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  • Campbell_ph17_Biology11e.pdf (p.1)

  • Campbell_ph17_Biology11e.pdf (p.2-1491)

    • Cover

    • Brief Contents

    • Title Page

    • Copyright Page

    • About the Authors

    • Preface

    • Highlights of New Content

    • Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules for Instructors

    • See the Big Picture

    • Build Visual Skills

    • Make Connections Visually

    • Practice Scientific Skills

    • Apply Scientific Skills to Solving Problems

    • Bring Biology to Life

    • Succeed with MasteringBiology

    • Personalized Coaching in MasteringBiology

    • Student and Lab Supplements

    • Instructor Resources

    • Featured Figures

    • Interviews

    • Acknowledgments

    • Reviewers

    • Detailed Contents

    • 1 Evolution, the Themes of Biology, and Scientific Inquiry

      • Inquiring About Life

      • Concept 1.1 The study of life reveals unifying themes

        • Theme: New Properties Emerge at Successive Levels of Biological Organization

        • Theme: Life’s Processes Involve the Expression and Transmission of Genetic Information

        • Theme: Life Requires the Transfer and Transformation of Energy and Matter

        • Theme: From Molecules to Ecosystems, Interactions Are Important in Biological Systems

      • Concept 1.2 The Core Theme: Evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of life

        • Classifying the Diversity of Life

        • Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection

        • The Tree of Life

      • Concept 1.3 In studying nature, scientists make observations and form and test hypotheses

        • Exploration and Observation

        • Forming and Testing Hypotheses

        • The Flexibility of the Scientific Process

        • A Case Study in Scientific Inquiry: Investigating Coat Coloration in Mouse Populations

        • Experimental Variables and Controls

        • Theories in Science

      • Concept 1.4 Science benefits from a cooperative approach and diverse viewpoints

        • Building on the Work of Others

        • Science, Technology, and Society

        • The Value of Diverse Viewpoints in Science

    • Unit 1 The Chemistry of Life

      • Interview: Lovell Jones

      • 2 The Chemical Context of Life

        • A Chemical Connection to Biology

        • Concept 2.1 Matter consists of chemical elements in pure form and in combinations called compounds

          • Elements and Compounds

          • The Elements of Life

          • Case Study: Evolution of Tolerance to Toxic Elements

        • Concept 2.2 An element’s properties depend on the structure of its atoms

          • Subatomic Particles

          • Atomic Number and Atomic Mass

          • Isotopes

          • The Energy Levels of Electrons

          • Electron Distribution and Chemical Properties

          • Electron Orbitals

        • Concept 2.3 The formation and function of molecules depend on chemical bonding between atoms

          • Covalent Bonds

          • Ionic Bonds

          • Weak Chemical Interactions

          • Molecular Shape and Function

        • Concept 2.4 Chemical reactions make and break chemical bonds

      • 3 Water and Life

        • The Molecule That Supports All of Life

        • Concept 3.1 Polar covalent bonds in water molecules result in hydrogen bonding

        • Concept 3.2 Four emergent properties of water contribute to Earth’s suitability for life

          • Cohesion of Water Molecules

          • Moderation of Temperature by Water

          • Floating of Ice on Liquid Water

          • Water: The Solvent of Life

          • Possible Evolution of Life on Other Planets

        • Concept 3.3 Acidic and basic conditions affect living organisms

          • Acids and Bases

          • The pH Scale

          • Buffers

          • Acidification: A Threat to Our Oceans

      • 4 Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life

        • Carbon: The Backbone of Life

        • Concept 4.1 Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds

          • Organic Molecules and the Origin of Life on Earth

        • Concept 4.2 Carbon atoms can form diverse molecules by bonding to four other atoms

          • The Formation of Bonds with Carbon

          • Molecular Diversity Arising from Variation in Carbon Skeletons

        • Concept 4.3 A few chemical groups are key to molecular function

          • The Chemical Groups Most Important in the Processes of Life

          • ATP: An Important Source of Energy for Cellular Processes

          • The Chemical Elements of Life: A Review

      • 5 The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules

        • The Molecules of Life

        • Concept 5.1 Macromolecules are polymers, built from monomers

          • The Synthesis and Breakdown of Polymers

          • The Diversity of Polymers

        • Concept 5.2 Carbohydrates serve as fuel and building material

          • Sugars

          • Polysaccharides

        • Concept 5.3 Lipids are a diverse group of hydrophobic molecules

          • Fats

          • Phospholipids

          • Steroids

        • Concept 5.4 Proteins include a diversity of structures, resulting in a wide range of functions

          • Amino Acid Monomers

          • Polypeptides (Amino Acid Polymers)

          • Protein Structure and Function

        • Concept 5.5 Nucleic acids store, transmit, and help express hereditary information

          • The Roles of Nucleic Acids

          • The Components of Nucleic Acids

          • Nucleotide Polymers

          • The Structures of DNA and RNA Molecules

        • Concept 5.6 Genomics and proteomics have transformed biological inquiry and applications

          • DNA and Proteins as Tape Measures of Evolution

    • Unit 2 The Cell

      • Interview: Elba Serrano

      • 6 A Tour of the Cell

        • The Fundamental Units of Life

        • Concept 6.1 Biologists use microscopes and biochemistry to study cells

          • Microscopy

          • Cell Fractionation

        • Concept 6.2 Eukaryotic cells have internal membranes that compartmentalize their functions

          • Comparing Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

          • A Panoramic View of the Eukaryotic Cell

        • Concept 6.3 The eukaryotic cell’s genetic instructions are housed in the nucleus and carried out by the ribosomes

          • The Nucleus: Information Central

          • Ribosomes: Protein Factories

        • Concept 6.4 The endomembrane system regulates protein traffic and performs metabolic functions

          • The Endoplasmic Reticulum: Biosynthetic Factory

          • The Golgi Apparatus: Shipping and Receiving Center

          • Lysosomes: Digestive Compartments

          • Vacuoles: Diverse Maintenance Compartments

          • The Endomembrane System: A Review

        • Concept 6.5 Mitochondria and chloroplasts change energy from one form to another

          • The Evolutionary Origins of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts

          • Mitochondria: Chemical Energy Conversion

          • Chloroplasts: Capture of Light Energy

          • Peroxisomes: Oxidation

        • Concept 6.6 The cytoskeleton is a network of fibers that organizes structures and activities in the cell

          • Roles of the Cytoskeleton: Support and Motility

          • Components of the Cytoskeleton

        • Concept 6.7 Extracellular components and connections between cells help coordinate cellular activities

          • Cell Walls of Plants

          • The Extracellular Matrix (ECM) of Animal Cells

          • Cell Junctions

        • Concept 6.8 A cell is greater than the sum of its parts

      • 7 Membrane Structure and Function

        • Life at the Edge

        • Concept 7.1 Cellular membranes are fluid mosaics of lipids and proteins

          • The Fluidity of Membranes

          • Evolution of Differences in Membrane Lipid Composition

          • Membrane Proteins and Their Functions

          • The Role of Membrane Carbohydrates in Cell-Cell Recognition

          • Synthesis and Sidedness of Membranes

        • Concept 7.2 Membrane structure results in selective permeability

          • The Permeability of the Lipid Bilayer

          • Transport Proteins

        • Concept 7.3 Passive transport is diffusion of a substance across a membrane with no energy investment

          • Effects of Osmosis on Water Balance

          • Facilitated Diffusion: Passive Transport Aided by Proteins

        • Concept 7.4 Active transport uses energy to move solutes against their gradients

          • The Need for Energy in Active Transport

          • How Ion Pumps Maintain Membrane Potential

          • Cotransport: Coupled Transport by a Membrane Protein

        • Concept 7.5 Bulk transport across the plasma membrane occurs by exocytosis and endocytosis

          • Exocytosis

          • Endocytosis

      • 8 An Introduction to Metabolism

        • The Energy of Life

        • Concept 8.1 An organism’s metabolism transforms matter and energy, subject to the laws of thermodynamics

          • Organization of the Chemistry of Life into Metabolic Pathways

          • Forms of Energy

          • The Laws of Energy Transformation

        • Concept 8.2 The free-energy change of a reaction tells us whether or not the reaction occurs spontaneously

          • Free-Energy Change, ΔG

          • Free Energy, Stability, and Equilibrium

          • Free Energy and Metabolism

        • Concept 8.3 ATP powers cellular work by coupling exergonic reactions to endergonic reactions

          • The Structure and Hydrolysis of ATP

          • How the Hydrolysis of ATP Performs Work

          • The Regeneration of ATP

        • Concept 8.4 Enzymes speed up metabolic reactions by lowering energy barriers

          • The Activation Energy Barrier

          • How Enzymes Speed Up Reactions

          • Substrate Specificity of Enzymes

          • Catalysis in the Enzyme’s Active Site

          • Effects of Local Conditions on Enzyme Activity

          • The Evolution of Enzymes

        • Concept 8.5 Regulation of enzyme activity helps control metabolism

          • Allosteric Regulation of Enzymes

          • Localization of Enzymes Within the Cell

      • 9 Cellular Respiration and Fermentation

        • Life Is Work

        • Concept 9.1 Catabolic pathways yield energy by oxidizing organic fuels

          • Catabolic Pathways and Production of ATP

          • Redox Reactions: Oxidation and Reduction

          • The Stages of Cellular Respiration: A Preview

        • Concept 9.2 Glycolysis harvests chemical energy by oxidizing glucose to pyruvate

        • Concept 9.3 After pyruvate is oxidized, the citric acid cycle completes the energy-yielding oxidation of organic molecules

          • Oxidation of Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA

          • The Citric Acid Cycle

        • Concept 9.4 During oxidative phosphorylation, chemiosmosis couples electron transport to ATP synthesis

          • The Pathway of Electron Transport

          • Chemiosmosis: The Energy-Coupling Mechanism

          • An Accounting of ATP Production by Cellular Respiration

        • Concept 9.5 Fermentation and anaerobic respiration enable cells to produce ATP without the use of oxygen

          • Types of Fermentation

          • Comparing Fermentation with Anaerobic and Aerobic Respiration

          • The Evolutionary Significance of Glycolysis

        • Concept 9.6 Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle connect to many other metabolic pathways

          • The Versatility of Catabolism

          • Biosynthesis (Anabolic Pathways)

          • Regulation of Cellular Respiration via Feedback Mechanisms

      • 10 Photosynthesis

        • The Process That Feeds the Biosphere

        • Concept 10.1 Photosynthesis converts light energy to the chemical energy of food

          • Chloroplasts: The Sites of Photosynthesis in Plants

          • Tracking Atoms Through Photosynthesis: Scientific Inquiry

          • The Two Stages of Photosynthesis: A Preview

        • Concept 10.2 The light reactions convert solar energy to the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH

          • The Nature of Sunlight

          • Photosynthetic Pigments: The Light Receptors

          • Excitation of Chlorophyll by Light

          • A Photosystem: A Reaction-Center Complex Associated with Light-Harvesting Complexes

          • Linear Electron Flow

          • Cyclic Electron Flow

          • A Comparison of Chemiosmosis in Chloroplasts and Mitochondria

        • Concept 10.3 The Calvin cycle uses the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH to reduce CO2 to sugar

        • Concept 10.4 Alternative mechanisms of carbon fixation have evolved in hot, arid climates

          • Photorespiration: An Evolutionary Relic?

          • C4 Plants

          • CAM Plants

        • Concept 10.5 Life depends on photosynthesis

          • The Importance of Photosynthesis: A Review

      • 11 Cell Communication

        • Cellular Messaging

        • Concept 11.1 External signals are converted to responses within the cell

          • Evolution of Cell Signaling

          • Local and Long-Distance Signaling

          • The Three Stages of Cell Signaling: A Preview

        • Concept 11.2 Reception: A signaling molecule binds to a receptor protein, causing it to change shape

          • Receptors in the Plasma Membrane

          • Intracellular Receptors

        • Concept 11.3 Transduction: Cascades of molecular interactions relay signals from receptors to target molecules in the cell

          • Signal Transduction Pathways

          • Protein Phosphorylation and Dephosphorylation

          • Small Molecules and Ions as Second Messengers

        • Concept 11.4 Response: Cell signaling leads to regulation of transcription or cytoplasmic activities

          • Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Responses

          • Regulation of the Response

        • Concept 11.5 Apoptosis integrates multiple cell-signaling pathways

          • Apoptosis in the Soil Worm Caenorhabditis elegans

          • Apoptotic Pathways and the Signals That Trigger Them

      • 12 The Cell Cycle

        • The Key Roles of Cell Division

        • Concept 12.1 Most cell division results in genetically identical daughter cells

          • Cellular Organization of the Genetic Material

          • Distribution of Chromosomes During Eukaryotic Cell Division

        • Concept 12.2 The mitotic phase alternates with interphase in the cell cycle

          • Phases of the Cell Cycle

          • The Mitotic Spindle: A Closer Look

          • Cytokinesis: A Closer Look

          • Binary Fission in Bacteria

          • The Evolution of Mitosis

        • Concept 12.3 The eukaryotic cell cycle is regulated by a molecular control system

          • The Cell Cycle Control System

          • Loss of Cell Cycle Controls in Cancer Cells

    • Unit 3 Genetics

      • Interview: Shirley Tilghman

      • 13 Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles

        • Variations on a Theme

        • Concept 13.1 Offspring acquire genes from parents by inheriting chromosomes

          • Inheritance of Genes

          • Comparison of Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

        • Concept 13.2 Fertilization and meiosis alternate in sexual life cycles

          • Sets of Chromosomes in Human Cells

          • Behavior of Chromosome Sets in the Human Life Cycle

          • The Variety of Sexual Life Cycles

        • Concept 13.3 Meiosis reduces the number of chromosome sets from diploid to haploid

          • The Stages of Meiosis

          • Crossing Over and Synapsis During Prophase I

          • A Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis

        • Concept 13.4 Genetic variation produced in sexual life cycles contributes to evolution

          • Origins of Genetic Variation Among Offspring

          • The Evolutionary Significance of Genetic Variation Within Populations

      • 14 Mendel and the Gene Idea

        • Drawing from the Deck of Genes

        • Concept 14.1 Mendel used the scientific approach to identify two laws of inheritance

          • Mendel’s Experimental, Quantitative Approach

          • The Law of Segregation

          • The Law of Independent Assortment

        • Concept 14.2 Probability laws govern Mendelian inheritance

          • The Multiplication and Addition Rules Applied to Monohybrid Crosses

          • Solving Complex Genetics Problems with the Rules of Probability

        • Concept 14.3 Inheritance patterns are often more complex than predicted by simple Mendelian genetics

          • Extending Mendelian Genetics for a Single Gene

          • Extending Mendelian Genetics for Two or More Genes

          • Nature and Nurture: The Environmental Impact on Phenotype

          • A Mendelian View of Heredity and Variation

        • Concept 14.4 Many human traits follow Mendelian patterns of inheritance

          • Pedigree Analysis

          • Recessively Inherited Disorders

          • Dominantly Inherited Disorders

          • Multifactorial Disorders

          • Genetic Testing and Counseling

      • 15 The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance

        • Locating Genes Along Chromosomes

        • Concept 15.1 Morgan showed that Mendelian inheritance has its physical basis in the behavior of chromosomes: scientific inquiry

          • Morgan’s Choice of Experimental Organism

          • Correlating Behavior of a Gene’s Alleles with Behavior of a Chromosome Pair

        • Concept 15.2 Sex-linked genes exhibit unique patterns of inheritance

          • The Chromosomal Basis of Sex

          • Inheritance of X-Linked Genes

          • X Inactivation in Female Mammals

        • Concept 15.3 Linked genes tend to be inherited together because they are located near each other on the same chromosome

          • How Linkage Affects Inheritance

          • Genetic Recombination and Linkage

          • Mapping the Distance Between Genes Using Recombination Data: Scientific Inquiry

        • Concept 15.4 Alterations of chromosome number or structure cause some genetic disorders

          • Abnormal Chromosome Number

          • Alterations of Chromosome Structure

          • Human Disorders Due to Chromosomal Alterations

        • Concept 15.5 Some inheritance patterns are exceptions to standard Mendelian inheritance

          • Genomic Imprinting

          • Inheritance of Organelle Genes

      • 16 The Molecular Basis of Inheritance

        • Life’s Operating Instructions

        • Concept 16.1 DNA is the genetic material

          • The Search for the Genetic Material: Scientific Inquiry

          • Building a Structural Model of DNA: Scientific Inquiry

        • Concept 16.2 Many proteins work together in DNA replication and repair

          • The Basic Principle: Base Pairing to a Template Strand

          • DNA Replication: A Closer Look

          • Proofreading and Repairing DNA

          • Evolutionary Significance of Altered DNA Nucleotides

          • Replicating the Ends of DNA Molecules

        • Concept 16.3 A chromosome consists of a DNA molecule packed together with proteins

      • 17 Gene Expression: From Gene to Protein

        • The Flow of Genetic Information

        • Concept 17.1 Genes specify proteins via transcription and translation

          • Evidence from Studying Metabolic Defects

          • Basic Principles of Transcription and Translation

          • The Genetic Code

        • Concept 17.2 Transcription is the DNA-directed synthesis of RNA: a closer look

          • Molecular Components of Transcription

          • Synthesis of an RNA Transcript

        • Concept 17.3 Eukaryotic cells modify RNA after transcription

          • Alteration of mRNA Ends

          • Split Genes and RNA Splicing

        • Concept 17.4 Translation is the RNA-directed synthesis of a polypeptide: a closer look

          • Molecular Components of Translation

          • Building a Polypeptide

          • Completing and Targeting the Functional Protein

          • Making Multiple Polypeptides in Bacteria and Eukaryotes

        • Concept 17.5 Mutations of one or a few nucleotides can affect protein structure and function

