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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING FPT UNIVERSITY Capstone Project Document Digital business card Himee Team Nguyễn Văn Hưng - SE04724 Nguyễn Văn Viên - SE04339 Group Member Nguyễn Gia Lộc - SE05004 Trần Hoàng Hải - SE06167 Supervisor Lecturer : Nguyễn Tất Trung Capstone Project code Himee Hanoi, 06/05/2020 Table of Content Contents Table of Content Acknowledgements Definitions and Acronyms .6 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Project Information 1.3 The people 1.3.1 Supervisors 1.3.2 Team members 1.4 Background 1.5 Literature review of existing system 11 1.6 Proposal of system 11 Chapter 2: Project Plan 14 2.1 Purpose 14 2.2 Project Organization 14 2.2.1 Software Process Model 14 2.2.2 Roles and Responsibilities 15 2.3 Project Management Plan 17 2.3.1 Tasks 17 2.3.2 Meeting Minutes 18 2.3.3 Risk Management Plan 19 2.3.4 Communication Plan 20 Chapter 3: Software Requirement Specification 22 3.1 Purpose 22 3.2 Functional Requirements 23 3.2.1 Use Case Diagram 23 3.2.2 Use Case List 25 3.2.3 Business Rules 29 3.2.4 Use Cases 33 3.3 Non-functional Requirement 152 3.3.1 Security 152 3.3.2 Maintainability & Extensibility 154 3.3.3 Availability 154 3.3.4 Performance 154 3.3.5 Usability 155 3.4 Entity relationship diagram 155 Chapter 4: Software Design 157 4.1 Purpose 157 4.2 Architecture Overview 158 4.2.1 System Architecture 158 4.2.2 System Architecture Explanation 158 4.3 Design of Himee System 164 4.3.1 Himee backend Design 164 4.3.2 Himee Frontend Design 166 4.3.3 Himee AdminCP Design 168 4.3.3 Database design 170 4.3.4 Detail Design 178 Chapter 5: Software Testing Documentation .388 5.1 Introduction 388 5.1.1 Purpose 388 5.1.2 5.2 Scope of Testing 388 Test Plan 390 5.2.1 Testing tool and environment 390 5.2.2 Resources and responsibilities 393 5.2.3 Test Strategy 393 5.2.4 Features to be tested 397 5.3 Test Case 400 5.3.1 Unit testing 400 5.3.2 System Test 402 5.3.3 Acceptance Test 406 5.3.4 Defect Log 408 5.4 Test Report 410 5.4.1 System test case report 410 5.4.2 Test report 416 Chaper 6: User Manual 418 6.1 Deployment Guidelines 418 6.1.1 Environment for development 418 6.1.2 Deployment 423 6.2 User Guidelines 427 Register Account 427 Login Account 431 Create business card 433 Scan QR code 441 View all business cards 444 View a business card detail 446 View suggestion friend 450 View all friend 453 View a friend profile 455 Accept friend request 457 Message 459 Acknowledgements We wish to express our deepest gratitude to our supervisor Mr Nguyen Tat Trung for his continously sharing and motivating throughout the project Under the instructions of Mr Nguyen, the project team has always felt comfortable and confident Apart from all the technologies and methodologies, Mr Trung shared with us the philosophy of keeping the right attitude towards problems We believe that was the most important factor that led to the success of this project We would also like to thank the instructors at FPT University for all the classes We hope you will find this project as a reflection of the knowledge and experiences you have given us during this period of four years Finally, we truly apprieciate the random fellows on the internet who has discussed with us Without you, it would have likely been a real struggle to solve every tiny problem Definitions and Acronyms Acronym Definition Note SRS Software Requirement Specification API Application Programming Interface PM Project manager UC Use Case N/A Not Available URL Uniform Resource Locator HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol GUI Graphical User Interface UI User Interface OS Operating System CPU Central Processing Unit HDD Hard Disk Drive RAM Random-Access Memory IDE Integrated Development Environment DBMS Database Management System VPS Virtual Private Server IIS Internet Information Service Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Purpose This chapter provides an overview of project include background information, literature review of existing system and raising a proposal for ideas of improvement 1.2 Project Information Project name: Digital Business Card Project code: Himee Project group name: Himee Product type: Mobile application Timeline: From Jan 6th 2020 to May 8th 2020 1.3 The people 1.3.1 Supervisors Supervisor Full name Phone E-Mail Title Nguyễn Tất Trung 0904399139 trungnt@fpt.edu.vn Lecturer Table 1.1: Supervisor information 1.3.2 Team members Student code Phone E-mail Role in Group Nguyễn Văn Hưng SE04724 0393475700 hungvnse04724@fpt.edu.vn Leader Nguyễn Văn Viên SE04339 0989621896 viennvse04399@fpt.edu.vn Member Nguyễn Gia Lộc SE05004 0982832195 locngse05004@fpt.edu.vn Member Trần Hoàng Hải SE06167 0327808555 haithse06167@fpt.edu.vn Member Full name Table 1.2: Team member’s