question

  • Key:

  • 1. Phuc does volunteer work because he thinks it makes a difference in the community

  • 2. Phuc feels more self- confident because he has made many new friends

  • 3. The reporter thinks that Phuc is confident because he has answered the interview questions very well

  • 4. Mai thinks volunteering is special because she can help others, and because she can see how happy the street children are when they learn

  • 3. Combine the two sentences using because

  • - Listen to teacher’s instruction

  • 4. Writing

  • ? What do you want to do

  • ? Why do you want to do it?

  • ? How are you going to do it?

  • - Prepare: Looking back and project

  • - Divide the class into 5 groups to prepare Project

  • II. Check up the old lesson. (5’)

  • - Ask SS to write some vocabulary

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • Teacher's & Students’ activities

  • Content

  • I. Warm up (4 minutes)

  • * Guessing game

  • - Divide the students into two big groups.

  • - Techer gives the definition of a community service or volunteer work.

  • ? Listen and say aloud the name of the community service or volunteer work

  • - Who has the quicker and correct answer will get one point.

  • - Teacher monitors and gets feedbacck.

  • * Guessing game

  • - Listen and say out the name of the community service or volunteer work

  • * Looking back

  • II. Vocabulary (5 minutes)

  • 1. Matching

  • ? Run through the verbs in the box.

  • ? Put one of the verbs/ phrases from the box. Match the verbs in blue with the correct words in the box.

  • ? Work individually then compare with your partner.

  • - Teacher checks and confirms the correct answers.

  • 1. Matching

  • Key:

  • 1. donate: food, books, clothing, blood

  • 2. provide: evening classes, food, care, books, education, clothing, attention

  • 3. help: the community, homeless people, the elderly, the disabled

  • III. Grammar (15 minutes)

  • 1. Matching

  • ? What are the differences between the past simple and present perfect?

  • ? Choose the best option to complete the passage.

  • ? Work individualy then compare the answers with your partner.

  • - Call on some students to give the answers.

  • - Work individually

  • 1. Matching

  • Key:

  • 1. never

  • 3. already

  • 5. yesterday

  • 2. last week

  • 4. yet

  • 1. Matching

  • - Get some students write their answers on the board.

  • - Give feedback

  • 4. Finish the sentences below:

  • - Ask ss to work in pairs to complete the sentences

  • 1. Matching

  • Key:

  • 1. has ever met

  • 2. visited

  • 3. has visited

  • 4. did Shakespeare write

  • 5. has she written

  • - pair work

  • 4. Finish the sentences below:

  • Key:

  • 1. the engine is very good

  • 2. it is going to be cold this evening

  • 3. she’s kind

  • 4. they are not as lucky as we are

  • 5. she works very hard to improve her teaching

  • IV. Communication (4 minutes)

  • 5. Role play

  • ? Work in pairs in 5'

  • - Student A plays the role of a reporter. Student B talks about her/ his volunteer work. Interview the other about his/her hobbies.

  • - Teacher monitors and gives help.

  • - Ask some pairs to act out the interview.

  • ? Vote for the best interview.

  • V. Project (7 minutes)

  • - Ask students to demonstrate their ideas

  • 5. Role play

  • Using the questions below:

  • 1. When did you start working for your organization?

  • 2. Why did you decide to volunteer?

  • 3. What have you done so far with?

  • 4. Was there anything that made you happy with your work last month?

  • *. Project

  • - Demonstrate them.

  • II. Check up the old lesson.(5’)

  • - Ask SS to write some vocabulary on the board.

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • Ex 4: - Work individually

  • - Work individually

  • - Work individually

  • II. Check up the old lesson. (In warm up)

  • - Feed back:

  • I. Warm up (5')

  • * Worksheet

  • - Let Ss paly in 2 groups

  • - T. monitors and gets feedbacck.

  • - Work in groups

  • Key:

  • 1. Hobbies

  • 2. Health

  • II. Practice

  • A. Pronunciation (5')

  • Ex.1. Circle the words and listen to check

  • - Work individually to circle the word

  • - Share your answer with a partner.

  • - Teacher checks and confirms the correct answers.

  • 3. A. usually B. sister C. season

  • B. Grammar (25')

  • * Tenses

  • - Recall the form , use and signals of present simple, past simple, future simple and present perfest tense

  • - Call on some students to give the answers.

  • - Work independently

  • - Get some students read aloud the sentences.

  • - Give feedback

  • Ex.4. Make sentences

  • - Work in pairs to write down the form of a passive sentence in simple present and simple past.

  • - Recall how to change an active sentence into a passive one.

  • - Rewrite sentences independently then compare with your partner.

  • - Teacher monitors and gives help if necessary.

  • - Do Ex 1,2,3,4 (workbook)

  • ? Look at the picture on page 45.

  • ? Do you know what it is?

  • ? What do you know about Picasso?

  • 1. a guitar

  • 2. a drum

  • 3. Đàn Bầu (one string guitar)

  • 4. a violin

  • 5. a cello

  • 6. a piano

  • *Matching (Match the types of music with the adjectives to describe them)

  • 1. Pop music a. old, emotional

  • 2. Folk music b. lively, exciting

  • 3. Rock and roll c. quick

  • 4. Hip-hop d. sad, melodic

  • 5. Blues e. popular, pleasant

  • - - - - - / - - - - - - - -

  • (water puppetry)

  • - Read the sample letter carefully and choose the correct answer to the question below:

  • Is it a formal letter or an informal one?

  • Which sentences show Duong's invitation?

  • - Why would you write an informal letter of invitation? And to whom?

  • - Match the words in column A with the one in column B.

  • A

  • B

  • 1. opera

  • 2. painting

  • 3. cinema

  • 4. instrument

  • 5. photographer

  • a. musician

  • b. film

  • c. artist

  • d. camera

  • e. singer

  • 1. photograph / not / big / painting.

  • 2. My painting / not/ expensive/ this painting.

  • 3. This picture / not different/ the picture /our room.

  • 4. This film / same /the one/ we see/last week.

  • - Ask SS som questions about music and arts.

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • I. Warm up (5')

  • * Chatting

  • - Teacher writes on the board: Music + Arts

  • ? Answer the questions

  • - Preseent the topic of this unit: Music and Arts

  • 1. Do you often listen to music? When? How often?

  • 2. What kind of music do you like? Why?

  • 3. What is art?/ …are arts? Give examples.

  • - Art: the use of imagination to express ideas or feelings, particularly in painting, drawing or sculpture.

  • - The arts (in general): art, music, theatre, literature, etc when you think of them as a group.

  • II. Presentation (10')

  • * Vocabulary

  • - portrait (picture)

  • : (n)

  • ảnh chân dung

  • - crayon (picture)

  • : (n)

  • bút màu sáp

  • - musician (picture)

  • : (n)

  • nhạc sĩ

  • - crowd (picture)

  • : (n)

  • đám đông

  • - atmosphere (transl)

  • : (n)

  • không khí

  • - museum

  • : (n)

  • viện bảo tàng

  • ? Look at the picture P38.

  • - Ask SS to answer some questions

  • - Ask student to listen to the tape.

  • - Ask students to read in pairs

  • a. True or false (aP39)

  • - Run through all the statements with students.

  • - Work individually to answer the questions.

  • -Teacher checks their answers and gives explanation if necessary.

  • ? Who are Duong and Nick?

  • ? Can you guess what they are talking about?

  • - They are weekend

  • 1. True or false

  • Key:

  • 1. T

  • 2. F

  • 3. T

  • 4. F

  • 5. F

  • b. Complete the sentences (b P39)

  • - Read the dialogue again then complete the sentences

  • - Work individually then share the answers with your partner.

  • - Teacher monitors and gets feedback

  • 2. Complete the sentences

  • Key:

  • 1. as good as

  • 2. loud

  • 3. fantastic

  • 4. in person

  • 5. cinema

  • c. Find the express and extend the conversation (c, d P39)

  • - Divide the students into four groups.

  • ? Work in group to find the expressions in c P39.

  • - In group, work in pairs to make short role-plays with the expression.

  • - Teacher monitors and gives help.

  • - Have some pairs act out their conversations.

  • 3. Find the express and extend the conversation

  • E.g:

  • A: There'll be a music concert on Teachers' Day.

  • B: Really? Are we going to sing?

  • A: Yes, of course.

  • - Work individually

  • 4. Matching

  • Key:

  • 1. microphone

  • 2. camera

  • 3. painting

  • 5. portrait

  • 7. crayons

  • 9. opera

  • 4. musical instruments

  • 6. art gallery

  • 8. museum

  • 10. paintbrush

  • 2. Matching (3- P39)

  • - Look at the pictures P39. What do you know about them?

  • - Match the correct word/ phrase under each picture.

  • - Listen and repeat all the words.

  • IV. Production. (7')

  • Gap fill (3 P39)

  • - Run through all the sentences

  • - Work in pairs to complete the sentences in 2

  • - Have some students read aloud the sentences.

  • - What are the differences between a painting and a portrait; a museum and an art gallery?

  • 5. Gap fill

  • 1. art gallery

  • 2. paintings

  • 3. museum

  • 4. camera

  • 5. opera

  • Note:

  • - A portrait: a painting, drawing or photograph of a person, especialy of the head and shoulders.

  • - A painting: a picture that has been made using painting.

  • - A museum: a building in which objects of artistic, cultural, historical, or sicientific interest are kept and shown to the public.

  • - An art gallery: A building where paintings and other works of art are shown to the public for sale.

  • - Listen and take note the assignments

  • - Ex B P29-31 (Workbook)

  • - Prepare next lesson.

  • - Ask SS to do Ex B P29-31 (Workbook)

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes

  • III. New lesson (35 minutes)

  • I. Warm up (5')

  • * Brainstorming

  • - Work in groups to add as many musical instruments as possible.

