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All other products not listed are the property of their respective owners. Revision 1.0 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor. IG TOC-ix If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101. Contents Contents Section 7 TCP/IP Fundamentals TCP/IP Fundamentals IG 7-3 Objectives . IG 7-3 Exercise 7-1: Pre-Test IG 7-5 Describe the IP Address Structure . IG 7-9 Identify Network Classes IG 7-15 Address Types IG 7-17 Special IP Addresses IG 7-21 Exercise 7-2: Binary to Decimal Conversion and Address Classes . IG 7-23 Obtain a Registered IP Address . IG 7-25 The Role of InterNIC . IG 7-25 How to Contact IP Registries IG 7-27 Managing Your Registered IP Addresses . IG 7-29 Register a Domain Name . IG 7-31 Applying for a Domain Name in the U.S IG 7-37 Applying for a Domain Name Outside the US . IG 7-39 Assign Addresses to Hosts .IG 7-39 Addresses for Private Networks IG 7-39 Describe How Host Names, Host Tables, and DNS Work . IG 7-41 Host Tables . IG 7-41 DNS Zones IG 7-43 Describe Windows Internet Name Services (WINS) IG 7-57 Describe How Ports are Used IG 7-59 Port Numbers Commonly Assigned to Services . IG 7-59 Explain the Purpose of Subnets . IG 7-61 Define a Subnet Mask IG 7-65 Creating the Subnet Address from the Subnet Mask IG 7-69 Describe How Subnet Masks are Used IG 7-71 Example 1: GAMES Unlimited IG 7-75 Example 2: BJC Corporation . IG 7-79 Using Partial Bytes or Octets IG 7-81 Example 3: Software, Inc. . IG 7-87 IG TOC-x This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor. Revision 1.0 If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101. The Novell Guide to Network + (Volume 1) Assign Subnet Addresses IG 7-89 Plan for Growth . IG 7-91 Understand Subnets Using an Example . IG 7-97 Exercise 7-3: Assigning and Managing IP Subnets IG 7-109 Exercise 7-4: Establishing Subnets IG 7-115 Exercise 7-5: Planning your IP Network . IG 7-119 Exercise 7-6: Planning Your Network . IG 7-121 Exercise 7-7: Post-Test IG 7-125 Summary IG 7-135 Section 8 The TCP/IP Protocol Suite and Utilities The TCP/IP Protocol Suite and Utilities IG 8-3 Objectives . IG 8-3 Exercise 8-1: Pretest IG 8-5 Identify the Components of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite as They Relate to the OSI and DoD Models IG 8-9 Routing IP IG 8-15 Describe Distance Vector Routing with IP IG 8-19 Disadvantages of RIP and Distance Vector Routing . IG 8-21 RIP II . IG 8-29 Describe Link State Routing with IP . IG 8-31 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) IG 8-31 OSPF Compared to RIP IG 8-49 Exercise 8-2: Reviewing IP Routing . IG 8-51 List the Protocols That Comprise TCP/IP . IG 8-55 Internet Layer Protocols IG 8-55 Internet Protocol (IP) . IG 8-57 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) . IG 8-59 The Address Resolution Protocols: ARP and RARP or BOOTP IG 8-65 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) IG 8-71 Host-to-Host Layer Protocol IG 8-75 Process/Application Layer Protocol . IG 8-79 Use Windows TCP/IP Utilities IG 8-89 [...]... discussing the IP address structure 7 -2 (Figure 7 -2 : Four Bytes of an IP Address) This document should only be used by a Novell- certified instructor If you think this document was pirated, call 1-8 00-PIRATES or 1-8 0 1-8 6 1-7 101 IG 7-1 1 The Novell Guide to Network + (Volume 2) 0 0 The result is the decimal equivalent of the byte Binary 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Decimal 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 (1x 128 )+... Addressing) This document should only be used by a Novell- certified instructor If you think this document was pirated, call 1-8 00-PIRATES or 1-8 0 1-8 6 1-7 101 IG 7-9 The Novell Guide to Network + (Volume 2) 0 0 In the previous figure, an IP network has been assigned the network address of 1 32. 