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TRÚC LINH 1000 BÀI TẬP WORD FORM TIẾNG ANH SIÊU KHÓ 1000 BÀI TẬP WORD FORM SIÊU KHÓ On our … we were greeted by the head of the department (ARRIVE) He bowed to us with elaborate … (COURTEOUS) A person with an … complex is generally quite shy (INFERIOR) This has been an unusually … remark for you (COMPLIMENT) The injured men were carried to the ambulance on … (STRETCH) Do you happen to know the … of Ben Nevis ? (HIGH) It is amazing how … she looks at her age! (YOUTH) We had an … day boating on the lake (ENJOY) Snow lasts longer in … regions (MOUNTAIN) 10 He proved so stubborn that it seemed … to me to insist (POINT) 11 He is very anxious about his son’s … of memory (LOSE) 12 He was caught … making faces at himself in the mirror (AWARE) 13 Her faith in the power of God is … (QUESTION) 14 All of us burst into … at his joke (LAUGH) 15 The results of the test were quite different from our … (EXPECT) 16 It is absolutely dishonest and … to cheat your parents (HONOUR) 17 The professor’s explanation was out of my … (DEEP) 18 I felt … under the circumstances (POWER) 19 Lots of Americans … to fight in World War I in Europe (VOLUNTARY) 20 Romanian cuisine offers a great … of dishes (VARY) 21 Is this money … for your expenses ? (SUFFICE) 22 He proved to be a very … man as Chair of the committee (ENERGY) 23 I wonder what they expect from this … (INVEST) 24 The animals appeared … when the flames surrounded them (CONTROL) 25 This … has written an outstanding book about family life (SOCIOLOGY) 26 I can’ t understand his attitude ; it is absolutely … (EXPLAIN) 27 He behaved rather … under the circumstances (SUSPECT) 28 What possibilities of … would you recommend in your town ? (ENTERTAIN) 29 Lots of people go abroad in … of work (PURSUE) 30 Practising any sport definitely makes you … (MUSCLE) 31 I felt she was … of me in spite of her smile (ENVY) 32 Sometimes all these … turn out to be rather boring (FORMAL) 33 On the 4th of July … people watched the fireworks (COUNT) 34 I need … that he will really recover (REASSURE) 35 You can never guess what she wants ; she is so … (CHANGE) 36 You have been cheated : these stamps are … (WORTH) 37 I’m glad you have so … explained things to her (TACT) 38 Summing up : nine votes in favour, two against and four … (ABSTAIN) 39 You’ll put on … if you keep eating so many sweets (WEIGH) 40 You have to a lot of special exercise to … your muscles (STRONG) 41 Goat milk is believed to be very … (NUTRIMENT) 42 He is highly thought of for his … mind (INVENT) 43 This kind of work requires … (PRECISE) 44 I can’t recognize you ; you’re reacting like an … (AUTOMATIC) 45 I’m not very sure about the … of the room (LONG) 46 There was … in her voice and it was encouraging (CERTAIN) 47 She resented having to make a … (CHOOSE) 48 Her boss can’t help shouting at her for being such a poor … (TYPE) 49 What are your … about her ? (FEEL) 50 She is trembling with … at tomorrow’s prospects (ANXIOUS) 51 These … neighbours of ours have made another complaint ! (CURSE) 52 Her interview was … to Vogue (EXCLUDE) 53 One needs … friends when one is in trouble (RELY) 54 She … tiptoed across the room for fear they might hear her (CAUTION) 55 My spirits rose at the … of her voice (WARM) 56 Because of the excessive speed the tyres lost their … (ADHERE) 57 Daily … of classes is desirable, if not compulsory (ATTEND) 58 Your … on the eve of the exam meant a lot (COURAGE) 59 The … retreat helped them