Step 3 Sample response: Parisians were opposed to building the Eiffel Tower for several reasons. They thought the tower would destroy Paris’s beautiful landscape. They considered the design to be like an ugly skeleton. They also thought the tower would be useless. In the lecture, we see that all those reason are no longer valid. First, the tower has come to represent, rather than destroy, the landscape of Paris. Second, the skeletal design once considered ugly is now the world’s nicest example of 19 th century industrial architecture. Finally, instead of being useless, the tower has been very useful for broadcasting. Skill C Q5 --- practice 1 Step 1 Suggested answers: Problem: She falls asleep in class. Solution 1: borrow notes from another student --- Possible benefit --- know the information from lectures --- Possible benefit --- make a friend in class Solution 2: sit in the front row of the class --- Possible benefit --- worry about the professor seeing her sleep, so she will stay awake --- Possible benefit --- write everything in order to stay awake, so have good notes from class Step 2 Suggested answers: 1. She falls asleep in class. 2. She should sit in the front row of the class. 3. She will try harder to stay awake and take more notes. Step 3 Sample response: In this listening passage, the woman describes a problem she’s having in her class. The man offers suggestions to solve the problem. The problem the woman has is that she is bored and falls asleep in class. One thing that the man suggests is forthe woman to sit in the front of the class and try to take lots of notes. I think this is a good suggestion. This will solve the woman’s problem because she will worry about the professor seeing her sleep and she will keep active by writing a lot. Q5 --- practice 2 Step 1 Suggested answers: Problem: He has no time to read the books for class. Solution 1: read summaries and key passages in books --- Possible benefit --- faster, save time --- Possible benefit --- will get ideas from summaries that he might not get by reading the books himself Solution 2: join the woman’s study group --- Possible benefit --- hear other people discuss the books --- Possible benefit --- hear ideas of how lectures relate to information in books Step 2 Suggested answers: 1. He has no time to read the books for class. 2. He should join the woman’s study group. 3. In a short time, he can hear and discuss key points. He can also remember them more easily. Step 3 Sample response: The man in the conversation tells the woman he has a problem in philosophy class. His problem is that he has no time to read any of the books being assigned. One thing the woman suggests is joining her study group that meets for an hour or two every week to discuss the readings. This is a good idea. It will solve the man’s problem because in short amounts of time he will hear and discuss key points in the readings with others and remember them more easily. 698 Answer Key Answer Key 699 Q6 --- practice 1 Step 1 Suggested answers: Main topic of lecture: telescopes Where invented: Italy When: 1608; early 1600s Who made first telescope: Galileo Why important: learned about things in space Other key info: saw Jupiter’s moons, saw sunspots, learned planets orbit sun Step 3 Sample response: In this lecture, the professor talks about telescopes. The first telescope was made about 1608 by the Italian scientist Galileo. He soon made a more powerful telescope, which he used to study the stars. It helped him discover many important things, such as four of Jupiter’s moons, sun spots, and the fact that planets move around the sun. Since then, telescopes have become more and more powerful. Today, a huge telescope, called the Hubble telescope, is in space orbiting the Earth. It helps us learn about the furthest parts of the universe. Q6 --- practice 2 Step 1 Suggested answers: Main topic of lecture: Berlin Wall Where: Berlin, Germany When: after WWII; 1950s and 1960s Why: keep people in West Berlin Other key info: torn down in late 1980s in one weekend Step 3 Sample response: In this lecture, the professor describes the Berlin Wall. It was built during the Cold War in the 1960s. The main point the professor makes about the Berlin Wall is that it was built to keep people in West Berlin. It stood in the city for many years, but people finally tore it down at the end of the 1980s. The professor points out that the Berlin Wall was destroyed in one weekend. Vocabulary Review Review 1 1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (D) 8. (C) 9. (B) 10. (A) 11. (C) 12. (D) 13. (B) 14. (A) 15. (A) 16. (B) 17. (D) 18. (A) 19. (C) 20. (B) 21. (A) 22. (C) 23. (D) 24. (A) 25. (B) 