Tài liệu Tổng hợp một số java hay doc

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Tài liệu Tổng hợp một số java hay doc

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Tổng hợp một số java hay [code]<a href="ymsgr:sendIM?WindBows&m=Hello Nick" target="_blank" name="IM me" onMouseOver="window.status='IM me'; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''; return true;"><IMG alt="Yahoo! Status (online/Offline)" src="http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=WindBows&m=g&t=0" border="0"></a>[/code] Yahoo Instant Messenger Send IM [code]<a href="ymsgr:sendIM?WindBows&m=Hello Nick" target="_blank" name="IM me" onMouseOver="window.status='IM me'; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''; return true;">IM me</a>[/code] Headline [code]<!-- TWO STEPS TO INSTALL HEADLINER: 1. Add the onLoad event handler to the BODY tag 2. Copy the specified code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <!-- STEP ONE: Add this onLoad event handler to the BODY tag --> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function SymError() { return true; } window.onerror = SymError; //--> </script> <body onLoad="StartHeadliner()"> <!-- STEP TWO: Put this code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Original: Jan Pijnacker <Jan_P@dds.nl> --> <!-- Begin typeWriterWait=120 // Typewriter delay blinkTextWait=1000 // Blinking delay blinkSpacesWait=300 // Blinking 'blank-spaces' delay blinkMax=3 // how many times to blink expandWait=100 // expanding headliner delay scrollWait=90 // scrolling headliner delay scrollWidth=34 // characters in scroll display randomLines=false // randomly choose lines? (true or false) lineMax=7 // how many lines you have lines=new Array(lineMax) // Use this format for all the lines below: // (display text, url or mailto, frame name, effect, delay time) lines[1]=new Line("The JavaScript Headliner!", "http://www.piaster.nl/perspicacity/js/headliner", "", Blink, 500) lines[2]=new Line("This is a great JavaScript example - appropriately named ' The JavaScript Headliner ' !", "", "", Scroll, 1000) lines[3]=new Line("Wouldn't this be good on your site?", "", "", Static, 3500) lines[4]=new Line("Many ways to present information ", "", "", Expand, 2000) lines[5]=new Line("Each message can even take the visitor to different a URL when clicked !", "", "", Scroll, 3000) lines[6]=new Line("Click now to email the author", "mailto:Jan_P@dds.nl?subject=The Headliner", "", TypeWriter, 1500) lines[7]=new Line("Or here to go back to Messages", "http://messages.javascriptsource.com", "", Static, 3500) // Don't change these variables below :-) lineText="" timerID=null timerRunning=false spaces="" charNo=0 charMax=0 charMiddle=0 lineNo=0 lineWait=0 function Line(text, url, frame, type, wait) { this.text=text this.url=url this.frame=frame this.Display=type this.wait=wait } function StringFill(c, n) { var s="" while (--n >= 0) { s+=c } return s } function getNewRandomInteger(oldnumber, max) { var n=Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - 1) + 1) if (n >= oldnumber) { n++ } return n } function getRandomInteger(max) { var n=Math.floor(Math.random() * max + 1) return n } function GotoUrl(url, frame) { if (frame != '') { if (frame == 'self') self.location.href=url else if (frame == 'parent') parent.location.href=url else if (frame == 'top') top.location.href=url else { s=eval(top.frames[frame]) if (s != null) top.eval(frame).location.href=url else window.open(url, frame, "toolbar=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes") } } else window.location.href=url } function Static() { document.formDisplay.buttonFace.value=this.text timerID=setTimeout("ShowNextLine()", this.wait) } function TypeWriter() { lineText=this.text lineWait=this.wait charMax=lineText.length spaces=StringFill(" ", charMax) TextTypeWriter() } function TextTypeWriter() { if (charNo <= charMax) { document.formDisplay.buttonFace.value=lineText.substring(0, charNo) +spaces.substring(0, charMax-charNo) charNo++ timerID=setTimeout("TextTypeWriter()", typeWriterWait) } else { charNo=0 timerID=setTimeout("ShowNextLine()", lineWait) } } function Blink() { lineText=this.text charMax=lineText.length spaces=StringFill(" ", charMax) lineWait=this.wait TextBlink() } function TextBlink() { if (charNo <= blinkMax * 2) { if ((charNo % 2) == 1) { document.formDisplay.buttonFace.value=lineText blinkWait=blinkTextWait } else { document.formDisplay.buttonFace.value=spaces blinkWait=blinkSpacesWait } charNo++ timerID=setTimeout("TextBlink()", blinkWait) } else { charNo=0 timerID=setTimeout("ShowNextLine()", lineWait) } } function Expand() { lineText=this.text charMax=lineText.length charMiddle=Math.round(charMax / 2) lineWait=this.wait TextExpand() } function TextExpand() { if (charNo <= charMiddle) { document.formDisplay.buttonFace.value=lineText.substring(charMiddle - charNo, charMiddle + charNo) charNo++ timerID=setTimeout("TextExpand()", expandWait) } else { charNo=0 timerID=setTimeout("ShowNextLine()", lineWait) } } function Scroll() { spaces=StringFill(" ", scrollWidth) lineText=spaces+this.text charMax=lineText.length lineText+=spaces lineWait=this.wait TextScroll() } function TextScroll() { if (charNo <= charMax) { document.formDisplay.buttonFace.value=lineText.substring(charNo, scrollWidth+charNo) charNo++ timerID=setTimeout("TextScroll()", scrollWait) } else { charNo=0 timerID=setTimeout("ShowNextLine()", lineWait) } } function StartHeadliner() { StopHeadliner() timerID=setTimeout("ShowNextLine()", 2000) timerRunning=true } function StopHeadliner() { if (timerRunning) { clearTimeout(timerID) timerRunning=false } } function ShowNextLine() { if (randomLines) lineNo=getNewRandomInteger(lineNo, lineMax) else (lineNo < lineMax) ? lineNo++ : lineNo=1 lines[lineNo].Display() } function LineClick(lineNo) { document.formDisplay.buttonFace.blur() if (lineNo > 0) GotoUrl(lines[lineNo].url, lines[lineNo].frame) } with (document) { write('<center><form name="formDisplay"><input type="button"') write('name="buttonFace" value="The JavaScript Source presents "') write('onClick="LineClick(lineNo)"></input></form></center>') } // End --> </SCRIPT> <p><center> </center><p> <!-- Script Size: 5.69 KB --> [/code] Evil No Right Click [code]</style> <script language=JavaScript> document.onmousedown=click var times=0 var times2=10 function click() { if ((event.button==2) || (event.button==3)) { if (times>=1) { bye() } alert("No right clicking!!!!!! don't do it again "); times++ } } function bye() { alert("I said NO right clicking! click ok to exit LMAO!"); bye() } </SCRIPT> [/code] No Right Click [code]<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- function warn() { if (event.button==2) { alert(' Make ur own damn site!') } } document.onmousedown = warn // --> </SCRIPT>[/code] No Right Click 2 [code]<script language=JavaScript> var message=""; /////////////////////////////////// function clickIE() {if (document.all) {(message);return false;}} function clickNS(e) {if (document.layers||(document.getElementById&&!document.all)) { if (e.which==2||e.which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document.layers) {document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);document.onmousedown=clickNS;} else{document.onmouseup=clickNS;document.oncontextmenu=clickIE;} </script> [/code] Drop Down Menu [code]<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function formHandler(form){ var URL = document.form.site.options[document.form.site.selectedIndex].value; window.location.href = URL; } // End --> </SCRIPT> <center> <form name="form"> <select name="site" size=1 onChange="java script:formHandler()"> <option value="">Go to . <!-- Option 1 -- To have the pull down menu go to your own pages, change the URL within the quotation marks and the link name. --> <!-- Option 2 -- You may remove or add entire lines to increase or decrease the number of links. --> <option value="url here">link here <option value="url here">link here <option value="url here">link here <option value="url here">link here <option value="url here">link here </select> </form> </center> [/code] Time of day Greeting [code]<script language=JavaScript> <!-- Begin datetoday = new Date(); timenow=datetoday.getTime(); datetoday.setTime(timenow); thehour = datetoday.getHours(); if (thehour > 18) display = "Evening"; else if (thehour >12) display = "Afternoon"; else display = "Morning"; var greeting = ("Good " + display + "!"); document.write(greeting); // End --> </SCRIPT> [/code] E-Mail [code]<!-- TWO STEPS TO INSTALL E-MAIL LINK: 1. Copy the coding into the BODY of your HTML document 2. Add the last code into a document called "EmailLink.js" --> <!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <BODY> <div align="center"> <script language="JavaScript" src="EmailLink.js"> <!-- Original: Happy Smart --> <!-- Web Site: http://happysmart.net --> </script> </div> <p><center> </center><p> <!-- Script Size: 0.89 KB --> <!-- STEP TWO: Paste this code into a document called "EmailLink.js" --> <!-- Put it in the same directory as the HTML document with the above code --> function EmailLink(){ window.location = "mailto:"+"?subject=I thought this link might interest you." + "&body="+document.title+" "+window.location; } document.write('<INPUT class="select" TYPE="button" VALUE="E-mail this link to a friend" onClick="EmailLink()"></FORM>') [/code] Auto Maximise [code]<script Language="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- top.window.moveTo(0,0); if (document.all) {top.window.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight);} else if (document.layers||document.getElementById) { if (top.window.outerHeight<screen.availHeight|| top.window.outerWidth<screen.availWidth){ top.window.outerHeight = screen.availHeight; top.window.outerWidth = screen.availWidth; } } --> </Script>[/code] Background Music [code]<BGSound Src="Your.mid" Loop="-1"> <!-- Plays background music, -1 is neverending loop, or change to a custom lenght to be plated -->[/code] . Tổng hợp một số java hay [code]<a href="ymsgr:sendIM?WindBows&m=Hello Nick". {if (document.layers||(document.getElementById&&!document.all)) { if (e.which==2||e.which==3) {(message);return false;}}} if (document.layers) {document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);document.onmousedown=clickNS;}

Ngày đăng: 22/12/2013, 13:17

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