          • Types of Small-Scale Mutations

          • New Mutations and Mutagens

          • What Is a Gene? Revisiting the Question

      • 18 Regulation of Gene Expression

        • Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder

        • Concept 18.1 Bacteria often respond to environmental change by regulating transcription

          • Operons: The Basic Concept

          • Repressible and Inducible Operons: Two Types of Negative Gene Regulation

          • Positive Gene Regulation

        • Concept 18.2 Eukaryotic gene expression is regulated at many stages

          • Differential Gene Expression

          • Regulation of Chromatin Structure

          • Regulation of Transcription Initiation

          • Mechanisms of Post-Transcriptional Regulation

        • Concept 18.3 Noncoding RNAs play multiple roles in controlling gene expression

          • Effects on mRNAs by MicroRNAs and Small Interfering RNAs

          • Chromatin Remodeling and Effects on Transcription by ncRNAs

          • The Evolutionary Significance of Small ncRNAs

        • Concept 18.4 A program of differential gene expression leads to the different cell types in a multicellular organism

          • A Genetic Program for Embryonic Development

          • Cytoplasmic Determinants and Inductive Signals

          • Sequential Regulation of Gene Expression During Cellular Differentiation

          • Pattern Formation: Setting Up the Body Plan

        • Concept 18.5 Cancer results from genetic changes that affect cell cycle control

          • Types of Genes Associated with Cancer

          • Interference with Normal Cell-Signaling Pathways

          • The Multistep Model of Cancer Development

          • Inherited Predisposition and Environmental Factors Contributing to Cancer

          • The Role of Viruses in Cancer

      • 19 Viruses

        • A Borrowed Life

        • Concept 19.1 A virus consists of a nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat

          • The Discovery of Viruses: Scientific Inquiry

          • Structure of Viruses

        • Concept 19.2 Viruses replicate only in host cells

          • General Features of Viral Replicative Cycles

          • Replicative Cycles of Phages

          • Replicative Cycles of Animal Viruses

          • Evolution of Viruses

        • Concept 19.3 Viruses and prions are formidable pathogens in animals and plants

          • Viral Diseases in Animals

          • Emerging Viruses

          • Viral Diseases in Plants

          • Prions: Proteins as Infectious Agents

      • 20 DNA Tools and Biotechnology

        • The DNA Toolbox

        • Concept 20.1 DNA sequencing and DNA cloning are valuable tools for genetic engineering and biological inquiry

          • DNA Sequencing

          • Making Multiple Copies of a Gene or Other DNA Segment

          • Using Restriction Enzymes to Make a Recombinant DNA Plasmid

          • Amplifying DNA: The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Its Use in DNA Cloning

          • Expressing Cloned Eukaryotic Genes

        • Concept 20.2 Biologists use DNA technology to study gene expression and function

          • Analyzing Gene Expression

          • Determining Gene Function

        • Concept 20.3 Cloned organisms and stem cells are useful for basic research and other applications

          • Cloning Plants: Single-Cell Cultures

          • Cloning Animals: Nuclear Transplantation

          • Stem Cells of Animals

        • Concept 20.4 The practical applications of DNA-based biotechnology affect our lives in many ways

          • Medical Applications

          • Forensic Evidence and Genetic Profiles

          • Environmental Cleanup

          • Agricultural Applications

          • Safety and Ethical Questions Raised by DNA Technology

      • 21 Genomes and Their Evolution

        • Reading the Leaves from the Tree of Life

        • Concept 21.1 The Human Genome Project fostered development of faster, less expensive sequencing techniques

        • Concept 21.2 Scientists use bioinformatics to analyze genomes and their functions

          • Centralized Resources for Analyzing Genome Sequences

          • Identifying Protein-Coding Genes and Understanding Their Functions

          • Understanding Genes and Gene Expression at the Systems Level

        • Concept 21.3 Genomes vary in size, number of genes, and gene density

          • Genome Size

          • Number of Genes

          • Gene Density and Noncoding DNA

        • Concept 21.4 Multicellular eukaryotes have a lot of noncoding DNA and many multigene families

          • Transposable Elements and Related Sequences

          • Other Repetitive DNA, Including Simple Sequence DNA

          • Genes and Multigene Families

        • Concept 21.5 Duplication, rearrangement, and mutation of DNA contribute to genome evolution

          • Duplication of Entire Chromosome Sets

          • Alterations of Chromosome Structure

          • Duplication and Divergence of Gene-Sized Regions of DNA

          • Rearrangements of Parts of Genes: Exon Duplication and Exon Shuffling

          • How Transposable Elements Contribute to Genome Evolution

        • Concept 21.6 Comparing genome sequences provides clues to evolution and development

          • Comparing Genomes

          • Widespread Conservation of Developmental Genes Among Animals

    • Unit 4 Mechanisms of Evolution

      • Interview: Jack Szostak

      • 22 Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life

        • Endless Forms Most Beautiful

        • Concept 22.1 The Darwinian revolution challenged traditional views of a young Earth inhabited by unchanging species

          • Scala Naturae and Classification of Species

          • Ideas About Change over Time

          • Lamarck’s Hypothesis of Evolution

        • Concept 22.2 Descent with modification by natural selection explains the adaptations of organisms and the unity and diversity of life

          • Darwin’s Research

          • Ideas from The Origin of Species

          • Key Features of Natural Selection

        • Concept 22.3 Evolution is supported by an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence

          • Direct Observations of Evolutionary Change

          • Homology

          • The Fossil Record

          • Biogeography

          • What Is Theoretical About Darwin’s View of Life?

      • 23 The Evolution of Populations

        • The Smallest Unit of Evolution

        • Concept 23.1 Genetic variation makes evolution possible

          • Genetic Variation

          • Sources of Genetic Variation

        • Concept 23.2 The Hardy-Weinberg equation can be used to test whether a population is evolving

          • Gene Pools and Allele Frequencies

          • The Hardy-Weinberg Equation

        • Concept 23.3 Natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow can alter allele frequencies in a population

          • Natural Selection

          • Genetic Drift

          • Case Study: Impact of Genetic Drift on the Greater Prairie Chicken

          • Effects of Genetic Drift: A Summary

          • Gene Flow

        • Concept 23.4 Natural selection is the only mechanism that consistently causes adaptive evolution

          • Natural Selection: A Closer Look

          • The Key Role of Natural Selection in Adaptive Evolution

          • Sexual Selection

          • Balancing Selection

          • Why Natural Selection Cannot Fashion Perfect Organisms

      • 24 The Origin of Species

        • That “Mystery of Mysteries”

        • Concept 24.1 The biological species concept emphasizes reproductive isolation

          • The Biological Species Concept

          • Other Definitions of Species

        • Concept 24.2 Speciation can take place with or without geographic separation

          • Allopatric (“Other Country”) Speciation

          • Sympatric (“Same Country”) Speciation

          • Allopatric and Sympatric Speciation: A Review

        • Concept 24.3 Hybrid zones reveal factors that cause reproductive isolation

          • Patterns Within Hybrid Zones

          • Hybrid Zones and Environmental Change

          • Hybrid Zones over Time

        • Concept 24.4 Speciation can occur rapidly or slowly and can result from changes in few or many genes

          • The Time Course of Speciation

          • Studying the Genetics of Speciation

          • From Speciation to Macroevolution

      • 25 The History of Life on Earth

        • A Surprise in the Desert

        • Concept 25.1 Conditions on early Earth made the origin of life possible

          • Synthesis of Organic Compounds on Early Earth

          • Abiotic Synthesis of Macromolecules

          • Protocells

          • Self-Replicating RNA

        • Concept 25.2 The fossil record documents the history of life

          • The Fossil Record

          • How Rocks and Fossils Are Dated

          • The Origin of New Groups of Organisms

        • Concept 25.3 Key events in life’s history include the origins of unicellular and multicellular organisms and the colonization of land

          • The First Single-Celled Organisms

          • The Origin of Multicellularity

          • The Colonization of Land

        • Concept 25.4 The rise and fall of groups of organisms reflect differences in speciation and extinction rates

          • Plate Tectonics

          • Mass Extinctions

          • Adaptive Radiations

        • Concept 25.5 Major changes in body form can result from changes in the sequences and regulation of developmental genes

          • Effects of Developmental Genes

          • The Evolution of Development

        • Concept 25.6 Evolution is not goal oriented

          • Evolutionary Novelties

          • Evolutionary Trends

    • Unit 5 The Evolutionary History of Biological Diversity

      • Interview: Nancy Moran

      • 26 Phylogeny and the Tree of Life

        • Investigating the Tree of Life

        • Concept 26.1 Phylogenies show evolutionary relationships

          • Binomial Nomenclature

          • Hierarchical Classification

          • Linking Classification and Phylogeny

          • What We Can and Cannot Learn from Phylogenetic Trees

          • Applying Phylogenies

        • Concept 26.2 Phylogenies are inferred from morphological and molecular data

          • Morphological and Molecular Homologies

          • Sorting Homology from Analogy

          • Evaluating Molecular Homologies

        • Concept 26.3 Shared characters are used to construct phylogenetic trees

          • Cladistics

          • Phylogenetic Trees with Proportional Branch Lengths

          • Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood

          • Phylogenetic Trees as Hypotheses

        • Concept 26.4 An organism’s evolutionary history is documented in its genome

          • Gene Duplications and Gene Families

          • Genome Evolution

        • Concept 26.5 Molecular clocks help track evolutionary time

          • Molecular Clocks

          • Applying a Molecular Clock: Dating the Origin of Hiv

        • Concept 26.6 Our understanding of the tree of life continues to change based on new data

          • From Two Kingdoms to Three Domains

          • The Important Role of Horizontal Gene Transfer

      • 27 Bacteria and Archaea

        • Masters of Adaptation

        • Concept 27.1 Structural and functional adaptations contribute to prokaryotic success

          • Cell-Surface Structures

          • Motility

          • Internal Organization and DNA

          • Reproduction

        • Concept 27.2 Rapid reproduction, mutation, and genetic recombination promote genetic diversity in prokaryotes

          • Rapid Reproduction and Mutation

          • Genetic Recombination

        • Concept 27.3 Diverse nutritional and metabolic adaptations have evolved in prokaryotes

          • The Role of Oxygen in Metabolism

          • Nitrogen Metabolism

          • Metabolic Cooperation

        • Concept 27.4 Prokaryotes have radiated into a diverse set of lineages

          • An Overview of Prokaryotic Diversity

          • Bacteria

          • Archaea

        • Concept 27.5 Prokaryotes play crucial roles in the biosphere

          • Chemical Recycling

          • Ecological Interactions

        • Concept 27.6 Prokaryotes have both beneficial and harmful impacts on humans

          • Mutualistic Bacteria

          • Pathogenic Bacteria

          • Prokaryotes in Research and Technology

      • 28 Protists

        • Living Small

        • Concept 28.1 Most eukaryotes are single-celled organisms

          • Structural and Functional Diversity in Protists

          • Four Supergroups of Eukaryotes

          • Endosymbiosis in Eukaryotic Evolution

        • Concept 28.2 Excavates include protists with modified mitochondria and protists with unique flagella

          • Diplomonads and Parabasalids

          • Euglenozoans

        • Concept 28.3 SAR is a highly diverse group of protists defined by DNA similarities

          • Stramenopiles

          • Alveolates

          • Rhizarians

        • Concept 28.4 Red algae and green algae are the closest relatives of plants

          • Red Algae

          • Green Algae

        • Concept 28.5 Unikonts include protists that are closely related to fungi and animals

          • Amoebozoans

          • Opisthokonts

        • Concept 28.6 Protists play key roles in ecological communities

          • Symbiotic Protists

          • Photosynthetic Protists

      • 29 Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land

        • The Greening of Earth

        • Concept 29.1 Plants evolved from green algae

          • Morphological and Molecular Evidence

          • Adaptations Enabling the Move to Land

          • Derived Traits of Plants

          • The Origin and Diversification of Plants

        • Concept 29.2 Mosses and other nonvascular plants have life cycles dominated by gametophytes

          • Bryophyte Gametophytes

          • Bryophyte Sporophytes

          • The Ecological and Economic Importance of Mosses

        • Concept 29.3 Ferns and other seedless vascular plants were the first plants to grow tall

          • Origins and Traits of Vascular Plants

          • Classification of Seedless Vascular Plants

          • The Significance of Seedless Vascular Plants

      • 30 Plant Diversity Ii: the Evolution of Seed Plants

        • Transforming the World

        • Concept 30.1 Seeds and pollen grains are key adaptations for life on land

          • Advantages of Reduced Gametophytes

          • Heterospory: The Rule Among Seed Plants

          • Ovules and Production of Eggs

          • Pollen and Production of Sperm

          • The Evolutionary Advantage of Seeds

        • Concept 30.2 Gymnosperms bear “naked” seeds, typically on cones

          • The Life Cycle of a Pine

          • Early Seed Plants and the Rise of Gymnosperms

          • Gymnosperm Diversity

        • Concept 30.3 The reproductive adaptations of angiosperms include flowers and fruits

          • Characteristics of Angiosperms

          • Angiosperm Evolution

          • Angiosperm Diversity

        • Concept 30.4 Human welfare depends on seed plants

          • Products from Seed Plants

          • Threats to Plant Diversity

      • 31 Fungi

        • Hidden Networks

        • Concept 31.1 Fungi are heterotrophs that feed by absorption

          • Nutrition and Ecology

          • Body Structure

          • Specialized Hyphae in Mycorrhizal Fungi

        • Concept 31.2 Fungi produce spores through sexual or asexual life cycles

          • Sexual Reproduction

          • Asexual Reproduction

        • Concept 31.3 The ancestor of fungi was an aquatic, single-celled, flagellated protist

          • The Origin of Fungi

          • Basal Fungal Groups

          • The Move to Land

        • Concept 31.4 Fungi have radiated into a diverse set of lineages

          • Chytrids

          • Zygomycetes

          • Glomeromycetes

          • Ascomycetes

          • Basidiomycetes

        • Concept 31.5 Fungi play key roles in nutrient cycling, ecological interactions, and human welfare

          • Fungi as Decomposers

          • Fungi as Mutualists

          • Fungi as Parasites

          • Practical Uses of Fungi

      • 32 An Overview of Animal Diversity

        • A Kingdom of Consumers

        • Concept 32.1 Animals are multicellular, heterotrophic eukaryotes with tissues that develop from embryonic layers

          • Nutritional Mode

          • Cell Structure and Specialization

          • Reproduction and Development

        • Concept 32.2 The history of animals spans more than half a billion years

          • Steps in the Origin of Multicellular Animals

          • Neoproterozoic Era (1 Billion–541 Million Years Ago)

          • Paleozoic Era (541–252 Million Years Ago)

          • Mesozoic Era (252–66 Million Years Ago)

          • Cenozoic Era (66 Million Years Ago to the Present)

        • Concept 32.3 Animals can be characterized by “body plans”

          • Symmetry

          • Tissues

          • Body Cavities

          • Protostome and Deuterostome Development

        • Concept 32.4 Views of animal phylogeny continue to be shaped by new molecular and morphological data

          • The Diversification of Animals

          • Future Directions in Animal Systematics

      • 33 An Introduction to Invertebrates

        • A Dragon Without a Backbone

        • Concept 33.1 Sponges are basal animals that lack tissues

        • Concept 33.2 Cnidarians are an ancient phylum of eumetazoans

          • Medusozoans

          • Anthozoans

        • Concept 33.3 Lophotrochozoans, a clade identified by molecular data, have the widest range of animal body forms

          • Flatworms

          • Rotifers and Acanthocephalans

          • Lophophorates: Ectoprocts and Brachiopods

          • Molluscs

          • Annelids

        • Concept 33.4 Ecdysozoans are the most species-rich animal group

          • Nematodes

          • Arthropods

        • Concept 33.5 Echinoderms and chordates are deuterostomes

          • Echinoderms

          • Chordates

      • 34 The Origin and Evolution of Vertebrates

        • Half a Billion Years of Backbones

        • Concept 34.1 Chordates have a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord

          • Derived Characters of Chordates

          • Lancelets

          • Tunicates

          • Early Chordate Evolution

        • Concept 34.2 Vertebrates are chordates that have a backbone

          • Derived Characters of Vertebrates

          • Hagfishes and Lampreys

          • Early Vertebrate Evolution

        • Concept 34.3 Gnathostomes are vertebrates that have jaws

          • Derived Characters of Gnathostomes

          • Fossil Gnathostomes

          • Chondrichthyans (Sharks, Rays, and Their Relatives)

          • Ray-Finned Fishes and Lobe-Fins

        • Concept 34.4 Tetrapods are gnathostomes that have limbs

          • Derived Characters of Tetrapods

          • The Origin of Tetrapods

          • Amphibians

        • Concept 34.5 Amniotes are tetrapods that have a terrestrially adapted egg

          • Derived Characters of Amniotes

          • Early Amniotes

          • Reptiles

        • Concept 34.6 Mammals are amniotes that have hair and produce milk

          • Derived Characters of Mammals

          • Early Evolution of Mammals

          • Monotremes

          • Marsupials

          • Eutherians (Placental Mammals)

        • Concept 34.7 Humans are mammals that have a large brain and bipedal locomotion

          • Derived Characters of Humans

          • The Earliest Hominins

          • Australopiths

          • Bipedalism

          • Tool Use

          • Neanderthals

    • Unit 6 Plant Form and Function

      • Interview: Philip Benfey

      • 35 Vascular Plant Structure, Growth, and Development

        • Are Plants Computers?