26. (D) 27. (A) 28. (B) 29. (B) 30. (D) 31. jacked up 32. afford 33. SUVs 34. transportation 35. convenient 36. selected 37. beneficial 38. fees 39. optional 40. regrettable 41. familiar 42. endure 43. afford 44. require 45. impressive 46. (S) 47. (S) 48. (O) 49. (S) 50. (S) Review 2 1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (C) 6. (A) 7. (C) 8. (A) 9. (C) 10. (D) 11. (A) 12. (A) 13. (C) 14. (C) 15. (D) 16. (B) 17. (A) 18. (A) 19. (B) 20. (B) 21. (C) 22. (A) 23. (D) 24. (C) 25. (C) 26. (A) 27. (D) 28. (A) 29. (C) 30. (A) 31. craftsmen 32. lenses 33. magnified 34. invented 35. appeared 36. conclude 37. axis 38. argued 39. controversy 40. control 41. critical 42. ancient 43. decade 44. oppose 45. philosophy 46. (E) 47. (B) 48. (A) 49. (C) 50. (D) Focus A Step 2 Commonly mispronounced sounds: /th/, /d/, /s/ 1. thought 2. thigh ✔ taught ✔ sigh 3. both 4. scathe boss ✔ skate ✔ 5. thank 6. though ✔ sank ✔ dough 7. thin ✔ 8. thorn sin torn ✔ Step 3 Commonly mispronounced sounds: /l/ and /r/ sounds 1. The pretty flowers are gr owing. 2. We pray, not play, on Sundays. 3. He lent a car. 4. I like rivers . 5. Look at that big berry. Step 4 Long and short vowel sounds 1. sleep 2. leave ✔ slip ✔ live 3. wheel ✔ 4. full will fool ✔ 5. bean 6. peel ✔ bin ✔ pill 7. seek ✔ 8. pull ✔ sick pool Focus B Step 1 Stress related to parts of words 1. a. bi . ol . ogy b. bio . lo . gical 2. a. en . vi . ronment b. environ . men . tal 3. a. ad . van . tage b. advan . ta . geous 4. a. be . nefit b. bene . fi . cial 5. a. re . spon . sible b. responsi . bi . lity 6. a. in . vite b. invi . ta . tion 7. a. flex . ible b. flexi . bi . lity 8. a. ad . mire b. admir . a . tion 9. a. pre . fer b. pre . ferable 10. a. ne . go . tiate b. negoti . a . tion Step 2 Stress related to content words Sentences 1. I ate the last of the pie. 2. He feels better than yesterday. 3. Sam is reading about the history of Canada. 4. The professor gave us a deadline. 5. They waited over two hours to see him. 6. Homework is necessary in school. Focus C 1. 1. Although we hadn’t finished / we decided to go home. 2. When she stepped off the boat / she immediately ran to her car. 3. It was raining so hard all day / that they didn’t leave the house. 4. If the alarm rings / put down your books / and slowly leave the building. 5. The final test will be two hours long / and will count for 25 percent. 6. When I went to the store / it was closed. 2. 1. Due to illness, / Professor Brown will be absent / all of next week. 2. Beginning next term, / the student fees will increase by 20%. 3. If a person smokes, / it can lead to lung and heart problems / in later life. 4. Much study and hard work / can lead to a good education / and a bright future. 5. If I won some money, / I would prefer to buy a sports car / rather than an SUV. 6. To top it off, / when we finally left for home / my brother’s car wouldn’t start. 7.The government’s attempt to raise taxes / resulted in a loss of popularity. 8. When the wedding was over, / the happy couple walked slowly from the church. 700 Answer Key Chapter 3 701 Skill A Practice 1 Step 1 Issue: BANNING head scarves in class Pro: Some POLITICIANS in parliament, Most UNIVERSITIES - proposed law - existing RULES at universities Con: Muslim women, Some PROFESSORS - women UNCOMFORTABLE without head scarves Step 2 Problem with head scarves: IMAGE - image of head scarves --- old-fashioned, UNCIVILIZED - modern image --- look like a WESTERN person Another example of OUTLAWED fashion: the fez - TRADITIONAL hat for men - banned in EARLY 20 th century Step 3 Reading: - Main idea: The article describes the issue of banning head scarves in class in Turkey. - Supporting idea: Some politicians in parliament and most universities support banning head scarves. - Supporting idea: Muslim women and some professors don’t support banning head scarves. Lecture: - Main idea: The problem with head scarves is that it gives Turkey a bad image. - Supporting idea: The image of head scarves gives an old-fashioned, uncivilized image. - Supporting idea: In the past, Turkey banned another fashion that seemed old-fashioned, the fez. Step 4 According to the reading, some people in TURKEY WANT to ban head scarves IN CLASS. SOME politicians and MOST universities are in favor of RULES or laws BANNING head scarves in class. However, Muslim women and some professors are AGAINST such rules and laws. Those who are against HEAD SCARVES argue that they give Turkey a bad IMAGE. Women wearing head scarves give Turkey an OLD-FASHIONED or UNCIVILIZED image. This issue is similar to one in the past when the GOVERNMENT in TURKEY outlawed MEN from wearing the FEZ in public. Practice 2 Step 