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An investigation into the vietnamese translation of english adverbs and adverbials as employed in to kill a mockingbird by harper lee

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THE UNIVERSITY OF DA NANG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDIES NGUYỄN NỮ THANH THẢO AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION OF ENGLISH ADVERBS AND ADVERBIALS AS EMPLOYED IN TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD BY HARPER LEE Major: ENGLISH LINGUISTICS Code: MASTER THESIS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES (A SUMMARY) Da Nang, 2017 This thesis has been completed at University of Foreign Language Studies, The University of Da Nang Supervisor: Lê Thị Giao Chi, Ph.D Examiner : Assoc.Prof Lâm Quang Đông Examiner : Trần Quang Hải, Ph.D The thesis was be orally defended at the Examining Committee Time : 09/09/2017 Venue : University of Foreign Language Studies - The University of Da Nang This thesis is available for the purpose of reference at : - Library of University of Foreign Language Studies, The University of Da Nang CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 RATIONALE It is not easy to know when literature itself dated from Perhaps, it began just as human beings had their reclamation to gain their world, or on a journey of discovery to conquer and dominate the nature for human society formation Up to now, literature has always played an important role in our spiritual and social life in all times It is a tool of knowledge, discovery, and ideologies about the world Literary translation is an activity not to be considered as an impossible task or looked down upon as less creative than writing poetry or fiction The necessity of translation service is dramatically acute in our modern word Not only nations depend on it to bridge what would otherwise an impossible communication gap but it also accommodates human access to the wealth of global scientific and technology information, as well as to the ideas that shape our society The basic concept of translation is to find equivalence that preserves features of the original meaning or message, applied to every kind of text forms Therefore, the words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and paragraphs from the source language can be translated into the target language in the way that the message can be retained This means the original meaning should not diverge from what is presented in the target language However, the structure of each language is naturally different from one another This means the translator, in the quest for retaining the original message conveyed in the source text needs to make necessary or different procedures in translation, so that equivalence in communication across the two languages can be achieved This translation phenomenon also occurs in translating parts of speech in some texts In every language over the world, it is generally known that parts of speech have several classes: verbs, adjectives, nouns, adverbs, adverbials, pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections Almost all sentences contain adverbs so as to add more specific information about place, time, manner, cause or degree to a verb, an adjective, a phrase or another adverb However, there have sofar not many adequate studies investigating the function as well as the translation of English adverbs and adverbials into Vietnamese, especially in texts of a literary type As a result, the likelihood of frequent confusion facing many students of English might probably stem from the differences in the part of speech in English and Vietnamese This study aims at analyzing the similarities and differences between the two languages in expressing the meaning by means of adverbs and adverbials, and ultimately putting forward some suggestions on how they can be effectively used in communication A novel entitled To Kill a Mockingbird is not an exception It has been intensively read in recent years, and it can be taken as a typical piece of writing which is characterististic of the literary genre As the novel contains many adverbs and adverbials being used, the Vietnamese translation of these adverbs and adverbials can be more than a problem to language learners and readers For the effect of equivalence in translation, readers may expect some necessary adjustments or alterations made in the target language in term of lexical or structural means For example: SL: Atticus said dryly, ‘Do not let this inspire you to further glory, Jeremy’ (Chaper 8) TL: Bố nói khơ khan, “Đừng lấy chuyện làm vinh quang, Jeremy.” In this example, we can see that the ST verbal structure verb + adv has been rendered into the TT verbal structure verb+adj, which shows a shift in verb structure, according to Catford’s taxonomy (1965/2000) More specifically, the adverb of maner in the ST