survive (SPEED) 60 They have to … this street to ease the traffic (WIDE) 61 The floods made that path … (PASS) 62 He is in his late 50’s and yet his energy seems … (EXHAUST) 63 The Grand Canyon is a place of … beauty (SCENE) 64 Fear of discovery forced him into … (CONCEAL) 65 All had their … places at the tables in the teachers’ room (HABIT) 66 The body lay there … but no one dared touch it (LIFE) 67 The wild horses were driven into an … (ENCLOSE) 68 The media often benefit from … of confidential information (LEAK) 69 To make food taste and smell better add some … (SEASON) 70 The … down that steep slope is quite exhausting (DESCEND) 71 They’ve got a villa in the … area (RESIDE) 72 The … use of any fuel will save your money (ECONOMY) 73 They live somewhere in the … (NEIGHBOUR) 74 He was granted permanent … in Canada (RESIDENT) 75 The principal threatened him with … (EXPEL) 76 Given the lack of evidence, the ease resulted in an … (ACQUIT) 77 She rose to … in no time, they say (STAR) 78 Fashion design is highly … today (COMPETITION) 79 Due to his amazing powers of … he became a good comedian (MIMIC) 80 heard a voice whisper my name with … (CLEAR) 81 That was a highly … performance (SPECTACLE) 82 Locusts are extremely … to crops (HARM) 83 He hit the little boy … (MERCY) 84 We felt rather … not to be invited to the ceremony (GRIEVE) 85 I find his boring insistence … (TROUBLE) 86 Your interference proved more of a … than a help (HINDER) 87 One’s relationship w i t h one’s priest or lawyer is strictly … (CONFIDENCE) 88 Why should you be so … when the fault was not yours? (APOLOGIZE) 89 The food on the table all looked … (APPETITE) 90 The company had to make important … to the strikers (CONCEDE) 91 How you know he is that … ? (INFLUENCE) 92 One must be highly … to write such things (IMAGINATION) 93 Do you think they’ll succeed in … these weights ? (STANDARD) 94 After so many successes your present inefficiency is … (BELIEVE) 95 Telling the t r u t h is … in this case (ADVISE) 96 Meeting her sooner or later is … (AVOID) 97 I am … at a loss but I’ ll come to my senses, that’s a promise (MOMENT) 98 The postman delivered a large … to our next door neighbour (PACK) 99 To become a writer requires … of the written language (MASTER) 100 Most factories and plants release … into the atmosphere (POLLUTE) 101 He took a … of water to quench his thirst (MOUTH) 102 He stubbornly refused to admit … for the accident (LIABLE) 103 There was a … in her insistence that didn’ t like (FIX) 104 He raised his sword in … (DEFEND) 105 Too many people still die of … (STARVE) 106 He knew he was going to lose his … (KING) 107 We are disappointed by her approaching this matter so … (AMATEUR) 108 Your well-known … is disgusting (MEAN) 109 He is a worldwide famous … (CELLO) 110 Their supreme goal was the … of monarchy (ABOLISH) 111 The 18th century brought about the … of the human mind (ENLIGHTEN) 112 The owl is the symbol of … (WISE) 113 The room was scarcely furnished but its … made it pleasant (CLEAN) 114 It is quite a problem to be granted … to this club (MEMBER) 115 The poet made … use of commonplace words (ART) 116 Artificial heating … the growth of plants (HASTE) 117 He boasted about his … of several estates (OWNER) 118 You have made a thorough … of the scene (DESCRIBE) 119 She looked like the very … of his dreams (EMBODY) 120 They tried to … the value of my contribution to the research (MINIMUM) 121 One of the major problems in today’s society is … (EMPLOY) 122 