  • - Teacher monitors and gets feedback.

  • * Brainstorming

  • * Suggested answers:

  • - piano, drum, guitar, violin, flute

  • II. Vocabylary (18')

  • 1.Vocabulary

  • * Checking : Rub out and remember

  • * Listen and repeat the words (1P40)

  • ? Listen and repeat the words in 1 P40 chorally and individually.

  • 2. Matching

  • -Ask Ss to match the verbs with the right words / phrases.

  • - SS work in pairs

  • - Feed back and correct

  • 3. a. Jumbled words

  • ? Reoder the letters to make musical instruments.

  • 1.Vocabulary

  • - cello

  • : (n)

  • đàn viôlông xen

  • - saxophone

  • : (n)

  • kèn xắc xô

  • - ocean

  • : (n)

  • đại dương

  • - decision

  • : (n)

  • quyết định

  • - leisure

  • : (n)

  • thời gian rảnh rỗi,

  • - vesion

  • : (n)

  • phiên bản

  • 2. Matching

  • A

  • B

  • play

  • draw

  • write

  • work

  • take

  • a song

  • a portrait

  • a photo

  • as an actor

  • the guitar

  • Keys:

  • e 2.b 3.a 4.d 5.c

  • 3. Jumbled words (3a P40)

  • 1. drum 2. piano

  • 3. cello 4. guitar

  • 5. violin 6. saxophone

  • 3.b. Matching

  • ? Run through all the words with students.

  • ? Work in pairs to write the type of musical instruments in the box under each picture.

  • - Teacher checks their answers.

  • ? Read aloud all the words again.

  • 3.b. Matching

  • Key:

  • 1. a guitar

  • 2. a drum

  • 3. Đàn Bầu (one string guitar)

  • 4. a violin

  • 5. a cello

  • 6. a piano

  • 7. a saxophone

  • 4. Complete the sentences (b P39)

  • ? Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

  • ? Work individually then compare with your partner.

  • - Teacher monitors and gets feedback

  • 4. Complete the sentences

  • - Complete and read the sentences

  • Key:

  • 1. singer

  • 2. Pop

  • 3. painter

  • 4. draw

  • 5. puppets

  • 6. instrument

  • III. Pronunciation (10')

  • 5. Listen and repeat (5 P40)

  • ? Drill the sounds in chorus and individually.

  • ? Listen and repeat the words.

  • 6. Listen and put them into two groups

  • / ∫ /

  • 5. Listen and repeat

  • - Practice the sounds.

  • / ∫ /: condition, ocean, shy, sugar, machine.

  • / Ʒ /: measure, pleasure, usual, vision, television

  • Listen and repeat the words.

  • Ex 6:

  • / ∫ /: anxious, musician, dishwasher,

  • / Ʒ /: closure, occasion, leisure, television

  • ? Listen and repeat the sentences.

  • ? Underline the words with the sounds // once, underline the words with the sounds twice.

  • - Listen and repeat

  • - Underline the words.

  • - Ask SS to do exercises A, B1-2 P28 (Workbook)

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • I. Warm up (5')


  • 1. rmud 2. Noaip 3. lloec

  • 4. trayig 5. Linvoi 6. xohonepas


  • 1. drum 2. piano

  • 3. cello 4. guitar

  • 5. violin 6. saxophone

  • II. Presentation (10')

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • * Checking: R.O.R

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • - nightingale

  • : (n)

  • chim sơn ca

  • - horror

  • : (n)

  • sự khủng khiếp

  • 2. Comparisions (1P40)

  • The yellow ruler is not as long as the red ruler.

  • ? Recall how to use comparisions that you have learnt in English 5 and 6.

  • - Teacher explains the uses of three structures:

  • 3. Too and either

  • Ex: A: I like pop music.

  • B: I like it, too.

  • A: My mum doesn’t like rock and roll.

  • B: My mum doesn’t like it, either.

  • - Have a pair to act out the example

  • ? How do we use too and either?

  • 2. Comparisions

  • 1. - as + adj + as: to show that two things are similar.

  • - not as + adj + as to mean something is "more" or "less" than something else.

  • 2. the same as.....: to show similarity.

  • 3. different from: to show that two or more things are different.

  • 3. Too and either

  • - Too: used to express agreement with a positive statement.

  • - Either: used to express agreement with a negative statement.

  • II. Practice ( 15')

  • 1. Comparisons

  • 1.1. Ex1 P 41

  • ? Work individually to write down the missing words.

  • ? Compare with your partner.

  • Teacher checks their answers.

  • 1. Comparisons

  • Key:

  • 1. as

  • 2. as

  • 3. as

  • 4. from

  • 5. as

  • 6. as

  • 1.2. Ex2 P41

  • ? Look at the two pictures in Ex 2.

  • ? Can you find out any differences between "My hometown today" and it was 5 years ago?

  • ? Read the text by yourself then put suitable words in each gap.

  • ? Work individually then compare with your partner.

  • - Teacher monitors and gets feedback

  • - Study the pictures and answer the teacher's querstion.

  • Key:

  • 1. the same as

  • 2. as quiet as

  • 3. different from

  • 4. as narrow as

  • 5. friendly as

  • 6. the same as

  • 2. Too and either

  • 2.1 Ex4 P42

  • ? Work independently, writing down the answers.

  • ? Then work in groups to check and read out the sentences.

  • - Teacher monitors, gives help and correct if necessary.

  • 2. Too and either

  • - Work independently and in groups.

  • Key:

  • 1. too

  • 2. either

  • 3. either

  • 4. too

  • 5. too

  • 2.2. Ex5 P42

  • ? Run through the given words

  • ? Work independently, writing down your sentences to make a list of the likes and dislikes.

  • - Encourage students to give their own ideas.

  • Students’ ideas.

  • III. Production (5')

  • Ex3and 6 P42 : Lucky number

  • ? Work in pairs to share your lists of ideas.

  • - Have some more able students report their results to the class.

  • 3. Lucky number

  • E.g:

  • A: Young Talent is not as old as Nightingale.

  • B: Yes. But Nightingale is more friendly than Young Talent.

  • - Nam is interested in drawing and I am too.

  • - Ex B3- B5 P30 - 31 (Workbook)

  • - Ask SS to do exercises B3- B5 P30 - 31 (Workbook)

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • I. Warm up (5')

  • * Brainstorming

  • - Teacher elicits the topic from students.

  • ? Brainstorm in groups to geve the names of famous musician, actors, actresses, painters, drama director... you know in 2'

  • - Teacher models

  • ? Work in groups to add as many names as possible.

  • ? Show your list that you have written.

  • - Teacher monitors and gets feedback.

  • - The group has the longest list wins the game.

  • II. Presentation (12')

  • 1.Vocabulary

  • * Checking: What and where

  • 1.Vocabulary

  • - composer

  • : (n)

  • nhà soạn nhạc, nhạc sĩ

  • - curriculum

  • : (n)

  • chương trình giảng dạy

  • - academic

  • : (n)

  • thuộc nghiên cứu

  • - anthem

  • : (n)

  • bài quốc ca

  • - originate

  • : (n)

  • bắt nguồn

  • 2. Music Quiz (1.P43)

  • ? What do you know about Music and Arts?

  • ? Work in pairs and answer the questions by choosing a correct answer.

  • - SS work in groups

  • 2. Music Quiz

  • Key:

  • 1. B

  • 3. A

  • 5. B

  • III. Practice (18')

  • 1. Pre-questions

  • ? Answer teacher's questions

  • a. Do you like music and arts?

  • b. Do you they are necessary or not at school?

  • - Students' ideas

  • 2. Read and discuss

  • ? Work individually to read the text and understand the main ideas in 3'

  • ? Run through the question in 1 P43

  • ? Then work in groups of four or five to discuss the questions.

  • - Each group may have a secretary to take notes all the group's members' ideas.

  • - Teacher goes round the class to give support if necessary.

  • ? Choose one of your members to present your ideas to the class.

  • - Other groups listen and give comments.

  • - Teacher comments on their clarity, language and fluency (but not on their "positive" or "negative" ideas.

  • 2. Read and discuss

  • Looking backs (Communication)

  • 3. Matching

  • ? Read the questions and answers once or twice.

  • ? Match individually.

  • ? Compare with your partner.

  • ? Work in pairs to role play the questions and answers.

  • ? Write all the sentences in your notebooks.

  • - Teacher monitors and gives help.

  • 4. Self - assessment

  • ? Complete the self-assessment.

  • - Teacher finds out any difficult and weak areas from students.

  • 3. Matching

  • 1. B 2. A 3. E

  • 4. C 5. D 6. F

  • 5. Gap fill (2 P46)

  • ? Run through the words in the box.

  • ? Read the text carefully, then work in pairs to put a word from the box in each gap to complete the passage.

  • - Teacher checks and confirms the correct answers.

  • - Have some students read the passage.

  • 5. Gap fill

  • - Work individually and in pairs

  • Key:

  • 1. music

  • 2. arts

  • 3. stages

  • 4. go

  • 5. films

  • - Group work: make a list from the most useful to least useful subjects

  • - Give a talk to the class

  • - Ex C1, 2 P32 (Workbook)

  • - Prepare next lesson. Unit 4. Lesson 5. Skills 1

  • - Ask SS som questions about music and arts.

  • I. Warm up (5')

  • * Shark attacked

  • - Teacher write on the board

  • - Give instructions on how to do shark attack.

  • ? Guess one by one letter.

  • * Shark attacked

  • - - - - - / - - - - - - - -

  • (water puppetry)

  • II. Pre reading (5')

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • * Checking: What and where

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • - rural

  • : (adj)

  • thuộc nông thôn

  • - unique

  • : (adj)

  • độc đáo

  • - melodic

  • (adj)

  • du dương, ngọt ngào

  • - tic tac toe

  • : (n)

  • trò chơi cờ ca rô

  • 2. Pre questions ( Discussion)

  • ? Discuss and answer the questions given in 3'.

