Benzen English - TOEIG
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Trang 7
Benzen English TOEIC
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Trang 17seen RENE se ‘ : : ohare › ng tà CS Oke? se “ ‘ SÓ ngng PADIS, Meera ees nh, es Eee eerie BoE oe Net ea SRS ge HA 2 ON PEE
ee eee me ere No tang os oe see er ESE Deere y SN so NA Anh hàn ee eerie SSM econ Sennen hate “poeta vn Ss te ' đ TA Nay aa VN See Rae HA OON: làm TA g = er °
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TA si en “ae vn ——
in the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English The entire Listening jest will last approximately 45 minutes There are four parts, and directions are given for each part You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet Do not write your answers in the test book
Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture, Then find the number of fhe question on your answer sheet and mark your answer The statements wil not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time,
Statement (B}, “They are sitting at a table,” is the best description of the picture, So you should select answer {B) and mark it on your answer sheet
Trang 19
= — Serizen English TOEIC saad, + mi Thờ es oe ete kar HN ang "ty a atts Nhu eerste iets ts SANG Hán ĐỀN So ose Se sẽ ss a Š ^ me rte: vn Ha Ni lộ Vy Ni eens Ree ry es EER ie ees Soo = x see ay SONY An HN EER HN SH, re sở 2 Ty Cre 3 a3 x sks ee ng es Ss a hộp xo re ee 5P my wee vn ae OR Cara aoe! ASI SN SERS get as ee ý XÃ re os ere Sie 2ú : sai eee es về as ie HE Sh và: rake ose ee Ce Đ ee : : ô fe So ash ea i ance RRA oe RNAS a Se ee atari Re i Seta Ee : seats oe Senor : Xe vn ares : peor ng a RR ee ANN ee TỐ HN VÀ REDE ee ee HƯỚNG: v2 cu i oF ie 2 se ae : Se it : rie ra, : ORR Soe CH nf aS re x me ve Neapeeahnnsnang oe fh ở: a ees = is ee So) a 5 is se rn aN : Ree, Cor EAN ne SF ES eee oe 2 Si panei See SG 5 ST SƯ HD eR a : : ai : Si 3 NUNG và ng ee ene oR aes NHANG ea Saas een ÊC Tae van Sere Sore Rs x ee, Ss He 7 yes on = b erent pee Ry : Nà tuệ SER eee aun ee S9 2y cưng v TANS oe ee ` Oe Se eu sả SoS SS Sa he oS cuc = 2 oS vi Soe Smee Se Sos ss ie ees Kê hàn TC, alee Nn 30 x0 4z ca 0A N2 an NA eR oe SOR nea at Asst Dep NÀNG eae ‘y, Ms HN KV seen Seek oe pe Sa: et eae See yaa ae
` a.: TY TU NA HÀ HN Như Vi cá n2 cát leên Xử a Me EN Thư e 002100 S TU
Xem video giải đề TOEIC mién phi tai:
sư yy Ms, fom `
Trang 20rok
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Benzen English TOEIC aoe a eT aS Š se vung ẳ st ` Si CN Rea ` eS ôn ah aS SOT <* eee ` PANS Xem video giải đề TOEIC mién phi tai: SG ane và Seis ae Soe See watts h a - ey Sar SN ra SS ERs ee Soa SES AE TƯ: SỀN S0 D2 te c RRO Xa oa WS sian ES peony Boe ae te GARI os eS one oe ma Ree vn Sài vi ` S Na ORES Sone ae pes cơ 3 St SOROS oe « Set “ae hae SR D ` TƯỜNG ve doi ee REY Rees & BREN — v ân VỆ : SS SHUN Uma Panes ee Se VINA ate hệt : SCORN restates cá 5 - Sạn, cr SST i arate ones ca vo vo Boa So cenenatene G eS ope tants es A
RSE sehen ERS Si k vs af
Trang 21Si Benzen English - TÓEIG fo: Ạ a 4 < mn % S 3 4 HN SSeS VU NHÀ ee ane a WSs LON See a Hà xe ve AM se rine tt tà nC Pores SN at Tk ea tờ : " : nu NT SSPS&SEAG2iSEARRERNGEeNttSe
: : = : Res SIU CEC Oe a ae EN RN Sẽ AC
Trang 2215
Directions: You will hear a question or sialement and three responses spoken in English They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer
7 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 20 Mark your answer on your answer sheet
& Mark your answer on your answer sheet 21, Mark your answer on your answer sheet
g Mark your anewer on your answer sheet 22 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 10 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 23, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 41 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 24, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 42 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 25 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 43 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 26 Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 44, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 27 Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 15 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 28 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 46 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 39, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 17 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 36 Mark your answer on your anewer sheet
18 Mark your answer on your answer sheet 31, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 1% Mark your answer on your answer sheet
Trang 23Benzen English - TORIC
Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or three people You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B),
(C), or (D} on your answer sheet The
conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time :
32 What problem are the speakers discussing? (A} A technician has not arrived
{B) Some equipment is not functioning
{C} Supplies have not been ordered
{(D} Prices have increased lately 33 Where do the speakers: most likely work?