        • Concept 35.1 Plants have a hierarchical organization consisting of organs, tissues, and cells

          • Basic Vascular Plant Organs: Roots, Stems, and Leaves

          • Dermal, Vascular, and Ground Tissues

          • Common Types of Plant Cells

        • Concept 35.2 Different meristems generate new cells for primary and secondary growth

        • Concept 35.3 Primary growth lengthens roots and shoots

          • Primary Growth of Roots

          • Primary Growth of Shoots

        • Concept 35.4 Secondary growth increases the diameter of stems and roots in woody plants

          • The Vascular Cambium and Secondary Vascular Tissue

          • The Cork Cambium and the Production of Periderm

          • Evolution of Secondary Growth

        • Concept 35.5 Growth, morphogenesis, and cell differentiation produce the plant body

          • Model Organisms: Revolutionizing the Study of Plants

          • Growth: Cell Division and Cell Expansion

          • Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation

          • Gene Expression and the Control of Cell Differentiation

          • Shifts in Development: Phase Changes

          • Genetic Control of Flowering

      • 36 Resource Acquisition and Transport in Vascular Plants

        • A Whole Lot of Shaking Going On

        • Concept 36.1 Adaptations for acquiring resources were key steps in the evolution of vascular plants

          • Shoot Architecture and Light Capture

          • Root Architecture and Acquisition of Water and Minerals

        • Concept 36.2 Different mechanisms transport substances over short or long distances

          • The Apoplast and Symplast: Transport Continuums

          • Short-Distance Transport of Solutes Across Plasma Membranes

          • Short-Distance Transport of Water Across Plasma Membranes

          • Long-Distance Transport: The Role of Bulk Flow

        • Concept 36.3 Transpiration drives the transport of water and minerals from roots to shoots via the xylem

          • Absorption of Water and Minerals by Root Cells

          • Transport of Water and Minerals into the Xylem

          • Bulk Flow Transport Via the Xylem

          • Xylem Sap Ascent by Bulk Flow: A Review

        • Concept 36.4 The rate of transpiration is regulated by stomata

          • Stomata: Major Pathways for Water Loss

          • Mechanisms of Stomatal Opening and Closing

          • Stimuli for Stomatal Opening and Closing

          • Effects of Transpiration on Wilting and Leaf Temperature

          • Adaptations That Reduce Evaporative Water Loss

        • Concept 36.5 Sugars are transported from sources to sinks via the phloem

          • Movement from Sugar Sources to Sugar Sinks

          • Bulk Flow by Positive Pressure: The Mechanism of Translocation in Angiosperms

        • Concept 36.6 The symplast is highly dynamic

          • Changes in Plasmodesmatal Number and Pore Size

          • Phloem: An Information Superhighway

          • Electrical Signaling in the Phloem

      • 37 Soil and Plant Nutrition

        • The Corkscrew Carnivore

        • Concept 37.1 Soil contains a living, complex ecosystem

          • Soil Texture

          • Topsoil Composition

          • Soil Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture

        • Concept 37.2 Plant roots absorb essential elements from the soil

          • Essential Elements

          • Symptoms of Mineral Deficiency

          • Improving Plant Nutrition by Genetic Modification

        • Concept 37.3 Plant nutrition often involves relationships with other organisms

          • Bacteria and Plant Nutrition

          • Fungi and Plant Nutrition

          • Epiphytes, Parasitic Plants, and Carnivorous Plants

      • 38 Angiosperm Reproduction and Biotechnology

        • Flowers of Deceit

        • Concept 38.1 Flowers, double fertilization, and fruits are key features of the angiosperm life cycle

          • Flower Structure and Function

          • Methods of Pollination

          • The Angiosperm Life Cycle: An Overview

          • Seed Development and Structure: A Closer Look

          • Sporophyte Development from Seed to Mature Plant

          • Fruit Structure and Function

        • Concept 38.2 Flowering plants reproduce sexually, asexually, or both

          • Mechanisms of Asexual Reproduction

          • Advantages and Disadvantages of Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

          • Mechanisms That Prevent Self-Fertilization

          • Totipotency, Vegetative Reproduction, and Tissue Culture

        • Concept 38.3 People modify crops by breeding and genetic engineering

          • Plant Breeding

          • Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

          • The Debate over Plant Biotechnology

      • 39 Plant Responses to Internal and External Signals

        • Stimuli and a Stationary Life

        • Concept 39.1 Signal transduction pathways link signal reception to response

          • Reception

          • Transduction

          • Response

        • Concept 39.2 Plant hormones help coordinate growth, development, and responses to stimuli

          • A Survey of Plant Hormones

        • Concept 39.3 Responses to light are critical for plant success

          • Blue-Light Photoreceptors

          • Phytochrome Photoreceptors

          • Biological Clocks and Circadian Rhythms

          • The Effect of Light on the Biological Clock

          • Photoperiodism and Responses to Seasons

        • Concept 39.4 Plants respond to a wide variety of stimuli other than light

          • Gravity

          • Mechanical Stimuli

          • Environmental Stresses

        • Concept 39.5 Plants respond to attacks by pathogens and herbivores

          • Defenses Against Pathogens

          • Defenses Against Herbivores

    • Unit 7 Animal Form and Function

      • Interview: Harald zur Hausen

      • 40 Basic Principles of Animal Form and Function

        • Diverse Forms, Common Challenges

        • Concept 40.1 Animal form and function are correlated at all levels of organization

          • Evolution of Animal Size and Shape

          • Exchange with the Environment

          • Hierarchical Organization of Body Plans

          • Coordination and Control

        • Concept 40.2 Feedback control maintains the internal environment in many animals

          • Regulating and Conforming

          • Homeostasis

        • Concept 40.3 Homeostatic processes for thermoregulation involve form, function, and behavior

          • Endothermy and Ectothermy

          • Variation in Body Temperature

          • Balancing Heat Loss and Gain

          • Acclimatization in Thermoregulation

          • Physiological Thermostats and Fever

        • Concept 40.4 Energy requirements are related to animal size, activity, and environment

          • Energy Allocation and Use

          • Quantifying Energy Use

          • Minimum Metabolic Rate and Thermoregulation

          • Influences on Metabolic Rate

          • Torpor and Energy Conservation

      • 41 Animal Nutrition

        • The Need to Feed

        • Concept 41.1 An animal’s diet must supply chemical energy, organic building blocks, and essential nutrients

          • Essential Nutrients

          • Dietary Deficiencies

          • Assessing Nutritional Needs

        • Concept 41.2 Food processing involves ingestion, digestion, absorption, and elimination

          • Digestive Compartments

        • Concept 41.3 Organs specialized for sequential stages of food processing form the mammalian digestive system

          • The Oral Cavity, Pharynx, and Esophagus

          • Digestion in the Stomach

          • Digestion in the Small Intestine

          • Absorption in the Small Intestine

          • Processing in the Large Intestine

        • Concept 41.4 Evolutionary adaptations of vertebrate digestive systems correlate with diet

          • Dental Adaptations

          • Stomach and Intestinal Adaptations

          • Mutualistic Adaptations

        • Concept 41.5 Feedback circuits regulate digestion, energy storage, and appetite

          • Regulation of Digestion

          • Regulation of Energy Storage

          • Regulation of Appetite and Consumption

      • 42 Circulation and Gas Exchange

        • Trading Places

        • Concept 42.1 Circulatory systems link exchange surfaces with cells throughout the body

          • Gastrovascular Cavities

          • Open and Closed Circulatory Systems

          • Organization of Vertebrate Circulatory Systems

        • Concept 42.2 Coordinated cycles of heart contraction drive double circulation in mammals

          • Mammalian Circulation

          • The Mammalian Heart: A Closer Look

          • Maintaining the Heart’s Rhythmic Beat

        • Concept 42.3 Patterns of blood pressure and flow reflect the structure and arrangement of blood vessels

          • Blood Vessel Structure and Function

          • Blood Flow Velocity

          • Blood Pressure

          • Capillary Function

          • Fluid Return by the Lymphatic System

        • Concept 42.4 Blood components function in exchange, transport, and defense

          • Blood Composition and Function

          • Cardiovascular Disease

        • Concept 42.5 Gas exchange occurs across specialized respiratory surfaces

          • Partial Pressure Gradients in Gas Exchange

          • Respiratory Media

          • Respiratory Surfaces

          • Gills in Aquatic Animals

          • Tracheal Systems in Insects

          • Lungs

        • Concept 42.6 Breathing ventilates the lungs

          • How an Amphibian Breathes

          • How a Bird Breathes

          • How a Mammal Breathes

          • Control of Breathing in Humans

        • Concept 42.7 Adaptations for gas exchange include pigments that bind and transport gases

          • Coordination of Circulation and Gas Exchange

          • Respiratory Pigments

          • Respiratory Adaptations of Diving Mammals

      • 43 The Immune System

        • Recognition and Response

        • Concept 43.1 In innate immunity, recognition and response rely on traits common to groups of pathogens

          • Innate Immunity of Invertebrates

          • Innate Immunity of Vertebrates

          • Evasion of Innate Immunity by Pathogens

        • Concept 43.2 In adaptive immunity, receptors provide pathogen-specific recognition

          • Antigen Recognition by B Cells and Antibodies

          • Antigen Recognition by T Cells

          • B Cell and T Cell Development

        • Concept 43.3 Adaptive immunity defends against infection of body fluids and body cells

          • Helper T Cells: Activating Adaptive Immunity

          • B Cells and Antibodies: A Response to Extracellular Pathogens

          • Cytotoxic T Cells: A Response to Infected Host Cells

          • Summary of the Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immune Responses

          • Immunization

          • Active and Passive Immunity

          • Antibodies as Tools

          • Immune Rejection

        • Concept 43.4 Disruptions in immune system function can elicit or exacerbate disease

          • Exaggerated, Self-Directed, and Diminished Immune Responses

          • Evolutionary Adaptations of Pathogens That Underlie Immune System Avoidance

          • Cancer and Immunity

      • 44 Osmoregulation and Excretion

        • A Balancing Act

        • Concept 44.1 Osmoregulation balances the uptake and loss of water and solutes

          • Osmosis and Osmolarity

          • Osmoregulatory Challenges and Mechanisms

          • Energetics of Osmoregulation

          • Transport Epithelia in Osmoregulation

        • Concept 44.2 An animal’s nitrogenous wastes reflect its phylogeny and habitat

          • Forms of Nitrogenous Waste

          • The Influence of Evolution and Environment on Nitrogenous Wastes

        • Concept 44.3 Diverse excretory systems are variations on a tubular theme

          • Excretory Processes

          • Survey of Excretory Systems

        • Concept 44.4 The nephron is organized for stepwise processing of blood filtrate

          • From Blood Filtrate to Urine: A Closer Look

          • Solute Gradients and Water Conservation

          • Adaptations of the Vertebrate Kidney to Diverse Environments

        • Concept 44.5 Hormonal circuits link kidney function, water balance, and blood pressure

          • Homeostatic Regulation of the Kidney

      • 45 Hormones and the Endocrine System

        • The Body’s Long-Distance Regulators

        • Concept 45.1 Hormones and other signaling molecules bind to target receptors, triggering specific response pathways

          • Intercellular Communication

          • Chemical Classes of Local Regulators and Hormones

          • Cellular Hormone Response Pathways

          • Endocrine Tissues and Organs

        • Concept 45.2 Feedback regulation and coordination with the nervous system are common in hormone pathways

          • Simple Endocrine Pathways

          • Simple Neuroendocrine Pathways

          • Feedback Regulation

          • Coordination of the Endocrine and Nervous Systems

          • Thyroid Regulation: A Hormone Cascade Pathway

          • Hormonal Regulation of Growth

        • Concept 45.3 Endocrine glands respond to diverse stimuli in regulating homeostasis, development, and behavior

          • Parathyroid Hormone and Vitamin D: Control of Blood Calcium

          • Adrenal Hormones: Response to Stress

          • Sex Hormones

          • Hormones and Biological Rhythms

          • Evolution of Hormone Function

      • 46 Animal Reproduction

        • Let Me Count the Ways

        • Concept 46.1 Both asexual and sexual reproduction occur in the animal kingdom

          • Mechanisms of Asexual Reproduction

          • Variation in Patterns of Sexual Reproduction

          • Reproductive Cycles

          • Sexual Reproduction: An Evolutionary Enigma

        • Concept 46.2 Fertilization depends on mechanisms that bring together sperm and eggs of the same species

          • Ensuring the Survival of Offspring

          • Gamete Production and Delivery

        • Concept 46.3 Reproductive organs produce and transport gametes

          • Human Male Reproductive Anatomy

          • Human Female Reproductive Anatomy

          • Gametogenesis

        • Concept 46.4 The interplay of tropic and sex hormones regulates reproduction in mammals

          • Hormonal Control of the Male Reproductive System

          • Hormonal Control of Female Reproductive Cycles

          • Human Sexual Response

        • Concept 46.5 In placental mammals, an embryo develops fully within the mother’s uterus

          • Conception, Embryonic Development, and Birth

          • Maternal Immune Tolerance of the Embryo and Fetus

          • Contraception and Abortion

          • Modern Reproductive Technologies

      • 47 Animal Development

        • A Body-Building Plan

        • Concept 47.1 Fertilization and cleavage initiate embryonic development

          • Fertilization

          • Cleavage

        • Concept 47.2 Morphogenesis in animals involves specific changes in cell shape, position, and survival

          • Gastrulation

          • Developmental Adaptations of Amniotes

          • Organogenesis

          • The Cytoskeleton in Morphogenesis

        • Concept 47.3 Cytoplasmic determinants and inductive signals regulate cell fate

          • Fate Mapping

          • Axis Formation

          • Restricting Developmental Potential

          • Cell Fate Determination and Pattern Formation by Inductive Signals

          • Cilia and Cell Fate

      • 48 Neurons, Synapses, and Signaling

        • Lines of Communication

        • Concept 48.1 Neuron structure and organization reflect function in information transfer

          • Neuron Structure and Function

          • Introduction to Information Processing

        • Concept 48.2 Ion pumps and ion channels establish the resting potential of a neuron

          • Formation of the Resting Potential

          • Modeling the Resting Potential

        • Concept 48.3 Action potentials are the signals conducted by axons

          • Hyperpolarization and Depolarization

          • Graded Potentials and Action Potentials

          • Generation of Action Potentials: A Closer Look

          • Conduction of Action Potentials

        • Concept 48.4 Neurons communicate with other cells at synapses

          • Generation of Postsynaptic Potentials

          • Summation of Postsynaptic Potentials

          • Termination of Neurotransmitter Signaling

          • Modulated Signaling at Synapses

          • Neurotransmitters

      • 49 Nervous Systems

        • Command and Control Center

        • Concept 49.1 Nervous systems consist of circuits of neurons and supporting cells

          • Glia

          • Organization of the Vertebrate Nervous System

          • The Peripheral Nervous System

        • Concept 49.2 The vertebrate brain is regionally specialized

          • Arousal and Sleep

          • Biological Clock Regulation

          • Emotions

          • Functional Imaging of the Brain

        • Concept 49.3 The cerebral cortex controls voluntary movement and cognitive functions

          • Information Processing

          • Language and Speech

          • Lateralization of Cortical Function

          • Frontal Lobe Function

          • Evolution of Cognition in Vertebrates

        • Concept 49.4 Changes in synaptic connections underlie memory and learning

          • Neuronal Plasticity

          • Memory and Learning

          • Long-Term Potentiation

        • Concept 49.5 Many nervous system disorders can now be explained in molecular terms

          • Schizophrenia

          • Depression

          • The Brain’s Reward System and Drug Addiction

          • Alzheimer’s Disease

          • Parkinson’s Disease

          • Future Directions

      • 50 Sensory and Motor Mechanisms

        • Sense and Sensibility

        • Concept 50.1 Sensory receptors transduce stimulus energy and transmit signals to the central nervous system

          • Sensory Reception and Transduction

          • Transmission

          • Perception

          • Amplification and Adaptation

          • Types of Sensory Receptors

        • Concept 50.2 In hearing and equilibrium, mechanoreceptors detect moving fluid or settling particles

          • Sensing of Gravity and Sound in Invertebrates

          • Hearing and Equilibrium in Mammals

          • Hearing and Equilibrium in Other Vertebrates

        • Concept 50.3 The diverse visual receptors of animals depend on light-absorbing pigments

          • Evolution of Visual Perception

          • The Vertebrate Visual System

        • Concept 50.4 The senses of taste and smell rely on similar sets of sensory receptors

          • Taste in Mammals

          • Smell in Humans

        • Concept 50.5 The physical interaction of protein filaments is required for muscle function

          • Vertebrate Skeletal Muscle

          • Other Types of Muscle

        • Concept 50.6 Skeletal systems transform muscle contraction into locomotion

          • Types of Skeletal Systems

          • Types of Locomotion

      • 51 Animal Behavior

        • The How and Why of Animal Activity

        • Concept 51.1 Discrete sensory inputs can stimulate both simple and complex behaviors

          • Fixed Action Patterns

          • Migration

          • Behavioral Rhythms

          • Animal Signals and Communication

        • Concept 51.2 Learning establishes specific links between experience and behavior

          • Experience and Behavior

          • Learning

        • Concept 51.3 Selection for individual survival and reproductive success can explain diverse behaviors

          • Evolution of Foraging Behavior

          • Mating Behavior and Mate Choice

        • Concept 51.4 Genetic analyses and the concept of inclusive fitness provide a basis for studying the evolution of behavior

          • Genetic Basis of Behavior

          • Genetic Variation and the Evolution of Behavior

          • Altruism

          • Inclusive Fitness

          • Evolution and Human Culture

    • Unit 8 Ecology

      • Interview: Tracy Langkilde

      • 52 An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere

        • Discovering Ecology

        • Concept 52.1 Earth’s climate varies by latitude and season and is changing rapidly

          • Global Climate Patterns

          • Regional and Local Effects on Climate

          • Microclimate

          • Global Climate Change

        • Concept 52.2 The distribution of terrestrial biomes is controlled by climate and disturbance

          • Climate and Terrestrial Biomes

          • General Features of Terrestrial Biomes

          • Disturbance and Terrestrial Biomes

        • Concept 52.3 Aquatic biomes are diverse and dynamic systems that cover most of Earth