  • a. What kinds of traditional Vietnamese performances do you know about?

  • ? Look at the picture on page 44. What is it about?

  • b. Do you know about water puppetry?

  • c. Have you ever been to a water puppetry show?

  • d. If yes, did you like it? Why/ Why not?

  • - Teacher elicits the answers from students and gives feedback.

  • -> Today we are going to read for more information about water puppetry.

  • 2. Pre questions

  • Discuss and answer the questions

  • Key: (students' ideas)

  • III. While-reading (10’)

  • 1. Find the words in the text

  • ? Read the text two or three times in 3'

  • ? Work individually to find the words.

  • ? Compare with your partner.

  • - Call on some students to say the words

  • - Teacher writes on the board.

  • 1. Find the words in the text

  • Key:

  • 1. unique 2. originated

  • 3. performed 4. rural

  • 5. festivals

  • 2. Answer the questions

  • ? Run through the questions in P44

  • ? Read the text again then answer the questions individually.

  • ? Compare with your partner.

  • - Call on some individuals to read aloud to the class.

  • - Teacher checks their pronunciation and intonation

  • - Explain the new words and clarify anything difficult.

  • 2. Answer the questions

  • - read and answer the questions

  • Key:

  • 1. It began in the 11th century.

  • 2. It takes place in a pool.

  • 3. They are controlled by puppeteers.

  • 4. They are made of wood.

  • 5. They are about everyday life in the countryside and about folk tales.

  • III. Post reading ( 15')

  • Speaking

  • 1. Matching (3 P44)

  • ? Work in pairs to match the two columns.

  • ? Compare with your partner.

  • Teacher checks their answers.

  • - Allow students some time to talk about their favourite kind of music. (Base on some

  • suggested questions)

  • 1. Matching

  • Key:

  • 1. e

  • 2. a

  • 3. b

  • * Suggested questions:

  • 1. What kind of music do you like best? Why?

  • 2. Do you play any musical instruments?

  • 3. When and how often do you listen to music?

  • 4. How useful is music to you?

  • E.g: I like classical music best because of its sweet melody. I often listen to my favourite music every day before going to bed. It makes me relaxed and sleep well after a hardworking day.

  • 2. Game: Tic Tac Toe (4 P44)

  • - Teacher explains the rules of the game Tic Tac Toe to students.

  • ? Work in pairs, decide which partner is "X", which is "O" and who will go first.

  • - Teacher models:

  • - Continue the game

  • - The first person to get three Xs or Os in a row, wins!

  • 2. Game: Tic Tac Toe

  • A: "I want number 2"

  • B: "Ok, sing a song in English"

  • - Ex D,2,3 P33 - 34 (Workbook)

  • - Prepare next lesson. Unit 4. Lesson 6: Skills 2

  • - Ask SS to play the game Tic Tac Toe

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • I. Warm up (5')

  • - Teacher elicits some phrases from students

  • - Teacher writes on the board

  • II. Pre listening (8')

  • 1. Set the scene

  • ? Look at the picture on page 45.

  • ? Do you know what it is?

  • ? What do you know about Picasso?

  • - Today we are going to listen to a text about Picasso.

  • 2. Open prediction (1 P45)

  • ? Before listening, guess four of the words in 1 P45 that you will hear in the text.

  • ? Compare with your partner.

  • - Teacher elicits and writes students' guess on the board.

  • - Teacher explains Listening Tip to students.

  • III. While listening(15’)

  • ? Listen to the text twice and check your guess.

  • - Teacher gets feedback.

  • Picasso sculpture in Halmstad.

  • (Students' ideas)

  • - Guess individually and write down the words

  • - Study the Listening Tip and listen to the teacher.

  • Key:

  • 1. artist 2. training

  • 4. portrait 6. paintings

  • 2. Questions and answers (2P45)

  • ? Run through all the questions.

  • ? Listen again and choose a correct answer.

  • - Teacher checks their answer and explains if necessary.

  • - Listen and choose the correct answer.

  • Key:

  • 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C

  • 3. Discussion

  • ? Listen to the text again then work in group to discuss how the listening is organized. (according to timeline, the order of important events, or other way)

  • - According to timeline

  • IV. Post listening (15')

  • 1. Reading (4 P45)

  • * Set the scene: You are going to read a letter from Duong

  • ? Read the sample letter carefully and choose the correct answer to the question below.

  • ? Is it a formal letter or an informal one?

  • ? Which sentences show Duong's invitation?

  • ? Why would you write an informal letter of invitation? And to whom?

  • ? Study the writing tip.

  • 1. A 2. B

  • - It's an informal letter.

  • - How about watching a water puppet show?

  • - We write an informal letter of invitation to invite somebody to do something. And to somebody who has close relationship to us.

  • Write an informal letter to a friend.

  • - Ex E1,2 P34 -35 (Workbook)

  • - Prepare next lesson. Unit 4. Lesson 7: Looking back and project

  • - Ask SS som questions about music and arts.

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • I. Warm up (3')

  • * Matching (1 P46)

  • - Techer gives out the posters of columns A and B

  • ? Go to the board and match the words in column A with the one in column B.

  • - Teacher monitors and gets feedbacck.

  • * Matching

  • Key:

  • 1. e 2. c 3. b

  • 4. a 5. d

  • II. Grammar (12')

  • 1. Complete the sentences (4 P46)

  • ? Run through all the words in the box.

  • ? Work individualy to put the words/ phrases from the box in the gap to complete the sentences.

  • ? Compare the answers with your partner.

  • - Call on some students to give the answers.

  • 2. Complete the sentences

  • - Work individually

  • Key:

  • 1. art gallery

  • 2. artistic

  • 3. films

  • 4. in person

  • 5. sung

  • 2. Review comparison (4 P46)

  • ? Work individually first to write the sentences.

  • ? Then work in pairs to swaps your sentences.

  • - Teacher correction and call on some students to read the sentences aloud

  • 3. Review comparison

  • 1. The photograph is not as big as the painting.

  • 2. My painting is not as expensive as this painting.

  • 3. This picture is not different from the picture in our room.

  • 4. This film is the same as the one we saw last week.

  • 5. The journey was not as long as we thought at first.

  • 3. Review too and either (5 P46)

  • ? How do we use too and either?

  • ? Work independently to complete the sentences with too or either.

  • ? Check your answers with your partner.

  • - Teacher gets feedback.

  • 4. Review too and either

  • - Answer independently

  • Key:

  • 1. too 2. either 3. either

  • 4. too 5. too

  • - While a group is presenting, other groups observe and get ready to give comments.

  • II. Check up the old lesson (In warm up)

  • I.Warm up (5')

  • * Brainstoming

  • noodles sweet soup

  • II. Presentation (10')

  • * Set the sence: ? Look at the picture P84 ask some questions.

  • - T introduces the new lesson

  • - Ask student to listen to the tape.

  • - Ask students to read in pairs

  • a. Answer the questions (P349)

  • -Run through all the questions

  • -Play the recording and ask ss to listen and read

  • -Ask ss to work individually to answer the questions

  • -Have ss share their answers

  • -Call on some pairs to ask and answer the questions

  • -Ask 3ss to write the answers on the board

  • - Confirm the correct answers

  • - tofu

  • : (n)

  • đậu phụ

  • - carton

  • : (n)

  • hộp bìa cứng

  • -instead of

  • : (adv)

  • thay vì

  • - omelette

  • : (n)

  • trứng rán

  • -turmeric

  • :(n)

  • củ nghệ

  • -bitter

  • :(adj)

  • đắng

  • -fragrant

  • :(adj)

  • thơm

  • -sour

  • :(adj)

  • chua

  • -spicy

  • :(adj)

  • cay

  • -salt

  • : (n)

  • muối, man

  • ? Where are Phong and his mother ?

  • ? What are they doing?

  • ? What is there in the fridge

  • ?Have you ever had dinner alone?

  • 2. Answer the questions

  • Key:

  • 1. Because his parents are going to the opera tonight and they won’t be home untill 9.pm.

  • 2. There is some rice left from lunch.

  • 3. He should warm it up.

  • 4. She will buy some milk tomorrow.

  • 5. He can have some orange juice instead of milk.

  • 2. Match, listen , check and repeat ( P49)

  • -Go through the words and pictures

  • - Have ss quickly match each word/with its picture. Then play the recording for ss to check their answers, pausing after each phrase and asking them to repeat chorally and individually.

  • -Correct their pronunciation

  • 3.Ask and answer questions with a partner

  • -Ask ss to think about their favourite food and drink and what questions they can ask about their partner’s favourite food and drink

  • - T models with a student

  • -Ask ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions

  • -Call on some pairs to practice

  • - Work in pairs

  • Eg:

  • A: What is your favourite food?

  • B:It’s pho bo- beef noodle soup

  • B: When do you usually eat it?

  • A:In the morning

  • ………………….

  • 4.Listen and repeat the adjectives (P39)

  • - Play the recording and ask ss to listen and repeat the adjectives

  • - Have ss use the adjectives to talk about the food in part 2

  • - T can give example

  • - Call on some ss to talk in front of the class

  • 5. Listen and repeat the adjectives

  • Eg: I like beef noodle soup very much. It is very tasty

  • ………..