{A} Ata manufacturing B lan
(ì Àt a compufter store (C} At a garage
{D} At a printing store
34 What does ther man nask the woman 1 t0 do? (A} Arrange some supplies
(B) install some new equipment
{C} Order some items {D} Canfirm the inventory 35 Who mast likely | is the woman? {A} Ar architect (By A landscaping c crew —- (C) A construction worker
{D} A real estate agent
36 Why does the woman say, “l be here
until late in the evening’? | (Aj To offer some heipe
{8} To provide her schedule -
(Cj) To confirm an assignment
(D} To turn down a request
37 What does the man say he will da next?
{A} Check a schedule {B) Contact a client (C) Plant some trees {D} Visit a customer Xem video giải đề TOEIC mién phi tai: 38 33
What products is the woman shopping for? {A} Cash registers - {B} Supply cabinets {OC} Light fixtures {D} Storage racks What product feature is thé woman interested in’? {Ai Design (B} Energy efficiancy {(C} Durability {DB} Size What doas the man advise the woman about? a (A} Availability - _ ot {B} Space requirements {C} installation ume {D} Length of warranty 41 42 43 What is the wornan’s job? _ {A} Librarian {B) Professar {C) Publisher (D} Artist What does the man say about some materials? ¬
(A} They cannot be taken out of a building {5} They are available online
(C) They can be viewed for a price {D} They have not been translated into
What will the man do next? {A} Onen the archives {8} Submit an application
(C) Make a reservation
{Ð) Transfer a phone call
Trang 24Benzen Englian- TOEIC
44 What are the speakers discussing? {A} Hiring new employees
{B) Finding a different supplier
(C} Developing a marketing strategy (D Respondfng to a review Whai does the man say about some merchandise? co {A} itis handmade (B} It is reasonably priced
{C) ft can be ordered online (D) Ht has been discounted
What does the woman suggest daing? {A} Putting some ads in newspapers
({B} Posting pictures on social media sites
iC} Offering a discount to some CUSTOMErS (D} Reauesting feedback from customers 4? 4ã Ag,
What did the man recently do?
(A} He went on a business trip
(8} He moved to a new location,
iC) He disposed of some furniture (D) He staried his own business,
Why does the woman suggest that the man visit a certain store?
{A} fi provides good customer service
{8} it is within walking distance of work
(C) it gives free estimates
{D} it has reduced prices
\Whai does the wornan say she will do?
(A) Use a car rental service {B) Purchase a truck {C} Forward some documents (D) Talk fo a coworker 5G 54, Be What does the man thank the woman for? {A} Conducting interviews (B) Reporting a mistake (C} Meeting a deadline (D} Attencling a conference Whai cines the man say is planned for next week?
(A} A training session (B) Some job interviews {C) A visit by a senior manager
iD} A sales meeting
What does the women ask about? (A) The opportunity to meet a client (B} The details of a proposal
(C) The chances of taking time off
(D} The possibility of a prarnotion 53 54 Where do the speakers work? {A} At a newspaper (B} Ất a real estate agency (C} At a publishing house {D} At an accounting firm What does the man say happened last month’?
{A) New items were released
{8} Some contracts were signed
iC) Some famous authors gave lectures (D) A new book was published
What will Cathy do next?