          • Zonation in Aquatic Biomes

        • Concept 52.4 Interactions between organisms and the environment limit the distribution of species

          • Dispersal and Distribution

          • Biotic Factors

          • Abiotic Factors

        • Concept 52.5 Ecological change and evolution affect one another over long and short periods of time

      • 53 Population Ecology

        • Turtle Tracks

        • Concept 53.1 Biotic and abiotic factors affect population density, dispersion, and demographics

          • Density and Dispersion

          • Demographics

        • Concept 53.2 The exponential model describes population growth in an idealized, unlimited environment

          • Changes in Population Size

          • Exponential Growth

        • Concept 53.3 The logistic model describes how a population grows more slowly as it nears its carrying capacity

          • The Logistic Growth Model

          • The Logistic Model and Real Populations

        • Concept 53.4 Life history traits are products of natural selection

          • Diversity of Life Histories

          • “Trade-offs” and Life Histories

        • Concept 53.5 Density-dependent factors regulate population growth

          • Population Change and Population Density

          • Mechanisms of Density-Dependent Population Regulation

          • Population Dynamics

          • Population Cycles: Scientific Inquiry

        • Concept 53.6 The human population is no longer growing exponentially but is still increasing rapidly

          • The Global Human Population

          • Global Carrying Capacity

      • 54 Community Ecology

        • Communities in Motion

        • Concept 54.1 Community interactions are classified by whether they help, harm, or have no effect on the species involved

          • Competition

          • Exploitation

          • Positive Interactions

        • Concept 54.2 Diversity and trophic structure characterize biological communities

          • Species Diversity

          • Diversity and Community Stability

          • Trophic Structure

          • Species with a Large Impact

          • Bottom-Up and Top-Down Controls

        • Concept 54.3 Disturbance influences species diversity and composition

          • Characterizing Disturbance

          • Ecological Succession

          • Human Disturbance

        • Concept 54.4 Biogeographic factors affect community diversity

          • Latitudinal Gradients

          • Area Effects

          • Island Equilibrium Model

        • Concept 54.5 Pathogens alter community structure locally and globally

          • Pathogens and Community Structure

          • Community Ecology and Zoonotic Diseases

      • 55 Ecosystems and Restoration Ecology

        • Transformed to Tundra

        • Concept 55.1 Physical laws govern energy flow and chemical cycling in ecosystems

          • Conservation of Energy

          • Conservation of Mass

          • Energy, Mass, and Trophic Levels

        • Concept 55.2 Energy and other limiting factors control primary production in ecosystems

          • Ecosystem Energy Budgets

          • Primary Production in Aquatic Ecosystems

          • Primary Production in Terrestrial Ecosystems

        • Concept 55.3 Energy transfer between trophic levels is typically only 10% efficient

          • Production Efficiency

          • Trophic Efficiency and Ecological Pyramids

        • Concept 55.4 Biological and geochemical processes cycle nutrients and water in ecosystems

          • Decomposition and Nutrient Cycling Rates

          • Biogeochemical Cycles

          • Case Study: Nutrient Cycling in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest

        • Concept 55.5 Restoration ecologists return degraded ecosystems to a more natural state

          • Bioremediation

          • Biological Augmentation

          • Ecosystems: A Review

      • 56 Conservation Biology and Global Change

        • Psychedelic Treasure

        • Concept 56.1 Human activities threaten Earth’s biodiversity

          • Three Levels of Biodiversity

          • Biodiversity and Human Welfare

          • Threats to Biodiversity

        • Concept 56.2 Population conservation focuses on population size, genetic diversity, and critical habitat

          • Small-Population Approach

          • Declining-Population Approach

          • Weighing Conflicting Demands

        • Concept 56.3 Landscape and regional conservation help sustain biodiversity

          • Landscape Structure and Biodiversity

          • Establishing Protected Areas

          • Urban Ecology

        • Concept 56.4 Earth is changing rapidly as a result of human actions

          • Nutrient Enrichment

          • Toxins in the Environment

          • Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change

          • Depletion of Atmospheric Ozone

        • Concept 56.5 Sustainable development can improve human lives while conserving biodiversity