has been translated into adjective in the TT, that is, the adverb dryly is replaced by an adjective khô khan in the TL Here, we can see a common procedure adopted in translation which is transposition (Vinay& Darbelnet 1995/2000), where the translator replaces one word class with another without changing the message As the process of going from one language into another can involve a number of problems which are due to the differences between the two languages in terms of word classes or procedures that the translator needs to undergo is deemed as important as the ultimate goal of any work of translation is to preserve the communicative effect Hence, the topic An investigation into the Vietnamese translation of English adverbs and adverbials as employed in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is thus to be carried out in the hope that better insight into the various representations of English adverbs amd adverbials can be recognized once the novel is translated into Vietnamese 1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 1.2.1 Aims The aim of the study is to investigate the kinds of adverbs and adverbials used in the novel entitled To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee It looks at how these adverbs and adverbials are translated into Vietnamese as manifested in the Vietnamese version by Huỳnh Kim Anh and Phạm Viêm Phương and what procedures have been adopted in the Vietnamese translation of these adverbs and adverbials - - 1.2.2 Objectives For the above aim to be achieved, the following objectives are set: To examine the process of translating English adverbs and adverbials in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird into Vietnamese; To identify the procedures adopted in translating these English adverbs and adverbials into Vietnamese; To work out the most common procedure adopted in the Vietnamese translation of English adverbs and adverbials as employed in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS The study has been carried out to answer the following questions: How are English adverbs and adverbials in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee translated into Vietnamese? What procedures have been adopted in the Vietnamese translation of English adverbs and adverbials in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee? What is the most common procedure adopted in the Vietnamese translation of English adverbs and adverbials in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee? 1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY Due to the limitation of time, ability, and conditions, I only wish to concentrate on investigating the Vietnamese translation of English adverbs and adverbials in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Therefore, this research focuses on a sample of 250 adverbs and adverbials used in To Kill a Mockingbird in the first eight chapters written by Haper Lee and their Vietnamese equivalents So, in this study, I used Vinay and Darbelnet’s methodology of translation, especially the two procedures – transposition and modulation – which are used as analytical tool for the analysis of how adverbs and adverbials in the corpus are translated into Vietnamese, and what procedures have been adopted in translation 1.5 JUSTIFICATION FOR THE STUDY Hopefully, making an investigation into the Vietnamese translation of English adverbs and adverbials in To Kill a Mockingbird will be a contribution to the existing knowledge of the field And findings of the procedures used in translating English adverbs and adverbials will be expected to be of great value to Vietnamese learners of English 1.6 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY The study is organized into five chapters including: - Chapter One “Introduction - Chapter Two “Literature Review and Theoretical Background” - Chapter Three “Research Design and Methodology” - Chapter Four “Discussion of Findings” - Chapter Five “Conclusion – Implications – Recommendations” CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW Translation is a complex process where fragile balance is achieved between the equivalence of the text translated and the linguistic means chosen In reality, translation from English into Vietnamese is a complex work which poses great difficulties to the translator but there are a few researchers dealing with adverb translation There are researchers who have done analysis about language translation and the process of translation from English into Vietnamese By means of researches, many problems of translation have been revealed At first there are various methods and procedures of translations, yet according to Nida and Taber (1969/1982)’s methodology for translation Therefore, adverb has also frequently been a subject matter of study among writers and teachers Actually, English adverb has been paid much attention and described by