(A) Complete some paperwork {B} Guide tourists to an attraction
(C} Hold an orientation for new hires (D) Take a tour of the office
Trang 25Benzen English - TOEIG
S6 Where cio the speakers most likely work? {A} At an automobile manufacturer
(B} At a car dealership
{C} At a gas station {D} At an auto repair shop
57, What problem does the wornan report? (A) The car assembly line is understaffed
(B) Some equipment is not operating properly
{) Á product does not have an attractive
(D} A tearn is running behind schedule 58 What will the speakers 1 most likely do
(A} Contact a different supplier
(B) Change the timeline of a project
_ (©) increase the funds in a budget { (D} extend the hours of operation 1n
58 What industry do the speakers most fikely work in’? và
.„ A) Finance (B) Publishing
(C} Shipping oe
{D) Manufacturing’ ¬
60 VWhat is the pr oblem? ©
{A} A due date has passed {B} A design does not look good (C) A name was misspelled, (D) An article needs proofreading G1 What does the woman say she will do
{A} Submit a new sample (Œ) Speak with a designer (G} Make same repairs
(D} Call a print shop
Xem video giải đề TOEIC miễn phí tại: http:/bitly/2C0ICEU Access Card Malfunctions 0601 Access Restricted 005 Printer Error O11 Damaged Card Hid Gornler malfunctions 62 63 64
Where dogs the man most likely work?
{A} In the security office
(B) in the laboratory
(C} in the information desk {D) in the mailroom
Look at the graphic Which error code
does the access card have? —
{A} Access restricted
(8) Printer error (C) Dam aged card - (D) Copier malfunesorg,
What will the woman ‘do this aft ternoon? {A} She will cornplete a report
{B} She will give a presentation {C) She will pick up an access card
{BD} She will greet a client
Trang 26Benzen Englieh - TO&iG Train Schedule Train 42 1:40 1:90 2:40 Train 48 1:20 1:40 2:00
6& What problem does the wornan have? {A} She has not purchased a ticket yet
{B} Her train has been delayed
{C} She is going the wrong direction {D} She boarded the wrong train 66 Look at the graphic At which station
shoud the woman chanqe trains? {A} Randolph
(By Hope
(C) Richmond
(D) Vidalia
87 Why is the woman in a hurry?
{A} She is going to be late for work {B} She nas to demonstrate a prociuct
(O} She has to make a conference call {D} She has to catch an express train 22 1:00 PLM 12:90 PLM, 4:90 PM 3:30 PLM 7:00 PLM 8:30 PL 10:00 P.M 9:30 P.M
68 Look at the graphic What time do the gpaakers plan to arrive? (A) At 12:30 PLM (B) At 3:30 P.M (C) At 6:30 PLM (D) At 9:30 PLM 69 Why does the woman say the musical is so popular?
(A) k was composed by a Jocal resident (B) it features some farnous performers (CG) it has been performed around the
(DB) has received excellent reviews
70, What does the woman suggest they do before the musical?
{A) Purchase tickets (B} Have a meal
(C} Complete a report iD} Meat some neighbors
Trang 27
Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single soeaker You will be asked
to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each short talk Select the best
response to each question and mark the letter (A), (BỊ, (C}, or (D) an your answer sheet The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time
Roper 0A256016004/6baNđkva
What is being advertised?
{A} Glasses for professionals
{B} A career fair
{C} Time management workshop {D) A seminar on ontine marketing
74 What advantage is mentioned? {A} A free class (B) A variety of courses (C} A convenient schedule {D) An affordable fee — 73 What can the listeners win in a contest? {Aj A textbook (B) A discounted rate (C} A computer {D} Plane tickets
74, Which department in Springfield City
recorded the message? -
iA) Maintenance
{8} Construction (C} Engineering
(D) Sanitation
75 According to the message, why is it taking longer to cornplete a process?
{Aj There has been an increase in applications, (B} Several employees are out of the office {(C} Some computer files were recently deleted (D) There is not enough money in & budget
76 According to the message, what are the
listeners reminded to da? {A} Turn in some blueprints (3} Confirm a mailing address
(C) Pay an application fee
(D} Register a company’s name
Xem video giải đề TOEIC mién phi tai: T
What does the speaker imply when she
says, “Pm sure you'll all be able to begin your shift on time*?