  • - Guide ss how to do ex B1,2,3 P29-30 (Workbook)

  • - Prepare next lesson. Unit 5: A closer look 1

  • - Feed back:

  • I. Warm up (5')

  • * Saying food or drink and their taste

  • - Divide the class into 2 teams

  • -One student in each group says aloud the name of food or drink, the one in other group says out its taste

  • * Saying food or drink and their taste

  • - Take part in the game

  • 1.Vocabulary

  • -pour

  • : (v)

  • đổ

  • -fold

  • : (v)

  • gấp, cuộn

  • -beat

  • : (v)

  • đập

  • -serve

  • : (v)

  • trang trí, phục vụ

  • -mixture

  • : (n)

  • hỗn hợp

  • -spring roll

  • : (n)

  • nem

  • -flour

  • : (n)

  • bột mì

  • -ingredient

  • : (n)

  • thành phần

  • -dish

  • : (n)

  • món ăn

  • -pepper

  • : (n)

  • hạt tiêu

  • II. Vocabylary(20')

  • 1.Vocabulary

  • * Checking: Jumbled words

  • Ex 1. Complete the instructions . (P50)

  • - Have ss work individually ,go through the verbs, look at the pictures , sentences then complete the instructions

  • - Ask ss to listen to the recording to check, pause after each instruction then ask them to repeat

  • Key:

  • 1. Beat 2. Heat 3. Pour

  • 4. Fold 5. Serve

  • 2. Ordering

  • Key:

  • 1. Beat the eggs together with sugar, floor, and milk

  • 2.Pour ¼ cup of the mixture into the pan at a time

  • 3. Heat the oil over a medium heat in a frying pan

  • 4. Cook until golden

  • 5.Serve the pancake with some vegetables

  • Ex 2. Ordering (P50)

  • -Ask ss to do the exercise individually and then check with the whole class

  • Ex 3. Put the following nouns in the correct columns.

  • 3. Put the following nouns in the correct columns

  • Dishes

  • Ingredients

  • Pancake

  • Salt

  • Beef noodle soup

  • Cooking oil

  • Spring rolls

  • Flour

  • Noodles

  • Pork

  • Pork

  • Turmeric

  • Omelette

  • Pepper

  • Sandwich

  • noodles

  • III. Pronunciation (10')

  • Ex 4. Listen and repeat the words. Pay attention to the sounds /ɒ/ and /ɔː/

  • - T explains how to pronounce the sound /ɒ/ and /ɔː/ / then practice .

  • -Play the recording once

  • - Ask ss to listen again then put the words in the correct column

  • -Play the recording 2 times

  • -Have ss share their answers with their partner

  • - Give feedback

  • 5.Listen to the sentences and circle

  • -Ask ss to listen and circle the words they hear

  • - Ask ss to share with their partner

  • - Give feedback

  • 4. Listen and repeat the words. Pay attention to the sounds /ɒ/ and /ɔː/

  • /ɒ/: Nguyên âm này ở giữa âm nửa mở và âm mở đối với vị trí của lưỡi, phát âm môi tròn

  • /ɔː/: Lưỡi di chuyển về phía sau , phần lưỡi phía sau nâng lên, môi tròn và mở rộng

  • /ɒ/

  • /ɔː/

  • Soft

  • Pork

  • Hot

  • Salt

  • Bottle

  • Fork

  • Pot

  • Sport

  • Rod

  • Sauce

  • 5. Listen to the sentences and circle Key

  • 1. cod 2.port 3.sports

  • 4.fox 5.short

  • - Prepare next lesson. Unit 5. Lesson 3 A closer look 2.

  • II. Check up the old lesson.

  • Ask Ss to write the newwords

  • III. New lesson. (40’)

  • I. Warm up (5')

  • * Kim’s game

  • -Take part in the game

  • II. Presentation (15')

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • - Checking: R.O.R

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • - pepper

  • - tumeric

  • - spinach

  • : (n)

  • : (n)

  • : (n)

  • hạt tiêu

  • củ nghệ

  • rau chân vịt

  • 2. Model sentences:

  • a. Countable and uncountable nouns

  • - T uses real things in the class to elicit from ss countable and uncountable noun

  • -Danh từ đếm được là những danh từ có thể đếm.

  • - Danh từ không đếm được thường là một loại chất nào đó (cát, nước, gạo...) cái mà chúng ta không thể đếm được một cách dễ dàng, hay chúng cũng có thể là những ý tưởng trừu tượng như: tự nhiên, không gian, giải trí...

  • - Đôi khi ta cần giải thích số lượng của một thứ gì đó không đếm được. Chúng ta có thể làm được điều này bằng cách sử dụng các từ chỉ đo lường

  • - Ask ss to check exercise 1/page 98

  • -Have ss find more

  • 2. Model sentences:

  • a. Countable or uncountable nouns

  • Eg: There are 4 books in my table

  • There is some water in this bottle

  • Key:

  • - Countable nouns: banana, apple

  • -Uncountable nouns: bread, beef, pepper, turmeric, spinach

  • Eg: a glass of…, a bag of……

  • b. A, an, some, any

  • - T introduces a/ an/ some/ any in the grammar box.

  • a/ an : là những mạo từ bất định, được dùng trước danh từ đếm được số ít để nói về một người hoặc một vật

  • some, any: là đại từ bất định dùng để chỉ số lượng bất định của người hoặc vật khi không cần hoặc không thể nói rõ con số chính xác là bao nhiêu

  • some : dùng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được trong câu khẳng định .

  • Some được dùng trong câu hỏi dạng câu yêu cầu , lời mời

  • any : Dùng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được trong câu nghi vấn và câu phủ định

  • c. How many? How much?

  • - Elicit from ss to get the target item

  • b. A, an, some, any

  • Give examples.

  • + There is an egg.

  • + There are some eggs.

  • + There is some milk.

  • + There aren’t any eggs.

  • c. How many? How much?

  • How much, how many dùng để hỏi về số lượng

  • How many + danh từ đếm được số nhiều

  • How much + danh từ không đếm được

  • How many eggs do we have?

  • How much milk do you need ?

  • III. Practice ( 20')

  • Ex 2 on page 52

  • Play the game : Give me an egg

  • - T divides the class in to 2 teams and guides ss how to play and demonstrates the game to the class

  • Ex3 on page 52. Fill in the blanks with a/an, some or any

  • - Ask ss to read the instruction

  • - Have ss work individually then share with their partners before checking with the whole class

  • Key :

  • 1. any

  • 2. some

  • 3.some

  • 4. any

  • 5. a

  • 6. an

  • Key :

  • 1. How many

  • 2. How many

  • 3. How many

  • 4. How many

  • 5. How much

  • - Work in pair : one asks one gives the answers

  • Key :

  • 1. How much water do you drink everyday?

  • 2. How much rice do you eat for dinner?

  • 3. How much vegetables do you eat everyday?

  • Ex 4. Fill in the blanks.

  • -Ask ss to work individually and share with their partners before checking with the whole class

  • - Work individually and share with their partners before checking with the whole class

  • Ex 5 on page 52

  • - Use the suggested words to make questions with How many/ How much then interview your partner.

  • - Have ss work in pair: one asks one gives the answers

  • 4. How many apples do you eat everyday?

  • - Ex B4,5,6 P37 - 38 (Workbook)

  • - Prepare next lesson: Unit 5. Lesson 4 Communication.

  • II. Test 15 minutes

  • I. Warm up (5') Brainstorming

  • - Teacher elicits the topic from students.

  • ? Brainstorm in groups to give the names of food and drink

  • - Teacher models

  • ? Work in groups to add as many dishes as possible.

  • ? Show your list that you have written.

  • - Teacher monitors and gets feedback.

  • - The group has the longest list wins the game.

  • II. The new lesson

  • 1. Vocabulary (5’)

  • - Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching vocab

  • - Use different techniques to teach.

  • * Checking: What and where

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • - sausage

  • : (n)

  • xúc xích

  • - yoghurt

  • : (n)

  • sữa chua

  • - tuna

  • : (n)

  • cá ngừ

  • - ham

  • : (n)

  • giăm bông

  • -sauce

  • : (n)

  • nước sốt

  • -chef

  • :(n)

  • đầu bếp

  • -slice

  • :(n/v)

  • lát/ thái lát

  • - grill

  • :(v)

  • nướng

  • 2. Listening (5')

  • Ex 1. page 53. Listen and check the food the chef mentions

  • 1. Prediction

  • -Ask ss to look at the picture of the chef and predict which food or dishes he might like

  • - Collect some ss' ideas

  • 2. Listening

  • - Look at the picture of the chef and predict which food or dishes he might like

  • 2. Checking prediction

  • - Play the recording and let ss check their prediction

  • - Play the recording again and ask ss to tick the food the chef mentions from the extra vocabulary box

  • Key :

  • -sticky rice

  • -sausage

  • -yoghurt

  • -tuna

  • 3. Writing (10')

  • Ex 2. Page 53. Whattare your favourite foods and drnks. Write he answers.

  • - Run the through the questions

  • - Ask ss to work individually

  • - T goes round to help ss if they need the name of some food or drink that are not mentioned in the lesson

  • - Have ss share their answers in pairs to find out what they have in common with their partners

  • 3. Writing

  • - Work individualy to write the ansers then share the answers with partners

  • E4. page 53. Report the results to the class

  • - Call on some ss to report the results of their interview before the whole class

  • - After each st has finished his/her report, T invites some comments from other ss. Then T makes comment

  • - Report the results of their interview before the class

  • - Learn by heart vocabulary and structures

  • - Gide ss how to do ex C1, 2 P39 (Workbook)

  • II. Check up the old lesson. (In warm up)

  • I. Warm up (5') Chatting

  • - What do you know about Pho?

  • - What are the ingredients for it?

  • - What kinds of Pho do you know?

  • - Which place is famous for this dish?

  • - Do you like this dish? Why? why not?

