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We are planning a holiday in Hong Kong when Peter retires but I don’t know whether it’ll ever come …… a.. Five readers……the correct solution to our recent competition..[r]

(1)EXERCISE 1 The chances of a repetition of these event are……indeed a Distant b Slim c Unlike d Narrow That picture is somewhat………of Picasso’s early work a Mindful b Similar c Memorable d Reminiscent There will of necessity be a …… to the amount of money put at the new manager’s disposal a Ceiling b Roof c Sky d Summit Charles had very little interest in the museum: he gave exhibit no more than a(n) ………glance a Transient b Temporary c Ephemeral d Cursory Ben’s wife is a terrible snob She………almost all his friends because they have north country accents a Looks up to b Look forward to c Look out on d Look down to The police stopped me the other day as I was driving home because I was………the speed limit a Transcending b Exceeding c Surpassing d Overtaking A great……… of bees settled on our apple tree during the storm a Crowd b Swarm c Flock d Buzz Mr Adams found time had begun to…….after six months of retirement a Drag b Stretch c Bore d Pull Although it was…… jewellery it looked real enough a Dishonest b Untrue c Invented d Imitation 10 They all though he was guilty, but no one could……anything against him a Point b Accuse c Ensure d Prove EXERCISE Having lost the match, the team travelled home in… spirits a Cold b Low c Dark d Deep Memories of the flood still… in this town a Suspend b Stay c Remain d Linger The store at the corner has new…… a Possessors b Proprietors c Administrators d Hosts They solved a problem that had…….all previous efforts (2) a Discarded b Resisted c Defied d Opposed The child appeared shy and wouldn’t talk; she remained….all through the party.E a Dumb b Still c Witless d Mute Their climate is not dry at all In fact, they have…… of water a A quantity b An abundance c A deficiency d A plenty Taxis don’t follow any schedule They come and go…… a At random b Chronologically c In sequence d Punctually “Why is that building closed?” “The police are looking for a…… bomb.” a Timing b Timer c Timed d Time Please move the chairs……the aisle They are……my way a Away from- on b Off- on c Out of- in d Out from- in 10 The students in the nursing department are…….female a Restrictively b Spontaneously c Arbitrarily d Predominantly EXERCISE It’s as black as … in here Turn on the light! a Dark b Night c Paint d Clouds Every weekend my father works… on a small patch of land in the countryside a Garden b Field c Patch d Farm The bookshop was full of people through books a Shuffling b Browsing c Buying d Sifting We usually sit on… stuffed with very soft material a Furniture b Benches c Sofa d Cushions John couldn’t say a word; he was… by the shocking news a Jammed b Clamped c Stunned d Dealt I'm sure your bank manager will lend you a ear when you explain the situation to him a reverberation b sympathetic c pitiful d compassionate I this ship "Titanic" May God bless all who sail in her a name b entitle c resister d christen The teacher hoped to a positive, not a negative reply from his student a elicit b donate c respond d preface (3) EXERCISE Mercury is used to………glass in making mirrors a Cover b Wrap c Paint d Coat He promised ………to pay me back the loan from his next month’s salary a Surely b Faithfully c Certainly d Gravely The business of agriculture, California’s next major growth field, was started… a wide scale throughout the state a By b On c With d Under The moment the man spoke to the woman, he realized he had ……… her for someone else a Misled b Mislaid c Mistaken d Misinformed They…….a list of all the people interested in the idea a Drew up b Took up c Turned up d Called up According to my……the meeting starts at ten tomorrow morning a Opinion b Knowledge c Belief d Information Please find…….a copy of the letter I received from the college a Enclosed b Contained c Included d Covered To be …….with you, I think you're making a dreadful mistake a Dishonest b Weird c Candid d Likely She was promised a promotion but it never … a True b saturated c Materializedd Informed 10 In the centre of the hall stood a wooden statue, decorated in ivory and gold a Widely b Extreme c Big d colossal EXERCISE They reached their hotel…… after landing at the airport a Already b Hardly c Scarcely d Shortly Electricity and gas supplies have been seriously………by the floods a Altered b Disrupted c Destroyed d Erupted I hear they are going to…………the old cinema and build a supermarket a Cut down on b Go down with c Get away with d Do away with When that woman was pushing past me to get out, she……….on my foot! a Sped b Trod c Strode d Sprang (4) This book is…… too long to be read at one sitting a Even b Extremely c Rather d So After signing his will, the old man placed it carefully in a(n)……envelope a Enclosed b Secured c Attached d Sealed It was just beginning to get dark when we decided to……for home a Direct b Drive c Head d Go As a full story …., the public reacted with shock a Uncovered b Unfolded c Unwrapped d Undid This song is not…… as original as their previous ones a Almost b Virtually c Nearly d Practically 10 It is expected that all members will……to the rules of the club a Comply b Concede c Conform d Compromise EXERCISE It was decided that the cost of the project would be……and so it was abandoned a Respective b Prohibitive c Restrictive d Exclusive It just so … that I was in their area that day, so I went to visit them a Occurred b Happened c Chanced d Arose Tessa was determined to become wealthy and to that……she started her own company a View b Aim c End d Object Karen was terribly nervous before the interview but she managed to pull herself….and act confidently a Through b Over c Together d Off Even though it was clear that he was wrong, he was unwilling to ……and admit it a Take back b Stand down c Draw back d Back down He made a number of……remarks about my cooking, which upset me a Slashing b Stabbing c Chopping d Cutting I was kept awake for most of the night by the…….of a mosquito in my ear a Moan b Groan c Whine d Screech If you would like to wait for a moment, sir, I will just… your files on the computer screen (5) a Pull down b Call up c Bring in d Pick up We are planning a holiday in Hong Kong when Peter retires but I don’t know whether it’ll ever come …… a On b Out c Off d Round 10 Five readers……the correct solution to our recent competition a Communicated b Qualified c Submitted d Subscribed (6)

Ngày đăng: 14/09/2021, 09:47

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