(A) Shifts should not be changed : (B) A meeting will not be very tong (CG) Some customers have complained
{D} Employees shoiid not be late for work
According to the speaker, what
happened last Friday?
{A} A new hairstylist was hired
{B) A hair salon had a sale on beauty products
(O} A consultant evaluated a business
(D) A shipment of products arrived What does the speaker say they will do
{A) Help unload beauty products (B) Learn to work asateam |
{C} Try to recruit new clients
{D) Practice selling salon products 89 81 82 Where does the talk take place? {A} At a school (B} On a bus {C) in a museum {D} At a park
What does the speaker recommend? {A} Seeing a film
{B}) Buying souvenirs (C} Purchasing tickets (D}) Using a tour map
What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?
{A) Use some audio equipment
{B) Refrain from taking pictures iC) Provide feedback
{D} Silence their phones
ae ~, oy
Trang 28Benzen English -TOEIG
83 Which departrnent does the speaker work in? {A} Production {8} Sales iC} Marketing (D} Costume Design What does the speaker want the listeners to do at the meeting? iA} Brainsiorm ideas {B} Rehearse a performance {O) Discuss Rerns to order (D) Review promotional materials
What will the speaker do next? (A} Hand out same printed
{8) Present some inforrnation about 4 performance
{C} introduce the cast of a performance
{D} Check on the stage designs being used 86 87, 88
Why does the speaker apologize’?
(A} An application process was hard
(B) A mesting time has been changed (C) A presentation was postponed
{D) A schedule was not correct
What is Tina Willis’s job? {A) University professor {B} Newspaper reporter (C} Event planner
(D) Consultant
What will Tina Wills talk about?
{A} Collaboration: skills (By Advertising methods ic} Compulter programming {(} Workplace efficiency 89 99, 9, What did the speaker receive an inquiry about?
{A} Ordering same uniforme in bulk
{B} Customizing serne work clothes
(C) Repairing some equipment
(D) Attencling a theatrical event
Why does the speaker offer to waive a recuirement? {A} The listener was referred by his colleague (B) Tha fistener recently started a business (C} The fistener is a long-time regular customer (D} The listener signed a long-term Contract
What is feacing to a delay?
{4} The businass is understalfed {B) A computer fle was not saved
{C}) An image has come out blurry
{(D} An image must be reformatted
Xem video giải đề TOEIC miễn phí tại:
What type of business do the listeners work for’?
(Ay A construction campany
(B} An architectural firm
iC} An airline
{Ds A software clesign firm
According to the speaker, how cari the listeners cut costs?
(A) By purchasing supplies in bulk
(B) By purchasing energy-afficient
iC) By having meetings online {(D} By choosing a reasonable vendor
What does the speaker imply wher she
says, “Are all of your computers on?” {A} She will give a demonstration
(B) She wanders if the maintenance was
(C} She does not want io waste energy (>) She needs to purchase software
Trang 29Benzen English - TORIC Annual Sales in Dollars{Millions) Accaunting 310 ¬.- Human Resources 311 khu omen Maintenance 319 : Shipping 313 ee
95 What will happen at the company next Otek Boe Meee Say
week? Vegetables Goods Goods
(A) New software will be installed, (8) New employees will be hired
iC) A factory will be renovated
{D} Sorne software will be upgraded
98 What type of business cloes the speaker work for?
{A} A supermarket chain
86 Look at the graphic What department {B) A market research firm
does the speaker wark in? (C) A food manufacturer
\ (D) A financial services firm
(Aj Accounting
| re bia ID Sh 99 Look at the graphic According to the
Epa | speaker, which category should have
PPING more shelf space? 97 What will take place at 1:30? (A) Fruits and vegetabies
(A) A catered funch G Mu goods
(8) An orientation session {D) Canned goods
(C} A question-and-answer period
(D) Meetings with each supervisor 406 What does the speaker say she will do?