  • Introduces the new lesson

  • Chatting

  • - Answer the questions

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • - stew

  • : (v)

  • hầm

  • - beaf

  • : (n)

  • thịt bò

  • - broth

  • : (n)

  • nước xuýt

  • - delicous

  • : (adj)

  • ngon

  • - flour

  • : (n)

  • bột mì

  • - ham

  • : (n)

  • giăm bông

  • - bone

  • : (n)

  • xương

  • - boneless

  • : (adj)

  • không có xương

  • - recipe

  • : (n)

  • công thức nấu ăn

  • II. Reading (10’)

  • 1. Vocabulary

  • - Teacher follows the seven steps of teaching vocab

  • - Use different techniques to teach.

  • * Checking: R &R

  • 2. Pre-reading (Ordering)

  • - T uses an extra board

  • - Order the sentences

  • 1. The rice noodles are made from the best variety of rice

  • 2.In Ha Noi, Pho is the most popular dish

  • 3. Pho is special soup in Vietnam

  • 4. The broth for pho ga is made by stewing chicken bones

  • - Collect some ss' ideas

  • - Look at the extra board and run through

  • the sentences

  • - Order the sentences by prediction

  • 3. While-reading (10’)

  • a. Checking the prediction

  • - Ask ss to open their books, read the text and check the prediction.

  • - Get feedback

  • b. Answer the questions

  • - Run through the questions

  • - Ask ss to work individually then compare the answers with their partner

  • - Call on 2 ss to write the answers onthe board

  • - T confirms the correct answers

  • Key :

  • 2-3-1-4

  • Key :

  • 1. We can enjoy Pho for all kinds of meals during a day, from breakfast to dinner and even for a late night snack

  • 2. They are made from the best variety of rice

  • 3. The broth for Pho Bo is made by stewing the bones of cows for a long time in a large pot.The broth for pho ga is made by stewing chicken bones

  • 4. It is boneless and cut into thin slices

  • 4. Speaking (15')

  • E3/ page 54. Ask and answer questions about the ingredients for an omlette

  • - Ask ss to recall about the form and use of a/an/some/any/ how much/how many then ask and answer about the ingredients for an omlette

  • - T can goes around to help the weakers

  • - Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class

  • E4. Look at the pictures of how to cook an omelette then use the prases in this box to complete the above instructions

  • - Remind ss the words or phrases about cooking food and drink in getting started , a closer look 1 and communication.

  • - Ask ss to work individually use the prases in this box to complete the instructions how to cook an omelette

  • - Have ss share the answers with their partners before checking with the whole class

  • E 5 . Page 54. Work in pairs. Practise giving instructions on how to make a dish or drink

  • - Ask ss to think about the food or drink they want to make then take note about the steps to make their food and drink.

  • - Ask ss to work in pairs

  • - Call on some pairs to practise in front of the class

  • - Ask other ss to comment

  • -Ask and answer about the ingredients for an omlette

  • -Recall the words or phrases about cooking food and drink in getting started , a closer look 1 and communication.

  • -Work individually use the prases in this box to complete the instructions how to cook an omelette

  • Key :

  • 1-d

  • 2-e

  • 3-a

  • 4-b

  • 5-c

  • -Think about the food or drink they want to make then take note about the steps to make their food and drink

  • -Work in pairs

  • II. Check up the old lesson. (In warm up)

  • I. Warm up (5')

  • Brainstoming

  • - Teacher elicits the topic from students.

  • ? Brainstorm in groups to give the names of food and places in Vietnam

  • - Teacher models

  • ? Work in groups to add as many dishes as possible.

  • ? Show your list that you have written.

  • - Teacher monitors and gets feedback.

  • - The group has the longest list wins the game.

  • - Introduce the new lesson

  • II. Listening (12’)

  • * Pre- listening

  • 1. Open prediction (1 P45)

  • - Have Ss look at three traditional dishes in Vietnam and their places. Then match the places with the dishes by prediction

  • -Collect some ss' ideas

  • * While- listening

  • 1. Checking the prediction

  • Match the places with the dishes . E1 p55

  • -Have ss listen to the recording and check the prediction

  • - Have ss compare the answers with their partners

  • - Get feedback

  • - Play the recording once to check

  • I.Listening

  • Key:

  • 1-b

  • 2-a

  • 3-c

  • 2 Tick the ingredients for each dish E2 p55.

  • - Run through all the dishes and the ingredients in the table

  • - Have ss listen again and tick the ingredients for each

  • - Ask ss to share the answer with their partners

  • - Call on some ss to write the answers on the board

  • - Play the recording again to check

  • Key:

  • rice noodles

  • eel

  • pepper

  • turmeric

  • shrimp

  • pork

  • banh tom

  • v

  • sup luon

  • v

  • v

  • v

  • my quang

  • V

  • v

  • v

  • 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C

  • * Post- listening (Chain game)

  • - Have ss work in group of 5 ss to talk about the name of dishes they have learned and the ingredients

  • Eg :

  • S1: To make sup luon we need eel

  • S2: To make sup luon we need eel, pepper

  • III. Writing (23')

  • 1. Pre- writing (E3 P55). Make a note about some popular foods or drinks in your neighbourhood

  • - Have ss to make a note individually then share with their partners

  • - Find the partners who have the same one and sits next to him/her

  • II. Writing

  • Write a paragraph about popular foods or drinks.

  • 3. Post- writing

  • - Display some of leaflets on the board and other ss give comments

  • - Ex E1, 2 P42 (Workbook)

  • - Prepare next lesson: Unit 5. Looking back + project.

  • II. Check up the old lesson.

  • - Feed back:

  • Teacher&students’ activities

  • Content

  • I. Warm up (2')

  • Hang man

  • 1. Vocabulary (10')

  • a. Complete the table (2 P46)

  • -Run through the words in the table.Explain the meaning of the phrase: measurement phrase

  • -Ask ss to find as much as possible to add to the columns individually then compare with their partners to find out who has more words

  • b. Fill in the gap with a verb from the box (Ex 2. Page 46)

  • - Run through the verbs

  • - Work individually to complete the sentences then compare with their partners

  • - Get feedback

  • 2. Grammar (10’)

  • a. Review about a/ an/ some

  • Ex 3: Choose a/ an/ or some for the sentences

  • - Have ss work individually

  • b. Review about some/ any

  • Ex4: Complete the sentences with some / any

  • -Have ss work individually

  • - Ask ss to read aloud the full sentences to check

  • c. Review about How much and How many

  • Ex5: Make questions with: How many/ much

  • -Have ss work in pairs to make questions and answer

  • - Call on some ss to write the questions on the board

  • 3. Communication. (7')

  • a. Complete the conversation

  • -Run through the sentences

  • -Work individually then compare the answers with their partners

  • - Check the answers with the whole class

  • - Call on some pairs to practice

  • b. Self - assessment

  • ? Complete the self-assessment.

  • - Teacher finds out any difficult and weak areas from students.

  • 1. Read the page from a cook book on how to make the perfect pancake.

  • 2. Choose one of your favourite dishes and write a recipe for it.

  • D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S

  • Suggested key :

  • Dishes

  • Ingredients

  • Omelette, pancake, beef noodle soup, chicken noodle soup, rice, noodles, rice, pork, sandwich, meat, tofu, bread, springroll

  • Shrimp,

  • salt, cooking oil,flour, pork,tumeric,

  • pepper,

  • noodle,

  • vegetables,egg, meat, tofu

  • Ex 2: Key:

  • 1. Fold 2. Pour 3. Beat 4. Heat

  • 1. a 5. some

  • 2. some 6.some

  • 3. some 7. an

  • Ex 4: Key:

  • 1. any 2. some 3. any

  • 4. some/ any 5. any/some

  • Ex5: Key :

  • 2. How much milk is there in the bottle?

  • 3. How many cans of lemonade do you need?

  • 4.How many apples has Peter got …

  • 3. Communication

  • Key:

  • 1-D

  • 2-B

  • 3-A

  • 4-C

  • II. Check up the old lesson

  • - Ask SS to talk about the universities in Viet nam.

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • - Ex B P29-31 (Workbook)

  • - Prepare next lesson. A closer look 1

  • II. Check up the old lesson.

  • - Ask SS to talk about the universities in Viet nam.

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • II. Check up the old lesson.

  • - Ask SS to talk about the universities in Viet nam.

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • II. Check up the old lesson.

  • - Ask SS to talk about the universities in Viet nam.

  • - Feed back and correct the mistakes.

  • II. Presentation (10')

  • - Ask them to copy the vocabulary

  • II. Practice (20')

  • - Ex in workbook.

  • - Prepare next lesson: Unit 6: Skills 1

  • II. Check up the old lesson.

  • III.New lesson. (40’)

  • - Ex in the workbook.

  • - Prepare next lesson: Unit 6: Skills 2

  • II. Check up the old lesson. (In warm up)

  • A. Warm up (5')

  • *Brainstoming

  • - Teacher elicits the topic from students.

  • ? Brainstorm in groups to give the names of famous teachers in history in Vietnam

  • - Teacher models

  • ? Work in groups to add as many names as possible.

  • ? Show your list that you have written.

  • - Teacher monitors and gets feedback.

  • - The group has the longest list wins the game.

  • * Introduce the new lesson

  • gg

  • B. Listening (20’)

  • 1. Pre- listening (5')

  • Open prediction (1 P45)

  • - Has Ss look at four sentences in text book then complete by choosing one answer by prediction.

  • - Collect some Ss' ideas

  • 2. While- listening (10')

  • a. Checking the prediction

  • Circle the appopriate answer

  • -Has Ss listen to the recording and check the prediction

  • - Has Ss compare the answers with their partners

  • - Gets feedback

  • - Plays the recording once to check

  • I. Listening

  • 1. Circle the answer

  • 1-C

  • 2-B

  • 3-B

  • 4-A

  • b . Answer the questions

  • -Run through all the questions

  • - Has Ss listen again and answer the questions .