1 Issue: Who DISCOVERED the Americas? Vikings: - had VILLAGE in Newfoundland - arrived five HUNDRED years before Columbus Columbus: - HISTORIANS say his voyage in 1492 was more important - opened the door for European SETTLEMENT Step 2 Question: Did Columbus learn about North America in ICELAND? Pro: - he wrote in his DIARY about visiting a land similar to Iceland in 1477 - he might have learned about North America from the VIKINGS in Iceland Con: - details about Iceland in his diary were WRONG - no other EVIDENCE that Columbus went to Iceland Step 3 Reading: - Main idea: Who discovered the Americas? - Supporting idea: The Vikings had the first village in North America. - Supporting idea: Columbus’s voyage in 1492 was more important because it led to European settlement of North America. Lecture: - Main idea: Did Columbus learn about North America in Iceland? - Supporting idea: In his diary, Columbus describes a 1477 voyage to a place like Iceland. - Supporting idea: Many of the diary details were wrong, and it is the only evidence that Columbus visited Iceland. Writing Chapter 1 702 Answer Key Step 4 Did Christopher COLUMBUS really DISCOVER the New World? We know that the VIKINGS reached NORTH AMERICA 500 years before Columbus arrived in 1492. Some HISTORIANS believe that Columbus visited ICELAND before he went to America. They think he learned about North America from the people there. However, there is not enough EVIDENCE to prove that this happened. Even though the VIKINGS got there first, many HISTORIANS say that Columbus’s VOYAGE to North America was more important. The Vikings had only one VILLAGE in Newfoundland. Columbus opened the door to European SETTLEMENT. Practice 3 Step 1 Issue: The PROS and CONS of the Internet Pro: Can: - RESEARCH information - COMMUNICATE with people all over the world - SHOP from home Con: Children can access INAPPROPRIATE information Someone could steal PERSONAL INFORMATION Can be bad for your EYES and BACK Step 2 CONVENIENCE of Net comes at a PRICE - physical problems and SOCIAL problems Main problem of Net - ISOLATES people from SOCIETY - don’t have FACE-TO-FACE contact - forget EMOTIONS of others online Step 3 Reading: - Main idea: There are both pros and cons to the Internet. - Supporting idea: Good points are that people can research, communicate, and shop online. - Supporting idea: Bad points are that children can get inappropriate information, someone could steal personal information, and using a computer too much is bad for health. Lecture: - Main idea: Although the Internet is an amazing invention, it has some bad effects. - Supporting idea: Internet users can become isolated. - Supporting idea: People forget the emotions of people they communicate with online. Step 4 The INTERNET is an amazing INVENTION, but you should be careful how you use it. You can do lots of things on the Internet, such as RESEARCHING information, watching movies, CHATTING/COMMUNICATING with people all over the world, and SHOPPING. However, as the reading points out, you may find bad things online, too. There are some websites that CHILDREN should not see. Also, dishonest people may use the Internet to steal money or even steal your personal INFORMATION. The reading also says that using the internet too often can cause HEALTH problems. On top of all this, the professor says in her lecture that the Internet also causes SOCIAL problems. She says people may become ISOLATED from society. They may also forget about other people’s EMOTIONS online because they don’t see those people FACE-TO-FACE. Practice 4 Step 1 Issue: Is Pluto a PLANET? - some SCIENTISTS are changing their minds Pro: - shaped like a SPHERE - has a MOON - has a thin ATMOSPHERE - been called a planet since 1930 Step 2 Problem with Pluto’s CLASSIFICATION Evidence that it is “not a PLANET” - SIMILAR to objects from KUIPER BELT - is tiny - fits definition of COMET - has a TILTED orbit Step 3 Reading: - Main idea: Is Pluto a planet? - Supporting idea: Yes, because Pluto had enough gravity to form a sphere like a planet, and it has its own moon. - Supporting idea: Pluto has a thin atmosphere. Answer Key 703 Lecture: - Main idea: Scientists want to change the classification of Pluto. - Supporting idea: Pluto doesn’t seem like a planet because it is similar to other objects in the Kuiper Belt, and it looks like a comet. - Supporting idea: Pluto has a tilted orbit, which is different than other planets. Step 4 Some scientists are thinking about changing the CLASSIFICATION of Pluto. Should it be called a PLANET? On one hand, the reading passage says Pluto has several characteristics SIMILAR to a planet. It orbits a star, has enough GRAVITY to