such a lot of grammarians like Walker and Elsworth (1988), Laurie Rozakis (2003), Haln and Hensley (2000), and so on Generally, English adverb is studied concerning three perspectives, theoretical, practical, and and functional, and the most detailed pictures of English adverb are offered by Eastwood (1992), Quirk (1973) and Greenbaum (1985) 2.2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.2.1 Definition of Translation Translation, by dictionary definition, consists of changing from one form to another, to turn into one ‘own or another’ language (the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 1974) Some authors have given the following different definitions of translation 2.2.2 Equivalence in Translation Equivalence is defined as a central concept in translation theory Vinay and Darbelnet (1995) [28] view equivalence-oriented translation as a procedure which replicates the same situation as in the original, whilst using completely different wording They also suggest that, if this procedure is applied during the translation process, it can maintain the stylistic impac of the SL textin the TL text 2.2.3 Translation Methods According to Newmark, there are eight types of translation: - Word-for-word translation - Literal translation - Faithful translation - Semantic translation - Communicative translation - Idiomatic translation - Free translation - Adaptation 2.2.4 Procedures of Translation by Vinay and Darbelnet a Borrowing b Caique c Literal Translation d Transposition e Modulation f Adaptation g Equivalence 2.2.5 Part of Speech 2.2.6 Adverbs and Adverbials in English Adverbs in English a Definition b Functions of Adverbs + Adverbs of manner + Adverbs of place + Adverbs of + Adverbs of time c Position of Adverbs Adverbial in English a Definition b Function of adverbial + Adverbials of manner + Adverbials of condition + Adverbials of purpose + Adverbials of cause + Adverbials of concession + Adverbials of time + Adverbials of place + Adverbials of circumstances 2.2.7 Adverbs and Adverbials in Vietnamese Adverb in Vietnamese a Definition of Adverb b Function of Vietnamese Adverbs + Adverbs modifying adverb + Adverbs modifying adjective + Adverbs modifying verb + Adverbs modifying noun c Position of Vietnamese Adverbs Adverbial in Vietnamese + Adverbials of manner + Adverbials of situation + Adverbials of purpose + Adverbials of time + Adverbials of place + Adverbials of circumstances 10 3.3 DATA ANALYSIS Firstly, the data collected was examined to discover what types of adverbs and adverbials are used in ‘To Kill a Mockingbirds’ by Harper Lee, and how they are translated Secondly, the data, or rather, the Vietnamese translational equivalents of English adverbs and adverbials, were analysed, and and then categorised following the common procedures of translation proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet (1958/1995) namely transposition and modulation Thirdly, the data was quantitatively processed and shown in the statistical tables Finally, the frequency of each procedure was displayed in the tables 3.4 RESEARCH PROCEDURES CHAPTER FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 PREAMPLE OF ADVERBS AND ADVERBIALS USED IN TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD 4.1.1 Adverbs of Manner ( Adverbials of Manner) 4.1.2 Adverbs of Frequency 4.1.3 Adverbs of Time 4.1.4 Adverbial Phrase of Manner ( Prepositional Phrases) 4.2 THE VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION OF ENGLISH ADVERBS AND ADVERBIALS IN TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD 4.2.1 Transposition 11 4.2.2 Modulation 4.2.3 The Vietnamese Translation of Adverbs in To Kill a Mockingbird The Procedures Used in English-Vietnamese Translation of Adverbs of Manner in To Kill a Mockingbird a Transposition in Translating Adverbs of Manner Table 4.2 The Vietnamese equivalents of Adverbs of Manner in form of Adjectives Adverb of Manner (51) Hey yourself,” said Jem pleasantly “I’m Charles Baker Harris,” he said “I can read.” Vietnamese Equivalent Transposition "Chào", Jem vui vẻ đáp End-mid "Tao Charles Baker Harris", nói "Tao biết đọc đó" (52) Dill sighed patiently “I told her till I was blue in the face where I was goin‘— she’s just seein’ too many snakes in the closet Bet that woman drinks a pint for breakfast every morning—know she drinks two glasses full Seen her.” Dill thở dài kiên nhẫn "Tớ cố nói dì tớ đâu - dì thấy nhiều rắn tủ Tớ dám bữa điểm tâm dì uống nửa lít rượu - tớ biết dì uống hai ly rượu Từng thấy mà." Frontfront (53) Little Chuck’s contracted and he gently, “You mean ma’am? Yessum, Khuôn mặt Little Chuck cau lại nói nhẹ nhàng, "Ý nói hả? Vâng, cịn sống Nó làm khiến sợ Midmid face said him, he’s 12 Adverb of Manner Vietnamese Equivalent Transposition alive Did he scare you vậy?" some way?” (54) He remembered her clearly, and sometimes in the middle of a game he would sigh at