ptg Animating with Shape Tweening Introduction Shape tweening works similarly to motion tweening. It fol- lows the same structure of keyframing in the Timeline. You can animate many of the same changes such as alpha, color, scale, and position, though its main purpose is to transform the shape of an object into another shape. Whereas motion tweening is applied to groups and symbols, shape tweening must be applied to an editable shape. You can determine whether an object is editable by selecting it with the Selection tool—if it doesn't have a bounding box when selected, shape tweening can be applied. The reason for this is that when you convert a shape into a symbol, you are essentially protecting it from editing by storing it in its own Timeline. To apply shape tweening to a symbol, you must enter symbol editing mode and apply it to the shape con- tained inside the symbol. Shapes are created with any of Flash's drawing tools, such as the Oval or Rectangle tools. By making changes to the shape with any of Flash's editing tools, you can change the contours of the shape (for exam- ple, turn a circle into a square) and then use shape tweening to make this change happen gradually over time. Because the results of a shape tween can be unpredictable, you can set shape hints to let Flash know how to proceed with the tween. This is useful when you are working with complex shapes such as letterforms. In all cases you should only tween one shape at a time in a tweened span for best results. In addition to shape tweening, you can also animate shapes using Inverse Kinematics (IK), which allows you to stretch and bend shape objects and link groups of symbol instances to make them move together in naturalistic ways using an internal structure of bones to create character ani- mation. 10 10 What You’ll Do Use Shape Tweening Create a Shape Tween Add and Remove Keyframes from a Shape Tween Change Shape Positions with Shape Tweening Change Shape Position and Form Simultaneously Adjust Shape Tween Properties Change Shape Tweening Color and Alpha Options Use Shape Hints Create Animation Using ActionScript Use Inverse Kinematics Add Bones to an Armature Edit Armatures and Bones Bind Bones 273 From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 274 Chapter 10 You can use shape tweening when you need to alter the form of any editable shape gradu- ally. Place artwork in a keyframe and then use any of Flash's drawing and editing tools to adjust the contours of a shape on another keyframe. When you apply shape tweening, Flash draws the frames in-between the two keyframes so that the object appears to "morph" between the two states. To provide even more control, you can use shape hints. Using Shape Tweening Shapes created with the Polystar tool Break apart letterforms for shape tweening Using the Polystar Tool Using Shape Hints From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg Chapter 10 Animating with Shape Tweening 275 For best results, tween shapes separately on different layers. Creating Complex Animations From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 276 Chapter 10 In most cases, you can easily shape tween any two simple shapes. Geometric forms such as lines, rectangles and circles yield the best results. Because Flash draws the tweened frames mathematically, the simpler the shape, the more likely it will tween without any problems or without having to apply corrections such as shape hints. Experimentation is the key. As long as both keyframes contain an editable shape, Flash will attempt to morph one object into another. Use any of Flash's drawing tools or import a vector shape from another vec- tor drawing program. If you want to apply a shape tween to grouped artwork or a symbol, you can break apart the group or enter symbol editing mode and apply the shape tween to any editable shape in the symbol's Timeline. You can quickly view your animation by exporting it with the Test command (in Flash Professional). By default, Flash loops animations in the Flash Player. Creating a Shape Tween Create a Shape Tween Create a new Flash document. With any of Flash's drawing tools, draw a shape on the Stage at frame 1. Select the first frame. Click the Insert menu, and then click Shape Tween. 4 3 2 1 3 Square drawn on Frame 1 2 From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg Chapter 10 Animating with Shape Tweening 277 Select frame 10. Click the Insert menu, point to Timeline, and then click Blank Keyframe. Flash tints a shape-tweened span a pale green. TIMESAVER Press F7 to add a blank keyframe. With any of Flash's drawing tools, draw a different shape on the Stage at frame 10. Click the Control menu, point to Test Movie, and then click Test. The shape on frame 1 slowly transforms into the shape on frame 10. TIMESAVER Press A +Return (Mac) or Ctrl+Enter (Win) to test it. 8 7 6 5 Beginning Shape on Frame 1 Ending Shape on Frame 10 Tweened frames Tweened frames 5 Circle drawn on Frame 10 Shape tween span is tinted a pale green From the Library of Wow! eBook . command (in Flash Professional). By default, Flash loops animations in the Flash Player. Creating a Shape Tween Create a Shape Tween Create a new Flash document then use any of Flash& apos;s drawing and editing tools to adjust the contours of a shape on another keyframe. When you apply shape tweening, Flash draws the