          • Sustainable Development

          • The Future of the Biosphere

    • Appendix A Answers

    • Appendix B Periodic Table of the Elements

    • Appendix C The Metric System

    • Appendix D A Comparison of the Light Microscope and the Electron Microscope

    • Appendix E Classification of Life

    • Appendix F Scientific Skills Review

    • Credits

    • Glossary

    • Index

Nội dung

Brief Contents Evolution, the Themes of Biology, and Scientific Inquiry  Unit 1 The Chemistry of Life 27 The Chemical Context of Life 28 Water and Life 44 Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life 56 The Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules 66 Unit 2 The Cell  92 A Tour of the Cell 93 Membrane Structure and Function 126 An Introduction to Metabolism 143 Cellular Respiration and Fermentation 164 10 Photosynthesis 187 11 Cell Communication 212 12 The Cell Cycle 234 Unit 3 Genetics 253 13 Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles 254 14 Mendel and the Gene Idea 269 15 The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance 294 16 The Molecular Basis of Inheritance 314 17 Gene Expression: From Gene to Protein 335 18 Regulation of Gene Expression 363 19 Viruses 396 20 DNA Tools and Biotechnology 413 21 Genomes and Their Evolution 440 Unit 4 Mechanisms of Evolution 465 22 Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life 466 23 The Evolution of Populations 484 24 The Origin of Species 504 25 The History of Life on Earth 523 Unit 5 The Evolutionary History of Biological Diversity 550 26 Phylogeny and the Tree of Life 551 27 Bacteria and Archaea 571 28 Protists 591 29 Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land 616 30 Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed 31 32 33 34 Plants 634 Fungi 652 An Overview of Animal Diversity 671 An Introduction to Invertebrates 684 The Origin and Evolution of Vertebrates 716 Unit Plant Form and Function  755 35 Vascular Plant Structure, Growth, and Development 756 36 Resource Acquisition and Transport in Vascular Plants 782 37 Soil and Plant Nutrition 803 38 Angiosperm Reproduction and Biotechnology 820 39 Plant Responses to Internal and External Signals 840 Unit 7 Animal Form and Function 870 40 Basic Principles of Animal Form and Function 871 41 Animal Nutrition 896 42 Circulation and Gas Exchange 919 43 The Immune System 950 44 Osmoregulation and Excretion 975 45 Hormones and the Endocrine System 997 46 Animal Reproduction 1017 47 Animal Development 1041 48 Neurons, Synapses, and Signaling 1065 49 Nervous Systems 1083 50 Sensory and Motor Mechanisms 1105 51 Animal Behavior 1137 Unit Ecology  1161 52 An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere 1162 53 Population Ecology 1188 54 Community Ecology 1212 55 Ecosystems and Restoration Ecology 1236 56 Conservation Biology and Global Change 1258 Campbell B IOLO G Y Eleventh Edition Lisa A Urry Michael L Cain Steven A Wasserman Mills College, Oakland, California Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine University of California, San Diego Peter V Minorsky Jane B Reece Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, New York Berkeley, California 330 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10013 Courseware Portfolio Management Director: Beth Wilbur Courseware Portfolio Management Specialist: Josh Frost Courseware Director, Content Development: Ginnie Simione Jutson Supervising Editors: Beth N Winickoff, Pat Burner Courseware Senior Analysts: John Burner, Mary Ann Murray, Hilair Chism Courseware Specialist: Laura 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adapted, performed, displayed, published, or sold in whole or in part, without prior written permission from the publisher Acknowledgments of third-party content appear on page CR-1, which constitutes an extension of this copyright page PEARSON, ALWAYS LEARNING, MasteringBiology™ and BioFlix® are exclusive trademarks owned by Pearson Education, Inc or its affiliates in the U.S and/or other countries Unless otherwise indicated herein, any third-party trademarks that may appear in this work are the property of their respective owners, and any references to third-party trademarks, logos, or other trade dress are for demonstrative or descriptive purposes only Such references are not intended to imply any sponsorship, endorsement, authorization, or promotion of Pearson’s products by the owners of such marks, or any relationship between the owner and Pearson Education, Inc or its affiliates, authors, licensees, or distributors Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Reece, Jane B., author | Urry, Lisa A., author | Campbell, Neil A.,   1946-2004, author Title: Campbell biology / Lisa Urry, Michael Cain, Steven Wasserman, Peter    Minorsky, Jane Reece Description: Eleventh edition | Hoboken : Pearson Higher Education, 2016 |    Previous edition: Campbell biology / Jane B Reece, Lisa A Urry, Michael    L Cain, Steven A Wasserman, Peter V Minorsky, Robert B Jackson    Tenth edition 2014 | 1st edition: Biology by Neil A Campbell, 1987 Identifiers: LCCN 2016025573 Subjects: LCSH: Biology Classification: LCC QH308.2 C34 2016 | DDC 570—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016025573 16 ISBN 10: 0-134-09341-0; ISBN 13: 978-0-134-09341-3 (Student Edition) ISBN 10: 0-134-15412-6; ISBN 13: 978-0-134-15412-1 (Books a la Carte Edition) About the Authors Lisa A Urry is Professor of Biology and Chair of the Biology Department at Mills College After earning a B.A at Tufts University, she completed her Ph.D at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Lisa has conducted research on gene expression during embryonic and larval development in sea urchins Deeply committed to promoting opportunities in science for women and underrepresented minorities, she has taught courses ranging from introductory and developmental biology to a nonmajors course called Evolution for Future Presidents Lisa is a coauthor of Campbell Biology in Focus Michael L Cain is an ecologist and evolutionary biologist who is now writing full-time Michael earned an A.B from Bowdoin College, an M.Sc from Brown University, and a Ph.D from Cornell University As a faculty member at New Mexico State University, he taught introductory biology, ecology, evolution, botany, and conservation biology Michael is the author of dozens of scientific papers on topics that include foraging behavior in insects and plants, long-distance seed dispersal, and speciation in crickets He is a coauthor of Campbell Biology in Focus and of an ecology textbook Steven A Wasserman is Professor of Biology at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) He earned an A.B from Harvard University and a Ph.D from MIT Working on the fruit fly Drosophila, Steve has done research on developmental biology, reproduction, and immunity Having taught genetics, development, and physiology to undergraduate, graduate, and medical students, he now focuses on introductory biology, for which he has been honored with UCSD’s Distinguished Teaching Award He is a coauthor of Campbell Biology in Focus Peter V Minorsky is Professor of Biology at Mercy College in New York, where he teaches introductory biology, ecology, and botany He received his A.B from Vassar College and his Ph.D from Cornell University Peter taught at Kenyon College, Union College, Western Connecticut State University, and Vassar College; he is also the science writer for the journal Plant Physiology His research interests concern how plants sense environmental change Peter received the 2008 Award for Teaching Excellence at Mercy College and is a coauthor of Campbell Biology in Focus Jane B Reece, the head of the author team for Editions 8–10 of Campbell BIOLOGY, was Neil Campbell’s longtime collaborator Jane taught biology at Middlesex County College and Queensborough Community College She holds an A.B from Harvard University, an M.S from Rutgers University, and a Ph.D from the University of California, Berkeley Jane’s research as a doctoral student at UC Berkeley and postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University focused on genetic recombination in bacteria Besides her work on Campbell BIOLOGY, Jane has been a coauthor on all the Campbell texts Neil A Campbell (1946–2004) earned his M.A from the University of California, Los Angeles, and his Ph.D from the University of California, Riverside His research focused on desert and coastal plants Neil’s 30 years of teaching included introductory biology courses at Cornell University, Pomona College, and San Bernardino Valley College, where he received the college’s first Outstanding Professor Award in 1986 For many years he was also a visiting scholar at UC Riverside Neil was the founding author of Campbell BIOLOGY ABOUT THE AUTHORS iii Preface W e are honored to present the Eleventh Edition of Campbell BIOLOGY For the last three decades, Campbell BIOLOGY has been the leading college text in the biological sciences It has been translated into 19 languages and has provided millions of students with a solid foundation in college-level biology This success is a testament not only to Neil Campbell’s original vision but also to the dedication of hundreds of reviewers (listed on pages xxviii–xxxi), who, together with editors, artists, and contributors, have shaped and inspired this work Our goals for the Eleventh Edition include: increasing visual literacy through new figures, questions, and exercises that build students’ skills in understanding and creating visual representations of biological structures and processes asking students to practice scientific skills by applying scientific skills to real-world problems supporting instructors by providing teaching modules with tools and materials for introducing, teaching, and assessing important and often challenging topics integrating text and media to engage, guide, and inform students in an active process of inquiry and learning Our starting point, as always, is our commitment to crafting text and visuals that are accurate, are current, and reflect our passion for teaching biology New to This Edition Here we provide an overview of the new features that we have developed for the Eleventh Edition; we invite you to explore pages ix–xxvi for more information and examples Visualizing Figures and Visual Skills Questions give students practice in interpreting and creating visual representations in biology The Visualizing Figures have embedded questions that guide students in exploring how diagrams, photographs, and models represent and reflect biological systems and processes Assignable questions are also available in MasteringBiology to give students practice with the visual skills addressed in the figures Problem-Solving Exercises challenge students to apply scientific skills and interpret data in solving real-world problems These exercises are designed to engage students through compelling case studies and provide practice with data analysis skills Problem-Solving Exercises have assignable versions in MasteringBiology Some also have iv PREFACE more extensive “Solve It” investigations to further explore a given topic Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules on key topics provide instructors with assignments to use before and after class, as well as in-class activities that use clickers or Learning Catalytics™ for assessment Integrated text and media: Media references in the printed book direct students to the wealth of online self-study resources available to them in the Study Area section of MasteringBiology In eText 2.0 (which will be available for Fall 2017 classes), these resources will also be integrated directly into the eText The new online learning tools include: Get Ready for This Chapter questions provide a quick check of student understanding of the background information needed to learn a new chapter’s content, with feedback to bolster their preparation Figure Walkthroughs guide students through key figures with narrated explanations, figure markups, and questions that reinforce important points Additional questions can be assigned in MasteringBiology More than 450 animations and videos bring biology to life These include resources from HHMI BioInteractive that engage students in topics from the discovery of the double helix to evolution QR codes and URLs within the Chapter Review provide easy access to Vocabulary Self-Quizzes and Practice Tests for each chapter that can be used on smartphones, tablets, and computers Interviews from the First Edition through the Eleventh Edition of Campbell BIOLOGY are referenced in the chapter where they are most relevant The interviews show students the human side of science by featuring diverse scientists talking about how they became interested in what they study, how they began, and what inspires them The impact of climate change at all levels of the biological hierarchy is explored throughout the text, starting with a new figure (Figure 1.12) and discussion in Chapter and concluding with a new Make Connections Figure (Figure 56.30) and expanded coverage on causes and effects of climate change in Chapter 56 As in each new edition of Campbell BIOLOGY, the Eleventh Edition incorporates new content and pedagogical improvements These are summarized on pp vi–viii, following this Preface Content updates reflect rapid, ongoing changes in technology and knowledge in the fields of genomics, gene editing technology (CRISPR), evolutionary biology, microbiology, and more In addition, significant revisions to Unit 8, Ecology, improve the conceptual framework for core ecological topics (such as population growth, species interactions, and community dynamics) and more deeply integrate evolutionary principles Our Hallmark Features Teachers of general biology face a daunting challenge: to help students acquire a conceptual framework for organizing an everexpanding amount of information The hallmark features of Campbell BIOLOGY provide such a framework, while promoting a deeper understanding of biology and the process of science As such, they are well aligned with the core competencies outlined by the 2009 Vision and Change national conference Furthermore, the core concepts defined by Vision and Change have close parallels in the unifying themes that are introduced in Chapter and integrated throughout the book Chief among the themes of both Vision and Change and Campbell BIOLOGY is evolution Each chapter of this text includes at least one Evolution section that explicitly focuses on evolutionary aspects of the chapter material, and each chapter ends with an Evolution Connection Question and a Write About a Theme Question To help students distinguish the “forest from the trees,” each chapter is organized around a framework of three to seven carefully chosen Key Concepts The text, Concept Check Questions, Summary of Key Concepts, and MasteringBiology resources all reinforce these main ideas and essential facts Because text and illustrations are equally important for learning biology, integration of text and figures has been a hallmark of this text since the First Edition In addition to the new Visualizing Figures, our popular Exploring Figures and Make Connections Figures epitomize this approach Each Exploring Figure is a learning unit of core content that brings together related illustrations and text Make Connections Figures reinforce fundamental conceptual connections throughout biology, helping students overcome tendencies to compartmentalize information The Eleventh Edition features two new Make Connections Figures There are also Guided Tour Figures that walk students through complex figures as an instructor would To encourage active reading of the text, Campbell BIOLOGY includes numerous opportunities for students to stop and think about what they are reading, often by putting pencil to paper to draw a sketch, annotate a figure, or graph data Active reading questions include Visual Skills Questions, Draw It Questions, Make Connections Questions, What If? Questions, Figure Legend Questions, Summary Questions, Synthesize Your Knowledge Questions, and Interpret the Data Questions Answering these questions requires students to write or draw as well as think and thus helps develop the core competency of communicating science Finally, Campbell BIOLOGY has always featured scientific inquiry, an essential component of any biology course Complementing stories of scientific discovery in the text narrative and the unit-opening interviews, our standard-setting Inquiry Figures deepen the ability of students to understand how we know what we know Scientific Inquiry Questions give students opportunities to practice scientific thinking, along with the Problem-Solving Exercises, Scientific Skills Exercises, and Interpret the Data Questions Together, these activities provide students practice in both applying the process of science and using quantitative reasoning, addressing additional core competencies outlined in Vision and Change MasteringBiology, the most widely used online assessment and tutorial program for biology, provides an extensive library of homework assignments that are graded automatically In addition to the new Get Ready for This Chapter Questions, Figure Walkthroughs, Problem-Solving Exercises, and Visualizing Figures, MasteringBiology offers Dynamic Study Modules, Adaptive Follow-Up Assignments, Scientific Skills Exercises, Interpret the Data Questions, Solve It Tutorials, HHMI BioInteractive Short Films, BioFlix® Tutorials with 3-D Animations, Experimental Inquiry Tutorials, Interpreting Data Tutorials, BLAST Tutorials, Make Connections Tutorials, Video Field Trips, Video Tutor Sessions, Get Ready for Biology, Activities, Reading Quiz Questions, Student Misconception Questions, 4,500 Test Bank Questions, and MasteringBiology Virtual Labs MasteringBiology also includes the Campbell BIOLOGY eText, Study Area, Instructor Resources, and Ready-to-Go Teaching Modules See pages ix–xxiii and www.masteringbiology.com for more details Our Partnership with Instructors and Students A core value underlying our work is our belief in the importance of a partnership with instructors and students One primary way of serving instructors and students, of course, is providing a text that teaches biology well In addition, Pearson offers a rich variety of instructor and student resources, in both print and electronic form (see pp ix–xxiii) In our continuing efforts to improve the book and its supplements, we benefit tremendously from instructor and student feedback, not only in formal reviews from hundreds of scientists, but also via e-mail and other avenues of informal communication The real test of any textbook is how well it helps instructors teach and students learn We welcome comments from both students and instructors Please address your suggestions to: Lisa Urry (Chapter and Units 1–3) lurry@mills.edu Michael Cain (Units 4, 5, and 8) mcain@bowdoin.edu Peter Minorsky (Unit 6) pminorsky@mercy.edu Steven Wasserman (Unit 7) stevenw@ucsd.edu PREFACE v Highlights of New Content T his section highlights selected new content and pedagogical changes in Campbell BIOLOGY, Eleventh Edition Chapter 1  Evolution, the Themes of Biology, and Scientific Inquiry Chapter opens with a new introduction to a case study on the evolution of coloration in mice New text and a new photo (Figure 1.12) relate climate change to species survival Unit 1  The Chemistry of Life In Unit 1, new content engages students in learning this foundational material The opening of Chapter and new Figure 3.7 show organisms affected by loss of Arctic sea ice Chapter has updates on lactose intolerance, trans fats, the effects of diet on blood cholesterol, protein Figure 3.7 Effects of climate change sequences and on the Arctic structures, and intrinsically disordered proteins New Visualizing Figure 5.16 helps students understand various ways proteins are depicted A new ProblemSolving Exercise engages students by having them compare DNA sequences in a case of possible fish fraud Unit 2  The Cell Our main goal for this unit was to make the material more accessible and inviting to students New Visualizing Figure 6.32 shows the profusion of molecules and structures in a cell, all drawn to scale In Chapter 7, a new figure illustrates levels of LDL receptors in people with and without familial hypercholesterolemia Chapter includes a beautiful new photo of a geyser with thermophilic bacteria in Figure 8.17, bringing to life the graphs of optimal temperatures for enzyme function Chapter 10 discusses current research trying to genetically modify rice (a C3 crop) so that it is capable of carrying out C4 photosynthesis to increase yields Chapter 11 includes a new Problem-Solving Exercise that guides students through assessing possible new treatments for bacterial infections by blocking quorum sensing In Chapter 12, the mechanism of chromosome movement in bacteria has been updated and more cell cycle control checkpoints have been added, including one proposed by researchers in 2014 Unit 3  Genetics In Chapters 13–17, we have incorporated changes that help students grasp the more abstract concepts of genetics and their chromosomal and molecular underpinnings For example, a new Visual Skills Question with Figure 13.6 asks students to identify vi Highlights of New Content where in the three life cycles haploid cells undergo mitosis, and what type of cells are formed Chapter 14 includes new information from a 2014 genomic study on the number of genes and genetic variants contributing to height Figure 14.15b now uses “inability to taste PTC” rather than “attached earlobe.” Chapters 14 and 15 are more inclusive, clarifying the meaning of the term “normal” in genetics and explaining that sex is no longer thought to be simply binary Other updates in Chapter 15 include new research in sex determination and a technique being developed to avoid passing on mitochondrial diseases New Visualizing Figure 16.7 shows students various ways that DNA is illustrated Chapter 17 has a new opening photo and story about albino donkeys to pique student interest in gene expression To help students understand the Beadle and Tatum experiment, new Figure 17.2 explains how they obtained nutritional mutants A new ProblemSolving Exercise asks students to identify mutations in the insulin gene and predict their effect on the protein Chapters 18–21 are extensively updated, driven by exciting new discoveries based on DNA sequencing and gene-editing technology Chapter 18 has updates on histone modifications, nuclear location and the persistence of transcription factories, chromatin remodeling by ncRNAs, long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), the role of master regulatory genes in modifying chromatin structure, and the possible role of p53 in the low incidence of cancer in elephants Make Connections Figure 18.27, “Genomics, Cell Signaling, and Cancer,” has Figure 20.14 Gene editing been expanded to include using the CRISPR-Cas9 system more information on cell signaling Chapter 19 features a new section that covers bacterial defenses against bacteriophages and describes the CRISPRCas9 system (Figure 19.7); updates include the Ebola, Chikungunya, and Zika viruses (Figure 19.10) and discovery of the largest virus known to date A discussion has been added of mosquito transmission of diseases and concerns about the effects of global climate change on disease transmission Chapter 20 has a new photo of nextgeneration DNA sequencing machines (Figure 20.2) and a new illustration of the widely used technique of RNA sequencing (Figure 20.13) A new section titled Editing Genes and Genomes has been added describing the CRISPR-Cas9 system (Figure 20.14) that has been developed to edit genes in living cells Information has also been added later in the chapter on use of the CRISPR-Cas9 system, including a study in which a genetic mutation for the disease tyrosinemia was corrected in mice Finally, the discussion of ethical considerations has been updated to include a recent report of scientists using the CRISPR-Cas9 system to edit a gene in human embryos, along with a discussion of the ethical questions raised by such experiments, such as its usage in the gene drive approach to combat carrying of diseases by mosquitoes In Chapter 21, in addition to the usual updates of sequence-related data (speed of sequencing, number of species’ genomes sequenced, etc.), there are several research updates, including some early results from the new Roadmap Epigenomics Project and results from a 2015 study focusing on 414 important yeast genes Unit 4  Mechanisms of Evolution A major goal for this revision was to strengthen how we help students understand and interpret visual representations of evolutionary data and concepts Toward this end, we have added a new figure (Figure 25.8), “Visualizing the Scale of Geologic Time,” and a new figure (Figure 23.12) on gene flow Several figures have been revised to improve the presentation of data, including Figure 24.6 (on reproductive isolation in mosquitofish), Figure 24.10 (on allopolyploid speciation), and Figure 25.25 (on the origin of the insect body plan) The Figure 23.12 Gene flow and local unit also features new adaptation in the Lake Erie water material that connects snake (Nerodia sipedon) evolutionary concepts and societal problems Examples include text in Chapter 22 on the 2015 discovery of teix­ obactin, an antibiotic that is effective against some hard-to-treat pathogens, a new discussion in Chap­ter 24 on the impact of climate change on hybrid zones, and a new Problem-Solving Exercise in Chapter 24 on how hybridization may have led to the spread of insecticide resistance genes in mosquitoes that