length, then go off and play by himself behind the car-house Anh nhớ mẹ rõ, chơi chừng anh thở dài hồi lâu, sau bỏ chơi phía sau nhà xe Midmid - Vietnamese Equivalents in Form of Noun Phrases b Modulation in Translating Adverbs of Manner - Concrete for abstract Table 4.4 The Abstract for Concrete Modulation in Translating Adverbs of Manner Adverb of Manner Vietnamese Equivalent (58) The remains of a picket drunkenly guarded the front yard— a “swept” yard that was never swept— where johnson grass and rabbit-tobacco grew in abundance Tàn tích cọc nhọn làm hàng rào xiêu vẹo sân trước - sân "để quét" vốn không quét - nơi cỏ cho gia súc cỏ thuốc thỏ mọc lan tràn (59) “He’ll be so presently,” said Atticus “It was a little too strong for him.” Our father sighed “I’m going to bed,” he said “If I don’t wake up "Nó ổn thơi," bố Atticus nói "Chuyện sốc với nó." Bố chúng tơi thở dài, "em ngủ đây," ơng nói "Nếu sáng mai em 13 Adverb of Manner Vietnamese Equivalent in the morning, don’t call me.” không dậy, đừng gọi em." (60) Miss Stephanie and Miss Rachel were waving wildly at us, in a way that did not give the lie to Dill’s observation Cô Stephanie Rachel vẫy chúng tơi rối rít, theo cách cho thấy quan sát Dill không sai - Negation of the opposite Table 4.5 The Negation of the opposite Modulation in Translating Adverbs of Manner Adverb of Manner Vietnamese Equivalent (61) He said he was trying to get Miss Maudie’s goat, that he had been trying unsuccessfully for forty years, that he was the last person in the world Miss Maudie would think about marrying but the first person she thought about teasing, and the best defense to her was spirited offense, all of which we understood clearly Chú nói chọc tức cô Maudie, cố gắng mà không thành công suốt bốn mươi năm, người cuối trái đất cô Maudie nghĩ đến muốn kết hôn người cô nghĩ đến để chọc ghẹo cách phòng thủ tốt cô xúc phạm mạnh mẽ, tất điều hiểu rõ (62) The witness realized his mistake and shifted uncomfortably in the chair But the damage was done Bị cáo nhận sai lầm cựa quậy cách khó chịu ghế Nhưng thiệt hại khơng thể cứu vãn (63) Judge Taylor cleared his Quan tòa Taylor hắng giọng throat and tried unsuccessfully to cố gắng cách thảm hại để speak in soothing tones nói giọng nhẹ nhàng 14 - Cause and Effect Table 4.6 The Cause and Effect Modulation in Translating Adverbs of Manner Adverb of Manner Vietnamese Equivalent (64) “Hush, Stephanie.” Miss Thôi đi, Stephanie." Cách nói Maudie’s diction was deadly Maudie buồn buồn "Tôi không “I’ve not got all the morning to phí buổi sáng để loanh quanh pass on the porch—Jem Finch, I hiên nhà đâu Jem Finch, cô gọi called to find out if you and your để coi cháu bạn cháu có thích ăn bánh khơng colleagues can eat some cake (65) Jem grinned ruefully “Wish Jem cười đầy nuối tiếc "ước the rest of the county thought người lại hạt that.” nghĩ vậy." c No Translation or Ommission Table 4.7 No Translation or Omission in Translating Adverbs of Manner Adverb of Manner Vietnamese Equivalent (66) His white shirt bobbed over Tấm áo trắng anh thấp the back fence and slowly grew thoáng bên hàng rào sau nhà rõ dần larger (67) She was rocking slowly in Cô đu đưa ghế gỗ sồi to her big oak chair (68) The courthouse Maycomb was County Tòa án hạt Maycomb gợi nhớ faintly đến Arlington khía cạnh reminiscent of Arlington in one respect 15 The Procedures Used in English-Vietnamese Translation of Adverbs of Frequency in To Kill a Mockingbird a Transposition in Translating Adverbs of Frequency - Vietnamese Equivalents in form of Adjunct of Comparision Table 4.8 Vietnamese Equivalents of Frequency in form of Adjunct Transposition Front-front Adverb of Frequency Vietnamese Equivalent (69) “Sometimes it’s better to bend the law a little in special cases In your case, the law remains rigid So to school you must go.” Đôi tốt nên bẻ cong luật chút trường hợp đặc biệt Trong trường hợp con, luật pháp cứng rắn Vậy nên phải học." (70)Jem’s definitions are very nearly accurate sometimes.” (71)The things that happen to people we never really know Định nghĩa Jem xác." End-mid Chúng ta khơng thực biết xảy với người ta Mid-front (72)Every mob in every little Southern town is always made up of people you know— doesn’t say much for them, does it?” Mọi đám đông hăng thị trấn nhỏ bé miền Nam luôn gồm người biết điều q bình thường dễ hiểu, không?" Mid-mid (73)I went all the way up to the house once "Có lần tao dám lèo tới nhà ln Mid-front 16 b Modualation in Translating Adverbs of Frequency - Concrete for Abstract Table 4.9 The Concrete for Abstract Modulation in Translating Adverbs of Frequency Adverbs of Frequency Vietnamese Equivalent (74) We were accustomed to Chúng quen với việc nhắc prompt, if not always cheerful nhở, lúc acquiescence to Atticus’s vui vẻ nghe theo instructions, but from the way he thị bố Atticus, stood Jem was not thinking of theo kiểu anh đứng Jem budging khơng nghĩ đến việc nhúc