information 1.4 Background 10,000,000,000 business cards are printed annually According to https://theblog.adobe.com/4-business-card-statistics-that-will-make-you-rethinkyour-strategy, 27,000,000 business cards are printed daily turns into just under 10,000,000,000 business cards printed annually However, more than 8,000,000,000 of them will be tossed within a week, and that's 82% of the cards printed People today live in the moment They throw business cards away because they don't need the service now Unfortunately, 63% of people feel this way, and throw the card away without a second thought Figure 1.1: Illustration These numbers show that physical business cards make a huge impact on not only the environment, as they consume countless amounts of paper and ink, but also to the economy, as we will explain later on Despite the enormous amount of cards being thrown away, a company's sales increase 2.5% for every 2,000 business cards handed out The corporate world is still filled with business cards It's the number one networking tool It's the icebreaker during a meeting and the branding when you part Business cards continue to network for you long after you part ways with a potential client It lets the other person know you have a legitimate business It also lets them know you encourage future contact 39% of people won’t business with you if your card is cheap looking According to http://medium.com/@ncruzada/the-business-case-for-digital-business-cards-part3-5441ebb96bdb, business cards make you look prepared and not "cheap." A quality card with a great design gives potential clients a good feeling about your business Handing a business card a way of acknowledging professionalism, even if it gets given out or scanned into a smartphone The average business cards cost anywhere from $10 to $500 The average spent is $194 The cost of a business card depends on the quality and complexity of the card itself Figure 1.2 Illustration In the era of information technology, carrying a bunch of business cards in your wallet is so inconvenient, and what a frustrating task it is to manage your contact with those cards, imagining having to sort the cards and find the person you need by hand 93% of Vietnamese aged 16 to 64 owns a smartphone Figure 1.3 Vietnamese statistic With the above information, we are encouraged to develop a system of business card scanner and sharing system, with a database of 30 beautiful templates and increasing, and all of them are free for you to create your own business card We also seek to provide a social network for users to keep one another in contact and communicate after sharing their digital cards On expansion, our system will also make a huge change in the economy and the environment as well 10 Friend’s business card User login In Home screen, clicks on the friend tab in the navigation bar Click to any business card in the Friend screen 448 Himee will display friend’s business card detail 449 View suggestion friend User login In the Home screen, click on the friend tab in the navigation bar Click to “Bạn từ danh bạ máy” button in the top screen 450 Click to “Allow” in the “Allow Himee to access your contacts?” popup notification 451 Himee will display all friends in your contacts using this Himee application 452 View all friend In the home screen, click on the friend tab in the navigation bar Click on the “Xem tất cả” in the top-right screen to view the top 10 recently added friends section 453 Himee will display all of the user’s friends 454 View a friend profile User login In the Home screen, click on the friend tab in the navigation bar Click to any friend in “Danh sách bạn bè” tab 455 Himee will display friend’s profile 456 Accept friend request In the Home screen, click on the notification tab in the navigation bar Click the “Chấp nhận” button to accept friend request 457 Himee will display “Chấp nhận kết bạn thành công” message 458 Message In the Home screen, click chat icon in the right corner Click the search bar in the top screen and enter text 459 Click to the conversation item 460 Himee will show the detailed chat conversation 461 This page is intentionally left blank 462 ... potential game changer among them Canva Design Business Cards ABBYY BCR LinkCards ✓ Himee ✓ ✓ Scan Business Cards Share Business Cards ✓ Manage Business Cards ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Socializing Table 1.3: Existing... "Banned" – banned B29 Search business card criteria includes: "Business Card " - friend’s name card, "Content" - keyword for searching business card' s content B30 Business card list loading displays... friend’s business cards Customers can see their friend’s business cards Customer HaiTH UC-6 View a friend’s business card Customer wants to see more detail detail of their friend business cards