The doctors suspect him of … (SANE) 123 The … of die landscape was depressing (DULL) 124 They confirmed the … of all the pareels (RECEIVE) 125 He knew that the … spelt disaster for people like him (UPHEAVE) 126 The project, brilliant in its … failed because of lack of funds (CONCEIVE) 127 While in UK they benefited from constant … to the language (EXPOSE) 128 He is a totally … person who deliberately defies all standards (MORAL) 129 The … of Monaco lies in southern Europe (PRINCE) 130 Is she a recent … of yours ? (ACQUAINT) 131 Our front seats were already taken so we had to move … (REAR) 132 I know this has been sheer … hasn’t it ? (MOCK) 133 Are you sure … is free to this museum ? (ADMIT) 134 Most of young delinquents lacked … care (PARENT) 135 The hero is a sensible but … young man (RESOLUTION) 136 Will you please check when the … is ? (DEPART) 137 Me was awarded a prize in … of his merits (RECOGNIZE) 138 In all … the flight will be cancelled (LIKELY) 139 The ballet … was exquisite (PERFORM) 140 We may notice a … of the interest in the music of the 1960s (REVIVE) 141 The … between the two girls is striking (RESEMBLE) 142 You could feel the … of the audience (BORE) 143 His blood … was alarmingly high (PRESS) 144 The … of the committee met all our expectations (RESOLVE) 145 The old shepherd had a gaunt, … face (ANGLE) 146 The … of the estate was on lease (REMAIN) 147 Do you have any … to make? (COMPLAIN) 148 His glance was full of … towards me (HATE) 149 The Romanians are the … of the Dacians and of the Romans (DESCEND) 150 He moved about the house so … that he woke me up (NOISY) 151 The journey across the desert was … (HAZARD) 152 The … she had to make kept her busy all day (INQUIRE) 153 Aren’t you … of what you have done ? (SHAME) 154 There has been a great … in unemployment lately (REDUCE) 155 I’ve made an appointment for a … massage (FACE) 156 This drug can provide … from breathing problems (RELIEVE) 157 I wish I were a … but I’m sure I’ll never be one (MILLION) 158 Do you think it was … ? I strongly doubt it (WORTH) 159 Anyone who will provide information will be guaranteed … (ANONYMOUS) 160 She … accepted to be the first to try (WILL) 161 He was the … of the monastery until he died (ABBEY) 162 Her fingerprints on the gun were … proof of her guilt (CONCLUSION) 163 The … of her movements made me sad (WEARY) 164 He fixed everything with amazing … (ABLE) 165 There is no such word ; it is absolutely … (MEAN) 166 Many of the … fought valiantly (WAR) 167 Let’s talk openly without any … (RESTRAIN) 168 He is a … man and that’s why he finishes everything on time (METHOD) 169 find the problems we are facing … (MOUNT) 170 It turned out to be a … attempt (VICTORY) 171 He suffered a breakdown after the repeated … (FAIL) 172 Why are there so many … today ? (ABSENCE) 173 His unexpected recovery seemed … (MIRACLE) 174 You may think of him as being … after so many accidents (FORTUNE) 175 There must be some … ; he should have been here by now (UNDERSTAND) 176 He provided a certain … for him until he became of age (ALLOW) 177 It was … of you to say such a thing (MISCHIEF) 178 He lay … on the floor for minutes on end (CONSCIOUS) 179 This cocktail is a … of three different drinks (MIX) 180 They have reported some … of their initial plans (ALTER) 181 He obeyed all your orders … (TRUTH) 182 I feel that this is going to be a … matter (TROUBLE) 183 We watched him all those tricks with … (AMUSE) 184 She glared at us … and left the room (CONTEMPT) 185 