nhích (75) Often as not, Miss Maudie Nhiều cô Maudie and I would sit silently on her ngồi im lặng hàng hiên nhà porch, watching the sky go from cơ, nhìn bầu trời chuyển từ vàng yellow to pink as the sun went sang hồng mặt trời lặn, dõi down, watching flights of martins theo đàn chim nhạn bay sweep low over the neighborhood sà thấp khu phố biến and disappear behind the đằng sau mái trường học schoolhouse rooftops The Procedures Used in English-Vietnamese Translation of Adverbs of Time in To Kill a Mockingbird a Transposition in Translating Adverbs of Time - Vietnamese Equivalents in form of Adjunct of Nouns: 17 Table 4.10 Vietnamese Equivalent of Adverbs of Time in form of Nouns Adverb of Time (76) He had none today nor would he have any tomorrow or the next day He had probably never seen three quarters together at the same time in his life Vietnamese Equivalent Tran- position Hơm khơng có Mid-mid ngày mai hay ngày mốt khơng có ln Chắc đời chưa thấy ba đồng hai mươi lăm xu lúc (77)We looked yesterday from across the street, and there’s a shutter loose Think maybe I can make it stick on the window sill, at least.” "Hôm qua tụi tao đứng bên đường nhìn sang thấy có cửa bị long Tao nghĩ tao nhét vào bệ cửa sổ." Mid-front - Equivalent in Form of Ajuncts of Comparision Table 4.11 Vietnamese Equivalents of Adverbs of Time in form of Adjuncts Adverb of Time (78) Mrs Radley ran screaming into the street that Arthur was killing them all, but when the sheriff arrived he found Boo still sitting in the livingroom, cutting up the Tribune He was thirtythree years old then Vietnamese Equivalent Trans- position Bà Radley chạy Mid-mid đường gào lên Arthur giết nhà họ, cảnh sát trưởng đến ông ta thấy Bob ngồi phòng khách, cắt tờ Tribune Lúc ba mươi ba tuổi 18 Adverb of Time (79) Miss Caroline said desperately, “I was just walking by when it crawled out of his hair… just crawled out of his hair…” Vietnamese Equivalent Trans- position Cơ Caroline nói Mid-mid cách tuyệt vọng, "Cơ vừa ngang bị từ tóc trị Vừa bị khỏi tóc " b Modulation in Translating Adverbs of Time 4.2.4 The Vietnamese translation of Adverbials in To Kill a Mockingbird Transposition in Transposition Adverbials (prepositional phrases) of Manner Table 4.13 Vietnamese Equivalents of Adverbial of Manner in form of Noun Phrases Adverbial of Manner (83) I rose graciously on Vietnamese Equivalent Trans- position Tơi đứng dậy đàng Walter’s behalf: “Ah— hồng nhân Miss Caroline?” “What Walter, "A-thưa is it, Jean Louise?” Mid-mid danh Caroline?" "Gì đó, Jean Louise?" (84) Walter stood where Walter đứng im chỗ, he was, biting his lip Jem cắn môi Jem bỏ and I gave up, and we đi, gần were nearly to the Radley đến chỗ nhà Radley Place when Walter called, Walter gọi, "Nè, tao “Hey, I’m comin‘!” với! Mid- mid 19 Adverbial of Manner (85) Jem threw open the Vietnamese Equivalent Trans- position Jem đẩy tung cách cổng Mid-mid gate and sped to the side nhanh đến hông of the house, slapped it nhà, vỗ vào chạy with his palm and ran trở vượt qua chỗ back past us, not waiting chúng tôi, không chờ to see if his foray was xác nhận xem xâm successful nhập anh có thành cơng hay khơng (86) Safely on our porch, An toàn hàng hiên Front-front panting and out of breath, nhà mình, thở hổn hển, we looked back rầu rĩ buồn bã (87) Because I could Tại bố yêu Mid-mid never ask you to mind cầu nể phục bố me again Scout, simply Scout, đơn giản by the nature of the chất công work, every lawyer gets việc, luật sư at least one case in his đời có lifetime that affects him vụ tác động đến cá nhân personally ông ta Modulation in Adverbials (Prepositional Phrases) of Manner - Concrete for Abstract 20 Table 4.14 Vietnamese Equivalents of Adverbial of Manner in form of Concrete for Abstract Adverbial of Manner Vietnamese Equivalent (88)We were far too old to settle Chúng lớn an argument with a fist-fight, so dàn xếp tranh cãi we consulted Atticus nắm đấm, chúng tơi hỏi ý kiến bố Atticus (89)when he stood or walked, the đứng đi, mu bàn tay back of his hand was at right anh thẳng góc với thân mình, angles to hi0s body, his thumb ngón song song với đùi parallel to his high (90)Ladies bathed before noon, after their three-o’clock naps, and by nightfall were like soft teacakes with frostings of sweat and sweet talcum Các bà tắm trước buổi trưa, sau giấc ngủ ngắn lúc ba giờ, đêm xuống họ trông giống bánh bơ mềm phủ mồ hôi phấn rôm 4.3 RELATIVE FREQUENCY OF PROCEDURES USED IN TRANSLATING ENGLISH ADVERBS IN TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD INTO VIETNAMESE Table 4.15 Relative Frequency of Procedures used in Translating English Adverbs Procedures Frequency Percentage (%) Transposition 190 76 Modulation 60 24 TOTAL 250 100 21 4.3.1 Frequency of Occurrence of Different Types of Modulation Table 4.16 Relative Frequency of types of Transposition in Translating English Adverbs Types of Types of Adverb Transposition Frequency