form a SPHERE, has an ATMOSPHERE, and has a MOON. On the other hand, the lecture explains that Pluto looks more like a COMET than a planet. Pluto is similar in size to other objects in the KUIPER BELT. It also has a TILTED orbit, which is different than all of the other planets. Although Pluto has been called a planet since its DISCOVERY in 1930, maybe it is time to change Pluto’s CLASSIFICATION. Skill B Practice 1 Step 1 Main idea: Americans have been the driving force behind the spread of English in the 20 th century. Step 2 A. 2 B. 1 C. Sample answer: In the 1900s, America did more to increase the use of English as an international language than any other country. Step 3 Factors driving spread of English: • Business • Hollywood • INTERNET - MAJORITY of online content in English - fewer HITS for searches not in English - MILLIONS of hits for SEARCHES in English most ENGLISH content available in American English Step 4 A. majority of online content in English synonyms: majority --- most online content --- websites, information on the Web paraphrase: Most of the information on the Web is in English. B. fewer hits for searches not in English synonyms: fewer --- a lower number of not in English --- in other languages paraphrase: People get a lower number of hits for searches in other languages. Step 5 A. 1. Two IMPORTANT factors DRIVING the spread of English both THEN and NOW are business and Hollywood. 2. THE LARGEST AMOUNT of the INFORMATION ON THE WEB in English is PRESENTED in American English. B. 1. American businesses and Hollywood are two key factors that ARE DRIVING THE SPREAD OF ENGLISH BOTH IN THE PAST AND TODAY. 2. Typically, American English is what is used TO PRESENT INFORMATION ON MOST WEBSITES. Step 6 1. One reason that American English is so widespread today is because Americans were the driving force behind the spread of English in the 20 th Century. 2. In addition to American movies, music, and books that can be found almost everywhere, English on the Internet is also driving the spread of English today. Practice 2 Step 1 Main idea: It’s a fairly new idea that sunlight is actually harmful. Step 2 A. 2 704 Answer Key B. 1 C. Sample answer: The belief that sunlight is dangerous is a change in our way of thinking. Step 3 How sunlight helps us: A) Prevents illness B) Kills BACTERIA - hospitals without much SUNLIGHT have MORE germs - HOSPITALS with more sunlight have FEWER germs - more sunlight ➝ people recover FASTER Step 4 A. Sunlight kills germs that cause sickness. synonyms: germs --- bacteria sickness --- illness/disease paraphrase:Sunlight kills bacteria that cause illness/disease. B. recover faster synonyms: recover --- get well faster --- more quickly paraphrase:People get well more quickly in hospitals where there is more sunlight. Step 5 A. 1. LIGHT FROM THE SUN can actually STOP or cure a lot of ILLNESSES that can be LIFE THREATENING. 2. Even though RAYS from the sun can sometimes HARM people by GIVING THEM skin cancer, it isn’t usually FATAL. B. 1. A lot of illness that can be life threatening CAN ACTUALLY BE STOPPED WITH LIGHT FROM THE SUN. 2. It’s true that sunlight can cause CANCER, BUT SKIN CANCER ISN’T USUALLY FATAL. Step 6 1. Perhaps animals are wiser about sunlight than we are because they are active only at special times. 2. Sunlight kills germs and bacteria, so it can keep people from getting sick. Practice 3 Step 1 Main idea: When atoms are split, large amounts of heat and energy are created. Step 2 A. 1 B. 2 C. Sample answer: Splitting an atom produces a vast quantity of heat and energy. Step 3 Reasons for not using NUCLEAR power: A) waste is deadly POISON B) ACCIDENTS can happen C) high cost for SAFETY - DURABLE boxes needed to bury waste - takes LONG time to break down Step 4 A. accidents can happen synonyms: accident --- mistake/mishap happen --- occur/take place paraphrase: Mishaps sometimes take place. B. durable boxes needed to bury waste synonyms: durable --- strong/reliable needed --- required/necessary buy --- dispose of underground/put in the earth paraphrase: To dispose of the waste underground, strong and reliable boxes are required. Step 5 A. 1. HARM has already been DONE to MANY people, TREES, and animals. 2. Making the ATOMIC ENERGY PLANTS safe IS COSTLY. B. 1. Already, many people, plants, and animals have been HARMED BY NUCLEAR POWER. 2. The cost is very high TO MAKE NUCLEAR REACTORS SAFE. Step 6 1. Scientists can use nuclear power to generate electricity. 