transmit malaria The unit also includes new chapteropening stories in Chapter 22 (on a moth whose features illustrate the concepts of unity, diversity, and adaptation) and Chapter 25 (on the discovery of whale bones in the Sahara Desert) Additional changes include new text in ­Concept 22.3 emphasizing how populations can evolve over short periods of time, a new table (Table 23.1) highlighting the five ­conditions required for a population to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and new material in Concept 25.1 describing how researchers recently succeeded for the first time in constructing a “protocell” in which replication of a template strand of RNA could occur Unit 5 The Evolutionary History of Biological Diversity In keeping with our goal of improving how students interpret and create visual representations in biology, we have added a new figure (Figure 26.5, “Visualizing Phylogenetic Relationships”) that introduces the visual conventions used in phylogenetic trees and helps students understand what such trees and don’t convey Students are also provided many opportunities to practice their visual skills, with more than ten new Visual Skills Questions on topics ranging from interpreting phylogenetic trees to predicting which regions of a bacterial flagellum are hydrophobic The unit also contains new content on tree thinking, emphasizing such key points as how sister groups provide a clear way to describe evolutionary relationships and how trees not show a “direction” in evolution Other major content changes include new text in Concepts 26.6, 27.4, and 28.1 on the 2015 discovery of the Lokiarchaeota, a group of archaea that may represent the sister group of the eukaryotes, new text and a new figure (Figure 26.22) on horizontal gene transfer from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, new text in Concept 27.6 describing the CRISPR-Cas9 system and a new figure (Figure 27.21) that illustrates one example of how CRISPR-Cas technology has opened new avenues of research on HIV, and new material in Concept 29.3 describing how early forests contributed to global climate change (in this case, global cooling) A new ProblemSolving Exercise in Chapter 34 engages students in interpreting data from a study investigating whether frogs can acquire resistance to a fungal pathogen through controlled exposure to it Other updates include the revision of many phylogenies to reflect recent phylogenomic data, new chapter-opening stories in Chapter 31 (on how mycorrhizae link trees of different species) and Chapter 33 (on the “blue dragon,” a mollusc that preys on the highly toxic Portuguese man-of-war), new text and a new figure (Figure 34.37) on the adaptations of the kangaroo rat to its arid environment, and new material in Concept 34.7, including a new figure (Figure 34.52) describing fossil and DNA evidence indicating that humans and NeanderFigure 34.53 Fossils of hand and thals interbred, producing viable offspring The foot bones of Homo naledi discussion of human evolution also includes new text and a new figure (Figure 34.53) on Homo naledi, the most recently discovered member of the human evolutionary lineage Unit 6  Plant Form and Function A major aim in revising Chapter 35 was to help students better understand how primary and secondary growth are related New Visualizing Figure 35.11 enables students to picture growth at the cellular level Also, the terms protoderm, procambium, and ground meristem have been introduced to underscore the transition of meristematic to mature tissues A new flowchart (Figure 35.24) summarizes growth in a woody shoot New text and a figure (Figure 35.26) focus on genome analysis of Arabidopsis ecotypes, relating plant morphology to ecology and evolution In Chapter 36, new Figure 36.8 illustrates the fine branching of leaf veins, and information on Highlights of New Content vii phloem-xylem water transfer has been updated New Make Connections Figure 37.10 highlights mutualism across kingdoms and domains Figure 37.13 and the related text include new findings on how some soil nitrogen derives from weathering of rocks New Figure 38.3 clarifies how the terms carpel and pistil are related The text on flower structure and the angiosperm life cycle figure identify carpels as megasporophylls and stamens as microsporophylls, correlating with the plant evolution discussion in Unit In Concept 38.3, the current problem of glyphosate-resistant crops is discussed in detail A revised Figure 39.7 helps students visualize how cells elongate Figure 39.8 now addresses apical dominance in a Guided Tour format Information about the role of sugars in controlling apical dominance has been added In Concept 39.4, a new Problem-Solving Exercise highlights how global climate change affects crop productivity Figure 39.26 on defense responses against pathogens has been simplified and improved Unit 7  Animal Form and Function A major goal of the Unit revision was to transform how students interact with and learn from representations of anatomy and physiology For example, gastrulation is now introduced with a Visualizing Figure (Figure 47.8) that provides a clear and carefully paced introduction to three-dimensional processes that may be difficult for students to grasp In addition, a number of the new and revised figures help students explore spatial relationships in anatomical contexts, such as the interplay of lymphatic and cardiovascular circulation (Figure 42.15) and the relationship of the limbic system to overall brain structure (Figure 49.14) A new Problem-Solving Exercise in Chapter 45 taps into student interest in medical mysteries through a case study that explores the science behind laboratory testing and diagnosis Content updates help students appreciate the continued evolution of our understanding of even familiar phenomena, such as the sensation of thirst (Concept 44.4) and the locomotion of kangaroos and jellies (Concept 50.6) Furthermore, new text and figures introduce students to cutting-edge technology relating to such topics as RNA-based antiviral defense in invertebrates (Figure 43.4) and rapid, comprehensive characterization of viral exposure (Figure 43.24), as well as recent discoveries regarding brown fat in adult humans (Figure 40.16), the microbiome (Figure 41.17), parthenogenesis (Concept 46.1), and magnetoreception (Concept 50.1) As always, there is fine-tuning of pedagogy, as in discussions of the complementary roles of inactivation and voltage gating of ion channels during action potential formation (Concept 48.3) and of the experimental characterization of genetic determinants in bird migration (Figure 51.24) Figure 41.17 Variation in human gut microbiome at different life stages viii Highlights of New Content Unit 8  Ecology The Ecology Unit has been extensively revised for the Eleventh Edition We have reorganized and improved the conceptual framework with which students are introduced to the following core ecological topics: life tables, per capita population growth, intrinsic rate of increase (“r ”), exponential population growth, logistic population growth, density dependence, species interactions (in particular, parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism), and MacArthur and Wilson’s island biogeography model The revision also includes a deeper integration of evolutionary principles, including a new Key Concept (52.5) and two new figures (Figures 52.22 and 52.23) on the reciprocal effects of ecology and evolution, new material in Concept 52.4 on how the geographic distributions of species are shaped by a combination of evolutionary history and ecological factors, and five new Make Connections Questions that ask students to examine how ecological and evolutionary mechanisms interact In keeping with our goal of expanding and strengthening our coverage of climate change, we have added a new discussion and a new figure (Figure 52.20) on how climate change has affected the distribution of a keystone species, a new Figure 55.8 Climate change, section of text in wildfires, and insect outbreaks Concept 55.2 on how climate change affects NPP, a new figure (Figure 55.8) on how climate change has caused an increase in wildfires and insect outbreaks, a new Problem-Solving Exercise in Chapter 55 that explores how insect outbreaks induced by climate change can cause an ecosystem to switch from a carbon sink to a carbon source, a new figure (Figure 56.29) on the greenhouse effect, new text in Concept 56.4 on biological effects of climate change, and a new Make Connections Figure (Figure 56.30) on how climate change affects all levels of biological organization Additional updates include a new figure (Figure 53.25) on per capita ecological footprints, a new chapter-opening story in Chapter 54 on a seemingly unlikely mutualism between a shrimp and a much larger predatory fish, new text in Concept 54.1 emphasizing that each partner in a mutualism experiences both benefits and costs, new text in Concept 54.1 describing how the outcome of an ecological interaction can change over time, two new figures (Figures 54.29 and 54.30) on the island equilibrium model, a new figure (Figure 54.31) documenting two shrew species as unexpected hosts of the Lyme disease, new text in Concept 56.1 comparing extinction rates today with those typically seen in the fossil record, and a new discussion and figure (Figure 56.22) on the restoration of a degraded urban stream www.freebookslides.com which consists of molecules having a definite size and number of atoms, an ionic compound does not consist of The lone valence electron of a sodium Each resulting ion has a completed molecules The formula for an ionic atom is transferred to join the valence valence shell An ionic bond can form compound, such as NaCl, indicates only electrons of a chlorine atom between the oppositely charged ions the ratio of elements in a crystal of the + – salt “NaCl” by itself is not a molecule Not all salts have equal numbers of cations and anions For example, the ionic compound magnesium chloride Cl Cl Na Na (MgCl2) has two chloride ions for each magnesium ion Magnesium (12Mg) must lose outer electrons if the atom is to Na Cl Na+ Cl– have a complete valence shell, so it has a Sodium atom Chlorine atom Sodium ion Chloride ion tendency to become a cation with a net (a cation) (an anion) charge of 2+ (Mg2+) One magnesium Sodium chloride (NaCl) Animation: Formation of Ions and Ionic Bonds cation can therefore form ionic bonds with two chloride anions (Cl-) The term ion also applies to entire molecules that are elecThis is what happens when an atom of sodium (11Na) trically charged In the salt ammonium chloride (NH4Cl), for encounters an atom of chlorine (17Cl) (Figure 2.12) A sodium instance, the anion is a single chloride ion (Cl-), but the catatom has a total of 11 electrons, with its single valence elecion is ammonium (NH4+), a nitrogen atom covalently bonded tron in the third electron shell A chlorine atom has a total to four hydrogen atoms The whole ammonium ion has an of 17 electrons, with electrons in its valence shell When electrical charge of 1+ because it has given up electron and these two atoms meet, the lone valence electron of sodium thus is electron short is transferred to the chlorine atom, and both atoms end up Environment affects the strength of ionic bonds In a dry with their valence shells complete (Because sodium no longer salt crystal, the bonds are so strong that it takes a hammer has an electron in the third shell, the second shell is now the and chisel to break enough of them to crack the crystal in valence shell.) The electron transfer between the two atoms two If the same salt crystal is dissolved in water, however, moves one unit of negative charge from sodium to chlorine the ionic bonds are much weaker because each ion is partially Sodium, now with 11 protons but only 10 electrons, has a net shielded by its interactions with water molecules Most electrical charge of 1+; the sodium atom has become a cation drugs are manufactured as salts because they are quite stable Conversely, the chlorine atom, having gained an extra electron, when dry but can dissociate (come apart) easily in water now has 17 protons and 18 electrons, giving it a net electrical (In Concept 3.2, you will learn how water dissolves salts.) charge of 1- ; it has become a chloride ion—an anion Compounds formed by ionic bonds are called ionic Weak Chemical Interactions compounds, or salts We know the ionic compound sodium chloride (NaCl) as table salt (Figure 2.13) Salts are In organisms, most of the strongest chemical bonds are covaoften found in nature as crystals of various sizes and shapes lent bonds, which link atoms to form a cell’s molecules But Each salt crystal is an aggregate of vast numbers of cations weaker interactions within and between molecules are also and anions bonded by their electrical attraction and arranged indispensable, contributing greatly to the emergent properties in a three-dimensional lattice Unlike a covalent compound, of life Many large biological molecules are held in their funcFigure 2.12 Electron transfer and ionic bonding The attraction between oppositely charged atoms, or ions, is an ionic bond An ionic bond can form between any two oppositely charged ions, even if they have not been formed by transfer of an electron from one to the other Figure 2.13 A sodium chloride (NaCl) crystal The sodium ions (Na+) and chloride ions (Cl-) are held together by ionic bonds The formula NaCl tells us that the ratio of Na+ to Cl- is 1:1 Na+ Cl– tional form by weak interactions In addition, when two molecules in the cell make contact, they may adhere temporarily by weak interactions The reversibility of weak interactions can be an advantage: Two molecules can come together, affect one another in some way, and then separate Several types of weak chemical interactions are important in organisms One is the ionic bond as it exists between ions dissociated in water, which we just discussed Hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions are also crucial to life Hydrogen Bonds Among weak chemical interactions, hydrogen bonds are so central to the chemistry of life that they deserve special 38 UNIT ONE The Chemistry of Life www.freebookslides.com Figure 2.14 A hydrogen bond δ+ δ– δ– O Water (H2O) H H This hydrogen bond (dotted line) results from the attraction between the partial positive charge on a hydrogen atom of water and the partial negative charge on the nitrogen atom of ammonia δ+ δ– Ammonia (NH3) N H δ+ H H δ+ δ+ DRAW IT Draw one water molecule surrounded by four other water molecules, arranged so that they can make hydrogen bonds with each other Use simple outlines of space-filling models Draw the partial charges on the water molecules and use dots for the hydrogen bonds Animation: Hydrogen Bonds attention When a hydrogen atom is covalently bonded to an electronegative atom, the hydrogen atom has a partial positive charge that allows it to be attracted to a different electronegative atom nearby This attraction between a hydrogen and an electronegative atom is called a hydrogen bond In living cells, the electronegative partners are usually oxygen or nitrogen atoms Refer to Figure 2.14 to examine the simple case of hydrogen bonding between water (H2O) and ammonia (NH3) Van der Waals Interactions Even a molecule with nonpolar covalent bonds may have positively and negatively charged regions Electrons are not always evenly distributed; at any instant, they may accumulate by chance in one part of a molecule or another The results are ever-changing regions of positive and negative charge that enable all atoms and molecules to stick to one another These van der Waals interactions are individually weak and occur only when atoms and molecules are very close together When many such interactions occur simultaneously, however, they can be powerful: Van der Waals interactions allow the gecko lizard shown here to walk straight up a wall! The anatomy of the gecko’s foot— including many minuscule hairlike projections from the toes and strong tendons underlying the skin—strikes a balance between maximum surface contact with the wall and necessary stiffness of the foot The van der Waals interactions between the foot molecules and the molecules of the wall’s surface are so numerous that despite their individual weakness, together they can support the gecko’s body weight This discovery has inspired development of an artificial adhesive called Geckskin: A patch the size of an index card can hold a 700-pound weight to a wall! Van der Waals interactions, hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds in water, and other weak interactions may form not only between molecules but also between parts of a large molecule, such as a protein The cumulative effect of weak interactions is to reinforce the three-dimensional shape of the molecule (You will learn more about the very important biological roles of weak interactions in Chapter 5.) Molecular Shape and Function A molecule has a characteristic size and shape, which are key to its function in the living cell A molecule consisting of two atoms, such as H2 or O2, is always linear, but most molecules with more than two atoms have more complicated shapes These shapes are determined by the positions of the atoms’ orbitals (Figure 2.15) When an atom forms covalent bonds, Figure 2.15 Molecular shapes due to hybrid orbitals s orbital z Three p orbitals Four hybrid orbitals x y Tetrahedron (a) Hybridization of orbitals The single s and three p orbitals of a valence shell involved in covalent bonding combine to form four teardrop-shaped hybrid orbitals These orbitals extend to the four corners of an imaginary tetrahedron (outlined in pink) Space-Filling Model Ball-and-Stick Model O H 104.5° H Hybrid-Orbital Model (with ball-and-stick model superimposed) Unbonded electron pairs H O H Water (H2O) H H C H C H H H H H Methane (CH4) (b) Molecular-shape models Three models representing molecular shape are shown for water and methane The positions of the hybrid orbitals determine the shapes of the molecules CHAPTER CHAP The Chemical Context of Life 39 www.freebookslides.com the orbitals in its valence shell undergo rearrangement For atoms with valence electrons in both s and p orbitals (review Figure 2.8), the single s and three p orbitals form four new hybrid orbitals shaped like identical teardrops extending from the region of the atomic nucleus, as shown in Figure 2.15a If we connect the larger ends of the teardrops with lines, we have the outline of a geometric shape called a tetrahedron, a pyramid with a triangular base For water molecules (H2O), two of the hybrid orbitals in the oxygen’s valence shell are shared with hydrogens (see Figure 2.15b) The result is a molecule shaped roughly like a V, with its two covalent bonds at an angle of 104.5° The methane molecule (CH4) has the shape of a completed tetrahedron because all four hybrid orbitals of the carbon atom are shared with hydrogen atoms (see Figure 2.15b) The carbon nucleus is at the center, with its four covalent bonds radiating to hydrogen nuclei at the corners of the tetrahedron Larger molecules containing multiple carbon atoms, including many of the molecules that make up living matter, have more complex overall shapes However, the tetrahedral shape of a carbon atom bonded to four other atoms is often a repeating motif within such molecules Molecular shape is crucial: It determines how biological molecules recognize and respond to one another with specificity Biological molecules often bind temporarily to each other by forming weak interactions, but only if their shapes are complementary Consider the effects of opiates, drugs such as morphine and heroin derived from opium Opiates relieve pain and alter mood by weakly binding to specific receptor molecules on the surfaces of brain cells Why would brain cells carry receptors for opiates, compounds that are not made by the body? In 1975, the discovery of endorphins answered this question Endorphins are signaling molecules made by the pituitary gland that bind to the receptors, relieving pain and producing euphoria during times of stress, such as intense exercise Opiates have shapes similar to endorphins and mimic them by binding to endorphin receptors in the brain That is why opiates and endorphins have similar effects (Figure 2.16) The role of molecular shape in brain chemistry illustrates how biological organization leads to a match between structure and function, one of biology’s unifying themes Figure 2.16 A molecular mimic Morphine affects pain perception and emotional state by mimicking the brain’s natural endorphins Key Carbon Nitrogen Hydrogen Sulfur Oxygen Natural endorphin Morphine (a) Structures of endorphin and morphine The boxed portion of the endorphin molecule (left) binds to receptor molecules on target cells in the brain The boxed portion of the morphine molecule (right) is a close match Natural endorphin Morphine Endorphin receptors Brain cell (b) Binding to endorphin receptors Both endorphin and morphine can bind to endorphin receptors on the surface of a brain cell Interview with Candace Pert: Discovering opiate receptors in the brain CONCEPT 2.4 Chemical reactions make and break chemical bonds The making and breaking of chemical bonds, leading to changes in the composition of matter, are called chemical reactions An example is the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen molecules that forms water: CONCEPT CHECK 2.3 Why does the structure H ¬ C “ C ¬ H fail to make sense chemically? + What holds the atoms together in a crystal of magnesium chloride (MgCl2)? WHAT IF? If you were a pharmaceutical researcher, why would you want to learn the three-dimensional shapes of naturally occurring signaling molecules? For suggested answers, see Appendix A 40 UNIT ONE The Chemistry of Life H2 + Reactants O2 H2O Chemical reaction Products www.freebookslides.com This reaction breaks the covalent bonds of H2 and O2 and forms the new bonds of H2O When we write the equation for a chemical reaction, we use an arrow to indicate the conversion of the starting materials, called the reactants, to the resulting materials, or products The coefficients indicate the number of molecules involved; for example, the coefficient before the H2 means that the reaction starts with two molecules of hydrogen Notice that all atoms of the reactants must be accounted for in the products Matter is conserved in a chemical reaction: Reactions cannot create or destroy atoms but can only rearrange (redistribute) the electrons among them Photosynthesis, which takes place within the cells of green plant tissues, is an important biological example of how chemical reactions rearrange matter Humans and other animals ultimately depend on photosynthesis for food and oxygen, and this process is at the foundation of almost all ecosystems The following summarizes the process of photosynthesis: Reactants CO2 + Carbon dioxide Products H2O Water Sunlight C6H12O6 Glucose + O2 Oxygen The raw materials of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O), which land plants absorb from the air and soil, respectively Within the plant cells, sunlight powers the conversion of these ingredients to a sugar called glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen molecules (O2), a by-product that can be seen when released by a water plant (Figure 2.17) Although photosynthesis is actually a sequence of many chemical reactions, we still end up with the same number and types of atoms that we had when we started Matter has simply been rearranged, with an input of energy provided by sunlight All chemical reactions are theoretically reversible, with the products of the forward reaction becoming the reactants for the reverse reaction For example, hydrogen and nitrogen molecules can combine to form ammonia, but ammonia can also decompose to regenerate hydrogen and nitrogen: Figure 2.17 Photosynthesis: a solarpowered rearrangement of matter Elodea, a freshwater plant, produces sugar by rearranging the atoms of carbon dioxide and water in the chemical process known as photosynthesis, which is powered by sunlight Much of the sugar is then converted to other food molecules Oxygen gas (O2) is a by-product of photosynthesis; notice the bubbles of O2 gas escaping from the leaves submerged in water Leaf Bubbles of O2 DRAW IT Add labels and arrows on the photo showing the reactants and products of photosynthesis as it takes place in a leaf The same holds true for products As products accumulate, collisions resulting in the reverse reaction become more frequent Eventually, the forward and reverse reactions occur at the same rate, and the relative concentrations of products and reactants stop changing The point at which the reactions offset one another exactly is called chemical equilibrium This is a dynamic equilibrium; reactions are still going on in both directions, but with no net effect on the concentrations of reactants and products Equilibrium does not mean that the reactants and products are equal in concentration, but only that their concentrations have stabilized at a particular ratio The reaction involving ammonia reaches equilibrium when ammonia decomposes as rapidly as it forms In some chemical reactions, the equilibrium point may lie so far to the right that these reactions go essentially to completion; that is, virtually all the reactants are converted to products We will return to the subject of chemical reactions after more detailed study of the various types of molecules that are important to life In the next chapter, we focus on water, the substance in which all the chemical processes of organisms occur CONCEPT CHECK 