1 32 Its network address uniquely identifies it from all other networks on the internetwork Each host or node on this network. .. 1 2- 25 Explain RAID and Define Each of its Levels IG 1 2- 27 Determining the Appropriate RAID Level IG 1 2- 29 The Six Levels of RAID IG 1 2- 29 Strategies, Benefits, and Drawbacks of RAID Levels IG 1 2- 33 Use Patches to Maintain Workstations and Servers IG 1 2- 39 IG TOC-xiv This document should only be used by a Novell- certified instructor If you think this document was pirated, call 1-8 00-PIRATES... conjestion e To increase the number of hosts on the network Revision 1.0 This document should only be used by a Novell- certified instructor If you think this document was pirated, call 1-8 00-PIRATES or 1-8 0 1-8 6 1-7 101 IG 7-7 The Novell Guide to Network + (Volume 2) 0 0 Describe the IP Address Structure An IP address occupies 32 bits and includes both a network ID and a host ID A host refers to either a workstation... or 1-8 0 1-8 6 1-7 101 Revision 1.0 TCP/IP Fundamentals Presentation Notes TCP/IP Fundamentals ❑ Introduce the section Objectives ❑ Revision 1.0 Present the section objectives This document should only be used by a Novell- certified instructor If you think this document was pirated, call 1-8 00-PIRATES or 1-8 0 1-8 6 1-7 101 IG 7-3 The Novell Guide to Network + (Volume 2) 0 0 Exercise 7-1 : Pre-Test Answer the. .. Security Policy IG 11 -2 3 Isolating a Remote Access Server IG 11 -2 5 Special Security Concerns IG 11 -2 7 Revision 1.0 This document should only be used by a Novell- certified instructor If you think this document was pirated, call 1-8 00-PIRATES or 1-8 0 1-8 6 1-7 101 IG TOC-xiii The Novell Guide to Network + (Volume 1) Design Optimal Performance in a Remote Access Solution IG 11 -2 7 Maximizing Client... through E) This document should only be used by a Novell- certified instructor If you think this document was pirated, call 1-8 00-PIRATES or 1-8 0 1-8 6 1-7 101 IG 7-1 5 The Novell Guide to Network + (Volume 2) 0 0 The first bits of the first byte in the address identify the network class as shown in the following figure Network Address xxxxxxxx Host Address xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Class A 0xxxxxxx Class B Network Address... Novell- certified instructor If you think this document was pirated, call 1-8 00-PIRATES or 1-8 0 1-8 6 1-7 101 IG TOC-xv The Novell Guide to Network + (Volume 1) Exercise 1 3-3 : Troubleshooting Skills Practice IG 1 3-5 1 Exercise 1 3-4 : Post-Test IG 1 3-5 3 Summary IG 1 3-5 7 Appendix A Answers to Exercises A-1 Appendix B IEEE 8 02. 5 Token Ring Frame Formats B-1 Appendix C Installing... IG 1 1-4 9 Exercise 1 1-3 : Making a Remote Connection IG 1 1-5 1 Exercise 1 1-4 : Post-Test IG 1 1-5 5 Summary IG 1 1-5 9 Section 12 Maintaining the Network Maintaining the Network IG 1 2- 3 Objectives IG 1 2- 3 Exercise 1 2- 1: Pre-Test IG 1 2- 5 Choose a Backup Strategy IG 1 2- 7 Time Requirements for Completing a Backup IG 1 2- 9 Time Requirements for Restoring... 1-8 00-PIRATES or 1-8 0 1-8 6 1-7 101 Revision 1.0 Contents Describe Disaster Recovery Options IG 1 2- 41 Planning for a Disaster IG 1 2- 41 Recovering from a Disaster IG 1 2- 41 Exercise 1 2- 3: Post-Test IG 1 2- 47 Summary IG 1 2- 51 Section 13 Troubleshooting the Network Troubleshooting the Network IG 1 3-3 Objectives IG 1 3-3 Exercise 1 3-1 : Pre-Test IG 1 3-5 . 1-8 00-PIRATES or 1-8 0 1-8 6 1-7 101. The Novell Guide to Network + (Volume 2) COURSE 1400 The Novell ® Guide to Network + TM Volume 2 10 0-0 0450 6-0 01 Revision 1.0. Novell- certified instructor. Revision 1.0 If you think this document was pirated, call 1-8 00-PIRATES or 1-8 0 1-8 6 1-7 101. The Novell Guide to Network + (Volume