{A} Speak with some supervisors
{8} Sampie same food iterns
(C} Interview some job applicants
{D} Ask vendors for new products
This is the end of the Listening test Turn to Part § in your test book
Trang 30Benzen English - TÓEIG
in the Reading test you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes There are three parts, and directions are given for each part You are encouraged ta answer as many
questions as possible within the time allowed
You must mark your answer on the separate answer sheet Do not write your answers in your test book
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below Four answer choices are given below each sentence Select the best answer to complete the sentence Then mark the fetter (A), (8), (C}), or () on your answer sheet
101 Getting some proper sleep is - on 4105 Green Gracery is providing free delivery
an overnight flight garvice - shoppers who spend
(A) difficult more than $30 a day
(B} difficulty {A} onto
{C) difflcultly {5} by
(DY difficulties (C} to
(D} with 462 The company gives its employees the
option of alther paid time off - cash 406 The insurance - hospital visits and
for the overtime hours they work prescriptions but not the cost of any
(A) two preventative treatments
(B} or {A} covers
{C) bath {B} unfoles
(D} and (C) reaches
(3) applies 108 Mr Jonathan - the ceremony with
an introductory speech 407 Tourists to Mt Everhigh will travel to e
{A} will start => OỆ about 1,500 meters
{B} to start {A} top
{C} being started {By height
(D} was started iC} grade
(D} recorc 104 The architect in San Antonio was
recognized for designing a ~ local 168 Dr Jang, - is off duty, asked his
market assistant to compile sales data for the
(A) space strategy meeting next week,
(B) spacious (A} what
{CG} spaces {B) who
iD} spaciously {C} which
Xem video giai dé TOEIC mién phi tai: Herp -iiL1y/2COICEU
Trang 31Benzen English TORIC
109 Because of the recluced budget, the
lacal library has not purchased any books ~ -~ {A} shortly (B) recently (C} tolerantly {D} continually
110 The number of tourists from Korea to Japan tends to peak ~ - March and April every year -
{A} since {B) but
(C} between {D} into
111 Ms Ngwane was acknowledged by the
residents for her -~ as a volunteer helper oe {A} rivals (B} conclusions (C} contributions (D} calculations
112 If you feel unsafe, you should - fle a complaint with the property owner
(A) officiality: `
{B) official ¬
(GC) officializé 2
(TH officially co)
173 Employees at MVA Oa., Ltd are entitled to take a one-month leave - two years af service (A) behind {B) until {C} after (DS onta
114, Soliton Realtor has shown great -~ in managing its valued customers" investment properties {A} profession {(Ð) professionalism (C) proless (Ð) professor Xem video giải đề TOEIC miễn phí tại: http://bit.Iy/2C0ICEU 115 118 117 118 119 120 wnuwwen OO GOOG locals work at the Gunsan facility in Korea {A} Every {B} Quite iC} Other (D) Over
Resi assured we do not disclose sensitive - to unauthorized users (A) information {B) informer {C} informs {Ð) inform All of the attendees at the cornference Hstened -~~-~ fo Mr Jonathan's keynate speech {A) excessively (B) intently {C} smartly (Dị usually
We wil review the pending issue
with Ms Wright when she - to headquarters from her business trip
{A) returns {B} to return
{C} returning {D} had returned
Hausing prices in Pleasantville spiked after intense media - about 4 celebrity's house in that araa (A) reductions
{B} coverage
{C} average
(D} placiges
The movie star took @ -~~-+ step
Trang 32hanzen English TORK Wai 122 123 125 126
Ms Song is looking or a rental
space where she plans to open her own bakery {A} monetary {By commercial {0} outdated (D) repetitive
The mainienance manager requested that all employees reduce watler -~~-~ at the worksite {A} user {B) useful (C) usage {(D} usefulness
The staff members at Almond Lega!