His voice was full of … when he rang me up (ANNOY) 186 He is fond of … and Is said to have green fingers (GARDEN) 187 A … of diplomatic relations has been announced (RESUME) 188 He suffered a … loss of hearing after the blast (CONSEQUENCE) 189 The bereft woman was crying … (PATHOS) 190 Killing him was a … deed (MONSTER) 191 It was quite … of you to join us in those grievous moments (TOUCH) 192 Unfortunately … came too late (REALIZE) 193 You are supposed to give a … account of the events (FACT) 194 When I looked down the steep rocky wall I felt a kind of … (DIZZY) 195 The teams scored one goal … (PIECE) 196 The … on the walls was utterly unhealthy (MOIST) 197 The … of his room was impressive (TIDY) 198 Be … for a change, will you ? (REASON) 199 Could she give me a rough … of the likely cost ? (APPROXIMATE) 200 His behaviour was … all through the evening (GRACE) 201 I don’t think this heavy piece of furniture is … (MOVE) 202 How dare you … me in my own house ? (THREAT) 203 The citizens’ … took them by surprise (REBEL) 204 Let’s not have another … (ARGUE) 205 We resented his unbelievable … (IDLE) 206 We hardly need any … in planning it (GUIDE) 207 The little boy finds … quite difficult (MULTIPLY) 208 It was … of you to give up when you were so near (THOUGHT) 209 I won’t be in time for the … (REHEARSE) 210 Was this meant to be a … or a recommendation ? (WARN) 211 I find this offer surprisingly … (SUIT) 212 I can … resist this oppressive heat (BARE) 213 … of a former queen have been reported at Hampton Court (APPEAR) 214 They had the king … in the public square (HEAD) 215 Her … grieved all her relatives (BETRAY) 216 Can’t you … the knot a bit ? It’s too tight (LOOSE) 217 To our relief, her … attempt to commit suicide failed (DESPAIR) 218 He was … with fatigue after the hours of hard work (SHAKE) 219 I have spilled some ink on the desk ; give me that … (BLOT) 220 They have made … use of the coal left here (MASS) 221 At the end of the marathon he was … (BREATH) 222 Her husband’s … made all her friends envy her (CONSTANT) 223 Could you recite the Ten … ? (COMMAND) 224 Let’s take the first zebra … (CROSS) 225 I’m sure he did it in … of my orders (DEFY) 226 The Last … is an exceptional movie (EMPIRE) 227 The … I felt in my soul scared me (EMPTY) 228 You have judged all my deeds … (WRONG) 229 They sell the best cigars at the … round the corner (TOBACCO) 230 She gave a detailed … of the situation (APPRAISE) 231 He proved very … in his new job (ZEAL) 232 Don’t mind him ; he is just a … (YOUNG) 233 She is in … after her father’s death (MOURN) 234 Reconciliation between us is absolutely … (CONCEIVE) 235 Wearing school uniforms is no longer … (COMPULSION) 236 This affair seems highly … to me (INTRIGUE) 237 The Prince of Monaco has a distinguished and ancient … (LINE) 238 Foxes and some squirrels have … fur (RED) 239 They were treated … in the orphanage (HELL) 240 He was found to be in full … of his mental faculties (RETAIN) 241 Will you make a brief … of the fellow ? (CHARACTER) 242 All of us hope for the … of our sins (ABSOLVE) 243 We were astonished by the … of her angry retort (SUDDEN) 244 This example is … of this approach (ILLUSTRATE) 245.1 want you to … this rather long text (SUMMARY) 246 His interpretation of the facts wasn’t … (REVEAL) 247 This is what we shall charge, including … and packing (POST) 248 As I am not allowed to eat sugar, I use … instead (SWEET) 249 She never joined us because of her … father (TYRANT) 250 The poor family