2.4 MAKE CONNECTIONS Consider the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen that forms water, shown with balland-stick models at the beginning of Concept 2.4 After studying Figure 2.10, draw and label the Lewis dot structures representing this reaction H2 + N2 L NH3 Which type of chemical reaction, if any, occurs faster at equilibrium: the formation of products from reactants or that of reactants from products? The two opposite-headed arrows indicate that the reaction is reversible One of the factors affecting the rate of a reaction is the concentration of reactants The greater the concentration of reactant molecules, the more frequently they collide with one another and have an opportunity to react and form products WHAT IF? Write an equation that uses the products of photosynthesis as reactants and the reactants of photosynthesis as products Add energy as another product This new equation describes a process that occurs in your cells Describe this equation in words How does this equation relate to breathing? For suggested answers, see Appendix A CHAPTER The Chemical Context of Life 41 www.freebookslides.com Chapter Review Go to MasteringBiology™ for Videos, Animations, Vocab Self-Quiz, Practice Tests, and more in the Study Area SUMMARY OF KEY CONCEPTS CONCEPT 2.1 Matter consists of chemical elements in pure form and in combinations called compounds (pp 29–30) VOCAB SELF-QUIZ goo.gl/6u55ks Elements cannot be broken down chemically to other substances A compound contains two or more different elements in a fixed ratio Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen make up approximately 96% of living matter ? Molecules consist of two or more covalently bonded atoms The attraction of an atom for the electrons of a covalent bond is its electronegativity If both atoms are the same, they have the same electronegativity and share a nonpolar covalent bond Electrons of a polar covalent bond are pulled closer to the more electronegative atom, such as the oxygen in H2O An ion forms when an atom or molecule gains or loses an electron and becomes charged An ionic bond is the attraction between two oppositely charged ions: Ionic bond Compare an element and a compound Electron transfer forms ions + – Na Cl Na Cl Na Sodium atom Cl Chlorine atom Na+ Sodium ion (a cation) Cl– Chloride ion (an anion) CONCEPT 2.2 An element’s properties depend on the structure of its atoms (pp 30–36) An atom, the smallest unit of an element, has the following components: Nucleus Protons (+ charge) determine element – + + Neutrons (no charge) determine isotope Electrons (– charge) form negative cloud and determine chemical behavior – Atom An electrically neutral atom has equal numbers of electrons and protons; the number of protons determines the atomic number The atomic mass is measured in daltons and is roughly equal to the mass number, the sum of protons plus neutrons Isotopes of an element differ from each other in neutron number and therefore mass Unstable isotopes give off particles and energy as radioactivity In an atom, electrons occupy specific electron shells; the electrons in a shell have a characteristic energy level Electron distribution in shells determines the chemical behavior of an atom An atom that has an incomplete outer shell, the valence shell, is reactive Electrons exist in orbitals, three-dimensional spaces with specific shapes that are components of electron shells DRAW IT Draw the electron distribution diagrams for neon (10Ne) and argon (18 Ar) Use these diagrams to explain why these elements are chemically unreactive The formation and function of molecules depend on chemical bonding between atoms (pp 36–40) Single covalent bond UNIT ONE The Chemistry of Life • • • • • • • • • • O• • + • O• •• • • H •• H • • Chemical bonds form when atoms interact and complete their valence shells Covalent bonds form when pairs of electrons are shared: 42 ? In terms of electron sharing between atoms, compare nonpolar covalent bonds, polar covalent bonds, and the formation of ions CONCEPT 2.4 Chemical reactions make and break chemical bonds (pp 40–41) Chemical reactions change reactants into products while conserving matter All chemical reactions are theoretically reversible Chemical equilibrium is reached when the forward and reverse reaction rates are equal ? What would happen to the concentration of products if more reactants were added to a reaction that was in chemical equilibrium? How would this addition affect the equilibrium? TEST YOUR UNDERSTANDING CONCEPT 2.3 H• + H• Weak interactions reinforce the shapes of large molecules and help molecules adhere to each other A hydrogen bond is an attraction between a hydrogen atom carrying a partial positive charge (δ+) and an electronegative atom carrying a partial negative charge (δ-) Van der Waals interactions occur between transiently positive and negative regions of molecules A molecule’s shape is determined by the positions of its atoms’ valence orbitals Covalent bonds result in hybrid orbitals, which are responsible for the shapes of H2O, CH4, and many more complex biological molecules Molecular shape is usually the basis for the recognition of one biological molecule by another O •• •• O Double covalent bond Level 1: Knowledge/Comprehension In the term trace element, the adjective trace means that (A) the element is required in very small amounts PRACTICE TEST (B) the element can be used as a label to trace goo.gl/CUYGKD atoms through an organism’s metabolism (C) the element is very rare on Earth (D) the element enhances health but is not essential for the organism’s long-term survival www.freebookslides.com Compared with 31P, the radioactive isotope 32P has (A) a different atomic number (B) one more proton (C) one more electron (D) one more neutron The reactivity of an atom arises from (A) the average distance of the outermost electron shell from the nucleus (B) the existence of unpaired electrons in the valence shell (C) the sum of the potential energies of all the electron shells (D) the potential energy of the valence shell Which statement is true of all atoms that are anions? (A) The atom has more electrons than protons (B) The atom has more protons than electrons (C) The atom has fewer protons than does a neutral atom of the same element (D) The atom has more neutrons than protons Which of the following statements correctly describes any chemical reaction that has reached equilibrium? (A) The concentrations of products and reactants are equal (B) The reaction is now irreversible (C) Both forward and reverse reactions have halted (D) The rates of the forward and reverse reactions are equal Level 2: Application/Analysis We can represent atoms by listing the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons—for example, 2p+, 2n0, 2e- for helium Which of the following represents the 18O isotope of oxygen? (A) 7p+, 2n0, 9e(B) 8p+, 10n0, 8e(C) 9p+, 9n0, 9e(D) 10p+, 8n0, 9e- 11 SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY Female luna moths (Actias luna) attract males by emitting chemical signals that spread through the air A male hundreds of meters away can detect these molecules and fly toward their source The sensory organs responsible for this behavior are the comblike antennae visible in the photograph shown here Each filament of an antenna is equipped with thousands of receptor cells that detect the sex attractant Based on what you learned in this chapter, propose a hypothesis to account for the ability of the male moth to detect a specific molecule in the presence of many other molecules in the air What predictions does your hypothesis make? Design an experiment to test one of these predictions 12 WRITE ABOUT A THEME: ORGANIZATION While waiting at an airport, Neil Campbell once overheard this claim: “It’s paranoid and ignorant to worry about industry or agriculture contaminating the environment with their chemical wastes After all, this stuff is just made of the same atoms that were already present in our environment.” Drawing on your knowledge of electron distribution, bonding, and emergent properties (see Concept 1.1), write a short essay (100–150 words) countering this argument 13 SYNTHESIZE YOUR KNOWLEDGE The atomic number of sulfur is 16 Sulfur combines with hydrogen by covalent bonding to form a compound, hydrogen sulfide Based on the number of valence electrons in a sulfur atom, predict the molecular formula of the compound (A) HS (C) H2S (B) HS2 (D) H4S What coefficients must be placed in the following blanks so that all atoms are accounted for in the products? C6H12O6 S _ C2H6O + (A) 2; (B) 3; _ CO2 (C) 1; (D) 2; DRAW IT Draw Lewis dot structures for each hypothetical molecule shown below, using the correct number of valence electrons for each atom Determine which molecule makes sense because each atom has a complete valence shell and each bond has the correct number of electrons Explain what makes the other molecule nonsensical, considering the number of bonds each type of atom can make H (a) O H H C C H H O H (b) C H H C O H Level 3: Synthesis/Evaluation 10 EVOLUTION CONNECTION The percentages of naturally occurring elements making up the human body (see Table 2.1) are similar to the percentages of these elements found in other organisms How could you account for this similarity among organisms? This bombardier beetle is spraying a boiling hot liquid that contains irritating chemicals, used as a defense mechanism against its enemies The beetle stores two sets of chemicals separately in its glands Using what you learned about chemistry in this chapter, propose a possible explanation for why the beetle is not harmed by the chemicals it stores and what causes the explosive discharge For selected answers, see Appendix A For additional practice questions, check out the Dynamic Study Modules in MasteringBiology You can use them to study on your smartphone, tablet, or computer anytime, anywhere! CHAPTER The Chemical Context of Life 43 www.freebookslides.com Superset Water and Life Figure 3.1 How does life on Earth depend on the chemistry of water? KEY CONCEPTS The Molecule That Supports All of Life 3.1 Polar covalent bonds in water molecules result in hydrogen bonding 3.2 Four emergent properties of water contribute to Earth’s suitability for life 3.3 Acidic and basic conditions affect living organisms Life on Earth began in water and evolved there for billion years before spreading onto land Water is the substance that makes life possible as we know it here on Earth, and possibly on other planets as well All organisms familiar to us are made mostly of water and live in an environment dominated by water Three-quarters of Earth’s surface is covered by water Although most of this water is in liquid form, water is also present on Earth as a solid (ice) and a gas (water vapor) Water is the only common substance on Earth to exist in the natural environment in all three physical states of matter Furthermore, the solid form of water floats on the liquid form, a rare property emerging from the chemistry of the water molecule As the Earth is warming from climate change (see Concept 1.1), the ratio of ice to liquid water is changing Arctic sea ice and glaciers are melting, affecting life on, under, and around them In the Arctic, warmer waters and the smaller ice pack are resulting in blooms of phytoplankton (microscopic aquatic photosynthetic organisms), seen from space as the “cloudy” seawater in Figure 3.1 Organisms that depend on Arctic ice, however, are suffering For instance, a population of black guillemots in Alaska is declining due to the warming climate and reduction of Arctic sea ice In this chapter, you will learn how the structure of a water molecule allows it to interact with other molecules, including other water molecules This ability leads to water’s unique emergent properties that help make Earth suitable for life Black guillemots, threatened by climate change 44 When you see this blue icon, log in to MasteringBiology and go to the Study Area for digital resources Get Ready for This Chapter www.freebookslides.com CONCEPT 3.1 Polar covalent bonds in water molecules result in hydrogen bonding Water is so familiar to us that it is easy to overlook its many extraordinary qualities Following the theme of emergent properties, we can trace water’s unique behavior to the structure and interactions of its molecules Studied on its own, the water molecule is deceptively simple It is shaped like a wide V, with its two hydrogen atoms joined to the oxygen atom by single covalent bonds Oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, so the electrons of the covalent bonds spend more time closer to oxygen than to hydrogen; these are polar covalent bonds (see Figure 2.11) This unequal sharing of electrons and water’s V-like shape make it a polar molecule, meaning that its overall charge is unevenly distributed In water, the oxygen of the molecule has two regions of partial negative charge (δ-), and each hydrogen has a partial positive charge (δ+) The properties of water arise from attractions between oppositely charged atoms of different water molecules: The partially positive hydrogen of one molecule is attracted to the partially negative oxygen of a nearby molecule The two molecules are thus held together by a hydrogen bond (Figure 3.2) When water is in its liquid form, its hydrogen bonds are very fragile, each only about 1/20 as strong as a covalent bond The hydrogen bonds form, break, and re-form with great frequency Each lasts only a few trillionths of a second, but the molecules are constantly forming new hydrogen bonds with a succession of partners Therefore, at any instant, most of the water molecules Figure 3.2 Hydrogen bonds between water molecules δ+ H δ+ O δ– Because of its electron arrangement, oxygen has two regions with partial negative charge The charged regions in a water molecule are due to its polar covalent bonds H δ– Regions of neighboring water molecules with opposite partial charges are attracted to each other, forming hydrogen bonds δ+ H δ+ O δ– H δ– δ+ DRAW IT δ+ Each water molecule can hydrogen-bond to several others; these associations are constantly changing δ– Draw partial charges on the water molecule at the far left, and draw three more water molecules hydrogen-bonded to it Animation: Polarity of Water are hydrogen-bonded to their neighbors The extraordinary properties of water emerge from this hydrogen bonding, which organizes water molecules into a higher level of structural order CONCEPT CHECK 3.1 MAKE CONNECTIONS What is electronegativity, and how does it affect interactions between water molecules? (Review Figure 2.11.) VISUAL SKILLS Look at Figure 3.2 and explain why the central water molecule can hydrogen bond to four (rather than three or five) other water molecules Why is it unlikely that two neighboring water molecules would be arranged like this? O HH O HH WHAT IF? What would be the effect on the properties of the water molecule if oxygen and hydrogen had equal electronegativity? For suggested answers, see Appendix A CONCEPT 3.2 Four emergent properties of water contribute to Earth’s suitability for life We will examine four emergent properties of water that contribute to Earth’s suitability as an environment for life: cohesive behavior, ability to moderate temperature, expansion upon freezing, and versatility as a solvent Cohesion of Water Molecules Water molecules stay close to each other as a result of hydrogen bonding Although the arrangement of molecules in a sample of liquid water is constantly changing, at any given moment many of the molecules are linked by multiple hydrogen bonds These linkages make water more structured than most other liquids Collectively, the hydrogen bonds hold the substance together, a phenomenon called cohesion Cohesion due to hydrogen bonding contributes to the transport of water and dissolved nutrients against gravity in plants Water from the roots reaches the leaves through a network of water-conducting cells (Figure 3.3) As water evaporates from a leaf, hydrogen bonds cause water molecules leaving the veins to tug on molecules farther down, and the upward pull is transmitted through the water-conducting cells all the way to the roots Adhesion, the clinging of one substance to another, also plays a role Adhesion of water by hydrogen bonds to the molecules of cell walls helps counter the downward pull of gravity (see Figure 3.3) Related to cohesion is surface tension, a measure of how difficult it is to stretch or break the surface of a liquid At the interface between water and air is an ordered arrangement of water molecules, hydrogen-bonded to one another and to the water below, but not to the air above This asymmetry gives CHAPTER Water and Life 45 www.freebookslides.com Figure 3.3 Water transport in plants Because of the properties of cohesion and adhesion, the tallest trees can transport water more than 100 m upward—approximately one-quarter the height of the Empire State Building in New York City Evaporation from leaves pulls water upward from the roots through water-conducting cells H 2O Adhesion of the water to cell walls by hydrogen bonds helps resist the downward pull of gravity Two types of water-conducting cells Direction of water movement 300 μm H2O H2O Cohesion due to hydrogen bonds between water molecules helps hold together the column of water within the cells BioFlix® Animation: Adhesion and Cohesion in Plants Animation: Cohesion of Water water an unusually high surface tension, making it behave as though it were coated with an invisible film You can observe the surface tension of water by slightly overfilling a drinking glass; the water will stand above the rim The spider in Figure 3.4 takes advantage of the surface tension of water to walk across a pond without breaking the surface Moderation of Temperature by Water Water moderates air temperature by absorbing heat from air that is warmer and releasing the stored heat to air that is cooler Water is effective as a heat bank because it can absorb or release a relatively large amount of heat with only a slight change in its own temperature To understand this capability of water, let’s first look at temperature and heat Figure 3.4 Walking on water The high surface tension of water, resulting from the collective strength of its hydrogen bonds, allows this raft spider to walk on the surface of a pond 46 UNIT ONE The Chemistry of Life Temperature and Heat Anything that moves has kinetic energy, the energy of motion Atoms and molecules have kinetic energy because they are always moving, although not necessarily in any particular direction The faster a molecule moves, the greater its kinetic energy The kinetic energy associated with the random movement of atoms or molecules is called thermal energy Thermal energy is related to temperature, but they are not the same thing Temperature represents the average kinetic energy of the molecules in a body of matter, regardless of volume, whereas the thermal energy of a body of matter reflects the total kinetic energy, and thus depends on the matter’s volume When water is heated in a coffeemaker, the average speed of the molecules increases, and the thermometer records this as a rise in temperature of the liquid The total amount of thermal energy also increases in this case Note, however, that although the pot of coffee has a much higher temperature than, say, the water in a swimming pool, the swimming pool contains more thermal energy because of its much greater volume Whenever two objects of different temperature are brought together, thermal energy passes from the warmer to the cooler object until the two are the same temperature Molecules in the cooler object speed up at the expense of the thermal energy of the warmer object An ice cube cools a drink not by adding coldness to the liquid, but by absorbing thermal energy from the liquid as the ice itself melts Thermal energy in transfer from one body of matter to another is defined as heat One convenient unit of heat used in this book is the calorie (cal) A calorie is the amount of heat it takes to raise the temperature of g of water by 1°C Conversely, a calorie is also the amount of heat that g of water releases when it cools by 1°C A kilocalorie (kcal), 1,000 cal, is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of kilogram (kg) of water by 1°C (The “Calories” on food packages are actually kilocalories.) Another energy unit used in this book is the joule ( J) One joule equals 0.239 cal; one calorie equals 4.184 J Water’s High Specific Heat The ability of water to stabilize temperature stems from its relatively high specific heat The specific heat of a substance is defined as the amount of heat that must be absorbed or lost for g of that substance to change its temperature by 1°C We already know water’s specific heat because we have defined a calorie as the amount of heat that causes g of water to change its temperature by 1°C Therefore, the specific heat of water is calorie per gram and per degree Celsius, abbreviated as cal/(g # °C) Compared with most other substances, water has an unusually high specific heat For example, ethyl alcohol, the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages, has a specific heat of 0.6 cal/(g # °C); that is, only 0.6 cal is required to raise the temperature of g of ethyl alcohol by 1°C Because of the high specific heat of water relative to other materials, water will change its temperature less than other www.freebookslides.com liquids when it absorbs or loses a given amount of heat The reason you can burn your fingers by touching the side of an iron pot on the stove when the water in the pot is still lukewarm is that the specific heat of water is ten times greater than that of iron In other words, the same amount of heat will raise the temperature of g of the iron much faster than it will raise the temperature of g of the water Specific heat can be thought of as a measure of how well a substance resists changing its temperature when it absorbs or releases heat Water resists changing its temperature; when it does change its temperature, it absorbs or loses a relatively large quantity of heat for each degree of change We can trace water’s high specific heat, like many of its other properties, to hydrogen bonding Heat must be absorbed in order to break hydrogen bonds; by the same token, heat is released when hydrogen bonds form A calorie of heat causes a relatively small change in the temperature of water because much of the heat is used to disrupt hydrogen bonds before the water molecules can begin moving faster And when the temperature of water drops slightly, many additional hydrogen bonds form, releasing a considerable amount of energy in the form of heat What is the relevance of water’s high specific heat to life on Earth? A large body of water can absorb and store a huge amount of heat from the sun in the daytime and during summer while warming up only a few degrees At night and during winter, the gradually cooling water can warm the air This capability of water serves to moderate air temperatures in coastal areas (Figure 3.5) The high specific heat of water also tends to stabilize ocean temperatures, creating a favorable environment for marine life Thus, because of its high specific heat, the water that covers most of Earth keeps temperature fluctuations on land and in water within limits that permit life Also, because organisms are made primarily of water, they are better able to resist changes in their own temperature than if they were made of a liquid with a lower specific heat Evaporative Cooling Molecules of any liquid stay close together because they are attracted to one another Molecules moving fast enough to Figure 3.5 Temperatures for the Pacific Ocean and Southern California on an August day Los Angeles (Airport) 75° 70s (°F) 80s 90s Pacific Ocean 68° 100s INTERPRET THE DATA in this diagram San Bernardino 100° Riverside 96° Santa Ana Palm Springs 84° 106° Burbank 90° Santa Barbara 73° San Diego 72° 40 miles Explain the pattern of temperatures shown overcome these attractions can depart the liquid and enter the air as a gas (vapor) This transformation from a liquid to a gas is called vaporization, or evaporation Recall that the speed of molecular movement varies and that temperature is the average kinetic energy of molecules Even at low temperatures, the speediest molecules can escape into the air Some evaporation occurs at any temperature; a glass of water at room temperature, for example, will eventually evaporate completely If a liquid is heated, the average kinetic energy of molecules increases and the liquid evaporates more rapidly Heat of vaporization is the quantity of heat a liquid must absorb for g of it to be converted from the liquid to the gaseous state For the same reason that water has a high specific heat, it also has a high heat of vaporization relative to most other liquids To evaporate g of water at 25°C, about 580 cal of heat is needed—nearly double the amount needed to vaporize a gram of alcohol or ammonia Water’s high heat of vaporization is another emergent property resulting from the strength of its hydrogen bonds, which must be broken before the molecules can exit from the liquid in the form of water vapor The high amount of energy required to vaporize water has a wide range of effects On a global scale, for example, it helps moderate Earth’s climate A considerable amount of solar heat absorbed by tropical seas is consumed during the evaporation of surface water Then, as moist tropical air circulates poleward, it releases heat as it condenses and forms rain On an organismal level, water’s high heat of vaporization accounts for the severity of steam burns These burns