Adverb Adjective/ Adverbs of Manner Adverbs of Time Adverbs of Frequency Percentage (%) 65 36.1 Adverb  Noun Phrase 17 9.4 No Translation 22 12.2 Adverb  Noun 20 11.1 Adverb  Adjunct 10 5.6 Adverb  Adjunct 46 25.6 180 100 Adjective Phrase TOTAL 4.3.2 Frequency of Occurrence of Different Types of Modulation Table 4.17 Relative Frequency types of Transposition in Translating English Adverbs Types of Types of Adverbs Modulation Abstract for Concrete Adverbs of Manner Negation of the opposite Frequency Percentage (%) 16 35.6 11.1 22 Types of Types of Adverbs Modulation Cause and Effect Adverbs of Abstract for Concrete Time Adverbs of Abstract for Frequency Concrete TOTAL Frequency Percentage (%) 15.6 13.3 11 24.4 45 100 4.3.3 Frequency of Occurrence of Different Types of Modulation and Transposition Table 4.18 Relative Frequency types of Transposition and Modulation in Translating English Adverbials Procedures Transposition Types of Adverbials Adverb  Frequency Percentage (%) 15 60 10 40 25 100 Noun Phrase Modulation Concrete for Abstract TOTAL 23 CHAPTER CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 CONCLUSIONS The aim of this study was to examine the adverbs and adverbials used in To Kill a Mockingbird and their translations in the Vietnamese version of the book, Giết chim nhại using Vinay and Darbelnet’s approach, subsequently putting forward some certain manners for better translating different types of adverbs and Adverbials The results of the present study indicated that although translating adverbs and adverbials is not a serious problem for a translator, one should still pay some attention to adverbs translating when The most important function of a translation is to convey the message of the source language text to the target language readers, in spite of the differences between the two languages Thus, target language readers should receive the same message and idea and get the same impact and impression as the receivers of the original, source language text Although the result is still relative and not as satisfactory as we have expected, we hope to contribute to helping Vietnamese learners of English as well as foreign learners of Vietnamese to overcome some problems they may encounter when translating English adverbs into Vietnamese 5.2 IMPLICATIONS With the scope of this paper, we have dealt with some basic knowledge main types of adverbs and adverbials and how the adverbs and adverbials are translated For language teaching, this study may prompt the need of encouraging students to exploit 24 translation of English adverbs and adverbials in terms of cognitive and syntactic values This study helps us realize to similarities and differences in the megalinguistic perceptions between two language necessary This would eventually result in more effective translation works 5.3 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY As mentioned in the scope of the study in the introduction, the research paper undoubtedly has some limitations albeit our very effort Firstly, it investigates some, not all adverbs of main types in English and adverbials of manner (prepositional phrases in the corpus of 500 samples, that is, there are still other adverbs and adverbials which need studying It is better to collect more data to have more valid information Secondly, this was the first attempt made by the researcher in the field of translation study as well as using EXCEL to analyze the collected data Thus, it was impossible to avoid some problems arising during the process of the study 5.4 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY Studying the translation of adverbs in the novel translation is an interesting subject because we can get many advantages from studying it Besides we know about translation, we also know much about grammar In this case, we know much about the classification of adverbs both in English and Vietnamese The translation of adverbs relates to many branches of linguistics such as syntax, semantics and of course the structure of both the source language and receptor language Some relevant areas of research can be: - Explicitation and simplification in translating English adverbials - Procedures in translating English adverbials ... of translating English adverbs and adverbials in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird into Vietnamese; To identify the procedures adopted in translating these English adverbs and adverbials into Vietnamese; ... as important as the ultimate goal of any work of translation is to preserve the communicative effect Hence, the topic An investigation into the Vietnamese translation of English adverbs and adverbials. .. characterististic of the literary genre As the novel contains many adverbs and adverbials being used, the Vietnamese translation of these adverbs and adverbials can be more than a problem to language learners

Ngày đăng: 27/08/2021, 23:44