Office make it a point to continually
~~xen a broad knowledae base {A} treat
(Bì perceive
{C} build {Ð) predict
Mr Golo is seeking - who carn manage overseas accounis and is fluent in some foreign languages
(Aj ineirs {B) anything {C} someone (D} yourselves
~~~ Stakecok, Inc will close its factories in Korea depends on the governmerii's Gecision, {A} Ever though (8) Furthermore (CG) Whether {} Accordingly
As of next month, al] employees’ paychecks will be issued at the start of the month, and travel expenses will be reimbursed ~-~ (A) subsequemi (B} subsequence iC) subsequently iD) subsequences 121, 128 * 128 139
Be sure to - the safely reguiations when dealing with tade chemicals in the lab {A} make up {B) announce (C) suggest (D} comply with
The company’s security rules for office workers extend - those of other companies in the area
{A} either (By beyond
iC} when (D) stil
Pue to our -~ - order volume in the summer months, the lead time wil be tlouble that of other seasons
{A} heavy
{B} multiole iC} jong
iD) noisy
News about machine malfunctions
affecting the production schedule ~ -
to the flaar manager without delay {A) will be directing
{B) have been directed {C) may have directed
{D} should be directed
Trang 33benzen English TOEIO
Directions: Read the texts that follow A word or phrase, ar sentence is missing in paris of gach text Four answer choices for each question are given below the text Select the best answer to complete the text Then mark the ietter (A}, (BỊ, (C}, or (D) on your answer sheet Questions 137-134 refer to the following advertisement
Denton Furniture is introducing its newest line of bedroom furniture, including beds,
dressers, and wardrobes, You will] love the ~ design each item has yo" the furniture is made of the strongest oak, so it is designed tolast decades The antique appearance af the furniture will amaze you, too Visitors to your home will think you spent thousands on iterns hundreds of years old T Redo your entire bedroom by shopping at Denton Furniture You'll be able to TH well knowing that our furniture is made to last
and looks incredible
134 (Aystyie 9 a 133 (A) We have expert carpenters on staff _ (stylani CC at our factory ee
(Ch stylist a | " C (B) Please let us know what you want to (D) styling 7S purchase ¬
¬ {C) in reality, you won't have to pay 132, (A) Afterall CC nearly that much
_ (AlHastl CC (D) This fine of products will be released
(Cy For instance (0 next year (D} in addition 134 (A) see {B) sleep (C) play (D) study ï
Xem video giải đề TOEIC mién phi tai:
Trang 34Ate `
Beanzan English «| Oki
Questions 135-138 refer to the following Web page
ww mifonaircom
At Milton Air, while we don’t like doing It, i is sometimes necessary to delay or cancel a TK” H you want to be aware of the status of the plane you're taking, simply download our Mitton Air app You'll find out when flights are taking off and arriving You can even
~~xee=e reservations by using the app Download the app anc then register with your phone nurnber or e-mail addrass If you are already a member of our Milton Air Mileage program
just add your membership number when you download the app Then, your contact
information will be updatect "` ~xxemee 1 435 (A) position 437 (A) automatically (B) cruise {B} certainly iC} flight (GC) freely {D} shift {D) voluntarily
436 (A) make 438 (A) Your ticket will be sent to you by
(Bì to make e-mail once you make the payment
{C) making (B} We regret thal there are no seats
iD} have made available on thal day
(C) Hf you do not belong to our program,
click here to sign up
iD) You can contact a cusiomer service reoresertative 24 hours a day
Trang 35
8enzen English TOEIG
Questions 139-142 refer to the folowing e-mail From: Carol Watson
To: Kevin Briggs
Date: March 3
Subject: Monday’s Meeting
Dear Kevin,
i wonder if you were at the budget meeting that was held on Monday | wasn’t able to
attend it, but | just read the summary points that S30" discussed interestingly, there was
nathing in there about the upcoming buciget cuts ‘aor e-mail | received also
implied that employees must get permission Ta they make any purchases with a company credit card ~ ~-, that is not accurate This regulation only applies for + purchases of $100 or more : Carol 439 (A) will be ¬_ 444, {A} first (B)maybe .ss- (B) how (C} were CS Đán (C) when (D} is {D} already
140 (A} | hope they were covered, but the $42 (A) Accordingly person who wrote the outline forgot {8} Likewise
to mention them oS (C} Additionally
{53} would be great if you cauld be sure {DO} However