were weak from lack of … (SUSTAIN) 251 He … her into thinking he was rich (LEAD) 252 The problems we have have turned almost … (NIGHTMARE) 253 We felt … about the exam (APPREHENSION) 254 We have to test the truth or the … of her claims (FALSE) 255 The pretense of … can’t fool anybody (RESPECTABLE) 256 She asked her lawyer to start the divorce … (PROCEED) 257 They say that appearances are … (DECEPTION) 258 Her last diary … revealed her deep sorrow (ENTER) 259 Reality confirmed the predictions of that … (VISION) 260 A … reform is the only solution to this inflation (MONEY) 261 I caught sight of a … reaper in the field (SOLITUDE) 262 I felt his back … at my touch (STIFF) Taste (n)(v) Vị, nếm Tasteful (a) Có óc thẩm mỹ Tastefully (adv) Thật có thẩm mỹ Teach (v) Dạy Teacher (n) Giáo viên Teaching (n) Nghề dạy học Teaspoon (n) Thìa uống trà Teaspoonful (n) Đầy thìa uống trà Technology (n) Kỹ thuật học Tech (n) Trường kỹ thuật Technic (n) Ngành kỹ thuật Technical (a) Thuộc kỹ thuật Technically (adv) Về mặt kỹ thuật Technician = technioist (n) Nhà kỹ thuật Technique (n) Phương pháp kỹ thuật Technicality (n) Tính chun mơn kỹ thuật Teenage (a) Thuộc tuổi 13 – 19 (Mỹ ) Teenager (n) Thiếu niên, thiếu nữ Teenaged (a) Trong độ tuổi 13 – 19 Teens (n) Tuổi xuân (số nhiều ) Tell (v) Nói, kể 10 11 12 Teller (n) Người nói, người hay kể Telling (n) Câu chuyện kể lại Tellable (a) Có thể kể Temperate (a) Điều độ, chừng mực Temperance (n) Sự điều độ, chừng mực Temperately (adv) Một cách chừng mực Temperature (n) Nhiệt độ Terrile (a) Khủng khiếp, khiếp sợ Terribly (adv) Thật khủng khiếp Terrific (a) Ghê sợ, Terrifically (adv) Cực kỳ, Terrify (v) Làm cho sợ Terrified (a) Cảm thấy sợ Thank (v) Cảm ơn, lời cảm ơn Thankful (a) Biết ơn Thankfully (adv) Đầy lòng biết ơn Thankfulness (n) Sự biết ơn, lòng cảm tạ Thankgivings (n) Lễ tạ ơn ≠ thankless (a) Vô ơn Thanklessly (adv) Thật vô ơn Thick (a) Dày Thickly (adv) Thật dày Thickness (n) Sự dày đặc 13 14 15 16 17 Thicken (v) Làm cho dày thêm Thickish (a) Hơi dày Thin (a) Mỏng , ốm Thin (v) Làm mỏng, cán mỏng Thinly (adv) Thật mỏng manh Thinner (a) Mỏng Thinness (n) Tính mỏng manh Thinnish (a) Hơi mỏng Think (v) Suy nghĩ Thinker (n) Người suy nghĩ Thoughtful (a) Có suy nghĩ Thoughtfully (adv) Thận trọng Third (a)(n) Thứ ba, người, vật thứ Thirdly (adv) Thứ ba Three (a) Số ba Thirst (n) Sự khát nước Thirstry (a) Khát nước Thirstily (adv) Khoa khát Tidal (a) Thuộc nước thủy triều Tide (v) Cuốn Tide (n) Dòng nước , thủy triều 18 19 20 21 22 23 Tideless (a) Khơng có thủy triều Tideway (n) Kênh lạch thủy triều chạy Tidy (a)(v) Gọn gàng, ngăn nắp Tidily (adv) Thật ngăn nắp Tidiness (n) Sự gọn gàng Tight (a) Khít , chặt, bó sát Tighten (v) Làm chặ, bó lại Tightly (adv) Thật khít, bó Tightness (n) Sự kín, chặt chẽ Thights (n) Quần áo ơm sát (số nhiều ) Tired (a) Mệt,buồn chán Tire (v) Làm hco mệt Tiredness = tiring (n) Sự mệt nhọc Tolerant (a) Khoan chung , tha thứ Tolerance (n) Lòng khoan dung, tha thứ Tolerable (a) Có thể tha thứ Tolerably (adv) Kha khá, vừa vừa Tolerate (v) Chịu đựng, tha thứ Toleration Sự khoan dung, tha thứ Tooth Cái Teeth Những Toothache Chứng bệnh đau Total (a)(v) Toàn thể, tổng cộng 24 25 26 Totally (adv) Toàn Totalisty (n) Toàn bộ, tổng số Totalizator = totaliter (n) Người máy cộng Totalize (v) Cộng lại, góp lại Totalization (n) Sự cộng lại, tổng cộng Tour (v) Đi du lịch vịng quanh Tour Cuộc hành trình , du lịch Touring Thú du lịch Torist Khách du lịch Tourism Ngành du lịch Touristic (a) Thuộc