2. The main reason for not using nuclear power is that the waste is poisonous. Answer Key 705 Practice 4 Step 1 Main idea: One theory argues that gradual changes on Earth made the dinosaurs die out. Step 2 A. 1 B. 1 C. Sample answer: Gradual changes on Earth is one possible cause of the dinosaurs’ disappearance. Step 3 Dinosaur extinction: • suddenly killed when OBJECT from space HIT the Earth • Clue = CRATER in ocean near Mexico • After Earth was hit: - STEAM and dust flew into ATMOSPHERE - some dinosaurs killed by FLOODS or explosion - some dinosaurs died because of COLD WEATHER or no food Step 4 A. Suddenly killed when object from space hit the Earth synonyms: suddenly - all at once killed - wiped out, extinguished object from space - comet, rock from outer space hit - slammed into, smashed into paraphrase:extinguished all at once when a rock from outer space slammed into the Earth B. some dinosaurs killed by floods or explosion synonyms: floods - rising water, tidal waves explosion - blast, extreme heat paraphrase:some dinosaurs wiped out by tidal waves or blast Step 5 A. 1. That the Earth CHANGED very slowly, causing dinosaurs to die out OVER TIME, is one IDEA. 2. One THEORY that SOME RESEARCHERS believe is that a change caused the dinosaurs to die SUDDENLY. B. 1. Very gradual changes on Earth cause dinosaurs TO DIE OUT LITTLE BY LITTLE. 2. Others argue that dinosaurs disappeared AT ONCE BECAUSE SOMETHING CHANGED SUDDENLY. Step 6 1. While one idea claims that gradual changes on Earth caused dinosaurs to die out, another idea is that something hit the Earth and killed them all. 2. From bones found in rocks, scientists can see that many animals from the past have disappeared. Skill C Practice 1 Step 2 We learn new things all the time. When we are children, we learn information from our parents, from our friends, or from teachers in school. When we are adults, we learn things from older people, from colleagues, or even from younger people. Although we are all learning all the time, people learn in different ways. Some people learn by reading. Others learn by doing. Personally, I learn better by doing than by reading. One thing I lear ned by doing was how to install programs on my computer. This is a simple thing if you know how to do it. If you do not already know, it can be confusing. The first time I got a new program for my computer, I read the instructions for how to install it. I did not really understand the instructions. It seemed like they were written in a foreign language. Then I put the CD in my computer. I pushed buttons and clicked with my mouse. I installed the program without the instructions at all. Now, I know how to install any program on my computer. Some people disagr ee with my point of view. They say they have to read the instructions to learn how to do things. They do not want to make any mistakes. I think it is OK to make mistakes. When I make a mistake, I learn not to do it that way again. I also learn what happens when I make that mistake. These are both important things to know when you learn to do something new. Step 3 1. The thesis statement of this essay is “Personally, I learn better by doing than by reading.” 2. The topic sentence of the body paragraph is “One 706 Answer Key thing I learned by doing was how to install programs on my computer.” Step 4 1. This essay takes the side of learning by doing is better than learning by reading. 2. The sample the writer gives to support the thesis statement is how the writer learned to install computer programs. 3. The writer does present an idea from the other side in the conclusion. The writer states that some people read to learn so that they don’t make mistakes. 4. The main idea of the conclusion is that even though learning by doing leads to mistakes, making mistakes is useful for learning too. Practice 2 Step 2 It’s important to have good neighbors. I am lucky to have very good neighbors where we live. I think our neighbors are good because they have been friendly since the first day we moved in. Also, whenever a neighborly thing should be done, they always cooperate, or help out. People sometimes complain that their neighbors are difficult, but we have never had any problems with our neighbors. On the contrary, we like our neighbors a lot and we think that our neighbors like us. T wo qualities that make a good neighbor, then, are friendliness and helpfulness. Our neighbors are good neighbors because they are friendly and helpful. I remember the first summer we moved in. One of our neighbors saw that we were new, so she introduced us to her family and told us to ask her if we ever needed anything. In the weeks that followed, the weather was hot and she invited our kids to swim with her children at the pool. Since then, our children and hers have become good friends. Before leaving for summer vacation, we were worried about leaving our house empty for two weeks. Our neighbor offered to collect the letters from our mailbox every day and to make sure our house was OK. Now, whenever she and her family go away, we help them in the same way and keep an eye on their house. Most people realize that having good neighbors is very important. Indeed, I was lucky to have kind and helpful neighbors with whom we quickly became friends. But I also learned a valuable lesson from these neighbors. I learned the one thing as important as having a good neighbor is being a good neighbor yourself. Step 3 1. The thesis statement of this essay is “Two qualities that make a good neighbor, then, are friendliness and helpfulness.” 