are caused by the heat energy released when steam condenses into liquid on the skin As a liquid evaporates, the surface of the liquid that remains behind cools down (its temperature decreases) This evaporative cooling occurs because the “hottest” molecules, those with the greatest kinetic energy, are the most likely to leave as gas It is as if the 100 fastest runners at a college transferred to another school; the average speed of the remaining students would decline Evaporative cooling of water contributes to the stability of temperature in lakes and ponds and also provides a mechanism that prevents terrestrial organisms from overheating For example, evaporation of water from the leaves of a plant helps keep the tissues in the leaves from becoming too warm in the sunlight Evaporation of sweat from human skin dissipates body heat and helps prevent overheating on a hot day or when excess heat is generated by strenuous activity High humidity on a hot day increases discomfort because the high concentration of water vapor in the air inhibits the evaporation of sweat from the body Floating of Ice on Liquid Water Water is one of the few substances that are less dense as a solid than as a liquid In other words, ice floats on liquid water While other materials contract and become denser when they solidify, water expands The cause of this exotic behavior is, once again, CHAPTER Water and Life 47 www.freebookslides.com Figure 3.6 Ice: crystalline structure and floating barrier In ice, each molecule is hydrogen-bonded to four neighbors in a three-dimensional crystal Because the crystal is spacious, ice has fewer molecules than an equal volume of liquid water In other words, ice is less dense than liquid water Floating ice becomes a barrier that insulates the liquid water below from the colder air The marine organism shown here is a type of shrimp called krill; it was photographed beneath floating ice in the Southern Ocean near Antarctica WHAT IF? If water did not form hydrogen bonds, what would happen to the shrimp’s habitat, shown here? Hydrogen bond Liquid water: Hydrogen bonds break and re-form Ice: Hydrogen bonds are stable hydrogen bonding At temperatures above 4°C, water behaves Many scientists are worried that these bodies of ice are at risk like other liquids, expanding as it warms and contracting as it of disappearing Global warming, which is caused by carbon cools As the temperature falls from 4°C to 0°C, water begins to dioxide and other “greenhouse” gases in the atmosphere (see freeze because more and more of its molecules are moving too Figure 56.28), is having a profound effect on icy environments slowly to break hydrogen bonds At 0°C, the molecules become around the globe In the Arctic, the average air temperature locked into a crystalline lattice, each water molecule hydrogenhas risen 2.2°C just since 1961 This temperature increase has bonded to four partners (Figure 3.6) The hydrogen bonds affected the seasonal balance between Arctic sea ice and liquid keep the molecules at “arm’s length,” far enough apart to make water, causing ice to form later in the year, to melt earlier, and ice about 10% less dense (10% fewer molecules in the same volto cover a smaller area The rate at which glaciers and Arctic sea ume) than liquid water at 4°C When ice absorbs enough heat ice are disappearing is posing an extreme challenge to animals for its temperature to rise above 0°C, hydrogen bonds between that depend on ice for their survival (Figure 3.7) molecules are disrupted As the crystal collapses, the ice melts and molecules have Figure 3.7 Effects of climate change on the Arctic Warmer temperatures in the Arctic fewer hydrogen bonds, allowing them cause more sea ice to melt in the summer, benefiting some organisms and harming others to slip closer together Water reaches its greatest density at 4°C and then begins to Species that are benefiting from loss of ice: expand as the molecules move faster Even More light and warmer Bowhead Some fish species, in liquid water, many of the molecules are waters result in more whales, which feed such as capelin, connected by hydrogen bonds, though phytoplankton, which on plankton they benefit from are eaten by filter, are thriving having more only transiently: The hydrogen bonds are other organplankton to constantly breaking and re-forming isms eat The ability of ice to float due to its Species being harmed by loss of ice: lower density is an important factor Russia in the suitability of the environment Loss of ice has Arctic reduced feeding for life If ice sank, then eventually all ocean opportunities for ponds, lakes, and even oceans would Extent of sea ice in Sept 2014 polar bears, who freeze solid, making life as we know it hunt from the ice Extent of sea ice in Sept 1979 impossible on Earth During summer, Bering Strait only the upper few inches of the ocean The Pacific walrus depends North Pole on the ice to rest; its would thaw Instead, when a deep body fate is uncertain Greenland of water cools, the floating ice insulates the liquid water below, preventing it Black guillemots in Alaska from freezing and allowing life to exist cannot fly from their nests Alaska under the frozen surface, as shown in the on land to their fishing grounds at the edge photo in Figure 3.6 Besides insulating of the ice, which is now too far from land; the water below, ice also provides a solid Canada young birds are starving habitat for some animals, such as polar Interview with Susan Solomon: bears and seals Sea ice in Sept 2014 Understanding climate change 48 UNIT ONE The Chemistry of Life Ice lost from Sept 1979 to Sept 2014 www.freebookslides.com Water: The Solvent of Life A sugar cube placed in a glass of water will dissolve with a little stirring The glass will then contain a uniform mixture of sugar and water; the concentration of dissolved sugar will be the same everywhere in the mixture A liquid that is a completely homogeneous mixture of two or more substances is called a solution The dissolving agent of a solution is the solvent, and the substance that is dissolved is the solute In this case, water is the solvent and sugar is the solute An aqueous solution is one in which the solute is dissolved in water; water is the solvent Water is a very versatile solvent, a quality we can trace to the polarity of the water molecule Suppose, for example, that a spoonful of table salt, the ionic compound sodium chloride (NaCl), is placed in water (Figure 3.8) At the surface of each crystal of salt, the sodium and chloride ions are exposed to the solvent These ions and regions of the water molecules are attracted to each other due to their opposite charges The oxygens of the water molecules have regions of partial negative charge that are attracted to sodium cations The hydrogen regions are partially positively charged and are attracted to chloride anions As a result, water molecules surround the individual sodium and chloride ions, separating and shielding them from one another The sphere of water molecules around each dissolved ion is called a hydration shell Working inward from the surface of each salt crystal, water eventually dissolves all the ions The result is a solution of two solutes, sodium cations and chloride anions, homogeneously mixed with water, the solvent Other ionic compounds also dissolve in water Seawater, for instance, contains a great variety of dissolved ions, as living cells A compound does not need to be ionic to dissolve in water; many compounds made up of nonionic polar molecules, Negative oxygen regions of polar water molecules are attracted to sodium cations (Na+) _ Na+ + _ _ Positive hydrogen regions of water molecules are attracted to chloride anions (Cl–) Na+ + Cl– _ + _ Cl– + +_ + _ + _ + _ – _ Figure 3.8 Table salt dissolving in water A sphere of water molecules, called a hydration shell, surrounds each solute ion WHAT IF? What would happen if you heated this solution for a long time? Figure 3.9 A water-soluble protein Human lysozyme is a protein found in tears and saliva that has antibacterial action (see Figure 5.16) This model shows the lysozyme molecule (purple) in an aqueous environment Ionic and polar regions on the protein’s surface attract the partially charged regions on water molecules This oxygen is attracted to a slight positive charge on the lysozyme molecule δ+ δ– δ– δ+ This hydrogen is attracted to a slight negative charge on the lysozyme molecule such as the sugar in the sugar cube mentioned earlier, are also water-soluble Such compounds dissolve when water molecules surround each of the solute molecules, forming hydrogen bonds with them Even molecules as large as proteins can dissolve in water if they have ionic and polar regions on their surface (Figure 3.9) Many different kinds of polar compounds are dissolved (along with ions) in the water of such biological fluids as blood, the sap of plants, and the liquid within all cells Water is the solvent of life Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Substances Any substance that has an affinity for water is said to be hydrophilic (from the Greek hydro, water, and philos, loving) In some cases, substances can be hydrophilic without actually dissolving For example, some molecules in cells are so large that they not dissolve Another example of a hydrophilic substance that does not dissolve is cotton, a plant product Cotton consists of giant molecules of cellulose, a compound with numerous regions of partial positive and partial negative charges that can form hydrogen bonds with water Water adheres to the cellulose fibers Thus, a cotton towel does a great job of drying the body, yet it does not dissolve in the washing machine Cellulose is also present in the walls of water-conducting cells in a plant; you read earlier how the adhesion of water to these hydrophilic walls helps water move up the plant against gravity There are, of course, substances that not have an affinity for water Substances that are nonionic and nonpolar (or otherwise cannot form hydrogen bonds) actually seem to repel water; these substances are said to be hydrophobic (from the Greek phobos, fearing) An example from the kitchen is vegetable oil, which, as you know, does not mix stably with water-based substances such as vinegar The hydrophobic CHAPTER Water and Life 49 www.freebookslides.com behavior of the oil molecules results from a prevalence of relatively nonpolar covalent bonds, in this case bonds between carbon and hydrogen, which share electrons almost equally Hydrophobic molecules related to oils are major ingredients of cell membranes (Imagine what would happen to a cell if its membrane dissolved!) Solute Concentration in Aqueous Solutions Most of the chemical reactions in organisms involve solutes dissolved in water To understand such reactions, we must know how many atoms and molecules are involved and calculate the concentration of solutes in an aqueous solution (the number of solute molecules in a volume of solution) When carrying out experiments, we use mass to calculate the number of molecules We must first calculate the molecular mass, which is the sum of the masses of all the atoms in a molecule As an example, let’s calculate the molecular mass of table sugar (sucrose), C12H22O11, by multiplying the number of atoms by the atomic mass of each element (see Appendix B) In round numbers of daltons, the mass of a carbon atom is 12, the mass of a hydrogen atom is 1, and the mass of an oxygen atom is 16 Thus, sucrose has a molecular mass of (12 * 12) + (22 * 1) + (11 * 16) = 342 daltons Because we can’t weigh out small numbers of molecules, we usually measure substances in units called moles Just as a dozen always means 12 objects, a mole (mol) represents an exact number of objects: 6.02 * 1023, which is called Avogadro’s number Because of the way in which Avogadro’s number and the unit dalton were originally defined, there are 6.02 * 1023 daltons in g Once we determine the molecular mass of a molecule such as sucrose, we can use the same number (342), but with the unit gram, to represent the mass of 6.02 * 1023 molecules of sucrose, or mol of sucrose (this is sometimes called the molar mass) To obtain mol of sucrose in the lab, therefore, we weigh out 342 g The practical advantage of measuring a quantity of chemicals in moles is that a mole of one substance has exactly the same number of molecules as a mole of any other substance If the molecular mass of substance A is 342 daltons and that of substance B is 10 daltons, then 342 g of A will have the same number of molecules as 10 g of B A mole of ethyl alcohol (C2H6O) also contains 6.02 * 1023 molecules, but its mass is only 46 g because the mass of a molecule of ethyl alcohol is less than that of a molecule of sucrose Measuring in moles makes it convenient for scientists working in the laboratory to combine substances in fixed ratios of molecules How would we make a liter (L) of solution consisting of mol of sucrose dissolved in water? We would measure out 342 g of sucrose and then gradually add water, while stirring, until the sugar was completely dissolved We would then add enough water to bring the total volume of the solution up to L At that point, we would have a 1-molar (1 M) solution of sucrose Molarity—the number of moles of solute per liter of solution—is the unit of concentration most often used by biologists for aqueous solutions 50 UNIT ONE The Chemistry of Life Water’s capacity as a versatile solvent complements the other properties discussed in this chapter Since these remarkable properties allow water to support life on Earth so well, scientists who seek life elsewhere in the universe look for water as a sign that a planet might sustain life MP3 Tutor: The Properties of Water Possible Evolution of Life on Other Planets EVOLUTION Biologists who look for life elsewhere in the universe (known as astrobiologists) have concentrated their search on planets that might have water More than 800 planets have been found outside our solar system, and there is evidence for the presence of water vapor on a few of them In our own solar system, Mars has been a focus of study Like Earth, Mars has an ice cap at both poles Images from spacecraft sent to Mars showed that ice is present just under the surface of Mars and enough water vapor exists in its atmosphere for frost to form In 2015, scientists found evidence of water flowing on Mars (Figure 3.10), and other studies suggested conditions existed that could have supported microorganismal life Drilling below the surface may be the next step in the search for signs of life on Mars If any life-forms or fossils are found, their study will shed light on the process of evolution from an entirely new perspective Figure 3.10 Evidence for liquid water on Mars Water appears to have helped form these dark streaks that run downhill on Mars during the summer NASA scientists also found evidence of hydrated salts, indicating water is present (This digitally treated photograph was taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.) Dark streaks CONCEPT CHECK 3.2 Describe how properties of water contribute to the upward movement of water in a tree Explain the saying “It’s not the heat; it’s the humidity.” How can the freezing of water crack boulders? WHAT IF? A water strider (an insect that can walk on water) has legs that are coated with a hydrophobic substance What might be the benefit? What would happen if the substance were hydrophilic? INTERPRET THE DATA The concentration of the appetiteregulating hormone ghrelin is about 1.3 * 10-10 M in the blood of a fasting person How many molecules of ghrelin are in L of blood? For selected answers, see Appendix A www.freebookslides.com 3.3 CONCEPT Acids and Bases Acidic and basic conditions affect living organisms Occasionally, a hydrogen atom participating in a hydrogen bond between two water molecules shifts from one molecule to the other When this happens, the hydrogen atom leaves its electron behind, and what is actually transferred is a hydrogen ion (H+), a single proton with a charge of 1+ The water molecule that lost a proton is now a hydroxide ion (OH-), which has a charge of 1- The proton binds to the other water molecule, making that molecule a hydronium ion (H3O+) We can picture the chemical reaction as follows: + H O H H O H H2O H O H H Hydronium ion (H3O+) – + O What would cause an aqueous solution to have an imbalance in H+ and OH- concentrations? When acids dissolve in water, they donate additional H+ to the solution An acid is a substance that increases the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution For example, when hydrochloric acid (HCl) is added to water, hydrogen ions dissociate from chloride ions: HCl S H+ + ClThis source of H+ (dissociation of water is the other source) results in an acidic solution—one having more H+ than OH- A substance that reduces the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution is called a base Some bases reduce the H+ concentration directly by accepting hydrogen ions Ammonia (NH3), for instance, acts as a base when the unshared electron pair in nitrogen’s valence shell attracts a hydrogen ion from the solution, resulting in an ammonium ion (NH4+): NH3 + H+ L NH4+ H Hydroxide ion (OH–) Animation: Dissociation of Water Molecules By convention, H+ (the hydrogen ion) is used to represent H3O+ (the hydronium ion), and we follow that practice in this book Keep in mind, though, that H+ does not exist on its own in an aqueous solution It is always associated with a water molecule in the form of H3O+ As indicated by the double arrows, this is a reversible reaction that reaches a state of dynamic equilibrium when water molecules dissociate at the same rate that they are being reformed from H+ and OH- At this equilibrium point, the concentration of water molecules greatly exceeds the concentrations of H+ and OH- In pure water, only one water molecule in every 554 million is dissociated; the concentration of H+ and of OH- in pure water is therefore 10-7 M (at 25°C) This means there is only one ten-millionth of a mole of hydrogen ions per liter of pure water and an equal number of hydroxide ions (Even so, this is a huge number—over 60,000 trillion—of each ion in a liter of pure water.) Although the dissociation of water is reversible and statistically rare, it is exceedingly important in the chemistry of life H+ and OH- are very reactive Changes in their concentrations can drastically affect a cell’s proteins and other complex molecules As we have seen, the concentrations of H+ and OH- are equal in pure water, but adding certain kinds of solutes, called acids and bases, disrupts this balance Biologists use something called the pH scale to describe how acidic or basic (the opposite of acidic) a solution is In the remainder of this chapter, you will learn about acids, bases, and pH and why changes in pH can adversely affect organisms Other bases reduce the H+ concentration indirectly by dissociating to form hydroxide ions, which combine with hydrogen ions and form water One such base is sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which in water dissociates into its ions: NaOH S Na+ + OHIn either case, the base reduces the H+ concentration Solutions with a higher concentration of OH- than H+ are known as basic solutions A solution in which the H+ and OH- concentrations are equal is said to be neutral Notice that single arrows were used in the reactions for HCl and NaOH These compounds dissociate completely when mixed with water, so hydrochloric acid is called a strong acid and sodium hydroxide a strong base In contrast, ammonia is a weak base The double arrows in the reaction for ammonia indicate that the binding and release of hydrogen ions are reversible reactions, although at equilibrium there will be a fixed ratio of NH4+ to NH3 Weak acids are acids that reversibly release and accept back hydrogen ions An example is carbonic acid: H2CO3 Carbonic acid L HCO3Bicarbonate ion + H+ Hydrogen ion Here the equilibrium so favors the reaction in the left direction that when carbonic acid is added to pure water, only 1% of the molecules are dissociated at any particular time Still, that is enough to shift the balance of H+ and OH- from neutrality The pH Scale In any aqueous solution at 25°C, the product of the H+ and OH- concentrations is constant at 10-14 This can be written [H+][OH-] = 10-14 (The brackets indicate molar concentration.) As previously mentioned, in a neutral solution at 25°C, [H+] = 10-7 and [OH-] = 10-7 Therefore, the product of [H+] and [OH-] in a CHAPTER Water and Life 51 www.freebookslides.com neutral solution at 25°C is 10-14 If enough acid is added to a solution to increase [H+] to 10-5 M, then [OH-] will decline by an equivalent factor to 10-9 M (note that 10-5 * 10-9 = 10-14) This constant relationship expresses the behavior of acids and bases in an aqueous solution An acid not only adds hydrogen ions to a solution, but also removes hydroxide ions because of the tendency for H+ to combine with OH-, forming water A base has the opposite effect, increasing OH- concentration but also reducing H+ concentration by the formation of water If enough of a base is added to raise the OH- concentration to 10-4 M, it will cause the H+ concentration to drop to 10-10 M Whenever we know the concentration of either H+ or OH- in an aqueous solution, we can deduce the concentration of the other ion Because the H+ and OH- concentrations of solutions can vary by a factor of 100 trillion or more, scientists have developed a way to express this variation more conveniently than in moles per liter The pH scale (Figure 3.11) compresses the range of H+ and OH- concentrations by employing logarithms Figure 3.11 The pH scale and pH values of some aqueous solutions pH Scale Increasingly Acidic [H+] > [OH–] H+ H+ + OH– H + H + OH– H H+ H+ H+ Acidic solution Battery acid Gastric juice (in stomach), lemon juice Vinegar, wine, cola Tomato juice Beer Black coffee Rainwater Urine OH– OH– – H+ H+ OH – OH– OH + H H+ H+ Neutral [H+] = [OH–] Saliva Pure water Human blood, tears Seawater Inside small intestine Neutral solution OH– – OH– H+ OH– OH– – OH OH H+ OH – Basic solution Increasingly Basic [H+] < [OH–] 10 Milk of magnesia 11 Household ammonia 12 Household 13 bleach 14 Oven cleaner Animation: Acids, Bases, and pH 52 UNIT ONE The Chemistry of Life The pH of a solution is defined as the negative logarithm (base 10) of the hydrogen ion concentration: pH = -log [H+] For a neutral aqueous solution, [H+] is 10-7 M, giving us -log 10-7 = -(-7) = Notice that pH decreases as H+ concentration increases (see Figure 3.11) Notice, too, that although the pH scale is based on H+ concentration, it also implies OH- concentration A solution of pH 10 has a hydrogen ion concentration of 10-10 M and a hydroxide ion concentration of 10-4 M The pH of a neutral aqueous solution at 25°C is 7, the midpoint of the pH scale A pH value less than denotes an acidic solution; the lower the number, the more acidic the solution The pH for basic solutions is above Most biological fluids, such as blood and saliva, are within the range of pH 6–8 There are a few exceptions, however, including the strongly acidic digestive juice of the human stomach (gastric juice), which has a pH of about Remember that each pH unit represents a tenfold difference in H+ and OH- concentrations It is this mathematical feature that makes the pH scale so compact A solution of pH is not twice as acidic as a solution of pH 6, but 1,000 times (10 * 10 * 10) more acidic When the pH of a solution changes slightly, the actual concentrations of H+ and OH- in the solution change substantially Buffers The internal pH of most living cells is close to Even a slight change in pH can be harmful because the chemical processes of the cell are very sensitive to the concentrations of hydrogen and hydroxide ions The pH of human blood is very close to 7.4, which is slightly basic A person cannot survive for more than a few minutes if the blood pH drops to or rises to 7.8, and a chemical system exists in the blood that maintains a stable pH If 0.01 mol of a strong acid is added to a liter of pure water, the pH drops from 7.0 to 2.0 If the same amount of acid is added to a liter of blood, however, the pH decrease is only from 7.4 to 7.3 Why does the addition of acid have so much less of an effect on the pH of blood than it does on the pH of water? The presence of substances called buffers allows biological fluids to maintain a relatively constant pH despite the addition of acids or bases A buffer is a substance that minimizes changes in the concentrations of H+ and OH- in a solution It does so by accepting hydrogen ions from the solution when they are in excess and donating hydrogen ions to the solution when they have been depleted Most buffer solutions contain a weak acid and its corresponding base, which combine reversibly with hydrogen ions Several buffers contribute to pH stability in human blood and many other biological solutions One of these is carbonic ... 0 -13 4-093 41- 0; ISBN 13 : 978-0 -13 4-093 41- 3 (Student Edition) ISBN 10 : 0 -13 4 -15 412 -6; ISBN 13 : 978-0 -13 4 -15 412 -1 (Books a la Carte Edition) About the Authors Lisa A Urry is Professor of Biology and... greater prairie chicken population?  12 65 Research Method Figures 5. 21 6.4 10 .9 13 .3 14 .2 14 .7 15 .11 20.3 20.7 20 .11 26 .15 35. 21 37.7 48.8 53.2 54 .12 X-Ray Crystallography  83 Cell Fractionation ... Depression? ?11 00 The Brain’s Reward System and Drug Addiction? ?11 01 Alzheimer’s Disease? ?11 01 Parkinson’s Disease? ?11 02 Future Directions? ?11 02 DETAILED CONTENTS xlv 50 Sensory and Motor Mechanisms? ?11 05

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