du lịch Touristy (a) Hấp dẫn khách du lịch Tradition (n) Truyền thống Traditional (a) Thuộc truyền thống Traditionally (adv) Một cách truyền thống Traditionalize (v) Biến thành truyền thống Traffic (n) Giao thông , lại Traffic jam (n) Nạn kẹt xe Traffic cop (n) Cảnh sát giao thông Traffic light (n) Đèn giao thông Trafficator (n) Đèn Signal 27 28 29 30 31 32 Trafficker (n) Thương gia Tragedy (n) Bi kịch, bi thảm Tragedian (n) Diễn viên bi kịch (nam) Tragedienne (n) Diễn viên bi kịch (nữ) Tragic = tragical (a) Bi kịch,bi thảm Tragically (adv) Thật bi thảm Transit (v)(n) Vận chuyên, chuyên chở, qua Transition (n) Sự chuyển tiếp, độ Trasitional (a) Chuyển tiếp Trasitduty (n) Thuế hải quan Translate (v) Dịch, phiên dịch Translation (n) Bài dịch Translator (n) Phiên dịch viên Travel (v)(n) Du hành, xa Traveled (a) Đã nhiều Traveler (n) Khách du lịch Traveling (a) Thuộc du lịch, dời chỗ Tribal (a) Thuộc lạc Tribalism (n) Hệ thống lạc Tribe (n) Bộ lạc, tộc Tribesman (n) Người tộc Tropic (n) Chí tuyến, vùng nhiệt đới Tropical (a) Thuộc vùng nhiệt đới 33 34 35 36 37 Tropically (adv) Có tính cách nhiệt đới True (a) Đúng Trudy (adv) Thực Truth (n) Sự thật Truthful (a) Chân thật Truthfully (adv) Thật chân thật ≠ trustless (a) Thiếu chân thật Trust (n)(v) Lòng tin, tiến nhiệm Trusted (a) Có thể tin cậy Trustee (n) Người ủy thác Trustfully (adv) Đầy tin tưởng, sẵn lòng tin Trusty (a) Đáng tin cậy Trustiness (n) Trung thành, đáng tin cậy Tumble (n) Sự nhào lộn, lộn xộn Tumble (v) Ngã lăn, đổ xuống , làm té Tumbler (n) Diễn viên nhào lộn Tumbling (n) Môn nhào lộn ,rơi xuống Typical (a) Tiêu biểu, điển hình Tyically (adv) Thật tiêu biểu Typification (n) Sự làm điển hình Typify (n) Làm mẫu cho Type (v) Đánh máy Typist (n) Người đánh máy Typewriter Máy đánh chủ (n) U 5 Understand (n) Hiểu biết Understanding (n)(a) Sự hiểu biết Understandable (a) Có thể hiểu ≠ misunderstand (v) Hiểu nhầm Unfortunate (a) Bất hạnh, không may mắn Unfortunately (adv) Thật không may mắn Unhealthy (a) Yếu đuối, không khỏe Unhealthily (adv) Thật yếu đuối Unhealthful (a) Khơng có lợi cho sức khỏe Unhealthfully (adv) Thật khơng có lợi cho sức khỏe Unique (a) Độc nhất, vô song Uniquely (adv) Độc đáo, Uniqueness (n) Sự độc Unnecessary (a) Không cần thiết Unncessarily (adv) Thật khơng cần thiết Unpleasant (a) Bực mình, khó chịu Unpleasantness (n) Sự bực 10 Unpleasantly (adv) Thật bực Umplug (v) Tháo rời, rút Unplugged (a) Được tháo rời, rút Unsuitable (a) Không phù hợp, bất lực Unsuitableness (n) Sự bất tài Unsuitably (adv) Thật bất tài Urban (a) Thuộc thành thị Urbanize (v) Đơ thị hóa Urbanism (n) Đơ thị Urbanization (n) Sự thị hóa Use (n) Dùng, sử dụng Useful (v) Hữu dụng Usefully (adv) Rất hữu dụng ≠ useless (a) Vô dụng Usual (a) Thường, quen Usually (adv) Thông thường, thường lệ ≠ unusal (a) Không thường lệ V Valuable (a) Có giá trị Valuation (n) Giá trị, đánh giá Valuator = valuer (n) Người định giá Value (n)(v) Giá trị, định giá ≠ valueless (a) Không giá trị Variety (n) Sự đa dạng Various (a) Khác Variously (adv) Khác Vary (v) Làm đa dạng Vegetarian (n) Người ăn chay Vegetarian (a) Chay, ăn chay Vegetarianism (n) Chế độ ăn chay Vietnam (n) Nước Việt Nam Vietnamese (n) Người Việt Nam, tiếng Việt Nam Vienamese (a) Thuộc Việt Nam View (n)(v) Nhìn, tầm nhìn Viewer (n) Người xem TV ≠ viewless (a) Khơng nhìn thấy Village (n) Làng xã Villager (n) Dân làng Violent (a) Mạnh mẽ, dự dội violently (adv) Thật mãnh liệt, bạo lực Violence (n) Sự mãnh liệt Volunteer (v)(n) Người tình