to attend the resting since | cannot be there
iC} | wonder what everyone thought as soon as that announcement was made,
(D) Please be sure to type up your notes and distribute them to everyone in the department,
Trang 36ganzen Engi củ gh -TOEIC Questions 145-1456 refer to the customer review
i was looking through my storeroom the other day, and | found a tube of Harold’s Supergiue | bought it at least five years aga, out, Tas" f was stl able to use , i had to
squeeze the tube very hard to get the glue to come out at firet “Vaan” there were no problems with it - The bond was strong, and { have noticed no issues at all, %
Ì alwaws purchase products by Harold's because of their great reputation They are sasily the - products on the market Unlike other products, my children have not suffered ° any negailve effects from using them Peter Tudor eS TAA RINE EHS ROAST A LATO AUB SC ND I 143 (AS surprised {B) surprising {C) surprises {(D} surprisingly {A} instead {B} Sirnilariy iC) Othenwise iD} Regardless 145 {A} | used it to glue together a couple of pieces of wood
(B} it was ort sale at the hardware store,
so | bought two tubes
Trang 37Benzen English TOEIG (a RES SEER SARS EE A v02o z PART 7
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (Bì, (C), or D) on your answer sheet, Questions 147-148 refer io the following advertisement - Oe ”arking Gai — sÐecial Offer $18 off 4-day minimum stay
All types of vehicles accepted All lots guarded by 24-hour security Free shuttle service to nearby airports
This offer is vatid for our locations in the United States, Canada, and Mexico,
Show this card upon departing the lot te receive your discount This card expires on December 31
147 What is indicated about Welker’s 148
Parking Garage? {A} By registering for an account
How can customers receive a discount?
{A} It is hiring new employees (B} it permits short-term parking
({C} it has focations in several countries {D} it charges lower rates to frequent
Xem video giải đề TOEIC mién phi tai:
{B) By paying in cash
iC} By presenting a decument (D} By paying for a membership
Trang 38Benzen English TÓC H on Questions 149-150 refer to the following information oe c ch a a
April issue: Guest Contributor
Living in Rome, Haly, Irene Verducci occupies her time with fashion in Europe She is regularly published in magazines such as Style and Your Life In this month’s edition of High Fashion, she focuses on the fives of fashion models who are getting started in the
business and what regular days in their fives are like
4149 Who most likely is Ms Verducci? 150 What is suggested about Ms Verducci?
(A) A fashion model {A} She runs her own business
{By A writer (8) She is knowledgeable about fashion
{C) A photographer {C) She is the editor of Your Life
(Đì An editor {D} She used to work as a model
Trang 39Benzen English -TOEIC
Questions 151-152 refer ta the following e-mail tom ¢ Caines 23 <tomgaines@wailma Le com> Serres eee CEES Dear Customer,
Thank you for applying ta our direct: withdrawal prograin, On the 29th of F cach raonth, the amount you
we for your cable television service will be automatically withdra: WIE ron your account This will
ensure that you never miss a paymient again All payments will be withdrawn from Keystone Bank ‘from the account number XXXX-XXX-
Each month on the 20th, you will be sent an itemized bill by e-niail Shoulil you have any questions,
should you wish to add dr reniove any charibels; or should’ you nee need to make a service request, please visit our Web site at www nóc ¬¬
151 What is the } purpose of the e-mail? - số SỐ _ “According t to the ¢ @- mail, what ớ customers NOTd do by Visiting « a Web (A) To confitm efiroliment | ina program :
(8) To acknowledge a change inabank |“ Sle?
account: © a AL Change Which channels they can see
(C) To offer a new service: ¬ " ˆ (B) Requesl to have something fixed
(0} To describe some movie channels {C) Make inquiries
{D} Cancel their cable service
Xem video giải đề TOEIC mién phi tai:
Trang 40Renzen English TORIC
Questions 153-154 refer to the following lext message chain ‘ we fo 4o v06 g0 v07
183 What is suggested about oot Nữ 154, At 6:13 P.M., whet doas Mr Symington Halpern and Mr Symington? mean when he writes, “That's simple”? {A} They work at the same company (A) He will order for Mr Halpern
(B} They have traveled to Milan before (B) He can find the restaurant {C) They have atterided the conference iC} He has already arrived
before, {D) He dees nai need any more time
{D} They know Mr Dennisen well,
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