  • - Asks ss to share the answer with their partners.

  • - Calls on some ss to write the answers on the board.

  • - Plays the recording again to check.

  • 2. Answer the questions

  • 1. He was born in 1292.

  • 2. He was an honest man.

  • 3. He continued his teaching career and wrote books .

  • 4. He was 78 years old.

  • 3. Post- listening (Mindmap) (5')

  • - Has Ss work individually to draw a mindmap.

  • 3. Draw a mindmap.

  • Where? Born

  • When

  • Year when when he died

  • Character

  • Job Age when he died

  • C. Writing (15’)

  • 1. Pre- writing

  • Complete the table about the history of the Temple of Literature- the Imperial Academy

  • - Has Ss to work in groups to find the information to complete the table.

  • -Asks ss to complete the table individually

  • II. Writing

  • 1. Complete the table

  • Time

  • Event

  • Constructions

  • 1070

  • The Temple of Literature

  • Emperor Ly Thanh Tong

  • 1076

  • The Imperial Academy

  • Emperor Ly Nhan Tong

  • 1484

  • Doctor’stone tablets

  • King Le Thanh Tong

  • 2003

  • The four states

  • Hanoi People’s Commitee

  • 2. Write a paragraph

  • Eg :

  • The Temple of Literature was built in 1070 by Emperor Ly Thanh Tong. It was one of the historical and cultural sites of Vietnam …

  • - Ex E1, 2 P42 (Workbook)

  • II. Check up the old lesson.

  • T&Ss’ activities

  • Content

  • I. Warm up

  • (In the teaching)

  • II. Pronunciation (5')

  • - Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and then share their answers with a partner.

  • - Gets feedback.

  • III. Vocabulary (10')

  • - Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and then share their answers with a partner.

  • - Gets feedback.

  • IV. Grammar (13')

  • - Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and checks the answer keys.

  • - Asks some Ss to read it again.

  • - Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and then share their answers with a partner.

  • - Gets feedback.

  • - Asks Ss to do this exercise individually and then share their answers with a partner.

  • - Gets feedback.

  • V. Everyday English (12')

  • - Asks Ss to practise in pairs .

  • - Monitors and helps weak Ss.

  • - Gets feedback.

  • * Asks Ss to make up your dialogue about some activities they like. It is the same as a dialogue in activity 6.

  • - Monitors and helps weak Ss.

  • - Gets feedback.

  • 1. Pronunciation (Ex 1)

  • 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C

  • 2. Vocabulary (Ex 2)

  • 1. music 2. food 3. art

  • 4. drink 5. univisity 6. temple

  • 3. Grammar

  • Ex 3:

  • 1. How many 2. How much

  • 3. How much 4. How many

  • 5. a 6. much

  • 7. some 8. many

  • Ex 4:

  • 1. I think classical music is as exciting as country music.

  • 2. These clothes are not as expensive as I

  • Thought.

  • 3. My taste in art is the same as hers (her taste)

  • 4. The price of foods in Ha Noi is not the same as it is in Hai Phong.

  • 5. Life in viet nam is different from life in England.

  • Ex 5:

  • 1. The song Auld Lang Syne is sung on some occasions.

  • 2. Viet Nam's anthem Tien Quan Ca was composed by Van Cao.

  • 3. Water puppetry is performed in a pool.

  • 4. A lot of meat was bought (by his mother) yesterday.

  • 5. Rice noodles are made from the best variety of rice.

  • Ex 6:

  • 1. C 2. E 3. A 4. B 5. D

  • * Make up your dialogue

  • Eg:

  • A: Do you like to play.......?

  • B: Yes, I do.

  • A: How often............?

  • B: .........................

  • A: Who do you play it with?

  • B: .........................

  • ..............

  • V. Homework (2')

  • II. Check up the old lesson.

  • T&Ss’ activities

  • Content

  • I. Reading (12')

  • Ex 1:

  • - Asks Ss to read and complete the answer individually and check with a partner.

  • - Monitors and helps weak Ss.

  • - Gets feedback.

  • II. Speaking (10')

  • Ex 2:

  • - Asks Ss to work in pairs: Plan a trip to a place, asking and answering questions with the suggestions.

  • Ex:

  • T: Where would U like to go?

  • Ss: ..............................................

  • T: When wwould U like to go there?

  • Ss: ...................................................

  • T: Who would U like to go with?

  • Ss: ..............................................

  • T: How do U want to go there?

  • Ss: ..................................................

  • T: What would U like to bring / take with U?

  • Ss: ..................................................

  • T: What do U want to do there?

  • Ss: ......................................................

  • - Monitors and help weak Ss.

  • - Gets feedback.

  • Ex 3:

  • - Has Ss work in groups taking turns talking about arrangements for the trip. Then asks each group to choose the Ss who does the task best to talk in front of the class. Asks some other Ss to give comments.

  • III. Listening (8')

  • Ex 4:

  • - Has Ss look at the Adjs which the man uses to describe his meal in a restaurant.

  • Plays the recording once for Ss to listen and tick their answers.

  • Ex 5:

  • - Asks Ss to look at the menu. Plays the cording again for Ss to complete the menu. After Ss have finished the two exercises.

  • ? Is this food delicious?

  • IV. Writing (10')

  • Ex 6:

  • - Asks Ss to look at the pictures in textbooks and tell ingredents.

  • - Look at the pictures and write the instructions of how to cook a mushroom omelette.

  • - Monitors and helps weak Ss.

  • - Ss tell in class

  • - Some Ss talk in class

  • - Write individually and share with a friend.

  • - Gets feedback and corrects their writings.

  • Ex 1:

  • Gone with the Wind: 3, 5

  • A Space Odyssey: 1, 2, 4

  • Ex 2:

  • - Asking and answering questions with the suggestions.

  • Ex 3:

  • Nam

  • Where to go?

  • When to go?

  • With whom?

  • How to go?

  • What to take?

  • What to do?

  • Ex 4:

  • 1. great

  • V

  • 2. nice

  • 3. fresh

  • V

  • 4. delicious V

  • 5. sweet

  • V

  • 6. tasty

  • V

  • 7. fine

  • 8. good

  • V

  • Ex 5:

  • Menu

  • Appetizer

  • Salad

  • Main dish

  • Fish, vegetables

  • Dessert

  • An ice cream

  • Drink

  • A cup of tea.

  • - Yes, it is.

  • Ex 6:

  • Ex: First, slice the mushrooms.

  • Then, beat the eggs in the bowl.

  • Next, add some salt to the egg mixture.

  • After that, pour the eggs into a frying pan. Add the mushrooms and cook.

  • Finally, fold the omelette in half.

  • V. Homework (2')- Review well and complete all the exercises in exsercise books.

  • - Feed back:

  • I. Warm up (5')

  • * Worksheet

  • - Let Ss paly in 2 groups

  • - T. monitors and gets feedbacck.

  • - Work in groups

  • Key:

  • 1. Musical instruments:

  • 2. Vietnamese food:

  • II. Practice

  • A. Pronunciation (5')

  • Ex.1. Circle the words and listen to check

  • - Work individually to circle the word

  • - Share your answer with a partner.

  • - Teacher checks and confirms the correct answers.

  • 3. A. usually B. sister C. season

  • B. Grammar (25')

  • * Some, much, many, how much, how many

  • - Recall how to use some, much, many, how much, how many

  • - Call on some students to give the answers.

  • - Recall how to use comparison with "(not) as....as, the same as, different from"

  • - Write the sentences using the suggested words or phrases.

  • - Work independently

  • - Get some students read aloud the sentences.

  • - Give feedback

  • 7. I ………….my mother (different)

  • Ex.4. Make sentences

  • - How to use passive sentences

  • - Work in pairs to write down the form of a passive sentence in simple present and simple past.

  • - Recall how to change an active sentence into a passive one.

  • - Rewrite sentences independently then compare with your partner.

  • - Teacher monitors and gives help if necessary.

  • - Do Ex 1,2,3,4 (workbook)

  • II. Check up the old lesson.

  • T& Ss’ activities

  • Content

  • I. Looking back

  • 1. Vocabulary (7')

  • Gap fill (1, 2 P46)

  • ? Run through the words in the box.

  • ? Read the text carefully, then work in pairs to put a word from the box in each gap to complete the passage.

  • - Teacher checks and confirms the correct answers.

  • - Have some students read the passage.

  • Ex 1:

  • First column: named, visited, located, recognized, started

  • Second column: grown, spoken, bought, built, seen

  • Ex 2:

  • 1. considered/ started

  • 2. named

  • 3. spoken

  • 4. located

  • 5. recognised

  • 2. Grammar (15')

  • - Ask students to give the form, use of the passive

  • a. Change these sentences into passive

  • (3 P46)

  • ? Run through all the words in the box.

  • ? Work individualy to put the words/ phrases from the box in the gap to complete the sentences.

  • ? Compare the answers with your partner.

  • - Call on some students to give the answers.

  • Ex 3:

  • 5. Many kinds of goods can be bought (by tourists) in Ben Thanh Market.

  • Ex 4:

  • 5. They completed the construction of Tu Duc Tomb in 1876.

  • 3. Communication (8')

  • - In pairs, have Ss ask and answer questions about the Temple of Literature - the Imperial Academy, using the information in the table.

  • II. Project ( 10’)

  • 1. Read the information below the pictures.

  • 2. Make a brochure.

  • - Complete the self- assessment.

  • II. Check up the old lesson. (In warm up)

  • I. Warm up (5') Matching Eex 3- P7)

  • - Run through all the words and phrases in Ex 3- P7.

  • - Match a verb on the left with a mean of transport on the right.

  • - There may be more than one correct answer.

  • - Read again in chorus.