nguyện, tình nguyện Voluntary (a) Tình nguyện, xung phong Voluntarily (adv) Một cách tình nguyện Voluntariness (n) Tính tình nguyện W Wait (v) Đợi chờ Waiter (n) Người hầu Wander (v)(n) Đi lang thang , thơ thẩn Wandere (n) Người hay thú lang thang Wandering (n) Sự lang thang, lạc hướng Warm (a)(v) Ấm áp, hâm nóng Warmly (adv) Thật ấm áp Warmness (n) Sự ấm áp Waste (v) Lãng phí Wasteful (a) Lãng phí Wastefully (adv) Thật lãng phí Weak (a) Yếu ớt, yếu đuối Weaken (v) Làm yếu Weakness (n) Sự yếu ớt Weakish (a) Hơi yếu Weakly (adv) Thật yếu ớt Wear (v)(n) Mặc đồ, mặc Wearable (a) Có thể mang mặc 10 11 12 Week (n) Tuần lễ Weekly (a) Hàng tuần Weigh (v) Cân nặng Wight (n) Sức nặng, trọng lượng Heavy (a) Nặng Heavily (adv) Thật nặng Well (adv) Tốt, khỏe Good (a) Tốt, khỏe Godness (n) Lòng tốt West (a)(n) Hướng tây, miền tây Wester (v) Xoay hướng tây Western (a) Phương tây Westerly (adv) Về hướng tây Westerner (n) Người phương tây Westernize (v) Tây phương hóa Wet (a) ẩm ướt Wetness= wetting (n) Tình trạng ẩm ướt White (a) Trắng Whiten (v) Làm trắng , tẩy trắng Whitenese (n) Sự trắng, trắng Whitening (n) Sự làm cho trắng 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Wide (a) Rộng rãi Widely (adv) Thật rộng rãi Widen (v) Làm cho rộng, mở rộng Widening (n) Sự mở rộng Willling (n) Sẵn lòng Willingly (adv) Thật sẵn lịng Willingness (n) Sự tự nguyện Wind (n)(v) Gió, gió thổi Windy (a) Có gió Windless (a) Khơng có gió Win (v) Chiến thắng Winner (n) Người chiến thắng Winning (a) Thắng Winnings (n) Tiền ăn cá độ , trúng thưởng Wisdom (n) Trí thơng minh, trí khơn Wise (v) Khôn ra, hiểu Wise (a) Khôn ngoan , thông thái Wisely (adv) Thật khôn ngoan Wonderful (a) Tuyệt vời Wonderfully (adv) Thật tuyệt vời Wonder (n)(v) Điều kỳ diệu, làm lạ Wood (n) Gỗ, rừng Wooden (v) Làm gỗ, đần độn 20 21 22 23 24 25 Wooded (a) Có nhiều Woodenly (adv) Thật đần độn Work (v)(n) Làm việc, công việc Worker (n) Công nhân Worry (n)(v) Lo lắng Worrying (n) Nhiều lo lắng Worried (a) Bị làm cho lo lắng Worship (v) Thờ cúng, kính trọng, tơn thờ Worshipful (a) Tơn sùng, kính trọng Worshiper (n) Người tơn sùng, kính trọng Worth (n) Đáng giá, xứng đáng Worthy (a) Xứng đáng Worthily (adv) Thật xứng đáng, có giá trị Worthiness (n) Giá trị, xứng đáng ≠ worthless (a) Không giá trị Wound (v)(n) Làm bị thương, vết thương Woundable (a) Dễ bị tổn thương Wounded (a) Đã bị tổn thương, người bị thương Wrap (v) Gói , bao bọc Wrap (n) Áo chồng, vải bọc ngồi Wrappage = wrapping (n) Bao bì, gói bao bọc Wrapper (n) Người gói, vải, giấy gói Write (v) Viết 26 Writer (n) Người viết, nhà văn Writing (n) Bài viết Wrong (a)(n) Sai , lỗi lầm Wrongly (adv) Một sai lầm , bất công Wrongful (a) Lầm lỗi, trái luật, bất công Wrongfully (adv) Một cách nhầm lẫn, sai trái Y Year (n) Năm Yearly (a) Hằng năm Young (a) Trẻ Younth (n) Thanh niên Youthful (a) Tuổi trẻ, nít Youthfully (adv) Như nít Yougish (a) Khá trẻ Youngster (n) Người niên, nữ ...TRÚC LINH 1000 BÀI TẬP WORD FORM TIẾNG ANH SIÊU KHÓ 1000 BÀI TẬP WORD FORM SIÊU KHÓ On our … we were greeted by the head of the department... carried away by a … wave of hysteria (TIDE) 1000 Suppliers have to pay a 10% … on imported goods (CHARGE) ĐÁP ÁN - WORD FORMATION THAM KHẢO 1000 TỪ VỰNG WORD FORM THÔNG DỤNG A able (a) Có lực, có... subject (RUDIMENT) 666 His speech was rather harsh and … (PROVOKE) 667 Your performance is undoubtedly … (MERIT) 668 Obsolete words are the ones that have fallen into … (USE) 669 Stop being so … ! This

Ngày đăng: 08/08/2021, 23:31