2. The topic sentence of the body paragraph is “Our neighbors are good neighbors because they are friendly and helpful.” Step 4 1. This personal experience is about the qualities of good neighbors. 2. The examples the writer gives to support the thesis statement are how her neighbor invited them to swim at the pool and how her neighbor took care of her house while her family was away. 3. Two sentences in the conclusion restate ideas previously mentioned in the essay. 4. The main idea of the conclusion is that to have good neighbors, you also need to be a good neighbor. Skill D Thesis Statements Step 1 Question 1: Some people pr efer to spend their free time outdoors. Other people prefer to spend their free time indoors. Do you prefer to spend your free time outside or inside? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice. Question 2: The automobile has done a lot to improve moder n life. It has also caused many problems for modern society. Do you think automobiles have mor e benefits or disadvantages ? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Question 3: When was the last time you had to interact with someone much older or much younger than you? Was this a good or bad experience for you? Describe the situation and your interaction using specific details. Answer Key 707 Question 4: When was the last time you received a gift of money? What did you do with the money, save it or spend it? Explain what you did and why. Include specific details and reasons in your essay. Step 2 Question 1: experience Sample thesis statement: I learned how to play tennis by playing with my friend rather than by reading about tennis. Question 2: opinion Sample thesis statement: If I could study a subject that I have never studied before, I would study music because I love listening to the piano. Question 3: opinion Sample thesis statement: The best way to travel is by yourself rather than with a tour guide. Question 4: experience Sample thesis statement: One time in my life when I went through a stressful change was the time that I started my first job. Topic Sentences Step 1 Question 1 ( 2 ) One film, The Funeral, showed me several interesting things about Japan. ( 1 ) I have learned a lot about Japanese culture by watching Japanese movies. ( 3 ) In The Funeral, I could see the various parts of a traditional Japanese funeral service. Question 2 ( 3 ) After a day or two, I can read my letter again and change things that are too emotional or are not clear. ( 1 ) If I have to complain about a product or poor service, I prefer to complain in writing. ( 2 ) When I complain about a product or service in writing, I can plan the things I want to say. Question 3 ( 1 ) A special gift I received is a book of poems from my friend. ( 3 ) One of the poems was about the first time we met. ( 2 ) The book of poems from my friend was special because she wrote the poems herself. Question 4 ( 1 ) I think the company should use the money to protect the environment. ( 2) It is more important forthe company to protect the environment because we need the environment to live. ( 3 ) If the water is polluted or not taken care of well, people can get sick from it. Vocabulary Review Review 1 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (D) 6. (D) 7. (B) 8. (D) 9. (B) 10. (A) 11. (A) 12. (B) 13. (D) 14. (C) 15. (A) 16. cultural 17. cuisine 18. campus 19. readily 20. rewarding 21. (D) 22. (B) 23. (A) 24. (E) 25. (C) Review 2 1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (C) 8. (D) 9. (B) 10. (A) 11. (B) 12. (A) 13. (C) 14. (B) 15. (A) 16. inventions 17. encyclopedia 18. convenient 19. isolated 20. contact 21. couple 22. nuclear 23. gradual 24. sudden 25. remain . about the qualities of good neighbors. 2. The examples the writer gives to support the thesis statement are how her neighbor invited them to swim at the. during the Cold War in the 1960s. The main point the professor makes about the Berlin Wall is that it was built to keep people in West Berlin. It stood in the