  • II. Presentation (10')

  • * Checking vocab: R.O.R

  • - Look at page 6: "Monday in the play ground in Vietnamese.

  • + Who are Oanh and Mai?

  • + What may they talk about?

  • - Ask student to listen to the tape.

  • - Ask students to read in pairs

  • a. Choose a correct answer (P7)

  • - Run through all the statements with students.

  • - Work individually to do.

  • b. Answer the questions ( P7)

  • - Read the conversation again then answer the questions in 1b P7

  • - Work in pairs

  • 2. Colloquial expressions

  • - Refer back to the conversation and find the meaning of the colloquial expressions in 1c P7

  • - Practice saying them together and give some examples

  • - Role-play the short conversation in 1d P7.

  • ? Creat your short conversations. Use the colloquial expressions in 1c P7

  • ? Work in pairs

  • 3. Model sentences (Remember)

  • - Elicit the question from students

  • ? Practice asking and answering questions using "How"? Recall how to use a passive sentence.

  • 4. Write the words (2 P7)

  • ? Work in pairs. Write the means of transport under the right pictures.

  • - Teacher monitors and gets feedback.

  • 5. Find someone who never....(4 P7)

  • - Teacher models

  • ? Work in groups

  • Teacher monitors and gets feedback

  • ? Report the results of Find someone who never...

  • 1. Matching

  • 1. ride a bike

  • 2. drive a car

  • 3. fly a plane

  • 4. sail on/in a boat

  • 5. get on/ get off a bus/ a train/ a bike/ a motorbike....

  • 2. Vocabulary

  • - They are students.

  • - They may talk about........

  • 3. Choose the correct answer

  • 1B 2. A 3. B 4. C

  • 4. Answer the questions

  • 1. She played with her brother/ stayed at home.

  • 2. It's about 2 kilometers.

  • 3. She usually goes to school with her dad.

  • 4. Because sometimes there are traffic jams.

  • 5. She goes to school by bike.

  • 5. Colloquial expressions

  • 1. Hey: to have someone's attention

  • 2. Great idea: when you strongly support or agree with something

  • 3. Can't wait: very excited and keen to do something.

  • 6. Model sentences

  • How do you come to school?

  • = By what means do you come to school??

  • - How do you go to the supermarket?

  • = By what means do you go to the supermarket?

  • 7. Write the words

  • 1. bike/ bicycle 2. bus

  • 3. plane 4. boat

  • 5. ship 6. train

  • 7. motorbike 8. car

  • 8.

  • Find someone who never.......

  • 1. ...walks to school

  • 2. ...goes to school by bus

  • 3. ...cycles for exercise

  • 4. ...takes a train

  • 5.... sails on/in a boat

  • 6. ... flies by plane

  • E.g:

  • A: Do you often walk to school?

  • B(Ba) : Yes, I do.

  • A : Do you often walk to school?

  • C (Nam): No. I never walk to school.

  • E.g: Nam never walks to school

  • - Sum up the main content of the lesson.

  • - Do Ex B1,2,3 P4-5 (workbook)

Nội dung

Lesson plan: English 2022 School year: 2021 - Period Planning: 3.9.2021 Teaching : 7.9.2021 INTRODUCTION OF ENGLISH REVISION A OBJECTIVES: Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review all the tenses they have learnt in grade in brief and the topics as well, develop their skills, and know the topics of English 2.Competences: Develop communicative competence, discovery, cooperation compentence and thinhking compentence Quality: Ss are interested in learning English B PREPARATION - Teachers: Text book, lesson plan - Students: Text books, work books C PROCEDURE: Organization: (1’) 7A:……………… 7B:…………… … 7C: ……………… Checking up (3’) - Ask Ss the topics and tenses in English New lesson: (38’) Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content * Warm up: (3’) Chatting, organizing and requirements of the English class, materials, I Recall the topics (3’) Brainstorming Brainstorming Teacher controls and remarks ss II Review grammar (16’) Teacher helps ss to recall the summary of the tenses and asks them to and answer the questions as they've already review themselves base on the frame at the end of the last school year Present simple tense Present simple tense -T help the Ss to repeat the forms and Form: the usage of tenses Ss learnt from E (+) S + V (es/s) Ss repeat the form and the use of the (-) S + don't/doesn/t present tense and give some examples (?) Do/Does + S +V? -Ss repeat the form of the present Yes,S + do/does progresive tese and give some No, S + don't/doesn't examples Use:to express what happen everyday, repeated action or habitual actions Eg: - I go to school every day Teacher: Pham Thi Tuyet Toan Thang secondary school Lesson plan: English 2022 School year: 2021 - Present continuous -T help the Ss to repeat the forms and the usage of tenses Ss learnt fromE Ss repeat the form and the use of the present tense and give some examples -Ss repeat the form of the present progresive tese and give some examples - Ss repeat the form of the past tense and give some examples - Copy Past simple tense -T help the Ss to repeat the forms and the usage of tenses Ss learnt fromE Ss repeat the form and the use of the present tense and give some examples -Ss repeat the form of the present progresive tese and give some examples Present Perfect tense -T help the Ss to repeat the forms and the usage of tenses Ss learnt from E Ss repeat the form and the use of the present tense and give some examples -Ss repeat the form of the present progresive tese and give some examples Simple future -T help the Ss to repeat the forms and the usage of tenses Ss learnt from E Teacher: Pham Thi Tuyet - She drink milk for her breakfast every morning - Does he travel to work by motor bike? Yes, he does Present continuous + Form (+) S +am/is/are + V-ing (-) S +am/is/are +not +V-ing (?) Am/is/are + S +V-ing? Yes,S +am/is/are No, S + Am/is/are +not + Use: To express what happen at the time of speaking or future plan Eg:- I am going to the movies tonight - She is eating an apple now Past simple tese +Form (+) S + V-ed (-) S + didn't + V (?) Did + S + V? Yes, S + Did No, S + didn't +Use:to express what happen in the past Eg: Last year,I went to China Did you watch the film last night? -No,I didn't Present Perfect tense + Form (+) S +have/ has +PP (-) S +have/has +not +PP (?) Have/Has +S +PP? Yes,S + have/has No,S +hasn't/haven't + Use: To express what happen in the past and continue up to the present -To express what happent in the past and there's still its result now -To express the action happens recently Eg: She has gone to Ha noi already He has learnt English for ten years -It often goes with : since,for,yet,already,recently Simple future *Form: (+) S + will +V Toan Thang secondary school Lesson plan: English 2022 School year: 2021 - Ss repeat the form and the use of the present tense and give some examples -Ss repeat the form of the present progresive tese and give some examples (-) S + will+not + V (?) Will +S +V? Yes,S + will No,S + will +not (won't) *use: To express the action may happen in the future ( not certainty ) -To express the requests, orders, invitation -It often goes with adverbs: until, tomorrow, when, tonight Eg: What will you toningt? I'll watch TV SS work in pairs and give feedback III Practice: (7’) * Answer key : Give the correct tense of the verbs is giving Now, he (give) the monkey some 2.look bananas 3.am having Will you wait a minute while I (look) will through the text? has bought - hasn't sold Where are you?-I"m upstairs.I (have) washes a bath did you spend In your place,I (go) by air is coming He (buy ) a new house, but he (not will be - grows up sell) his old house yet, so at the 10 has known moment he has houses My sister always (wash) before meal Where you (spend ) your holiday last year? Hurry up The train ( come) I hope she (be) pretty when she (grow up) like her mother 10 He (know) her since he was a student -Let Ss excercise in afew minutes.Then ask them to give the answers -Correct Ss'mistakes IV Giới thiệu chương trình, SGK The structure of the book: Tiếng Anh thí điểm (8') * 12 units: * Structure of English Unit 1: My hobbies - How many units are there in English Unit 2: Health text book? Unit 3: community service - What are they about? Unit 4: Music and arts Unit 5: Vietnamese food and drink Teacher: Pham Thi Tuyet Toan Thang secondary school Lesson plan: English 2022 School year: 2021 - * How to learn English best? - Tell us how you learn best? - Tell us how you learn English best? Unit 6: The first University in Viet Nam Unit 7: Traffic Unit 8: Films Unit 9: Festivals around the world Unit 10: Sources of energy Unit 11: Travelling in the future Unit 12: An overcrowed world *Each unit consists of the following: - Getting started - A closer look - A closer look - Communication - Skill - Skill - Looking back & Project * Ways to learn English best: - Listen to the teacher carefully - Prepare the lesson carefully before each period - Learn by heart all the new words and structures - Do exercises regularly - Practice the four skills - Take notes * Teacher introduces some sentences used in class - Who is the monitor? - Who is absent today? - Who is on duty today? - May I go out? - May I come in? And how to response Ask Ss to prepare these things -You should buy a dictionary, a high-rising book, a workbook and a grammar notebook and you always have to bring a rough notebook in each lesson Consolidation: (1’) ? What is the most important to learn English effectively? Homework: (2’) - Learn by heart all the tenses - Prepare the lesson: Unit 1: Getting started Teacher: Pham Thi Tuyet Toan Thang secondary school Lesson plan: English 2022 School year: 2021 - Period Planning: 5.9.2021 Teaching : 7C: 8.9.2021 7AB: 10.9.2021 UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED A OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and read for information about the topic “My favourite hobby”, practice asking and answering with “ Do you like + Ving ?,Play game Competences: Develop communicative competence, discovery, cooperation compentence and thinking compentence - Using language to talk about hobbies Quality: - Positive about their hobbies - Students know how to learn English in right way - Ss are interested in doing exercises B PREPARATION - T: Text book, workbook, projector - SS: textbook, workbook C PROCEDURE Organization (1’) 7A: …………… 7B: …………… … 7C: ………………… Checking up (4’) * Brainstorming - T shows some pictures ) projector) - Ask students in each groups take turn to write the activities - The group with more and correct words is the winner New lesson (35’) Teacher & students’ activities Content I Presentation (10’) I Presentation Pre- teach vocab: * Vocabulary - Elicit the vocabulary from Ss - upstairs(adv): gác - Ask Ss to repeat in chorus then - hobby (n): sở thích individually - unusual(adj): khác thường * Checking: Rub out and remember - guess (v) đoán - arranging (n) : xếp - occasion (n ) dịp, hội - challenging (n) thách thức * Present the dialogue * Pre- questions - T asks ss to look at the picture on page Can you guess who they are? and answer these questions: Where are they? - T introduces Elena -Nick's sister What can you see on the shelf? Teacher: Pham Thi Tuyet Toan Thang secondary school Lesson plan: English 2022 School year: 2021 - II Practice (25’) Listen and read - T plays the recording - Play the recording and let them practice a True or false statements - Run through the sentences - T asks students to work individually to find out which sentences are true/ false -Ask students to share their answers - Give feedback b Answer the questions - Go through the questions - Ask students to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions - Call on some pairs to practice - Call two students to write the answer on the boards - Give feedback Matching - Have ss work individually to match the words/phrases from with the picture - Let them compare their answer with a partner - Get feedback and confirm the correct answer Complete the table - Ask students to work in pairs to complete the table - Give feedback Game : FIND SOMEONE WHO - Ask ss how to complete the table, using "Do you like …?” - Ss ake part in the game to complete the table - Ss repeat one by one then repeat in chorus II Practice 1a True or false statements Key: 1.T They go upstairs to her room 2.T F Mi's hobby is collecting glass bottles 4.F Her parents , aunt and uncle 5.T 1b Answer the questions Key: She receives dolls on special occasions No, they aren't 3.She keeps them after using them No, she doesn't No, she hasn't Matching Key: playing boarding games taking photos bird-watching 4.cycling 5.playing the guitar gardening 7.cooking arranging flowers skating Complete the table Key: Cheap hobbies: gardening, birdwatching, collecting bottles Expensive hobbies: Taking photos, playing the guitar, arranging flowers Easy hobbies: gardening, collecting bottles , playing board games s Difficult hobbies: playing the guitar, cooking, arranging flowers, skating Consolidation (2’) ? Have Ss retell the main points of the lesson Homework (3’) Ask Ss to: - Learn by heart all the new words and structures - Guide students how to Ex B2,3 P5 - Prepare: Unit 1: A closer look Teacher: Pham Thi Tuyet Toan Thang secondary school Lesson plan: English 2022 School year: 2021 - Period Planning: 5.9.2021 Teaching : 11.9.2021 UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES LESSON 2: A CLOSER LOOK A OBJECTIVES 1.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Practice vocabulary related to hobbies - Know how to pronounce the sounds / ə / and / ɜ: / - Find out the words with the sounds / ə / and / ɜ: / 2.Competences: Develop communicative competence, discovery, compentence and thinhking compentence - Using language to talk about hobbies 3.Quality: - Positive about their hobbies - Students know how to learn English in right way B PREPARATION -T: Text book, workbook, projector, laptop -SS: textbook, workbook C PROCEDURE Organization (1’) * 7A: …………… 7B: …………… ….7C: ………………… Checking up (4’) Network carving wood Hobbies New lesson (35’) Teacher & students’ activities I Vocabulary: (5’) - Elicit the vocabulary from Ss - Ask Ss to repeat in chorus then individually * Checking: Rub out and remember Content I * Vocabulary - horse -riding (n): môn cưỡi ngựa - gymnastic(n): môn thể dục - plant (v): trồng - headphone (n) : tai nghe - melody(n): : giai điệu - creative(adj): sáng tạo - paint(v) :vẽ Matching Matching (4’) Teacher: Pham Thi Tuyet cooperation Toan Thang secondary school Lesson plan: English 2022 School year: 2021 - - Have students read the action verbs in column A and match them with suitable words/phrases in column B - Ask students to work in pairs Fill in the blank in the sentences (4’) - Ask students to work in pairs to this activity - Call students to write their answers on the board Write down key words (5’) ? What is a keyword - T models the way to locate keywords for " listening to music" - Ask students to work in group of students to this activity - Call on students in different groups to write the answers on the board Game : THE KEYS TO MY HOBBY! (3’) - T calls on one student to sit in front of the class and say the keywords out aloud The others guess and ask him/her questions : Is it ? - Ask Ss to take turn play the game II Pronunciation Listen and tick the words you hear Repeat the words (5’) - Have some students read out the words first - Play the recording - Ss listen and tick the words they hear Listen then put the words in the correct column (5’) - T explains how to pronounce the sound / ə / and / ɜ: / - Ask students to listen and put the words in the correct column Teacher: Pham Thi Tuyet Key: 1-i,d,e 2-g 3-b,c,j 4-f,h 5-c 6-a 2.Fill in the blank in the sentences Key : swimming, swim listen, listening to music 3.plant gardening 4.catch fishing painting, paints Write down key words - A keyword helps us understand a text quickly - Work in groups of students to write down keywords Listening to music : melody, song, headphone, lyrics Gardening: trees, flowers, garden, plant, fruit Fishing: lake, river, catch, fish, water Painting: Creative, colours, pictures, painting Swimming: pool, water, swim fun Game : Is it ? Listen and tick the words you hear Repeat the words Key : away, burn, hurt, birth, answer, neighbour, heard, common Listen then put the words in the correct column Nguyên âm / ə / phát âm, lưỡi đẩy lên hướng phía trước, nguyên âm ngắn Nguyên âm / ɜ: / nguyên âm dài, Toan Thang secondary school Lesson plan: English 2022 School year: 2021 - - Play the recording again Listen to the sentences and tick /ə/ and /ɜ:/ (4’) - Have students to work individually - Play the recording phát âm lưỡi vị trí thấp miệng mở vừa Key : / ə / ; away, answer, neighbour, common / ɜ: / : burn, birth, hurt, heard Listen to the sentences and tick /ə/ and /ɜ:/ Key : / ə / : 1,2,4 / ɜ: / : 3,5 Consolidation (2’) - Have ss retell the main points of the lesson Homework (3’) Ask Ss to: - Learn by heart all the new words and structures - Guide students how to E A1,2 B - Prepare: Unit 1: A closer look Toàn Thắng, ngày tháng năm 2021 Đã duyệt Nguyễn Thị Nhuân Teacher: Pham Thi Tuyet Toan Thang secondary school Lesson plan: English 2022 School year: 2021 - Period Planning: 7.9.2021 Teaching : 14.9.2021 UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES LESSON 3: A CLOSER LOOK I OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - How to use verbs of liking - Vocab: about hobbies - Grammar: the present simple and the future simple , liking verbs + V-ing Competences: Develop communicative competence, discovery, cooperation compentence and thinhking compentence Quality: - Work hard, enjoy learning English - Students know how to learn English in right way II TEACHING AIDS - T: Text book, workbook, laptop - SS: textbook, workbook III PROCEDURE Organization (1’) 7A: …………… 7B: …………… ….7C: ………………… Checking up (5’) Choose the best answer They usually a lot of beautiful photos A takes B take C took _you still _ badminton next year ? A Do/ play B Are / playing C Will/ play What Nam to the zoo at the moment ? A is / going B will / go C does / go We English since 2012 A studied B have studied C has studied I think we a lot of good marks in this semester A get B have got C will get New lesson (35’) Teacher & students’ activities Content I Presentation (10’) I Presentation - Recall about the present simple or future 10 Teacher: Pham Thi Tuyet 10 Toan Thang secondary school ... vocabulary and structures - Ex C1, C2 P6-7 (Workbook) - Prepare next lesson: Unit 1: Skills Period Planning: 11 .9.20 21 Teaching : 18 .9.20 21 UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES LESSON 5: SKILLS I OBJECTIVES Knowledge:... school Lesson plan: English 2022 School year: 20 21 - Period Planning: 5.9.20 21 Teaching : 7C: 8.9.20 21 7AB: 10 .9.20 21 UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED A OBJECTIVES Knowledge: By the... - Guide students how to exs : B5,6 - Prepare: Unit 1: Communication Period Planning: 8.9.20 21 Teaching : 7C: 15 .9.20 21 7AB: 17 .9.20 21 UNIT 1: MY HOBBIES LESSON 4: COMMUNICATION I OBJECTIVES Knowledge:

Ngày đăng: 16/09/2021, 15:20


- Học sinh cũng có cơ hội tìm hiểu về một số loại hình nghệ thuật dân gian truyền thống của dân tộc, tìm hiểu về tranh Đông Hồ, về múa rối nước và một số công trình nghệ thuật đặc sắc trên thế giới… thông qua các bài đọc hiểu và nghe hiểu. - GA Hoc ki 1 2021 -22
c sinh cũng có cơ hội tìm hiểu về một số loại hình nghệ thuật dân gian truyền thống của dân tộc, tìm hiểu về tranh Đông Hồ, về múa rối nước và một số công trình nghệ thuật đặc sắc trên thế giới… thông qua các bài đọc hiểu và nghe hiểu (Trang 69)
- Sưu tầm những hình ảnh về các nhóm dân tộc - Chuẩn bị phiếu cho học sinh - GA Hoc ki 1 2021 -22
u tầm những hình ảnh về các nhóm dân tộc - Chuẩn bị phiếu cho học sinh (Trang 148)
V. Bảng mô tả các năng lực cần hình thành trong chủ đề và hệ thống câu hỏi, bài tập - GA Hoc ki 1 2021 -22
Bảng m ô tả các năng lực cần hình thành trong chủ đề và hệ thống câu hỏi, bài tập (Trang 149)